Rawhide (1959–1965): Season 1, Episode 21 - Incident in No Man's Land - full transcript

Prisoners break out of prison and try to steal the drovers' horses.

?Rollin', rollin', rollin'?

?Rollin', rollin', rollin'?

Keep movin', movin', movin'?

Though they're disapprovin'?

Keep them dogies movin'?


Don't try to understand 'em?

Just rope 'em, throw,
and brand 'em?

Soon we'll be livin'
high and wide?

My heart's calculatin'?

My true love will be waitin'?

Be waitin'
at the end of my ride?

Move 'em on, head 'em up,
head 'em up, move 'em on?

Move 'em on, head 'em up,

Cut 'em out, ride 'em in,
ride 'em in, let 'em out?

Cut 'em out, ride 'em in?

?Rollin', rollin', rollin'?

?Rollin', rollin', rollin'...?





Those cows
have a right to bellow.

On a drive like this,
they often have to go for days

without grass or water.

The men driving them
have a right to gripe.

Often, they have to go
without food, water and sleep.

I have a right to worry
about both men and beasts.

That's part of my job.

I'm Gil Favor, trail boss.

Good graze.

Nice-looking country

after what we've
been through.

We'll hold here for
a couple of days,

let those beeves
fill their bellies.

They'll need it
when they get back on the trail.

Sounds like artillery.

Sounds like dynamite.

Sounds like
we lose a herd.

Head those
steers off.

Turn the beeves!

Turn them!

We're going
to lose them.

We're going to lose them
for sure.

I'd have never brought
you this way, Mr. Favor,

if I had known we was going
to hit anything like this.

Not your fault, Pete.

Come on Rowdy, let's find out
what this is about.

What kind of
a town is that?

Wouldn't exactly
call it a town.


Not much doubt
about that.

Working like beavers.

Hey, you know, the men must
know something in this town

the rest of us
ought to find out.

Yeah, but what men?

That's right-
there are none.

Oh, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

There's one
right over there.

Well, good to see someone
wearing pants

looks like they belong in them.

Tell us about this
place, mister.

You always go around

putting your foot
in your mouth, boy?

Right about now,
it might be a real smart idea

to try saying you're sorry.

Well, well, I-I...

Believe me, ma'am,
I am sorry.

We got 3,000 head of cattle
a couple miles back.

These explosions have them
pretty well stirred up.

I'd like to find out
where they are,

and talk to somebody
about getting them stopped

for a little while.

No use talking to me about it.

You've got to go to the camp
for that.

The camp- where's that?

Liz, don't tell them.

They're here to
take Charlie back
to Huntsville.

Oh, honey, they said
they was drovers.

I don't believe them.

They came for Charlie.

He's too sick to work,

so they'll take him
to Huntsville to die.

We haven't got anything to do
with Huntsville, Miss.

Well, find the camp

Sorry if we upset
the lady.

Just a minute.

Don't figure
to stay here very long.

Men ain't allowed overnight.


Hey, that's a
real nice paint job.

What do you want?

My name's Favor.

How do you do, Mr. Favor.

I'm Anne Macauley.

Pleased to meet you.

I wonder
if you could tell us

where this place is
they call the camp?

You want to go there?

It seems we have
to go there.

You must be from Huntsville.

No, ma'am.

We're just drovers.

We're driving a herd
up north to Sedalia.

You ladies certainly
must like this camp

the way you keep
it hid from everyone.

"Like it."

We'd still like to know
where it is.

Well, just keep going
in that direction.

You'll find it.

Thank you, ma'am.

They keep talking
about Huntsville.

That's a fairly
big town with a real
big prison in it.

I don't get the
tie-up, do you?

Let's find that camp.

Take cover.

Everybody take cover.

Get clear, get clear.

Must be contract
prison labor.

Somebody must have hired them
from the state.

They're all chained
together like animals.

Those women back there.

Their wives, their girls.

Living in a place
like that,

keeping other men out.

We've got to stop that

All clear.

Everybody back to work.


You got business here?

Want to see
the man in charge.

The warden
don't like to be bothered

unless it's something important.

It's important.

Something about
the prisoners?

Something about
3,000 head of cattle.

All right, you can see him,

but you'll have to leave
your guns and your horses here.

You'll find
his shack

down at the end
of the path.

It better be important.

The warden ain't an easy man.

All right.

I'm not going to
ask you again,
either one of you.

Where is it?

What can we say

when we don't know
anything about it?

That's what
you've been telling me

ever since I came here,

He won't be telling
you much longer, warden.

Neither of us will.

If you're forgetting,

we walk out of here
free next month.

We ain't.

You're not leaving here
until you give up that money.

You can't keep us here
after we serve our time.

Can't I?

What about the dynamite

that's been stolen
from the quarry

in the past three months?

I tell the prison board
you did it,

and you get
five years added.

You ain't got no proof.

You can't even find it.

We'll find the dynamite,

and maybe it will
have your initials

carved on
each stick.

I'm not letting you leave here

until that money's returned
to the state.

Look, I told you 100 times,
I lost it.

I dropped it in the river
when I was trying to get away.

So you did.

I'm the judge who tried
the case, remember?

I'm the one
who sent you to prison.

I know you, Macauley.

You were lying then,
and you're lying now.

Can we go?

We don't want to waste
no more of your time.

Unless you come
to your senses,

you're going to
have plenty of
time to waste.

Take them away.

I still say
we're inside our rights.

I say you're not.

Now, what's this?

My name's Favor.

I got a herd of cattle
here in the valley.

I want to talk to you
about that blasting.

Take those men and lock them up.

Don't waste your breath
asking any favors, mister.

Now, what's this about cattle?

I'm running a herd
through here- 3,000 head.

Your blasting
is making it kind of hard

to keep them
from stampeding.

I'm afraid I can't help that.

If you could just hold off
for a little while

until we get them through...

I run this camp
on a contract basis.

I'm behind schedule now.

All we need is a day.

Well, move them at night.

Moving them at night
through this kind of terrain,

we could lose
half the herd.

Time is money with me-
the state's money.

You'll have
to work it out yourself.

Hey, uh, could we
use some of that
water over there?

Help yourself.

Always nice to find
someone so willing
to help you, huh?

Tod, who are...
who are they?

Shut up, Cooper.

Who do you care
who they are?

Oh, let him say
what he wants.

I thought maybe
they could take a message

for me to Jenny and
tell her I'm all right, huh?

That's important,
very important.

That's important to all of us.

They're drovers, Cooper.

Maybe they could
take a message, though.

What message?

What kind of message is there
for you to send?

Maybe that-that the pain in here
hasn't been so bad lately.

I think she'd like to know that.

I got a message for 'em.

Hey, mister.

Can I talk to you a minute?

Go ahead.

Come on over
here, will you?

Listen, I heard you say
you were trail drovers.

You go through that
settlement comin' up here?

That's right.

Well, there's a
little woman there

named Anne Macauley,
real fine-lookin' woman.

Yeah, she was painting
a shack.

We talked to her.

That's my wife.

She is?

That's right. At
least I think she is.

Been kind of a long
time, you know.

Well, uh, I'd like to
get a message to her,

and it's real
important, see?

We'll be going back
through that way.

I'm supposed to
be getting out of
here next month,

but, uh, it's going
to be sooner now

on account of good
behavior, you know,

and, um, so if
you could tell her
to get packed up

and get ready to
leave, 'cause it
might be tomorrow,

and she should be
ready to leave tonight.

That's it?

Yeah, that's it.

You'd be doing me
a big favor, mister.

Sure, I'll tell her.

Thank you.

What was that all about?

Did you give him
my message, Tod?

Yeah, I gave
him a message.

It wasn't mine,
though, was it?

Hey, you know, Jenny-
she worries a lot.

Let's go see Viner.

You got enough dynamite?

Sure, sure, I have.

Let's make it tonight.

Whoa, now.

TonightNot a chance.

Make it tonight.
We'll go with you.

No, not me, Tod.
I couldn't make it.

I'm not well enough.

I'm talkin' about me
and Kellino.

CrazyYou've only
got about another
month in here.

Clement'll see us dead
before he turns us loose.


What's the difference?

You've got enough dynamite,
haven't you?

Why not tonight?

Ah, you told
me yourself.

I'd be insane to
try to get away from
here without horses.

Jenny wouldn't want
me to try it, Tod.

Will you shut up?

I know where to get horses.

You mean those three
nags they got down at
the settlement?

No, I'm talking about horses-
all you need.


Did you see
the two men outside?

Yeah, I saw 'em.

Well, they got a herd of cattle
in the valley.

That means horses,
don't it?

Lots of horses.
This is kind of fast.

Sure, it's fast.
You see a chance,
you take it, don't you?

They're not going
to hang around

waiting for you
to make up your mind.

And what'll I
do for money?

You know what?

No, I don't know.
You tell me.

I got money.
I got lots of money.

Me and Kellino,

we got all the
money we ever
took then, right?

That's right, but it's ours
and we're keeping it.

What good's it going to do us
if we never pick it up?

You crazyWe need
everybody in here
to make a break.

They need money
once they get out.

What are you going to do,
hold out on 'em?

Keep on talkin'.

It's nowhere
near the town.

Once we get out,
there's only going to be

two of us to divvy it out
me and Kellino...

but what you get'll be enough
to get you lost

till you're below the border.

That's all I'm guaranteein'.
That right?

Yeah, that's right.

Go along with that?

Well, I heard what
you said, and if
it ain't true,

a lot of us in here'll
be dead if we can't count
on what you promised.

You can count on it.
Can't he?


What about guns, Viner?

Well, there's
guns in town.

Those drovers aren't
going to give up
those horses easy.

All right, they fight.
What comes easy?


You're free and easy
with our money, ain't you?

Well, Viner and his
bunch took a chance
gettin' the dynamite.

They don't have to
take us in, you know.

What's the use riskin' our necks
to break out

if we've got to give
the money away?

Who says we got
to give it away?

All we got to
do is get out.

Hello, Liz.

You're lookin'
kind of happy today.

I just wish all of you

could be as lucky as I am.

Gettin' your own man back
all to yourself?

Must be pretty wonderful.

Just one more month.

We'll miss you, Anne.

Whatcha gonna do
with this place?

I thought I'd give it
to Jenny Cooper.

That's why I'm trying
to pretty it up a little.

Jenny. She's scared
out of her wits

that they're going to take
her husband back to Huntsville.

She's got a right to be scared.

They don't want sick men around
the camp, and he has lung fever.

They can't, they just can't.

Oh, they will.

Where do you plan on going?

Fort Worth.

Fort Worth...

Mr. Viner took me there
a couple of times.

I saw the prettiest
hat in that town

I ever laid my eyes on.

Real perky straw
all covered in violets.

He hated it.

What do you want
to give the place
to Jenny for?

I'll trade you something
for it.

She needs it,
living in that leaky tent.

Let her build her own shack
like the rest of us.

Now, look, Sarah,
Anne wants to give
the place to Jenny.

How do you know
what she wants?

Why don't you
stay out of it, Viner?

Look, I like the place,
Macauley- I'll swap you

something good for it.
What, some of that
rot gut liquor you boil up?

I'm sorry, Sarah,
I promised.

What's a promise?

Why give it to that
sniveling little crybaby?

Because she belongs
here, that's why...

which is more than
you can claim.

You've got no
man up here.

Why do you stay here?
Answer me that.

Why do you stay here?

I'm warnin' you, Viner.

You try somethin'
with me and see
what it gets you.

I stay here
because I think

it's the most beautiful spot
in the world...

and because you're all
such wonderful people

to be around.

I stay here
because I like it.

Does that answer
your question?

I'll talk to you
about the place later.

I wouldn't trust
that witch in any
kind of a deal.

Don't worry, Liz.

I'm going to give the shack
to Jenny.

I have a message for
you, Mrs. Macauley,
from your husband.

From Tod?

He says he expects to be let out
sooner than he thought.

Wants you to be ready to leave
right away,

maybe even tomorrow.

But that...?

Well, he can't get out
any sooner.

That's impossible.

That's what he told me
to tell you.

Are you sure it was my husband?

He said you were his wife.
Ann Macauley?

Curly-headed man,

well-built, easy way of talkin'?

That's right.

Well, thank you, Mr. Favor.

You're welcome.

Something's wrong, huh?

Well, they look
unhappy to me.

They are.

You get the same feelin'
I have there's going to
be a break tonight?

I got the feelin'
we better get our herd movin',

even over this rough terrain.

No matter what, huh?

Afraid we've run out
of choices.

Yes, Liz.

They couldn't be going
to try somethin',
could they?

I mean, my Jack and
the rest, and your Tod
thrown in with 'em?

Not Tod.

No tellin' what's
going on up there.

I've been afraid
of somethin' like
this for a long time.

Liz, Tod only has
a month to go.

But we don't know
what's happened.

Sometimes, men
are forced

to make a break.

A breakWhat breakWhen?

We don't know, Jenny.

What do you mean,
you don't know?

You must know something,
or you wouldn't talk about it.

We don't know anything.

We don't know anything for sure.

A break. Oh, that'll be fine.

My Charlie'll try it
with the rest of 'em

and get shot dead for it.

stop worrying.

It's not going to happen.

What'll we do if it does?

We stick by 'em...
like we always have.

Mr. Favor, thought you
weren't going to make
it in time for supper.

What'd you find
out there, Rowdy?

You'd never guess
in a thousand years.

Can you make it fast
with that meal, Wishbone?

We've got to move the herd
out of here tonight.

In this kind
of country?
Got to.

That blasting's
comin' from a prison
camp up ahead.

Only time they
stop is after dark.


you and Quince ride out
and tell the rest of the men.

We'll eat fast.
We want to be well on our way

before the first blast hits
at sunup.

How 'bout some chow?

Who is it?

It's me, Jenny.

Oh, come in, Jenny.

I tried to go
to sleep, but...

I'm scared.

I thought I'd come
over for a few minutes.

I'm glad you did, Jenny.

You're so calm.

You're always so calm.

I'm not really
calm, Jenny.

I've never been brave.

Never in my whole life.

Have you ever
tried this?

The Bible?

I haven't looked at it
since I was a little child.

We could sit down
and read it together
for a little while.

All right.

How's it go, Pete?

It's ragged, boss.

Maybe we'll be far enough away
by sunup.

Tod! Don't do it, Tod. Tod!

Tod, don't do it! Tod!

Liz, Liz Viner.
What do you want?

Did you hear
that explosion?
You think we're deaf?

Do you think the men
are trying to break out?
I don't know.

Maybe they did it.

Maybe they got away.
How could they get away

from a place like that?

I'm praying
nobody got killed.

You think they'll
come here, Liz?

I don't know.

Maybe they'll stay
in the hills.

Yes, that's
what they'll do.

They'll stay
in the hills.

Oh, Jack!

Come on, you know
they're coming after us.

We need them
guns fast.

Where's Sarah?

I've been waiting.

But don't expect anything extra.

We made a bargain.

I came here
because there was money for me

if I did my job.

I've done it.

We'll need
more than this.


Come on, you fellas,
inside and get them guns.

We'll be waiting for Clement
and the guards

when they come down the trail.

Come on, now,
hurry it up.

Give me the dynamite,

You take care
of Clement.

I got something
else to do.

It better be about
getting us them horses.

You better take
care of Clement,

or we ain't going
to need any horses.

Anne, one of
the men told me

Charlie didn't
try to escape.

He stayed behind.

Good, Jenny;
there were two who didn't try.

There were t... Tod.



You ready to go?

But, but, Tod...

Come on inside.

Oh, Tod.

Oh... oh, Tod.

What have you done?

Never mind that.

Just let me look at you.

You know it's been two years
since they let me see you?

I thought I remembered how
you looked and how you felt.

WhyWhy did you break out?

I didn't remember
half of it.

You only had a month to go.

I couldn't wait
any longer.

Just a month
and you couldn't wait?

What's the difference?

I'm out of there now.

But they'll get you back.

No, they won't; not me.

We're going to
start living again.

I'm going back to work.

Are you ready, Tod?

Yeah, I'll be
right with you.

We're going
for the horses.

But Tod...
We need them.

We got to have them
to get out of there.

Where's my tools?

You got them?

Under the bed.

Now, what good's a carpenter
when the law's after him?

Don't you worry
about that.

I got it
figured this time.

You had it figured
last time.

We'll talk about it later.

Well, we got
the cattle quiet,

but Pete's afraid to start
moving them till morning.

Then we'll stay here
till morning.

The warden said
they didn't blast at night.

Maybe the convicts
had other ideas.

We're heading back.

Take the cart.

Why, you miserable...

I'm sorry it got away,
Mr. Wishbone.

That noise startled me.

Charlie, Quince, get
over with the horses.

Here, you can
have mine.

Hurry up and get them
leg irons out of the cart.

If that's a fight,
I wish they'd use guns.

Convicts have to
use what they can.

I don't get it.

The first two explosions
were more than an hour ago.

Still think they're going
to try to make a break?

We'll soon know.

If they get loose,

they'll come
looking for horses.

They don't think
they're going to get them?

You plaster
anything that moves.


I'll handle this
another way.

You wait here.

Somebody's coming in.

We'll wait.

I'd like to
talk to you.

We talked enough this afternoon.

A little different
now, though.

What do you want?

Horses. We need them bad.

You won't
get them here.

How about we make
a deal with you?

You give us the horses,

and then we can
leave them someplace

where you can find them.

We need every horse we've got,
mister, and then some.

I was hoping you'd be
reasonable about this.

You either give
us those horses,

or we're just going
to have to take them.

Well, you were just thinking
of trying that, weren't you?

It will be different next
time 'cause we got dynamite.

If you had dynamite,
you'd have let us know by now.

We got it, all right.

It's back in the settlement.

It'll just take a little
time to get it out here,

so you better give
us those horses,

or we're going to
blow your herd all
over the valley.

No horses.

If that's the
way you want it.

Pete, get up
along that ridge.

See if there's
room to move the
herd that way.

You're going to
bypass this mess?

That's right.

We'll be
breaking camp

while you're looking
the ground over.

What about that dynamite?

Suppose they come out

and use it on the herd
while we're moving them?

That's just why I'm
going into town-

to keep them
from doing that.

Rowdy, Quince, Scarlet,

Rick, Kyle... mount up.

Don't you think
you'd be better off

if you took more men?

You'll need all
the rest of the men

to handle the cattle.

If everything goes right,
we'll catch up with you.

Now, get back up
there and start
scouting that ground.

Did you get the horses,

I'll have them.

Kellino back yet?

I haven't seen him.

Some of the boys in the shack
having a little cheer.

I broke out a barrel
of hard cider.

Well, that's nice

they can let a few
of us do all the
worrying for them.

How would they like it
if Clement and his guards
showed up all of a sudden?

Didn't you hear
the explosions?

They figured Kellino
already took care of it.

They better do
more than figure.

Hey, Macauley!

Look what we
brought back.

And they had them irons
all ready for us.

Well, I'd say we got something
working for us now.

You got nothing but trouble
working for you, Macauley.

You should
have seen it.

Two blasts, and
they come to their
senses real quick.

Take him to the forge.

Chain him up.

Hey, Viner, where can we get
something to eat?

Well, there's Sarah's place,

and I'll have my woman
cook up something.

You don't have to worry

about Clement
catching up with me.

What do you mean?

What about them horses, Tod?

I thought you'd have them here
by now.

The drovers are
playing rough.

You hear me?


Why don't you listen?

I am listening.

You're not saying nothing.

I said the drovers
are playing it rough.

The drovers are smart.

Did it ever occur to you
the drovers might be smart?

Did you tell them?

Tell them what?

About the dynamite.

Did you tell them?

Yeah, I told them.

What did they say?

Thanks a lot,

What's the matter
with you?

Opening your mouth
in front of Anne.

She's your wife,
ain't she?

That don't mean she's got to
know everything we're doing.

How about the horses,
big man?

Well, we got to
use the dynamite,

so we might as
well get going.

I got to eat first.

I haven't had any food
since morning.

We got to leave
by daylight.

We'll be gone
long before that.

Maybe taking time
is good.

Maybe them drovers
will think it over,

they might see things
our way.

Not that trail boss.

What's the trail boss
mean to us?


Why didn't you take care
of that trail boss?

Where were you
with the dynamite?!

Using it, you understand?

Where'd you be
if I hadn't used it?

That's enough
out of you.

What do you mean
that's enough?

And while we're at it,
where's the money?

Same place it's
always been.

Are you sure, Tod?


Do you think your wife
will give me food?

Sarah will
give you food.

I want to be alone
with her for awhile.

After you shot
your mouth off,

I got to talk to her.

You can talk it out
when it's all over.

I'll be back in ten minutes,
and you better be ready.

I'll be ready.

Have my share ready.

What's the matter,
all of a sudden
you don't trust me?

I don't trust anybody
any longer than I have to.

I want my share on me
when we go for the horses.

You'll have it.

What's in that sack, Tod,
in the rain barrel?

Annie, I'm hungry.
I only got a couple
of minutes to eat.

It's dynamite, isn't it?

We needed it to
make our break.

You broke out.
What do you need it for now?

So you can use it
on the drovers?

You don't have to make it
your worry.

They've done nothing
to you, Tod.

I got nothin'
against them.

You're going to hurt them.

Nobody's going
to get hurt unless
they give us trouble.

Why should they give you
their horses?

They need them.


Why did you do it?
Why did you break out?

You want to stay
in this hole the
rest of your life?

In a month, you and I were going
to walk out of here free.

You going to feed me,
or do I ask Sarah?

I'll feed you.

That first shack.

The forge, yeah?

Yeah, so we can cover the road
from out of town.

Leave the horses here.

Just one yell, mister,
just one.

Get these irons off us.

It'd take too much time,
make too much noise.

Now don't start anything
unless they do.

Don't let anybody get past here.

I'm gonna go with you.

You stay right here.

There's too few of us as is.

Mr. Favor,
Macauley's the main one.

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, but there's something
you don't know.

What's happened
to us, Tod?

Annie, will you
let it be, please?

Look, I waited these years
for you.

Stuck it out for you.

Will you listen to me?

They weren't going to let
me out of there next month.

They weren't going to let
me out of there at all.


Because of Clement.

I wouldn't bend
to him. He...

Why don't you tell her
the real reason, Macauley.

Why don't you tell her
why you really broke out?

Don't try for it.

What is it?

Tell her about the money.


You better get out of here.

What does he mean?
What money?

What... what you mean?

It's for him to tell you,
Mrs. Macauley.

What money
is he talking about?

You haven't had any money

That's right.

Don't listen to him.

He's talking wild.

What's he know
about me anyway?

What do you know about me?

What are you
doing in here?

Warden Clement told me.


Will you leave this to me?

Will you trust me?

The only money
you ever had in your life was...

and you told me you put that
back when they took you.

You gave me your word.

All right I
didn't tell you.

I didn't want to worry you
any more than I had to.

I thought it was all over
and it isn't, is it?

Well, I didn't hurt anybody
by keeping that money.

You didn't see Wells Fargo

going out of
business, did ya?

It's not your money, Tod!

I earned it with five
years of hard labor.

I know
what you went through.

Maybe you think
I didn't go through it
with you, but I did.

Every hour, every day
you spent out there,

I spent the same hours
and the same days here.

But I don't want
any part of this.

I don't want to make this
any part of me or of us.

Well, I do.

You remember how it
was in Fort Worth?

Do you remember when
I couldn't get work?

Yes, but there's
worse things.


What's worse than
starving to death?

What kind of a world
do you think this is anyway?

You think reading this book
is gonna feed you

and keep you warm?

Well, that's fine
right where it belongs

in church on Sunday morning

after you had
a good breakfast.

It's not our money, Tod.

No, it's mine and Kellino's.

We paid for it
with five years off our lives.

Well, I gave up
just as many years

but not anymore.

Not anymore.

What are you doing?

Take me with you.

I want to be with you

when they use that
dynamite against you.

Well, go ahead and pack, Annie.

You have to pack
if we're gonna leave anyway.

I brought you some vitals,

The others...

Hold it!

I only meant
to shoot at her feet.

They hear a shot or
they hear her blab,

it doesn't make
any difference.

Trail drovers at the forge.

How many?

Three, four.
I didn't stop to count.

They're not going to
give us any trouble-
not three or four.

Probably came to bargain
about the horses.

Get the men together.

Do it easy.

Any trouble starts,

blast those cowriders
out of there.

I'll go get Tod.

Hold it.
Take it easy.

Let's get these
men unchained, huh?

I came to tell you

some of those drovers
are over by the forge.

I see one of
them got to you.

You the trail boss?

Tod says you
play it tough.

Just trying to do my job.

But you gave
it some thought

and you came
to your senses.

You don't want your cattle

blasted into a stampeded,
do you?

The last thing a drover wants
is a stampede.

First you played it tough,
now you play it smart.

How many horses
you gonna give us?

Like I told your partner,
no horses.

Then we'll blast your herd.

That's just why
we came into town.

We don't want our herd blasted,

Five of you
against 30 of us.

One stick of that dynamite

and we'll blast that forge
into pieces as big as that.

All you've done so far
is break out of jail.

You'll get extra time for that.

But you start killing,
they're gonna hang you.

You're wrong, mister.

We killed four men
when we captured Clement.

Now, it's not an
original thought,

but they can only hang us once,
no matter how many men we kill.

Where is it, Tod?

Come on, Tod, I swear I'll
tear this place to pieces.

I've got a right to know.

Now where is it?!

Under the bed.

The tools.

That's right.

Best tools in the world.

The only tools in the world.


All right,
I'll tell you what I'll do.

We'll make a sale.

I'll buy your horses.

I got the feeling

you just might not live up
to the terms of the sale.

Besides, we need
every horse we've got.

No sale.

Mr. Favor...

the dynamite in the rain barrel

right outside the house.

I wouldn't try that.

Why did you stop him?

If you hadn't of stopped him,
I'd've been dead by now.

It'd be a burning inside of me,
but it wouldn't be shame.

In a minute,
the burn would be gone

and everything would
be all right again

'cause everything
would be over.

Why did you stop him?


what have I done to you?

Nobody should want to die.

Nobody should be made
to want to die.

I didn't mean that.

Annie, I didn't even know.

The shot came
from Tod's place.

Hold it. Hold it.

Mr. Favor's orders were
no one leaves town.

We don't shoot unless
they try to cross

to Macauley's
shack down there.

Get back inside, girls.

He's dead.


You better not go out there.


What was the
shooting about?

Kellino's dead.

Who killed him?

I did.

Are you crazy?

Or maybe you're smarter
than the rest of us.

Maybe, maybe not.

I can tell you one thing,

There ain't any money out here.

There never was any money
waiting out here.

I lied to you because I couldn't
break out of that place alone.

What are you getting at?

What are you trying to say?

There's no money out here.

This time
I'm telling you the truth.

You selling us out?

You make a deal with
those cow herders?

All I'm saying is,
I lied to you about the money,

but maybe you could
make it anyway.

What about you, liar?

I'm going back.

I got my own reasons.

It's got nothing to do with you.

You walk out on us, Macauley,
and I'll cut you down.

I ain't walking out on anybody
but me, Viner.

Cut those cow herders down!



Hold it!

Hold your fire!

Can't you see
what he's carrying?

Put out that fuse
before you blow us all up.

Hold it.

Anybody moves,
I throw this.

Step on the fuse, trail boss.
Step on it.

You've got about ten seconds.

Throw down your guns.

If that goes, you go with it.

Throw down your guns!

Cover me.

You all right?

Oh, I'm fine.

Just fine.



Give the money back.

I will.

I will, Tod.

Head 'em up!

Move 'em out!

?Rollin', rollin', rollin',
rollin', rollin', rollin'?

Keep rollin',
rollin', rollin'?

Though the streams
are swollen?

Keep them dogies rollin'?


Through rain
and wind and weather?

Hell-bent for leather?

Wishin' my gal
was by my side?

All the things
I'm missin'?

Good vittles,
love and kissin'?

Are waiting
at the end of my ride?

Move 'em on, head 'em up,
head 'em up, move 'em on?

Move 'em on,
head 'em up, rawhide?

Cut 'em out, ride 'em in,
ride 'em in, let 'em out?

Cut 'em out, ride 'em in?

?Rollin', rollin', rollin'?

?Rollin', rollin', rollin'...?




?Rollin', rollin', rollin'...?


?Rollin', rollin', rollin'...?