Rawhide (1959–1965): Season 2, Episode 31 - Incident of the Last Chance - full transcript


( whip cracks )

♪ Rollin', rollin', rollin' ♪

♪ Keep movin', movin', movin' ♪

♪ Though they're disapprovin' ♪

♪ Keep them dogies movin' ♪

♪ Rawhide! ♪

♪ Don't try
To understand 'em ♪

♪ Just rope, throw
And brand 'em ♪

♪ Soon we'll be livin'
High and wide ♪

♪ My heart's calculatin' ♪

♪ My true love
Will be waitin' ♪

♪ Be waiting at the end
Of my ride ♪

♪ Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on ♪

♪ Move 'em on, head 'em up
Rawhide ♪

♪ Let 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out ♪

♪ Cut 'em out
Ride 'em in ♪

♪ Rawhide! ♪

♪ Rollin', rollin', rollin' ♪


( whip cracks )


( whip cracks )

♪ Rawhide! ♪


( whip cracks )

( whip cracks )

( majestic theme playing )

FAVOR ( voice-over ):
A trail herd's got to have

a couple of experienced
bog riders.

To get mired cattle
out of mudholes,

and buffalo wallows.

But when it comes to fishing
the bog riders themselves

out of trouble--

Not to mention
the point and flank riders,

the wranglers
and the night hawkers.

--it takes more than a rope
and a short-handled shovel.

I know.

I'm Gil Favor,
trail boss.

( sweeping theme playing )

This must be
your first ride

in a stagecoach.

My first and my last.

The first rule is,
always sit on the outside.

Then you'd only have
one head on your shoulder!


Do you know
when we get there?

Oh, not long.


wake up!

what's the matter?

( scoffs )

I wanna change places
with you.

You'll be
in a draft.

Well, anything's
better than this.

Now he can lean on you
for a while.

You should have
told me sooner.

I thought you
might have noticed.

How could I?
I was asleep.

so I noticed.

How can you
play cards in the dark?

It's good practice.

Are you
a professional gambler?

It's the only kind
there are.

are merely...

to our support.

( titters )

I don't see why

they play
with you then.

I wonder myself.

Do you cheat?


Do you?

Now just a moment.

Can't a man get
any sleep around here?

( dramatic theme playing )


There'll be
one hour for supper.

( sighs )

Seems like I just
closed my eyes.

I'm glad
we're leaving them.

I couldn't stand to ride
another mile in that coach.

Don't worry,

The worst is over now.

Hello, folks.

( indistinct greetings )

everything's ready.

Supper's comin'
right on up, folks.

There's, uh,
plenty of hot water

if you wanna
wash up first.

My name's
Bert Eaton.

There was supposed to be
a man to meet us here

from my
uncle's ranch.

Yeah. He got here
last night!

So you're
Charlie Eaton's nephew, huh?

Sam Davis.

this is my wife.

Glad to meet you,

Don't often get
newlyweds here.

I told you so!

You said the man
was here to meet us?

Dan Simmons.

He's in there
in back.

Oh, well, would you
tell him we're here, please?

Well, the last time
I looked in,

he was asleep.

He's not
feelin' very good.

I think
he's got a fever.

Well, do you think
he'll be well enough

to take us
to the ranch tomorrow?

I can't tell.

I'm not
a doctor.

Got your room
all ready for you, though.

And from now on,
we'll call it the bridal suite.


Well, that's very nice,
but, uh,

we're really
not newlyweds.


Uh, we've been married
for three months.


Real old
married folks.

( clears throat )

Would you show us
to our room, please?

Why, certainly,

Right around this way...

This is the best
we've got, hope you like it!


Over three months.

Can you remember
back that far?


You didn't snore then.

Oh, honestly!

Now, honey,
he means well.

Don't "now, honey" me!

If anyone had told me
what it was gonna be like

before we started:

that horrible stagecoach, and--

And now this place!

Oh, everything will
be all right,

as soon as we
get to the ranch.

we talked it all over.

Uncle Charlie's rich.

He's gonna make me his heir
if I learn the business.

Would you rather
be the wife

of a clerk
from Boston?

Well, at least in Boston
they're civilized.

you're just tired.

It'll be fine
when we get there.


And they'll be
crazy about you.

You'll be the prettiest
thing they've ever seen.


( sighs )

( dinner guests singing
"Here Comes the Bride" )

( tapping water glasses
in time to singing )

( all laughing )

We hear you folks
may be stuck here for a while.

Sam tells me
your driver's come down sick.

Well, if he isn't well in the
morning, we'll go on alone.

you know the way?

No, but I expect
he can tell us.

I understand
it's quite a large ranch.

that it is,

but I just didn't know
if you could handle a team.

Oh, I'll manage.

Well, all right,
I'll have the supplies ready.

What for?

it'll take three days.

You gotta eat.


You, uh...?

You thought
it was closer?

Well, you can
keep the room

if you think
you'd better wait.

maybe it would be better.

Oh, no, indeed.

We'll leave
in the morning.


to worry about.

Ain't been no Indians
on the warpath

around here
for quite a while! Ha-ha!

( laughing )

Oh, don't pay
no attention to him.

He's just
trying to be funny.

After being cooped up
in a stagecoach

with four strangers,
I think you'll enjoy

three days alone
with your husband.

( man laughs )

( upbeat theme playing )

( quiet theme playing )

Where's my husband?

He's in there
with Simmons.


Shouldn't we
get a doctor for him?

Honey, there's not a doctor
within 200 miles.

He'll be feelin' fine
before one would get here.

( grunts )

I'm sorry
you don't want to wait, son.

But I'm too weak.

I'd fall right out of the wagon
if I started out.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

No, I reckon not.

When these spells come on me,

all I can do is just lie abed
till they go away.

You just keep headin'
straight north.

You can't
miss it.

Well, I'll see you
at the ranch, then.

Yes. Good luck.

( groaning )

Well, we're all set.
Much obliged.

Say hello
to your uncle for me.

Hope you have a nice trip.
Now, be careful.

That's a girl.



( lively theme playing )

I don't see what's
so difficult about this

that you wanted to wait.

He may be sick
for a week.

I didn't wanna wait.

I just wanted to be sure
it was safe for you.

I hope the others
didn't think you were afraid.

Well, you didn't,
did you?

Oh, of course not!

But I don't
want anyone else to.

I want to be
proud of you.

You know something?

I don't care what anyone
in the whole world

thinks of me,
except you.

( majestic theme playing )

Sure is comin' up rain.

Sure could use some.

Know what I'm gonna do
when it comes?

Gonna take off my clothes,
lie down on the ground

and just soak it up.

Better do it
on high ground.

Don't take much
to make a flash flood

when it's this dry.

You ever been caught in one?

Nope, but I've had to do
some mighty fast

and fancy scramblin'.

Gonna pass the word
to tighten up the herd.

( thunder rumbles )

( inhales deeply )

Smell that rain
in the air.

Is that
what I smell?

Sure is.
About time too.

I've been savin'
my laundry.

Yeah, I know.

( jokey theme playing )

( upbeat theme playing )

Why don't you
make them go away?

Hang on.



Shoo! Go away!
Move! Move!

Ho! Shoo! Go on!

Get outta

( cattle lowing )

Shoo! Move!



What the devil
do you think you're doin'?

I was just chasin'
these cattle out of our way.

Get your
wagon outta here.

What's the trouble?

This dumb donkey's

to start a stampede.

My husband was only trying
to get these animals

away from our wagon.

Well, these animals
are part of a herd.

You'd do a lot better
if you took your wagon around.

Oh, uh, Scarlet,
tighten up the herd.

We got a rainstorm
comin' in.


If that's a sample
of manners around here...

They were just
doing their job.

Come on, git up!

( dramatic theme playing )

Hey boss.

Looks like we're gonna
get wet pretty soon.

Yeah, we might as well
get somethin' to eat

before we do.

That's what
I was hopin' you'd say.

Stoke us up.

I'll fetch the water.

Time to eat?

What you got
in that stomach of yours?

A clock?

who's that?

some dude couple.

Boy, the gal really
is somethin' too.

Oh? You met 'em?

Well, Joe caught the fella.

He was tryin' to drive
through some strays.

Said he was just
pushin' 'em out of the way.

Why didn't he
go around 'em?

Well, I suggested that.

What are they doin'
out here?

I didn't ask.

Come on, Wishbone.
When are we gonna eat?

You'll get yours!

Here comes
another one.

I hope you
talk up to him.




My name's Favor.

That was, uh,
part of my herd

you ran into
a ways back.

My husband's
already explained--

Oh, I didn't come
to talk about that.

I just thought I'd see
if there's anything

I can do for you.

( thunder rumbling )


I'm Bert Eaton.
This is my wife.


You any relation
to Charlie Eaton?

He's my uncle.
Do you know him?

We're going by his ranch
to pick up some beef.

Say, we're gonna be havin'
some chow in a little bit.

Care to join us?

Oh, no thank you.

The men at the station
fixed a lunch for us.

Well, um...

I'll see you, then.

( thunder rumbles )

A nice fella.

Why didn't you
wanna eat with 'em?

they bawl you out.

Then you want to accept
an invitation?

Oh, they just talk
differently out here.

Besides, I had it
coming to me.

Well, I'm not used to
being spoke to that way.

I've never seen you
so touchy.

Cheer up.
It won't be long now.

( lively theme playing )

How'd you make out?

You and Joe must have
given them a rough time.

She'd like to bit
my head off.

What's a dude like that
doing out here, anyway?

His uncle's
Charlie Eaton.

They're headin'
for his ranch.

Is that so?

And the girl,
she's his sister?

The girl...
she's his wife.

Oh, well.

That's the way it goes sometime.

And you'd do well
to remember that

when we run into 'em
at Eaton's ranch.

Oh, you don't have to worry
about me, boss.

( laughs )

I always steer clear
of married women.

My old man gave me
that advice alone with

my first razor.

She sure is pretty though.

( light-hearted theme playing )

I feel as though
I've been roasting my face

over a fire.

There's a nice
sheltered place to make camp.

We'll be out of the wind.

( clicks tongue at horses )


( sighs )

You sit in the shade,
and rest.

I'll have a fire going

as soon as
I unhitch the team.

( sighing )

As soon as
I get there,

I'm gonna soak
in a tub for hours!

( quiet theme playing )

Ah, this is
more like it.

You feel better now?


I told you things
would get better.

Now, where could you
find something like this

in Boston?

Wide-open spaces,
nice warm fire,

beautiful night.

( thunder rumbles )

It's not so beautiful
over there.

( thunder crashing )


Oh, you and your
beautiful nights!

It's only
a light summer shower.

It'll be over
in a minute.

Come on, we'd better
get in the wagon.

( thunder crashes )

( horses whinnying )

( yelling )

My clothes!

My clothes!
Oh, our luggage!

Oh, look, it's my--!

( yelling indistinctly )

( dramatic theme playing )

There's no use.

B-b-but why don't you
do something?

We'd better get
out in the open.

What?! And ruin the only dress
I've got left?

Well, it's not safe
to stand under a tree

in a lightning storm.

Well, you stopped
that wagon there.

Well, I-I didn't know
there was gonna be a storm.

Oh! Oh, don't touch me!

You! You and your
summer showers!

Be reasonable,

It's not
going to kill us.

Oh, why did I ever
listen to you!

( crying ):
Why did I ever marry you?

( thunder crashes )

( shrieks, sobs )

( tranquil theme playing )

Nothin' like a cloudburst
to make you feel great.

Up all night with those cows,
and still feel good.

Ah, the voice
of youth, huh?

Me, I'm tired.
I'm clean, but I'm tired.

We're lucky.
I was scared that lightning

was gonna send 'em
clear back to San Antone.

Look out there.

What's that?

( playful theme playing )

I can't go
another step.

Here comes somebody.

Oh, my hair!
I must look like a witch.

What happened?

My husband
took me camping.

Our wagon was
struck by lightning,

and the horses ran off.

All our luggage burned.

All my beautiful dresses!

I wonder if I could impose
on you to look for the horses?

They belong to my uncle.

We can round up
the horses later.

We better get you two
back to the chuck wagon.

Climb aboard.

I can do it.

Come on, mister.
You can ride with me.

You know, uh,
lightning can strike anywhere.

Not if you don't
camp under a tree.


( gentle theme playing )



See if you can rustle up
some clothes

from the supply wagon
for Mr. and Mrs. Eaton.

We don't stock
women's clothes.

That's right.

Do the best you can.

Can't stop now and fix you
anything hot to eat, but, uh...

give you some jerky
if you're hungry.

Oh, I'm starved!

Comin' right up!

Well, get movin'!

Your wife better trail in
the rest of the way with us.

Oh, I'm much
obliged to you.

Here you are, ma'am.

What is it?



Uh, dried beef.

Tastes kinda good
if you get used to it.

( playful theme playing )

Here's one for you too.



How long does it take
to get used to it?

Oh, about two years.

Kinda chewy,
ain't it?

Oh, Rowdy. You better pick up
a couple horses from the remuda.

Or would you rather
ride in the wagon?

Oh, no.

I've had enough wagons
to last me

a lifetime.

Well, here you are.

Hope they fit.

These might do it.

You can change 'em in the back
of the supply wagon there.

Well, here's hoping.

I'll see that my uncle
pays you for all this.

Your horses will
be here in a minute.

I seem to be getting off
on the wrong foot all around.

What I meant was
that we appreciate your help.

See you later.

Joe, I want you to help me
saddle up a couple horses.

Who for?

Uh, that couple you met.
They're gonna join us.

You mean that dude's
gonna trail with us?

Yeah. He and his wife.

Oh, my, things sure has
changed on the trail.

Now they're usin' the wagons
for ladies' dressin' rooms.

Well, I call that progress.


( tranquil theme playing )

Some trousseau!

It looks fine on you.

How will I ever replace
all those beautiful dresses?

Send for them
by mail.

You can have the store
send duplicates

of the ones you bought.

Oh, fine!

That won't take a bit more
than six months!

And look at
the size of these.

What happened
to 'em?

Ah, lightning
hit their wagon.

Lost everything they own,
clothes and all.

How awful.

( dramatic theme playing )

( quietly ):
He's not really a bad fella,

but she sure leads him
around by the nose.


Hey, they look
good on you.

Here, you-- No, you're gonna
take this one over here.

He's a little
more gentle.

Oh, just a minute,

I'm quite capable,
thank you.

( horse whinnying )
( yells )

( lively theme playing )

Get down. Whoa!

Oh, I can
handle him.

I said
get down.


What do you mean
giving my wife

a horse like that?

He never acted
that way before.

I'll take him back
and get another one.

Hey, wait a minute.

I'll go with you.

I'm sorry about this.

Oh, I enjoyed it.

If they did that
on purpose...

If they did, it was you
they were after.

But you could have been killed.

Oh! Nonsense.

I've ridden
wilder horses

than that before.

I'll try
the other one.

These horses are darling
compared with the ones

at Miss Alice's
riding academy in Boston.

Wait a minute.
I'll do it.

( grunts )

I was just gonna
have some fun with him.

How'd I know she was
gonna take his horse?

( dramatic theme playing )

That's so I don't have to
tell the boss.

Now saddle up
another one!

( rueful theme playing )

He did that on purpose,
didn't he?

Oh, well, no.
No, the horse just

spooked a little,
that's all.

Well, then why did you
knock him down?


Oh, I was watching.

( sighs )

Should I mention it
to your Mr. Favor?

Suit yourself.

I will.

( lively theme playing )

Oh, all fixed up, huh?

All fixed up.

Where's your husband?

Oh, he, uh,
didn't like the horse

they got for him.

Not enough spirit.

( cattle lowing )

You think there's any chance
of finding the horses?

Well, I doubt it.
If they're well-broke horses,

they'll just try and find
their way back to the ranch.

I think I ought
to try anyway.

Coming, Marcia?

Well, you heard
what Mr. Favor said.

Well, they weren't
your horses.

Well, I-- I better
go along for protection.

Your protection.

She'd kind of got
a mind of her own.

Yeah, well,
somebody has to.

( laughs )

My hat!



Oh, my best hat.

I'll buy you the prettiest
one in the catalog.

What catalog?

It burned to ashes
with everything else!

Come on.

"Come on."
"Come on," what?

The horses,

They're not my horses,

( quiet theme playing )

( tense theme playing )

Ride for your life!

Come on!

( yelling )

Indians, back there!

Yeah? What about 'em?

What do you mean
what about them?

I saw them!

( light-hearted theme playing )

That's Little Cloud.

( speaking slowly ):
Hello, scout.

Nice to see you,
Little Cloud.

Trail boss.

How's the leg?

Much better!

( chuckles )

"Run for your life."

Oh, uh,
Mr. and Mrs. Eaton,

my friend Little Cloud,
and his sons.

Sorry if
I frightened you.

Oh, uh, I, uh--

Look, we're gonna be
making camp real soon.

Have supper with us!

I was wondering
when you ask me!

Let's go, paleface.

( light-hearted theme playing )

( upbeat theme playing )

Herd look good.

We'd better get out there
and check the strays.

He's been
snoopin' around.

My father would have
scalped you for that.

I have an idea you swung
a pretty mean tomahawk yourself

before you got civilized.

I must show you
scalp collection sometime.

Are there any
savage Indians left?

There are a couple.

Around here.

When they get...

...liquored up,

they look savage.

Even to me.

How do you
like the food?

If you live long enough,
you will be good cook.

( laughs )

( both laughing )

You wouldn't even know
good cookin'

if you tasted it.

How's the leg?

Good as it
ever will be,

at my age.

( speaking slowly ):
What happened
to it?

I broke leg.

Horse stepped
in chuckhole.

Horse fell on leg.

Pete fixed leg
for me.

He was crawlin' out
across the desert

on his two hands
and one knee

when I found him.

He'd already come
a couple miles.

Where were you
heading for?

I was trying
to get to town.

He only had
another 20 miles to go.

Tough old buzzard
probably would have made it too.


Well, how do you like
your new duds?

Very fashionable. Heh.

( speaking slowly ):
Hey, heard you run into
a war party today.

Your jokes are almost
as bad as your cooking.

ain't he?

Oh, lay off,

Well, all I said--
Lay off!

( chuckles )

What is it?

Did somebody think
of another joke?

You've got to stop
getting up and walking away

every time they do!

Well, you're
a fine one to talk.

You've complained about
everything that's happened

since we left Boston.

Well, you didn't exactly

cover yourself
with glory.

Camping in that gully.

Making a spectacle
of yourself

when you saw
Little Cloud.

All right, all right.

It's not all right.

That's the trouble!

Maybe you just
married the wrong man.

Maybe I didn't
marry a man at all.

Must be on way.

See you next year.

You take good care
of yourself, now, Little Cloud.

Sorry we made trouble
with your friends.

Oh, that's all right.
He'll get over it.

He and his wife
been fightin' ever since

they joined up
with us anyhow.

Well, why he
let her do that?

He can't help it.
She's his wife.

Ah, you white men
have strange custom.

Do you suppose he really
took some scalps?

Sure he did.

Notice the way he was eyeing
that bushy lion-head of yours?

It reminded him
of the old days.

I must apologize
for my husband's behavior.

That's all right.

I can't say I blame him.

Let's get to work, Pete.


Your Mr. Favor doesn't
like me very much, does he?

Why do you say that?

Doesn't even take
women's intuition

to know that.

Well, I think he just
feels a little sorry

for your husband,
that's all.

Why? Because he's married
to such a shrew?

Well, I--
I didn't mean that.

What I meant is that,
you know,

everything seems to be
goin' wrong for him.

You men certainly
stick together, don't you?

Yeah, well, uh...
I'll see you a little later.

( tranquil theme playing )

( sniffling )

( Marcia sobbing )

Go away!

Pardon me, ma'am.
Is there anything wrong?

Everything's wrong.

Look, you shouldn't
take it so hard, ma'am.

Oh, stop calling me ma'am!

You make me sound like
an old-maid schoolteacher!

Well, yes, ma'am. I mean, uh--

My name's Marcia.

Oh. Well, Marcia, is there
anything I can do to help you?

( sobbing ):

You can take me
back to Boston.

Oh, well, that...

That's kind of impossible.

Your husband wouldn't like
anything like that.

I don't care if
I never see him again!

Is that any way to talk?

Oh, what do you
know about it.

Do you know how a woman
feels when she finds out

her husband's
a coward and a fool?

Well, that's layin' it on
kinda strong, ain't it?

I mean, everybody's
scared now and then, and--

And everybody
does foolish things.

Go ahead,
stick up for him!

Nobody cares how I feel.

I'm not
stickin' up for him.

That's just
the way things are.

Would you
do something for me?

Sure, if I can.

Would you help me
saddle up my horse?


I wanna go riding
in the moonlight.

No, the boss would never
stand for that.

All right.

I'll do it myself.
Wait a minute.

I can't let you do that now.

Oh, let me go!

Not until you get this
notion outta your head.

You can't ride
in the moonlight.

You can't stop me!

( twig snaps )

Oh, uh, Mr. Eaton.

Well, uh... Heh.

Well, don't let me
interrupt you.

Well, I was...

Well, then, she...
We were kinda...

Well, go ahead right ahead
with whatever you or she

was or were doing.

What does that mean?

That means, look, you keep
on the way you're headed,

and you're gonna
end up with trouble.

You jealous?

( sighs )

I'm gonna
tell you something

that's gonna
surprise you:

I'm not jealous.

I'm just getting
a little tired.

I better go explain.

There's nothing to explain.

Well, I don't want him
havin' the wrong idea.

Let him think
what he wants.

He won't do
anything about it.

Marcia, what are you
trying to prove, anyway?

It's already
been proven.

My husband thought
you were making love to me,

and he just
walked away.

That's for
being so nice.

( marching theme playing )

I hope you ain't
forgot that good advice

your old man gave you.

Tryin' to stop a girl
from cryin', that's all.


Pleasant dreams.

( tranquil theme playing )

I really had a good
sleep last night.

They could have run
the whole herd over me,

I wouldn't
have known it.

How about you?
Oh, I woke up once or twice.

Wonder where those lovebirds
are this morning.

I haven't seen 'em around.

Everything all right
between 'em, Rowdy?

How should I know?

You know, boss, I don't
consider myself no expert

when it comes
to women.

But I know
what she needs.


A good stiff
kick in the pants.

If I was her husband--

Well, you ain't,
so why don't you shut up, Pete.

Hey, what's
wrong with him?

I don't know,
but I better find out.

Maybe we'd better
have a little talk.

What about?
You know about what.

About that, uh, first razor
your daddy gave you?

Look, that ain't got nothin'

to do with this.

And the advice that
went along with it:

somethin' about
stayin' clear of married women?

Pete had no right
to talk about Marcia that way.



Well, she told me
to call her by her first name.

What's wrong with that?
Look, you got caught

in the middle
of a family fight.

Don't think it's
anything more than that,

and don't let it be.

I don't want you
preachin' at me.

I'm not preachin' at you, boy.

I'm just givin' you a little
friendly, fatherly advice.

And besides,
it's an order,

so stay out of it!

( rueful theme playing )

Did you find out
what's wrong with him?

Growin' pains.

You mean, Mrs. Eaton?

That's why
he bit my head off.

Mine too.

But you straightened
him out, huh?

Well, I gave him
some fatherly advice.

Morning, Mr. Favor.

I was wondering
if there was anything

I could do to help out
until we get to the ranch?

We can always
use an extra hand.


Take Mr. Eaton down
and check him in with Scarlet.

He's gonna work.

Do you think
they'll both get there?

I think they'd better.

( tranquil theme playing )

Where's Scarlet?


I'd like to explain
about last night.

Let's just
stick to business.

Boss says to put
Eaton here to work.

He's the boss.

Don't guess you
ever worked a herd.

No, they don't
have many in Boston.

you ride flank, here.

Keep 'em tightened up,
but don't scare 'em.

You see any Indians on
the warpath, let me know.

( cattle lowing, drovers
whistling and shouting )

What was that?


A flash of light.

( mysterious theme playing )

there it is.

Somebody's workin'
themselves up a good headache.

Yeah, there's some Indian
probably been stompin' around.

Let's hope a headache's
all they're working up.

Better pass the word.

( dramatic theme playing )

( magnificent theme playing )


I saw you
ride by with my husband.

Yeah, well, he said
he wanted to work for his keep.

Didn't he tell you?

We haven't spoken
to each other since last night.

Well, I tried to explain to him,

but he wouldn't listen.

Don't have it
on your conscious.

It was over before then.

You sure this just
isn't a family argument?

For your information,
I'll be going back

to Boston just as
soon as possible.


Do you think you'll
ever be visiting Boston?

Well, yeah.
I might.

That would be nice.

Excuse me.

Scarlet put him
where he can't do any harm.

Tell the boys
to keep their eyes peeled

for a couple
of drunken Indians.

They may take
a shine to our beef.

Did you see 'em?

No, we saw a bottle
and their tracks.


Stick close to the herd.

Couple liquored-up
Indians around here.

Well, we've picked up
everything else.

Might else well pick up
a couple of drunks.

Let me know if you do.

I never seen
a drunken Indian before.

You're lucky.

Well, what's the difference
between drunken Indians

and anybody else?

You never know
how it'll hit 'em.

All you know is if they
so much as smell a cork,

it's gonna hit 'em.

( ominous theme playing )

( quiet theme playing )

Where you going?


Well, I don't want you
wandering off by yourself.

Afraid I'll
run into some Indians?

( ominous theme playing )

Boss says to watch out
for a couple of drunken Indians.

Don't you think you've carried
that joke about far enough?

I didn't ride all this way
to make jokes.

You mean it's on the level?

You'll find out
if you run into 'em.

( Indian war theme playing )

( yelling )

( talking indistinctly
in foreign dialect )

( yelling )

( yelling )
( shrieking )

Let go of me!

( Marcia grunts )

( tense theme playing )

( Indian yells )

( Marcia shrieks )

Stay here.

( squealing )

Take your friend
and get out of here!


Oh, darling!

Darling, you were wonderful!

Are you
all right?

Oh, now I am!


Oh, darling,
I was so frightened.

I didn't know wha--

What are you doing?

( shrieks )

What are you doing?

Thattaboy, mister.

Lay it on.

No! Stop that!

Oh! Oh, Bert,
what are you doing?

( yelling )

You had that coming
ever since we left Boston.


I guess so.

But-- But you acted
so different, I thought...

I acted the way I am.

I'm not a very good cowboy,

and I don't go around
with a chip on my shoulder

picking fights,
and every now and then,

I do something that makes
me look a little...foolish.

I was like that
when you married me,

and I'm probably
gonna stay that way.

Is that clear?

Is it?

Oh, yes.




I love you.


Well, like they say:
two is company.

You know,
there's one other thing

my old man
used to tell me.


( sighs )

Live and learn.

( triumphant theme playing )

Head 'em up!

Move 'em out!

♪ Rollin', rollin', rollin' ♪

♪ Rollin', rollin'
Rollin' ♪

♪ Keep rollin', rollin'
Rollin' ♪

♪ Though the streams
Are swollen ♪

♪ Keep them dogies rollin' ♪

♪ Rawhide! ♪

♪ Through rain and wind
And weather ♪

♪ Hell-bent for leather ♪

♪ Wishin' my gal
Was by my side ♪

♪ All the things I'm missin' ♪

♪ Good vittles
Love and kissin' ♪

♪ Are waiting at the end
Of my ride ♪

♪ Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on ♪

♪ Move 'em on, head 'em up
Rawhide ♪

♪ Let 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, let 'em out ♪

♪ Cut 'em out
Ride 'em in ♪

♪ Rawhide! ♪

♪ Rollin', rollin', rollin' ♪


( whip cracks )


( whip cracks )

♪ Rawhide! ♪


( whip cracks )


( whip cracks )

♪ Rollin', rollin', rollin' ♪