Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - El Hombre Pájaro - full transcript

Teresa's desire to escape grows with an opportunity to obtain papers. Desperate for product as "The Birdman" encroaches further on her territory, Camila, taps into her last cash reserves to make a critical drug buy and sends Teresa and James out on a midnight mission to deliver 5 million in cash.

Previously on "Queen of the South"...

Come on! Jump or die!

What the hell happened?

The feds were waiting for us.

I mean, they knew about the shipment.

I just heard from our friend at the DEA.

Her Colombian coke is gone.

The DEA got all of it,
and they say, "Thank you."

It's a hard lesson for her to learn.

And we are just getting started.

So how would you like to move
your drugs the Sinaloa way?

Got a little business going on.

I'm working on my own plan
to get us out.


Please, join us.

These people, I saw them

coming out of vans
with their belongings.

Are you bringing them from Mexico?

Is there any way you could help me?

I don't know what you're talking about.

We are not bringing people.

- I'm a lawyer.
- Can you get immigration papers?

Anything can be arranged.
It's expensive.

Depends on how far
you want to outrun your past.

Very far.

I hear you, brother.

Camila Vargas.

You're slumming.

You were only supposed
to do business with me.

I asked you to wait for 24 hours.

You couldn't even honor that?

You go to Birdman
and take product from him?

You're dry.

Eric had product; you didn't.

It's not personal.

Besides, I'm not the first
person Eric's helped out.

From what I hear, Allen's
buying from him now too.

You were one of my first customers.

I expected more.

It's just this one time.

It's easier to ask for
forgiveness than for permission.

I came here personally

to let you know that I have
everything under control.

Let's talk if to get that load.

Tell them to be patient.

There's no deliveries again today.

She still has a fever.

Looks bad.

Have you eaten anything?

It's worse.


There's a sick girl. She needs medicine.

- It's bad.
- What, what do you want, puta?

- She needs a doctor.
- So just take her to the doctor.

I don't know anyone.

Doctor Cohen.

That's his name.

Keep an eye on her, okay?


I'll be back.



You know, he's not the problem.

Eric is.

I had my guys buy a brick
from him to test it.

It was 90% pure.

I mean, the best we could ever
do and turn a profit is 80%.

Makes no sense. He's losing money.

It's not about the money.

It's about running me out of business.

Once I'm out, prices go up,

product quality goes down.

This Eric problem
could go away very quickly.

I'm prepared for that.

Nothing would make me happier.

'Cause we can deal with the fallout,

whatever that is.

Hello, my love.

I assume this is about your shipment.

So now you read minds?

When is it coming?

Camila, I said it's coming.

Do you want an exact minute?

That would be helpful.


you should be happy to know

I dealt with the federales,

and it safely crossed
the border last night.

It should be at your meet point
in a few hours.

Well, that's good.

But it's not the only
reason I called you for.

You sound like you're
having a bad day, my love.

I need more.


I need more because I need to cut purer.

It's Eric.

He's continuing to be a problem,

delivering quality I can't match.

What do you mean?

He's using my delays
to take over Dallas.

He's flaunting.

We cannot touch him.

We've already discussed Birdman, Camila.

My hands are tied.

I don't care what your treaty is.

He's got to go.

I don't ask you for anything.

I'm asking you for this.

I want the green light
to take him out today.

Okay, I'll call the Jimenez cartel

and tell them to back off

as an official warning.

Are you there?

I'm here.

Camila, concede.

Admit that this Dallas
adventure was a mistake

and come back home where you belong.

Well, when you concede
to your rival for governor,

then we'll talk.



I need you to escort that shipment

personally to the warehouse.

It's too important.


- Your change.
- Thank you.

Good morning, Father Ramon.


- Teresa?
- Yeah, hi.

You came into my church.


So you live in the neighborhood?

Yeah, I live close by.
Good to see you, Father.

One second, please.

When you first came into our church,

I didn't know you were local.

Some people don't feel
as charitable as us

when it comes to immigrants.

For all I know, you could have been ICE.

You mentioned you needed
to get back to Mexico,

to retrieve something of value.

I might be able to get you there.

I appreciate that.

Okay. Thank you.

You're welcome.


I was, uh, high as a kite last night,

but not enough to know that
you already came this month.

What are you doing here?

You said I could get immigration papers.

I want to disappear.


Most important meal of the day.

Need that morning pick-me-up.

Coffee gives me the runs.

I don't have much time.

Hold on, darlin',

just one sec.

I'll let myself out, sweetheart.

- We on for Friday?
- Always.

So, uh, what was this about
you wanting to disappear?

I need papers for me,
my friend, and her son,

as soon as possible,
new names and passports.

No fakes. I need the good ones,

the real thing.

Real deal starts at 30 grand,
per person.

That's just for the filing
and my retainer fee.

And there's no guarantee
you can get them.

I need you to try.

Oh, keep going.

Yo, we're stepping on this too much.

People are gonna notice;
this is bad business.

Bad business is having no product.

I'll tell you when to stop.

Is this cut too much, cabrón?

Who is it?

It's me. Open up, hurry.

It's fine.

This is Ricardo, my number two.
You remember him.

And that's Drake, his number two.

- I need to talk to you.
- Okay.

Guys, step outside, please.

But you said we needed to get this done.

Step outside.

I need to get pictures
of you and Tony for IDs.

- What?
- I think I'll be able to get us papers,

like from a lawyer, a real lawyer,

new names, everything.

- We need to get out of here.
- What are you talking about?

I thought you said
that everything was okay?

Everything is not okay.

I'm getting way
too involved with Camila.

I watched a man get murdered last night.

Trust me. We need to disappear.


I'm just getting settled.
I'm trying to make some...

Brenda, I don't have much time.


Give me the money.

- But I have to...
- Just give me the money.

This is what I have,

but I can get more, okay?

Okay, I need the pictures.


- Promise?
- Sí, cabrona.


And send those idiots in, por favor.

Don't worry. I'll pay you back.

Just keep cutting it.

I'm five minutes away.

Let me know when you have the shipment.


Our business is in a white semi,
Mexican plates.

Should be ahead about a mile.

Shit. Cops.

Looks like our load got busted.


Come on. Let's go.

What we gonna do?

Give me a second.

Go home.

Okay, move. Let's go. Let's go.

Damn it.


I just got the news.

The shipment was busted.

What the hell is going on up there?

Do you know how much this costs me?

Someone knew the truck was coming.

- They just knew.
- Of course they knew.

- They were waiting for it.
- I don't know.

It wasn't on my side of the border.

It was on your side.
Find out what's happening.

You know this is just insane.

Maybe the universe

is trying to tell you something, honey.

When was the last time you did a purge

to see if anyone is talking to the DEA?

Maybe there's someone on your side

that the DEA has reached.

Is there anyone new up there?

Because in my experience, as you know,

when these things happen,

there's always somebody behind it.

Well, I just need to know

when you're sending the next shipment.

And when I say it's a dire situation,

I'm not overstating;
I need the coke now.

You know I need to fix this.

I'll poke around. I'll ask questions.

And on your end, you should too.



Where's Teresa?

The Charger Center
to get medicine for Maya.


She's not back yet.

You don't think,
after what happened today,

that's strange?

You're gonna be okay.

Hi, Mommy.

Isabella, it's so nice
to hear your voice.

Are you okay? You sound worried.

I'm just having problems at work.

I'm fine. I'm glad you called.

Did you get the handbag I sent you?

I did. I love it.

It's really nice.

Well, I get it from Hermes directly.

You know, the brown matches your eyes.

That's the thing about you, Mom.

You always had taste;
you just never had time.


you know it hurts me very much

when you cut communication with me.

You break my heart, you know?

You're hearing that,
and that's for a reason.

I just want you to understand that

a woman can be strong and successful

and independent.

You know, these things, you're gonna

learn to appreciate as time goes by.

Yeah, I get it.

It just doesn't make it easier.

You know, sometimes
I think you hate Daddy

more than you love me.

That's not true.

I love you much more than I hate him.

I'm gonna find my way back to you.

It's not because I don't love you, okay?

In this world, Isabella,

you have to be strong.

I'm strong.

And I want you to be strong as well.

I love you.

I love you, bonita.

I love you too.

Where were you?

I went to get medicine
for one of the girls.

She's very sick.

Why? Is something wrong?

Got to tell you,

we checked the odometer.

You traveled more miles than that.

I saw the doctor.

Then I grabbed something to eat.

What did you eat?

Did you get a receipt?

You did ask for one, right?

You know you have to get
receipts for everything.

So let me see it.

You know, I think
you have to be careful,

because we let you move freely,

because I trust you,

because I know

that you know

that what I did for you,

in regards to Epifanio,

it was a hard thing for me to do,

putting myself out there

for you.

I can see you need
to learn to trust people.

It's not an easy thing
for you to do, is it?

When you proved your loyalty

by swallowing those drugs for me,

I was honest when I told you

you passed my test.

Did I not tell you that?


I'm allowing you

to be part of our thing here, right?

Putting a roof over your head,

protecting you from my husband,

and I just don't want
to have to worry about you.

Do I have to worry about you, Teresa?



I think you can be successful here.

You can reach goals.

I have an eye for that.

I have an eye for you.

And I'm gonna tell you something else.

If the DEA tries
to get you to cooperate,

just come to me

and tell me, okay?


You can go now.


thank you

for taking care of her.

Do you believe her?

I think she hides a lot of things,

but the DEA isn't one of them.

Well, someone is talking somewhere.

Two shipments in one month...
that just doesn't happen.

How did you find out
how much longer they're

willing to wait for the delivery?

How much time do we have?

No one's returning calls.

That's what happens when
they think you're dry.

Well, I am dry.

I'm not saying that I have a solution,

but I think I have something
that can buy us some time.

I know these guys in Miami.

Usually they deal in
liquor and cigarettes to Cuba.

They've made a lot of money.

They've got a boat, and
they want to unload 25 keys.

25 keys.

That's funny.

25 kilos wouldn't even take care
of 1/4 of our people.

What am I supposed to do with that?

We choose some
of our more vocal customers.

We give them the 25.
Then they're gonna start

saying that she's got
some product after all.

It just buys us some more time.

It won't have to come to that.

I'm going to the Colombians
to advance another shipment.

I have a meeting with Jaime,

head of their distribution.

And that's that.

Buenas noches.


How was your flight?


I just heard you lost another shipment.

One Mexican and one ours...

Without bad luck, you
wouldn't have any luck at all.

I don't know what's going on.

Maybe the DEA is on me.

Or maybe

someone is not as loyal anymore.

So, yes,

I am in trouble.

Yeah, well, you know what they say.

There's nothing like a good crisis

to find out what loyalty is all about.


But I'm losing respect.

I can't afford that.

That's our currency, you know that.

So I need another chance.

I need another shipment.

I wish I had your confidence.

I know you guys just
delivered in Houston.

I know you have some product
in Amarillo as well.

Maybe we can borrow from them

until we replenish.

You owe me

$5 million.

It's not our fault
that you lost your shipment.

Once those shipments get to America,

they are your responsibility.

Yeah, I understand.

But I know that you know
that I'm good for it.

And let me just remind you
that three months ago,

before you got this post,

I was dealing directly with Reynaldo.

Camila, if you don't think

that Reynaldo knew that
you had a built-in cosigner,

you're sorely mistaken.

What do you mean?

Your husband

is Epifanio Vargas.

All you have to do

is tell him to give me my money,

and this will all be done.

And you can have yourself
another shipment.


I am vulnerable right now

to the people I'm responsible to,

when all you have to do
is pick up the phone,

call your husband, and get me my money.

But you don't want to,

unless he doesn't know
about our dealings.

I've handled this myself.

It's me you've been dealing with,

and it's me you're gonna
continue to deal with.

He has nothing to do with this.

And I want to keep it that way.

$5 million, nothing less.

I'll get it.

Three days.

Or I'll call Epifiano myself.

And whatever fate is doing to you,

it's going to finish its job.


Go to the place. Take the cash.

All $5 million?
That's our entire reserve.

Everything, take it all.

You know I'm gonna put
every cent I have into this

because I'm not gonna let it fall apart.

I've lost too much
of my life in this already.

I want you to go with Teresa.

Now take her with you.

I don't know what's going on.

Keep her close.

We're here.

This is Camila's bank?

A cemetery?

Dead bankers are
the only bankers she trusts.

Always save for a rainy day.

What do we do with this money?

You're gonna get it to Camila

and get out of this mess.

Ah, shit.

Watch out!

Get down!

They got one of the bags,

$2.5 million gone.

Who are they?

Damn, this one's dead.

I recognize that tattoo.

He's one of Eric's men.

Let's get out of here.

Let's go. Let's go.

I'm telling you it was Eric.

- You sure it was him?
- I'm positive.

I saw the tattoo at his party,

on his bodyguard.

This is an act of war.

You need to call Epifanio
and tell him what happened.

You know I can't do that, right?

If he finds out I was trying
to buy coke from the Colombians,

we'd be at war with him too.

We're still $2.5 million short.

So what do you want to do, Camila?

Teo Aljafare's office.

This is Camila Vargas. Is he in?

Camila Vargas is on the line.

But Mr. Hodgekins needs a
minute, said it was important.

Take a message.

- Teo, how are you?
- Hey, hey, Sam.

Yeah, Kim told me you were stopping by.

- Everything okay?
- Yeah, yeah, good to see you.

Now, look, I'm not gonna
tell you what to do.

You're a partner here,
but you've been billing

a lot of hours to Camila Vargas.

Yeah, no, no, I...

it's under control.

Well, I got to be honest with you.

The reason we're having
this conversation

is the Jameson account.

They want someone else to
handle their account, not you.

Not just Jameson.

Also Hughes.


Everyone knows who Camila Vargas is,

and they've heard
you're representing her.

What we're doing together is 100% legal.

I mean, you told me that, right?

Yeah, yeah, but in their minds,

where there's smoke, there's fire.

And it's just not the kind
of realm they want to be in.

Uh, look, I'm gonna put
Jameson and Hughes

with Arnold for a while.

No, Sam, I...

I brought in Jameson and Hughes,

not Arnold.

I know. I know. Look.

Don't worry about it.

Let it happen.

They'll realize after a while
how great you are,

and they'll want to get back to you.

We have to give
our clients what they want.

So, uh, some advice.

You've got some great blue-chip clients.

Bill them.

Earn your money the old-fashioned way,

and forget Camila Vargas.

Ah, she's, uh...

too much of an important
client to me, Sam.

I mean, do you know
how much money she's worth?

Like I said, Teo, I'm not
gonna tell you what to do.

You're the one that's dealing with her.

You're just gonna have to weigh it out.

Hear me?


Okay, buddy.

- Take care.
- Okay.



Hey. It's Birdman.

How did it go?


We got $2 1/2 million from her.

But we killed one of her men.

Did we go too far?


Keep going.

You like this color?

What happened to you?

Yeah, a lot of customers
you didn't think would notice

we stepped on the coke,
yeah, they noticed.

- Ow!
- I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Get me some ice from the fridge.

Pendejo, get me some ice
from the fridge.

Argh, man, I lost count again.

Man, damn.

Okay, what do you got?


Oh, my...

These are all ones.

Man, we're lucky we even
got paid anything.

Baby lax alone costs more, man.

We can't keep selling cocaine.

It's just not addicting enough.

What about crystal meth?


How are you gonna make that?

I don't know,

but if those toothless gringos
can figure it out,

you can figure it out.

We have to diversify, Ricardo;
it's our future.

It's late.

What are you doing up?

I was thinking about our lives.

Have you been drinking?

All the great times we had,

all the laughs...

The sex.

You are drunk.

Remember that time in Mexico City,

when we were kids,

and I bought you that flower?

And you told me I was the
greatest man you'd ever met.

What do you think it would take

for you to say that to me again?

You are a sensational woman

and a mother.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.




Good night.

Good night.


You made it through another day.

Something tells me time

won't be on your side much longer.

De nada.


Those people in Florida,

you say they have 25 kilos to sell?

I think we should cut a deal.


We're not gonna pay for it.

We're gonna steal it.