Rawhide (1959–1965): Season 3, Episode 28 - Incident of the Blackstorms - full transcript

When the law refused to act against his wife's murderer because she was the wife of an Indian, Dr. Sky Blackstorm turned to a life of crime. Now he is returning to town and uses Pete and Mushy as pawns to regain custody of his son.


Keep movin', movin', movin'

Though they're disapprovin'

Keep them dogies movin'


Don't try
To understand 'em

Just rope, throw
And brand 'em

Soon we'll be livin'
High and wide

My heart's calculatin'

My true love
Will be waitin'

Be waiting at the end
Of my ride

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on

Move 'em on, head 'em up

Let 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out

Cut 'em out
Ride 'em in


Rollin', rollin', rollin'





Come here, Mushy.

Now, Mushy,

when that sun moves,

that shadow's gonna move.

It'll take about half an hour

to get to the center
of this stick here.

Now you wait here,

I'm gonna go ahead
and lay sign.

When that shadow gets to
the center of this stick,

you follow me.

All right, Mr. Nolan.

I think.

Now, if you listen
to what I taught you,

you'll be able
to follow me with no trouble.

Wait'll they get somebody
coming from the town.

Then give 'em this.

Throw the fear of the Lord
into him,

and make sure
it gets delivered.

You want your boy?

Why don't we all ride in
and take him?

Oh, why don't you
shut up, Vetch?

We haven't gone wrong yet with
Blackstorm doing our thinking.

Leave him alone.

He has a right to ask, Lindomar.

According to the map, there's
only one way into River City.

It's a small town,

but every man
will be ready to fight.

I'm sending them a warning so
they'll have time to organize.

That way they'll
all be guarding that pass.

And Ada will feel free
to sit at home with the boy.

Nobody'll be expecting us

to come in over
the old Silver River Trail.

Long, do you think
you can still pick it out?

Even if it's covered
with boulders.

Mr. Nolan, wasn't hard
to find you at all.

You're not Mr. Nolan.

Hey, you're spoiling
the track,

I won't be able
to find him.

Who you
looking for, boy?

Uh, Mr. Nolan, our trail scout.

Uh, he laid sign
for me to follow him.

Forget the game, sonny.
We have a job for you.

Oh, I've already got a job
with Mr. Favor's trail drive.

This won't take
much of your time.

Ever hear of the Blackstorms?

Oh, yes, sir.

Uh, Mr. Wishbone, he said

he's the meanest outlaw
that ever lived in these parts.

Now, he's a killer.

And he's got a bunch of men
with him that, uh...

The meanest men
Mr. Wishbone ever heard of.

Well, l... I couldn't
track 'em for you.

I wouldn't know
where to start.

You can start right here.

You're looking at him.

I am?

Excuse me, Mr. Blackstorm, uh...

I didn't say I believed all
those things Mr. Wishbone said.

Then you won't mind
taking a message

to the sheriff of River City.

If you say so,
Mr. Blackstorm.

But there's only one thing.

What's that?

Uh, which way's River City?

Get on your horse.


Hey, sheriff?

What happened to you,
young man?

Are you the sheriff?
That's right.

This guy Blackstorm gave me
this message for you.

You know what
this says?

Uh, no, sir, sheriff.

Mr. Blackstorm,
he didn't tell me.

Blackstorm says to expect him
tomorrow at sunup.

He's coming
to get his son.

He'll prefer it all peaceable.

There won't be
much of a town left

if we try
to keep his son from him.

W-well, why the warning?


always was a showoff.

I wonder.


you better
go tell Miss Ada.

Tell her that
Blackstorm's threatened

to come for Danny.

Tell her that every man
and every gun in this town

is gonna stop him.

But she better make up her mind
what she wants to do.

Sure, Pa.

You all right,

Uh, yes, sir,
I think.

I'll take you over to the hotel,

you can get a bath
and some dinner.

Uh, now there's
no charge.

Sorry, mister.

I gotta find Mr. Nolan,
my trail scout.

Well, I'm worried about him

and worried about me
not finding him.

What do you think,

Do you think
it's a trick?

I don't know.

I think Blackstorm's
trying to pick

his own time and place.

Get all the men you can.

I think I can guess
what Blackstorm's up to.

Mushy, I told you
to follow me.

Now you're up ahead of me.

I wasn't on your trail.

I carried a message
to the sheriff of River City

for Sky Blackstorm.

Sky Blackstorm?

What are you doing a-carrying
a message for an outlaw?

Uh, something about him

going into town
and getting his little boy back.

Way he asked, Mr. Nolan,
I couldn't hardly refuse.

Hey, I lost your trail, but I
found you, didn't I?

Yeah, you found me,

Mr. Nolan.

See if you can help her, Mushy.

Yes, sir.

Don't worry there, boy,
I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm the scout for a cattle drive
passing through.

A trail scout?

Are you all right?


What do you think
you're doing?


Where's Danny?

What have you done with him?

Don't pretend. You come
from Sky Blackstorm.

No, I didn't, ma'am.
D-d-don't touch me.


Never mind.

Danny, are you
all right, child?

Uh, yes'm.

Uh, Mr. Nolan here
is a trail scout

for a cattle drive.

This is my aunt,
Mr. Nolan.

You're not
a friend of his?

Yes, ma'am.

We're drovers taking a herd
to Sedalia, Missouri.

Well, then... Then he's not
from Blackstorm?


My Aunt Ada's terrible afraid
of Blackstorm.

She don't mean
to be unfriendly.

You don't need to apologize
for me, Danny Covey.

from what I've heard,

she's got a right to be afraid
of the Blackstorms.

You ever met Blackstorm?

Face-to-face, that is?


You sound like you thought
he was some kind of a hero.

Sky Blackstorm
is the worst scoundrel

the devil ever spawned.

Now, don't you forget that,
young man.


Now, you better
take a look around

and see if anything
spilled out of the wagon

besides us.

It's getting late,
we gotta hurry.

You go with him,

You say his name's
Danny Covey?

That was his grandfather's name.

He wouldn't happen to be
Blackstorm's boy, would he?

How did you know that?

Well, I knew Blackstorm
had a boy in River City.

I saw you moving out kinda fast.

Yes, he is.

And I've kept it from him.

Found this here, ma'am.

Thank you.

Don't seem to be
anything else, Aunt Ada.

Mushy, let's see if we can
get this wagon straightened up.

Be much obliged to you.

Come on, Danny
we better get over here.

Well, I thank you
very much.

I'm sorry
for being rude to you.

It's all right,

Used to being rude to.

And I thank you too,
Mr. Nolan.

Where will you
be going now, ma'am?

Uh, we got friends.

Would you like for Mushy and me
to ride along?

See that you get there safely?

Uh... Well, I'd...

I'd rather nobody knew
exactly where we went.

You understand,
don't you?

Oh, sure, yeah.

Well, much obliged

Come on.

Way to read
that sign, Mr. Nolan.

spilled something.

Somebody got himself dead.

That's one of Blackstorm's men.

That's the fellow
who whacked my horse.

Think we oughta bury him?

I guess we oughta
take him in to the sheriff.

You get his horse.

They're taking
Lindomar's body.

Let them.

What do you suppose
they want with it?

Probably collect
the reward.

I think I'll pay a visit
to River City myself after dark.

I've had my fill
of River City.

You wanna get your boy,

go get him yourself.

You're right, Vetch.

After this morning,

the last thing
River City will expect

is for me to get in
by myself.


Why, you got
Tom Lindomar.

One of Blackstorm's,
I think.

Yeah, second in command,
the way I heard it.

I thought maybe your sheriff
might want him.

We're burying our sheriff
in the morning.

Thanks to him
and the rest of them.

Mister, you did more

than all our men
that went out to get him.

Got him with one shot, huh?

There's only one shot in him.

Wait a minute, you think...?
Well, it wasn't...

Wasn't easy,
huh, Mr. Nolan?

I'll bet it wasn't.

You want the truth?

We know
all about you.

Now, there ain't no key
to River City,

but short of that,

there ain't nothing
in this town you can't have.

Now, name it,
and it's yours.

If you'll listen to me,
I'll tell you exactly what...

Ah, I think you oughta save
your speech for the celebration.

Now, we wanna have a chance

to show you how much
we appreciated it.

I'll stay with
your horses.

It'll be an honor.

I'll take Lindomar.
I'm a barber...

And you're gonna have
the biggest and the best

room in my hotel.

It's the one
President Grant stayed in.

Now, come on, come on.

They think
we're heroes, Mr. Nolan.

And they're
enjoying it too.


Ain't we enjoying it?

nobody's getting hurt.

So we'll play heroes
if that's what they want.

Here they come!

All together, now.

One, two, three.

We're having a celebration
in your honor, Mr. Nolan.

That's mighty nice
of you,

having a couple of drovers
to have a celebration.

Jim, this is Mr. Nolan.

Let's have a drink
for him and his friend.

River City owes you
a vote of gratitude, Mr. Nolan.

It's nothing.

There's also a $500
reward, you know.

You can give that to the widows
and orphans fund or something.

That's very generous
of you, Mr. Nolan.

What's this?
Your whiskey, sir.

Anyone can outshoot Tom Lindomar
deserves a man-sized drink.

Heh! Do you think that
all by yourself?

Yes, sir.

Then you drink it

Yes, sir.

Pa? Pa!

At Miss Ada's, I saw him!

All right, boy,

Now, who did you see
at Miss Ada's?

Sky, Pa.

Sky Blackstorm.

Are you sure it was
Sky Blackstorm?

Well, gee, Pa,
he grabbed me.

He near choked me

Asking about Danny

and asking about the man
who brought in Lindomar's body.

You very far
from your herd, Mr. Nolan?

a half day's ride.

You oughta get back.

Not to be wanting
inhospitality, you understand.

Blackstorm ain't
gonna think very well of you

when he finds out
about Lindomar.

you're right.

I think I will
have a drink before we go.

Some say he's an Indian
turned against all white men.

But no matter what,

he's going to be against
the man who killed

one of his best men.

Mr. Nolan can take care
of himself.

Well, Mr. Nolan,
you got the first one.

I guess it's up to you
to get the second one too.

I'm just
passing through here.

Our sheriff's dead,
Mr. Nolan.

Besides, you seem to be
the only man in town

got business with.

My business is scouting
for a cattle drive,

and I'm gonna
get back to it.

This the man
who killed Lindomar?

No use starting anything.

I got men
spotted all over town.

He must mean you,
Mr. Nolan.

Move out of the way,

Get out, all of you.

I got a score to settle
with this man.

Come on, get out!

Can we talk about it?

Go ahead, talk.

It's kinda awkward.

They're making
such a to-do about me

thinking I killed Lindomar.

I tried to tell them,
they wouldn't listen.

I didn't kill him.

I know.

Their sheriff killed him.

I just wanted to take a look
at the kind of a jasper

who would take credit
for a thing like that.

All I did is pick him up
off the ground

and bring him into town.

The credit was wished on me.

Together with the reward?

I'm not taking that.

Have a drink.

Since you took credit
for killing my right-hand man,

I figure you for a man
without too many scruples,

am I right?
Not necessarily.

You know how hard it is
for a man like me

to live down his past
and start clean?

You could always
go to jail,

come out clean, paid up.

Jail doesn't change a man.

Repenting is what does it.

Finding a different way
to live your life.

Only nobody
lets you repent.

Unless you die
and get to heaven.

I can't help you
get to heaven.

You sure can, mister.

And I think you will.

Be careful.

If Blackstorm
sees anybody moving

after he told us
to clear out,

he just might...

Shut up.

I'm trying to make out
what they're doing.

All they're doing
is standing there.

If he's gonna kill
Mr. Nolan,

he's sure taking his time.

for the fun of it.


he sure ain't doing it

to give him time
to say his prayers.

Why don't Mr. Nolan
do something?

One way
or another.

Would you?
Against Blackstorm?


Stay back, everybody.

Is he dead?

Yeah, he's dead.

Well, what about
all his men?

He must've been lying
about them men

or we'd all be dead.


You can go tell Miss Ada

that it's safe for her
to come back now.

"River City will not want me,

"so bury me high on a hillside

"overlooking the town.

"There they can forget me

"and I can still look down
on the few I love.

"The reward is to be given
to my son.

Signed, Sky Blackstorm."

Mushy, get our horses,
and his too.

You gave me the privilege
of killing him,

I guess you won't mind if I take
the privilege of burying him.

Ain't gonna
bury him tonight?

Figured you'd be glad
to get him out of town.

Seems like your friend
lost his high spirits.

Uh, he don't like
people leaving

their chores to him.

This should be
far enough.

Say something,
Mr. Nolan?

That was Blackstorm.

Oh, but he's dead.

Didn't he know?

I thought you were dead.

Oh, l... I think I thought.

I know you told me
to figure it out, Mr. Nolan,

but I still can't figure out

how you shot him
without killing him.

He took my bullets,

gave me some without
any lead in 'em.


Well, Blackstorm,

at least you got a chance
at that new life

like you wanted.

No, not quite.

I have a son back there
in River City,

12 years old.

That's a hard thing
to write off,

knowing I'll never
see him again.

Wouldn't take you
very long to ride into town,

bring my boy back to me.

I gotta get back to that herd.

What do you want me to do,
lose my job?

It'll only be
for a couple of hours.

Ada'll be back home this morning
now that she's heard I'm dead.

When she knows you were the one
who killed me,

she'll believe any story
you dream up to tell her.

I'm not going there
and take advantage of her

with a pack of lies.

One lie.

You're a hero
to her.

Go in there and tell her
your conscience is bothering you

because you made
the kid an orphan.

You brought him up
not to know who his father is.

But you know.

Say you wanna do something nice
for him.

Take him out,
show him a real cattle drive.

She'll let him go.
So that's what you had in mind

you dreamed up
this crazy scheme.

It'll only be
for a couple of hours,

it can't do anybody
any harm.

I hate to refuse you.

I'll make it
easy for you, Mr. Nolan.

I'll make it so
you can't refuse me.

I hate to do this,

but I've gotta see that boy.

Yeah, I guess you do.

Oh, one more thing:

Leave your gun belt here.


Now if anybody
comes looking for me

they'll know
where to find me.

Cheer up, Mushy.

Here comes your friend.

We'll stop here
for a minute, Danny.

This is
a friend of mine, Danny.

This is Danny Covey.
Howdy, mister.

You got your mother's face.

All but the eyes.

Did you know my mother?

Uh, I'm taking him
for a visit to the herd.

He's never seen
a cattle drive before.

That was a fine idea.

Boy's got a lot of things
to see before he grows up.

Did you ever taste quail
cooked over an open fire?

No, sir.

We better be moving on, Danny,
if we're gonna see that herd.

Oh, there's plenty
of time.

Town boy like Danny's
got a lot of things to see.

Did you ever see
a jumping fire?

No, sir.

Watch this.

How'd you like that?

Come on, Danny.
Finish your quail.

These are friends of mine.

What do you know
about your father?

Ain't you forgettin' something?

It's all right to ask
the boy a question, isn't it?

My father died
when I was 5.

My Aunt Ada says
he was a fine gentlemen.

A doctor.

Ever hear of Blackstorm?

Now, wait a minute.

Oh, that's okay, Mr. Nolan.

Sure, all of us kids
know about him.

When we play Blackstorms,
I get to play Sky Blackstorm.

'Cause I move the quietest,
like an Indian.

Yeah, you're more
of a Blackstorm

than you think, Danny.

Let's go, boy.

I'm your father, Danny.

Sky Blackstorm.

He isn't, Mr. Nolan.

He isn't my father.

And he isn't
Sky Blackstorm either.

Because... Well,
isn't that his grave?

Mr. Nolan,
didn't you kill him?

I wish I had.

It was a trick
he forced me into, boy.

Same with bringin' you here.

You're comin' with me.

Not until I tell him something.

Aunt Ada trusted you.

And... And I thought you
were somebody special.

I'm just a bad judge
of character.

Come on, Danny.

Let their horses loose.

Hyah, hyah.

Hyah! Hyah!

What are you tryin' to do,
tell somebody we're here?

There's nobody
for ten miles around.

I'm sick and tired
of eatin' cold grub.

Somebody might have
seen that smoke.


You see that wisp of smoke?

What's a wisp?

Never mind, I saw it.

Didn't take them long
to find their horses

and pick up our trail.

He's a better scout
than I thought.

Why don't you watch
this brat of yours,

crawlin' out on
the edge there?

First thing you know
he'll be...

Don't ever lay your hands
on him again, Vetch.

Go back there
and sit down, boy.

You wanna go somewhere,
then ask me first.

We're beggin' for trouble
stayin' up here.

We got enough food to hole up
here for a month.

By that time nobody'll be
lookin' for us anymore.

We can go where we wanna go,
without any trouble.

I thought we spotted
the Blackstorms, Mr. Nolan.

They must have spotted us too.

They put the fire out.

It's better if they think
we didn't see it.

Mushy, you think you can find
your way back to the herd?

Well, you've been teachin' me,
and I've been learnin'.

I hope so.

Go back and tell Mr. Favor
what happened.

Ask him if he can
spare a couple men,

bring 'em back here.

I'm gonna wait till after dark

and see if I can work my way up
to that plateau.

You're not going after
the Blackstorms all alone,

are you, Mr. Nolan?

Not if you've really been

I'll see you.

I'm Ada Covey.
My nephew, Danny.

Mr. Nolan brought him out here
to visit the herd.

Miss Covey.

Well, Mr. Nolan's been gone
for three days.

When did this happen?

Well, yesterday.

Mr. Nolan was gonna have Danny
home in time for supper.

Everybody in River City
thought he was a hero.

He brought in the body of
Sky Blackstorm's right-hand man,

and h-he killed Sky Blackstorm.

Right in front of
the whole town.

I thought I could trust him.

Pete's been killin'

Are you, uh, sure you're talking
about our Pete, ma'am?

Well, h-he said his name
was Pete Nolan, and...

He had a-a peculiar boy
with him,

a little foolish, you know?

Uh, he called him by
an odd name...

Uh, Mashy.


That's him.

He's been gone too.

Y-you mean Danny isn't here?
He didn't bring Danny here?

Nope. Mr. Favor's
out lookin' for 'em.

Then it's Sky Blackstorm's men.

They've taken Danny.

Sounds like Pete's got himself
into some kind of trouble.

Uh, well, if he took
your boy, Miss Covey,

we'll get him back for you.

Thank you.

you go tell Rowdy
where we've gone,

and he's the cook
till we get back.

No more than
a few inches of dirt

disturbed here,

Just enough to bury
a mosquito.

Then Sky must be alive.

Mr. Nolan knew it
all the time. He lied to me.

He never intended to take Danny
to visit the herd.

It does look funny,

You and I both know Pete Nolan
ain't no liar.

Anything Pete Nolan did,
Miss Ada,

you can be sure it was
for a good reason.

Sky Blackstorm alive,
that's reason enough.

It just don't make sense.

Pete ridin' around
pretending to kill outlaws.

He never fancied himself
no hero.

Let's find him first
and then worry about that later.

Now, let's hope we can
pick up his trail

without the help of Pete.

Now, what do you mean
comin' in here

taking your own sweet time?
Twenty-four hours late.

And where's Pete?
Where's Danny?

Why did Mr. Nolan
lie to me?

Why did he take Danny...?

I can't answer
everybody at once.

Even if I was smarter
than I am.

Now, he had to do that,

Now, Mr. Blackstorm
threatened to kill me

if Mr. Nolan didn't
do like he said.

Small loss.

Do you know where Danny is

Uh, yes, ma'am. Uh, that is,
Mr. Nolan thinks he does.

Uh, I gotta find the herd
so I can tell Mr. Favor.

You can tell me. Where's Pete?

Oh, he's back there a ways.

Not far from the hideout
of Mr. Blackstorm and his gang.

Well, he wanted
to climb up there

and... And bring your
little boy back, ma'am.

And he asked me to ask you
if, uh, you could spare...

You could spare a few men.

Do you think you can find
the way back to where Pete is?

Well, I found you,
didn't I?

Well, I wasn't
even lookin' for you.

And Mr. Nolan's,
he's a real good teacher.



I'd like it better
if you called me "Father."

Or even "Pa."

Aunt Ada told me
about my father.

He was a doctor.

A good man.

Died years ago
in an epidemic.

You're not my father.

You saw my bag.
My medical instruments.

Anybody can buy those.

Did she tell you
your father was an Indian?


Look at me.

I'm an Indian.

My father helped people.

He wouldn't steal
and murder.

My father's... dead.

Well, I left Mr. Nolan here.

He said he was gonna scout

the way up
to Blackstorm's hideout.

Don't go out there, Mr. Quince.

Out there they'll see you,
Mr. Nolan says.

It's him all right.
Blame fool.

Anybody don't know anything
about climbing sheer rock

hadn't oughta try.

Mushy. Get me a couple
a lariat and a canteen.

Think you can
climb it, Wishbone?

Pete got all the way
up to there,

and he don't know
a thing about climbing.

In case any of you've been
wonderin' just what good it is

having a real born and bred
mountain man in this outfit,

I'm about to show you.

Mr. Wishbone.

Take it easy, Mushy.
If Wishbone breaks his neck,

we'll need you to cook.

Now, the first thing
you do,

is you never go
mountain climbing alone.

How'd you get up here?

How many times
have I gotta tell you,

I'm a born and bred
mountain man.


Now, that's enough,
don't make yourself sick.

They're perched up there
on that ledge,

at least that's where
I saw the smoke.

But there's no guard down below,
which probably means

they get in
from the other side,

someplace they can
hide their horses.

Well, looks like I got some
mountain scouting to do

before nightfall.

You forgettin'
your own rules?

I am not.

I'm takin' Quince
with me.

We can't possibly find
a way out from here.

Well, the only way to find a way
into a hideout like this

is look where it
can't possibly be.

Would you like a drink, ma'am?

No, thank you.

I wouldn't worry too much
if I were you.

Old Wishbone just knows
you enough

to find a way to get up there.

Mr. Nolan.

Maybe we shouldn't try
to go after Danny.

Sky is his father,
he has some rights.

Well, you said yourself,
he ain't fit to raise a boy.

Maybe I'm not fit to be a judge.

You know what Blackstorm is,

you know you don't want the boy
to be that way.

How'd you get mixed up with him
in the first place?

We were raised together.

Sky was orphaned by one
of those terrible battles

that killed his whole tribe.

My father found him runnin' wild
in the woods.

Raised him,

sent him to medical school.

Treated him like
he was one of us.

We all loved him.

When he came back
from medical school,

he married my sister.

Well, when a man goes bad,

it doesn't seen to matter
how good he was before

or how much somebody loved him.

They turned him bad, Mr. Nolan.

They let him be their doctor,

they treated him like
a white man,

until the banker's wife died.

Mrs. Neville.

Mr. Neville said he'd kill
Sky's wife for revenge.

That it was Indian medicine
he'd used.

And he did.

He killed my sister.

And nobody,

nobody lifted a hand
to punish him.

She was just a squaw.

And he was a dirty Indian.

Still, it's... It's what
he is now that counts.

If you go after Danny, there's
gonna be fighting and killing.

Maybe you, maybe Danny.

Maybe Sky.

There he is a way in.

Little crevice hidden
by a clump of trees.

Only a mountain man
like me

would have brains enough
to look for it.

And only one guard.

All right, let's get it
over with.

You stay here, ma'am,
we'll be back after.

But I want to go.

I'm the only person
Sky Blackstorm

won't shoot on sight.

I don't think we can risk it.

But he knows me.

He'll let me have my say.

Well, we can try
to talk to him.

Now, that's healin' fine.

Don't need this anymore.

Look at the kid.

Won't even talk
to his own father.

Wouldn't be my son
if he accepted captivity.


Hold it.

Don't think you're gonna walk
in here and take my boy away.

I'm gonna try.

I didn't think you were
that stupid.

I didn't think your life meant
that little to you.

How much does your boy's life
mean to you?

River City's big hero.

Counting on hiding
behind a child.

I'm countin' on the man
that married this boy's mother.

The man Miss Ada
told me about.

That man's dead.

The only thing you'll find up
here is Sky Blackstorm, outlaw.

You lied to me, Blackstorm.

You told me you only wanted
to see the boy and talk to him.

Why should I give Danny up?

The white people love him.
Sure they're kind to him.

Then one little thing
goes wrong,

whether it's his fault or not,

he's a dirty Indian.

A half-breed.

No. I'll raise him to be
prepared for what life deals out

to people like us.

I'll raise him to be
the Indian he is.

You're wrong, Blackstorm.

You wouldn't be raising
a white man or an Indian,

you'd be raising
a man on the run.

Another Blackstorm,
not knowing

when another bullet's
gonna catch up to him.

All that talk's
just stalling.

Giving your posse time
to get up here.

Did you come alone?


Miss Ada's with me.


Ada, here?

Yes, Sky.

Oh, Danny.

Please, Sky, let me take
the boy home.

How'd you get past
the man we had below?

You didn't take him

Couple of friends of mine
from the drive came with me.

What'd I tell you?

We're not lawmen.

All we want is for the boy
to go home with his Aunt Ada.

Give me cover!

Lady, you had no business
comin' here, riskin' your life.

I thought I came
to save Danny's.

Let me go home.
Please, Father.

That wasn't what
I come for, Sky.

You never had a chance
to be his father.

They kicked you
and hounded you.

I was worse
than any of 'em.

I guess I was one of
the worst of them.

No, you...
You raised him fine, Ada.

Thanks for that.

Well, maybe you and the boy
can get far enough away

so they'll let you live
in peace with him.

Mr. Nolan and his friend
have something to say

about what happens to me.

All we saw here was you
riskin' your life

to save Miss Ada
and the boy.

Back in River City
they think you're dead.

Way I see it, you got
nobody to answer to

except your conscience.

Come on, Danny.


I think I knew all along

that I was comin' to give
the boy back to you.

He didn't wanna believe
I was his father.

He does now.

You heard him call you "father."

Yeah, I heard him.

Ada, you gotta make him believe
again that I'm not his father.

Tell him his father died
a long time ago,

like you told him before.

Take him home with you.

He doesn't have to be ashamed
of his father.

Goodbye, Sky.

Mr. Nolan.

Do you think I'll ever
see my father again?

Well, when the chips were down,
he turned out all right.

Head 'em up!

Move 'em out!

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin', rollin'

Keep rollin', rollin'

Though the streams
Are swollen

Keep them dogies rollin'


Through rain and wind
And weather

Hell-bent for leather

Wishin' my gal
Was by my side

All the things I'm missin'

Good vittles
Love and kissin'

Are waiting at the end
Of my ride

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on

Move 'em on, head 'em up

Let 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out

Cut 'em out
Ride 'em in


Rollin', rollin', rollin'






Rollin', rollin', rollin'