Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 5, Episode 2 - Whirly Girly - full transcript

Aria is haunted by the recent past events; Emily, Hanna and Spencer try to wrap their head around the new normal; Alison is forced to stay at home with her family, who she doesn't trust; Jason's odd behavior and Kenneth's search for Jessica starts to raise eyebrows about her disappearance.

Previously on Pretty Little Liars...

We'll find out where they're taking him

and we'll get you there.

The plan was to get Ali out of town tonight

but now that we know
that "A's" after Ezra...

I get that "A" wants to shut Ezra up,

but Ali's still a target.

Exactly what is it you want us to do?

I want us to stick together.

The bigger we are, the harder she falls.

- Oh, my God.
- Look at her!

- Are you okay?
- What happened?

I saw Mrs. DiLaurentis in the woods,

and I tried to follow her.

She was giving a suitcase to somebody,

and I thought maybe it was Ali.

Jason, what's going on?

I kind of need to keep a little space

- between me and Spencer.
- Why?

My mom needs me right now,
and I'm here to help her.

- This isn't a game.
- So what is it?

- Justice.
- For who?



- Surprise!
- Hey, Shana!

- You did what you had to do.
- Let's go home.


Ali, are you okay?


You don't need to run anymore.

"A" is gone. Come on.

Ali, look... we talked about this.

You know it's the right decision.

Maybe I should go home
first... speak to my mom.

Ali, your mother buried you.

Look, I think it's more important that

the police know you're
alive before your mom does.

Hey, yeah. You need to walk in there

and tell them everything.

I mean, about Mona being "A,"

Shana taking over where
Mona left off... all of it.

Start with the night that you ran away.

No. Before that you have to
start with the Jenna thing.

- Wait, what? Why?
- She has to.

Shana was after us for payback
for what happened to Jenna.

I can't do this. I can't.

You can. Okay, you're not in this alone.

"A" tortured all of us,
and what happened to Shana...

Happened because of me.

And I can handle that part. I think.

But, Ali, look, you're
gonna have to cover the rest.


Are we in agreement?

Are you Detective Holbrook?

I think you've been looking for me.

- I'm...
- I know who you are.

I'm glad you're with your
friends. Welcome home.

I'm guessing you have a lot to tell me.

Maybe we can begin with the
night that you disappeared.

I didn't disappear.

I was kidnapped.

I was kidnapped and held
hostage for two years,

and if it weren't for my friends,

I wouldn't be standing
here. They saved my life.

♪ Got a secret ♪

♪ Can you keep it? ♪

♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪

♪ Better lock it, in your pocket ♪

♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪

♪ If I show you, then I know you ♪

Downloaded from

We don't know who took
this photo, but it is dated,

so I'm assuming this wasn't
your first visit home.

You have any memory of this night?

It was the night that I got away from him.

From your captor?


- I jumped out of the car.
- While you were blindfolded?

Yeah, I tore it off, and I
ran straight into the woods

so that he couldn't catch me.

But on the night of this photo,

you managed to make it
back to Rosewood and...

you found your friends.

I asked them to hide me.

You thought that they would be
more helpful than the police?

Your parents?

I was scared.

Okay, I was scared that if I came back home

and I was out in the open
that he'd find me again.

So how did you protect her?

They hid me in the woods.

In a shed that we all used to hang out in.

After school, the weekends.

But you just said that they came
to your rescue in Philadelphia.


- Oh, my God!
- Dad.

Was I sleeping on that bus?

When did we discuss kidnapping?

- We didn't.
- Why is it just her dad?

- Where is her mother?
- I don't know.

Emily, call your mother.

Her flight from Dallas was
canceled because of the storms.

You're welcome to stay here
as long as you need to.

Thank you.

I'll, uh, I'll call her from outside.

Hold it.

Where are you going?

I am so tired.

I just wanted to go
upstairs and take a shower...

And go to bed? Really?

Without telling me where you've
been for the past few days?

You might have a hard time
falling asleep if I'm poking you

every five seconds with a new question.

You knew Alison was alive for over a month

- and you never said a word?
- I didn't mean to...

Why would you keep this kind of secret?

Because we made a promise.

Well, you obviously
didn't think it through.

Did you?

Because there's still a dead girl

in Alison's grave that the police...

I don't know who that is.
And I had nothing to do with it,

and whether you believe me
or not, Mom, that is the truth.


I'm not accusing you of anything
right now but poor judgment.

While you were gone,

your father and I were
dragged down to that precinct.

What? Where's Dad?

In Philly.

They found your car and impounded it.

He went down there with
Melissa to get it out.

Wait! Melissa's here?

Is she back from London?

Oh, yes! And don't expect any souvenirs,

because all she brought back was attitude.

And secrets.

Go on, get ready for bed.

Did you ever plan
on telling me the truth?

Of course I did.

But we had to wait until it felt safe.

You feel that way now?

- Yeah. Kind of.
- How?

The person who did this to
Alison is still out there.

Is this cheese old?

It's Havarti.

- Does it melt?
- All cheese melts, Hanna.

Hey! Look at me.

How did you feel when you found
out Alison was still alive?

What do you mean?


You have kept a lot of secrets from me,

but this one is right up there
with The Manhattan Project.

The what?

I don't understand how
you got up in the morning,

went to school, knowing that
Alison was still in danger.

That poor girl must just be...

Mom, she wants to move on. Okay?

And the more people talk about
it and ask a billion questions,

the harder it's gonna be for her!

Yes, it was a nightmare,

but it's over and she needs it to end.


Just sit down, okay? I'll make this for you.

Yes. It's Fitz. F-I-T-Z.
He got admitted on Saturday

and he had surgery.

Yeah, come in.

Oh! I thought you were Dad.

No. He's downstairs. Hey...

Is it true?

Is Alison alive and back in her house?

Wow. That's insane.

I heard Dad telling Mom that some
freak had her blind-folded, and...

It's not a video game, Mike.

I'm not making a joke.

She's tough. I'm kind of surprised

she didn't kill the
creep with her bare hands.

Just stop.

Please! Stop.

Why is Mr. Fitz in the hospital?


The door is made of wood, not plutonium.

He's in New York for the
weekend, and he got hurt.

What happened? Is he gonna be okay?

Yeah. He's gonna be fine.

I saw him yesterday. He
is gonna be just fine.

Wait. You said he was in New York.

How did you see him if
you guys were in Philly?

I didn't see him. I spoke to him.

Look, Mike, I'm exhausted,
so I'm gonna go to sleep.

She never saw this person,
Mom. She only heard his voice.

I... I guess he had her
locked in a room or...

I don't know.

Look, can we talk about this later? Please.


Yeah. I love you, too.


What's wrong?

What's not?

We made a pact, Emily.

"A" is finally dead, and we were
all ready to get back to our lives,

and now all of a sudden
we're back on Planet Alison.

Okay, Spencer...

It's like it's 9th grade all over again,

and we are here on "The
Whirly Girlie Ride."

And Ali goes rogue, and we're
just expected to backup her story.

You're even adding to the lie.

Why is she still controlling us?

Maybe she flipped last minute

because she wanted to protect her mom.

Maybe she wanted to hear why her mom

did what she did before it gets

forced out of her by the police.

Are you really gonna stay
here and defend Ali right now?

I am not...

Okay. Is it just me or

is this a really weird
time to detail your car.

Does Jason not know that she is home?

Of course he knows.

The only question is why would you be

squee-gee-ing your backseat if your sister

just got back from the dead?

- What is that?
- Her phone?


Who sent you this?

Hey, you there...

I was thinking maybe you
wanna sleep downstairs tonight,

you won't have to be in here by yourself.

It's okay, Dad.

I've been dreaming about
this moment for a long time...

sleeping in my own bed.

I understand... I just...

I don't think I can ever let
you out of my sight again.

Have you heard from mom?

Ah, your brother and I had
been trying to reach her,

I can't say I'm not worried, because I am.

I'm sure she's fine.


I know this is maybe asking for too much,

but... um... I want you to feel safe.

I've asked the police to put up a barrier

at the end of the street.

Lot of people are gonna
wanna hear your story,

but you don't have to leave
this house or talk to anybody

until you're ready.


I can't give you those years back.

Alison, I can't, but

I promise I will do everything I can

to help you forget them.

Uhh... do you remember this?

I've had it my wallet
since the night we lost you.

This is the little girl
I refuse to let go off.

Honey I need to know that

your mom and I...

we aren't living together anymore.

Uh... we decided a few
months ago to get a divorce.

I know.

Emily told me.

I'm sorry, Dad.

So am I.

She's dead!

Hanna what's going on?

I have no idea... I mean,
who do you think sent it?

Sent what?

Hold on... Emily and Spencer
seriously didn't tell you?

Not tell me what?

We thought you were freaked out

about everything still.

Uh... Ha... Hanna, talk to me.

Ali got a message on her phone,
she saw it when she opened

up her purse at the police station,

that's why she lied to Holbrook.

A message from "A?"

"A" is dead, Aria, remember?

Hanna, honey you still up?

I got to go.

Good morning. May I come in?

Of course.

I'm sorry to bother you.

Please. You are not bothering me.

I've been thinking about your family.

Ashley, I need your help.


Can I offer you some coffee?

I can't imagine what this must
be like for you and Jessica.

Have you heard from her?


I didn't go to office today.

Our daughter is alive and home.

And her own mother
isn't there to greet her.

Where is she?

I have to believe Jessica
doesn't know that Alison's home.

You know the things have not
been good between me and her.

If you could go through her email.

Oh! I... I don't know if I could do that.

Is there a chance Jason
might know where she is?

Oh! Forget about Jason.

Maybe he is in a state of shock

or maybe his brain is so deadened

from drugs that he can't act
like a human being anymore.

He hasn't shed a tear
since he saw his sister.

I'm guessing that's shock.


Help me.

What are you doing?

Ali, you can't be out here.

There is about 10 cars at the
end of our street. Alright?

Press, police.

I'm not twerking through town.


I just wanna sit on my porch.

You haven't asked me any questions.

How come?

Figured you might need your space.

What was mom's reaction?

When she found out I was still alive?

She was stunned. What do you expect?

Get inside.

Can I help you?

I have an appointment
with Mrs. DiLaurentis.

Who are you?

Kathy Paras. County shelter.

We arranged to bring
Pepe over this morning.

Mrs. DiLaurentis wants to adopt him.


Good, boy.

My mother didn't order this.

It's a dog, cowboy, not a pizza.

- And she did.
- He is so smart.


Why was he at the shelter?

Oh! He's got issues, mostly with men.

Put him back in the van.


What happens to him if we don't take him?

Basically, Mrs. D. was
the last stop on his train.

It's not pretty.

Do you need any help?

Oh, hey. Um...


I got it.

Hey, you heard about Alison, right?

She's alive.

Pretty twisted what happened to her.

Quite a story.

That psycho is probably circling this town

looking for his next victim.

Which is why we need to fight back.

What's in the box?


I ordered one for every girl in the school.

And I'm asking the principal to get us all

special apps for our phones.

It's either this or we all
hire full-time bodyguards.

Yeah. I would apply for that job

if you could stand being
around me that much.

I gotta go. Principal
Hackett is waiting for me.


I miss you.


Wait up. My mom said us
to stay close to home.

I am not going to school.

I'm just giving Ali's phone back to her.

Hanna told Aria about the text.

- Why would she do that?
- Because she's Hanna.

And now Aria is freaked out.

She thinks A is back
and she's one text away

from being turned into the police.

- A is dead.
- Yeah, I know that. But...

but part of me thinks that

that text was Jenna's way
of welcoming Alison home.

We can handle Jenna and others,
five of us and one of her.

Yeah, but we killed that hers... her.

What are you doing?

We never looked last night
to see what Jason threw out,

and we probably should
have... look at this,

- _
- when was Jason in New York?

That's why no rush.

Sorry, you channeling your
Filipino grandmother right now?

To see Alison.

We... we knew that his whole visit

to rehab was a big fat lie.

What if he is been following her for weeks?

What if Mrs. D's had him
tracking her for months, years.

Do you think Jason sent that text?

Spencer, if Ali told the whole truth,

her mother would go down.

If Mrs. D thought that
someone just killed her child,

who else would she cover
for besides her other one?


Ali, it can't be a coincidence.

Jason came back from New
York the same night as us.

He was in my room last
night, watching me sleep.


Oh my, God!

You can't stay here tonight,

you need to tell your dad
you wanna sleep at Spencer's.

It's never gonna to happen.

I mean, he won't even let me
walk to the freaking mailbox.

Where are you in this, Spencer?

You haven't even said a word.

Should I be afraid of our big brother?

I know you told him. Don't sweat it.

I'm even starting to think
that my dad knows too.

So you think Jason is the one

that slammed that rock in my head?

I mean, is that why my mom
has just magically disappeared

as soon as I decide to come home?

I don't know. Maybe.

And you were needling both of
our families with that secret,

they probably both wanted you to shut up.

So you think that's why he went after me?

I can't say for sure, but if
your mom did choose him over you

she had every reason to
make the rest of us look bad,

and we've been framed as pathological liars

ever since then.

So if we ever did find out who hit you,

nobody would even believe us.

Wow. You really have given it some thought.

Look, my mom comes back tomorrow.

You can stay with us.

Emily, I just got back,

my dad's not gonna let
me out for sleepovers.

Well, what are you gonna do?

I have a few ideas.

Well, can you let us in on them?

So that we're not caught
paddling around like idiots

trying to play catch-up?

I told you Spencer...

I made up that lie to protect Aria.

She kind of killed someone, remember?

You could have consulted us first.

Okay, guys, please stop.

What's done is done.

We need to focus our energy
on who's trying to sink us now.

Hey, you just got up?


What are you doing?

I'm, um...

doing some work for Alison's father.

He wants me to get a lead
on where Jessica might be.

I'm... I was about to
open up some of her emails,

and I... I just can't do this.


Hanna, the last thing I
wanna do is get in the middle

of two people who are
going through divorce,

and it's not just an invasion of privacy...

it feels like a betrayal.

Well, I'm betting Mrs. D
would rather have you looking

through her emails than the police.

And besides, Ali needs her mom right now.

- Take milk or sugar?
- Milk is great.


- When did you get back?
- Mm... late last night.

This morning... I don't
know I think I had dinner

on two continents.

Why didn't you call me?

No, I... I thought I'd come by and see you.

Why? What's going on?

Melissa told your father and me that she

saw Toby in London,
that's why she rushed back,

but apparently that never happened.


I went to her place,
Wren answered the door,

he said he was staying there,

and she wasn't in London anymore.

It doesn't make sense.

Oh, if you want, you can call him.

Wren? Oh, please!

I'd rather stick a knife in the toaster.

I have a client to meet in town,

you on the other hand
are staying close to home.

- Is that clear?
- Yes.

- Okay, bye.
- Bye.


Why did you go to London?

I wanted answers for you.

I figured if I could get your
sister to look me in the eye

- and tell me something.
- Something truthful?


- Do you know about...
- Alison?


I've heard some pretty weird stuff

but I'd rather hear it from you.


Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Just got your text... I was with Ali.

What are you doing?

If we've been out here
hiding her for a month

it sure as hell needs
start looking like it.

Seriously, you can't do this right now.

Yeah, you're right.

We should have been out
here last night filling this

place with crap after Alison got that text.

Oh, and thank you for keeping
me in the dark about that.

What am I? Your child?

We only did that because you
were such a mess when your dad

- came to the police station.
- Yeah and what?

What you thought if I
got a good night's sleep,

I'd just wake up in candy land?

Okay, Aria calm down.

- That text wasn't from "A".
- How do you know that?

Because I was there when
Shana-slash-A was killed.

Look... Spencer was right.

It's one thing not to
contradict Ali's story

and it's another to add to it.

We can't go down that rabbit hole again.

Yeah, well, I can't do nothing, all right?

Because if "A" knows
that I took down Shana,

- Aria...
- I'm gonna be the...

Shana had been using us as
target practice for months,

what you did was purely

- self-defense.
- I doesn't matter.

Someone is dead.

All right, and she will never
be able to recover or apologize

or even graduate from high
school because I killed her.

I killed her, Emily, and I
don't know how I'm gonna be able

to live with that.


in that moment, it was you or her.

I went through this after...


You think that no one can
understand what this feels like,

but I've been there.

Remember, we used to sneak out here?

Our biggest problem was

how to eat peanut butter with braces.

Is there enough paper in that printer?

Uh, yeah there should be
a couple of pages in there,

do you want me to get you some more?

No, that's all right. I'll get it.




♪ I'll be your light, your
match your burning sun ♪

♪ I'll be the bright, in
black that's making you run ♪

♪ And we'll feel alright,
and we'll feel alright ♪

♪ Cause we'll work it out,
yes we'll work it out ♪

♪ I'll be doin' this,
if you had a doubt ♪

♪ Till the love runs out,
'til the love runs out ♪

♪ I'll be your ghost,
your game, your stadium ♪

The next time you go to London...


You're taking me with you.

And we're never coming back.

♪ I'll be doin' this,
if you ever doubt ♪

What's so
pressing that you have to leave?

What's in Philly? Or should I ask, who?

I need to drop something off to a friend.

- Right now?
- I said after dinner.

Your sister has been gone for nearly a...

Then I will wait till
she goes asleep, okay?

What makes you think she can sleep?

Her mother is still not
here, and I am thinking

you're the only one who knows where she is.

Think what you want. I don't.

Jason, every time someone in this family

walks out of this house it's a news story

and the last thing I want is you speaking

to a damn reporter.

Ow, don't worry, Dad...

I won't embarrass you
anymore than I already have.

Emily... I didn't know you were here.

Ali asked me to take Pepe for a walk.

Whose dog is that?

You brought home a dog?

It was dropped off this morning.

- Mom rescued him from the shelter.
- Really?

Well, maybe when you get
to Philly you can tell her

there is more than a dog
waiting for her back home.

I can't do anymore.

Are you gonna to go for it?

- No, go ahead.
- You wanted it.

- Hello, Aria.
- Hey, where have you been?

Dad told me to order dinner.

- There is a veggie...
- I'm not hungry.

Were you walking around in
the dark all by yourself?

- Excuse me?
- Given what happened to Alison

I can't believe you would walk to the curb

without a police escort.

Hey, I borrowed this... again.

What do you mean you borrowed it?

As in, I didn't take it and keep it.

Why would you borrow it at all?

'Cause I needed to put some music together

for a social studies project.

It was that...

that violin music. Was
that coming from your room

- last night?
- I guess...

Sorry. I will grab my
jacket and take you home.

You can drop me at the library.

I still have some research to do.

- Mona?
- Yeah?

You doing your research in
the library or in this house?

Your brother invited me to dinner.

But I am actually really glad to see you

because I can give you this in person.

Go on take it.

I've got hundreds more.

If anything else, we can
use what happened to Alison

as a wakeup call, nobody is safe.

What are you trying to prove, Mona?

- Is this a threat?
- No, it's a whistle.

You put it between your lips and blow.

We all know where you were the
night that Alison disappeared.

She told us about the
time you spent together

at the Lost Woods motel room.

You have a few stories of your
own to keep quiet, don't you?

Tell me... how is Mr. Fitz doing?

Will he make a full recovery?

Can I have the car keys?


There is a meditation center
that Mrs. D once went to,

you can try calling there...

Thank you, Hanna, and
thank your mother for me.

We were just about to have dinner.

If you girls want to join us?

- Sure.
- We... we can't tonight.

Uhh... right. Maybe tomorrow.


What's going on? Why can't I eat dinner?

Just get in the car. I
have to show you something.

It's an update on Mrs. D.

Ali's dad thinks he's hiding her in Philly.

Wait, who's hiding her?


Jason told his dad he had
to drop something off to

a friend in Philly.

Could that be code for New York?

What is this?

Mrs. D wrote that email the
night that she escaped town,

but she never sent it.

It says, "I can't protect you anymore".

Who would she have written that to?

What's up, Jason?

I just saw what you delivered.

Your dad asked my mother...

Yeah, well, my mother didn't.

So, maybe it is time people
stay the hell out of places

they don't belong.

That includes you.

Follow him.

No, you follow him. I have
to change my underwear.

Hanna, hurry up. Okay?

He might be going to see his mother.

Hurry up!

There is no way his mom's in there.

Mrs. D wouldn't even walk down this street.

Why not?

If she's hiding out she's
not gonna be doing it

at the Four Seasons.

We need to ring the buzzer he pressed.

Maybe Mrs. D will answer. Come on...

Was it this one? Or
was it, was it that one?

Who are you looking for?

Well, can I help you?


I... I... I heard that
there might be a vacancy

available for a sub-let.


Who... who... who told you that, huh?

But, who are you?

A real estate agent? Get out of here.


Both of youse. Go!

You don't want to get that?


Someone really wants to reach you.

Well, they can wait.

Spence, what's going on?


Does it have to do with Alison?


Is this about Melissa?


Did you follow me?

I'm not supposed to be out of my house,

but I had to come here to say goodbye.

The girl they made that
for, she really is gone.

I can't be that person anymore, Mona.

I know you hated me

and wanted me to go straight to hell.

Going there is easy...

it's the coming back that's hard...

But you and me... we,
we understand each other.

I need you, Mona.

As a friend.

The truth will bury you
in a New York minute.

In case you're wondering,

that was me, I sent that text.

I guess I should have
signed my name because

I don't have to pretend
to be anyone else anymore.

I don't have to hide. You do.

And you're gonna wish you stayed dead.

I'm going to the cops tonight, I have to.

You guys... I... I can't hold on to this.

- Aria breathe.
- Can you please wait

and discuss this with all of us here?

Where is Spencer?

She went next door to distract
Mr. DiLaurentis so we could

sneak Ali over here.

She better haul us because I'm
guessing Jason is not making

too many more stops tonight.

Guys, please, enough
with Jason for a minute.

Mona knows that we were in
New York. Don't you understand?

Okay, it's only a matter of time
before she runs out of whistles

and start tearing our balloons
and say Aria killed Shana.

- Okay, whistles?
- Aria, stop. Okay.

Mona does not know about Shana.

Then who does? Who?
Who is screwing with me?

And you keep me telling
me that "A" is dead.

"A" is dead, Aria.

Then why am I hearing
a violin in my backyard?

Who's the fiddler on my freaking roof?

Hey, Aria, listen to us.
Jason was the one in New York.

Once we can prove that he
is a threat that made Ali

tell that kidnapping lie then...

But how're we doing that?

I don't know, that's why
we're having a meeting.

Once the police are on to Mrs. D and Jason,

then everything we've done can be explained

and Alison can finally tell the truth.


Hey you up there?


It's late.

She may be asleep.

Or did you come by to take out the trash?


Were you in New York the night
that Ali came back to Rosewood?

Why? Why is that important?

I think you know why.

If you're trying to make a
squirm and run for cover because

of something that you did...

What is it you think I did?

You think I'm the one who kidnapped her?

Where did that theory come from, huh?

My father?

- No.
- Really?

'Cause he's probably down
at that precinct right now

sharing that theory with the cops.

Without my mother, who's gonna stop him?

Jason, why were you in New York?


Pepe, what's wrong?

How did she know it's name?

Whose dog is that?


When did she had the time to get a dog?

Oh, my God!



Don't... no... Jason.

♪ But if I never get to heaven ♪

♪ Will you fly away to me ♪

♪ And if I never get to heaven ♪

♪ Say you'll come and rescue me ♪

♪ Rescue me ♪

♪ Please catch my tears ♪

♪ Yeah... will you carry me ♪

♪ Or do I deserve to walk alone ♪

♪ Only farther than I've ever known ♪

♪ Don't leave me here on my own ♪

♪ And if I never get to heaven ♪

♪ Do you think I'll still be free ♪

♪ And if I never get to heaven ♪

♪ Say you'll come and be with me ♪

♪ Be with me ♪

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