Psych (2006–2014): Season 3, Episode 12 - Earth, Wind and... Wait for It - full transcript
An arson inspector reluctantly teams up with Shawn and Gus to find the perpetrator of a string of fires.
Dad! Dad!
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow
down. Slow down. Fire.
You'll never believe it.
I know what I want to be
when I grow up.
A fireman.
I never would have guessed.
And what exactly
brought this on?
Fireman Paul.
He came to our school.
He is so totally rad.
Fireman Paul?
Did he happen to be sober?
Shawn, come here.
Listen to me.
You do not want
to be a fireman.
What? Why not?
Because you want to be a cop. What do you
think I've been teaching you all these years?
But being a fireman
is the coolest.
Being a fireman is not
cooler than being a cop.
But they have cooler uniforms,
cooler trucks and cooler sirens.
They even get to carry axes.
I get to carry a gun.
A real gun with real bullets.
I get to shoot bad guys.
I'm like Dirty Harry. Can you
even name a famous fireman?
Smokey the Bear?
First of all Smokey the Bear is not
a fireman. Number two, he's not real.
Number three,
he's a bear.
He takes his poops in the
woods. Is that what you want?
Fireman Paul said
you'd say that.
what is going on in there?
She never closes her blinds. You know
I don't like being out of the loop.
what are you doing?
Jules. How about an update
on this blinds situation?
Oh, it's just some case with
the fire department or something.
Fire department.
Did you hear that?
Of course, I did. I'm standing
two and a half feet away from her.
So what's the scoop?
Well, apparently, some
building burned down last week
on Benedetto under suspicious circumstances
and they're looking for back up.
Sorry, guys, got to go.
Dude, that's us.
We're back up.
I strongly believe...
Excuse us.
We're looking for the fireman.
He's probably wearing a yellow or
red hard hat, maybe carrying an axe,
possibly a large bucket
of sand.
And a Dalmatian.
Discounting your interruption
to a closed-door meeting,
Ms. Conrad is the city's
arson inspector.
Arson? Hello.
Arson. That's fire?
Shawn Spencer.
Head psychic, SBPD.
I'm available.
For cases as well.
Um, I'm not going to do that.
I understand.
Obsessive compulsive.
If you're finished, Mr. Spencer,
we'd like to proceed with our meeting,
Ah. How rude of me.
I'd like to look at the
criminal activity for that area.
I believe her.
I am sensing that Lassy is
skeptical that this is arson.
Of course, I'm skeptical.
She's an arson investigator.
They always want it to be arson.
Keeps their jobs viable. Can I go now?
All I need is access to some of
your files for the last few years.
I can do that for you.
Come on, Chief,
I know where the file room is.
Besides, when you get down there, things
can get tricky. Some of those drawers stick.
Who gave you access
to the file room?
And immaterial.
Chief, you're not going
to let him do that thing
where he only uses
courtroom jargon, are you?
Mr. Spencer. He is making a
mockery of these proceedings.
All I'm saying is that she's
making a very compelling argument.
You're an idiot.
That's less compelling.
Move to strike.
Please remove him.
Sidebar, Ms. Conrad.
I think I can help you.
You have no idea
why I'm here.
I am sensing something
happened on Benedetto Street.
You're not getting the support
you want from your department.
You're looking for
a little outside assistance.
That's actually spot on.
Yes, I know.
Chief, I believe we have a
match made in heaven.
Holy crap. This place is
like completely burned.
It's called a fire,
And it's all evidence,
so don't touch anything.
All right, I'll try to
speak slowly.
Let's review.
I believe the fire started in this
general area and spread in this direction.
Conrad, what are
you doing here?
Thought you were
done with this site.
And this is? Army Johnson,
Fire Prevention Bureau.
And your supervisor,
in case you forgot.
Well, if this is arson,
Look, at the Bureau, we have a
policy of supporting our rookies.
Rookies? So I gave you a
lot of latitude on this case.
I read your report and I
surveyed the scene myself.
Looks like an accidental fire
to me, not malicious arson.
I respectfully disagree.
the last time this city had
an arsonist was so long ago,
I was still on the
big red truck.
Besides, this building had no
fire insurance, so no one profits.
A firebug doesn't
need motive.
Yeah, enough.
Just finish your report.
Ah, now I'm late for my hot yoga
class. I'm teaching this year.
An accident? Is there
something we're missing here?
Well, we did find some empty
liquor bottles and cigarette butts
around the fire's
point of origin, but...
And we've had several reports of
teenagers looking for places to party.
I think Lassy's on to
Have we ruled out teenagers
who meet in abandoned buildings
and make bananas foster?
It is not teenagers.
One of the firemen remembers smelling a
distinct sweet odor while putting out the fire,
and that is a sign of a
stronger accelerant than alcohol.
And if this is a firebug,
he is just getting started.
Dude, that wall over there
doesn't have any insulation.
I think that's
an external wall.
Look, if no one from your
department is on board.
I'm on board.
Gus, what's happening to me?
What the hell are you doing?
There's something up with this
wall right here. I can feel it.
Oh, my God!
What the...
Did not see that
coming. Hmm.
Miss Conrad,
this wasn't just arson.
It was murder.
In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity
I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity
If it's all right
then you're all wrong
But why bounce around
to the same damn song?
You'd rather run
when you can't crawl
I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth
I know, you know
They just don't have any proof
Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end
I am sensing that this man...
Is it a man?
I don't know.
I don't know what it is.
Yes. Based on the
pelvic girdle.
Burned to death.
Hell of a way to go.
He didn't burn to death.
ME pulled a. 22 slug
out of his sternum.
He was shot, then burned?
It's sad. But that's what they
do to guys who wear girdles.
This man is the reason
the fire was set.
According to the ME's preliminary
report, "The bullet entered the body
"at a downward trajectory based on bone
fragments containing lead residue. "
Let's see, from behind and downward, means
our shooter got the victim on his knees,
popped him execution-style.
Would you trim that
fingernail, Ming the Merciless?
Then the killer torched the building
to make the body unidentifiable.
Or to remove any trace of his
own fingerprints or DNA.
We couldn't even pull a print
off the bullet. Smart move.
In case you missed it, Detective.
This is my I-told-you-so face.
Which is kind of hard to
distinguish from your
"I thought this was going to be
a new episode of Law and Order
"but it turns out
it's a repeat" face.
A dead body changes things.
That's his
email signature.
So we're on board. And because it's
a homicide, it's our investigation.
No, it's arson. And I've already
briefed Army on all of this.
He says it's my case, I'm
on point, you report to me.
Look, when we find our murderer,
you'll find your arsonist.
No. When I find my arsonist,
I'll find your murderer.
Guys, please.
Can't we come up with a term that
covers both killer and arsonist?
How about "arsasin"?
The skeleton had trace amounts of
methylbenzene, the primary component of TNT.
You can get it at any hardware
store and it has a sweet odor.
All right, fine, but no one outside this
room can know we recovered a skeleton.
And make sure the city treats
the site like an accident.
All right, I want our killer... Arsasin!
Or karsinist.
I want the killer to feel safe. I
want him to think that his plan worked.
Secondly, the key to solving this
case is to figure out who this guy was.
Come here often?
Wow. You know, you could
afford to slow down a little.
If you walk any faster you're
gonna travel through time.
So what's
our next move?
Well, I assume we're
going to team up, right?
Travel cross-country solving
mysteries, maybe set up shop
on the side of the road,
form a bluegrass trio.
Look, I appreciate you guys getting
the cops to take this seriously
but you don't have a lot
of experience with this,
so I prefer
to handle point alone.
You know, Sun Tzu says that teamwork
can be very sensual if you...
I'll email you the rest. I'd go after her
if she wasn't walking at cougar speeds.
Right. So what are we
doing? Are we really done?
Gus, don't be William Zabka
from Back to School.
We need to get in with the firemen who
put out the fire. Shotgun on fire pole.
You can't call shotgun on
a fire pole. And why them?
I think we're looking
for a fireman,
someone who knows fires,
someone who knows the system.
He started the fires somewhere else
then moved the flames towards the victim
because the first thing an arson
inspector looks for is a point of origin.
Okay, how in the world
do you know all that?
I rode the Backdraft ride at
Universal Studios like 74 times.
Shawn, you can't base
a whole theory on a movie.
There's a movie?
Now, when we get in here, don't do that
thing you used to do when we were kids.
Hi, fireman!
Help you?
Shawn Spencer,
hunting an arsonist.
Step Anthony Wally Ali,
cat stuck in a tree.
Oh, Conrad told me
about you. The psycho.
But before we get down to
business is Fireman Paul around?
We heard he used to work
out of here back in the day.
We just want to say hello. He came
to our school when we were kids.
No, we're sure he'd
remember us.
Gus accidentally peed on him
and I gave him impetigo.
Over here.
Died fighting the Renkel fires
of '98, set by a bunch of vandals.
So you think it's arson, too?
You've been canoodling with Conrad?
Is Conrad a canoodler?
Did she say anything about me?
Can I get her a note through you?
I'm not sure I like random
people interrogating my men,
especially based on
psychic hokum.
Hokum? Well, that hokum found
traces of methylbenzene at the scene.
Really? Yeah, so my colleague
would like to try and glean
more hokum from your men.
Listen, it's been a long day.
My shift is over. Manetti?
Manetti's my right hand man. These guys are
here about the fire. Deal with it, would you?
So, you were the guys who
put out the fire a week ago?
Yeah, it was us.
Thanks to Manetti, here.
Well, that's a given, you don't
look old enough to operate a hose.
We doused that fire
in 33 minutes. Really?
You know, Dominos can still
get you a pizza in under 30.
That might be
more impressive.
Yeah? Well, you should have seen how fast
I booked the perps, back in my cop days.
Wow. Well, we're
police-affiliated, too.
So can we ask you
a few questions?
We don't have time.
Starting training drills.
Perfect. We're supposed
to do them with you.
Who told you that?
Yeah, it sounded weird to us, too, but
it's imperative that we get this information
as soon as possible.
It's a headquarters thing.
Look, between you and me, there's
nothing we'd rather do less,
so why don't you just grab us a couple of
these costumes and we'll get it over with.
You mean uniforms.
I've heard it both ways.
Can I ring the bell?
Go, go, go, go, go! Get those stairs.
Come on, come on!
Get moving downhill!
This way, you're going
downhill! Move it, move it!
So, how many people did you
pull out of the fire?
None, building was empty.
Keep moving.
Move it, move it, move it,
go, go, go!
Did you notice anything weird
about the fire besides the smell?
Lot of open spaces. No furniture
cluttering up the joint.
Hey! There's been a freaking bomb!
Go, go, go, go!
No, I didn't see anyone
suspicious in the crowd.
I questioned him already,
Dude, he was doing the pole.
Did anyone miss their
shift that night? No.
No one wants to
lose out on the OT.
Anybody here with a
criminal record?
Shh. No talking.
It kills the illusion.
How much more of this
do I have to take?
Man, in order for him to stay certified
in CPR he has to practice on a live person.
He's going to use a tongue guard
when he gives you mouth-to-mouth.
So it's not even really
like kissing. What?
If you find yourself becoming
aroused, don't beat yourself up.
You must be out of
your damn mind.
Everybody move it! This isn't
part of the drill! Let's go!
No, Shawn.
The arsonist might still be
there. And we're already geared up.
They won't even know I'm driving
the truck. We should stay here,
get some gelato and read
the fire department's report
from the comfort of our
not-on-fire office.
Dude, if we go, you can drive
behind a speeding fire truck.
All right, repeat after me, we are
not going into a burning building.
We are not not going
into a burning building.
Hey, I thought your
shift was over.
I heard about it on my scanner.
What is this, Halloween?
Why, you got candy? We'll take
some Good & Plenty or Good & Fruity.
How bad is it
in there?
I haven't been inside. I'm
patrolling the scene from out here.
So just try to stay
out of the way, all right?
This is command.
First floor is secure.
I'm sending more men to the
second floor. Alpha, side. Over.
No, Shawn. We're not going into
a burning building. You promised.
Actually I didn't.
Yes, you did.
The first floor is secure.
Those things flare back up all the time.
And you know how fire's attracted to me.
Can you blame it?
Man, look at you.
Blair Underwood can't touch
you right now.
Blair Underwood never played
a fireman, either. Exactly.
Come on.
I need the super sniffer.
Shawn. This is not
a good idea, Shawn!
Damn it! I don't know.
Maybe we should try, uh...
Gus, where are you?
Down here.
The key is to stay
underneath the smoke.
Would you get up?
Start sniffing.
There's something
sweet in the air.
I need to see what the ceiling
looked like before it was scorched.
Anything else?
Nope. We're good.
In all the years of fighting fires, that
was the dumbest thing I have ever seen.
If I were still a cop,
I'd put you both in jail!
I definitely smelled
This fire was not an accident.
I'll do you one better.
The Chief had flakes of the
unburned ceiling in his hair.
He was in there before
the fire started.
We have found our
"arson-urderer. "
Fire arsman.
Your psychic hunch
was right, Shawn.
This body was found in a wall
space at the site of the fire.
Yes. I could sense
that the fires were related
and since the first one was
set to cover up a murder...
There might be a body
at the second fire, too.
I'm sorry?
It was either "nice work" or "ice
fork," but I couldn't tell which.
According to the
ME's report,
there's a unique purple rubber
melted in between the victim's toes.
Unique how? It has real
specks of gold in it.
They think it came from
the victim's sneakers.
Purple with gold specks.
That's Jet Jaguars.
Gus owned them.
They're the ugliest and most
uncomfortable sneakers known to man.
I had a pair.
They weren't that bad.
They were proven
to cause polio.
I have elongated metatarsals
and inverted phalanges, Spencer.
I have to wear whatever fits.
Well, then you know they were only sold
in '98 and then discontinued immediately.
The victim was wearing
ten year old sneakers?
Who holds onto
tennis shoes for that long?
Especially painful
purple and gold ones.
If this man was wearing
them at the time of his death,
then he was definitely
killed in '98,
possibly by
the fashion mafia.
Ten years ago?
That makes no sense.
Why would someone hang onto a body for
a decade and then burn it to a crisp?
Unless, the body's been
there the whole time.
Just rotting for ten years?
That's your theory.
Actually come to think of it,
both buildings were built in '98.
An empty construction site is
a good place to kill someone
and it'd be easy to slip
a body behind the dry wall.
You sure you're not
a germaphobe?
All right, let's just confirm the
sneaker thing. And if Spencer's right,
let's get a list of all the buildings
that were built ten years ago.
What? You can just get a
list of that kind of stuff?
I'd like a list of all
available Zoltar machines.
For a little 14-year-old
friend of mine.
Thanks, Jules.
So, Ms. Conrad, anything else I
should know about the second fire?
Just that the fire fighters
caught a break
because there wasn't sufficient
ventilation in the top floor.
Without the oxygen, the men had
no trouble putting out the fire.
Yeah, that was us.
Thanks to Manetti, here.
We doused that fire
in 33 minutes.
So both fires went out
relatively easily.
I guess. Yeah.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
I will bet every penny
I have that I'm not.
The arsonist made
the fires easy to put out.
Have you at all considered
that this is an inside job?
Well, this building wasn't insured
either. The owners don't get anything.
Inside your department.
A fire fighter?
What are you doing?
Do you see a bruise on
my chest from all that CPR?
All I see is chocolate
with hair on it.
You know the rules, Shawn. No sliding
down a pole while I'm not here.
But you are here.
You're right here.
You know what I mean.
Especially when I'm stuck
tailing Fire Chief Dan all day.
And they don't even have a
Dalmatian here, Shawn.
Could you stop with the
Dalmatians already?
I'm just saying. It would be nice
to see one in its natural habitat.
They're not indigenous
to fire houses, Gus.
Did you find anything
out or not?
Well, I hid in a corner while
he got a picture framed
of him and John Denver,
and the Muppets.
Muppets? Gonzo was a shock, boy. What?
Sounds productive.
Then I just had to stand around
while he spent an hour figuring out
what type of
roto-tiller to buy.
Well, it's not
an easy decision, Gus.
After all,
it's harvest season, Pa.
And Jeb
can't work the plow.
You know he ain't been right since
he come down with the consumption.
Will you stop, Shawn? It did get
interesting. He's our guy and I know it.
He was on his cell phone
And I think I heard him ask
about the accelerant.
After that, he came rushing
back here in a panic.
it's sabotage.
He's making it harder for
the men to put out the fires.
We got to stop him.
He's heading to
the all purpose room.
There's only one exit
to that room.
Here's the plan. We corner, we
confront, he confesses, we get samosas.
Dude, is that really
I don't play with killers,
Hello, children.
Yes! Field trip to
ye old fire station.
What are you two doing?
We are here to help
with the lesson. Clearly.
So, uh, kiddies,
always remember to put out your cigarettes
when you're finished smoking them.
Excuse me?
Uh, I mean, uh,
don't smoke, uh, in bed.
Or in restaurants.
Or in caves?
No smoking.
Absolutely no smoking.
And don't listen to anyone who says that a
pipe is cool because I'm telling it is not.
Get out. Get out. Get out.
Well, that was
a waste of time.
Or was it?
What is that?
I accidentally mixed up
Fire Chief Dan's phone
with mine.
They're similar shapes and my
hand was in his jacket pocket.
You stole his phone?
He was throwing us out.
Gus, I plead the third.
The third amendment is no
soldier can live in your house
against your will.
You mean the fifth.
Yeah, I've heard it
both ways.
What other ways
have you heard it?
Just look at this.
Five calls in a row to hardware
stores all over the city.
Where one might go to buy
That's what
I'm talking about.
Fire Chief Dan? Honestly? That's why
you brought me down to this death trap?
Death trap?
This office is in violation of almost
every fire safety code on the books.
Not to contradict,
but we are 100% up to code.
I don't walk into a building unless
it's safe, much less work in one.
Your smoke detector is a paper
bowl with an M&M stuck to it.
Shawn, where's the Ryerson smoke
detector I bought for the office?
Oh, that thing? It kept
beeping during s?ance week.
Where is it now?
Charleston Chew?
Charleston Chew?
You also have an overloaded socket
and a hot plate on the ground.
I like soup.
I won't apologize for that.
It's next to a stack
of old newspapers.
I also like to read
while I eat.
Can you please just tell me
why you think it's Dan?
Well, it's not like I stole
his cell phone or anything,
'cause, I mean, I don't
do that sort of thing.
Although I am sensing someone
did. I'll solve that later.
No this is just deeply rooted
psychic vibage.
I know it's hard to believe.
No, actually it's not.
It kind of makes sense.
He never thought it was arson and he
hated it when I questioned his men.
What did the cops say?
We haven't told them.
We thought you'd like
to make the bust.
After all,
this is your case.
Oh, well, that...
I mean, to say that... I mean,
that you would think of me,
that you would
do that...
This seems like a great
opportunity for a hug. Come here.
Ah, rotator cuff.
There's been another fire.
With another body?
Forensics is on the way.
Another body.
You were right.
As a courtesy,
I want to let you know
my office is going to be bringing
in Dan Trombly for questioning.
The Fire Chief?
That could be a problem.
Because that skeleton wasn't
the only body we found.
Lift that please.
It says here that the Fire
Chief died of asphyxiation.
Smoke inhalation.
Oh, I'm getting something.
How much more of this
do I have to endure?
Do you see the bruise on
my chest from all that CPR?
There was someone else there. They
tried to give him CPR before he died.
Maybe someone who knew him.
Of course they knew him.
It's like practically kissing.
What the hell was the Fire Chief
doing there in the first place?
I mean, I don't think
he started the fire.
He wasn't wearing any
protective gear,
there weren't any traces
of accelerants on him.
We got a break. The latest skeleton
is still too burned to get an ID,
but our killer didn't know that
our victim had ICD in his body.
Ew, they make those
for men?
It's like a pace maker.
Tracked the serial number back to Central
Coast Components who sold it to Saint Mary's
who implanted it into
our victim 12 years ago.
O'Hara, what do we know
about our victim?
Wait, our skeleton
was a criminal?
That's right. His name
is Steven J. Renkel.
As in the kid from Family Matters. No.
As in the Renkel
fires of '98.
Yes. Guys, bring it in.
So our victim was
a fire-starter himself?
Yeah, they were a bunch of vandals who
liked going around and starting fires.
These are Renkel's
only known accomplices.
Whoa! Whoa!
Oh, I'm getting something.
The second victim is in
one of those pictures.
What? How do you know that?
He's telling me he was murdered.
He saying it poorly, because
he speaks with a whistle.
A whistle,
like he speaks like this.
Which would be endearing
on an 8-year-old,
maybe Terry-Thomas or the
original supermodel, Lauren Hutton.
But this... This just
screams for adult braces.
Any form of simple orthodontia
really. It's not that expensive.
You're saying it's the guy who
has the gap in his teeth?
Don't say gap. He prefers
tooth alley, but yes, it is.
I remember these guys. They all
disappeared around the same time.
We figured they
just skipped town.
That's it.
The third victim is up there as
well. He's not speaking because
he's afraid you'll criticize his appearance,
just like you did with tooth-gap boy.
Look, now you
got me doing it.
Someone must have hunted them
down and killed them ten years ago.
And now they're burning
off the evidence.
That's a long time to wait
to clean up a mess.
You should see how long it takes
Gus to clean his cereal bowl.
Only one guy in the crew
has been a suspect
in other arsons
since the Renkel fire.
And that's Bodie Lambert.
All right. So why is Bodie the
only one we're still hearing from?
Maybe he turned on his partners.
It happens all the time.
This could be our killer.
What? Fire murderer. Furderer.
Put a BOLO on him ASAP.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're going to issue
these guys bolo ties?
It stands for "be on the lookout. " Oh.
What are you doing? Army will kill you
if he sees you messing with this stuff.
Now why are we here?
The cops are following the bodies. I
thought we'd take a different avenue.
Buildings. What do we know? They're
all commercial and industrial,
and they were all built
in the same year.
After the Renkel fire.
Lot of open spaces. No furniture
cluttering up the joint!
Also they seem to be abandoned,
yet none of them are for sale.
Why would three
different owners
leave valuable real estate
like that sitting around empty?
What can I do for you guys?
We need to see your files
on the three burned buildings.
Sure. Just fill out
requisition form ID 88.
You can get them
That will take
forever. We really need...
Paperwork is paperwork.
It's the basis
for civilization.
Just fill out the forms. I'll
give you everything you need.
Fire alarm?
We better evacuate.
All right, everybody out of
here. I got to go deal with this.
Good thing we had
a plan B ready.
You smell like
a peach meadow.
That's the incense I used
to set off the smoke detector.
You didn't just pull the fire
alarm? It's right there on the wall.
Uh, that's a crime, Shawn.
I remain not culpable.
I didn't set off the detector.
The smoke did.
Who burned the incense?
I plead the fifth.
Element? Dimension?
You can't plead
Billy Preston.
All right,
what are we doing?
Bring up
the burned buildings.
Okay. Here we are.
Dude, all these buildings
have SR next to them.
That stands for seismic retrofit. It
applies to any building built in '98.
It looks like all the safety
codes were just changed last week.
Right before the first fire.
That's why they're all empty. They're
no longer considered earthquake safe.
They're going to open up the
walls to bring them up to code.
Dude, that's it. That's what
started this whole thing.
The killer realized that the bodies he
stashed in those buildings ten years ago
are going to be discovered and
now he's torching the evidence.
There's like 20 buildings scheduled to
be retrofitted. Let me print out the list.
Yeah, snap it up.
We still have a few minutes before
they let anybody back in the building.
Dude, trust me,
you want to hurry.
You could have pulled me
out of there.
Dude, I gave you
two full warnings.
My underwear's soaked.
Just like old times.
Kiss my...
One of those buildings is going to
be targeted next by the arsonist.
Are you sure?
I'm Al B. Sure! Watching
Diane Schuur apply Sure Roll-On
while viewing The Sure Thing.
That's pretty sure.
That's all-day sure.
You are a strange person
but extremely effective.
See? Teamwork isn't
the worst thing.
Psychically I could sense that there was
information in that office that we needed
so, uh, I'll go check with the cops
while you scope those out. Boom!
Carpel tunnel. Hey.
That's fair.
Hey, we got a hit
on that BOLO.
A sheriff in Barstow found Bodie
Lambert holed up in a Motel 6
under one of his aliases.
Yes, sir.
Get a hold of Barstow PD. Tell
them not to make a move without us.
Will do.
He is mine.
Okay, you got anything?
Nothing here. All clear.
Do these things come in different
sizes? Because my movement
is very constricted. I feel like
it's creating all the wrong lines.
Maybe if there were
V- necks or lapels.
Or epaulets.
What are they doing here?
I may have given them a heads-up.
It wasn't exactly an invitation.
He must have bolted out the
window. He's not going to get far.
Aerial 2, you got
a 20 on our perp?
You called in
air support for this?
Of course I did. Excuse me! If I may.
What are you doing? Uh, you
might want to stand back.
Freeze. Put your hands behind your back.
He's not talking.
I sense that
he's superstitious.
He might talk to someone from a higher
ethereal plane. May I have a shot?
Knock yourself out.
Give me a second. I have to go outside
and get something off the ground.
Shawn Spencer,
psychic interrogator.
Maybe you remember me from when I
apprehended you. Remember back then?
No? That's okay.
I got everything I need.
Have fun in prison. Word to the
wise. Don't drop the bar of soap.
Oh, please. Don't try
that routine on me.
No, literally, man,
don't drop the soap.
There's so much bacteria
on those floors.
I'm pretty sure they only
issue one bar a month, so.
Why are you eating that?
Raw leaves is what the Earth
Mother allows me to eat.
It banishes all
negative entities.
What, are you a fairy?
Hardly. I've seen Little
Darlings like 11 times.
But I am a male Wiccan.
You're not Wiccan.
I'm level eight, Jack.
I'd be level nine if it wasn't
for my seasonal pollen allergies.
What's your coven?
Say what?
What's your pass phrase.
I don't know you, man.
Same time, one, two, three.
Knight Rider.
Wait, what?
Exactly what you said, man.
Oh, it is so dope to connect
with other weirdos.
But right here, man, you and
me, we understand each other.
All that fairy stuff aside,
I dig you, Bodie.
I dig you, Bodie.
Now, I only got a minute before the
cops come in here and haul you out.
So I'm going to
level with you.
The Earth Force Mother
is pretty POed at you, man.
Me? You're crazy.
I didn't do anything.
She sent me here to stop you. How do you
think I found you in that ceiling, bro?
No. I got a message.
Why is the
Earth Spirit after me?
She knows you lit
those fires, bro.
We found the crew mates you
murdered in the buildings.
I didn't kill nobody, brother.
It must have been that guy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait, wait, wait, what guy?
Ten years ago, somebody
started hunting us down.
Someone grabbed me
out of my car,
took me to some
construction site,
made me get on my knees, told me I had
to pay for killing those two firemen.
Then he pulls the trigger.
Nothing happens.
I got the hell out of there.
I haven't been to Santa
Barbara since that night.
I found Wicca and reformed.
Where did this mystery man
take you, bro?
Like an address
or something?
I had a bag over my head
most of the time.
But that night is burned in
my mind. I was about to die.
And all I remember hearing is birds.
Lots of them. Sounded like hundreds.
Yeah. Chirping.
Wicca out brother.
Shawn, I still can't believe the police
thought your bird chirping clue was too vague.
Well, they're still trying to figure
out what building Bodie was taken to.
Hey. Well, at least Bodie
told us the killer's motive.
Someone is avenging the deaths of the
firemen killed in the Renkel fires.
Maybe it is a firefighter.
I warned you, Shawn,
firefighters are trouble.
I did everything in my power
to keep you off the pole.
And you succeeded, Dad,
in every conceivable way.
But since our bad guy
was targeting criminals,
rogue cop is now
added to the list.
We have all the potential
arson targets.
Since our killer scouted
one out for Bodie,
he may have still used them
for other victims.
And all you got going
is your bird chirping?
Wait a minute. What about
Miss Mugglesworth?
My cockatoo
when I was eight?
I haven't thought
about her in years.
Remember when she died, your parents fed
you some story about taking her somewhere?
The bird sanctuary. But she's
not dead. She's still there.
Living amongst other
relinquished avians.
Gus, have you seen her since
your parents took her there?
Of course not.
She had a rare bird disease,
where she would lose her feathers
if anyone ever looked at her.
So she has to be kept in a
special mirrored cage. What?
Gus, your parents lied to you. We
do it sometimes to protect our kids.
Your bird bit the big one.
Sorry, pal.
Yeah. Not all pets can go live on a
special wheat farm like my rabbits.
That's right, son.
Where is this
bird sanctuary?
Third Street and D.
Third and D?
Really? Dude,
hundreds of birds chirping.
That never occurred
to you until now?
Leaving Mrs. Mugglesworth
was a painful memory, Shawn.
I blocked it out until
12 seconds ago.
Guys, guys, guys,
the Daedalus Building.
It's right there.
Right in that area.
When is it schedded to
be retrofitted?
Well, that means your pyromaniac
is going to get to work today.
Shawn, we told Morgan
to check all these buildings.
I gotta call her and tell her
not to go in without backup!
Damn it. I still can't get
a hold of Morgan.
I got a bad feeling
about this.
Did you call Lassiter
and the fire department?
They're on their way.
Army Johnson?
Stay where you are.
Don't make a move.
Dude, start talking. Stall
him until everybody gets here.
Don't let him toss that flame.
I know you killed
those criminals.
But I know why.
Honey, the last time this city
had an arsonist was so long ago
I was still on
the big red truck.
Because, back in the day
you were a fireman.
And those vandals set fires that took
the lives of two of your colleagues.
Died fighting the Renkel fires
of '98, set by a bunch of vandals.
I served side by side with those
firemen for years. They had families.
You're right.
They did.
So you left the department and took a job
inspecting buildings for code violations
and you discovered those are
pretty good places to hide a body.
So you stalked
and killed your victims,
you covered them with lye and
you plugged them into walls.
But your old buddy, the
Fire Chief, figured you out.
He made a few calls.
Five calls in a row to hardware
stores all over the city.
Confirmed that it was you
that bought the accelerant.
And finally
he caught you in the act.
Army, what are you doing?
Don't do it!
Don't do it!
It was too late, wasn't it? Always
the fireman, he tried to put it out.
You even tried to
save his life.
Come on, Danny!
It was my fault. Danny
wasn't supposed to be there.
What about us? Huh?
What about your
arson inspector?
We didn't do anything.
Do we deserve to die?
I don't...
I don't...
But... But I can't live
with this anymore.
Gus! Get Morgan! Get Morgan!
This is a mess.
Where's Shawn?
His car's over there.
I can see somebody
coming out.
Are you guys okay?
What the hell happened?
What is Army Johnson
doing here?
He's the bad guy.
Well, look at that. Got you
doing the grunt work, huh?
Well, all the new volunteers
have to do it.
How's it going so far? I'm
pretty much a hero to the newbies.
I mean I've already been in
two fires, carried a man out,
stopped an arsonist.
Yes, you have. Well, I just
wanted to drop something by
before I visit Morgan in
the hospital. What's that?
Meet your new
fire dog.
Lady Godiva.
That's a boy, Shawn.
Oh, yeah.
Look at that.
I've already cleared it
with the new Fire Chief.
You just got to walk him, feed him,
clean up after him and what not.
He needs eye drops at two, ear drops at
three, and he may or may not have mange.
You're not leaving that thing
here. I'm not taking care of him.
Gus, if you don't take him, Cruella
will turn him into ear muffs.
Goodbye, Lady G.
Shawn, Shawn!
Did you paint
these spots on?
In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity
I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity
If it's all right
then you're all wrong
But why bounce around
to the same damn song?
You'd rather run
when you can't crawl
I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth
I know, you know
They just don't have any proof
Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end
I know, you know
I know, you know
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow
down. Slow down. Fire.
You'll never believe it.
I know what I want to be
when I grow up.
A fireman.
I never would have guessed.
And what exactly
brought this on?
Fireman Paul.
He came to our school.
He is so totally rad.
Fireman Paul?
Did he happen to be sober?
Shawn, come here.
Listen to me.
You do not want
to be a fireman.
What? Why not?
Because you want to be a cop. What do you
think I've been teaching you all these years?
But being a fireman
is the coolest.
Being a fireman is not
cooler than being a cop.
But they have cooler uniforms,
cooler trucks and cooler sirens.
They even get to carry axes.
I get to carry a gun.
A real gun with real bullets.
I get to shoot bad guys.
I'm like Dirty Harry. Can you
even name a famous fireman?
Smokey the Bear?
First of all Smokey the Bear is not
a fireman. Number two, he's not real.
Number three,
he's a bear.
He takes his poops in the
woods. Is that what you want?
Fireman Paul said
you'd say that.
what is going on in there?
She never closes her blinds. You know
I don't like being out of the loop.
what are you doing?
Jules. How about an update
on this blinds situation?
Oh, it's just some case with
the fire department or something.
Fire department.
Did you hear that?
Of course, I did. I'm standing
two and a half feet away from her.
So what's the scoop?
Well, apparently, some
building burned down last week
on Benedetto under suspicious circumstances
and they're looking for back up.
Sorry, guys, got to go.
Dude, that's us.
We're back up.
I strongly believe...
Excuse us.
We're looking for the fireman.
He's probably wearing a yellow or
red hard hat, maybe carrying an axe,
possibly a large bucket
of sand.
And a Dalmatian.
Discounting your interruption
to a closed-door meeting,
Ms. Conrad is the city's
arson inspector.
Arson? Hello.
Arson. That's fire?
Shawn Spencer.
Head psychic, SBPD.
I'm available.
For cases as well.
Um, I'm not going to do that.
I understand.
Obsessive compulsive.
If you're finished, Mr. Spencer,
we'd like to proceed with our meeting,
Ah. How rude of me.
I'd like to look at the
criminal activity for that area.
I believe her.
I am sensing that Lassy is
skeptical that this is arson.
Of course, I'm skeptical.
She's an arson investigator.
They always want it to be arson.
Keeps their jobs viable. Can I go now?
All I need is access to some of
your files for the last few years.
I can do that for you.
Come on, Chief,
I know where the file room is.
Besides, when you get down there, things
can get tricky. Some of those drawers stick.
Who gave you access
to the file room?
And immaterial.
Chief, you're not going
to let him do that thing
where he only uses
courtroom jargon, are you?
Mr. Spencer. He is making a
mockery of these proceedings.
All I'm saying is that she's
making a very compelling argument.
You're an idiot.
That's less compelling.
Move to strike.
Please remove him.
Sidebar, Ms. Conrad.
I think I can help you.
You have no idea
why I'm here.
I am sensing something
happened on Benedetto Street.
You're not getting the support
you want from your department.
You're looking for
a little outside assistance.
That's actually spot on.
Yes, I know.
Chief, I believe we have a
match made in heaven.
Holy crap. This place is
like completely burned.
It's called a fire,
And it's all evidence,
so don't touch anything.
All right, I'll try to
speak slowly.
Let's review.
I believe the fire started in this
general area and spread in this direction.
Conrad, what are
you doing here?
Thought you were
done with this site.
And this is? Army Johnson,
Fire Prevention Bureau.
And your supervisor,
in case you forgot.
Well, if this is arson,
Look, at the Bureau, we have a
policy of supporting our rookies.
Rookies? So I gave you a
lot of latitude on this case.
I read your report and I
surveyed the scene myself.
Looks like an accidental fire
to me, not malicious arson.
I respectfully disagree.
the last time this city had
an arsonist was so long ago,
I was still on the
big red truck.
Besides, this building had no
fire insurance, so no one profits.
A firebug doesn't
need motive.
Yeah, enough.
Just finish your report.
Ah, now I'm late for my hot yoga
class. I'm teaching this year.
An accident? Is there
something we're missing here?
Well, we did find some empty
liquor bottles and cigarette butts
around the fire's
point of origin, but...
And we've had several reports of
teenagers looking for places to party.
I think Lassy's on to
Have we ruled out teenagers
who meet in abandoned buildings
and make bananas foster?
It is not teenagers.
One of the firemen remembers smelling a
distinct sweet odor while putting out the fire,
and that is a sign of a
stronger accelerant than alcohol.
And if this is a firebug,
he is just getting started.
Dude, that wall over there
doesn't have any insulation.
I think that's
an external wall.
Look, if no one from your
department is on board.
I'm on board.
Gus, what's happening to me?
What the hell are you doing?
There's something up with this
wall right here. I can feel it.
Oh, my God!
What the...
Did not see that
coming. Hmm.
Miss Conrad,
this wasn't just arson.
It was murder.
In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity
I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity
If it's all right
then you're all wrong
But why bounce around
to the same damn song?
You'd rather run
when you can't crawl
I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth
I know, you know
They just don't have any proof
Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end
I am sensing that this man...
Is it a man?
I don't know.
I don't know what it is.
Yes. Based on the
pelvic girdle.
Burned to death.
Hell of a way to go.
He didn't burn to death.
ME pulled a. 22 slug
out of his sternum.
He was shot, then burned?
It's sad. But that's what they
do to guys who wear girdles.
This man is the reason
the fire was set.
According to the ME's preliminary
report, "The bullet entered the body
"at a downward trajectory based on bone
fragments containing lead residue. "
Let's see, from behind and downward, means
our shooter got the victim on his knees,
popped him execution-style.
Would you trim that
fingernail, Ming the Merciless?
Then the killer torched the building
to make the body unidentifiable.
Or to remove any trace of his
own fingerprints or DNA.
We couldn't even pull a print
off the bullet. Smart move.
In case you missed it, Detective.
This is my I-told-you-so face.
Which is kind of hard to
distinguish from your
"I thought this was going to be
a new episode of Law and Order
"but it turns out
it's a repeat" face.
A dead body changes things.
That's his
email signature.
So we're on board. And because it's
a homicide, it's our investigation.
No, it's arson. And I've already
briefed Army on all of this.
He says it's my case, I'm
on point, you report to me.
Look, when we find our murderer,
you'll find your arsonist.
No. When I find my arsonist,
I'll find your murderer.
Guys, please.
Can't we come up with a term that
covers both killer and arsonist?
How about "arsasin"?
The skeleton had trace amounts of
methylbenzene, the primary component of TNT.
You can get it at any hardware
store and it has a sweet odor.
All right, fine, but no one outside this
room can know we recovered a skeleton.
And make sure the city treats
the site like an accident.
All right, I want our killer... Arsasin!
Or karsinist.
I want the killer to feel safe. I
want him to think that his plan worked.
Secondly, the key to solving this
case is to figure out who this guy was.
Come here often?
Wow. You know, you could
afford to slow down a little.
If you walk any faster you're
gonna travel through time.
So what's
our next move?
Well, I assume we're
going to team up, right?
Travel cross-country solving
mysteries, maybe set up shop
on the side of the road,
form a bluegrass trio.
Look, I appreciate you guys getting
the cops to take this seriously
but you don't have a lot
of experience with this,
so I prefer
to handle point alone.
You know, Sun Tzu says that teamwork
can be very sensual if you...
I'll email you the rest. I'd go after her
if she wasn't walking at cougar speeds.
Right. So what are we
doing? Are we really done?
Gus, don't be William Zabka
from Back to School.
We need to get in with the firemen who
put out the fire. Shotgun on fire pole.
You can't call shotgun on
a fire pole. And why them?
I think we're looking
for a fireman,
someone who knows fires,
someone who knows the system.
He started the fires somewhere else
then moved the flames towards the victim
because the first thing an arson
inspector looks for is a point of origin.
Okay, how in the world
do you know all that?
I rode the Backdraft ride at
Universal Studios like 74 times.
Shawn, you can't base
a whole theory on a movie.
There's a movie?
Now, when we get in here, don't do that
thing you used to do when we were kids.
Hi, fireman!
Help you?
Shawn Spencer,
hunting an arsonist.
Step Anthony Wally Ali,
cat stuck in a tree.
Oh, Conrad told me
about you. The psycho.
But before we get down to
business is Fireman Paul around?
We heard he used to work
out of here back in the day.
We just want to say hello. He came
to our school when we were kids.
No, we're sure he'd
remember us.
Gus accidentally peed on him
and I gave him impetigo.
Over here.
Died fighting the Renkel fires
of '98, set by a bunch of vandals.
So you think it's arson, too?
You've been canoodling with Conrad?
Is Conrad a canoodler?
Did she say anything about me?
Can I get her a note through you?
I'm not sure I like random
people interrogating my men,
especially based on
psychic hokum.
Hokum? Well, that hokum found
traces of methylbenzene at the scene.
Really? Yeah, so my colleague
would like to try and glean
more hokum from your men.
Listen, it's been a long day.
My shift is over. Manetti?
Manetti's my right hand man. These guys are
here about the fire. Deal with it, would you?
So, you were the guys who
put out the fire a week ago?
Yeah, it was us.
Thanks to Manetti, here.
Well, that's a given, you don't
look old enough to operate a hose.
We doused that fire
in 33 minutes. Really?
You know, Dominos can still
get you a pizza in under 30.
That might be
more impressive.
Yeah? Well, you should have seen how fast
I booked the perps, back in my cop days.
Wow. Well, we're
police-affiliated, too.
So can we ask you
a few questions?
We don't have time.
Starting training drills.
Perfect. We're supposed
to do them with you.
Who told you that?
Yeah, it sounded weird to us, too, but
it's imperative that we get this information
as soon as possible.
It's a headquarters thing.
Look, between you and me, there's
nothing we'd rather do less,
so why don't you just grab us a couple of
these costumes and we'll get it over with.
You mean uniforms.
I've heard it both ways.
Can I ring the bell?
Go, go, go, go, go! Get those stairs.
Come on, come on!
Get moving downhill!
This way, you're going
downhill! Move it, move it!
So, how many people did you
pull out of the fire?
None, building was empty.
Keep moving.
Move it, move it, move it,
go, go, go!
Did you notice anything weird
about the fire besides the smell?
Lot of open spaces. No furniture
cluttering up the joint.
Hey! There's been a freaking bomb!
Go, go, go, go!
No, I didn't see anyone
suspicious in the crowd.
I questioned him already,
Dude, he was doing the pole.
Did anyone miss their
shift that night? No.
No one wants to
lose out on the OT.
Anybody here with a
criminal record?
Shh. No talking.
It kills the illusion.
How much more of this
do I have to take?
Man, in order for him to stay certified
in CPR he has to practice on a live person.
He's going to use a tongue guard
when he gives you mouth-to-mouth.
So it's not even really
like kissing. What?
If you find yourself becoming
aroused, don't beat yourself up.
You must be out of
your damn mind.
Everybody move it! This isn't
part of the drill! Let's go!
No, Shawn.
The arsonist might still be
there. And we're already geared up.
They won't even know I'm driving
the truck. We should stay here,
get some gelato and read
the fire department's report
from the comfort of our
not-on-fire office.
Dude, if we go, you can drive
behind a speeding fire truck.
All right, repeat after me, we are
not going into a burning building.
We are not not going
into a burning building.
Hey, I thought your
shift was over.
I heard about it on my scanner.
What is this, Halloween?
Why, you got candy? We'll take
some Good & Plenty or Good & Fruity.
How bad is it
in there?
I haven't been inside. I'm
patrolling the scene from out here.
So just try to stay
out of the way, all right?
This is command.
First floor is secure.
I'm sending more men to the
second floor. Alpha, side. Over.
No, Shawn. We're not going into
a burning building. You promised.
Actually I didn't.
Yes, you did.
The first floor is secure.
Those things flare back up all the time.
And you know how fire's attracted to me.
Can you blame it?
Man, look at you.
Blair Underwood can't touch
you right now.
Blair Underwood never played
a fireman, either. Exactly.
Come on.
I need the super sniffer.
Shawn. This is not
a good idea, Shawn!
Damn it! I don't know.
Maybe we should try, uh...
Gus, where are you?
Down here.
The key is to stay
underneath the smoke.
Would you get up?
Start sniffing.
There's something
sweet in the air.
I need to see what the ceiling
looked like before it was scorched.
Anything else?
Nope. We're good.
In all the years of fighting fires, that
was the dumbest thing I have ever seen.
If I were still a cop,
I'd put you both in jail!
I definitely smelled
This fire was not an accident.
I'll do you one better.
The Chief had flakes of the
unburned ceiling in his hair.
He was in there before
the fire started.
We have found our
"arson-urderer. "
Fire arsman.
Your psychic hunch
was right, Shawn.
This body was found in a wall
space at the site of the fire.
Yes. I could sense
that the fires were related
and since the first one was
set to cover up a murder...
There might be a body
at the second fire, too.
I'm sorry?
It was either "nice work" or "ice
fork," but I couldn't tell which.
According to the
ME's report,
there's a unique purple rubber
melted in between the victim's toes.
Unique how? It has real
specks of gold in it.
They think it came from
the victim's sneakers.
Purple with gold specks.
That's Jet Jaguars.
Gus owned them.
They're the ugliest and most
uncomfortable sneakers known to man.
I had a pair.
They weren't that bad.
They were proven
to cause polio.
I have elongated metatarsals
and inverted phalanges, Spencer.
I have to wear whatever fits.
Well, then you know they were only sold
in '98 and then discontinued immediately.
The victim was wearing
ten year old sneakers?
Who holds onto
tennis shoes for that long?
Especially painful
purple and gold ones.
If this man was wearing
them at the time of his death,
then he was definitely
killed in '98,
possibly by
the fashion mafia.
Ten years ago?
That makes no sense.
Why would someone hang onto a body for
a decade and then burn it to a crisp?
Unless, the body's been
there the whole time.
Just rotting for ten years?
That's your theory.
Actually come to think of it,
both buildings were built in '98.
An empty construction site is
a good place to kill someone
and it'd be easy to slip
a body behind the dry wall.
You sure you're not
a germaphobe?
All right, let's just confirm the
sneaker thing. And if Spencer's right,
let's get a list of all the buildings
that were built ten years ago.
What? You can just get a
list of that kind of stuff?
I'd like a list of all
available Zoltar machines.
For a little 14-year-old
friend of mine.
Thanks, Jules.
So, Ms. Conrad, anything else I
should know about the second fire?
Just that the fire fighters
caught a break
because there wasn't sufficient
ventilation in the top floor.
Without the oxygen, the men had
no trouble putting out the fire.
Yeah, that was us.
Thanks to Manetti, here.
We doused that fire
in 33 minutes.
So both fires went out
relatively easily.
I guess. Yeah.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
I will bet every penny
I have that I'm not.
The arsonist made
the fires easy to put out.
Have you at all considered
that this is an inside job?
Well, this building wasn't insured
either. The owners don't get anything.
Inside your department.
A fire fighter?
What are you doing?
Do you see a bruise on
my chest from all that CPR?
All I see is chocolate
with hair on it.
You know the rules, Shawn. No sliding
down a pole while I'm not here.
But you are here.
You're right here.
You know what I mean.
Especially when I'm stuck
tailing Fire Chief Dan all day.
And they don't even have a
Dalmatian here, Shawn.
Could you stop with the
Dalmatians already?
I'm just saying. It would be nice
to see one in its natural habitat.
They're not indigenous
to fire houses, Gus.
Did you find anything
out or not?
Well, I hid in a corner while
he got a picture framed
of him and John Denver,
and the Muppets.
Muppets? Gonzo was a shock, boy. What?
Sounds productive.
Then I just had to stand around
while he spent an hour figuring out
what type of
roto-tiller to buy.
Well, it's not
an easy decision, Gus.
After all,
it's harvest season, Pa.
And Jeb
can't work the plow.
You know he ain't been right since
he come down with the consumption.
Will you stop, Shawn? It did get
interesting. He's our guy and I know it.
He was on his cell phone
And I think I heard him ask
about the accelerant.
After that, he came rushing
back here in a panic.
it's sabotage.
He's making it harder for
the men to put out the fires.
We got to stop him.
He's heading to
the all purpose room.
There's only one exit
to that room.
Here's the plan. We corner, we
confront, he confesses, we get samosas.
Dude, is that really
I don't play with killers,
Hello, children.
Yes! Field trip to
ye old fire station.
What are you two doing?
We are here to help
with the lesson. Clearly.
So, uh, kiddies,
always remember to put out your cigarettes
when you're finished smoking them.
Excuse me?
Uh, I mean, uh,
don't smoke, uh, in bed.
Or in restaurants.
Or in caves?
No smoking.
Absolutely no smoking.
And don't listen to anyone who says that a
pipe is cool because I'm telling it is not.
Get out. Get out. Get out.
Well, that was
a waste of time.
Or was it?
What is that?
I accidentally mixed up
Fire Chief Dan's phone
with mine.
They're similar shapes and my
hand was in his jacket pocket.
You stole his phone?
He was throwing us out.
Gus, I plead the third.
The third amendment is no
soldier can live in your house
against your will.
You mean the fifth.
Yeah, I've heard it
both ways.
What other ways
have you heard it?
Just look at this.
Five calls in a row to hardware
stores all over the city.
Where one might go to buy
That's what
I'm talking about.
Fire Chief Dan? Honestly? That's why
you brought me down to this death trap?
Death trap?
This office is in violation of almost
every fire safety code on the books.
Not to contradict,
but we are 100% up to code.
I don't walk into a building unless
it's safe, much less work in one.
Your smoke detector is a paper
bowl with an M&M stuck to it.
Shawn, where's the Ryerson smoke
detector I bought for the office?
Oh, that thing? It kept
beeping during s?ance week.
Where is it now?
Charleston Chew?
Charleston Chew?
You also have an overloaded socket
and a hot plate on the ground.
I like soup.
I won't apologize for that.
It's next to a stack
of old newspapers.
I also like to read
while I eat.
Can you please just tell me
why you think it's Dan?
Well, it's not like I stole
his cell phone or anything,
'cause, I mean, I don't
do that sort of thing.
Although I am sensing someone
did. I'll solve that later.
No this is just deeply rooted
psychic vibage.
I know it's hard to believe.
No, actually it's not.
It kind of makes sense.
He never thought it was arson and he
hated it when I questioned his men.
What did the cops say?
We haven't told them.
We thought you'd like
to make the bust.
After all,
this is your case.
Oh, well, that...
I mean, to say that... I mean,
that you would think of me,
that you would
do that...
This seems like a great
opportunity for a hug. Come here.
Ah, rotator cuff.
There's been another fire.
With another body?
Forensics is on the way.
Another body.
You were right.
As a courtesy,
I want to let you know
my office is going to be bringing
in Dan Trombly for questioning.
The Fire Chief?
That could be a problem.
Because that skeleton wasn't
the only body we found.
Lift that please.
It says here that the Fire
Chief died of asphyxiation.
Smoke inhalation.
Oh, I'm getting something.
How much more of this
do I have to endure?
Do you see the bruise on
my chest from all that CPR?
There was someone else there. They
tried to give him CPR before he died.
Maybe someone who knew him.
Of course they knew him.
It's like practically kissing.
What the hell was the Fire Chief
doing there in the first place?
I mean, I don't think
he started the fire.
He wasn't wearing any
protective gear,
there weren't any traces
of accelerants on him.
We got a break. The latest skeleton
is still too burned to get an ID,
but our killer didn't know that
our victim had ICD in his body.
Ew, they make those
for men?
It's like a pace maker.
Tracked the serial number back to Central
Coast Components who sold it to Saint Mary's
who implanted it into
our victim 12 years ago.
O'Hara, what do we know
about our victim?
Wait, our skeleton
was a criminal?
That's right. His name
is Steven J. Renkel.
As in the kid from Family Matters. No.
As in the Renkel
fires of '98.
Yes. Guys, bring it in.
So our victim was
a fire-starter himself?
Yeah, they were a bunch of vandals who
liked going around and starting fires.
These are Renkel's
only known accomplices.
Whoa! Whoa!
Oh, I'm getting something.
The second victim is in
one of those pictures.
What? How do you know that?
He's telling me he was murdered.
He saying it poorly, because
he speaks with a whistle.
A whistle,
like he speaks like this.
Which would be endearing
on an 8-year-old,
maybe Terry-Thomas or the
original supermodel, Lauren Hutton.
But this... This just
screams for adult braces.
Any form of simple orthodontia
really. It's not that expensive.
You're saying it's the guy who
has the gap in his teeth?
Don't say gap. He prefers
tooth alley, but yes, it is.
I remember these guys. They all
disappeared around the same time.
We figured they
just skipped town.
That's it.
The third victim is up there as
well. He's not speaking because
he's afraid you'll criticize his appearance,
just like you did with tooth-gap boy.
Look, now you
got me doing it.
Someone must have hunted them
down and killed them ten years ago.
And now they're burning
off the evidence.
That's a long time to wait
to clean up a mess.
You should see how long it takes
Gus to clean his cereal bowl.
Only one guy in the crew
has been a suspect
in other arsons
since the Renkel fire.
And that's Bodie Lambert.
All right. So why is Bodie the
only one we're still hearing from?
Maybe he turned on his partners.
It happens all the time.
This could be our killer.
What? Fire murderer. Furderer.
Put a BOLO on him ASAP.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're going to issue
these guys bolo ties?
It stands for "be on the lookout. " Oh.
What are you doing? Army will kill you
if he sees you messing with this stuff.
Now why are we here?
The cops are following the bodies. I
thought we'd take a different avenue.
Buildings. What do we know? They're
all commercial and industrial,
and they were all built
in the same year.
After the Renkel fire.
Lot of open spaces. No furniture
cluttering up the joint!
Also they seem to be abandoned,
yet none of them are for sale.
Why would three
different owners
leave valuable real estate
like that sitting around empty?
What can I do for you guys?
We need to see your files
on the three burned buildings.
Sure. Just fill out
requisition form ID 88.
You can get them
That will take
forever. We really need...
Paperwork is paperwork.
It's the basis
for civilization.
Just fill out the forms. I'll
give you everything you need.
Fire alarm?
We better evacuate.
All right, everybody out of
here. I got to go deal with this.
Good thing we had
a plan B ready.
You smell like
a peach meadow.
That's the incense I used
to set off the smoke detector.
You didn't just pull the fire
alarm? It's right there on the wall.
Uh, that's a crime, Shawn.
I remain not culpable.
I didn't set off the detector.
The smoke did.
Who burned the incense?
I plead the fifth.
Element? Dimension?
You can't plead
Billy Preston.
All right,
what are we doing?
Bring up
the burned buildings.
Okay. Here we are.
Dude, all these buildings
have SR next to them.
That stands for seismic retrofit. It
applies to any building built in '98.
It looks like all the safety
codes were just changed last week.
Right before the first fire.
That's why they're all empty. They're
no longer considered earthquake safe.
They're going to open up the
walls to bring them up to code.
Dude, that's it. That's what
started this whole thing.
The killer realized that the bodies he
stashed in those buildings ten years ago
are going to be discovered and
now he's torching the evidence.
There's like 20 buildings scheduled to
be retrofitted. Let me print out the list.
Yeah, snap it up.
We still have a few minutes before
they let anybody back in the building.
Dude, trust me,
you want to hurry.
You could have pulled me
out of there.
Dude, I gave you
two full warnings.
My underwear's soaked.
Just like old times.
Kiss my...
One of those buildings is going to
be targeted next by the arsonist.
Are you sure?
I'm Al B. Sure! Watching
Diane Schuur apply Sure Roll-On
while viewing The Sure Thing.
That's pretty sure.
That's all-day sure.
You are a strange person
but extremely effective.
See? Teamwork isn't
the worst thing.
Psychically I could sense that there was
information in that office that we needed
so, uh, I'll go check with the cops
while you scope those out. Boom!
Carpel tunnel. Hey.
That's fair.
Hey, we got a hit
on that BOLO.
A sheriff in Barstow found Bodie
Lambert holed up in a Motel 6
under one of his aliases.
Yes, sir.
Get a hold of Barstow PD. Tell
them not to make a move without us.
Will do.
He is mine.
Okay, you got anything?
Nothing here. All clear.
Do these things come in different
sizes? Because my movement
is very constricted. I feel like
it's creating all the wrong lines.
Maybe if there were
V- necks or lapels.
Or epaulets.
What are they doing here?
I may have given them a heads-up.
It wasn't exactly an invitation.
He must have bolted out the
window. He's not going to get far.
Aerial 2, you got
a 20 on our perp?
You called in
air support for this?
Of course I did. Excuse me! If I may.
What are you doing? Uh, you
might want to stand back.
Freeze. Put your hands behind your back.
He's not talking.
I sense that
he's superstitious.
He might talk to someone from a higher
ethereal plane. May I have a shot?
Knock yourself out.
Give me a second. I have to go outside
and get something off the ground.
Shawn Spencer,
psychic interrogator.
Maybe you remember me from when I
apprehended you. Remember back then?
No? That's okay.
I got everything I need.
Have fun in prison. Word to the
wise. Don't drop the bar of soap.
Oh, please. Don't try
that routine on me.
No, literally, man,
don't drop the soap.
There's so much bacteria
on those floors.
I'm pretty sure they only
issue one bar a month, so.
Why are you eating that?
Raw leaves is what the Earth
Mother allows me to eat.
It banishes all
negative entities.
What, are you a fairy?
Hardly. I've seen Little
Darlings like 11 times.
But I am a male Wiccan.
You're not Wiccan.
I'm level eight, Jack.
I'd be level nine if it wasn't
for my seasonal pollen allergies.
What's your coven?
Say what?
What's your pass phrase.
I don't know you, man.
Same time, one, two, three.
Knight Rider.
Wait, what?
Exactly what you said, man.
Oh, it is so dope to connect
with other weirdos.
But right here, man, you and
me, we understand each other.
All that fairy stuff aside,
I dig you, Bodie.
I dig you, Bodie.
Now, I only got a minute before the
cops come in here and haul you out.
So I'm going to
level with you.
The Earth Force Mother
is pretty POed at you, man.
Me? You're crazy.
I didn't do anything.
She sent me here to stop you. How do you
think I found you in that ceiling, bro?
No. I got a message.
Why is the
Earth Spirit after me?
She knows you lit
those fires, bro.
We found the crew mates you
murdered in the buildings.
I didn't kill nobody, brother.
It must have been that guy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait, wait, wait, what guy?
Ten years ago, somebody
started hunting us down.
Someone grabbed me
out of my car,
took me to some
construction site,
made me get on my knees, told me I had
to pay for killing those two firemen.
Then he pulls the trigger.
Nothing happens.
I got the hell out of there.
I haven't been to Santa
Barbara since that night.
I found Wicca and reformed.
Where did this mystery man
take you, bro?
Like an address
or something?
I had a bag over my head
most of the time.
But that night is burned in
my mind. I was about to die.
And all I remember hearing is birds.
Lots of them. Sounded like hundreds.
Yeah. Chirping.
Wicca out brother.
Shawn, I still can't believe the police
thought your bird chirping clue was too vague.
Well, they're still trying to figure
out what building Bodie was taken to.
Hey. Well, at least Bodie
told us the killer's motive.
Someone is avenging the deaths of the
firemen killed in the Renkel fires.
Maybe it is a firefighter.
I warned you, Shawn,
firefighters are trouble.
I did everything in my power
to keep you off the pole.
And you succeeded, Dad,
in every conceivable way.
But since our bad guy
was targeting criminals,
rogue cop is now
added to the list.
We have all the potential
arson targets.
Since our killer scouted
one out for Bodie,
he may have still used them
for other victims.
And all you got going
is your bird chirping?
Wait a minute. What about
Miss Mugglesworth?
My cockatoo
when I was eight?
I haven't thought
about her in years.
Remember when she died, your parents fed
you some story about taking her somewhere?
The bird sanctuary. But she's
not dead. She's still there.
Living amongst other
relinquished avians.
Gus, have you seen her since
your parents took her there?
Of course not.
She had a rare bird disease,
where she would lose her feathers
if anyone ever looked at her.
So she has to be kept in a
special mirrored cage. What?
Gus, your parents lied to you. We
do it sometimes to protect our kids.
Your bird bit the big one.
Sorry, pal.
Yeah. Not all pets can go live on a
special wheat farm like my rabbits.
That's right, son.
Where is this
bird sanctuary?
Third Street and D.
Third and D?
Really? Dude,
hundreds of birds chirping.
That never occurred
to you until now?
Leaving Mrs. Mugglesworth
was a painful memory, Shawn.
I blocked it out until
12 seconds ago.
Guys, guys, guys,
the Daedalus Building.
It's right there.
Right in that area.
When is it schedded to
be retrofitted?
Well, that means your pyromaniac
is going to get to work today.
Shawn, we told Morgan
to check all these buildings.
I gotta call her and tell her
not to go in without backup!
Damn it. I still can't get
a hold of Morgan.
I got a bad feeling
about this.
Did you call Lassiter
and the fire department?
They're on their way.
Army Johnson?
Stay where you are.
Don't make a move.
Dude, start talking. Stall
him until everybody gets here.
Don't let him toss that flame.
I know you killed
those criminals.
But I know why.
Honey, the last time this city
had an arsonist was so long ago
I was still on
the big red truck.
Because, back in the day
you were a fireman.
And those vandals set fires that took
the lives of two of your colleagues.
Died fighting the Renkel fires
of '98, set by a bunch of vandals.
I served side by side with those
firemen for years. They had families.
You're right.
They did.
So you left the department and took a job
inspecting buildings for code violations
and you discovered those are
pretty good places to hide a body.
So you stalked
and killed your victims,
you covered them with lye and
you plugged them into walls.
But your old buddy, the
Fire Chief, figured you out.
He made a few calls.
Five calls in a row to hardware
stores all over the city.
Confirmed that it was you
that bought the accelerant.
And finally
he caught you in the act.
Army, what are you doing?
Don't do it!
Don't do it!
It was too late, wasn't it? Always
the fireman, he tried to put it out.
You even tried to
save his life.
Come on, Danny!
It was my fault. Danny
wasn't supposed to be there.
What about us? Huh?
What about your
arson inspector?
We didn't do anything.
Do we deserve to die?
I don't...
I don't...
But... But I can't live
with this anymore.
Gus! Get Morgan! Get Morgan!
This is a mess.
Where's Shawn?
His car's over there.
I can see somebody
coming out.
Are you guys okay?
What the hell happened?
What is Army Johnson
doing here?
He's the bad guy.
Well, look at that. Got you
doing the grunt work, huh?
Well, all the new volunteers
have to do it.
How's it going so far? I'm
pretty much a hero to the newbies.
I mean I've already been in
two fires, carried a man out,
stopped an arsonist.
Yes, you have. Well, I just
wanted to drop something by
before I visit Morgan in
the hospital. What's that?
Meet your new
fire dog.
Lady Godiva.
That's a boy, Shawn.
Oh, yeah.
Look at that.
I've already cleared it
with the new Fire Chief.
You just got to walk him, feed him,
clean up after him and what not.
He needs eye drops at two, ear drops at
three, and he may or may not have mange.
You're not leaving that thing
here. I'm not taking care of him.
Gus, if you don't take him, Cruella
will turn him into ear muffs.
Goodbye, Lady G.
Shawn, Shawn!
Did you paint
these spots on?
In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity
I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity
If it's all right
then you're all wrong
But why bounce around
to the same damn song?
You'd rather run
when you can't crawl
I know, you know
That I'm not telling the truth
I know, you know
They just don't have any proof
Embrace the deception
Learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend
to psych you out in the end
I know, you know
I know, you know