Portals to Hell (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Haunted Hill House - full transcript

Jack and Katrina travel to Mineral Wells, Texas, to investigate an infamous home plagued by rumors of murder, prostitution, devil worship and demonic activity.

I need to step off site.

There's something more negative,
something more...

Malevolent in there.
Jack: Mm-hmm.

So you believe
there is something in there

other than human.

[ sighs ]

I do.


is this place a portal to hell?

[ cawing ]

- [ grunts ]
- [ cries out ]

that's bones.

[ suspenseful music plays ]

[ child giggling ]

[ beeping ]

[ asphyxiating ]


katrina: He believes
that you're demonic...

[ cawing ]

...So this should
really piss you off.

[ bell tolling ]

[ laughing ]

[ sinister music plays ]

[ voices exhaling ]


alright, katrina, where are we?

We are in mineral wells, texas...

...And we are going to
haunted hill house.

And this place is a good one...

...'cause it's, uh,
pretty diabolical.

It is diabolical.

This is the first
televised investigation of it.

So it's kind of new territory.


This place has got a really
dark, twisted history. Yeah.

Involved prohibition,
it was a brothel.

And then some kind of
devil worshiping satanic cult

allegedly moved in.

Yeah. So kind of all
the things we look for

on our checklist
of super duper haunted.

Yeah. And there's weird motives
connected to it, too.

So it's -- it's -- it's dark.

Shall we?
We shall.


so, mineral wells,
like the name would suggest,

they had a lot
of mineral wells here.

They what?! [ laughing ] I know.

Hard to believe.

But people would come
from all over

because they believe

that the water
had healing properties.

People spent so much money here

thinking the mineral wells
would heal them.

And I wonder
if all those people dying

and all that lost hope

actually has something to do

with the paranormal activity

Yeah, I agree.


the hill house
was actually built in 1840

originally as a residential home

and then became a brothel
at the turn of the century,

a speakeasy during
prohibition in the '20s,

and then allegedly

a satanic death cult
took it over in the 1970s.

And the current owners bought it

to turn it into
a bed and breakfast,

and then they realized
it's haunted a.F.

Now the only thing
they can really do with it

is utilize it
in paranormal tourism.

Kathy and sonny,
who are the current owners,

don't necessarily want
to shut this place down.

It's still very much open.

They're just wondering if it is
dangerous for people to come in,

and if so, how dangerous?





This is ominous.


This looks like
a horror movie poster.


let's go meet with the owners.

I mean, it's definitely
a scary looking house.

It's not really
the most welcoming.



"welcome to
the haunted hill house."

alright. Shall we? Alright.

I guess we shall.


- hello.
- Hello.

- Hi, how are you?
- Hi!

- How's it going?
- Good. How are you?

Welcome to the haunted hill house.

Come on in. Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Jack: So this house has gone
from a brothel in the 1900s

to a speakeasy
during prohibition,

and then allegedly
a satanist lived here

in the 1970s.

But let's talk
about the present.

How long have you guys
owned this place?

About a year and a half now.

How often are people

getting scratched and bit
here, presently?

I would say
once a week, at least.

How many people
have been scratched here now?

We're at 218 scratches.

And do your documentation
of all of that?

Not on all of them,
but we do have

some photos and documentation.

Do you believe anything here
is demonic?

I do.

Do you believe that

the satanist group
that lived here

had something
to do with this evil...

Yes. Yes.


Okay, so you want to go ahead
and had this way... Yeah.

...And we'll show
you some -- yeah.


so, this is our carousel room.

[ erie carousel music plays ]

and right here is our carousel.

I don't know the exact
age or date of it,

but we know it's been here
for a long time.

People that have touched this

have suffered
headaches and nausea

from messing with that.


this is also the room
where we found

the, um, scratches
and the pentagram --

the little pentagrams.
And you said those are still here, right?

There are parts of them.

I have polished
and tried to get them off

as much as I can,

but you can see a little
star thing right there. Yeah.

And there was
a whole bunch of them.

I would say, like, 6 to 10
of them all over the floor.

You know, my dad
was kind of labeled

a satanist from a lot of people

during the, kind of,
satanic panic, 1980s.

And so I've kind of grown up

being on the receiving end
of people being like,

"you're a satanist.
You're a satanist."

and it's like, well, number one,

they might not be;

number two,
if they are, it's their right.

But if they're doing, like,
nasty ****

and killing people
and doing, kind of,

really crazy diabolical rituals,

that's concerning.

Kathy: Then we have this room
right over here to the left.

Jack: Okay.


sonny: And that door
crack right there,

we caught some awesome evidence,

and I'd like to show
you the video... Yeah.

...Where you can
see the spirit looking at us

through the crack of the door
right... There.

Oh, wow.

And it goes away.

Out of our investigating,

we found out that
that was toby that did that.

And who's toby?

He's one of
the negative energies

that was brought here
from the family.

Why do you call him toby?

Because his name rings out
in this house.

Kathy: So he says
he is on our --

yeah... On our security cam.

We've got a lot
of video recordings

where he lets us know
what he is.

He says, "I'm a demon.

I'm toby."

[ radio static ]


so, want to go ahead and show
you some more locations. Yeah.


so, this is a location

where most of the people
have been scratched at.

We believe that the man that ran
the illegal activity here,

the brothel
and the gambling, h--

well, we know his name is willie

and we believe that he's the one
that does the scratches.

How do you know
his name is willie?

Well, we have
the death certificates

and everything from him,

um... That he, you know,
lived here.

So based off of
your paranormal experiences,

this is where everybody
tends to get scratched,

this is where the physical stuff happens.
That's right.

You've had a lot of willie's
name come through... Yes.

...Who, he was believed to be
the guy who started

the gambling
and the prostitution here.


Alright. Alright.
You want to head

to the next...

...Area? Okay.

Alright, this is
our shadowman room.

Come right this way.


we have a shadow man here.

He has appeared a few times
in this room.

There's also someone
that has been bit on this bed.


The thing that is really tough
about this case is that...

So much of the stuff
that they're telling us

is passed down.

I mean, it's all
secondhand conversations.

So I think
there's a lot of confusion

with that right now.

Kathy: I would like him to go
and take you guys upstairs.

I do not go up there.

I don't like
the feeling up there.

Okay. Alright.

So I guess we go off
with you then.




if you want,
we'll go into joshua's room

and I'll go ahead
and tell you that story.


So this is joshua's room.

They hid him from society
back here

because he was different.

He had an elongated skull,
webbed hands, webbed feet.

He was conceived out of a rape.

Willie raped his niece

She was a prostitute here.


[ sighs ] I'm sorry.
He's getting on me right now.

You're feeling
something right now?

[ exhales deeply ]



[ sighs ] I'm sorry.
He's getting on me right now.

You're feeling
something right now?

[ exhales deeply ]

yeah, oh.
What are you feeling?

I'm feeling goose bumps
and my hair's raising up.

I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

He's on me.

What do you say to him to --

joshua, you know who I am

and you know that I care for you

and that we're just here
telling your story.

And while we're up here,
you're more than welcome

to come with us to each room.

What have you heard as far as
who joshua was and how he died?

Willie was running the brothel

and his niece elizabeth
worked here.

He raped her.

Joshua was conceived.

One day, he was up here
beating joshua.

Elizabeth came up here
and tried to stop it.

He killed her,
took her down the stairs,

came back up here, and --
and and killed joshua.


He'll open this door.

I think that he got mad
when we closed it off

'cause there, for a while,

the door,
it wouldn't stay closed.

I would just like to show you
a picture of joshua,

right... Here.


you can see
he's got a big skull.

You can see
his little webbed hand.




Alright, where to next?

Jack: Lead on.

Joshua, come and follow us.


this is the room where

the previous owners of the home

told us that they had
a lot of seances in this room.

And through
our paranormal experiences,

we -- the spirits told us

that they brought forth
seven negative energies

in this room.

Seven demons.

Toby is one of the demons.

This is the room where I said,

"is there anybody in the room
with us right now?"


and I'm thinking in my mind --
and I didn't say anything.

I'm like, "oh, crap.
He's gonna do something to me."

and that's when I felt -- bam.

It felt like somebody hit me

with a spiritual
two by four bat.

My head...

Like, it felt like it swole
from the back and went forward,

and just -- [ raspberry sound ]

they had helped me
down the stairs.

Katrina: Hmm.


jack: Got a lot here. Yeah.

It is a lot.

If we are operating
under the pretense

that this place
is incredibly haunted, um...

We're gonna have
our work cut out for us.

But there's a lot of hearsay,

there's a lot of
convoluted go around.

It's -- it's hard to map out.

So we're gonna pack up,
head out, go back to hotel,

circle the wagons.

Katrina's gonna reach out
to some people she knows

who've come here to investigate.

And I'm just -- I-I want to get
more into the facts, though,

about what
could actually be here

versus speculation.


So, it's day 2

of our investigation
of the hill house

here in mineral wells, texas.

We got a lot
of information yesterday

just kind of dumped
on us by sonny,

and I was having a hard time

tracking... The timeline

between who owned the house
when, when it was built,

what was -- everything.

So I want to talk
to some more witnesses.

I want to get
a better understanding

of the who, what, when,
where, how, and why.

Let's dive on in.


katrina: So, right now,

jack and I
are gonna meet with martha,

who is a former police officer
who was later a detective

and now a private eye.

She's also
a paranormal investigator.

And I'm very eager
to talk to her

because as a police officer,
you're trained to be observant.

How did you get involved
with the haunted hill house?

A friend of mine
had me go over there

for an event initially,

because I was a former journalist, also.
Oh, okay.

And I just thought, you know,

this is the house
to do to a-a --

do a historical book on.

I've spent the last year
working on the book

and digging in and trying to
pull out everything I can,

documentation wise.

So then let me ask you,
because, honestly,

jack and I want to
slam our head against the wall.

[ laughter ]

so, elizabeth,
who was apparently

a prostitute killed by willie...

...Drug down the stairs.

Is there anything
to back that up?

Not yet.
And that's --

and that's one of the things
I'm working on,

is trying to find some
documentation of that. Okay.

And they pretty sure
who the willie is,

who was a former owner of the house.

And they have
all the documentation

back to the 1880s, 1890s of former
owners of the place. Jack: Mm.

Anything for her son,
or supposed son, joshua?

Any documentation on him?
Not yet.

Not yet.

Have you found any evidence

of anyone dying
on that property?

No, not any hard evidence.


Now, shifting gears
a little bit,

we've heard rumors of...

You know, people practicing
what they call satanism...

Right... And, you know,
do occult-type stuff

and ceremonies and sacrifices.

Have you found anything
that would lead you

to believe that that is real?

Yes, I --
one of my longest interviews,

I had -- I spent several hours

with one of the people who grew
up in the house. Oh, really?

And she talked to me
about that --

them conjuring
or bringing up something,

you know, a little over
10 years ago into the house.

Did she ever say
what her mom was practicing,

or what religion
they were or...?

Well, she said
she was practicing,

you know, dark magic,
black magic.

She said they were
not allowed upstairs.

There's a false fireplace
in the house. Mm-hmm.

And it was open
on the second floor.

And they used to climb up there.

And that's where she had claimed

her mother had her altar in --
in that one room.

I've got some
of the interview here,

if you want to hear
and see -- yeah.

And this is from a girl that
grew up in the house. Yes.

Okay. Do you know what years
she lived there?

Less than 10 years ago.

But how long did she live in the house?
20 years.

Her mother owned the
house for 20 years. Okay.

She doesn't want her name used
or her family's name used.

Jack: Okay.

Martha: Do you have any idea
who the shadowman might be?

How do you describe
the shadowman?

Did you ever find
any weird stuff out

around close to here?

Where'd you found the fingers?
In the jars?

Okay. Did you use
the ouija board?

So is it something --
do you think it's...

Something attached
to the house or the land?

Past life of who?

Your family.

That's it.

What do you think she was doing

based off of your interviews?

Based off the interviews,

they were trying
to bring something there

that was never human.

And, uh, you can feel
that energy upstairs --

it's mainly upstairs.

I've been growled at.
I've been scratched.

You've been scratched?

Right here.

That little dark spot. Yeah.

It looks like somebody
taking their fingernail

and just peel the skin down.

Where were you in the house
when this happened?

I was in the shadowman room
they call it,

which, that's the room where --

the person we're talking about,
that was her room.

What did they conjure in?

Did she ever tell you?

She said they --
they they called toby in.


some of her other --
other people with her mother

were up there,

and they -- they conjured him up

and bound toby to the house.

What did she believe toby was?

A demon.


her mother owned the house
for 20 years.


and based off the interviews,

they were trying
to bring something there

that was never human.

What did they conjure in?

Did she ever tell you?

A demon.

If it's true

that people were calling
entities into the house...

...And that they bound it
to the house,

well, then things start making
a lot of sense, don't they?

Why is this place so haunted?

Is it the town
or is it the house?

I think it's a combination
of all of that.

Martha was able to, I think,
guide us the best

out of everyone we've talked to
about, uh...

Truth versus fiction.

You know, initially, jack and I
had a lot of questions

about what was really
going on in the house.


katrina: I think there are some
stakes in this investigation.

One, if there is
something negative and inhuman,

which there sounds
like there is...


...You know, any time you mess
with something like that...

...We don't really know

what we're putting ourselves
at risk for.

It's always a risk
when you come in to --

I mean, really,
any investigation,

but especially
investigations like this,

because I have known

who has severely derailed

since going on an investigation
that was, like,

of a darker nature.

Jack: So, we're gonna leave
these light panels

at the end of our beds.

And if something triggers them,

we'll surely know about it

and hopefully...

Capture some good evidence
in the process.


I'm up for whatever.

Whatever you want to do.

I -- for some --
whatever reason,

I've been very attracted to this room.

But I can do the shadow room.

No, I'm fine. Honestly. Yeah?

That's fine.
I'll go hang out

with the two twin
terrifying statues in there.

Do you want a mel meter or
rem pod, or anything like that?

You know, I might go quiet
for a little bit. Okay.

Just to start.

And then I might turn
on, like, geoport. Okay.


special k.

You ready to do this?
Oh, I'm ready to go.

Are you scared?


I mean, I don't love the house.

I think this might be
the most...

Apprehensive I've seen you.

It's a weird house.
There's a weird vibe in here.

Yeah. Hmm.

Let's go get scared.


[ shouting ]
we want to talk to

whatever energies
are in this house.

[ quietly ]
wait, hold on.

My name's jack.

We're not here to harm anyone.

We're not here
to kick anyone out.

We're just here to meet you

and try and document
some evidence, that's all.

So feel free
to make yourself known

however you choose.

We will be here for the evening.

[ normal voice ]
alright. Good luck.

Good luck.



[ rattling, door squeals ]


katrina: Okay, so jack and I
are gonna try our investigation

a little bit different.

Uh, scary doll
will go over here.

And we're just gonna
take in the space

like we were living here.

You know, kathy and sonny,
when they have experiences,

they're not always

So I think
that's really important

for us to try to get us --

us back in that mindset
of what every owner

has pretty much experienced
when they've been here.

[ door squeals ]

it's a weird house. I'm not g--
it's a very weird house.

I actually do feel
really uncomfortable here.

There's a --

there's a vibe.


okay, if any thing, anybody

wants to communicate with me,

I will be on this bed.



[ exhales sharply ]


there is a negative entity here.

Some people choose
to call you a demon.

You need to make yourself known.

Everyone says you're real here.

Everyone says,
"beware of the hill house.

It's haunted."

if there's anything
in the bottom floor,

come in here.

Can you make those lights
at the bottom of the bed go off?

All you have to do
is walk over them,

move through them.

I heard you like to
use electronics to communicate

a lot of times.

I have this device right here

and you can use this
to communicate with us.


[ oscillating static ]

who are you?


...Looking at me."

[ static continues ]


Let's try the mel meter.


[ beep ]

[ beep, beep ]

[ beeping ]

[ mel meter whines ]


[ buzz ]

[ inhales sharply ]

alright, so I've got
this device in here

called a mel meter.

You see this green light?

Come and touch it.

C-- [ beeping ]

[ whirring ]

That just freaked me out.

Alright, so I've got
this device in here

called a mel meter.

You see this green light?

Come and touch it.

C-- [ beeping ]

[ whirring ]

That just freaked me out.

Um, alright, so...

If you're here,

and that is, in fact, you,

touch the green light
one more time.


are you the spirit of someone
who used to live here?


[ loud buzzing ]


might've been me.

[ buzzing stops ]

well, how would
that have been me?

[ buzzing ]

this thing is **** nuts.

[ buzzing stops ]
very weird.


Let's go see what's going on
here with katrina.


[ crickets chirp ]


Jack: Hey.

How you doing?

I'm good.

Did you notice
how quiet this house is?


There really aren't
any natural sounds to the house.

It's so oddly still for
as old of a house as it is.

That tells me that if people are
hearing things in this house... Yeah.

You would know, like,
that that's not a normal sound. Yeah.

What's your thoughts after this?

I think, uh, we go explore
these active places.

I say we put it to the test.

See if we get scratched. Yeah.

[ floor creaks ]


[ oscillating static ]

who's in this room?


[ static continues ]

[ sighs heavily ]

there's such a weird vibe here.

I'm, like, fighting
to keep my eyes open.

And I don't know
what that's all about.

I'm, like -- I'm wondering

if, like, energetically

that's how I'm reacting to...

[ echoed talking ] ...Certain energies
when we do these investigations.

[ oscillating static
in distance ]


joshua, can you come downstairs?

[ static continues ]


is toby in here
with us right now?

"I am."
yeah, I heard that.


alright, toby.

We hear you're
this big bad ass demon.

We want to see it.

[ oscillating static ]


I don't trust this.

It's not right.
Something's just not right.

There is something negative
and intelligent here,

and it knows
exactly what it's doing.

Are you okay?

I just got really tired again.

Since you're already
feeling drained... Mm-hmm.

...Do you want to try,

maybe, her bedroom this time,
the master bedroom?

And if it is something
draining you like that,

it's gonna want you
alone and vulnerable.

[ exhales sharply ]

[ dramatic music plays,
crickets chirp ]


yeah, I don't know
if I want to do this.


I'm cold.

And scared.


all of the sudden,
I'm not that tired anymore.


[ oscillating static ]


Or toby?


it feels weird up here.

It feels oppressive up here.



[ sighs deeply ]

it's funny because you actually

shouldn't be saying this
on an investigation.

If what's here is
something negative and inhuman,

I think it's
just messing with us.

But I think if we're gonna do
any experiments

to try to document
something that's...

[ sighs deeply ]
I-I think we need to regroup,

'cause I can't
get my head straight.


[ buzzing in distance ]

how are you doing?

Uh, I'm okay.

Anything going on upstairs?

I need to step off site
for a second.

Okay. You okay?
What's up?

I can tell you
if we leave the house.


Let's go over here.

To be honest with you,

I've never seen katrina
like this.


have you?

I don't mean
to make it so scary,

but I cannot ****
focus in there.

Anytime that's happened, though,

it's been, like,
really bad cases.

Like, the last time
I can think of

where this happened to me,

somebody got bit.


And what's tripping me up

is that we haven't really
had anything happen.

And it --

it feels so different.

Think it's just trying to
let us get our guard down?

There's something more negative,
something more...

Malevolent in there.

I mean, it reads your thoughts.
It knows your thoughts.

It knows that we're
out here talking. Yeah.

We've done countless
cases now together. Yeah.

And we've been
in numerous places

where they've said,
"oh, there's demons there.

There's demons there."

and you've never once
reacted like this.

So this is telling me
that you believe,

in your professional opinion,

that there is some --

something in there
other than human.


I do.

Jack: We've done countless cases
now together. Katrina: Yeah.

And we've been
in numerous places

where they've said,
"oh, there's demons there.

There's demons there."

and you've never once
reacted like this.

So this is telling me
that you believe,

in your professional opinion,

that there is some --

something in there
other than human.


I do.

So I think we need a new plan.

What's your plan?

Um, we can set up
a bigger experiment,

try to get some photos,
try to get some video footage.

And we do have the religious objects.

We have holy water.

You start throwing
that **** around,

usually, you get a response...

...If there is something
negative there.

Let's just get it all

and see if we can
piss this **** thing off.

I'm with it.
Let's do it.

Alright, toby.

We've come to talk.



You already feel it?

It changed in here again.



Saint michael the archangel,

defend us in battle.

By the power of god,
cast into hell

satan and the evil spirits

who prowl about the world,
seeking the ruin of souls.



what do you think
about that, toby?

If you're so powerful,

I haven't seen **** from you

the whole time we've been here.

I think he's faking.
That's what I think, katrina.

I think so, too.

I don't think he's
a powerful demon,

or a powerful being.
I think that's true.

218 scratches, my ass.

Come on, toby.

Let's see it.

Katrina: This is so weird.
It's like the energy is --

one minute it feels
really uncomfortable...

And the next, it's fine.

But it's never
really comfortable.

But I think that's probably
part of whatever's here's

tactic to break you down. Yeah.

Yeah, it's like the house is alive.

[ buzzing ]

we can try some, uh, evps
with joshua while we wait.

You want to?

Let me grab, um, behind you.


[ thud ]

- whoa.
- Oh!

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

...Um, behind you.


- whoa.
- Oh!

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

- Whoa.
- Oh.

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

Oh, ****.

What was that?
I have no **** idea.

Where did that come from?
Right over there.


that was really loud.

Was that a door or a wall?

It sounded like a wall.




you feeling something?
Oh, yeah.

What are you feeling?
Were you not hearing that knocking?


And then a knock there? No.



[ camera shutter clacks ]

[ camera shutter clacks ]

guess this dude isn't
all powerful after all.


Just a couple little noises
here and there,

that's it?


I think joshua is more powerful
than you, actually.


we are now in joshua's room.

We're gonna try, um,
some voice communication.

Apparently, this
is a very active room

and he usually responds in here.

Okay, joshua or
whoever is up here,

this device right here,
you can talk to us through this.


So if you have something to say,
you can say it through here.

[ oscillating static ]

katrina: How many spirits
are here?

[ static continues ]

jack: Is there
a portal here?


can you tell us who banged
on the wall earlier?


[ oscillating static ]

can you tell us who banged
on the wall earlier?


"oh, I remember that"? Mm-hmm.

Well, who did it?

[ static continues ]


it's pretty quiet.


[ exhales sharply ]

alright, thoughts?

I think the stuff
that we experienced objectively

is really interesting,
especially that big knock.

That big knock was crazy.

And I think we had
some intelligent voices

coming through.

I think based off of

some of the things
we experienced tonight,

I would say that there
is definitely strange things

going on here
that we can't explain.

We have to start
reviewing our cameras

to see if there's
anything that we missed.

And then we have to prepare for

our meeting
with kathy and sonny.

I think we have
a lot to talk about with them.

Well, let's start
breaking this stuff down

and get into the review process.






How you doing?

Anything good?

We've got some stuff.


Now, this is the good one. Okay.

This is the money shot of the night.

[ keyboard clacks ]

do we...

[ oscillating static ]


- whoa.
- Oh!

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

That was really loud.

It was really, really loud.

It's hard, too.

It's not a hollow sound.

- Whoa.
- Oh!

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

I will say, in all
the paranormal investigations

I've done...

I've never had a loud -- a knock that loud.
It's really loud.

Like, you get, like, the --

right. Little taps.
That kind of taps here and there.

But that's, like,

[ gong ]

I don't know.

- Whoa.
- Oh!

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

Alright, this next one is...

Photos I took
while we were up in toby's room.

How many pictures did you take?
In this location?

Yeah. Just the -- I
did two in this moment.

Just two. A minute apart? Yeah.

Not even, actually.
It was click, click.

[ camera shutter clacks twice ]

first picture.

Second picture.


if it is paranormal,

it looks like eyes
looking at us.

There's something very
not normal about this place.

Let's bring in --

let's bring in sonny and kathy.

We can talk about all this --

our experiences
and what we think is going on.



thank you guys for letting us
investigate the hill house.

We had, uh, an interesting evening.
Kathy: Okay.

So, a couple things.

One of the things
that struck us coming in

is how many rumors
of deaths there were,

because normally when you
see that many... Mm-hmm.

...It's a tall tale.

There are a lot of rumors
that's been put into this place.

So, while we couldn't confirm
any of the stories

of willie's rape
and the murder of elizabeth

or even producing
an incestuous child,

we did hear
from a former resident

that corroborated
some of what we heard

about the house's negative past.

This place is on fire. Yeah.

Like, we -- we had we had
a really interesting night.

So much so that at one point,

katrina had to step
out of the house.

There is something negative
and intelligent here,

and it knows
exactly what it's doing.

[ sighs ] I think we
need to regroup

because I can't
get my head straight.

There's something malevolent...

...In there.
It knows your thoughts.

It knows that we're
out here talking. Yeah.

And katrina's never done that.

When we went upstairs,
that's when things

Kind of kicked up a bit.

Just listen to this.

- Whoa.
- Oh!

- ****
- oh. Whoa.

That was one of the
loudest bangs I've ever heard

while doing an investigation.

It sounded like
someone kicking a door.

Yeah, we do hear bangs a lot.

I've heard chairs being drug

while I'm watching the cameras
and there's no chairs moving.

People have been here
and they've heard glass breaking

all over the house
and they go room to room

and there's no broken glass.

Like, residual noises.
Sonny: Glass breaking.

Katrina: Hmm. Right after that
noise happened, I took photos.

And then you see here,

a strange kind of mist,

two, kind of look like eyes.

I think there is --

it seems to be
another layer here

that is much more negative.

I also think you guys
need to be careful...

Very careful.

If this is in fact
some kind of demonic entity,

it -- it likes to bring people
down with them.

You guys have your hands full.

Even though it might not be

all the answers
you want to hear,

we were able to get the answers
to a lot of those rumors.

I appreciate it.
Thank you.

Well, thank you.
Yeah, thank you.

Jack: I believe that if there
was a place to have a portal,

it would be this location.

And I don't know
if that's just the area,

I don't know if it's
the crazy water here.

I don't know
how to really quantify that.

I just think
that there is something

really odd
going on with this place.

And I think it's very dangerous.

And I absolutely think
it could get worse.

Alright, katrina.

That was the haunted hill house.

That was the haunted hill house.

And what's your vibes?

I definitely think

there's some strange things
going on here,

especially when
we start tracing back through

all the different people
who lived here.

Everyone's pretty much
in agreeance

that this place is haunted.

And what's interesting
is they all have

such similar experiences.

This is true.

Is it demons?

I mean, something weird
is going on here

that I can't quite
put my finger on.

More to be revealed, I guess.

On the road we go.
