Philip Marlowe, Private Eye (1983–1986): Season 2, Episode 2 - Spanish Blood - full transcript

Marlowe's friend called Spanish has been murdered and Marlowe suspects that the district attorney the man was running against might be behind the hit.

Subtitles By Chuck Brown ;)


En Raymond Chandler's
"Sangre Española"

Editado por

I'm not big on surprise parties, as a rule.

But this one was different...

The 10th wedding
anniversary of Belle & Spanish

The best girl and...

A best friend.

10 years ago, it'd been tough to take.

But even then...

I knew Belle had made the right choice...

Nothing had happened since,
to change my mind.

Evening sir.

Miguel Delaguerra was a lawyer...

What his people called...

"A man among men."

He'd always stood
up for the little guy,

against the ghetto
landlords, and junk peddlers.

Now he was going after
their buddies in high places...

Graft and corruption at the top.

Spanish said: he'd clean-up city hall!

And the voters
were startin' to like that idea.

He was the only guy I knew.
With the guts and honesty to pull it off.

Mr. Marlówe! :)



Haven't they fired you yet?

Where have jóu bean for so lóng?!

*Big Sigh*

So I'm a little late, huh?

Jóu could have spoiled everything!



It's okay everyone, you can relax...

It's not Spanish.

Brought some bubbly! ;)

You brought yourself, *Slight Chuckle*
That's what matters.

*Ha-ha* :D

You're lookin' good Belle...

You're lookin' great.

You too tough guy!

*Fake laugh*

Oh! Mr. Burke, this is Philip Marlowe...

An old friend.

-How do you do?


I can't think
in the middle of all these people.

*Marlowe Relaxes*

I just wanna look at you!

It's been a while Philip.

I get caught-up, you know the story.

Mmmnn too long.

Spanish gonna be our next city attorney?

It's close!

He's got the city hall gang,
running scared already!


Well Big John Masters
could use the exercise!

*She laughs*

I always said
Spanish would make it to Washington.

One step at a time.

*Opens Cap*

*Flint Strike*

You're happy though?


Of course.

*Door Bell!*

That'll be him!

OK! Everybody hide, quick, it's Spanish!

Don't you move Philip!
You're gonna be the big surprise!

Go on! Quick!

Oh my God!


Mrs. Delaguerra?

Ah! No! No!



This man he uh...

You bet it ma'am.

What is it?

I'm afraid Mr. Delaguerra
won't be coming home tonight.

He's hurt?

He's been killed.


Shot dead...

I'm sorry.

*Soft Cries*

*Post-mortem Photo*


Goodbye Spanish.

Don't worry about Belle, I'll--

I'll look after her.

*Smells Pistol for Cordite*

That's evidence Marlowe!

Put it back.

Only, it hasn't been fired.

I guess he didn't have time.


They didn't give em time!

This one stinks alright.

Who found em?

Sadie Burns...

His secretary.


He sent me out...

To pick this up.


It was a present for his wife.

*Gasp* It's--

It's their--


Yeah I know...

I'll deliver it.


Look Marlowe,
you shouldn't even be in here!

I'm gonna see she gets this.

- Sir?
- I guess it can't hurt.


Now look...

A .32

A light caliber...

Amateur’s weapon.

I don't know...

There's no shells, lying around.

A hit-man takes the shells with him.

A hit-man doesn't miss.
Not at this range.

Who does?

A guy who's scared or...



The city attorney?

What about him?

Spanish was after his job.
Looked like he might get it.

You saying Don Imlay did this?


I'm just sayin',
his name's the last one in this book.

Six O' clock?

Yeah it-it was while I was out.

Boy what a mess!

Gonna be hell to pay!

-When the press gets a hold of it?
-That's right.

Yeah, only fear of the press
would bring the Commissioner...

and his pet-police chief
outta' the woodwork!

He one'a yours?

Uh, no he...

He's sort of a friend of the family.

I'm acting for the widow.
I'm a private eye.

Your name?

Marlowe, Philip Marlowe.

Then get outta here Philip Marlowe!!

I'm here on a case Commissioner.
I got a right to see the evidence.


Check this guy, the whole file.
If you're clean...

You can pick-up your license next week...


Until then...

You don't have any rights.
So get outta here!!!

I saw the name in the book Yberra!

Be sure to tell your superiors that.

What name?! What book?!

No, you keep it sugar.
You’re gonna need it...

When these boys
start papering over the cracks.

You're talkin' about the city attorney Mr.
Not some hoodlum!!

There's a difference? ;)

I wanted to go to Belle.
Tell her it was all a mistake...

"Some other guy went down. Not Spanish."

If I couldn't do that...

I wanted to find his killer.

Preferably at the wrong end of a .38!

I decided to start with Don Imlay's boss...

The mayor.

Big John Masters,
had gotten to think he owned the city.

Spanish had been
planning to set him straight about that.

*Loud Ringing/Bureaucratic Madness*

Who's arranging the transportation?!


Yep, OK sir.

Out of my way.

I'm not in the mood for games!

Who are you? What do you want?

I'm lookin' for Don Imlay.

What'do you want him for?

I'm a voter.
I got some questions to ask my candidate.

Well Imlay's not here.
You can see that. Maybe I can help you.


Can we lose these goons?

You haven't told me your name yet.

Philip Marlowe...

Miguel Delaguerra was a pal o' mine.


Beat it.

Sit down!


You've heard then?

Yeah, it's too bad.

Not for you, or Imlay!

Miguel Delaguerra was a decent guy...

Sure, we called each other some lousy names.

We are on opposite sides. It's the game!

He wasn't playing any game Masters.
He was after your crowd, for real!

Look what the hell
do you want from me anyway?!

I want Imlay.

I'd like a piece of em myself!

Six days to the election...

He hasn't been in here all day!

I know where he was at 6 O' Clock.

He was keepin' an
appointment with Delaguerra.

I suppose you can prove that.

Maybe I can.

Then you shouldn't be telling me this, boy.

You got a story to tell...

Tell it to the cops.

I'll do that...

Just as soon as I can find one,
who's not in your pocket.

Anybody seen Harry? There's a call for em!

*Typewriter Racket*


Get me commissioner Drew on the line.

I guess the cops have been here.

Thé commissioner himsélf.

That figures...

How is she?

Not too good. Mr. Marlowe...

Shé won't see nobody.

She won't talk, or cry or nothing.

It's shock Teresa. It'll pass.


How good of you to come.

I could come back later?

Of course not!

Could I offer you something?


A drink?

No thanks.

His eyes stare at me
wherever I look Philip.

I rescued this...

He got it for you.

It's a lousy world Philip!

Yeah, mostly.

And if you stand up and say something.
Nobody listens.

Lot's of people listened to Spanish.

Spanish did more than just talk.

He tried to change things and they--

--They smashed him for it.

He reached a lotta' people Belle...

They're still out there.
They'll know.

Know what?!!

That if you tell the
truth in this town...

"The Masters Machine"
will roll right over you?

That you can shoot a
man dead. And get away it...

As long as you own the police force?

Nobody's gettin' away with anything Belle.

He's dead isn't he?

They got a good line on the killer!

- Masters?
- No listen.


They're gonna cover it up Philip.
Are you gonna help them?


Philip wait.

Tell me what Drew said.

He hoped they made an arrest soon...

But Spanish had a lotta' enemies...

And might take some time
to sift through them.

What else did he have to say?

Just questions...

Where did Spanish go the last while?
What did he do?

Who did he see?

What'd you tell em?

The usual...

Meetings, speeches...

He went out to the lake one night.
But I didn't tell em that.

- Pumas Lake?
- Yeah.

He still kept that old cabin up there.

I couldn't stand the thought,
of the cops stomping all over it.

All the way up to Pumas Lake,
I couldn't get Belle outta my mind...

Her perfume...

The sound of her voice.

I knew she needed me, Just as her friend.

Someone to, dry her tears.
Help her remember the good times.

I knew somethin' else...

10 years hadn't made any
difference to the way I felt about her.

*Thunder Rumbles*

Spanish always loved the lake...

He said,
the cabin was the one place he felt safe.

He come up here to breathe...

To get the stink of politics
out of his nostrils.

To be alone, with the great outdoors.

But Spanish hadn't been alone,
the last time.

The reek of cigar smoke
was still heavy in the air.

And there was somethin' else...

I knew what I was gonna find...

And I didn't like it a bit!

Dime store perfume...

The kind you buy by the pint
and siphon into pretty little bottles.


Spanish had been
keeping company with a lady.

Who definitely was not his wife.

*Thunder Clap*


*Car Approaches / Brakes Squeak*

*Thunder Doom*

*Hammer Cocks*

Drop it!

Come on! Drop it!!!

*Un-cocks Hammer*

Easy Mister...

Hey! Woah! Ugh!


Oof! You can take
pretty good care of yourself, Mister!


Now that we've got that straight...

Why don't we just, go on home?


And leave that stiff over there?!

Ahh! He'll be okay!

He's got friends in high places.

Listen, Mister.


I don't get many killers in my county!

I'm gonna enjoy, taking you in!

"Your county?!"

You've been mixing it up,
with the Dep. Sheriff!

You should'a said so from the start!!

I'm a private detective!

You got somethin' on paper...

That says that?

Yeah, sure.

I uhh.....

Must'a left it at home.


*Catches Breath*

Come on buddy!

Nice and easy!

I didn't kill Imlay and you know it!!!

All I know is what the local guy tells me.
The rest follows.

It'll never play Drew!

No?! Your pal Delaguerra gets bumped off..

You get the idea it's Imlay.
You go after Imlay.

So I drove em halfway across the state?

Was that before or after I killed em?

Oh! You tell me!

Then I threw em on a woodpile and...

Sat around enjoying the view, until
the local heat showed up.


-It's enough to hold you on!
-The hell it is!!

Not to mention resisting arrest!

And assaulting an officer.

Did Willis swear out a complaint?

He will if we need it.

Maybe those country cops
aren't so easily pushed around.

Hmph... Then we've got trespassing,
breaking and entering.

What about breathing without a license? ;)

Be a wiseguy...

You're a suspect in a murder case Marlowe.

We got enough to pull you in and...

Hold you anytime!

*Hat Slides*

Take his statement...

Then turn him loose.

*Typewriter Clicking*

What do you say Yberra?

Cute, huh?

They're just leaning on you Marlowe...

Nobody thinks you killed Imlay.


Maybe they're just lookin' hard
for somebody to take the rap!

What're you getting at?

*Door Boom*

Imlay was Masters' pet, city attorney...

Only he was hard to control...

He had a nasty temper!

That's for sure!

But then...

Imlay goes too far...

Gets in a fight with Spanish...

Kills em.

Any word on those slugs, by the way?

Yeah, .25's it turns out.

A damn vest pocket rod!

Copper-Nickle slugs...

Couldn't find the shells.

So now the city attorney is a murderer?!

Scandal like that, could sink Masters,
Drew and the whole city hall machine.

You think that's how it happened?

What do you care?

Just gimme my stuff
and let me get outta here.

Listen Marlowe!

I do the best I can...

But I need this job.

Another time, huh?


He was a hero to my people!

He fought their battles...

If we had a problem,
his door was always open...


-What are you saying Yberra?
-I'm saying--

I wish they hadn't found a way to stop em.

-Sadie !
-Oh look, I've told you everything--

Oh, Mr. Marlowe.

They've been puttin' you through it, huh?


Talk about your "3rd degree!"

-You can take one more question.

When did Imlay make that appointment?

What appointment?

I-I'm sorry Mr. Marlowe, I-I...

I just don't know nothin'.

Oh I get it. They warned you off, huh?

They said it was only my word, that he was-

That he was dead,
when I got back to the office.

You wouldn't kill Spanish.


No! That's right.

You were too much in love with him.

The two of you played "house" together.
Up at the lake?

Oh, please. Leave me alone!

Did you go up there with him the last time?

No! I haven't been to the cabin...

For almost a year.

*Swinging Jazz*

It wasn't exactly what you'd call an affair

...It just wasn't that important.

Well, not to Spanish anyways.

What about you?

Yeah, I loved him...

I loved everything about him. He--

He worked so hard for other people... And--

Sometimes he just needed
somebody to care about him.

How 'bout his wife?

That didn't bother you any?

$ Cha-Ching $


Belle was the only one that he loved...

Nothing could change that, but umm...

I wasn't the only woman
who made visits to that cabin.

I thought you knew Spanish, Mr. Marlowe?

*Exhales Smoke*

So did I.


About his appointment with Imlay?

Oh, well Spanish
must've set that up himself.

Listen, I did not know anything about it.

*Dish Foley*

I need an office key.

$ Cha-Ching $

Hey, what do you want?!

Gotta get a new set of prints.

I wanted to look around his office,
when the cops weren't there...

To play games with the evidence.

I owed it to him.

Not the guy on the election poster...

But the other one.

A guy who could take your girl,
and almost make you like it.

Bus now boarding on gate 3
for San Bernardino...

Come on, come on!


I thought I'd had
enough surprises for one day...

I was wrong.

" Max Chill "


*Cocks Hammer*


Oh, Philip! What happened?


- Just a message from the boys down at HQ.
- Message?

Yeah it says:
"Keep your nose out of this Marlowe."

You're all I have left Philip.
We won't let them hurt you.


I'm not a fool.

What're you doing here Belle?

Can't an old friend drop by for a visit?

I can't stay in the house Philip...

The phone keeps ringing...

Police, reporters...

Every time I hear the door...

I think it's him!


I shouldn't have come!

I'm glad you did.

No, this is wrong. I-I'll leave.

I only ever had two real friends...

Now there's only one...

I could use a drink...

How 'bout you?


As long as it sits up.

And talks back. *Chuckles*

You remember?


D'you remember...

That restaurant we used to go to?

You know that little one,
down on Olvera street?

What is it?

All these years I've told myself...

"At least he's making her happy."

I was talkin' with Sadie Burns...

Don't judge him Philip.
He was a great man.

Judge him?

I don't judge anybody.
I'm just tryin' to get to the truth.

Spanish had a power in him that wo--

Women found...


That he didn't always say "no" to them...

Was a small enough weakness.

And you could live with this, "weakness" ?


I lived with his goodness and his strength.

The other woman could have the rest.


I can't believe it was that easy.


It wasn't, easy...

Sometimes I wanted to call you Philip...

Just to talk.

I was always here.

But I had to live with the choice I'd made.


But there were times.


I ain't got a match!

Thank you.

5 spot, says you don't make that shot.

You're on.

That's a $10 pal.

I've seen one.

-Oh ahh!!
-Nice shot Mac!

You lose.

Time out...

I gotta go a place.

Max Chill was a pool shark...

A hustler...

A salesman...

He sold information.

He wasn't an easy guy to talk to...

That's why he had lasted longer,
than most stool pigeons.

It's still a $10 pal.

OK-OK, don't get sore.

*Radio Cheers*

"Hotel Mansfield 303, 2PM"

Ya like that action?


Every time. What did I tell ya?
Every time!

He never misses.

-So where'd ya...
-I never...

Marlowe's just a back-alley private eye!

He's a problem Drew.

I took his license!

That sure slowed him down!


OK-OK I'll...

Haul em in, keep em under wraps!

Until when?!

After the election?

What good's that gonna do?


Ze-Suh-Shut em up!

The guy's gonna squawk, he's gonna squawk.
It don't matter when.

Alright then, some of my
boys'll get tough with em!

And what about the grieving widow?

You gonna lock her up too?

Oh! What does she know?!

Belle Delaguerra and Marlowe...

Are like that right now.

I still don't see what
either one of them can do to us?!

Think about it!

Marlowe and Delaguerra are friends...


He's soft on the widow.

Don't you see?
It's personal to the guy...

And that's dangerous.

So what's your idea?

There's only one way
to shut down, a guy like Marlowe...


*Relaxing Music*

*Three Knocks*

*Hammer Cocks*

*Secret Knock!*


Are you a cop?


Max? He's turned me in, me?!

Look it's OK Stella. He's not.

You know I hate cops!!!

Look it's the guy I told ya about.
He's a friend, Marlowe.


Well ya look like a cop.

That's not nice.

No it's not. It's not nice at all!

- Look Marlowe!
- Here look, look, look. Take a seat.

Look go wash your face.
Fix your lipstick or somethin'.

*Marlowe Sighs*


Stella la Motte.


If you say so.

You got somethin' for me?

Got a C-note on ya?

That's important money, Max.

Look, you want a line on
the Delaguerra killing or not?

Let me guess. This uhh...

Stella went to a pajama party
and Delaguerra was there?

Or they both forgot their pajama's.
Am I warm?

I wasted your time, sorry.

Look, uh...

What I don't know could be worth $50.

Look, gimme a break Marlowe.

The money's for Stella,
to get her outta town.

Since when did you become Santa Claus?!

Her real name is Stella Chill.
She's uh...

My kid sister...

Family's real worried about her.

OK, split the difference.

$75'll get her out of the country Max!

It's a deal.

Okay, this uhh...

This guy Delaguerra,
he uh, he gets around...

If you follow my meaning.

Just get to the point.

Get out here Stella!

Doesn't bother me none.
He had my vote.

So uhh...

Delaguerra meets Stella at Labrava Club.

Yeah, picked me outta the line.
Just like that.

And uh, they see each other a few times.

We were in love?!

You went up to Puma Lake with him?

The cabin?

Yeah, lots of times.

So it was...

Love's young dream...

What happened?

What happened was:
she got hooked by this junk peddler...


And he talks her into setting up Delaguerra

You tell it.

I want a drink...

I ain't sayin' nothin' till I get a drink!

Tell me about Toribo.

*Sulfur Fizz*

Yeah, OK, right away.


Run over to the liquor store
and get a bottle of...

Gin for Mr. Chill. 303.

Right away sir!

Spanish didn't know what was goin' on!

Toribo, he took the pictures.

That creep's gonna get a hole
poked in him, one day soon.

Hey mister, don't look at me like that OK?!

I feel lousy about it!

Yeah, sure you do.

Well she did.
She came told me about it didn't she?

So I put a tail on this punk...

This uh, this Toribo.
You know where it leads me?

- To Imlay.
- Straight to Don Imlay.

Gets himself killed.

So I have to figure,
it goes all the way up to Masters.

Imlay's dead?

*Pours and Sniffs Drugs*

For Mr. Chill?


Yeah he was wonderin' where ya got to?

I'll take it.

Beat it, pretty boy!

Imlay hired Toribo to frame Delaguerra.

Toribo, that bastard!

He went to Spanish's office
to show him the pictures...

They had a fight,
and Imlay got to his gun first.

*3 Knocks*

That's my drink.

It wasn't supposed to happen that way...

Masters didn't count on a murder!

And he couldn't risk Imlay gettin'
caught spendin' the blackmail, so...

He had Imlay taken out.


I ain't gonna hurt you Stella,
but you gotta come talk to some big-shots.

- Come on! Let's go!
- No Toribo! No!


*Phone Rings*

Yeah what?!

*Scoff* Take it easy Marlowe!

I got some good news for you.

Spit it out, I could use it.

They did an autopsy on Imlay...

I sneaked a look at the report...

He'd been dead at least 24 hrs.
When you found em.

That's it?

It puts you in the clear, don't it?


But it also clears Imlay...

He couldn't have kept that appt. with
Spanish, because he was already dead.

Thanks Yberra, I owe ya one.



*Sniffing Drugs*

- Ya wanna fix?
- No!

- Sure ya do.
- Not from you!

As soon as you tell the mayor,
what you gotta tell em.

He'll fix you real good.

The mayor?!

We gotta get Toribo back in line fast!

I don't understand why we
have to do anything?!

This time, you're gonna have to
do more than just take the pay-offs!

Mr. commissioner.

Get outta my way!

Nobody gets two chances in the same day.

- I still say it's crazy!
-Shut up Drew! You're giving me a headache!

You'd better get used to it Drew.

You're on his hook. You won't get off.

You don't learn, do you Marlowe?

Settin' up Spanish was one thing Drew...

That kind of quick and play,
gets covered up every day of the week...

But accomplice to murder?

That's a little more serious.

Murder? What Murder?!

Imlay went up to Puma Lake...

To show Spanish the pictures
you boys had arranged.

He wanted to force him outta the election!

But it looks like
Spanish didn't force too easy...

They got into a fight...

And Spanish killed him!

Go home Marlowe!

- Forget it Masters!
- Now!

Before things get outta hand!

- Ahhh!
- Oh! Ahhhhhhhh!


He's dead alright.

Cold blooded murder!

You should've gone home when I told you to.

That's a cute line Masters.

- You'd better give yourself up!
- But I ain't fallin' for it.

Sounds like resisting arrest to me,
Mr. commissioner.


Big John Masters!

A junkie Marlowe?!

She's gonna make a hell of a witness.

I don't want her for a witness Masters...

I want her for murder.


You were in love with Spanish,
weren't ya Stella?

Yeah, yeah I was.

Are you saying she killed Delaguerra?!

Maybe you wanted to tell em you
were sorry for the frame. He got angry.

You got upset, you didn't mean to kill em.

No! I didn't kill em!

You're stalling Marlowe!


Put the gun down kid.

You ordered my brother dead!

You're confused.

You told Toribo to kill em!

- Drew!
- To kill Max!!!

You'll be alright.

It's too late...

It's always too late.

*Cries of Pain*

Ya got a cigarette?

Yeah, sure.


*Cough* Thanks.

He was a great lover, Spanish.


Oh my God, my God!

OK, now let's get this
straight before my boys come...

Masters set-up the frame,
Imlay carried it out...

Delaguerra killed Imlay...

Stella killed him...

Now they're all dead.
Ring around the Rosie!

Is that the way you wanna play it?

For the good of the city...

And ourselves...

That's the only way to play it!


Get a hell of a note when the
commissioner of the police...

Has to be his own undercover man!

They oughta give you a medal.

Marlowe, uh...

We uh, we don't have to
bring the pictures into it...

Your-you're a friend of the widow,
aren't ya?


That's right.

Nice and neat. Ring around the Rosie...

I wanted it to be that way...

Wanted it, bad...

But that's not how the pieces fit together.

*Nice Bell*

Spanish always loved orchids.

Case is closed Belle...

I'll have the inquest reporters put
on the record. It's all wrapped up...

Maybe you can...

Start to forget now.


I don't wanna forget my life with Spanish..

I don't wanna forget any of it.

*Glass Clink*

Yeah, we had some great times together.
The three of us...

That's all gone now...

The good part.

It doesn't have to be.

What about Stella la Motte,
do you want to forget her?

Here's to Stella for dying, before she
could say she didn't kill Spanish...

She was used all her life.
A murder rap won't mean much to her now.

What are you saying Philip?

I was awake all night, trying to
put the questions out of my mind...

What was Spanish's gun doing on the floor?

Why would he make an appt.
with a man he knew was dead?

What were the bullet shells doin'
in the cigarette box on his desk?

Spanish didn't die right away Belle.

He used his last moments
to mess up the evidence.

The shells must've fallen on his desk and..

He had just enough strength to hide them,
and make it look professional...

He scribbled Imlay's name in the book...

- Pulled out his gun...
- Please...

To make it look like a shootout.

He used his last ounce of strength...

To protect the person
he loved most in the world...

The woman who killed him!

You Belle.

They sent me one of the pictures.


You knew there were others!


But actually seeing...

Spanish with another woman...

It drove me mad!

I put my gun in my purse...

I drove to his office...


Refused to pull out of the election...

He didn't care if our marriage
got smeared across the paper.

I'll go down...

Down with you...

I will...

Give myself up.


Downtown they like it fine the way it is.
It's swell politics...

Spanish did a good job of shielding you...

I'm gonna let em get away with it...

Because he wanted it that way...

And because I don't want
his name dragged through the mud.


Will you help me?

I can't.

We could be happy, together.

*Nose Scoff*

Goodbye Belle.

Some men give
their wives flowers or jewelry...

Spanish gave his wife her freedom...

I couldn't take it away from her...

But I couldn't share it with her either...

All I could see when
I looked at her, was a woman I loved...

Who had killed a good man.








