Portrait of a Marriage (1990–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

What a dangerous person you are.

You like danger.

Do I?

Oh, Lushka.


What are we going to do now?

Will you leave Denys?


Will you leave Harold?

Do you remember Rosamund Grosvenor?

Of course.

I was in love with her for a time.

I know.

Her mother left her to me in her will.

I never did anything about her though.

I don't understand.

I can't really love anyone, you see.

Except Harold.

That's quite different.

I'm careless and I'm ruthless...

You say you've been faithful to me all your life.

Well, I'm incapable of that.

I can't...

guarantee it, Lushka.
I can't guarantee anything.

I don't want you to.

All I know...

is that I need you now.

I want you.

When I thought I'd lost you...

I knew I couldn't survive.

I can probably survive without love...

there's so little of it around anyway.



We'll go away together.

We'll live together.

It's the only thing we can do.

At last.


Hm. We'll show the world who we really are.

- We can be honest and truthful.
- No.

Not because we want to be honest or truthful

or because we want to show the world.

But because it's right for us.

As right as anything can be.

Oh, thank God.

Thank God.

Thank you very much.

Blessed London.

I'm so glad you're better, Mar, darling.

Your letters sounded perfectly miserable.
So did your mother's.

I'm sorry.

Still, they were the only things that stopped me
throwing myself in the Seine.

Yours, I mean.

It's been a hideous three months
one way and another.

Did I tell you I met Elizabeth Bibesco
the other day?


- How was she?
- Very well.

Except she kept asking
searching questions about my marriage.

- I hope you didn't answer them.
- Oh...you know how it is.

She's such an old friend.

What do you mean?

Well, we talked a bit about Violet and so on.

She's a very kind soul, Elizabeth.

She's not! She's a meddlesome busybody!
Harold, how could you?!

Mar, don't.

If she says a word about me I shall sue her!

Remember that next time
you gossip about me to anyone else!

What time's your train?

Ten o'clock.

I haven't really asked you...

is everything all right now?


I asked you - is it over?


I'm here.

I'm working.

I'm well again.

What more do you want?


And what about Violet?

She's rather miserable.

Oh, dear. I hate people to be miserable.
I don't see the point in it.

You said you'd have
thrown yourself in the Seine.

I might have done but I'd have jolly well swum.

Haji, you're a fraud.

- Do you know, Mar, now we're so rich...
- Are we?

Oh, for heaven's sake - 1200 a year tax free,
plus subsistence allowance,

isn't that rich?

Admittedly, I'd have to live in Geneva
for eight months before I get it.

Nothing's worth living in Geneva
for eight months.

Oh, Haji, I do wish you'd stop it all
and come home.

Some people can't do anything else but you're
a wonderful writer, it is such a waste.

And anyway, we need you.

Do you?



Oh, yes.

Suppose I became an ambassador?

- Say to Washington?
- I'd divorce you.

Well, then, we'll have to see
what can be done, won't we?

What are you reading?

May I read?

If you like.

Poor girl. How old is she?

25, I think - yes, 25.

Rather old, don't you think,
for this sort of thing?

- Haji, that's not fair.
- "I want to fly and sing and dance,

"and want every kind of new voluptuousness.

"But more, 50 times more than all this,

"man quiero tute."

Which means?


This came this morning.

You didn't have to read it.

I'm not responsible.

No, of course not.

Poor chap.

Trefusis, I mean.

Well, then...

Good night, Mar.

Good night.

Can you wait for me, please.

I understand that you and my wife
intend to live together.


And does your husband
know of this decision?

I came here at your request, Denys.

Presumably you have something to say?

How do you intend to support her?

- I shall manage.
- She's very expensive.

- Then she'll have to go out to work.
- Good God, woman, talk sense!

Violet's never done a stroke of work in her life!

I'm sorry, Denys.

I know you're concerned.

I think I can manage. Really.

Heritage was a bestseller, you know.

How much did it make?

- I've no idea. Hundreds.
- 300? 500?

- At least.
- You're mad!

You haven't the slightest conception of money.

One of your bestsellers
might just about buy Violet a new hat.

What a sordid conversation.
Really, do we have to?

You see? That's what she'll say
when your money runs out.

I'm responsible for her. I can't allow it.

I don't think it's a question
of allowing it, Denys.

- The decision is ours, not yours.
- Violet is my wife.

Harold is my husband
but I don't have the right to arrange his life.

Harold, God, what a wretch.

There's no point in continuing this discussion.
I don't know what it's about anyway.

What do you want to do, Lushka?

I think I'll go stay with Mama for a few days.
After all, there's no rush, is there?


This sickening pantomime's got to stop.

If you are determined to go off together...

then you will do so now. Or not at all.

Very well.

It will take me until tomorrow evening
to make arrangements.

I don't understand.

I do not understand!

Why did you marry me?

It seemed the only thing to do at the time.

- I thought it might be easier.
- "Easier"?

For you and her, you mean.

Of course.

- These are all hers?
- Yes.

You can read them, if you like!

Oh, Jesus.

I know I've hurt you.

I'm sorry.

Mrs Milligan!

Mrs Milligan?!

Mrs Milligan!

- Mrs Nicolson, I didn't expect you.
- Will you pack a suitcase for me, please.

Yes, Madam. For how many days?

I don't know. It doesn't matter.
Just my night things.

Tell Bert he must be ready to drive me
to the station in half an hour.

- There was a telegram.
- Oh.

- Are the boys over at Knole?
- Yes, Madam.

Oh, God, no.


- Mr Nicolson.
- Oh, dear.

He's ill. He's arriving in London this evening.

So shall I still pack the suitcase, Madam?

Yes, please, Harriet.

- How does it feel?
- Painful.


Mar, what a nuisance I am.

Thank you for meeting me.

Don't be silly.

- I was coming to London anyway.
- Were you?

Oh, good.

You know...

of all the unromantic complaints,
I think an abscess is the worst.

But on one's knee, for heaven's sake.

I'm thoroughly put out.

Anyway, at least I've come home.

We'll go down to Long Barn tomorrow, shall we?

I can hobble about there quite happily.

Benzie can laugh at me.


Shall we do that?


No? Why not?

I'm going away.


I see.

- Anywhere nice?
- Oh, for heaven's sake, Haji.

I'm going away tonight.

Don't you understand?

No, I don't think I do.

I'm going away with Violet.

Violet and I are going to live together.

I'm sorry.

It's not true.

You don't mean it.

Yes, I mean it.


what about...

what about us?

The children?

I don't ask you that.

You go away for months at a time.

But that's different, Mar. That's my work.

People can work anywhere.

It's living that's important.

I don't know you.

I don't understand you.

To...inflict this on me...

to put me through this...

simply in order to tear Violet
away from her husband.

To revenge yourself on that wretched man.

It's wicked, Mar. It's evil.

I ca...can't...

I can't associate it with you at all.

You're so gentle,

so tender...


now you know.

I'm sorry.

Oi, watch it!

- Goodness...!
- The boat's gone. It's gone!

- Yes, it's gone.
- Where is she?

- On the boat, I imagine.
- I don't believe you! Where's she going?

- Paris? Is she going to Paris?
- No.


I'll stay with you till you tell me.

You won't get rid of me till you tell me!

Violet will be in Amiens tonight.

I shall be joining her tomorrow.

It's no longer your concern, Denys.

Violet has left you.

I shall come with you.

Very well.

The boat leaves at ten.

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention please?

I'm sorry to say
there are only two single cabins available,

owing to the, er, inclement weather.

I'll take them both.

- Both of them, sir?
- Yes.


Keep the change.

- I don't believe it!
- Thank you, sir.

He's just pushed in!

Here you are.

Thank you.

How thoughtful.

See you on deck, perhaps.

If you dare.

Come with me!


- I can't believe you dared!
- I told you I would!

We're about three hours late.
Do you think there'll be a train?

Oh, yes.

I wonder why seasick people
always look so absurd.

Must be awful really.

Other people's tragedies often seem absurd.

Don't you think?

I suppose so.

- I'll see to the luggage.
- Shall I order?

Yes, erm... Entrec?te for me, asparagus...

- Pommes frites?
- Most certainly.



Oh! Thank God!
I've been waiting for you all day!

Why are you here? Why aren't you in Amiens?

I couldn't. I'm ill.

Look, I've got a fever, I'm shaking.

I sat all night in the waiting room.
I was so frightened.

- Thank God you've come.
- Denys is with me.


She's been here all night.

Did you sleep? Have you eaten anything?


I don't know. I'm terribly ill.


Rien de s?rieux, monsieur.
Simplement une attaque de nerfs.

Votre femme est peut-?tre
un peu trop ?motive,

mais avec ses comprim?s, elle va ?tre gu?rie.


Oh, this is such fun.

I can't believe last night.

Poor little me. I was so lonely and frightened.

Here I am, with the two people
I love best in the world.

Well, at least we're civil to each other.

I think it's simply wonderful!

I know... Why don't we all go off to Jamaica
and grow sugar?

Oh, yes. How divine! Can we have slaves?

- Certainly not!
- Oh, I've always longed to have slaves.

- You're not doing too badly.
- Medea!

- Are you happy, my darling?
- Mm.

- You look happy.
- Yes.

Yes, I'm very happy now you're better.

I think we should drink to that.

Here's to the three of us.

And the consequence was...
four gnomes.

Ha! Gnomes!
How perfectly awful!

Why four?

Two sets of twins, perhaps?

Nonsense. Quadruplets.

Can you imagine...Queen Mary
and Charlie Chaplin, their faces?

Come on, let's play another.

I think you should get some sleep, darling.

You know where your room is, Vita?

Yes, yes, I know where my room is.

Oh, please, one more. I'm not a bit sleepy.

Medea, you start.

Your husband says you should get some sleep.


You start, then.


"It is impossible. I shall leave immediately.

"Goodbye. Denys."


Bonjour, mesdames. Soyez les bienvenues.

J'ai re?u votre t?l?gramme,
mais I hope you are quite recovered.

Oui, ?a va beaucoup mieux, merci.

- Tant mieux.
- My usual room, I hope?

Bien s?r, madame.

Lucien. Et vos bagages vont suivre
en un instant.


Amiens! C'est une belle merde, n'est-ce pas!

I have spent years
hiding what you and Vita really are!

- Now it seems I have to admit it.
- What do you mean by that, admit what?

You are reasonably discreet, thank heaven.
But this...

Well, it's entirely your fault.
At least I can comfort myself with that.

I have no idea what you mean!

If Vita had a satisfactory husband...
You know very well what I mean.

This would never have happened.

I doubt if Violet Trefusis is responsible
for this affair.

She is very well suited.

How can you? You're Vita's mother!

All the more reason why I should see clearly.

Not all mothers, you know,
are blinded with admiration.

I am sorry for her, that I will say.
Deeply, deeply sorry for her!

I think you should know, Harold...

that Captain Trefusis told me...

Well, what?

- In strictest confidence, of course.
- Yes. Go on.

That he and his wife...

leur vie amoureuse...

c'est tr?s satisfaisante.


You understand?

Of course I understand.

I just don't believe it.

Well, I think you should, Harold.

Poor Vita.

It puts an entirely different light on the affair.

- Sorry but I must see him!
- Please wait!

Madame Trefusis. O? est elle?

Monsieur, je ne crois pas que Madame...


Monsieur, s'il vous pla?t! Monsieur...


- Denys! Denys!
- Where is she?

- Denys!
- Where is she?!


Denys! Don't!

No! No!

Denys! Leave her alone!

Leave her alone! Denys!

- Ici, monsieur.
- Qu'est-ce qui se passe?


For God's sake, surely you can be
a little more civilised!

Pack your things, Mar.


I'm not ordering you, I'm asking you.



How dare you break into my room?
Are you both mad?

Get out or I shall call the concierge.

We have a perfect right.

Right? You have no rights.

What a pair!

Pass me my shawl, will you darling?

- Shall I call?
- If you like.

This is absurd.

If you won't do it for me,
then at least think of the boys.

Ben is desperate.

I'm sorry.

Good grief, you should be sorry.

Pack your things, I'm taking you home now.

I hope you're proud of yourself.

You've poisoned her. You've poisoned us all.

You're nothing but a filthy...


How dare you speak to her like that!

It's true.
Good God, I may be a lot of unpleasant things

but I am not evil!

Just look at her. Like a...fungus!

- That's enough.
- No but he's quite right.

I have no morals at all, have I, Denys?

That's why I always get my own way.

I loathe you both.

You because you're a nasty little worm,
not worthy of crawling on Medea's shoe.

And you...

You make my flesh creep.

So handsome, so heroic...

so ridiculous.

Now, will you kindly leave?



You don't understand anything, you never have.

As long as I keep quiet, do the garden
and pretend I'm happy.

You were happy,
you've got everything wrong as usual!

Don't you see? This isn't real.

It's just a schoolgirlish dream, a fantasy!

It is to you! That's all you know about!

I don't believe you've ever had
a real feeling in your life!

My God, how can you say that?!

Why bother, Medea, he'll never understand you.

You know nothing about us.

I looked in every caf?.

There are a lot of caf?s in Amiens.

Monsieur. Vous d?sirez?

Rien. Merci.

What are we going to do, Mar?

I don't know.

Are you going to stay with her?


What about us?

The children?

I don't know.

I suppose it's the sex.

Yes, I suppose it is.

But that's nothing to do with us.

Is it?

Do you love me, Mar?

Do you?


Well, then.

Is she faithful to you?

I mean, like that?


Your mother came to see me.

She seemed to think...

Apparently Denys had told her...

that he and Violet...

You know what I mean.

No, I don't know what you mean.
What do you mean?

That he and Violet make love all the time.

Well, it's not true.

Well, that's what he told her.

I suppose he ought to know.

It's not true.

- Captain Trefusis. O? est il?
- Dans le salon, madame.

Is it true?

- What?
- That you and Violet have made love.

That is a matter entirely between
Violet and myself.

No, it's not!

I love her! She's mine!

If you say you have,
I swear I'll never see her again.

For God's sake, Denys, please!

Where have you been?


You made love with Denys. You belong to him!

- No, Medea!
- Don't lie to me any more!

- Who said so? Denys?
- When?

When was the last time?

I don't know.

Medea, please.

When was the last time
you and Denys made love?

The night before...

The night before we went away, I think.

I didn't mean it!

I didn't mean it! Medea! Medea!

I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!

I didn't mean it, Medea!
You made me say it!

I didn't!

I didn't... I didn't...

Don't come anywhere near me!

I lied to you, Medea.

It's not true,

what you think.

Please, Denys.

Tell her it's not true.

That we never...



I've never touched her.

It was part of the bargain.

Thank you.

Thank you.



I don't trust you any more.

I can't bear to see you again.

Not for a long time.

"My dear Violet.

"I think Vita would have liked you
to have this ring.

"You were her best and oldest friend.

"and she...thought much about you.

"I am grateful to you
for your long and devoted...

"and amused affection for her. "

"I am glad indeed she had so happy a life

"and you were a large part in it.

"Things will never be the same to me again.

"But one cannot expect to have 50 years

"of such companionship

"and not have to pay for it one day.

"I did not foresee the payment
would be so harsh

"and so prolonged. "

Don't let's be jealous, please.
Don't let's hate each other's friends.

I don't. I swear it, I love your friends.

Even Violet?

Even Violet.

Because...you're so sweet

and you love me.

And we're happy together.

You're the only person in the world
that makes me feel...

What? Makes you feel?
