Psych (2006–2014): Season 7, Episode 8 - Right Turn or Left for Dead - full transcript

Two versions of a crime are shown. One where Juliet knows Shawn is a fake psychic, he leaves the wedding and finds a girl who was beaten and just barely alive. In the other, Juliet does not know, and a girl has been murdered.


What are you doing?

I am enjoying this cake.

You know I love cake.
I deserve this, damn it.

Well at least have the common
decency to wash it down

with a fresh flute of... What is that?

Or three.
I accept.

And I'm freezing.
Oh, baby.

You got to put
your arms in there

or you won't be able to use them.
Oh, yes.


Say cheese or something. Oh.
Cheese or something!

Back in a jiff.

Sean, I need to ask
you something.

Lassiter said you had a vision
of Herb with Michael Damian.

But you had this receipt.

So you knew
Herb would be there.


Please don't make
me answer that.

Are you telling me
this is all a lie?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God,
I feel so stupid.

No, sweetheart.
No, this is all me.

And I'm freezing.

What is this?

Oh, that's
the Chief's pashmina.

Well, I'm sure

she would not want you to be cold.
Oh, thank you.


Say cheese or something. Oh.
Cheese or something!

I love you.

I said, I love you. I'm...
I'm sorry, one more time?

I said, I love you!

Oh, I know.

I just wanted to hear you

shout it above Animotion.


Guess what?

I love you more than
Sid loved Nancy.

Oh, well,

I love you more than
Joanie loved Chachi,

kids love Trix,
and Bert loved Ernie.

So suck on that.

I will not.
You will.

All right.
You win.

Your love reigns supreme
over all the land.

Yeah, it does. Now,
pucker up, buttercup.


What just happened?

In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity

I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity

If it's all right
then you're all wrong

But why bounce around
to the same damn song?

You'd rather run
when you can't crawl

I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth

I know, you know
They just don't have any proof

Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend

Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end

Never mix vodka, gin,
tequila and rum.

Pray for me.

Dude, what happened?

She knows.

You told her?

It's worse.

I didn't.
She found out?

My heart feels like
wet toilet paper, Gus.

That's disgusting, Shawn.

It's so fragile, man.

It's like, not even two ply.
It's like one ply. It's like...

School toilet paper.

I can go with you.

No, you stay here
and have a good time, man.

Come on, they're gonna
play Y.M.C.A.

At some point.
I don't mind missing that.

No, you're not.

I'm just gonna take a cab.


You can crash at my
place if you need to.

True or false.

You were expecting
Erasure's cover

of Take a Chance On Me
to be on the playlist.

Get out of here.


Never mix vodka, tequila and rum.

Woody, that's a Long Island Iced Tea.
They're supposed to go together.

That is a party in your liver,
man, and everyone is invited.

Except the pancreas.

He doesn't know how to party.
He does not know how to party.

So it'll be our secret. Shh.

Ugh! How about
that Marlowe?

I mean, God, she is baby crazy.

Carlton's not ready for that.

Yeah, I think I have a plan.

To cog up this mama mania.


I've already picked out the
breed, I found a shelter.

We pick it up in the morning,

we surprise him at work.

Oh, my God.
You are so thoughtful.

I agree.

It's like my third best quality right
behind awesomeness and humility.

Oh, yeah.
Here I come.

- Make a right.
- Make a left.

Hey, uh... Dariush,

I'm thinking about
getting my friend

a live animal
as a wedding gift.

How do you feel about that?

Is that cool or... Or are
salad forks more appropriate?

You don't have an
opinion about that.

You're a wheelman.

Hey, stop the cab!

Ow, Gosh.

Dariush, what, did you use
both feet on the brakes?

Lock the door.

Oh, God.

What are
you doing?

No, no, no! Don't get
out of the cab.

- Hey, are you all right?
- Don't be a hero now.

You're not all right.

She's not all right, Dariush.

Look at her, she's clearly on drugs!
Are you okay?

No, no. Don't bring
her this way. All right.

Don't bring
her over here. Look at her.

She's bleeding.

Don't bring her in my cab.

Watch your head.
Come on now.

All right, we can lay down. Sure. What happened?
Who did this to you?


She do many drugs.

Listen, man. You are seriously
toying with your gratuity here!


I don't understand.
Oh, no.

Get us to a hospital
now! Now!

Sleep tight, sweet Jules

It's off to bed we go

To have at one another

Like that show I saw
about those randy otters

Let's hold hands

and scratch each
other's bellies.

I'm in.

Portable X-ray to the E.R.

Portable X-ray to the E.R.

Hey, there. Oh, what's...
This is her stuff?

Uh, great. Thank you.

Are you kidding me?


Hey, can I get online,
uh, with these machines?

I'd like to go
to Zappos. Com.

No? No, I can't get
online, or no,

You're not sure?

What's in the box?
Remember when you told us

that you weren't quite
ready to have kids?

Oh, no. Lassiter, I want
you to meet Lassiter Jr.

Lassie for short.
Happy wedding!

For the record, I had
nothing to do with this.

Okay, first of all,
I don't want a dog.

And if I did,
I'd want a man's dog.

Like, a shepherd or Rottweiler.

You know, the kind of dog
whose silhouette is used on

"Beware of Dog" signs.

I'd want Hooch, not this sad sack
that's gonna step on its own ears.

Well, don't think
of him as a dog.

Think of him as your child.

A child who may very
well have diarrhea

because he certainly has gas.

No. No. Take it.

Happy wedding! No returns.
Take this...

You sons of bitches.


How are you doing?

Well, they say I might
have a mild concussion.

And I wasn't able to
go pick up Lassie's

new dog from
the rescue this morning.

Oh, and get this, I might
have a mild concussion.

Do you know who she is?

No, she had no ID
when I brought her in.

Spoken to Juliet yet?

She must, she must have her
phone turned off, man.

But you know,
after a good night's sleep,

I'm sure she's gonna be over this
whole breaking up with me thing.

I know I am.

I was thinking that I would
go, uh, "Costanza" on her.

Just pretend like
it never happened.

That didn't even work
for George Costanza.

Come on, son. You know Georgie
doesn't have what I've got.

A mild concussion?

Hey, how did you
hear about that?

Dude, when I left the wedding
last night, these were all gone.

Do you mind?
Huh, get up in there.


It was funny, the only
thing I had to read last night was

that silly biscotti wrapper.

Yeah, those things are made
with, uh, edible gold dust.

Dude, you know I'm
allergic to gold dust.

Remember in grammar school

I had to sit at
the gold dust free table?

I don't really remember
grammar school, Russ.

God, my head hurts
for some reason.


You all right?
What do you think?

Would you like some biscotti
with real pieces of gold in it?

Shawn, how can you not
think this is a big deal?

Um, I... I, I think maybe
you're making too much of this.

Our entire relationship
is based on lies.

And laughter
and laser tag and love.

Look, you know me well
enough to know how I feel.

Especially after everything
I went through with my dad.

Honesty is everything to me, Shawn.
It's the only thing.

Mr. Spencer?

You're... You're not gonna
tell anyone about this?

Don't worry.

Is that all you care about?

Uh, so can you give us
an update on this girl?

Sure, Chief.
This is a Jane Doe.

And the doctors stitched
up some knife wounds

that they said were,
uh, asymmetrical.

A Bowie knife will do that.

We recovered the body of an
Erik Palma the other day.

He'd been shot, but he also had
those telltale Bowie markings.

Love that knife.
Could be a link.

Do you get any feelings about this girl
other than the place you found her?


She... She seemed nice.

Her shoes are super dope.

I mean, are you getting
any psychic sensations?

Of course, um...


Biflod. Biflod.

Uh, yes, as a matter of fact. I
believe we're looking for, uh...

Beef log. Or bratwurst.
Possibly a salami chub.

He has a mild concussion.

Maybe I should just take you
all to where I found her.

So, I said, it's raining men.

Hey, let's open
the roof and stay in bed.

Ha, ha. That is
a great story.

And look who finally shows up.

With a dog no less.

This is Little Lassie.
Don't name it.

Just as we were connecting.

Well, back to work.

Okay, this body
came in last night.

Basic Jane Doe.

Death caused by blood
loss due to lacerations.

That is some classic Bowie knife
action for you right there.

Honey of a weapon.
It built the west.

There was a body found
the other day

with similar knife injuries
who'd also been shot.

An Erik Palma. I don't know,
maybe there's a link.

Said my little super cop.

What are you...
What are you doing?

Stop... Stop it!

Lassie, no.
Don't name it.

Carlton, curb your dog.

Huh, likes dead bodies.

Maybe he'll turn out
to be a cadaver dog.

Is that the reason there were
no gift bags left for me?

Damn it, Strode.
It was one per guest.

Oh, well there were no signs.

Biscotti? Technically
these are all mine.

Hey, That's the same China pattern
that Marlowe and I registered for.

Really? That is
what we call a "Coinky-dink."

Look, why don't the four of you...
Okay, the five

of you go back to where we found
this girl's body and investigate.

Sounds great, Chief.

Come on, sweetheart.

You know, Lassie, I think
I'm allergic to your dog.

I'm starting to itch.

It's not my dog.

What's the matter, Spencer?
Your third eye blind?

Let's all remember, he
has a slight concussion.

Look, I know
she was here, okay?

Right here on this road,
I just can't sense what

direction she came from.
I'm blocked for some reason.

All right, well, you
don't have to be psychic

to know she probably came
from one of these houses.

This neighborhood's a cesspool.

Come on, O'Hara.

Who did this to you?

Whoa, wait.

She came from the woods.
I'm sure of it.

Fine. Let's go
to the woods.

You know, it may not have
been what you thought it was

but it's still
pretty effective.

This is where
the girl's body was found.

She must have been fleeing from one
of these shacks into the woods.

This neighborhood is the east St.
Louis of Santa Barbara.

Actually, um,

I'm sensing that
she came from the woods.

Nice work, Shawn.
Thanks, babe.

Yeah. It's definitely
the dog.

It's definitely the dog
making me itch.

Come on, Spencer. Anything?

What are you doing?

Are you online shopping?

I'm trying to order those
shoes the girl was wearing.

You're looking
for ladies shoes.

They're unisex.

Look, man, you have been
sneaker-blocked for five years.

And I'm hellin' for Kjellin.

That makes no sense, Shawn.

You can only find them
on this Swedish website,

but it's in this
strange language

that I can't understand.

It's Swedish, Shawn.


But I thought Swedish
was just like English

but with an accent.

You know, like British or Ire-lish?

Biflod. Biflod.

All right, fine.


What is beef log?

A beef log is any type
of cured or fermented beef,

salami, chorizo.

Siri, Siri.
Shh, shh.

Pretend like we're
in a library, okay?

Now, Siri...

Please translate...


From Swedish to English.

Your results. Biflod.

Creek. One, a stream
smaller than a river.

The creek.

The... The creek.

Come on, Spencer.



I think he's trying to
tell us something.

What is it?
What is it, Lassie Jr?

Maybe he got a scent off
the girl's body.

I think you might be right.

Nice work, dog.


Lassie, come back.

Come here, Lassie!

Oh, man.


This dog's one hell of a cop.

Nice work, Spencer.

Who's a good doggie?
Who's a good puppy?

Driver's license
says he's Cory Wolf.

Thirty-six years old.

Has the same knife
wounds as the body

we found the other day.

I'm guessing whoever killed Palma and
Wolf also attacked Spencer's Jane Doe.


Thank you.

Jane Doe just woke up.

So you got three bodies,

and the only thing
linking them together

is the nature
of their injuries.

I hate when it's vague.

Don't you, buddy? Don't
you hate when it's vague?

Shawn, you sensing something?
I'm seeing something.

I'm sorry, Gus, were you
bitten by a chimp back there?

It looks like you have
a touch of rage going on.

Ah. It's Lassie's dog.

He's killing me.
Come on, son.

You know you've never
been allergic to dogs.

You can develop allergies
later in life, Shawn.

My cousin became allergic to
animal fur late in his 30's.

It was tragic. Those
ferrets were like family.

I don't even want
to talk about it.

Hey, guys.
I got something.

There's a name in it.

"Mason Pasternak."

It's a kid's jacket.

We may be looking
at a fourth victim.

I liked it better
when it was vague.

I think... I think Jules
is starting to thaw.

Yeah, I mean, I... I know
one thing about women,

and that's that
they don't hold grudges.

I mean, they're very
easy-breezy this way.

I think your concussion
just got upgraded to severe.

Hi, there.

My name is Shawn Spencer.

I am the very heroic man that
brought you here last night.

What's your name?

It's okay. They're,
they're both with me.

The blonde and I are
actually very much in love.

I am sensing that you
are from Sweden.

How did you know?

We're with the Santa Barbara
Police Department.

We want to find
who did this to you.

Can you tell us your name?

My name is Elin.

Her name is Elin.

What can you tell us
about last night, Elin?


I think I should probably
do the talking,

considering that we have
a very special rapport.

What can you tell us about
last night, Elin?

My boyfriend and I were
attacked by a man

with black mask.

Your boyfriend?

I'm afraid this
may be difficult,

but can you identify this man?

That's Cory, my boyfriend.

Is he...

I'm afraid so.

Interestingly, we found a body

with similar injuries
the other day.

We have reason to believe
you may have been attacked

by the same person, so I'm gonna
have to show you another picture.

Oh, no.
No, that's Erik.

We dated once,
several months ago.

It's Anders. It's Anders.
He did this.

I know it's him.

Who's Anders? He was a
boyfriend in Sweden.

Whoa, somebody is
a very popular girl.

Am I right?

Because of all the boyfriends?

And why shouldn't
you be popular?

You're young
and you're fertile.

You're open-minded.

I mean, you've probably
been with girls.


I'm sorry.
Please continue.

When I broke off with
Anders, he took it badly.

He threatened me, my family.

He's why I left Sweden.

And now he's found me.
He's found me.

It's okay. Why don't
we check with Immigration?

See if this Anders
has entered the country.

In the meantime,

let's have her describe
him to a sketch artist.

Spencer, stay with her.

I'll miss you.

Well, here's
the good news, Elin.

You're safe now.

I'm just so glad that I was
able to be there for you.

And I couldn't help
noticing that you have

a relatively large
foot for a woman.

Do you mind if I make a
little size comparison?


Not even close.
What was I thinking?

Must have been
a forced perspective

from where I was standing.

You sure this is
the right address?

It's the only Pasternak
in Santa Barbara.

How you feeling, Quasimodo?

My eyes itch, my
nose, my neck, my tongue.

My tongue, Shawn.

Yeah, I'm only getting, like,
every other word, though.

Now if our theory's correct,

we're about to deliver
some difficult news.

Let's try and act
like professionals.

Upsy-daisy, baby.

Good afternoon.

Let me guess. You're
off to see the wizard?

Is this the Pasternak

Very good, scarecrow.

You must be the leader
of the gang.

I'm Head Detective
Carlton Lassiter.

How did you get
my son's jacket?

Is that blood?

Perhaps we should speak inside.

Mason. Mason.

Put your coat in the hamper.
Don't touch the blood.

We'd like to ask you some
questions about your au pair.

What happened?

She was from Sweden.

Working here, taking classes.
I warned her.

She was too trusting,
like a child almost.

Do you recognize
this gentleman?

That's the boyfriend.
Cory something.

Is he dead too?
I'm afraid so.

Oy, God.

When was the last time
you saw Elin?

I sent her to Mason's preschool
to pick up his jacket.

Would you say she was
good at her job?

Well, she spoke more English
than the last girl.

Couldn't you just get
another au pair?

My husband and I are working
through trust issues.

Hiring the sexy Swede
was my way of saying,

"I trust you to not
to diddle the help."

Like, I'm over the first time.

But women don't
get over being lied to.

This one knows what
I'm talking about.

Okay. Thank you very much.
We'll be in touch.

I'm sorry I made your
friend wait outside.

The only dog allowed
in this house is my husband.

Well, Immigration's confirmed that
Anders Lindstrom entered the U.S.,

though, naturally,
they have no contact info.

Who's Anders again?
Elin's wacko ex-boyfriend.

So why we at a bar?

Because, Gus, to catch a fish,

one goes to sea.

But if you want to catch a
crazy, Swedish psychopath,

you come to The King Carl,

watering hole
for Swedish expats.

Seriously, do your
best to blend in.

What is this?
Women's whiffle hockey?

It's the ladies'
floorball championship

between Sweden and Finland.

All right, even if
that's something

that actually exists,
how in the name

of Max Von Sydow's eyebrows
do you know about it?

I play fantasy floorball.

Not for money,
just for bragging rights.

Where do you play fantasy...

Lina Magnusson is a
beast with the stick.


Stop it.
You stop it.

Come on, son.

Hejsan. Well, "Hey, son,"
right back at you.

- Are you Swedish?
- Oh. Yah.


You're a-tutin', eh?
What about him?

This here is my associate,
Jonas Gustavsson.

From the Toronto Maple Leafs?

Sure. Why not?


Skulls. Skal!




Me Swedish
eyes be waterin' tears of joy,

they be. So...

Tell me, Oskar.

Do you know
recognize this fellow Swede?

That's Anders.

He gave me
big-time creeps.

I told Torsten not to
bring him back here.

Who's Torsten?
Everybody knows Torsten.

Everybody knows
the, uh, toaster.

Man, I can't keep these
Nordic dudes straight.

Who's Jonas again?
That's you, man.

Ah! Of course.

Torsten is aquavit
drinking champion.

Anders stayed at his apartment.

Anders stayed with Torsten?


Could you remind me
of Torsten's address?

Between just the three of us,

Anders may be
on a wee...

Murder spree.

I'll write down
the address for you.


Victim one, Palma.

He was in Santa Barbara
finishing his tenth novel.

Victim two, Wolf.

He's a well-known author
who taught at SBCC.

Both of have been described
as successful

and extremely self-involved.

I think we might have
the start of a profile here.

So we're looking for a killer

who's targeting pompous
pencil jockeys.

Elin was probably at the wrong
place at the wrong time.

Well, but let's check to see

if Palma and Wolf could've come
into contact with the same person,

like a disturbed student,

a jealous writer...

- Gesundheit.
- Bless you.

A little cold?

Someone stole my pashmina
from Lassiter's wedding,

and I have been
freezing ever since.

I need a new tissue.

Oh, for heaven's sake.
Hang on.

Oh, it's the wifey.
Hello, Mrs. America.

Oh, hang on.
Want to say hi?

Say hi to mommy.
There you go.

Say hello.

Marriage really suits Carlton.

It sure does. I wish them
exactly 7.2 years of happiness.


What do you think a Spencer-O'Hara
wedding would look like?


Yeah. I think it would
look something like

the November Rain video,

up to but not including the part
where it becomes a funeral.

How bad?

How bad is what?

Oh, your eyes. Hadn't
noticed, to be honest.

You know what I think
will cover that though?


A sack.

Made entirely of
burlap with no holes.

Damn dog.


Mother of God.


Let's go back to
the Erik Palma crime scene.

I'm, uh,

getting very strong sensations

that Anders is staying
at this address.

Really? How strong are
those sensations?

Tell us, Shawn.

Well, Spencer might be right.
There was an aborted 911 call.



That's right, Jonas.

Dad! Great. I need
your help with a case.

Hey, there's my future


Either way,
rights of inheritance

only apply to blood relatives.

This will give them one less
thing to fight over.

What happened
to you?

Shawn, what happened
to your head?

Are you all right?

Oh, uh...

Uh, things got a little crazy
after you left last night.

The gazpacho fountain
got turned over,

and the chicken dance turned into
more of a chicken scrum.

Seriously, I'm fine.
Lloyd, you're here.

In the house.

You know, I thought
that the Mexico trip

sort of put this
relationship to bed.

Well, inauspicious beginnings
often yield surprising results.

You should have seen your
dad today on that boat.

He's just raking in the sea bass.
I wasn't raking.

See? You're doing
that thing again.

You're so modest.

I'm trying to get him
to accept his brilliance.

Are you even aware
of what your father has

just bubbling up inside?

Unfortunately, I am, Lloyd.

I've shared
a bathroom with him.

And I've seen his navel.

You think I can get
one of those beers?

Frosted, unfrosted?

Surprise me, you big boob.

Shawn, you all right?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So what do you got?

Well, I got a suspect.

Uh, killed two guys that his ex
was dating in a jealous rage.

And then I discovered that he also
killed his male roommate, right?

Uh, I'm just... I'm
looking for motive here.

Well, any pertinent details?

A 911 call from the roommate
minutes before his death.

Well, my guess is
the roommate found out,

he attempted to call the cops,

and the ex-boyfriend killed him.

Bet that's it.

That's it.

You came over here for that?

Shawn, you could've figured
that out for yourself.

You want to tell me what's
really going on here?

Yeah, but I gotta warn you.

I'm especially
fragile right now.

I'm gonna need you
to put on the kid gloves.

Here it is. There's one.
There's one...

That's funny.

Beer's coming soon.
I'm washing a glass.

So Jules found out.

And now she thinks that our whole
relationship is a big lie.

You idiot.

I knew this would happen.

I think maybe you need to lace
those gloves a little tighter.

Do you understand that I'm
going to be implicated

in your little charade?

Did you ever stop and think

for one second how
this might affect me?

Yeah, it was the first
thought I had

after she ended
our relationship.

Ah, sorry, guys.
Lime? No lime?

Lloyd, give us a minute
here, would you?

all charades aside,

Juliet is obviously
very hurt by all of this,

and I have no idea
what to do about it.

Well, did you consider
going Costanza?

It was my first move.

She's gotta cool off, Shawn.

Nobody stays mad forever.

Who you calling?

Yeah, this is Shawn Spencer.

Again, has the police detail
arrived for Elin's room?

That's 1502.

I see. And... And...

When did this happen?

Thank you.

She was discharged
eight hours ago

to a woman named
Mary Pasternak?

Borrowing your truck.

Why do you hurt me?


It's so beautiful here.

Yeah, it photographs

Why would someone shoot
and stab the first victim

and then just stab
the second one?

You know, this is
the kind of place

a girl wouldn't hate
being proposed to.


Well, aside from the
foul stench of death,

I'd say it's just about ideal.

But don't worry, sweetheart.

I will find us a sweet
spot just like this.

Are you Mary Pasternak?

Like I'd tell you.

My name is Shawn Spencer
and I need to see Elin.

Oh, you're the guy
that found her.

She's resting in
the guest house.

They said it was okay
to bring her home.

Okay, well, I think
she's in serious danger.

Her, her ex-boyfriend
is in town,

and I think he's
potentially psychotic.

How do you know?

Because I am a psychic
with the SBPD.


Can you tell me where
my kid left his jacket?

All right, look. Your acerbic
manner may be amusing

under the right circumstances,

but this is an emergency.

It's Anders.
He has her.

Uh, all right,
I'm sensing that Elin

was your son's au pair?

No, she was his wife.
Some psychic.

Can you be helpful?

Her phone.

I got her a cell phone
so I could keep track

of her when she had Mason.

I kept tabs on
my husband that way too.

That's true love.
Here. Take mine.

You'll be able to find Elin.

And don't be too
careful with it.

I wanted to get
a new phone anyway.

Siri, find Elin.

You're sure this is the address

registered to that
gun you found?


Where's Lassie Jr?

He's in for the old
"snip and fix."

He's a Lassiter now.

He's gotta stay frosty.

Gus, Jules and I are thinking
about making it official.


You're my best man, right? Okay.

Assuming of course that
this whole thing clears up.

That's not going
to be nearly enough.

You're right.

Is your name Torsten?

Can you and your
stupid hair let us in?

You have arrived
at your destination.

Oh, no. Elin.

Three men are dead. One that
was killed with your gun.

My gun is here
where it always is.

I never take it out.

That's impossible.

Excuse me?

I know who
took the gun.



Anders was a friend
from university,

a psychiatrist.

He was tracking
an unstable patient.

The patient had a super abusive
stepfather back in Sweden.

Once attacked a man
that resembled him.


Dios mio!

What was his
stepfather like?

Oh, he was very famous author

back in Sweden, but maybe not
too much of a family guy.

Apparently, he really
gave her a complex.

Her? The patient
was female.

Yeah. Yeah.

It was Elin.

What just happened?

What just happened?

There you are.
I've been calling.

What time is it?

What were you doing
in the dark?

Uh, just wondering what
things might've been like

if I hadn't given
Jules my stupid jacket.

Apparently it involves
your lips falling off.



Gus, don't, don't eat
the biscotti.

I didn't.
I'm allergic, remember?

Oh, right.

Lassie followed up
on your hunch

and called that hospital
in Stockholm.

Turns out our girl escaped.

And she has seriously
step-daddy issues.

We need to find her, like, now.

Dude, are you okay?

Hospital in Stockholm sent over
Elin's psychological history.

Apparently, her stepfather
did a real number on her.

That's an understatement.

Elin was out there finding guys

that fit her stepfather's
profile and taking them out.

She killed Anders because he
wanted to take her back to Sweden.

And she stole the gun

that Anders took from Torsten.

Used it on
the first victim, Palma.

Lost it in the struggle.

Second victim, Wolf, actually got in
a few decent licks before he died.

And that's when she ran out of
the woods in front of my cab.

When she got out of
the hospital, she panicked.

Tried to make it look like
she was abducted.

And then she killed Torsten
in case he knew too much.

And was in the process of
moving Anders' body

when I tracked her down.

Is everybody clear? I think
I just blew my own mind.

Well, let's put an
APB out on Miss Elin.

I want all transport
hubs covered.


And how are you holding up?

I have a slight headache.

I will make you some tea.

Elin's dad left her when
she was a little girl?

And her mother moved
to Santa Barbara

and died in a car accident
that was ruled a suicide?

This is some bleak stuff.

Where did the mother die?

On the 192 off
Mission Ridge Road.

That's where Elin
dumped Anders.

We're approaching.

It's okay.

When my mother left
Sweden for America,

she promised she'd get us
a place and send for me.


I'm sorry about what
happened to your mother.

If I had been a better girl,

my real daddy wouldn't
have gone away.

And my mom would
still be alive.

We'd all be together.

We know what your
stepfather did to you.

It was my fault.

No, no, no.
It was not your fault.

Look, I helped you before.
You remember?

If I hadn't given
Jules my jacket,

we would have found
you in the morgue.

And Gus's eyes would've
swollen up like grapefruits.

At least that's how it all
played out in my head.

I'm pretty sure it tracks. Hmm.

Let us help you again,

because you need help, Elin.

And maybe a cheeseburger.

And maybe a hospital
dedicated just to you.

Probably a prison hospital.

Or maybe an island
prison hospital.

Like Alcatraz.

But with a loving staff.

Yes. Large, compassionate,
matronly women.


Help me.

That's how we do it.

What the...

My beautiful brain.

This is some crazy
monkey-like strength, Gus.

I'm going to lose!

Drop it, Elin.


You heard her.

Come on, Looney Tunes.

This is crazy.

I'm out of here.

You okay?

Yeah, it's,
it's very difficult

to hurt solid steel.

You rescued me.

I'm a cop, Shawn.

Shawn. Don't say anything
until I'm finished.

If I hadn't found
that piece of paper,

we would've gone on like
we'd always been.


But at some point,
I'd have to find out.

Don't deny it.

And please don't say
that I misunderstood

because that just
makes it worse.

I trusted you.

The one thing I always
knew in my heart

was that I could trust you.

And then I found that
stupid piece of paper.

But I understand

why you had to keep
it a secret.

What choice did you have?

Maybe you were protecting me.

And if you're not psychic,

then you are a really good cop.

Like, maybe one of the best.

Next to me.

I'm so sorry. I'm so...

I'm so sorry.

But I have never lied

about the way
I feel for you, not ever.

Gus on the other hand,
I lie to daily.

And freely.

Because he can't
handle the truth

about anything really.

I love you.

Yeah, you do.



Shawn, what are you doing?



I must have nodded off.

Look, before you say anything,

I have been
obsessively replaying

Lassiter's wedding in my head.


If I just hadn't given
you my jacket, right?

Everything would still be okay.

Sweetheart, I am so sorry.

But you did give
me your jacket.

And I know you don't
think it's a big deal,

but then the more I think
about it, the angrier I get.

I think...


I know I need some space.

So, what does
that mean exactly?

I think you should move out.