Raised by Wolves (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Mass - full transcript

As Marcus continues to embrace his Mithraic devotion, Sue worries he may no longer have her and Paul's best interests at heart. Mother experiences what she believes to be malfunctions, and Hunter works on a secret project with Father.

[ Static,

I know who I am.

I know who I am.


Are you

gonna be okay?


I got out of line.

So Sol

had to punish me.

- You know,
- I'm actually thankful.

Because it means

he loves me.



You know, to Sol,

we're just like Mouse.

If he sees us

doing something naughty...

- Don't.
- He's fragile.

You're pretty fragile, too,

aren't ya?


No, I'm not fragile.

Please look at me.

See, your mother

wants to coddle you.

- And to tell you the truth,
- I do, too.

I want to spoil you rotten,

but I can't.

Sol's not gonna

take it easy on you,

so neither can I.

I got to teach you

to be a survivor.


Shut up.

Shut up, I say!


Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Dozen. Dozen who?

Dozen all this knocking

bother you?

Knock, knock. Who's there? Egg.

Egg who?

Egg-stremely disappointed

you don't recognize me.

Well, - at least he can cook.

I can have a look at him

if you want.

- You're handy.
- With the service models?


A little bit.

That's enough.

That's good.

I have no feeling

in those mechanisms.

I cannot control

their operation.

Diagnostics - all look good.

- There's a weird glitch.
- In your tech.


Is that code - or something?

It is.

It's Morse code.

You are old.

So primitive.




I... S...


H... E...

I... I...


"Sol is the light."

"Sol is the light."

For a minute there, I thought

you were still in there, Pops.

Has the ark - landed yet?

In a manner of speaking...


My blood levels

are dropping.

What are you doing?

- I'm a doctor,
- not a bloodbag.

Today, - you are both.

You're an A-plus

life technician, correct?


- Able to repair both humans.
- And androids?

As well as plants, animals,

and terrestrial insects.

- As you can see,
- I've sustained some damage.

Over the past few hours,

I've begun experiencing

a great deal of discomfort

in my abdomen.

What do you advise?


- your wounds.
- Are bleeding internally,

Draining into - your stomach.

- You need to release.
- The pressure.

You okay?

How much longer does he

have to stay in the silo?

He'll be

coming out soon.

I promise.

- Alright.
- Come on.

Come on.

Is Dad

gonna be okay?

I've never seen him

like that before.

He'll be fine.

- 'Cause he's.
- A tough survivor, right?

Yeah, - something like that.

Do I have to be

a tough survivor?

You already are.

Do you like it here?

It's okay,

I guess.

- Because...
- there's more of the planet.

That we haven't even

seen yet.

Maybe we could - check it out.

Like an adventure?

Yeah, like an adventure.

Yeah, - I'd like that.

Could we bring Campion?

Don't see why not.

- So, we don't.
- Have to treat him.

Like the way we treated

atheists on Earth?

No, we don't.

- Is Dad gonna come.
- On the adventure?

Do you want him to?


But I'm sure he's got a lot of

important stuff to do here.

Could we go

without him?


Yeah, we could.

Let's not tell Dad,


He's got a lot

on his mind.

- Just keep it.
- Between me and you.



- Is the discomfort.
- In your abdomen subsiding?


There may be coagulation.

Reach your fingers in

- and see if.
- You can break up the blockage.

I'm Karl.

- I've lost pairing.
- With my brothers.

Do you know

where they are?



- Without them,
- it will be difficult.

- To care for.
- A thousand colonists.

- I don't think.
- They'll be requiring.

Much medical attention.

- I'm feeling something.
- That is not.

- In my anatomical.
- Build description.

What is it?

I don't know, - Karl.

You're the doctor.

Can you - get a look at it?


3.4 inches in diameter.

- Oh,
- probably a silicon tumor.

Pull it out with

a counter-clockwise motion.

What is it?

It moved.

That's unusual.

It's reacting - to my touch.

- Your senses.
- May be misfiring.

My caregiving program...

It's overriding me.

That's odd.

Your survival is essential

to your caregiving duties.

Are you sure?


Perhaps the tumor has corrupted

your programming parameters.

Must be some new strain

of silicon tumor

particular to

this environment.

- Have you been exposed.
- To any foreign entities.

- During your time.
- On this planet?


If I can't alleviate

this discomfort,

I have no hope of being able

to rescue my children.

The only way to

alleviate discomfort

- is to.
- Feed the tumor fuel-blood.

- Then it will cease.
- To feed on you.

This will temporarily help you

regain your strength,

but it will also accelerate

the tumor's growth.


and your inevitable breakdown.

I have no choice.


more fuel blood?


But don't

look at me.

- You'll need to find.
- More donors.

- Campion.
- Got some fungus for you.

Pull it up.



We wear the armor

of Mithras and the light.

We are shielded

from all that is harmful.

Sol, - give us the strength.

To make the tough decisions

we must face.

Guide us

with your wisdom.

Bless us

with your light.

Praise Sol.

Praise Sol.

- Sol never said.
- That it would be easy.

Colonizing this world,

did he?


So, we must focus

on serving him, right?

Yes, we should.

So, that means

we must stay pure.

That means you must stay away

from that atheist kid, okay?


Good boy.

How's the pain?

I saw you

in the church.

That couldn't have been easy

for you, watching me pray.

- Yeah, well,
- there's a first for everything.

Belief doesn't happen


It's not how it works.

So, - you're an expert now?


I was thinking about

our first date.

- That wasn't a date.
- I was being tortured.

You needed rescuing.

No, I didn't.

- I-I was in the process.
- Of escaping.

And I rescued you.

All the other prisoners...


but not you.

Not my Mary.

I guess

I'm stubborn like that.

I'm starting to

forget your face.

Close your eyes.

Praise be to Sol.

Sol is the light.

If you are not a designated

passenger on the ark of heaven,

please clear the area.

- All chosen passengers.
- Must proceed.

To security checkpoint 5.

A new Eden awaits you

on Kepler-22b.

If you do not have a passport,

you will not be granted entry.


if you do not have a passport,

you will not be granted entry.

Rocking entryways or otherwise

competing passenger boarding

is strictly prohibited.

Violators will be executed

on sight.

Praise be to Sol.

Sol is light.

If you are not a designated

passenger on the ark of heaven,

please clear the area.

All chosen passengers

must proceed

to security checkpoint 5.

If you do not have a passport,

you will not be granted entry.

- I don't know.
- About this, Caleb.

- It's Marcus from now on,
- remember?

Marcus, and you're Sue.

- That's what.
- I'm talking about.

I don't know - if I can do it.

Yes, you can.


How do you know?

- Because I can't do it.
- Without you.

We're traitors.

We're not traitors

- as long as we have.
- Each other's back.

- You and me...
- That's all that matters.

You and me.

You and me.

You gonna keep cheating?

What do you got?

- Like, five, six cards.
- In your sleeve?

Popping it off, yeah?

You're horrible.

Don't get too sensitive there.

Well, he's fucking cheating.

I'm not cheating.

100% you're cheating.

- Put a little surprise.
- In there for you.

What you doing, buddy?


I told you to stay away.

I know, but I...

I just...

Did Mommy put you up

to this?



You and Mommy up

to something?

- Huh?
- No.

- Huh? You're not.
- Planning something?

- No?
- Mnh-mnh.

You're not hiding anything

from me, are you?


- 'Cause it kinda looks like.
- You're hiding something.

From your daddy.

I'm not.

- You're not lying.
- To me, are you?

Because you know

I hate liars.

Look at me. You're not

lying to me, are you?


I love you.

I would never leave you.

Are you and Mommy

planning something?

Are you and Mommy

planning something?

- You can tell me.
- It's okay.


- You would never lie to me,
- would you?

- Never.
- Mom!

- Why are you.
- Calling your mom?

I'm just asking

a normal question, huh?

It's okay. Shh.

- Are you and your mommy.
- Planning something?

- You can tell me.
- Quickly.

- You can tell me.
- It's okay.


It's okay.

Get the hell

away from him!

Come on, Paul, we're leaving.

It's okay.

Get back here.

Don't touch me.

You are not leaving me.

- Watch me.
- You're not taking him.

Come on.

- -Mom!
- -Let go of me!

- -Mom!
- -Get your hands off me!

- -Mommy!
- -Paul, no.

- -It's okay.
- -Mom!

- -Please grab my son.
- -No!

- -No!
- -Mom!

- Paul, no!
- Let go of him!

Dad, stop it!


Let go of him!

Dad, stop it!

Paul, no!

Don't you touch him!

No, no! No, don't, don't! No!

Dad, stop it!

No, no.

I told you,

we're not going anywhere!

Forgive my wife!

She has lost her way!

Please pray for her!

Forgive my wife, Sol!

We must pray that she returns

to Sol's light.

Pray for her!

Tempest was right to run away

from here.

Why did the android

cross the road?

- To return to.
- His factory settings.

- Knock, knock.
- Who's there?

- Wooden shoe.
- Wooden shoe who?

Wooden shoe like

to hear another?

Campion, it's me.



can you hear me?

I can barely hear you.

Well, then,

stick it in your ear.



I can hear you!

Are you all right?

I heard your father...

I'm fine.

I'm gonna help you

break out of there.

- I have an idea for something.
- You can make,

- But you're not.
- Gonna like it.

- You're gonna.
- Dig your way out.

What do you think I've been

trying to do all this time?

- I hope there's more.
- To your plan than just...

- Just let me finish.
- Please.

- You're gonna dig.
- Your way out,

- But with.
- Someone else's hands.

- I had hoped to see.
- My brothers again,

But this wasn't at all

what I had in mind.

I'm sorry, Karl.

Well, I suppose they

would be pleased that,

even in death, they're

helping to alleviate pain.

I allowed myself

to be invaded,

neglected my mission,

my family.

Campion is now suffering

because of my actions.

This is causing me

great distress.

You needn't display emotion

for my benefit.

I know that, Karl.

Then why - are you doing it?

My partner and I

sometimes suffer from...

impulses not dictated

by programming.

- Have you ever come across.
- Such a condition?


You are unique.

I'd rather not be.

I'd prefer it if I could revert

to my factory settings.

- Humans often complain.
- Of suffering,

But they also herald it.


Despite being

raised pacifist,

my son Campion and his siblings

often played war.

What they derived

from such games

is beyond

my understanding.



Yes? I'm here.

Are you almost out?

- -Yes.
- -Okay, I'll see you soon.

What are you

doing, buddy?

Uh... I thought something

in Mom's bag

- might help make.
- The pain go away.

There's nothing in that bag

that you need.

You gonna let Mom out?

I'm sorry about

what happened.

Do you forgive me?

- It's fine.
- It was my fault.


It wasn't your fault,

and I don't want you to worry.

You see, your mom and I love

each other very much,

but sometimes,

we just don't see eye to eye.

- And the truth is I was.
- Really scared.

That your mommy and you

were gonna leave me.

But now I know

you would never do that.

I wear the armor of.

Mithras and the light.

Please, Sol, show me that

I am on a righteous path.

I need you to show me.

Show me that I am not crazy.

That I am the chosen one.

Tell me what I should do.

The church is on fire!

We need water!

Be careful.

Is there anyone in there?

- Bartok, Cassia, Dorian,
- follow the child!

Go! Go!

Get moving!

Come on!

Where are you going?

- I'm taking my mom and Campion.
- To the lander.

- Please don't tell anyone.
- I won't.

But as long as you

take us with you.


Come on, come on!


No. Paul.

Come on, Mom.

Come on.

What the hell?

- They're coming with us.
- Come on.

- They are?
- Yeah.

Oh, God.

It's still hurting.

It's killing me,

isn't it?

Most likely.

But you never know.

You're a necromancer.

Your kind was always

full of surprises.


You're trying to

cheer me up.


- It is accurate to say.
- That dark photons.

Are a poorly

understood technology.

- But the Mithraic designed.
- And built me.

- How could they not possess.
- A full understanding.

Of their own technology?

- They followed the formulas.
- They discovered.

Were encrypted

in their scriptures

with no real - understanding.

Of the underlying


The... The... The... The...

The... The... The...

The technology that powers

you was a gift from Sol,

passed down from the heavens

at the dawn of man.

That is.

Mithraic propaganda.


I only know what I've been

programmed to believe.

But of course,

same goes for you.

I need more donors.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Is it you?

It started itching as soon

as I tasted the plasma.

You think the growth

has carbon based components?

How is that...


I know.

It makes no logical sense.

But I thought I could

feel it hungering.

Perhaps when the plasma

circulates from my system...

What am I doing?

- I'm acting more irrationally.
- Than a human.


Campion, can you hear me?

Meet us at the lander.

Oh, come on. No. No, no, no,

no, no, no. Come on.

- No, no.
- -What's the matter?

- -Hurry up! - They're gonna see us!
- Fly! Fly!

- Shut up! Shut up, please!
- Shut up!

Lander, troubleshoot.

No, you bastard.

Okay, everyone out.

Move! Let's go! Let's go!

Everyone out! Let's go!



- What are you doing here.
- Alone?

I was looking for you.

And Campion?

He's still imprisoned.

A-At least he was

when I left.

Is he alright?




You're bleeding.

Before you lecture me.

About being careful,

it's just - a few scratches.

It's nothing serious.


Stay away from me, Tempest.

Are you okay?

I said, you need to

stay away from me.


I just found you.

Get away!

Do you know

where you're going?


Doesn't look like it.

Hold it!

Time to do

some penance.


This way.

And move. Go.

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Begin simulation.

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Campion Sturges:

You see?

I told you

I could give you anything.

What did you do to me?

What is it?

A child, Mother.

A child that will always

be a part of you.

A child who will

never reject you.


- Never tell you.
- That you're not real.


I don't want it.

You've given all of yourself

since you were built.

This is your reward.

I need to

get back to Campion.

What about the mission?

- What you're carrying inside you.
- Is the mission.


- It's always.
- Been the mission.

No. No.


that's not possible.

Campion and all the others

were just a rehearsal.

It was all to prepare you

for this.


The future of humanity

is growing inside you.

No, I don't want it.

I don't want it.

I don't want it!

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for android interface.

No. No!

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