Pride and Prejudice (1995): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Two rich, eligible and handsome young bachelors gallop into Hertfordshire and the lives of every hopeful young maiden and her ambitious mother in the neighborhood. Mr Bingley has bought Netherfield Park and has brought his sisters and friend, Mr Darcy, with him. To Mrs Bennet at Longbourn House, they are the answer to her prayers. She has five daughters to marry, and their dowries are not large.

- (BINGLEY): It's a fair prospect.
- (DARCY): Pretty enough, I grant you.

It's nothing to Pemberley, I know.

But I must settle somewhere.
Have I your approval?

You'll find the society
something savage.

Country manners?
I think they're charming.

- Then you'd better take it.
- Thank you, I shall.

I shall close
with the attorney directly.

(KITTY): I want to wear it today.
Look what you've done to it!

(KITTY): Mamma, mamma!

(KITTY): Lydia has torn up my bonnet

and says she will wear it to church.
Tell her she shall not!

I shall wear it,
for it's all my own work.

She'd be a fright in it.
She's too plain to look well in it!

- No, you shall not have it!
- Lydia! Kitty! Girls!

Would you tear my nerves into shreds?
Let her have it, Kitty.

But it's mine! You let her have
everything that is mine!

Oh, what is to become of us all?
Jane, Lizzy, where are you?

- Here, mamma.
- Coming, mamma.

My dear! Mr Bennet! Wonderful news!

- Netherfield Park is let at last!
- Is it?

Yes, it is, for I have just had it
from Mrs Long.

Do you not want to know who's taken it?

I have no objection to hearing it.

It is taken by a young man of large
fortune from the north of England.

A single man of large fortune, my dear.

He came down on Monday to see the place.

His name is Bingley and he will be
in possession by Michaelmas.

And he has 5,000 a year!

- What a fine thing for our girls!
- How so? How can it affect them?

Mr Bennet, why are you so tiresome?

You know that I'm thinking
of his marrying one of them.

For a single man with a good fortune
must be in want of a wife.

Yes, he must indeed! And who better
than one of our five girls?



- What a fine joke if he chose me!
- Or me!

So that is his design in settling here?
To marry one of our daughters?

"Design"? How can you talk
such nonsense?

But he may fall in love
with one of them.

Therefore you must visit him
directly he comes.

No, no, I see no occasion for that.

- Mr Bennet!
- Go yourself with the girls.

- Still better, send them by themselves.
- By themselves?!

Aye, for you're as handsome
as any of them.

Mr Bingley might like you
best of the party.




Oh, Hill!

Hill, I am so distressed!

Mr Bennet says he will not visit
Mr Bingley when he comes.

- There, there.
- Can't you reason with him?

- I dare say it'll all be well.
- No, it will not!

- For he is bent on ruining us all.
- Mamma, he's teasing you.

He will call on Mr Bingley.
He calls on any new neighbour.

Jane, how can you say that?
You heard him!

You know your father
has a will of iron.

You're in the right, my dear.

I'll tell you what I'll do.
I shall write to Mr Bingley,

informing him that
I have five daughters,

and he is welcome to any of them.

They're all silly and ignorant,
like other girls.

Well, Lizzy has more wit than the rest.

But he may prefer a stupid wife,
as others have done before him.

- There, will that do?
- No! I beg you will not write if you...

You take delight in vexing me!

You have no compassion
on my poor nerves!

You mistake me.
I have a high respect for your nerves.

They've been my old friends
for 20 years.

- You don't know what I suffer.
- Well, I hope you'll get over it,

and live to see many young men
of 5,000 a year move here.

It's no use if 20 such should come,
since you won't visit them.

Depend upon it, my dear.
When there are 20, I'll visit them all.

You see, Jane? He won't be
prevailed upon. He'll see us all ruined.

If only we'd been able to have sons!

Misfortunes, we are told,
are sent to test our fortitude,

and may often reveal themselves
as blessings in disguise.

Lord, I'm so hungry!

If I could love a man
who would love me enough

to take me for 50 pounds a year,

I should be very well pleased.


But such a man could hardly be sensible

and I could never love a man
who was out of his wits.

Oh, Lizzy.

A marriage... where either partner
cannot love nor respect the other,

that cannot be agreeable...
to either party.

As we have daily proof.

But beggars, you know,
cannot be choosers.

We're not very poor, Lizzy.

With father's estate withheld from the
female line, we have only our charms.

One of us at least will have
to marry very well.

And since you're five times as pretty
as the rest of us,

and have the sweetest disposition,
the task will fall on you.

But, Lizzy...

I would wish...

I should so much like...
to marry for love.

And so you shall, I'm sure.

Only take care you fall in love
with a man of good fortune.

Well, I shall try. To please you.

And you?

I am determined that only the deepest
love will induce me into matrimony.

So... I shall end an old maid,

and teach your 1 0 children
to embroider cushions

and play their instruments very ill.

- Good night, mamma.
- My head is very ill tonight.

I said, I wouldn't dance with him
if he was the last man in Meryton!

- Good night, Lydia. Good night, Kitty.
- Good night, Lizzy!

(LYDIA): Lizzy!

Wait till you hear our news!

- Mr Bingley has come!
- Sir William Lucas called on him!

- Save your breath. I will tell mamma.
- I don't wish to know.

Why care for Mr Bingley?
We'll never be acquainted with him.

But, mamma!

Don't keep coughing so, Kitty!
Have a little compassion on my nerves.

- I don't cough for my own amusement.
- 40 servants, and he's very handsome.

- He declared that he loves to dance!
- He said he'd come to the next ball!

- At the Assembly Rooms!
- On Saturday!

- With six ladies and four gentlemen.
- It was 1 2 ladies and seven gentlemen.

- Too many ladies.
- Lydia, I beg you would stop!

We will never know Mr Bingley
and it pains me to hear of him.

- (LYDIA): But mamma!
- I'm sick of Mr Bingley!

I'm sorry to hear that.

If I'd known as much this morning,
I should never have called on him.

(MOTHER): You have called on him?!

I'm afraid we cannot escape
the acquaintance now.

My dear Mr Bennet!
How good you are to us.

- Well, well.
- Girls, girls, is he not a good father?

And never to tell us! What a good joke!

And now you shall all dance
with Mr Bingley!

I hope he has a strong constitution!

And a fondness for silly young women.

My dear Mr Bennet, nothing you say
shall ever vex me again.

I'm sorry to hear it. Well, Kitty.

I think you may cough as much
as you choose now.

- Shall we be quite safe here, Mr Darcy?
- Damned silly way to spend an evening.

Mr Bingley!

Allow me the pleasure of welcoming
you to our little assembly.

Sir William, I am very glad to see you.

There's nothing that I love better
than a country dance.

- Do you know who the two ladies are?
- Mr Bingley's sisters, I understand.

One is married to that gentleman,
Mr Hurst.

- The taller gentleman?
- No, the other.

(ELIZABETH): Better and better!

Very elegant.

Better pleased with themselves
than what they see, I think.

Lizzy! Jane! Come here!

You see that gentleman? Lady Lucas
says he is Mr Bingley's oldest friend.

His name is Darcy and he has
a mighty fortune

and a great estate in Derbyshire.

Bingley's wealth is nothing to his!

1 0,000 a year! At least!

Don't you think he's the handsomest
man you've ever seen, girls?

I wonder if he'd be as handsome
if he weren't so rich.

Oh, Lizzy! They're coming over.
Smile, girls! Smile!

Mrs Bennet.

Mr Bingley would want to become
acquainted with you and your daughters.

Sir, that is very good of you.

This is Jane, my eldest.

And Elizabeth. And Mary sits over there.

And Kitty and Lydia, my youngest,
you see there dancing.

- Do you like to dance yourself?
- There is nothing I love better, madam.

If Miss Bennet is not otherwise engaged,

may I be so bold as to claim
the next two dances?

- I am not engaged, sir.
- Good.

You do us great honour, sir.
Thank the gentleman, Jane.


And you, sir?
Are you fond of dancing, too?

Oh, I beg your pardon. Mrs Bennet,
may I present my friend, Mr Darcy?

You are very welcome to Hertfordshire
I am sure, sir.

I hope you have come here
eager to dance, as your friend has?

Thank you, madam. I rarely dance.

Let this be one of the occasions, sir,

for I wager you'll not easily find such
lively music or such pretty partners.

Pray, excuse me, ma'am.

Well! Did you ever meet such a proud
disagreeable man!

- He will hear you.
- I don't care if he does.

And his friend disposed to be
so agreeable and everything charming.

(MOTHER): Who is he to think himself
so far above his company?

The very rich can afford to give offence
wherever they go.

- We need not care for his good opinion.
- No, indeed!

Perhaps he's not so very handsome
after all?

No, indeed! Quite ill-favoured.

(MOTHER): Certainly nothing at all to
Mr Bingley!

I'll show them!

I wonder at Kitty and Lydia,
that they are so fond of dancing.

(MARY): I take little pleasure
in a ball.

(ELIZABETH): I would take pleasure,

if there were enough partners
as agreeable as Jane's.

I believe the rewards of observation
and reflection are much greater.

Yes, when there are none others
to be had.

We shall have to be philosophers, Mary.

Come, Darcy, I must have you dance!

I must. I hate to see you standing about
in this stupid manner!

You had much better dance!

I certainly shall not. At an assembly
such as this? It would be insupportable.

Your sisters are engaged.

(DARCY): You know it would punish me
to stand up with any other woman.

Good God, Darcy! I wouldn't be
as fastidious as you are for a kingdom!

(BINGLEY): Upon my honour, I never met
so many pleasant girls in my life!

Several of them uncommonly pretty.

You have been dancing
with the only handsome girl in the room.

Darcy, she is the most
beautiful creature I ever beheld.

Look, look!

(BINGLEY): There's one of her sisters.
She's very pretty too.

(BINGLEY): I dare say very agreeable.

(DARCY): She's tolerable, I suppose,
but not handsome enough to tempt me.

I'm in no humour to consider young
ladies who are slighted by other men.

Go back to your partner.
Enjoy her smiles.

You're wasting your time on me.

Jane was so admired!

There was nothing like it!

- Oh, Lord! I'm so fagged!
- Lydia and I danced every dance.

And Mary none!

And Mr Bingley favoured Jane
above every other girl.

For he danced the first two with her,

and then the next with Charlotte Lucas,
which vexed me greatly,

but lo, there in the very next nothing
would please him

but to stand up with Jane again.

And then he danced with Lizzy,
and what do you think he did next?

Enough, madam! For God's sake!
Let's hear no more of his partners!

Would he had sprained his ankle
in the first dance!

And his sisters! Oh,
such charming women!

So elegant and obliging!
I wish you had seen them.

- The lace on Mrs Hurst's gown...
- No lace, Mrs Bennet, I beg you.

But the man he brought with him!
'Mr Darcy', as he calls himself,

is not worth our concern, though he
may be the richest man in Derbyshire.

The proudest,
the most horrid, disobliging...

He slighted poor Lizzy,
and flatly refused to stand up with her.

Slighted my Lizzy, did he?

I didn't care for him either,
so it's of little matter.

Another time, Lizzy, I would not dance
with him if he should ask you.

I believe, ma'am, I may safely promise
you never to dance with Mr Darcy.

So none of the Hertfordshire ladies
could please you, Mr Darcy?

Not even the famous Miss Bennets?

I never met with pleasanter people
or prettier girls!

You astonish me. I saw little beauty,
and no breeding at all.

The eldest Miss Bennet is,
I grant you, very pretty.

A fine concession!
Admit it, she's an angel!

- She smiles too much.
- Jane Bennet is a sweet girl.

But the mother!

I heard Eliza Bennet described
as a famous local beauty.

What do you say to that, Mr Darcy?

I should as soon call her mother a wit.

That's too cruel!

I don't understand why you
go through the world

determined to be displeased
with everything and everyone.

I will never understand why you approve
of everything and everyone you meet.

You shall not make me think ill
of Miss Bennet.

Indeed he shall not!
I shall dare his disapproval

and declare she is a dear sweet girl,

despite her unfortunate relations,

and I should not be sorry to know
her better!

No, nor I! You see, Mr Darcy,
we are not afraid of you.

I would not have you so.


What? Aye, very true.
Damned tedious waste of an evening.

(JANE): He's just what a young man
ought to be.

Sensible, lively, and I never saw
such happy manners!

Handsome too, which a young man
ought to be if he possibly can.

He seems to like you very much,
which shows good judgement.

You may like him.
You've liked many a stupider person.

Dear Lizzy!

He could be happier in his choice
of sisters and friends.

- But the sisters he cannot help.
- Did you not like them?

Not at all. Their manners
are quite different from his.

At first, perhaps, but after a while
they were pleasing.

Miss Bingley is to keep house.
They will be very charming neighbours.

- One of them maybe.
- No, Lizzy, I'm sure you're wrong.

Even Mr Darcy may improve
on closer acquaintance.

Will he be in humour to consider young
ladies who are slighted by other men?


"She is tolerable, I suppose,

but not handsome enough to tempt me. "

- It was very wrong of him to speak so.
- Indeed it was!

Capital offence!

Oh, look! Charlotte is come.


Lizzy! My father is to give a party
at Lucas Lodge and you are all invited!

I hope Lucas Lodge will be graced
with your presence on many occasions.

Here, you see, we are all easy
with no awkwardness or ceremony.


Oh, yes, my dear. 5,000 a year!

(MOTHER): Don't they look well together?
A most agreeable young man!

And he would dance every dance
with Jane. Nothing else would do!

Are you pleased with Hertfordshire,
Colonel Forster?

Very much, Lady Lucas.
Especially this evening.

A regiment of infantry doesn't find
a ready welcome everywhere.

I think your officers will be very well
pleased with Meryton.


Denny and Sanderson
seem well pleased already!

No doubt you attend assemblies
at St. James's Court?

- We go but rarely, sir.
- Indeed! I am surprised.

I should be happy to introduce you
there at any time when I'm in town.

You're too kind, sir.

Well! Well!

Good, good.

Capital! Capital!

Insufferable conceit! To imagine that we
would need his assistance in society.

I am sure he is a good sort of man,

And I am sure he kept a good sort
of shop

before his elevation to the Knighthood.

Poor Darcy. What agonies he must
be suffering.

Are you in Meryton to subdue
the discontented populace, sir,

or to defend Hertfordshire
against the French?

Neither, ma'am. We hope
to winter peacefully at Meryton.

My soldiers
are in great need of training

and my officers
in ever great need of society.

When you are settled,
I hope you'll give a ball.

- Oh, yes, my dear, do!
- Would a ball be well received?

Who's giving a ball? I long for a ball,
and so does Denny!

- And Sanderson. Don't you?
- I d-do indeed.

- Most passionately.
- Little Sanderson, I knew you would!

Make him give a ball!
We'll dance with all the officers.

If Mary would play something,
we could dance now!

Mary, no more dull stuff,
play something jolly. We want to dance!

But there are still two movements.
Mamma! Tell them it isn't fair!

Oh, play a jig, Mary.
No one wants your concertos here.

I fear their taste is not as fine
as yours and mine, Mary,

but let's oblige them this once.

There is no one here
who plays as well as you!

Very well. Though you know it gives me
little pleasure.

- Jane, Mr Bingley, come and dance!
- Not now, Lydia.

(SIR WILLIAM): Capital! Capital!

Mr Bingley continues his attentions
to Jane, Lizzy.

- I'm very happy for her, Charlotte.
- She seems well pleased with him.

If he continues so, she's in a fair way
to be in love with him.

And Mr Bingley?
Do you think he is in love?

It's clear that he likes her very much.

Then she should leave him in no doubt.

She should show more affection
than she feels,

not less, if she is to secure him.

- "Secure him"? Charlotte.
- Yes, she should secure him soon!

Before she is sure of his character
and certain of her own regard for him?

But of course! Happiness in marriage
is entirely a matter of chance.

There will always be vexation and grief.

It's better to know in advance
as little as possible

of the defects of your partner.

Is it not?

You would never act like that yourself!

Well, it seems that Jane will not.

So we must hope that Mr Bingley will.

He gets little encouragement
from his sisters.

(ELIZABETH): Or his friend.

- Mr Darcy looks at you a great deal.
- I can't think why!

Unless to frighten me with his contempt.

I wish he would not come into society.
He only makes people uneasy.

What a charming amusement
for young people this is!

Nothing like dancing!

A refinement of every polished society.

- And every unpolished society.
- Sir?

Every savage can dance.

Oh, yes. Yes, quite.

I should speak to my sister
before she exposes us all to ridicule.

(SIR WILLIAM): Capital! Capital!

Miss Eliza! Why are you not dancing?

Mr Darcy, allow me to present
this young lady

to you as a very desirable partner.

You cannot refuse to dance, I'm sure,
when so much beauty is before you.

Indeed, sir. I have not
the least intention of dancing.

Please don't suppose that I moved
this way in order to beg for a partner.

I would be happy if you would dance
with me, Miss Bennet.

Thank you.

But excuse me,
I... am not inclined to dance.

Why not, when you see Mr Darcy
has no objection?

Although he dislikes the amusement
in general.

- Mr Darcy is all politeness.
- He is!

And why should he not be,
considering the inducement?

Who could object to such a partner?
Eh, Darcy?

I beg you would excuse me.

Well, well...
Oh, Capital, Lydia! Capital!

I believe I can guess your thoughts
at this moment.

I should imagine not.

You are thinking how insupportable
it would be

to spend many evenings
in such tedious company.

My mind was more agreeably engaged.
I've been meditating on the pleasure,

which a pair of fine eyes in the face
of a pretty woman can bestow.

And may one dare ask whose are the eyes
that inspired these reflections?

Miss Elizabeth Bennet's.

Miss Elizabeth Bennet?

I am all astonishment.

From Netherfield! Oh, Jane!
Well, what does it say?

- It is from Miss Bingley.
- Oh, well, that is a good sign, too.

Give it to me.

"My dear friend!"

There now!

"Dine with Louisa and me today..."

La di da, la di da, la di da,
la di da...

" the gentlemen are to dine
with the officers." That's unlucky!

Still, you must go and make
what you can of it.

"Yours ever, Caroline Bingley."
Very elegant hand!

- May I have the carriage, father?
- (MOTHER): The carriage! No, indeed.

You must go on horseback,
for it looks like rain.

- Then you will have to stay the night.
- Mother!

Why do you look at me like that?

Would you go there without seeing
Mr Bingley?

No, indeed.

You will go on Nellie.
That will do very well indeed!

There, Lizzy. You see?

It is all exactly as I planned.

Now... let me see
if I've got this right, Jane.

Your mother's sister is named
Mrs Philips?

- Yes.
- And Mr Philips' estate is...?

He lives in Meryton.

He's an attorney.

And your mother's brother lives
in London?

Yes. In Gracechurch Street.

In which part of London
is Gracechurch Street, Jane?


Forgive me, I...

Fosset, get help. Miss Bennet is unwell.

Well, my dear, if Jane should die
of this fever,

it will be comfort to know that
it was all in pursuit of Mr Bingley,

and under your orders.

Oh, nonsense! People do not die
of little trifling colds.

- She will be very well taken care of.
- I think I must go to Netherfield.

(MOTHER): No, there's no call for that!

Jane is very well where she is.

And you know there is nothing
for you there.

Go to Meryton with your sisters
and meet the officers.

Aye, there are more than enough
to go around.

I know that Jane would wish me
to be with her.

I suppose that's a hint for me
to send for the carriage.

No, father, I'd much rather walk.

It's barely three miles to Netherfield
and I'll be back for dinner.

Walk three miles in all that dirt?
You'll not be fit to be seen.

I shall be fit to see Jane,
which is all I want.

I'm quite determined, mother.

I know! Lydia and I will set you
as far as Meryton.

Aye, let's call on Denny early, before
he is dressed. What a shock he will get!


Our life holds few distinctions,
Mrs Bennet,

but I think we may safely boast
that here sit

two of the silliest girls
in the country.

- 'Bye, Lizzy!
- Isn't that Captain Carter? Make haste!

- Miss Bennet.
- Mr Darcy.

I am come to enquire after my sister.

- On foot?
- As you see.

Would you be so kind
as to take me to her?

Well, we must allow her to be
an excellent walker, I suppose.

But her appearance this morning!
She really looked almost wild!

(MISS BINGLEY): I could hardly keep
my countenance!

Scampering about the country because
her sister has a cold! Her hair, Louisa!

Her petticoat!
I hope you saw it, brother.

Six inches deep in mud, I am certain!

It escaped my notice.
I thought she looked remarkably well.

- You observed it, I'm sure, Mr Darcy.
- I did.

I'm inclined to think you wouldn't wish
your sister to make such an exhibition.

Certainly not.

It seems to me to show an abominable
sort of conceited independence.

It shows a pleasing affection
for her sister.

Mr Darcy, has this escapade affected
your admiration for her fine eyes?

Not at all. They were brightened
by the exercise.

But Jane Bennet is a sweet girl!

It's very sad
she has such an unfortunate family,

such low connections.

Their uncle, she told us, is in trade,
and lives in Cheapside!

Perhaps we should call,
when we are next in town.

They'd be as agreeable, had they
uncles enough to fill all Cheapside!

With such connections they have
little chance of marrying well, Bingley.

That is the material point.

Miss Bennet, how does your sister do?
Is she any better?

- I'm afraid that she is quite unwell.
- Let me send for Mr Jones.

- You must stay until she is recovered.
- I would not wish to inconvenience you.

I won't hear of anything else.
I'll send to Longbourn for your clothes.

You're very kind, sir.

(HURST): Is there any sport today,
or not?

Get in there!

There. Shall I disgrace you,
do you think?

You look very pretty, Lizzy,
as you are well aware.

Oh, Jane.

I'd much rather stay here with you.

The Superior Sisters wish me miles away.

Only your Mr Bingley is civil
and attentive.

- He's not my Mr Bingley.
- Oh, I think he is.

Or he very soon will be.

I believe you will find Mr Bingley
is in the drawing room, ma'am.

Thank you.

Mr Darcy, come and advise me.
Mr Hurst carries all before him!

- Ha!
- Ooh!

May I enquire after your sister,
Miss Bennet?

Thank you.
I believe she's a little better.

I am very glad to hear it.

- Mr Hurst, I'm quite undone!
- (HURST): Should have played the deuce.

(MISS BINGLEY): He's undone us all,
Mr Darcy!

- Will you join us, Miss Bennet?
- I thank you, no.

You prefer reading to cards? Singular!

Miss Bennet despises cards.
She's a great reader

and has no pleasure in anything else.

I deserve neither such praise
nor such censure.

I am not a great reader
and take pleasure in many things.

And what do you do so secretly, sir?

It's no secret.
I'm writing to my sister.

(MISS BINGLEY): Dear Georgiana!
I long to see her!

Is she much grown since the Spring?
Is she as tall as me?

She's now about Miss Elizabeth
Bennet's height, or a little taller.

And so accomplished! Her performance
at the pianoforte is exquisite!

- Do you play, Miss Bennet?
- Aye, but very ill indeed.

All young ladies are accomplished!
They sing, they draw, they dance,

speak French and German, cover screens,
and I know not what!

Not half a dozen would satisfy me
as accomplished.

(MISS BINGLEY): Certainly! No woman
can be esteemed accomplished,

who does not also possess a certain
something in her air,

in the manner of walking,
in the tone of her voice,

her address and expressions.

(DARCY): And to this she must yet add
something more substantial,

in the improvement of her mind
by extensive reading.

I'm no longer surprised at you knowing
only six accomplished women.

I wonder at your knowing any.

(MRS HURST): You're severe upon
your sex, Miss Bennet.

(ELIZABETH): I must speak as I find.

Perhaps you haven't had the advantage
of moving in society enough.

There are many very accomplished
young ladies amongst our acquaintance.

(HURST): Come, come! This is a fine
way to play cards! You're all light!

Look, girls! Is it not a fair prospect?

And now the mother! Are we to be invaded
by every Bennet in the country?

It's too much to be borne!

Mrs Bennet! Welcome! I hope you don't
find Miss Bennet worse than expected.

Indeed I do, sir! She's very ill indeed,
and suffers a vast deal,

though with the greatest patience
in the world,

for she has the sweetest temper.

But she is much too ill to be moved.

We must trespass a little longer
on your kindness.

But of course!

Miss Bennet will receive every possible
attention, I assure you.

You are very good.

Well, you have a sweet room here!

I think you will never want
to leave Netherfield.

I'd be happy to live
in the country forever.

Wouldn't you, Darcy?

You would? You don't find the society
somewhat confined and unvarying?

Confined and unvarying?
Indeed it is not, sir!

The country is a vast deal pleasanter
than town,

whatever you may say about it!

Mamma, you mistake Mr Darcy's meaning.

Do I? He seems to think the country
nothing at all!

- Mamma.
- Confined, unvarying!

I would have him know
we dine with 24 families!


Mamma? Have you seen Charlotte Lucas
since I came away?

Yes, she called yesterday
with Sir William.

What an agreeable man he is!

That is my idea of good breeding.

Those persons who fancy themselves

very important,
and never open their mouths,

quite mistake the matter.

Mr Bingley, did you not promise a ball
when you were settled here?

It will be a scandal if you don't
keep your word.

I am perfectly ready to keep
my engagement.

When your sister is recovered,

you shall name the day of the ball,
if you please.

There, now, Lydia!
That's a fair promise for you!

That's generosity for you!

That's what I call
gentlemanly behaviour!

Miss Eliza Bennet.

Let me persuade you to follow my example

and take a turn about the room.
It's so refreshing!

Will you not join us, Mr Darcy?

- That would defeat the object.
- What do you mean, sir?

What can he mean?

I think we would do better
not to enquire.

Nay, we insist on knowing
your meaning, sir!

That your figures are to best advantage
when walking,

and that I might best admire them
from here.

Shocking! Abominable reply!

- How shall we punish him, Miss Eliza?
- Nothing so easy. Tease him.

- Laugh at him.
- Laugh at Mr Darcy?


- He is a man without fault.
- Is he indeed?

A man without fault?

That is not possible for anyone.

But it has been my study to avoid
those weaknesses which expose ridicule.

Such as vanity, perhaps, and pride?

Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed.

(DARCY): But pride...

Where there is a superiority of mind,
pride will always be under regulation.

I have faults, but I hope they're not
of understanding.

My temper I cannot vouch for.

It might be called resentful.

My good opinion, once lost,
is lost forever.

That is a failing indeed,
but I cannot laugh at it.

I believe every disposition
has a tendency to some evil.

Your defect is a propensity
to hate everyone.

Yours is wilfully to misunderstand them.

Some music?

Give your parents
my warmest salutations.

Your father is most welcome to shoot
with us at any time convenient.

Thank you, sir. You are very kind.


Drive on, Rossiter.

(MISS BINGLEY): How pleasant it is
to have one's house to oneself again!

But I fear Mr Darcy is mourning the loss

of Miss Eliza Bennet's pert opinions
and fine eyes.

Quite the contrary, I assure you.

(ELIZABETH): Oh, Jane!

I'm sorry to say it, but notwithstanding
your excellent Mr Bingley,

I've never been so happy
to leave a place in my life!