Rawhide (1959–1965): Season 6, Episode 3 - Incident at El Crucero - full transcript

Favor's parched cattle need water badly, but the Cornelius Brothers' sister Rose shoots Rowdy in the derrière with buckshot for cutting their barbed wire that cuts off access through an open range valley. Rose allows Favor and Rowdy to come to their home where Rose attends to the unwilling Rowdy's punctured rear but Favor fails in getting access. Rowdy suggests going to a nearby town for help from the law. Favor agrees but they find there is no sheriff as they witness Big Will Cornelius on a rampage whip Wishbone. Favor knocks out Big Will with a rock and leaves with Big Will as a bargaining chip. The locals amazed at Favor's strength give creative Rowdy the idea to suggest Favor is a lawman. The locals appoint Favor county sheriff giving him the legal right to arrest Rose. On the way to jail Rose and Favor find they have a mutual attraction and discover high quality soil Favor would like to farm. Favor says he will settle down with Rose after the herd reaches the trail head, and will carefully move the herd through her crop land. She insists that the herd wait a week before passing through, allowing enough time to gather in crops. With no compromise obtainable, the armed drovers and cattle roll through under the guns of Rose and her armed clan.

I don't believe it.

Take a hold of one these
little barbs here, you'll believe it.

Figure you better
see this, Mr. Favor.

- How far does it go?
- Yup, all across the canyon.

Who in creation would
wanna wire off a trail?

You can't farm up here.

There's nothing up here
but rocks and cactus.

What about that
lake just east of here?

It's bone dry. No more water until
Comanche Wells, good 10 miles on.

- All right, who's got the cutters?
- I have.

Slice it down the middle,
roll it back to the banks.

But what happens...?

There's gotta be some
reason this fence is up here.

I suppose you've found a way
to keep a cow alive without water.

- No.
- Then cut it.

Point will be here
soon, so cut it quick.


Yeah, make it quick, Rowdy.

Someday he's gonna
say, "Take your time, boys."

And we'll die of the shock.

Well, Quince, that's one
thing about being trail boss.

You can say just about
anything you want.

Yeah. I don't know, I still
wouldn't wanna be in his shoes.

Well, that's where
you and me differed.

- I tell you about Boonesville?
- No.

Well, I had an offer down
there, head up my own drive.

Oh, why didn't you take it?

Well, I wish I knew.

Nothing to it, really, except
you can't make any mistakes,

like cutting barbwire
when you don't know

the reason it's up
here in the first place.

I still think we should've
checked around a little.

- Checked around where?
- In town.

Wishbone went in there
this morning for supplies.

Ah, we could just as
easily have ridden in there...


- Whoa.
- Whoa.

That was buckshot, boys.

The next time, it'll be bullets.

Get me off this wire.

Were you hit?

Uh, well, let me just say,

I'm gonna probably be riding a
little high in the saddle for a while.

Now clear out of there.



Get over by those rocks.

- Get the boss.
- What about you?

- Get the boss, don't worry about me.
- All right.

No, no, he's running.
Leave him alone.

The other one's mighty quiet.

- Charlie.
- Yes, ma'am.

See if he's dead.


Well, that's a load off my mind.

I thought for a minute we might have
to bury a stranger in the family plot.

Heh, still might, sister.


- Brother Gus?
- Yeah, I see them, sister.

Good. Well, you take the left.
Brother Charlie, you take the right.

I'll just kind of roam
around in the middle.

Don't come too close.

- Where are they?
- Up there on those boulders.

Hold your fire!

Let me talk to my ramrod!

Trail boss, huh? What
do you say, Brother Gus?

Shall we let him talk to
that poor hurting ramrod?

Might as well. They're still
on their side of the fence.

All right, cowpoke, come ahead.

Hey, now, that is a shame.

What's she after, beef passage?

I don't think so.
She would have said.

Hey, we got 3,000 thirsty
steers headed this way.

Then you better turn them
before I shoot them, boy.

Ain't no moss horn
gonna tramp over my land.

They haven't water for three
days. They gotta come through.

Besides, this ain't your land.
You can't fence off open trail.

You wanna bet?

Jim, you think there's a
chance of scaling that mountain

and getting around
behind her somewhere?

Well, not unless I knew where
they had their lookouts posted.

Well, they sure ain't gonna
let us in and map the place first.

Yeah, that's for sure.

Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute, I'm hurt.


Somebody's gotta patch me up.

What makes you think they'd,
uh, take you back up in the canyon?

They'd probably just
send somebody down.

Then we'd have a
hostage, wouldn't we?

Even a nester wouldn't be dumb
enough to fall for a trick like that.

We ain't gonna
know until we try.


Yeah, all right, ugh.

Lady, you got a doctor?

- Why? FAVOR:
My man's hurt here.

- He needs some help.
- Uh-uh.

He wasn't hurt so bad
he couldn't pull a trigger.

They got something up their
sleeve. I'll move them back a little.

No, hold it, Gus.

Cowhand's too dumb to be tricky.

Probably too dumb even
to back away from a fight

unless he knows he can't win it.

What if we show
them they couldn't win?

Your party.

All right, mister,
send him through.

I'll see what I can find out.

- The Spider and the Fly.
- Huh?

She agreed almighty quick.

I think I'd better try
and tag along with you.

He's taking off his gun belt.
We didn't invite both of them.

Well, they ain't just any two.

How far do you suppose a herd could
get without a trail boss and a ramrod?


ALL: Hi, Rose.

Hi, sweetie, how are you?

Eddie, how's the well coming?

Just fine, Rose. We hit that
water just where you said we would.

What happened to your
crippled-up friend, Rose?

Oh, well, he had a little accident
back there by the barbwire,

but he'll know better
next time, won't you?

Isn't it just like me bringing
two strangers to the house

and not even knowing your
names? What's your name?

Rowdy Yates.

- Yours?
- Favor.

Favor, Yates, I want
you to meet my brothers.

This is Eddie, that's George.

That's Otto, Frank,
Walter, Albert and Pete.

Left Charlie back
there by the boulders.

That's Brother Gus.


Eddie, last time I noticed, that old
medical kit of mine was in the barn.

Would you be kind
enough to get it for me?

Yes, ma'am.

- Your medical kit? ROSE: Yeah.

You're the doctor?


Oh, no. Oh, no.

"Oh, no," what?

You're a woman.

Well, danged if I
ain't. What about it?

No woman is gonna patch me up.

Who patched you up when
you were a baby, your pa?

Oh, no. Oh, no.

All right, boys.

Oh, no.

Oh, no, you don't.


Oh, no.


Oh, no. Oh, no.

- Hey, Brother Gus.
- Yeah, Rose.

You don't happen to recall
the trick the Rebs used

when they used to
go home on a raid?

Oh, you mean the
hideout gun under the shirt?

Yeah, that's the one.

Maybe you ought to
relieve Favor of his artillery.

We wouldn't want him to
fall down and shoot himself.

Now, would we?

Mr. Favor.

What was she in
the war, a general?

No, sir, just a jayhawker
like the rest of the family.

Mr. Cornelius, I hope you realize
you're in a fight you can't win.

This canyon has been open
trail since the Spanish mapped it.

She just can't hold
back a whole trail herd.

She's already held
two back, Mr. Favor.

- Two?
- Yes, sir.

- Texas herds?
- Yes, sir.

I believe they
decided to head west,

and then they went north
up through the foothills.

Texas men running
from a Kansas woman.

- Yes, sir.
- I've heard everything.

Yes, sir.

And I really would
suggest that you run too,

unless you wanna just set
out here the, uh, whole season

and miss your market.

Cornelius, if my herd sits
out there one more day,

I'm not gonna have a
herd to take to market.

- They're dying of thirst.
- Hmm, it's a problem.

So will you please tell your sister
to have that wire down by noon?

Oh, yes, sir.

Would you also like
me to tell the tide to stop

and the earth to spin
backwards for a while?

Look, you're a man. What are
you so mighty afraid of her for?

Sometimes we get fear and
habit all mixed up, Mr. Favor.

Rose has bossed this family
ever since her folks died.

She's showed good
sense and we've prospered.

But I'll grant you, somebody ought
to stand up to her, for her sake too.

What does she want
this canyon for anyway?

- Farm it.
- Farm?

She can't farm this land.

She can't? Well, heh,
now that is a shock.

I guess we'll just have to take that
whole barn-load of food she harvested

and put it back in the ground.

Mr. Favor, she'd farm the
moon if she could get to it.

And I'm not too sure
she can't do that.

What is she anyway, a witch?


No, sir. She's just
the smartest, toughest,

stubbornest one human
being you'll ever run into.

Why, when she was 4, she
could out-spell and out-figure

any schoolteacher
that come to this house.

At 12, she could cook
better than a Boston chef

and sew better than
a Philadelphia tailor.

I ain't never seen a man
could match her, except one.

Who? President Abe Lincoln?

No, heh.

No, he was a major,
46th Illinois Rifle.

Came up through our neck of
the woods on a recruiting trip.

Looked little bit
like you, in fact.

I mean, the same height
and same coloring and all.

And, uh, just about as stubborn.

And too stubborn to
marry her too, I hope.

Ah, he was killed at Vicksburg.


Yes, sir, he looked
a whole lot like you.


ROSE: Oh, hush.

Well, thank you, boys.

You can let him up now.

You, uh, want one of us
to stay with you, Rose?

No, no, no, you go ahead,
George, I'll be all right.

Yes, ma'am.


Come on, that wasn't
so bad, was it, Yates?

- Was it?
- Where's my hat?

- What's your hurry?
- Come on, come on. Give me my hat.


I hope you found out everything
you wanted to check on.


I didn't come here for anything
except to get the buckshot out of my...

Out of me.

Yeah, well, you
have it your own way.

Too bad you couldn't stick around
to meet the rest of my brothers.

- The rest of them?
- Yeah, the big ones.

They're on guard duty making sure
nobody comes in over that mountain.


you know, you strike me
as being a lot more sensible

than that bull-headed
boss of yours.

Maybe you ought to tell
him about those lookouts

and about how stupid it would be
to try and tromp through my canyon.

Well, I can't tell him
anything. I ain't trail boss.

Oh, Yates.

Now, leading is a
matter of convincing.

You may be smart enough to
decide the best way of doing a thing,

but unless you can convince
someone you're right,

you don't deserve to be boss.


Let's get out of here.

Hey, Favor.

I hear the route west of
here is really very scenic.

I hope you enjoy it.

I don't see how I can do that

considering I'm going
by way of the canyon.

You're still set on that?

Very set.

I guess maybe we'll just have to
keep you all here in the guestroom

until your boys move those cows
out and around those mountains.

Let's see now. It should be, I
reckon, a few minutes past 10.

Mr. Yates and I aren't
back to the herd by 10:30,

my men have orders
to come and get us.

- All 25 of them.
- You're bluffing.

You wanna see my hand,
fella... I mean, lady, uh,

all you have to do is call it.

You know, I can't rightly remember
when I've met any human being

that I felt such simple
revulsion toward as I do you.

Well, heh, now, I must
say the feeling is so mutual.



I was beginning to
worry about you two.

- What'd you decide on?
- No choice.

I gotta find some
ways to get through.

It will not be so
easy, Senor Favor.

Well, there's another
way maybe we could go.

Look, you wanna
go west, you go west.

We gotta take those
cows down that canyon.

Right. There's no other
way we can go but, uh...

What's on your mind, Rowdy?

Well, ahh, the way I figure, Sister
Rose hasn't got a legal leg to stand on.

- Right?
- Right.

Well, why don't we go get a
sheriff, let him cut the wire for us?

There's a town not
too far from here.

I'm afraid that woman wouldn't let
a sheriff any closer than she let us.

Besides, is there time? Either
our horses get to water soon

or I would not answer
for any one of them.

Look at it this way. If we go through
that canyon and kill somebody,

we'll get stuck here for six
months on a murder charge.

We'd lose the whole herd.

Hmm, ugh.

Oh, all right.

You come in to town with
me. Jim, you take over.

Rowdy, uh, you sure you
ain't already trail boss?

Well, Quince,

bossing ain't so hard, just a
matter of convincing, that's all.

I wonder how long a
ride it is into that town.


- It's a real neat little town.
- Oh, dandy.

- Isn't that our chuck wagon?
- Yeah.


Excuse me.

Pardon me.

Excuse me. Uh, fella.

You wanna go in there?

- There a law against it?
- Only the law of survival.

Big Will's in there cutting up.

- Who's this Big Will?
- Who's Big...?

Mister, did you ever
hear of John L. Sullivan?

- Yeah, sure.
- Well, let me put it this way.

Big Will makes Mr. Sullivan look
like the short doll on a wedding cake.

There goes the mirror.

Excuse me, mister...

Uh, Bryant,
Personalized Undertaking.

I hate to be a killjoy and
break up a good fight,

but I'm afraid there's
a friend of ours in there

that might need
a little assistance.

Now, would you mind go getting
the sheriff before somebody gets hurt?

Sheriff? Why, there ain't been no
sheriff in El Crucero for six months.

Big Will don't
approve of sheriffs.

- And what Big Will says goes, huh?
- Yes.

How come you let this fella,
uh, Big Will, buffalo you like that?

WILL: One.
- Form an aisle!

Back up, back up,
make way. Form an aisle.

WILL: Two.
- I said, how...?

- I heard. WILL: Three.

That answer your question?

What are you doing, fella?

You're supposed to
be getting supplies.

That does it. Now
he's made me mad.


All right. Put him
down now, mister.

Go away, boy,
before I slap you dead.

I said, put him down.



Thanks a lot, but you
didn't need to bother.

I could've had him
in another minute.

Yeah, sure.

Anybody know
where this fella lives?


Yes, he lives in
the canyon there.

Last name wouldn't
be Cornelius, would it?

Yes, it would.

I'll take him back on your
horse. Get the herd started.

You can go back with
Wish in the wagon.

All right.

All right, come on. Rise
and shine, rise and shine.

That's it.

What a nice day.

Yeah, come on. Let's go, move.


- Get the supplies all right?
- Well, yeah, sure.

But what are you
two doing in town?

There was some barbwire
strung across the trail.

We came in to get the
sheriff to cut it down.

Well, you're out of luck.
They don't have any sheriff.


I guess you were, uh, kind of
surprised at what happened, weren't you?

Yes, sir, neighbor, I'm frank
to admit I was surprised.

Yeah, well, funny you
didn't recognize him.


Oh, Gil Favor, the last
of the really great lawmen.

- The last of the what?
- Lawmen.

Oh, yes, uh, lawmen.

You mean he wears a badge?

Oh, well, not right now.

He's between assignments,
you might say, heh.

You might say that.

Wish, uh, do you remember the
time that Gil, uh, brought in young Billy?

Not that Billy?

Yeah, yeah.

He's brought in so many, they
kind of all run together in my mind.

Oh, well, I don't suppose he'd ever
consider running for a post this small.

No, no, he could never
consider a thing like that.

Of course, if maybe you all
got together and appointed him,

what could he do?

Yeah, what could he do?

- Everybody set?
- Set as we'll ever be.

Now, just don't
get over-anxious.

Remember they're not on
our land until they hit that wire.

- Sister Rose?
- Huh?

That can't be
Brother Will, can it?

Can't be.

Spitting image though, ain't it?

- Who's this?
- Another Cornelius.

ROSE: Favor!
- Yeah!

I wanna talk to you!

Well, then come on down, girl.

Let's go, boy.

- Brother Will.
- Yes, ma'am.

- What happened?
- Oh.

He hit me and knocked me out.

He knocked you out?

Nobody has ever done
that before, not even me.

Heh, well, I guess there's first
time for everything, Rosie girl.


You talk like you got
us licked, Mr. Favor.

Oh, I have, Brother Gus.

You see, I intend to have Big Will here
right alongside me while I cut that wire.

Oh, really?

What makes you think I won't
shoot at my own kin, Favor?

Would you?


Shoot around him though.

He may be wide, but he ain't wide
enough for all of you to hide behind.

Woman, you are the...


Mr. Favor, Mr. Favor.
Mr. Favor, sir...

Mr. Bryant, we're a little
busy here right at the moment.

And I have the feeling we're
gonna be a lot busier in a minute.

Well, that's fine, that's fine. I
like to see a busy peace officer.

Peace officer?

By order of the town council,

I hereby appoint you
Sheriff of El Crucero County.

And I'm mighty sorry
we didn't recognize you

the very first minute you
rode into town, marshal, heh.

What the blue blazes?

Boss, uh, I'm really sorry. They
wormed the secret out of me.

Oh, yeah. What secret?

Well, you know, about you and your
fine brave work cleaning up the West.

The appointment was unanimous.
You can't back down now.

- Oh, I can't, huh?
- Boss, if you're the law,

then that means the law
is on our side, doesn't it?

- Now hold on just a minute.
- Oh, shut up, will you?

- Mr. Bryant, is this, uh, real, legal?
- Oh, absolutely.

Well, well, well.

Rose Cornelius, I order
you in the name of the law

to open this here pass or
suffer the consequences.

Oh, you do, do you? Well,
let me tell you something...

Mr. Bryant, what would
you say would be the penalty

for, uh, obstructing justice
and insulting a peace officer?

Oh, I don't know, 30 days?

That sounds about right.

Oh, Big Will, you
can go on back home.

We won't be needing you no more.

Now you take your
clammy hands off me!

- Tell it to the judge, lady.
- Put me down!

Shoot him down, Gus!

But, Rose, he's the law.

You traitor!
You're all traitors!

Oh, put me down! Let me go!

Well, tell me. I
need a good laugh.

Heh, the crusader of El Crucero,
the captain of the clan Cornelius,

and yet she, uh, wiggles
like any other mortal female.

You got the sense of humor of a
ghoul in a graveyard at midnight.

You know that?


It ain't funny.


No man ever got the best
of me and no man ever will.

It ain't funny.


- Hey, you all right?
- Leave me alone.


- I don't need your help.
- Oh, boy, heh, you're a mess.

There's some water down
there. I'll dampen it for you.



- Here.
- I can do it.

Will you relax? I'm just
gonna untie your hands.

Now, what do you
wanna do that for?

So if I try to escape, you
can shoot me in the back?

You know, it might solve
a lot of problems at that.

Well, I can't walk, so
you might as well forget it.

Oh, ain't that a mess.

It'll wash off, ugh.

Nothing but good clean dirt.

Hey, now, look at that.

Rich as butter.

You'd hardly have
to put a plow to this.

Just drop the seeds
and jump back.

What would a cowpuncher
know about farmland?

Oh, I know I'd like to have about
a hundred or so acres of this.

I could get the feeling for
growing and creating things.

Put up a barn right over there.

Put the house up on that rise.

Crazy dreams.

What's the matter?
My face dirty too?

- No, you remind me of somebody.
- Hmm.

Probably a picture I saw
of Lucifer in a book once.

Not the horns, I hope.


- Read much?
- Yeah, it cuts the loneliness.

How on earth can you ever get
lonely around a bunch like that?

Don't seem possible,
does it? But it happens.

Rose, how come you
picked the canyon to settle in?

I liked the looks of the soil.

It's about 80-percent rock.

I don't know. What's
it matter anyway?

It doesn't really matter.

Just interesting that,
uh, you'd choose a place

that you knew
you'd run into a fight.

I didn't know.

As a matter of fact, you're the first
one that's had the courage to fight.

- I kind of admired you for it.
- Hmm.

Well, not admired exactly.


Oh, boy, I bet I look a mess.

I don't know why I should care
though. I'm only going to jail.

Rose girl.

What's happening?

We better get back.

I can walk.

Hey, when will you ever learn?

There's a time to fight
and a time not to, girl.

Mr. Favor, I mean, sheriff,
heh, I'm really proud of you.

I couldn't have done
better myself, you know.

Oh, I got the herd. It's
all ready to move out.

All we gotta do is
wait for the first light.

You ready to move out over
the Cornelius artillery too?

Yeah, well, I mean, with Rose
here in jail and everything, I thought...

Her ten brothers are still out
there, though, all ten of them.

Yeah, but... Oh, I get it.

- Can she hear me?
- I doubt it.

Well, how about this?

How about, uh, me going
out and starting a rumor

that maybe you're
mistreating her here in jail?

And the brothers are
gonna have to leave

and come on down
here and get her out.

As soon as they
move out of the canyon,

then we move right on through.

Very good, except for one point.

Yeah, what's that?

She ain't here. I released her.

You released her?

What did you release her for?
She'll go right back up to that canyon.


But she's the cement that
holds that family together.

How are we gonna
get across there now?

She's a woman. Women have
been known to change their minds.

Oh, not that woman hasn't.

Well, I guess there's
nothing left to do

except go back there and
figure something else out.

You go ahead back. I
got some thinking to do.

Yeah, well, you can do some
thinking back at the drive, can't you?

Well, I...

- I, um...
- Yeah?

I'm thinking of
quitting the drive.

- What was that?
- Ain't such a crazy idea.

We've talked of it before.

Sure, we've all
talked about it, but...

You know that stretch of land
betwixt here and the canyon?


They ain't never been
filed on. It's all clear.

I was thinking of grabbing
me up 100 acres of it or so.

Sure, yeah, it's
great land and all,

but I thought you were
gonna wait to settle down

until you'd met a
woman that you...

Oh, no.

I never said nothing
about no woman.

- You didn't have to.
- Now, look, boy...

Look, I mean, it's your life,
but, uh, what about the herd?

After all, you know,
you got a herd to run.

Who's gonna head the herd up?

- You're qualified, ain't you?
- Me?

You've headed it before when I
was sick or gone off somewhere.

The owners wouldn't object.

Trail boss?

Yeah, yeah, until I make up
my mind one way or the other.

Unless you don't want it.

- No, no, I'll take the job. It's just that...
- All right, then.

Now get out of here and give
me a chance to think, will you?

Take the wagon with
you. I won't be needing it.

Right, then.

You keep me informed, will you?

I'm trail boss, heh.

Whoppee. I'm Red Riding Hood.

You back already?

Do you think Rose
will let us through?

I don't know.

I'll ask her though.

What happens if,
uh, she says no?

Look, Mr. Favor, the, uh,
men weren't exactly excited

about the idea of following
you through that canyon.

Now, when they find out I'm
heading up the drive, I don't know.

- You scared?
- No, I'll go it alone if I have to, but...

Well, I was just thinking
about the owners.

You think it would
be fair to them?

Well, we'll be
moving out at 7:00.

If I don't see you...

I'll just go now.

I tell you, I
don't like it, Gus.

What's come over her anyway?

- Just relax, George.
- Relax?

Do you know what she's
doing inside that bedroom?

What is that stink?

I didn't have any perfume, so I
crushed some honeysuckle blossoms.

Gotta get me some pockets.

- You see?
- I sure do, heh.

Don't suppose there
been any visitors drop by.

Just how would you expect
them to get past the lookouts?

I left word.


you sure you're not
sticking your chin out too far?

You can't be
certain he'll show up.



- Who's that?
- None of your business. Now get out.

Go on, get, all of
you. Out, go on, move.

Except Gus.

Just a minute.


Hello, Rose.

Well, heh, my goodness,
what a surprise.

I mean, whatever would bring you
to this neck of the woods, sheriff?

Oh, I ain't the sheriff
no more. I retired.

Besides I, uh...

I come to ask you a question.

- Well, I...
- Oh, Gus, this concerns you too.

Guess you'd best stay.

You see, I...

I'm thinking of
quitting the drive,

settling down
here in El Crucero.

There's one thing that
still worries me though.

- What?
- The herd.

Well, you gonna allow
them to go through?


- You will?
- Sure.

Well, that's fine. That's just
fine. When can they get started?

Well, we have to dig the
potatoes and get in the corn.

Say a week after next?

Week after next?

I don't see how I can cut
it much shorter than that.

Look, Rose, they've gotta
be started by tomorrow latest.

- No.
- Now wait a minute.

Ought to be some
agreement we can come to.

All right, then.

That herd has to be in
Comanche Wells by sundown.

We'll, uh, keep the herd away
from the house and the barn.

We'll do our best to
keep clear of the crops.

- But we're coming though.
- "We"?

I thought you wanted to start
something brand-new here, Favor.

Why should those cows concern
you any more than they do us?

They won't concern me
once they're safely through.

In the railhead stockyards?

I don't understand.

You know what kind
of a woman I am, Favor.

You couldn't possibly
expect me to back down

on a point as important as this.

No, I guess I couldn't, heh.

I even guess that's part of the
reason why I like you so much.

Let me win this one.

Make me this one concession,
I won't ask you again.

If I did, what would
you think of me?

I'd be proud.

Sure of that?

- Well.
- Now, wait a minute, Mr. Favor...

Don't you get
the joke of it yet?

We'll just keep trying to cut each
other down to size, die in the attempt.

And whoever cut the best
would be the biggest loser.


I'm gonna tell something I've
never told any man before in my life.

I love you.

But I swear if you
cross that wire I'll kill you.

Well, we can't wait any longer.
Get ready to move them out.


- Everything set?
- Taking the herd through, Mr. Favor?

Straight through to
the end of the line.

And everything's set.

Only one thing, I, uh, never did
cut that bottom strand down there.

Oh, yeah.

It seemed those posts
weren't any too stout.

Give me some cover, huh?

All right, everybody,
keep them busy.


Stay down. It's too late now.

Hold it, hold your
fire. Hold your fire!

They're coming through.

Now, I don't want to hear one hammer
click till I've had my shot at Favor.

When he falls, you're
on your own. Is that clear?

- Rose...
- Shut up, Gus.

All right, start them through!



Keep moving.

I wanted to kill you.
Why couldn't I kill you?

Look, I'll be back this way
in just a couple of months.

Oh, well, now, ain't that sweet?

What am I supposed to do? Get
out the flags and lead a parade?

Don't you press
your luck, mister.

Next time I'm gonna
oil that trigger first.

If this is what love means, I
don't want any part of it, not ever.

Hey, good-looking.

- Who, me?
- Well, I sure didn't mean him.

Who does this land belong to?

Why do you want to know?

Well, I'm looking for a
homestead, settle down,

find me a sassy wife.

Then you're in the
wrong pew, buster.

This land is mine. At least it will be
as soon as I can get to town to claim it.

Now shove off!

Now, look, lady, if you and
me are gonna be neighbors,

you're gonna have
to mend your ways.

I said I was looking
for a sassy woman,

- not a loudmouth.
- You?

- Or am I out of line, mister?
- Oh, don't look at me, um.

I'm just, uh, passing through.

Are you gonna let me go or do
you want a good sock in the jaw?


MAN: Sassy and spirited.

Get them up!

Move them out!