Privileged (2008–2009): Season 1, Episode 14 - All About Tough Love - full transcript

Megan seeks to aid her sister, and in so doing learns why Lily is in jail. Will offers to bail Lily out, but both Arthur and Megan refuse saying that Lily should learn a lesson by staying in jail for her long history of making the same dumb mistakes and getting involved with the wrong people. Shelby secretly meets with Will behind Megan's back to ask for his assistance, and he agrees to help... only to find out later what Shelby's real reason is. Meanwhioe, Rose helps Sage pick out a lavish gift for Luis to further get his attention, but neither sister foresees his reaction, while at the same time, Rose finds a love poem and assumes that her nebish classmate, Zack, wrote it for her.

Previously on Privileged...


These are for you.

Do you think it's possible
that I like Luis?

Kinda seemed like you did.

You should have just
told me you liked me.

I don't.

Mom's home!

You gave up the right to call
either one of us daughter

when you walked out.

Hey, Sammy. So when did
you guys get back together?

A few weeks ago.

Lily got married?

That sexy Sammy and her,
they tied the not.

That was Lily.
Apparently she's in jail.

Man: Attention. Visiting hours
will end in 10 minutes.

There is no physical contact
with prisoners at any time.

I didn't do it.

Lily, are you ok?
Wait, why do you look so good?

Honeymoon tan.

Right. Forgot about that.

Must of missed out on the registries.

I didn't think you'd want
to come to the wedding.

I know Sammy's never been
your favorite person.

It's ok. I've moved on.
And so now...

We're in jail. So...

I know. But I didn't do it.
The backpack wasn't mine.

Ok. Wait. I'm a few steps behind.
What backpack?

The backpack full of drugs
they found in my hotel room.

Oh, great.
Are you dealing now?

Hello. I just said-

Oh, you didn't do it.
Ok. I'm sorry. Um...

Is it possible you
married a drug dealer?

It's possible.

But I don't know for sure.
'Cause he took off.

And that's how I wound up here.

I thought you guys
were in Acapulco.

We were.

But we were having
so much fun that we decided

to extend the honeymoon
and road trip back home.

We got to Delray yesterday.

And I wanted to hit up the beach

and he had some friends
he wanted to hook up with,

so we decided to meet up for dinner.

Except he never showed.

Yeah, well, you know marriage.
Ups and downs.

Day 3 must have been pretty tough.

Are you done?

I'm sorry. Sorry.

Just go on.

Anyway I went to look
for him at the hotel.

But when I got there,
he was gone.

Cops were everywhere.

And there was a backpack
full of-

I don't need to know
what kind of drugs.

'Cause I'm just gonna go to a happy
place and pretend like it was pot.

It wasn't pot.

Happy place, Lily.

Fine. Pot.

Since the hotel room
was in my name...

They assumed it was yours.

Geez, Lily.

I just-
I don't know what to do.

The bail's 25,000.

Oh, my god.

I know.
But you can get it, right?

I gotta figure this out.


I'll be back tomorrow.
I promise.

Are you ok?

I mean, do you need anything?

I'm fine.

Ok. I'll-um-
I'll be back tomorrow.

Mmm. You know, I'm supposed to be
putting all the fine China away.

This little fundraiser isn't
going to clean itself up.

Mmm. Sounds like you have
a lot of work to do.


Mmm. Wait. Wait.

Let's slow this train down.

Slow it down?

The train just left the station.

I know. I know.
But I wanna do this right.

I wanna take you out
on a real date.

A real date?

Like a date date?

Yeah, a date date.

You know, dinner, movies.

Anything where you can see me
in something besides an apron.

I like it.

It's sounds very proper.


We're going to be proper.

Oh, they look so cute.

It's about damn time.

What the heck is every-

Oh. Look. Happy people.

All right, that's it.
Show's over.

Move it along, people.
Nothing to see here.

You, easy-to-replace souse chef,

hands off the queen bee
and get back to work.

And you, trouble-with-a-capital-s,

stop distracting him.

Pfft. Young love.

Makes me sick.

How'd it go? She ok?

She's being held for possession

with intent to distribute
something very bad that isn't pot.

Did she?

I don't know.
She says she didn't.

But I don't know. The story
seems a little weird.


Yeah. It's like, I feel like
I'm in a daytime soap opera.

Where's my evil twin?

In jail?


Can you do me a favor?


Will you take me
to my dad's house?

Do you think she's using again?

She didn't say anything
anything about using.

She just said that
she wasn't dealing.

And you believed her?

Why wouldn't you believe her?

Isn't she innocent
until proven guilty?

Not when it comes to Lily.

I just keep thinking
about that stupid bracelet.

I know.
But that was different.

What bracelet?

Lily stole a bracelet from the
girls that I was working for.

And she lied about it,
pretty convincingly too.

She lies about everything.

She's lies about things she
doesn't even need to lie about.

That's the problem.

The bail's 25,000.

Holy crap!

I know. I have
about 8,000 saved.

I have about 2.

I can cover it.

Absolutely not.


No, Will,
this is a family matter.

I don't want you
getting involved.

If he wants-
But I'm really happy to help-

Mom, I'm serious. No.

Megan, you don't have to get upset.

Will, please stop.
Nobody's posting bail.


We're not bailing her out.

I could probably get a bail bond.

It's not about the money.

Lily needs to learn a lesson here.

She's got to realize there are
repercussions to her actions.

And until she does,
she's not gonna change.

So you're just gonna let
our baby girl sit in jail?

If I thought she was
in danger, I wouldn't.

She's just scared.

And you know what?
She should be.

The way her life's been going,

being scared might be the only
way to put her back on track.

And believe me, this has
been a long time coming.

I don't know.

Do you trust me, sweetie?

All right then.

I'll go down there tomorrow.

And I'll tell her what we've decided.

No, I have to go.

Um, I promised her that
I would be back tomorrow.

And I don't want her to think that-

I'll tell her.

All right.


Uh, Jordanna, that necklace?


I love it!

Uh-huh. And...

and that dress makes
your boobs look awesome.

You should wear it more often.

Hey, guys.
I hope I'm not interrupting.

Hey! I was just looking for ya.

Kudos on the outfit, Zachariah.

No one can rock a
sweater-vest like you can.

Oh, there's Meredith. I haven't
talked to her in for-evs.


Ok. What's with the musketeer act?

What do you mean?

Ok. Sage totally met someone.
Isn't that great?

Shut up.

Sage Baker has a beau.
Who is he?

Vitals now.

Well, he doesn't-
His name is Luis.

Yeah, he's their new souse chef.


No stop it.

Sage's new boyfriend
is a domestic?!


Oh! Um, well I'm not sure
that she's telling people yet.


Who are you again?

I'm Zach.
With a "ch" not a "ck."

Do you go to this school?

Of course he does.

Why have I never seen him before?

Because he's in all ap classes.



I gotta run. Kisses.


Ok, I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't
have said anything about Luis, huh?

Uh, it's ok.

I'm just a little nervous
around your friends.

They're not really the group
I normally hang with.

I know. But you'll get used to 'em.

They're pretty harmless
once you get to know 'em.

Oh, and for now,

let's not tell Sage you're
the one who outed her.

Sometimes she hits.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to wake you. Go back to sleep.

What time is it?


Are you going back
to Delray already?

Yeah, I figured I might as
well get it over with, right?

Did you even sleep at all?

Not really.

I feel sick.

Megan, can I say something?


I mean, I know it's not my
place, and it's not my family.

But I can't help but have
an opinion on the subject.

I know.

Well, what do you think?

I think this is crazy.

I mean, if this is about the money-

No, it's not about that.
I mean, you heard my dad.

Yeah, but so what? Since when does
your dad make the big decisions?

And no offense, because
I genuinely like the guy.

But it's not as if he's the person
you've been leaning on your whole life.

And he's clearly got
his own agenda going.

Well, I wouldn't exactly
call it an agenda.

He's working a program.

We all know the program.
It's about enabling and all that crap.

And I wouldn't call it crap.

I didn't mean it like that.

Look, you're right.

It's just-I've always been
the one who's had to make

the hard decisions in
our family, and it sucks.

You know, when my dad first
got laid off,

I had to tell Lily that we couldn't
afford to get her new school clothes.

And I had to tell both of them,

that we couldn't afford the house
that we were living in anymore.

And-I don't know.

This is the first time that
my dad's making a tough call.

And it just-it feels nice
to let him do it.

Oh, I know that sounds like a cop-out

No, it doesn't.

It sounds like it's about
time that you had a break.

But do you really think
that she did it?

I don't know.

I really, I don't know.

Ok, so let's say,
worst-case scenario, she did.

Right. And she's go on trial,
be prosecuted and do the time.

If Lily really screwed up that badly,
she's gonna pay a price for it.

But if she didn't do it, and if she's
sitting in jail right now totally innocent,

and you're leaving her there just
to teach her some kind of lesson,

then you could lose
your sister forever, Megan.

I mean, forever.

Is that what you want?

I'm gonna need you to
zippidy-do-da on the whistling.

Can't help it.
I'm in a good mood.

Oh, yes. You and the feisty
twin have finally found love.

Funny how that happened just as
Keith decided to terminate ours.

Yeah, I heard about that.
Sorry, man.

It's ok. This way the world
maintains a love-hate balance.

I'm happy for you two high
school musical-looking misfits.

Now get your whistling ass downstairs
and get me a case of olive oil.

Good morning, Megan.

Morning, Luis.

Why's he so chipper?

He and Sage finally decided
to become all kissy kissy.

Isn't it disgusting?

You're kidding. That's great.

It won't last.

Why not?

Because they're teenagers.

One of them will choose MySpace
the other one will choose Facebook.

And then they'll never speak again.

Have you ever heard of a little
thing called opposites attract?

If they really like each other,
they'll make it work.

No, they can't.
Yes, they can.

You're wrong.
I'm right.

You wanna bet?

Because I don't want to participate
in any of your bitter bets.

They're gonna last. Because I need
someone in this house to be happy.

And it's clearly not going to be you or me.
So pipe down Buzzkill McGee.

If you'll excuse me,
I have to go to jail now.


You heard me.

Damn. She's always gotta
one-up me with the drama.

A hairnet?

For your new boyfriend.


'Cause Luis is a chef.

I get it. That's funny.

Um, we're actually gonna go
head out and get some drinks.

Do you want anything?

Um, uh, no thanks.


Are you ok?

Oh, please. Like I wasn't
expecting this?

He's poor. I'm rich. Gasp.

So shocking that he did it on the
first night that you went out.

Don't worry.

Jordanna's lame sense of humor
is not going to bring me down.

Wow. You really like him.

I know. It's crazy, right?

It's making me want to do stuff.

Ah, not that stuff.

It's like yell it from the rooftops
and buy him a Porsche kinda stuff.

But that's a great idea.

Not the Porsche, but a gift.

Something small to show him how psyched
you are about you guys being together.

Yeah, but you don't think it's too weird

that I'm buying him a gift this early?

Not at all.

Look, it's a really nice way to
show somebody that you like them.

And hey, with valentine's
day coming up,

it's the perfect excuse.

Ahh, I totally forgot
about valentine's day.

Thank god I have you.
You're so good at this dating thing.

Ok. So the real question
is what to get.

Sorry. Sorry,
I was on the phone.

Is everything ok?

Actually no. I need a favor.

Yeah, I know.
That's why I'm here.

No. No. Not my bail.

I need you to call
this woman Evan Cantwell.

She's gonna be Sammy's lawyer.

They found Sammy?

When they do, he's gonna need
someone to represent him. So...

Wait a minute. You're trying to
find Sammy a lawyer right now?

I' already been assigned
a public defender.

But Sammy's gonna need someone who
actually knows what they're doing.

He's in some serious trouble.

You're in some
serious trouble, Lily!

You're in jail right now
because Sleazy Sammy skipped town

and let you take the fall for him.

Lower your voice, Megan.

This is insane! Ok. I'm sitting
her freaking out about you,

and you're worried about
your stupid deadbeat-


He messed up. And don't think
I won't give him hell about it.

But he is my husband, Megan.

I cannot believe I defended
you to mom and dad last night.



Yeah, she um-she came home
a couple of weeks ago.

And I called you but you
didn't call me back.

What do you-mom's home?

Lily, I need you to focus on
what's happening right now.

Because it's about to get worse.

We're not bailing you out.


We talked about it and well,

it's obvious that you're not
taking this situation seriously.

And dad was right-

So this was dad's idea?

No. We all talked about this.

Look, Lily, you're sitting her
worrying about Sammy right now,

which just shows me that you're
not grasping what's going on here.

You need to start absorbing
some of this

so you don't make the same
mistakes over and over again.

Lily, wait!

You all sat around like
a perfect little family

and decided to leave me here?

Like I'm the black sheep?
I'm the problem?

Lily, come back!


Hey, Charlie, Sage Baker.

I need you to tell me everything there
is to know about your cousin Luis.


Mainly, I need to know what he likes.

Hobbies, sports, peculiar fetishes.

Yeah, uh, no hobbies.

The guy's all about work.

He just wants to go
to culinary school,

so he's pretty focused on his job


Ahh, this is perfect.

Thanks for all your help.

Wait, wait. Why are you asking
me all these questions?

Did he do something?

Oh, didn't he tell you?
We're dating now.

Isn't that great?
Thanks, Charlie.

Uh, hey, you wear the same outfit
as my debate team. That's cool.

Yes, I see.

Excuse me while go
set fire to mine.

Zach, what are you doing here?

I have something
I want to give you.

And it couldn't wait.

You got me a gift. Why?

It's a nice way to let someone
know that you care about them.

It's a poem. It's not like
a check or anything.

That is so sweet.

Nobody's ever written
me a poem before.

I just wanted to let you know
how I feel about you.

Thank you so much.

Do you wanna stay and
watch TV or something?

Oh, I can't. I got a competition.

But I'll call you later though.



Where's your girlfriend?

Oh, Mandy. She went to visit
her family for a week or two.

I'm not sure.

Things haven't been going
all that great with us lately.

Ah, that sucks.

Yeah. Anyway,
how's aunt Marilyn doing?

I haven't talked to her in a while.

She's fine.

How's work going?
Marco's great, isn't he?

You know, I bet a letter
from a guy like that

would really help you get
into culinary school, huh?

Yeah, absolutely.
Come on! Block him out!

This job is really important
to you, right?

Yeah, really important.

Then why are you trying to
mess it up by dating Sage Baker?

How'd you know about that?

Because she told me.

That's right.
The crazy rich girl called me.

She's not crazy, dude.

She just speak her mind.
That's what I like about her.

She gets all fired up inside.

You know, that's funny.

'Cause if you date her
and then break up with her,

you'll get fired.

And if you date her
and she breaks up with you,

guess what? Still fired.

It's a lose-lose.

Or we date, we stay together,
and everything's cool.

Yeah, 'cause that's gonna happen.

You guys are in two completely
different places,

from two totally different worlds.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means that the situation has
disaster written all over it.

I just don't want to see you lose
a job you really love for no reason.

Well, I'll lose it anyway
if I show up late.

Ahh. I hear you coz.
And I appreciate the advice.

But the fact is, I can
always get another job.

I don't know if I can get
another girl like Sage.

Do you know what I'm saying?

Yes, I do.

Gotta follow your heart.

Always follow your heart.

You ok?

Did you leave her there?

It was the hardest thing
that I've ever had to do.

I'm not even sure that
I made the right decision.

If it's ok with you, I just-I
don't want to talk about it anymore.

It's about time.

Hey, beautiful. What's up?

I have a surprise for you.

- What's this?
- It's an early Valentine's gift

Or just a gift.

Valentine's day is so lame, right?

Um, they're made by like W?sthof
or some Germany sounding name.

Apparently all the top
chef's use them.

Do you like it?

Uh, yeah. They're great.

Thank you. That's really great.

You're welcome.

I should let Marco
know I'm here. So, yeah.

"Dull sublunary lovers' love."



Hmm. Earthly, mundane.

Mundane lovers?
That sounds bad.

Sage, doesn't mundane mean boring?


God, this poem makes no sense!

I mean, how can love be boring
and refined at the same time.

What homework are you doing?

I wish I was doing homework,

this is Zach's crazy-hard poem

about our sublunary love.

He wrote you a poem?

Someone's trying way too hard.

Oh, no. I don't think this is hard
for him at all. That's the problem.

He's Mr. Ap-everything.
All super smart.

And he know how to use the
word "'twere" in a sentence.

So you're dating a nerd.
So what?

It's not like you didn't know
that going into it.

I know. I just didn't know
it was going to be this hard.

Men are so difficult.


Well, what happened to you?

Oh, my God, did you
give Luis the knives?

Yeah, and he hated them.

He did?

I don't know. I think he did.

His reaction was all bizzaro.

I can't believe I missed
the gift giving.

Well, ok. Wait.
What did he do exactly?

He was like.

Then he's like.

Thanks. They're great.

But in a way that was totally false.

Well, maybe you got the wrong ones,
like the wrong size or something.

Hey, girls, ready to do some bio.

Megan, do you know
anything about knives?

I already don't like where
this conversation is going.

Forget it.
Don't worry about it. Ok.

If he doesn't like them,
then I'll just return them.

Oh, my gosh.
Did you get Luis knives?

Stop smiling.

That's so sweet.
What a thoughtful gift.

I bet you he loved them.

Well, you would lose that bet.

Oh, I feel so bad.

This is all my fault.

I never should have told
you to get him anything

until we knew exactly
the best thing to get.

It's ok.

No. It's not.

Ok. We're both gonna put
our thinking caps on.

And we're gonna come up with
something so much better.

All right. And I promise
to be there for you

so we can analyze
his look as a team.


I love you.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I just got
something in my eye.

She keeps getting
weirder and weirder.

Look, it's not that I wasn't
listening to you.

It's just that, I don't know,

I started to realize that maybe some
of the things that you said yesterday

weren't totally accurate.

Like what?

Ok. I don't think that we've
been enabling Lily her whole life.

If anything, I feel like she's been left
to fend for herself in a lot of ways.

I left for school
when she was only 16.

You weren't functioning at the time.

And well, mom-

Wasn't there at all. I know.

None of us were though. I mean, I bailed
Lily out of a few things at school.

But big picture,

she was left by herself.

She's right, Artie.

When I see Rose and Sage together, it
makes me feel like the worst sister ever.

They would never
do this to each other.

You know, if Rose was a serial killer,

Sage would stay in jail with
her just to braid her hair.

Can I tell you something?

You have a heart
made of solid gold.

Doesn't feel that way.

I know you want to do
what's best for Lily.

And I know that this
feels wrong to you.

But it's not.

How do you know that?

Because I've been
where Lily is right now.

I hit bottom.

While I was on my way down,

I had a friend who kept
trying to help.


Just a friend.

I got used to him coming by
everyday checking up on me.

The day he didn't, I was terrified.

I was too ashamed to call him.

Took me almost a full week
to realize I was on my own.

That's when I got
my crap together.

When I got out of rehab, he
was the first person I called.

I owe him my life.

What if she can't get her life
together. She's just a kid.

Oh, Lily's a fighter.
She always has been.

When she turns a corner, we're gonna
be here waiting for her as a family.

Ok. I get it.
Knives aren't romantic.

But I was just trying
to do something nice.

It was a nice gift.

In fact, it's exactly
what I've been wanting.

Look, I've been saving up for those
knives for almost two years now.

Ok. So you're upset because I
got you something you wanted?

I'm not upset. Ok?

It's just...

It's hard to explain.

Look, it seems like we're
in a win-win here.

I can take all the money you were
saving and buy me something nice.

It's like the gift of the magi,

except in our version
everyone gets what they want.

Yay for us.

This is something I wanted.

But that's why it was important
for me to earn it.

It was a goal of mine.

But you swooped in
and you beat me to that goal.

Does that make sense?


All I know is I spent a lot of
time thinking about what to get you.

And now you're all upset because
I ruined your knife dream.

Sage, don't you understand-

Don't you understand how hard it
was for me to find the perfect gift?!

Do I go big and flashy?
Or do I go small and subtle?

Do I get him something
meaningful or something practical?

Oh, and don't spend too much
money or he'll freak out.

Oh, I was wondering when
that was going to come up.

Oh, whatever.

We both know I have more
money than you, so what?

So what?

So what if I buy something

that you would have gotten
yourself in two years?

It's just stuff.
It doesn't mean anything.

It meant something to me.

Oh, blah blah blah.
You know what?

If it's such a big deal,
then don't use them. Ok?

Take them back to the store or throw
them out the window for all I care.

I'm sorry I got you a
present in the first place!

Thanks for meeting me, Will.

I'm sorry to call you out so late.

It was not problem.
Is Megan here yet?

No, I didn't call her.
She's a wreck.

Poor thing was over at the
house today, and she was shaking.

And I don't know what to do.

But I know how much you care
about her. So I was hoping

that maybe you could tell me
what she's thinking.

I'm not sure what she's thinking.

But I do know that she's having
a rough time with this decision.

'Cause it's a damn fool decision
and that's why.

And I can't argue with Artie.

This whole thing's really my
fault in a round about way.

And everybody knows it.

It's like the pink elephant
in the room,

if you know what I mean.

I do. But I don't think this
is all your fault, Shelby.

You're sweet.

I saw Lily today.

After Megan left the house,
I had to go and see for myself.

How's she doing?

She's terrified, of course.

Megan does not want to leave
her sister in that jail.

And you know that.

It's the decision that she made.

Whether or not she thinks it's
the right decision, I don't know.

But you don't think it is.

No, I don't.

Me neither.

I need to put this family
back together again.

For the first time in my life,

I want to be the one
to make things right.

But I don't know
how to do it by myself.

I need your help, Will.

Hey, Marco said you weren't
feeling well. You have a cold?

Yeah, sure.
That sounds good.

I'm not going to school.

Is this about Luis?

You got the boy blues
written all over you.

Way worse than a stuffy nose.

Seriously, I want to hurl.

Did you guys have a fight?

I don't know. I guess.

This whole thing was such a
stupid idea in the first place.

Well, that's too bad,

because I thought you guys
made a really cute couple.

Me, too.

Then he got all wounded bird
over the stupid knives thing

and his stupid goals. And I
don't know. We're too different.

So whatever.

Ok. For future reference,

it's probably not the best idea
to tell someone that you like

that they have stupid goals.

I only said that because
he made me feel bad.

Obviously, I don't think
his goals are stupid.

I know that. And the fact
that you're different

doesn't have to be that big of a deal.

I mean, look at me and Will.

Good point.

I mean, Will's ever richer than us.

And you look even
poorer than Luis.

His family's awesome.
And yours is-

A band of gypsies.
Yes. I know.

Look, when Will and I
first started dating,

I never thought it would work.

But we stuck it out.
We had the fights.

And you know, this past week,

Will's been more amazing
than I ever thought possible.

You guys can have that.

You just gotta fight for it.

I'm willing to fight for it.

I just don't know
what he wants from me.

Well, then go back.

Figure out where he was
coming from last night.

Sounds to me like maybe you let
your pride get in the way

before you could understand
what Luis was trying to tell you.

Well, maybe if he spoke
better English,

I wouldn't have to try so hard.


I'm just kidding.


Marco, are you good with vocab?

Well, it depends, I'll need
the word in context.

And even then I'm not
making any promises.

Oh ok. Ok. How about this one?

"Such wilt thou be to me,
who must-"

"Like th'other foot
obliquely run,

"Thy firmness makes
my circle just,

And makes me end
where I begun."

What the "h"! Did you
help Zach write this poem?

Nope, and I didn't help
John Donne write it either.

Who is John Donne?

The guy who wrote the poem.
Stay with me honey.

Oh, my god.

He totally lied to me.

Men. So typical.

They just tell you what
they think you want to hear.

A bunch of liars.

I remember when Keith
and I first started dating.

He told me he was
a black belt in kung fu.

So I playfully tried a Charlie's
Angels karate kick on him.

Turns out he wasn't a black belt,
but a big fan of Jackie Chan movies.

Oh, I took him out with one kick.

And I was wearing sandals.

Poor guy. He had a big old
bruise for weeks.

You miss him don't you?

That old hag, he had his chance.

Not for a second.

Now you missy, need to march over to that
sorry boyfriend of yours and give him hell.

'Cause no one tries to pull
a fast one on my Rose Baker.

What the-

Dad, call me as soon as you get
off the boat. We need to talk.

You're never gonna
believe what happened.

Well, actually I don't
even know what happened.

But I have a pretty strong idea.

And if I'm right,
heads are gonna roll.

Unless I'm wrong.

Ok. Slow down.

Lily is out of jail. Which means
someone bailed her out.

I called Dale and all of her friends.
They don't even know

what I was talking about,
which just leaves my dad.

Even though that makes no sense.

Why do you have that face?

Before we get into this-

Get into what?

Are you happy that she's out?

It's important I know the answer to
that before I tell you everything.

Oh, my god.

No, it's not what you think.

Did you go down there
and bail Lily out of jail?

No, I didn't.

I didn't go down there.
And I didn't see Lily.

Your mom went.

She called me and told me that
you were gonna be there.

I can't believe this is happening.

Will you let me finish?

Did you go behind my back
and talk to my mom about this?

She called me.

I don't care!

Megan, calm down.

You gave my mom the money to
bail Lily out of jail, didn't you?

Yeah, I did.

But only because-

There is no because.

You went behind my back
after I specifically asked you

not to do anything at all.

But you obviously weren't
happy with the decision.

I mean, even your
mom could see that.

That isn't the point.
Ok. This is my family.

You have no right.

Do you know how humiliating
this is going to be for my dad

when he finds out what you did?

You just throw down $25,000

like it's 25 cents and make
this huge decision.

It was your mom's decision.

She wanted to help. I just
wanted to help her help you.

You weren't helping me. You did
what you thought should be done.

You thought we were
making a mistake

and you were trying to fix it.

You weren't listening to me at all.

You bailed my sister out of
jail and I left her there.

And that makes me
look like the bitch.

Megan, that is not-

I gotta get out of here.

Hi. Do you have anything
you want to tell me?

Anything at all? Because now
would be the time to share.


You didn't write this?
Yeah, I know.

What, do you think I was too dumb
to figure it out or something?

What? No.

I mean, I didn't at first.

But I did eventually
which is all that counts.

I feel terrible, Rose.

If it makes a difference,

I totally feel exactly
what the poem is saying.

Why would you lie to me so
early in our relationship?

I mean, that is something
you do in, like, week 2

when things get really hard.

I'm so sorry.
I didn't plan on lying to you.

I swear. But when you assumed
that I wrote it for you,

I just couldn't bring myself
to tell you the truth.

Why not?

'Cause you thought it was cool and all
I want is for you to think that I'm cool.

Since I'm obviously not.

Come on, you're cool.

I watch jeopardy, Rose.

I'm in band. Not a band, but band.

These are not cool things.

And plus it's pretty lame getting a poem
off the internet and calling it your own.

And even lamer than the first
poem I actually did write.

Wait. So you did write me a poem?



Now this is awesome.

There's rhyming
and short words.

This is so much better than
that other one.


Zach, you need to remember
who you're dealing with.

What do you mean?

Well, that other poem-
it was a nightmare.

Do you know how long it
took me to figure out

that the beaten gold was a
metaphor for the separated lovers?

It is?

I never got that.

You didn't?


You're way smarter
than you think, Rose.

Shut up. You're just
saying that to be nice.

No. I'm saying it 'cause it's true.

Well, as far as nerds go,

you're even cooler
than Michael Cera.

Another present?

Please shut up.
This is embarrassing enough.


So when I was little,
I was totally into puzzles.

Trying to share.

Anyway, I did them all the time.

I even forced Laurel to
convert one of our guestrooms

into a puzzle's only suite.

And when I was nine years old,
I got my first, 5,000-piece puzzle.


I worked on it everyday
during the summer,

right up until the week
that I went to camp.

Couldn't wait to come
home and finish it.

But when I got back,
it was already done-

framed, laminated,
and hanging in my room.

Someone laminated your puzzle.

That's not the sad part.

Really, I think it might be.

Laurel had her assistant do it.

And then she framed it,
and gave it to me as a gift.

She didn't ask. She just did it.

She thought it was nice, but I never got
to finish my first 5,000-piece puzzle.

Which totally sucked.

Oh, wow.

The point is, I get the knife dream.

Ok? So we're not so different.
End of fight.

Love that story.
But we are pretty different.

So what?!

Big whoop. Everybody's different.

Megan and Will. Rose and Zach.

Your parents were from two totally
different cultures and they turned out fine.

The point is, you promised me a date.

And I just showed you
my kittens in a basket.

So I expect something in return.

And if you make a dirty kittens
joke, I will beat you with this.

Would it be ok if I took you to
the olive garden on our first date

for a value-priced Italian meal?

Just pick me up on time and
we won't have any problems.

Oh, I miss Keith.

What do you want?


I have a client coming in.

Lily, I want to help you.

Yeah? Little late for that.

No, it's not.
Look, I made a mistake.

I should never have let you stay there.
But I thought I was doing the right thing.

And the point is
is that you need help.

And I want to be here for you.

And now is really
the most important part.

I mean, you're gonna
Need a good lawyer.

And I would rather help you pay
for someone decent, then have you-

What are you talking about?

A public defender is not
going to be good enough.

Are you on crack?
I don't need a lawyer anymore.

The charges against
me were dropped.


They found Sammy. Idiot was
on his way back to Acapulco.

When did this happen?


Ok, I don't understand.

How do you think I got out?

Well, I thought mom bailed you out.

I mean, she went down there.

No, she didn't. I never saw mom.


No one ever came to see me but you.

Hey, honey.
You staying for dinner?

Where's mom?

Not back yet. Went to get her
hair done this afternoon.

What time did she leave?

Not sure. Been on the boat all day.

You know how long
these things take.

Your mother loves
her beauty parlors.

It's after 6:00. Most beauty
parlors are closed by now.

Ah, right. Well, I'm sure
she's on the way home.

I don't think she is.

I think she is gone.

Revised and edited by ju.vianna