Portals to Hell (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Emerald Hill Hell House - full transcript

Jack and Katrina travel to Pennsylvania to investigate a 19th-century estate brimming with paranormal activity that many believe is fueled by the property's shadowy history of untimely ...

Are you angry?

Are you touching that right now?

You guys hear that?

There's movement.
There's movement.

There's movement.Holy.

Is this place a portal to hell?


This is **** nuts.

He believes
that you're demonic...

...so this should
really piss you off.

A haunted house is
designed for a spooky thrill.

But what if you learn
that the ghosts

jumping out at you are real?

The screams echoing through
the halls are real.

This is the stuff
that changes you...

...the stuff horror movies
are made of.

All right.

We are in Monongahela Valley,
Western Pennsylvania.

They call it Demon House,
Emerald Hill House.

- Emerald Hill House.
- It's this really old mansion.

There's been, like, five
suicides there or something?

Yeah, allegedly.

So I think this is some of the
stuff that we have to dig into,

but regardless

of what the history is,

people are still
having activity there.

Mm. All right.
Let's hit it.

Are you excited, Jack?

I'm very excited, actually. Yeah?

I'm also nervous because I hear
this place is steeped

in a lot of scary business.Mm-hmm.

The reports are everything
from apparitions to scratchings.

The thing that I find worrisome,
though, is rumors of witchcraft.

Yeah, local lore says
that there was a woman

that lived in this house
or on that property,

and she was apparently a witch.

She was accused,
though nobody really knows

what happened to her,

but she placed a curse
upon this house.

We are the very first people

ever to do
an investigation here.

So I think anything we find

is going to be
significant to this place.Totally.

This is actually what's more
worrisome for me,

is that they've turned the house
into an attraction.

Yes. It's a haunted house for,

you know, Halloween time.

You go there, and it's spooky,
and it's fun,

but I wonder
if that's opening up portals

that wouldn't otherwise
be opened.

Yeah. Most people that have
lived in this property

have been struck with pretty
significant family tragedy,

from suicides to people
getting sick, dying randomly.

A lot of what, I think,
we're learning about this place

is there's a huge
amount of rumor.

The rumor mill is in full effect.

So we're going to go meet
Chris and Veronica Pirt,

and they're the current owners
of the property,

and hopefully they can give us
a good lay of the land.Okay.

Oh.Oh, the one with the tombstones.

- We're here.
- Wow.

- This is ominous.
- Super ominous.

Because of all the different
types of paranormal activity

that has plagued this house
for decades,

a lot of locals
never want to come up here,

and it discouraged
a lot of people

from making this a residence.

Haunted houses are, I mean,
personally, I love going to them

because I think
they're a lot of fun,

but for a lot of people,

they're the closest to fear
that they ever want to be,

and the fact that we're actually
investigating a place

where so many people
have put haunted energy

into the walls of this place
is pretty interesting.

I mean, this is the stuff
that horror movies are made of.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- How's it going?

- I'm Jack.
- Hi, Jack. I'm Veronica.

- Chris.
- Nice to meet you guys.

So this is the house? Yes.

Yeah. How long have you guys owned it?

- This is our fourth year.
- Mm-hmm.

But you worked
on the property before?

Yes, I've been here
for 16 years.

Okay, so I'm sure in 16 years,

you've had your fair share
of weirdness?

Well, actually,
not until I owned it.

The first 12 years,
nothing at all.

And what about the owner
at that time,

were they experiencing things? Yes, yes.

He couldn't even spend
the night in the house.

Has anything ever happened
out here?

Yes, right where we're standing,
a black figure wearing a top hat

has reported to have been
seen many times.

He's apparently walked
through walls.

He's been seen in this room,
as well as down there.

This is the original door here. - Oh, wow.

It's a very, very heavy door,

and it's come open
on its own quite a few times.

We usually keep everything
all locked up,

even when we're here
working alone,

and this door blew wide open.

So even when you've locked it?
Yeah, even while it was locked.

All right.
Well, let's get stuck in.

All right.
Come on in.

Check that door out.

I mean, that takes some pulling.

So this is most recently where
the top hat figure

had been seen.
- Okay.

We had an actress in this room,
and she said,

"I just saw a man
stick his head in right

over there in that corner,"

Kind of where
our camera operator is?

Yep, just right where he is.

Do we have any idea
who he might be?

- No, no idea.
- Mm-kay.

- Where do we go from here?
- Come on this way.

Anything seen in here?

Actually, yes.

I was in another room working.

All the cabinet doors
in here blew open at once.

- Really?
- Yes.

So you heard it?

Oh, yeah, you could hear it.
It was a heck of a noise.

- It really was.
- Wow.

And had the previous
owner ever talked to you

about something like that
happening here to him before?

No, nothing like that.

He always talked about
experience --

hearing his voice being called
and sleep paralysis.

I find it very interesting
that Chris and Veronica

didn't really start
experiencing anything too crazy

until they took
full ownership of the house.

It seems like the house
was like,

"Oh, cool, you're the new boss?

Check it out,
we live here, too."

What happens in here
when this is a haunted house?

Every year, somebody sees
the little girl

that we presume is upstairs.Mm-hmm.

Every single year,
they come out, and they say,

"That girl you have up
there is fantastic,"

and they describe her
exactly the same.

Seven years old, Victorian
clothing, dark, like,

shoulder-length hair and bangs,
every time they describe her.

And she's in the same room
every single time?

She's been seen
all over upstairs.

- Interesting.
- Very interesting.

Okay. All right. Well, where
we do we go from here?

This way.

I guess somebody is chained
to here, right?

Yeah. Yeah? And then what happens
in this room?

This is our asylum-type area.

This is also the room I seen
a ball roll across the floor.

Kept thinking I was hearing
someone call my name,

and then I'd hear footsteps.

I'd call out, and nobody
was here,

and then a call
just rolls right past me.

That terrified me.
I left.

I went all the way to the bottom
of the driveway

and called my wife. Really?

Yeah, like, I was --

I told her I was not
coming back in here alone.

So what is it people
are experiencing upstairs?

Well, upstairs is where people
have had seen the little girl.


They've seen the black
masses upstairs, too.

So we're on the second floor,
and this is where

a lot of the things
that we've been told

about the place have took place.

One story that we hear
frequently is that a mother

drowned her special needs child
in a bathtub in another room,

and then shot her and her
other daughter in the room

we're standing in.

That is horrific.

Here's the nursery.

And for the haunted house,
what happens in here?

Here, on the upper floor, too,

this is where I felt like
I was touched.

It felt like I was just being
repeatedly tapped,

on a corner when I was working
in the room next door.

So this would have been
the master bedroom.

So what's happened in here?

This was the room
that an actress did

get scratched in before.

The girl who was scratched up
here was scratched

on her shoulder.

That's freaky.

This place is creepy.
I didn't like the upstairs.

It felt really just oppressive,

but it seems like the majority
of the activity occurs upstairs,

and that's where
the murder-suicides

have taken place

and where the little girl
is most often seen.

All right.
So what's happened out here?

Out here, the grave is out
behind our fountain up there.

Oh.When we'd done the tour
inside the house,

they kind of dropped the bomb
on us with the,

"Oh, and by the way,
there's a grave out back."

They told us, "Well, for sure
one person's buried here,

but there's been rumors of more.
They just weren't marked."

Because obviously there's
a lot of rumors online --

deaths, witches,
curses, you know.

Have you guys tried to kind of
sift through them yourselves?

I feel like that I want to know
what is going on.

Okay, is there something
here and what --

Why are they still here?

Chris and Veronica really want
some clarity on who's here

and why they're here.

So we're going to do
a headstone rubbing.

Basically you put a piece
of paper on top,

get, like, a crayon,
and color over it to see

if you can get the words.

There's McCormick.

Oh, wait, there's more up here.Oh.

So we're going to do
a headstone rubbing.

There's McCormick.

Oh, wait, there's more up here.


Yeah, there's definitely
letters, but then it's so faint.

Is that a Tabitha?


Does that look like
Elizabeth to you?

Yeah, that makes sense,

wife of Jno. McCormick.

Died June 1st, 1863.

One of the reasons
this is really important

that we found this is because

there's so little confirmed
history about this space,

and the people
who came through these walls.

So Elizabeth McCormick,
June 4th.

Finding anything,
even if it's just the name,

like Elizabeth, helps us
not only historically,

but it could also be very
meaningful to our investigation

because we can actually
call out to those people,

to see if we get a response,

and those names
might come through. Game on.

So Katrina is going to
interview one of the actresses

that works here
during the hauntings.

Okay, this is Katrina's
interview with Jocelyn,

who's an actress here
at the Demon House.

Why don't you take me through
the experiences

you've had with the paranormal?

I was literally next
to the crib here.

Nothing is around me,

and I literally, like,
in my pigtail, I felt this.

- Oh.
- And I was, like, "Okay,"

you know, like,
something isn't right.

What was that?
You know?

I wanted to jump out of my skin
and run out of the room, but...

- Yeah.
- I had -- A group was coming.

I had to keep my composure,
while shaking, did my act,

kind of just said
out loud to myself,

"Whatever that was,
don't do that again.

I don't like that." You know? Mm-hmm.

And so what was the next
thing that happened to you?

Once the group leaves,
I'm sitting her by myself.

I hear in, like, a little girl's
voice, like,

"Where are you?" Where did it come from?

Um, I was actually sitting
in this corner over here,

and it sounded
like it was down, like,

in the hallway or something.

Did you think there's anything
else in this house besides her?

I do believe there is
something else here.

It's definitely
a stronger presence.

I don't know whether or not
it's, like, a male presence

or a female presence, but it's
definitely a stronger presence,

and it does make you

I think this really helps us
narrow in.

Jocelyn says there's a more
aggressive spirit here,

and that's the one you need
to look out for.

We just spent a good part
of last night

and this morning
compiling a ton of research.

We went deep web.

We got a lot of information
about that property.

So there's a lot of rumors about
this place obviously, right? Mm-hmm.

And it's kind of interesting
because the one that I totally,

right off the bat, I'm like,
"Ugh, totally a rumor,"

actually has some merit to it.

- Which one's that?
- The witch.


You know, going through
the deeds and everything,

there was a family
named the Colvins.Mm-hmm.

There was a Josephine
and a Moses.

- They were married.
- Mm-hmm.

Josephine and Moses are buried
in a local cemetery here.

What's really weird is that
they have this headstone

with their surname,
with a witch's broom on it.

Guess who owned the house.

- The Colvins.
- The Colvins.

That would certainly explain
the spirits

that they're experiencing.

I think probably an element
of something going on there

is the fact that
it's a haunted house,

and you're doing things,
like putting fear

in that environment,
and if you think about it,

all those emotions running
through that property

as long as it has been,

maybe it drummed up
some sort of energy

that is now manifesting

in certain aspects
of the paranormal,

like the doors opening
and closing,

like the cabinets blowing open.

Then you have this other element
of the intelligent stuff

coming through, right,
like the top hat guy

and the little girl.

I would think maybe that has
to do with the property.

Because there's a lot of
different types of activity

that people are
experiencing here,

this goes way beyond
what you would see

in a typical haunted house.

You have a woman who was
accused of being a witch,

and if that's true,

a lot of people believed
that she cursed this property.

So I reached out to Cindy Kaza,

who's a friend of mine,
a psychic medium.

I figured, like, why not see if
she can get some names for us?

- Yeah.
- Who's the little girl?

Who's the top hat shadow figure?

It's going to be interesting
to see what we come up with.

Hey. Hi, Cindy.

- Hey, guys.
- You ready to do this?

- I think so.
- Okay.

It's --Do you know where you are?

I have no idea where I am.
Nobody told me anything.

I'm in Pennsylvania.
That's all I know.

Since getting here,
have you been picking up

on anything, have...

Yeah, so I kept seeing,
like, pagan?

It feels very pagan to me,
sacrifices, witchcraft, pagan.

Mm-hmm. That's what I'm feeling.

Okay. So something along those lines.

All right.
Well, let's get started.

Lead the way.

I was just blown away that Cindy
was picking up stuff

even before she even set foot
in the house,

like, when she pulled up
in the driveway.

She's like, "Yeah, there's
witchcraft here."


there was a suicide
somewhere in here.

I feel like whatever sacrifices
were happening here,

which feels like witchcraft... Mm-hmm.

...would have definitely
created some sort of a force

or energy here
that would have been dark.

Like, a dark energy
that people can pick up on?

A dark energy that people
can pick up on.

And that would cause a suicide?

It could. It could cause people
to go crazy.

She has the ability
to communicate

with whoever's
on the other side.

She does automatic writing.

She's got some of those
mystic tool up her sleeve.

Okay, this says, "I used
to play here with my sister."

So there was a boy and a girl,
two children that used to play

around this area, and it's says,
"We would be here with my mom.

When she died,
she stayed in the yard."

So the mom is buried
in the yard.

- That's what it feels like.
- Okay.

There's a mother that died
in this house,

I feel around this part
of the house.

But that's the woman that
I feel hangs out in this place.

There's a woman here, too.
There's, like, a...

Are you picking up
on her right now?

- Yeah.
- Who is she?

I just see her walking back
and forth right here.

So I feel like she walked
in this area.

I know that she lived here,
and I feel like she's --

She didn't have
a happy life here.

I feel her being depressed,
maybe suicidal.

What surprised me
the most was that

Cindy knew about the graves.

She knew about the witchcraft,

and it's also really
interesting because she said,

"It's kind of confusing
walking through this place

because of the haunted house

That energy can kind of
charge this place."

Do people hear babies crying

or hear children
running around here?

Not the crying,
but the running, yes.

The running of the children,

but I know that there are
a lot of footsteps

or a lot of running,
so there's more than one child.


Okay, so there's another person
that walks around this place,

who's a man that lived here,

who I feel like he died
in this house, as well.

So has anybody ever said
they see a man walking around?

- Yes.
- Yes.

That's who I'm picking up on.

He's apparently walked
through walls.

You want to go to the attic?

I feel like I need
to go up one more.Okay.

This feels so messed up up here.

I don't like this up here
at all.

You want to go to the attic?

I feel like I need
to go up one more.Okay.

This feels so messed up up here.

I don't like this up here
at all.

It feels like witchcraft.

It feels like black magic
or witchcraft.

It feels like a spell has been
put on this place

or a curse has been
put on this place.

Okay, I hear the name Elizabeth.

This is talking to you
because we're talking, right?

- Oh, to me?
- Yeah, she's --

"I want her to know
that I come to this house now

because my family is here.

I want people
to stop coming here

looking for the people
haunting it.

This is my place."

So basically, ghost hunting is,
like, not the thing to do.

She doesn't like it.
She doesn't like it

because this is her home,
or her place,

and I don't feel like

it was ever meant
to be a haunted house.

There was already activity here,

and I see the history of it,
but it, like, reactivated...

Starting the haunted house?

Started -- Feeding off of
people's fears, yeah, exactly.

- Okay.
- Exactly, and Elizabeth,

who's buried in the backyard,
doesn't like that

because that's not what
this place was ever meant to be.

Cindy is absolutely
the real deal.

She was in the zone, man.

She was picking up stuff
that was spot on.

We are going to start
the night investigation.

All right.
Let's go set this guy up.

Katrina, how is the
asylum camera looking?

That's actually perfect.
Everything's up and running.

- It's looks really good.
- All right. Cool.

How many cameras
do we actually have?

Oh, man, let's see.

We've covered everywhere
of significance with this place.

- Mm-hmm.
- Camera one...

on our IR
is the back of the house.

Camera two is the front
of the house.

Three is the kitchen,

where that poltergeist activity
has occurred.

Camera four is known
as the asylum.

Five is the attic.

Six is the nursery,

and that's where the little girl
is said to be running around.

So I checked in with a phone
call to the local police.

What'd they say?

They said that
the McCormick family... Mm-hmm.

...who named the house
the Emerald Hill House,

the father passed away
here of old age. Yeah, mm-hmm.

He did have a daughter,
who did commit suicide.

Here's the thing --

From a paranormal perspective,
it could be a possibility

that in some sort of energy
form, she lingers on.


You know, maybe that's part of
what people are picking up on.

I know that she lived here,

and I feel like she didn't have
a happy life here.

I feel her being depressed,
maybe suicidal.

And it could also be, like,
from a psychic perspective,

maybe that's part of what
Cindy was picking up on

was the emotional turmoil.

I think we should take
a different approach with this.

Why don't we switch out?

- Because the house is a maze.
- Yeah.

You're going to hear me
walking around upstairs,

if I'm up there.
- Yeah.

You're going to hear me, and so,
just to eliminate it,

one of us stays here,
and we swap out.

I like it.
All right.

Scream if you need anything,
channel 15.

We're each going to take
our own time

and go investigate by ourselves.

No producers, no sound man, no
cameraman, just us and a camera.


Where am I going?
Here I am.


If there's any energies
in this house, any spirits,

I'm walking through by myself.

So right now would be
a really good time

to let me know
where you hang out.

So Katrina just moved up
to the second floor now.

This is actually really scary.

**** where am I?


Oh, man, okay.

This is a nasty
feeling over here.

I definitely don't feel alone.

I totally feel like I'm
in a horror movie right now.

This is very unsettling.

I started getting, like,
a little nauseous actually.

Oh, I don't like it
up here, nope.


Everything inside of me
right now

is telling me not to be up here.


-What the?

Everything inside of me
right now

is telling me not to be up here.

Whoa, what the?

Is that me?

Yo, can you mark, like,
30 seconds ago?

Yep, we will.

What'd you see?

I have to go through
and check it,

but as I was looking around,

I thought I saw a shadow

block out some light on my --

I actually saw it
through the monitor.

So if I did see something,
it would be on camera.

Copy that. You just hit
the 30-minute mark.

So, I don't know
if you want to come down,

and you and I will swap out.

Yeah, I was just getting
ready to do that.

So I'll just make my way down.

Katrina is way tougher than I am
when it comes to this stuff.

- That was weird.
- Yeah? Talk to me.

Here, come sit.

Um, the whole house feels
messed up to me.

Like, this was actually really
scary to walk through alone.

Yeah? Okay.


Okay. All right.
See you in 30 minutes.

God, I don't want
to go upstairs.


Entering the bedroom area.

Yeah, there's a distinct
feeling of --

Ooh, I just got
a cold shudder down me.


Okay, I just got
head-to-toe, just --

It's still going, shooting up
and down me, cold, like,

oh, like to the core cold.

This is insane.

His body is reacting
physically to something.

Is there anyone in here
with me right now?


I literally just feel like
someone is just,

like, right up against me.

That's what I felt, too,
in that room.

Definitely not a fan
of this place.

Ooh, that headache,
it just keeps coming in waves.

Jack is heading up
into the attic right now.

Ooh, got that cold
feeling again.

All right. I'm going to head
back downstairs then.

- Oh, I don't like this house.
- What did you feel?

I, two times, it came
from my head, like, cold,

and it went all the way
down my feet

and then all the way back up.
It was like --

Weird, like a surge?
It felt like a cold surge.

This place is not your
run-of-the-mill normal house.

It's not. There's a weird
energy about this spot.

It's, like, I actually really
believe there's something here.Yeah.

So why don't we check out
the baby room?

Because a lot of people have
had experiences in there.

- We both felt weird in there.
- Yeah.

Okay, this is baby room.

We're in a room which has
had a lot of encounters.

This is where the little girl
likes to hide.

One of the actresses reported
many incidents of a little girl.

I hear, "Where are you?"
in, like, a little girl's voice,

like, "Where are you?"
and I was like, "Oh."

Also, a lot of the patrons
of the haunted maze

often come down being like,

"Wow, that little girl you had
come out is really scary,"

and they think it's her.

She likes to hang out in here.

So let's set up the 3-D
mapping here.

- Okay.
- To see if it...

If the child come out and plays.Okay.

I think maybe that would be
our best bet.

Okay, so I have both of you up.

We use this 3-D mapping camera,

which essentially locks
onto any kind of human figure

that has mass and will track it.

Is there anyone in here
with us right now?

Are there any children in here
that want to come out and play?

Katrina, can you come to me
right now?

Really slowly walk up to me.

-You got something?

- You guys see something?
- Yeah.

- Is it still there?
- No.

What was it?

A small figure standing
in front of the crib.

Are you standing in front
of the crib right now?


Can you tell us your name?

Do you want to play
a game of hide and seek?

So the REM pod emits
its own electromagnetic field,

and if something breaks it
that has mass

or has its own electromagnetic

it will sound off.

So this REM pod --

What happened? What happened?


You just felt somebody
pull your hair?

Well --

That is something Jocelyn
actually had happen to her.

I literally, like,
in my pigtail, I felt this.

I don't know if I...


You're doing a really good job,
if that's you.

That was insane.

That was weird.

Do you want us here?

Are you touching that right now?

You guys hear that? Yeah.

I'd heard something behind me.

There's movement.
There's movement.

There's movement.

There's, like,
something moving over here.


You guys hear that? Yeah.

I'd heard something behind me.

There's movement.
There's movement.

There's movement.


There's, like,
something moving over here.


There was, like, shuffling.

It does seem like activity
is picking up.

I think whatever's here
is getting used to us.

- Let's go to the attic.
- Let's go to the attic.

In the attic,
Cindy was picking up

on a witch that lived here.

All right. We want to talk
to whoever is up here.

All right?

So you can communicate
with us using this device.

You have to manipulate
everything coming through here,

so we can hear your message.

Who do you want?

Who would you communicate with?

Do you want Jack?

What was that?

Turn it off.

Do you guys hear --

I heard like a...

- Yeah.
- Right below us?


Maybe this is a good place
to split.

Yeah. Maybe one of us goes downstairs

and the other one stays up here.

- I don't mind going down.
- Okay.


I'll try to go to the table
behind you.

All righty.

All right.
We are recording.

This is the kitchen EVP session.

So I'm standing in the kitchen
right now,

and Chris,
the owner of this house,

said someone opened up
all the cupboards in here once.

Was that you that did it?

Do you like that your house
has been turned

into a haunted house?

All right.
We're going to play it back.

Was that you that did it?

Do you like that your house
has been turned

into a haunted house?


That's **** nuts.

That's crazy.
Let's do another one.

What do I do? What do I tell
Chris and Veronica?

What do you want?

Get out?

You don't want us to be here?

Are you upset that people
disrespect your home?

Did a witch curse the land?

It feels way different
since Jack left.

What's wrong, Scott?

Did you see it through
the camera?

I just got
really scared. Did you?

Yeah, I haven't felt scared
since we've been up here,

and I just got really spooked.

You feel like
the energy shifted?

I feel like the energy
changed in this space, yes.

All right, let's play it back.

So I just played back
what I recorded,

and it sounds like you
didn't like that your house

has been
turned into an attraction.

Is that correct?


Are you upset that people
disrespect your home?

Oh, my God.

Something is so trying
to come through,

and I've got
the chills right now. Me, too.

Are you scared of us?

Are you stuck here?

Or do you choose to be here?

Do you want the haunted house...

Dude! What the?

Okay, we've got to get Katrina
and Elaine down here.

Katrina, Katrina,
can you hear me?

Hey, what's up?

You should really
come down here.

I've been having some really
interesting EVP sessions.

You've got to hear
some of this stuff.

Let's go.

- Hey, what are you getting?
- Hey.

All right.
So here's the thing --

I didn't get any voices,
but I'm getting strange noises.

It's answering intelligently
to my questions.

Do you like that your house
has been turned

into a haunted house?


Let's try something.Okay.

Do you want to...
Do another one, and say...

Yeah, let's do it. Just a simple one.

Yeah, and, like, maybe,
"Make that click for yes."

- Okay.
- "Don't do anything for no."

Let's go back in and ask
some really specific questions.

Okay. And see if we can get
some answers that way.

Because if that's how they're
choosing to communicate,

maybe we can get
to the bottom of this.

Yeah. All right.

This is EVP session
number three in the kitchen.

Are you angry?

Let's play it back.

Are you angry?

Are you angry?

Can you tell us yes
when we get to your name,

so we know who we're talking to?

Is your name John?

Is your name Lizzie?

Are you a woman?

Are you a man?

Are you buried on this property?

This is fascinating,
by the way, like...

This is really weird.

Is your name Lizzie?

Is your name John?

Are you a man?


Are you buried on this property?

Oh, dude, I've got, like,
the chills from this thing.

So maybe John's
buried back there?

Yeah, maybe he's buried
next to his wife back there.


Does that look like
Elizabeth to you? Yeah, that makes sense.

Elizabeth, wife
of Jno. McCormick.

That's a very interesting
EVP session.

- This is really cool.
- High five.

- Yeah, good instinct.
- Go, team.

I feel like we could spend,

weeks here and compile,
like, so much stuff.

This is the most interesting
EVP session

I think I've ever had.Yeah.

I would say
the night investigation

was a total success.

We experienced a phenomenal
EVP recording.

We seemed to have some
intelligent activity

with the REM pod.

We captured a strange anomaly
with the 3-D imaging camera.

I would feel very confident
stating that this place

is haunted by numerous spirits.

Come take a seat.

So we are just going through
all the evidence

from the night investigation.

We got some things on camera
I'll show you.

So this is when Katrina
was in the attic.

Look at the shadow on the wall.

I'm going to play you from
two different angles,

so stationary camera, and then
this is her handy camera.

Look at the shadow
on the walls here.

You, like...

Look at that.

So it pulls back.

Now, when you look at it
from this second angle,

this is when things
get interesting.

Now look at how she moves, and
then look how the shadow moved.

I'll slow it down for you.

- That's wild.
- Yeah.

I mean, we can't explain it,

and we think
it's kind of significant.

We did bring a psychic
medium in.

And there were a couple spots

that she felt
very strongly about.

Funny enough, the first place
she wanted to go was the attic,

and when we brought
her in there,

she was picking up
on a lot of different things.

It feels like witchcraft.

It feels like a spell has been
put on this place

or a curse has been
put on this place.

This next bit of footage,
we use this technology.

It's, like, a 3-D
mapping technology,

and so you attach it
to a camera,

and you use it to map out
essentially humans.

So you can see here
that that's Katrina.

That's me.

This is the actual lens
on the camera, but watch.

A strange figure appears
right here in front of the crib.

You see that? ...hide and seek.

It's like child size,
and this is at the point

when we are trying
to communicate with the girl

or boy that hangs out
in the nursery room.

- I just got chills.
- Right.

It appears, for some reason.

You can see it then maps

so it's not me it's mapping.


And then it vanishes.

That's pretty intense.

We do believe that this is,
you know, a haunted location,

and we think that
the haunted attraction

is amplifying some of that.

I want people to stop coming
here because my family is here.

She doesn't like it
because this is her home.

I never would have guessed.

Me, either.

I just thought
it worked with it.

I didn't know that it would...

couldamplify it.Mm-hmm.

Interestingly enough, the rumor
about this place

having once been the house
of a witch who died in 1899

could very well be true.

According to the records,
this woman did exist,

and she died in 1899.

- Shut up.
- Yeah.

So there might be some sort of,
you know, connection there.

It just --

It's nice to be confirmed,
I think,

because sometimes
you really do feel like you

get in your head
when you get in here,

and you never truly know
what's going on.

It's just nice to know that
there's a little bit

of hard evidence out there now.

- Yeah.
- I agree.

It's an intense presence.

Between the history,
between the stuff

that we captured last night,
we don't think this is a portal.

But this place
is definitely haunted.

I think this is the kind
of house that,

if you feed it, it will grow.

That was the weirdest haunted
haunted house I've ever been to.

An actual haunted house.

- It's the real deal.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm not sure I'd really want
to move in there any time soon.

I don't think you'd get
much sleep, if you did.

No, I don't think you would,

The more teams that come here
to investigate,

I wouldn't be surprised
if there's a massive uptick

in activity.