Rawhide (1959–1965): Season 7, Episode 20 - The Violent Land - full transcript

The group heads west instead of north for better beef prices and Rowdy complains to Favor. However, soon Gil discovers why Rowdy is so opposed to traveling through West Texas. Pete returns from scouting to report he saw Apaches in the area. He notices a new drover Mace who he calls out as a Comanchero but Favor keeps him even after Mace says they are looking for white captives. Rowdy is sent to recover a few cattle taken by the Apache Indians. He finds their Chief Yuma who agrees to return the cattle. Rowdy finds Yuma held and being beaten by Mace and his partner. Rowdy frees Yuma but is shot by an Indian. After being wounded by an arrow, Rowdy is brought to an Indian camp to have his wounds tended. There, he discovers the Apache have a white captive that causes a rift between him and his new friend. Rowdy returns to camp and the captive appears there as well on her own. When several of the men want the reward for her, Favor fires them. When Yuma threatens the drovers over her return, she decides to return to Yuma but the group of recently fired drovers see a chance for money and almost cause a war between the drovers and the Apache when she is kidnapped. Favor and Rowdy leave what she does to her decision but Yuma has the final say.

- Do you see Pete?
- No sign of him.

None at all?

None at all.

Hey! Wait a minute.

- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing.

You come in ahead of the others.

Well, they'll be
along in a minute.

I told you all to
stick together.

Look, if we were heading north,
like we were supposed to, to Abilene,

we wouldn't have to worry
about sticking together.

You've been complaining ever
since we, uh, turned the drive west.

Yeah, well, Pete's
missing, ain't he?

Well, his job is scouting.

He's been missing before.

Not in this kind of
country, he hasn't.

Now, he'll show up.

Look, I know west Texas.

You're not gonna find any tamed
reservation Indians around here.

It'll be the Comanches
or Apaches.

I thought you would, uh,
heard the same news as me

about cattle prices up north.

And that we had to go
west to find decent markets.

Gonna run into trouble.

I never knew you run from
trouble before, so what is it?

It's my own business.

Have it your way.

But, uh, we are gonna
continue to head west, you know?

You're the boss.

And don't you forget it.

Fact is, I don't aim
to tell you what to do.

But Mr. Favor sure don't like it

if he finds out a man
ain't riding his night guard.

Better get back to that herd.

Man gets tired looking
at nothing but darkness.

Been out there
three, four hours.

Look, we're in mighty
rough country now.

Pete's been
missing for two days.

If you're smart, you'll
get back to them beeves.

All right. All right.

Who's out there?

- Pete?
- Yeah, it's me. I'm coming in.

The boss gonna be
mighty glad to see you.

I'm kind of glad to be
here myself, Quince.

- Where is he?
- Why don't you try the chuck wagon?

All right.

Hey, Wish, before you put
everything away, how about old Pete?

- Coming right up, Pete.
- I'll take care of your horse, Mr. Nolan.

- Pete, about time.
- You said it, it's about time.

There was a while I thought I
wasn't not gonna make it at all.

You get lost or something?

I hate to tell you, but I've
been on my feet most all day.

Wish, that food don't have
to be hot. Anything will do.

You eat one of my
meals, you eat it hot.

What happened out there?

Apaches. I ran into them
just before noon yesterday.

- Mescalero Apaches?
- How'd you know?

This is their country.

On the trail?

They're right on it.

I swung off a ways, hid in an
old willow sink until it got dark.

Had to turn my horse loose.

So I spent most of
the day tracking him.

Hunting party or war party?

What difference does it
make with Mescaleros?

I couldn't make out if they
were wearing paint or not.

- I wasn't sweating to get that close.
- How many?

I saw two different parties
about 40 to 50 in each one.

Well, if it's hunting party
they'll be after the cattle.

It's a war party,
they'll be after us.

It would make good sense to me to
double the herd back, start north again.

By the time we get there,
price could be back up.

Maybe I was wrong in
what I said this afternoon

about you never
backing away from a fight.

If you're driving at something,
either come out with it

or keep it to
yourself, will you?

Hell, I'll just hope I'm wrong.
And we can go with that.

But we're still heading west.

So now you got a choice.

You can take some men out
there and double guard the night.

If you don't like that
arrangement, draw your pay.

- What's wrong with him?
- I don't know.

Something's been itching at
him for three, four days now.

And it's just getting worse.

I need some men.

Mace, Gorman,
Garrett, come with me.

What for?

Never mind what for.
Just get your boots on.

Here you are. Get this down,
you're good. Make you feel better.

I was feeling pretty good,

but I just saw something
that turned my stomach.

When did they start
letting rats join this outfit?

What are you talking about?

I'll show you.

Break it up.

Break it up.

- Let me go.
- I didn't start this, Mr. Favor.

He just tied into me
for no reason at all.

When did he join this drive?

He and another fella
rode in right after you left.

What's it all about?

I knew him in Santa Fe.
He's a dirty Comanchero.

He was selling rings

that the Comanches took off the
fingers of white women they'd scalped.

- They almost lynched him for it there.
- That's a lie.

I'll show you who's
lying, you rotten scum.

That's enough, Pete. You hear?

Well, why did you have
to hire a Comanchero?

What about it, Mace?

I said it's a lie. I
never was in Santa Fe.

I've done a lot of bad things in my
life but I never traded with Comanches.

- And I can prove it.
- Might be a good idea then.

All right. I'll show you.

Here, take a look at this.

Me and Gorman here were
shadowing those Mescaleros

before we met up
with your outfit, okay?

We didn't aim to do
any trading with them.

Now, if I was a Comanchero,
wouldn't I just find the girl

and make a trade with the
Mescaleros for her, huh?

Not if you'd been cheating them
and they know you for what you are.

There's a lot more money
in this too, Mr. Favor.

The government is
offering $500 a head

for every white captive
that's brought back.

Pete, how long you figure
it's been since you seen Mace?

Not too long for me
to remember him.

How long?

Well, I don't know,
six or seven years.

Well, now, that is quite
a spill of time, you know?

You're not gonna let him
stay with the drive, are you?

He can handle
cattle and I need men.

Look, why don't
you get some rest?

I don't need any rest.

Mace, uh, we got a little
night-hawking to do. Let's go.

I thought you was
cooked back there.

Just keep your mouth shut.

Third one in the last 10 miles.

Yeah, looks like them
Apaches don't aim

to let anybody
settle in here ever.

It must've happened some
years ago from the look of it.

Well, it could've been like yesterday if
any of them folks ever belonged to you.

I'd like to ask you
something, Mr. Favor.

Private like.

If you've got something
to say me, spit it out.

Well, it's about that
poster I showed you.

What about it?

We're real sure that girl is
with those Mescaleros out there.

But getting her away from them is
too tough for just Gorman and me.

And we thought if you
could give us some help.

You wanna start an Indian war?

But she's a white girl,
Mr. Favor, and there's others.

Besides, there's
a real money in it.

We'd split that reward with you.

I can't spare any men to go
chasing around the countryside

looking for some Indians
and a girl who might not exist.

Oh, she's with them, all right.

We know.

Look, my responsibility is to
keep this herd moving and intact.

That's my job,
and that's all of it.

In other words,
your answer is no.


Yeah, it's my sister.

She was older and
practically raised me.

I thought a lot of her.

I should've remembered
you was born in west Texas.

That's all right. I'm
glad I came back now.

You didn't want to, though.

Yeah, I know. But I'm glad now.

Mescaleros do that to
your family, Mr. Yates?

That's right, Mescaleros.

How many of
your folks they kill?

That's enough, Mace.

We got about a dozen
head of steers missing.

Whoever cut them
out was riding ponies.

- Where?
- That bend back about a mile.

They must've used
the hill for cover.

I'll go take a look.

That's my job, Rowdy.

Yeah, Rowdy can take care of it.

You, uh, spread the word
that Mescaleros are around.

Don't move that rifle.

Don't think you're gonna get
away with stealing our cattle either.

You understand me?

I understand.

You are the chief?

Ramrod. Sort of chief.

I am Yuma. Mescalero chief.

Good. Then you're
the one I wanna talk to.

Some of your people
stole some of our cattle.

We want them back.

I ride to your herd.

- Pay for them.
- Pay?

We are not thieves.

Well, they're not for sale.

We need the meat for eating.

The hunting has been bad for us.

They're not for sale.

I can't sell them.

I send them back.

You want something?

We just wanna talk to you.

Drop the rifle. I said, drop...

Abby Conroy. You know the name?

Abby Conroy. I wanna find her.

You know what I mean?

Do you hear me?

Abby Conroy. Where is she?

You beginning to get
the name now, huh?

Abby Conroy.

Is she one of your captives?

Answer me.

Who told you to leave the herd?

We thought you
might need a little help.

Let him go.

Look, Yates, these Mescaleros

have got white
captives, women, slaves.

Now, what's wrong with trying to
find out a little something about them?

Because you're hired on
to push cattle, that's why.

Now, get moving.

Why did you do this?

We don't pay men
to make trouble.

Those two disobey?

Well, maybe they
didn't know any better.

Kill them. You are chief.

I can't kill them. But I
think they'll be all right now.

You will be sorry.

Listen, uh...

Those cattle, if you need food,

why don't you just keep
a couple of them, huh?

I will pay.

No, no, I can't
sell them to you.

You just go ahead
and keep a couple.

I don't understand.

Most of you come to kill.

Nothing but kill.

Some of us, not most of us.

Too many some of us.

I live with whites.

My father,

he thought your
ways might be better.

I do not think so.

Went through. Good.

I take your gun.

You have bad people.
I have bad people.

You sure didn't let
them stay bad for long.

Apache law.

I say we come here
to hunt, not fight.

I am chief.

I think I'll go on back to
the herd, if it's all right.

All right, what's the
story? Where you been?

Helping your ramrod.

Somebody tell you
to leave the herd?

Yates got caught by Mescaleros.

We came back for help.

You men better mount up.
We'll show you where they are.

You mean you seen another
drover caught by Mescaleros

and you didn't do
anything to help?

You're fired, Mace.
You too, Gorman.

Both of you, get out.

Suppose we don't wanna go?

What makes you
think you got a choice?

What about our money?

Pay them off, Wish.

You're mighty well told, I will.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

No, it's fine.

What's your name?

You knew what I meant
when I said, "Water."


No, no. It's...

Your skin is white.

Nobody fires unless
I give the word.


We want Rowdy back, that's all.

Boss, take a look.

Somebody's bringing
back the beeves.

Who are you?

Yuma. Chief of Mescaleros.

What are you doing
with those steers?

I bring them back like
I promise your chief.

Our chief?

Your ramrod.

- Where is he?
- He's hurt.

But he's all right.

Be back in two, three days.

We asked you, "Where?"

He's all right.

Let him go.

- Let him go?
- Oh, you believe him?

Brought back the
steers, didn't he?


- Water?
- No. No, thanks. Not now.

Not now.

You understand?

Not now.

My name is Rowdy.


Yeah, that's my name. You?



This, uh...

this is house here.

- House?
- Right.


That's door.

- Door.
- That's the door, right.

House, door.



What's the matter?

I don't know.

You're talking English again.

Tell me, where is Yuma?

- Yuma?
- Yeah, where is he?


Gone where?

I don't know.

Did you ever have
another name, Fanah?

Like Abby?




Where did you live, Fanah,
before you came here?

- House.
- No, I mean, what town?

What place?

I don't know.

You sure the name Abby Conroy
doesn't mean anything to you?




That mean anything?

I don't know.

Well, it will come back.

But for now, do you,
uh, have any, uh...

Any trinkets, uh,
that aren't Apache?


No, no, no. That aren't Apache.

Something you had
when you were little.


Abby Conroy.


Yeah, not too
much doubt about it.

You've got a
family in Fort Worth.



Tell me. How many more
are there like you in this camp?

- Like me?
- Yeah. White people.

Maybe 10?

Why you talk like this?

You can't make these people
stay here against their will, Yuma.

It is not against their will.

Well, her and the others,
they've gotta be slaves.

Fanah is no slave.

Ask her.

Do you know what the
word "slave" means?


I am not a slave.

They did not whip me.

I did not have to work

more than other women.

I have house, door.

I have enough food.

It is understood?

Wait a minute, stay here.

I don't want fight with you.

I want my people to
have peace with yours.

Yeah, well, I want
the same thing,

but she, uh, has a family. She ought
to have a chance to live with them.

- It ought to be her choice.
- We are her family.

Since she was very young,
we have taken care of her.

Well, she's got folks of her own
who have been trying to find her.

I don't know how you got her, but
you must have taken her by force.

It was war.

When we fought the white soldiers,
some of our children were killed.

So we took white children to take
the places of those we had lost.

Well, look, staying
with you, she'd never...

Never know which life is better.

Will you come with me just long enough
to find out which life you like best?

- No.
- Why? You're not Indian.

You've got a family of your own
who never stopped loving you,

never stopped searching
for you all these years.

I want to stay here

with my people.

You see?

Well, this isn't up to
you or me or her, Yuma.

You can't keep any of
these people, any of them.

You will leave here.

Yeah, I will, but I'll have to come back,
and I'll have to have others with me.

You saved my life,

I saved yours.

When we meet again,

we meet as enemies.

You all right?

Will you stop the herd?

Stop the herd? You're crazy.

I'm asking as a favor.

Stop the herd
and call the men in.

Boss, this is the most
important thing I ever asked you.

Let it be. Pete.

- About Mace and Gorman...
- I fired them.



Where have you been, Mr. Rowdy?

He'll tell you when he's ready.

Oh, yeah. You need
any help getting down?

I better stay right where I am. I
got a lot more than riding to do.

I've been up there
with the Mescaleros.

I got hurt, they
took care of me.

I wanted you to know that
before I tell you the rest.

Well, the rest is they got
whites captive up there.

Now, uh, the chief's a good man,
but he ain't about to let them go.

I plan on going back after them.

I'd appreciate it if some of you
men might come along with me.

I'll go with you, Rowdy.

- I'll go along.
- Me too.

Well, that could risk
the herd, Mr. Favor.

Can't back away from it now, Wish.
How many men you want, Rowdy?

Eight, no more.

Abby Conroy in there
with them captives, Rowdy?

That's right, she's there.

Well, it didn't take them long to
move out. Want to follow them?

What chance do we have?

When Apaches move, they move
fast. We've got no chance at all.

How'd she get here?

Oh, just rode in.
Seems to know you.


I'm glad you came.

Is all right, I come here?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad you did.

I come because...


you made me remember.

Remember what?

I do not know.

Others spoke words like

yours to me,

a long time ago.

I do not know.

They made me want to go back.

But I do not know

what I'd go back to.

Yeah, well, don't worry.

We'll make sure you get
back to your family all right.

How will it be

when they see me?

Will my family want me?

- Will I be...?
- You'll be fine.

I do not know.

Maybe I make mistake.

My Mescaleros,

they're all I know.

Maybe I be lost


Maybe my family

won't like me.

No, they'll like you.

They'll like you
so much it hurts.

Mr. Favor, about this girl.

She happen to be Abby Conroy?

Yeah. Yeah, I expect so.

Now, there's a
$10,000 reward for her.

Yeah. So?

Well, I rode into that
Mescalero camp with Rowdy.

I took my chances
along with the rest.

I figure part of that
money belongs to me.

Yeah, well, the way I figure it,

she came in here on her own,

and, uh, so that reward
money don't belong to nobody.

I still figure we're
entitled to our part.

I thought you signed on as
a drover, not a bounty hunter.

That's not fair, Mr. Favor.

I wasn't working as a drover when
I rode into that Mescalero camp.

I think the rest of us feel
the same way. That right?

I figure I got something
coming, boss.

Who gets the money if we don't?

Now, that's a good
question, Mr. Favor.

Who gets the money if we don't?

Just how many of
you feel that you've got

some money coming
for that little ride?

- All of us.
- Not me, mister.

You want me to pay
these jaspers off?

- That's right. Right now.
- You firing us, Mr. Favor?

That's right, and you better be out
of here the minute you draw your pay.


How are we gonna make
out? There's not many men.

We'll make it.

Apaches, Mr. Favor.

You think he's
got more with him?

No. No, let him come in.

I come for Fanah.

She's here because
she wants to be.

I was fair with you.

I brought back your cattle.

You give me the girl.

This was her choice, Yuma.

My people come here to hunt.

My hunters are
scattered all over.

I set a few fires,

and hunters turn into
warriors, hundreds of them.


It's up to him.


You have always been good to me.

Speak in our own tongue.

I must speak the
tongue of my own people.

Apaches are your people.

I will always love the Apache.

All of you.

Look at these men.

Look at me.

I am like them.

They are my own kind.

I see only men, Fanah.

Am I not a man?

The bravest,

and the strongest.

But these are my own kind.

This is not for us to settle.

I want this girl.

She can stay here
as long as she wants.

Rowdy, I want two men
guarding the girl all the time.

Mush, break out
plenty of ammunition.

Still figure we ought
to be fired, Mr. Favor?

That's right. Grab your pay.

Would you listen to something?

That girl ain't even
made up her mind

whether she wants
to stay with us or not.

I know you think you're right,

but it could wind up in
all of us getting wiped out.

/Oh, I hope not.

Well, figure the odds.
What else can you expect?

It will take the Mescalero a
while to bring his men together.

We can pull out in
the morning, fast.

Jim, let's wake up the girl.
Time to get some breakfast.

Yes, sir.

How are you feeling there?

Well, I've had better mornings.

Get a good meal in you, then.

- Mr. Favor, the girl is gone.
- Gone?

Don't know how she got
away without me knowing.

Lived with Indians, didn't she?

Why would she wanna go?

To try to find the Mescaleros.

Probably thought she'd caused
us enough trouble already.

She could get
real lost out there.

Pete, Rowdy, we'll go after her.

Say, you shouldn't be out
here by yourself all alone.

That's all right. From now
on, I'll take care of you.

Let go!

No, please, let go!

What, let $10,000 go? Oh, no.

Come on, sister. To me,
you're money in the bank.

Company caught up to her here.

Eight or nine horses. All of them
shods, so they ain't Mescaleros.

Kiley and the others.

Scarlet, where are you going?

I left them, Mr. Favor. I didn't
want any part of Mace's play.

- Mace?
- Yeah.

Him and Gorman was camped
at the waterhole we'd come to.

We joined up. I didn't think
they were bad. But I do now.

- What about the girl?
- Mace is acting like he owns her.

Like he's gonna take his own good
time getting her back to her folks.

She's just a kid.

But the way he looks at her...

Will you show us where they are?

I can show you where
they was when I left.

Ah, it's no good.

That hard pan back there, I've
been guessing ever since we hit it.

- Scarlet?
- I don't know.

I didn't think it'd be
too hard to track them

from the spot I took you to.

There's something that
ain't too hard to track.

Looks like the Mescalero's
calling in his braves.

Looks like the herd's gonna need
a little protecting too, doesn't it?

Why don't you go on back,
you and the others, huh?

What about you?

I'm going after that
smoke signal up there.

Let's get back to the herd.

You change your mind.

You come to give back Fanah?
- No.

Then why come? To die?

No, I came for help.


That's right. Fanah's gone.

Some of our bad ones took her.

With your people all around,
I figured you could find her.

And I give her back to you?

No, no, she stays with you.

I was wrong, and she's
in trouble because of it.

Same men who hit me?

Yeah, same men. Only
there's more with them.


My men find them.

How do you know?

See flash?

Other one there?

What we look for is in between.

How long before
your people get here?

Maybe a little time.
Maybe la little longer time.

That's gonna be too long.
I'm gonna start on down.

You're not smart when
you don't kill them.

You're not smart to go to them
now before my people come.

Hold it.

We've seen you all the way.

Prisoners, huh?

You come together?

Yeah, to get you.

You know, you might be
something as a ramrod, Yates,

but you weren't too
smart to walk in here.

Oh, I know. You and your
friend probably got others coming.

So we're not gonna hang around.

And we can't be
bothered with you.

Guess I had enough
of him, Mr. Yates.

No good for you to fight.

No good.

You're not gonna
hand us over to them?

You know what they'll do to us?

You want us punished, hand
us over to the white man's law.

I guess it won't hurt to
tear them loose, huh?

They hurt you?

You come in time.
Nobody hurt me.

Good drover, Pecos. I'll
see you back at the herd.


You take good care of her, huh?

You tell my family

I'm thinking about them.

But maybe you
better not tell them

where I am.

How about that?

Well, Rowdy?


Yuma says he'll
send the others later.

He wants what is best for me.

Maybe for Apache people too.

Yuma says it must be
white man's law now.

Apache law dead.

Like many Apache warriors.

You wanna ride along with me?

I'd like to.

Hey, Quince.

Why don't you, uh, peel off,

cut out about 10 good head?

Good ones. Leave them behind.

- Leave them behind?
- Yeah. For Yuma and his people.

Our hunting season wasn't very
good. I think they could use them.

Reckon they'll find them?

Oh, yeah. Yeah,
they'll find them.

Head them up!

Move them out!