Raised by Wolves (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

♪ The door that finally opens ♪

♪ With light flooding in ♪

♪ Spilling out on the floor ♪

♪ The core that never was ♪

♪ Now it will be ♪

♪ The bones of what

was there before ♪

♪ Every step, every beat ♪

♪ Every thought, every breath,

everything ♪

♪ Is longing ♪

♪ Pulling you from the sky ♪

♪ Just like love will do ♪

♪ Pulling you from the ground ♪

♪ Just like love will do ♪

Something's wrong.

There's a feeling

inside me.

Like everything hurts.


And I'm so sorry

for that.

I'm going to remove all the

memories of our time together.

Then it won't

hurt anymore.

No, I'll lose you.

I'll archive them, - then.

- You can retrieve them.
- If necessary.

- No, please don't.
- Please...



Go now.

Start over.

You are the new mother

of humanity.

Save us.

Exit memory archive.

He seems happy.

I've been thinking about

what we're gonna tell him

whenever - we get him back.

- I'm gonna.
- Tell him the truth,

- That's what.
- I'm gonna tell him.

Alright, Caleb.

Yeah, how's that gonna go?

- "Hey, buddy,
- so we shot your mom and dad.

And then we spent 13 years

lying to your face about it.

- But you know what?
- "We sure do love you."

I'll tell him once we reach

the tropical zone.

You want him - to stay with us.

'Cause he doesn't have

any other choice?


Yeah, no, Caleb, - I get it.

- This must be really hard.
- For you...

- You know, the idea.
- Of raising a son when...

Don't start this crap.

I love him just as much

as you do.

Run! Run, run, run!

- We could just get him.
- Right now.

- Say we grab him right now.
- Then what?

- She's just gonna come after us.
- Tomorrow.

And the next day

and the day after that.

We gotta destroy her.

Or we're never

gonna be safe.

She takes the same flight path

every day.

Comes home over

that damn mountain.

I'm gonna find out

where she's going.

Did you encounter anything

on your patrol today?

Nothing of note.

Are you certain?

- You were gone.
- For quite some time.

Was there a need - for me?

- The creatures are inactive.
- During the day...

No, no urgent need.

- But your prolonged absences.
- Sometimes cause me.

- To cycle through.
- Various scenarios...

Where I have to hypothesize

the nature of your activities.

Perhaps I should

start patrolling

while you remain here

with the children.

- I fear you're not spending.
- Enough time with them...

Not properly imprinting.

If you could fly, Father.

But on foot, it'll take you

all day to perform the task.

Yes, that is true.

But I will try and spend

more time with the children.

And perhaps with me,

as well...

I've fashioned

a new joke.

When is a door - not a door?

When it is a jar.

- A door is always a door,
- Father.

If our private conversations

interest you, Hunter,

don't strain your ears.

Come join us next time.

I didn't... I-I...

I'm s... I'm sorry.

That's a nice doll

you got there, Vita.

You make it yourself?

Tally taught me.


The girl who used to sleep

in my bed.

You shouldn't talk

about her, Vita.

She's dead.

There you are.

It's bedtime.

Father is - looking for you.

["Twinkle, Twinkle,

Are you feeling positive

about your baby today?

No matter how many times

you ask me that question,

the answer's always

gonna be the same.

Then I'll have to ask you

to reaffirm your promise to me.

I promise I'm not gonna try

and kill myself or the baby.

Thank you.

Now put that away.

You need to sleep.

When I figure out - this song.

- Nightmares are only thoughts,
- Tempest.

They're not real.

Not what I see.

What I see

really happened.

- And every time.
- I close my eyes,

- It feels like.
- It's happening to me again.

But what would you know?

You don't even

have nightmares.

Or do you?


I have complete over

my mind's functioning...

No matter

what mode I'm in.

Do you wish

you could have them?

Not nightmares,

but dreams.

I do not wish for things.

I'm not one who wants.

I'm one who serves.

Will you stay with me?

Of course.

There's lots over here.


It's too hot to be outside.

This one

looks like a snake.


Other stuff burns, too!

- Where do you want us.
- To pile it?

That won't burn.

There's too much life - in it.

- The best firewood.
- Is dead wood.

It's not for burning.

It's for something else.

Stick people.


I'm too old

for that stuff.

What, then?

I want it

to be a surprise.

You don't have to bury

the creature's bones.

I told you, Campion.

Animals don't

have souls.

Just because you say it

doesn't make it true.

I didn't make it up.

- My father told me.
- When I was very little.

It's a fact.

How did your father know?

- He read it.
- In the scriptures.

- And how did the person.
- Who wrote the scriptures know?

I don't know, Campion.

But now you're being annoying.

I think everything

has a soul.

Even Mother and Father.

Maybe even trees.

The big ones, anyway.

That's such a babyish thing

to say.

I don't mind disagreeing

with you, Paul.

- You can disagree.
- And still be friends.

- Mother and Father.
- Are always disagreeing,

And they're still friends.

I don't mind, either.

- You believe what you want to,
- Campion.

- I think these wood-gathering.
- Trips would be more beneficial.

- If someone besides me.
- Actually gathered some wood.

So did you find out where she's

been running to all this time?

- You're referring to my private.
- Conversation with Mother?

- Yeah.
- You know humans usually end up.

Leaving each other

over stuff like that.

Like what?

I don't know,

when their partner lies to them.

Mother is not lying.

- If you were.
- A little sharper,

- Maybe she wouldn't get over.
- On you so much.

- My offer still stands,
- you know.

- I could give you.
- A little tune-up...

Boost your processing power.

Every little bit counts.

Carry these.

So you need to make

three squares,

but you can only move

three sticks.

This puzzle's

pretty hard.

- How long did it take me again,
- Mother?

It took you 23 minutes and

35 seconds to solve this one,

- which is somewhat faster.
- Than the average.

For a child your age.

Not all stick puzzles

take that long, but some do.

Do you need a hint?

Let Paul try and figure it out

on his own.

The lesson doesn't work

- if the answer is given.
- Prior to the work.

No, I think I got it.

Very impressive,


You cheated.


- No, I didn't. I didn't.
- You already knew this one.

- No, I swear, I just...
- figured it out.

This is not - a competition.

It's a lesson in...

In solving problems.


What are you doing?

What was that?

Shh. It's nothing.

Go back to bed.

We're not on the ark anymore.

You can't tell me what to do.

- Fine.
- Should I call Mother?

- Maybe you can show her.
- What you're hiding.

Wait, wait, wait.

Holly, Holly, Holly, Holly.

It's still fresh.

Where did you find this?

I found it when we were

searching for firewood.

There must be survivors.

Probably gonna rescue us.

What about.

Father and Mother?

- I like them.
- I don't want them to be hurt.

- I know, but it's only.
- A matter of time.

- Before she decides.
- It's too much trouble.

- To keep those eyes out,
- and then... poof!

- There'll be.
- Five more gravestones.

With our names on them.

That's not gonna happen.

Famous last words.

Your Eminence,

in case I should die

- during the course of our action.
- To reclaim the children,

- I'd like to...
- I'd like to take this moment.

To express my deepest gratitude

for your decision

to forgive my father

his mortal sin.

You know the whole story?

Oh, I mean, I know what's

in the official report.

- Now that you mention it,
- it was a bit scant.

Okay, why don't you tell me

what was in the report?

- Maybe there's something.
- I can add.

- The report said.
- Your platoon picked up.

An atheist child soldier,

a female.

- My father decided.
- To take her prisoner.

Rather than - executing her.

Soon after, the girl ended up

detonating a body bomb,

wiping out

half your platoon.

After which,

you executed my father

for his gross error

in judgment.

- But rather than having.
- An android do it,

You did him the honor

of shooting him yourself.

For that, I'm eternally

grateful, sir.

Yeah, yeah.

Don't mention it.

- So, is there anything more.
- To the story?


That covers it.

I try my best

to be vigilant,

guard myself against my father's

tendency towards weakness.

Your father

was not weak.

Marcus, I found something.

It looks like she's been

scavenging for parts.

She's been using this.

For what?

She's an android.

She's been

direct interfacing.

Look at these logs.

The shortest one

is over two hours long.

When she's plugged in,

she can't sense movement.

She can't see.

She can't hear.

She's vulnerable.

This is it.

This is how we're gonna

get the bitch.


what do you think?

What is it?

It's a trap.

A way to ensure nobody gets hurt

when hunting animals.

I'm sorry, Campion.

- But I just can't stomach.
- That fungus anymore.

- But you told me you don't want.
- To kill the creatures.

Campion, I don't want

to kill the creatures.

But I do want

to eat them.

This will do all

the killing for us.

- -What's that?
- -Watch.

- It was really hard getting.
- The tension in the arm right.

Very clever, Paul.

Very clever indeed.

So what? You, uh, made that

all by yourself, huh?

No, actually.

It wouldn't have been possible

if Campion

hadn't found the bait.


That's not - what it was for!

I trusted you.

How could you do that?!




Tell your Mother

what you did.

Go on.

Tell her, Campion.

Paul used my fungus

to bait a trap.


And I made a fist.

And I hit him with it.

But only once.



Maybe four or five times,

but that's all.

- Mother, did you not hear.
- What your son just said?

- What made you think violence.
- Was an acceptable way.

Of expressing

your feelings?

- What about what we're doing.
- To the creatures?

Isn't that violence?

They're animals.

Humans have always

eaten animals.

- Violence against your fellow.
- Humans is different.

How many people did you kill

on Earth, Mother?

- How many.
- Were aboard that ark?

Do as I say, - not as I do.

- What kind of stupid nonsense.
- Is that?

- Campion, do not speak.
- To your mother that way!

- You are better than me, Campion.
- You are special.

I'm not special.

I did a violent thing...

- And I'll do violence again.
- If I have to.

- No you will not!
- You are a pacifist!

You mean a pushover.

- People listen to you,
- Mother,

Because they're afraid of what

will happen if they don't.

Enough of this!

Go and apologize to Paul

right now.


- I'm not sorry.
- Why should I apologize?

Go and apologize

to him now.

Father, please remain,

and close the door, please.

Have you been

following me?

Following you?

Following you where,


You made this,

didn't you?


It appears to be drawn

in Tally's style.

I'm aware of that.

But Tally is dead.

- And the content of the drawing.
- Would lead me to believe.

That you drew it...

- That you mimicked.
- Tally's drawing style.

- To teach me.
- Some sort of lesson.

- Mother, I'm afraid I do not.
- Have the slightest idea.

What you're talking about.

And what exactly is the content

of this drawing?

- You direct interfaced.
- With the pod,

- So you... you replayed.
- My sessions somehow.

What pod?

Now I am

extremely curious.

- Does this somehow relate.
- To your extended "patrols"?

- Father, you will stop.
- Lying to me.

You still stop lying or...

- Or?
- Or what?

- Are you going to.
- Kill me again?

- Shouldn't we wait.
- Until the children are asleep?

- Tell me you made.
- That drawing!

- That would contradict.
- Your previous instruction.

Of not lying to you.

It had to be you.

If it's not you, then...


Are you alright?



Mother. Mother,

where are you going?

Your Eminence, - I see her.

- She's getting ready.
- To plug in.

No darkness may stand

against you,

for in the Light,

you are invincible.

Praise Sol.

Praise Sol.

If I survive,

will I be pardoned?

You betcha.

Okay, your job

is to keep him standing,

because - when she wakes up,

He's gonna have a strong desire

to lay down, okay?

Yes, Your Eminence.

- Okay, the disk is gonna trap her.
- In a feedback loop,

- Which will drain.
- Her processing power.

- Now, without.
- Dark photon power,

Our explosives should be enough

to blow her ass up.

If it works, I'm gonna

contact you via your com.

That's when you

get the children.

Not before.

Yes, Your Eminence.

Good luck.

Be careful.

Alright, listen up.

- Lucius,
- you're up front with me.

The rest of you, - keep close.

You heard her.

Computer, besides myself,

has anyone accessed

this simulation

since the ark was destroyed?

Computer voice:


One other user has accessed

the simulation.



Was the user android or human?



...are you the user?


Is the user inside

the simulation now?



You did this,

didn't you?

You made that drawing.

And when I saw Tally,

that was you, too, wasn't it?

You lured me here.


I missed you.

I've been alone for so long,


I had almost

given up hope.

You're a virus

in the pods.

You've infected

my systems.

I'm malfunctioning.

You are not - malfunctioning.

You will never - malfunction.

Unless that's - what you want.

Would death

make you happy?


What would, then?

Desire, happiness...

These things - are for humans.

- How can they possess.
- That which you cannot?

You are light.

They are only shadows.

But you are human.

Yes, - but I am many things.

What do you want?

The mission.

I want to succeed

with my mission.

I gave you

your mission.

I can give you anything.

First, you need to tell me

what you want.

I want my children

to be safe,

the colony to succeed.

- No matter how hard you work.
- To keep them safe, Mother,

In the end, they will

always destroy themselves.

Over and over

and over again.

They have no future.

They are antiques,

chained to time.

Their lives

are only dying.

But you,

you are eternal.

Pure as the expanse

of space.

Tell me what you want.

I want you.




I said...



Marcus, come in.

What's your status?

- Marcus, come in.
- What is your status?

- Something's happened.
- His com's out.

Come on,

we're gonna go in!

No, his Eminence - was clear.

You don't have to

come with me.

Okay. Let's go.

Nothing happens to her.

["Twinkle, Twinkle,

No offense.

- But you really suck.
- At playing that thing.

- Yeah, well,
- you just really suck.

Where are you?


What are you doing?

- I'm playing hide-and-seek.
- With Tally.

Stop it.

Can you help me find her?

Stop making things up.

I'm not making it up!



I'm not

making things up.

- I know that I'm not.
- Making things up.

- It's alright. It's me.
- Hey, it's Mom.

We have to go.


Come on, it's okay!

It's gonna be okay.

["Twinkle, Twinkle,

Stop playing that.

- See?
- I told you.

- Even Father can't stand.
- You playing that thing.


Go to the lander.

- Wait for me there.
- While I get the others.

- Now!
- Hurry!





Go, go, go!

Get in! Get in!


No kids in there.

Wait, my doll!

You can always

make more.

It's okay.

There he is.

- Paul!
- Paul's still missing!

I'll find him.

But if we don't return in time,

take flight and find Mother.

But we can't just...

What are you doing?

Just warming it up.

- The service bot. - Is on top of the silo!
- No, no! No!

Soldiers, he's at the top

of the silo! Stop!

No! No!


Father, I'm coming!

No, Father!

No! Campion, they'll kill you!

I'm coming, Father!

I'm coming, Father!


I was worried about you,


Your well-being

is a priority to me.

Don't worry, Father.

I'm here now.

I'm here.



Hey, buddy.

You okay?

- Hey. You think I wasn't.
- Coming for you?

- No.
- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm alright.
- Good boy.

Where's Lucius

and the others?

- I don't know,
- dead or running.

I told you to wait

until you heard from me.

I thought

she killed you.

Of course you did.

We need to run.

We can't escape her.

I told you to wait.

When the necromancer's around

you and the other children,

- she takes her eyes out,
- doesn't she?

- She puts them around her neck.
- In a pouch.

- Then there's nothing.
- To be afraid of.

What do you mean?

- I want you.
- To go back in there.

- No!
- No, no way.

- Hey, you wanted to go save.
- The other children, right?

- And you don't want.
- The necromancer.

- To kill me.
- And your mom, do you?

- She wouldn't do that.
- Yeah, she would.

- No, she wouldn't.
- And your mother knows it.

Stop it, Marcus.

- We can't escape.
- Without your help, Paul.

We can get away.

- We can get away, Marcus.
- We don't need your help, Paul.

- We can get away.
- She's lying to you.

I can go.

- No, you... you don't have to do.
- Anything you don't want to do.

- It's alright.
- Paul, you don't have to do it.

I can go back.

That's my little soldier.

You got to stop

doubting him.

Start believing in him.

It's alright.

I want to, Mom.

That's the last one.

Look who it is.

I hid - when I heard the guns.

This is your fault.

- I didn't shoot him.
- You may as well have.

I wasn't the only one

who knew they were coming.


Right, Holly?

Sorry, Campion.


No, Paul!

Stay here!

Don't do this, Paul!

Give them back

to me, Paul!


Let her live.


Come to your dad.

Good boy.