Person of Interest (2011–2016): Season 2, Episode 13 - Dead Reckoning - full transcript

Reese finds being saved by Stanton means having a bomb strapped to his chest while he and Snow infiltrate a DoD lab. A flashback shows how she survived the missile attack and Greer makes his first appearance.

You are being watched.

The government
has a secret system,

a machine that spies on you
every hour of every day.

I designed the machine
to detect acts of terror,

but it sees everything.

Violent crimes involving
ordinary people.

The government considers
these people irrelevant.

We don't.

Hunted by the authorities,
we work in secret.

You'll never find us.

But victim or perpetrator,

if your number's up,
we'll find you.

Dead Reckoning

[Phone rings]

- Agent Donnelly, stop your car.
- Who is this?

I'm the partner
of the man in your back seat.

I have a source that tells me

you're in grave danger.

Hey, lover.
Miss me?

[Phone rings]


[Phone rings] _


Detective, are you all right?

We were ambushed.

She killed Donnelly
and took John.

Are you injured?

No, I'm just handcuffed.

You have to focus now.

Find the keys.

Okay, wait.


Detective, did anyone see you
with John and Agent Donnelly?

I don't think so.

Then you need to
get out of there, now!

I can't just flee
a crime scene, Finch.

I understand, Joss,
but things will get

a lot more complicated
if you don't.

Listen, Finch,
the woman who ambushed us,

I think it was
his partner from the CIA.

The one that Snow said
was dead.


Yes, I'm aware of who she is.

Now go, Detective.

Kara Stanton.
What is it that you want?

Welcome back, John.


I thought you were--


I wasn't very good at it.

Of course, neither were you.

Our friend here,
on the other hand,

who sent us to kill each other,

I suspect he'll be great at it.

- John.
- Mark.

Looks just like mine.

Welcome to the party.

I know that look you get, John.

Right before you do
something disruptive.

[Phone beeps]

You may not care
about yourself,

but you've got enough
semtex duct-taped to you

to spread a lot
of misery around.

And before you think
about disarming that vest...

[Phone beeps]

just remember I've got you both
on speed dial.

So what's this about, Kara?

I thought I'd get us
all back together

for one last little bit
of field work

for old time's sake.

You were never
that sentimental.

I wasn't, was I?

You and Mark are gonna run
a few errands for me.

Execute your tasks
in a timely manner

and you will remain intact.

So what's this really about?

[Bell dings]

This is about
three dead little spies

in a brave new world.

It's about the afterlife, John,

and us negotiating
our places in it.


[Phone rings]

- Hello?
- There you are.

You don't answer
your cell anymore?

I, uh, lost it.

What's up?

A call came in this morning.

An FBI agent was found shot.

It was Donnelly.

He's dead, Carter.

What happened?

The feds are trying
to find that out.

They're asking for you.

They say why?

They knew you two
were working a case together.

Um... I'm on my way.


Have you heard
from our mutual friends?


Glasses sent me out looking

for you and wonderboy
last night.

Said it was some kind
of emergency.

Hey... lose an earring?

Oh, guess I did.

Excuse me,
are you Detective Carter?


SAIC Moss.

- Talk to you a minute?
- Sure.

When was the last time you saw
Special Agent Donnelly?

Uh, yesterday at Rikers.

Anything out
of the ordinary with him?

He seem concerned or troubled?

No. Why?

That case, your suit guy.

Donnelly was spending
a lot of time on him.

Seemed convince
this guy you were chasing

had backing inside
the government.

He mention that to you?

Not that I can recall.

The superiors
at the Bureau were concerned

he was getting paranoid.

That he might have lost
his perspective.

What do you think?

I think Donnelly
was a good agent.

I appreciate your assistance
on this, Detective.

I'll be in touch.

You okay?


You sure?

You wanna tell me
what's going on?

I don't know if I can.

But I know someone who might.

Kara Stanton's work history,

aliases, prior addresses,
financial records,

and her death certificate.

Unfortunately, the most relevant
part of her life

is the one we know
the least about.

After she was declared dead.

Snow knew Stanton too.

When I caught up with him after
he broke into that tech company,

he mentioned a woman.

Said she was
planning something big.

What was it he was looking for
at the technology company?

He stole a hard drive.

I'm gonna need everything
you know

about that drive
from your report.

The only way we can
help Mr. Reese

is to try to figure out

what she planning
to do and for whom.

Well, when I saw Snow,
he was wired with a bomb vest.

I guess it's fair to say
that wherever John is,

he needs our help and quickly.

Who are we meeting?

Don't worry about it.

You're just
picking something up.


You coming in or what?

[Gunfire on TV]

You guys dirty cops?


I'm guessing feds.

Do you have what we came for?

Good to go.

Formatted to your
boss's specifications.

I don't see many high-end
government rigs like this one.

Your boss, she must have
very deep pockets.

Let's have the drive.

The price has gone up
another $50,000.

Make a counteroffer.

Break his neck.

I believe you've been
paid already.

I believe you have my price.

Kill him, John.



I'll just, uh,
hang on to it then.

Maybe see
what I can get for it.

[Ascending electronic tone]


Now get the drive
and get moving.

And, John?

That's your last warning.

We believe someone
inside the Pentagon

sold a secure laptop
to a Chinese firm.

We need the laptop returned.

Where are we going?


It's a company town
in the middle of China.

Reese, one more thing.

After you secure the package,

you are to retire
Agent Stanton.

She's been compromised.

You're telling me
to kill my partner?

Noticed you're not joining us
on our little Far East getaway.

This one's strictly
a two-man job

and for good reason.

Over the past couple of months,
it has come to our attention

that Agent Reese
has been compromised.

And as his partner--

You want me to take him out?

We clean up our own mess, Kara.

I'll take care of it.

Time to wrap this up, John.

Listen, Kara--

Sorry, John.

They told me
you'd been compromised.

I got the same orders as you.

[Jet engine roars]

- You are clear to engage.
- Engaging.

[Missile whistles]

You're awake.

Where am I?

You're in the afterlife,
my dear.

I won't talk.

I wouldn't want you to.

You need rest.

Besides, I already know
your name, Ms. Stanton.

In fact, I know almost
everything about you.

Where you're from,
who you work for.

How you ended up in that bed.

Information is my business.

This is what your government
sent you to find.

Something they were
so eager to destroy

that they were willing
to kill you too.

Do you know what it is?

An answer to
a very interesting question.

Would you like to know
what that question is?

I don't care.


No, you don't, do you?

That's why you and I
are gonna get along.

You should eat something, John.

You may not get another chance.

I don't have
that much of an appetite.

Mark was like you at first.

So was I when I woke up

in a hospital in Dongsheng.

You can't control
anything around you.

So you fight back in whatever
little ways you can.

Like refusing to eat.

But in time,
you accept your fate

like Mark here...

and have a hamburger.

I'm just not that hungry, Kara.

But when I do fight back,
you'll know it.

Something funny, Mark?

You're both damaged goods.

Having the two of you take each
other out wasn't just efficient.

It was poetic.

So why the cruise missile?

Had to be sure.

And how's that
working out for you?

See you next time, huh?

That's your cue.

The men at the counter.

Follow them outside.

You're going to steal
their car.

Pretty sure
they'll object to that.

So change their minds.

Or should I deal with them
my way?

Hey, fellas?

You got the time?


That's enough.

I said enough.

I'll play along
with Kara's little game.

But killing civilians isn't
going to be a part of it.


Fine, John.

What do you suggest?

This guy's carrying.

They're ATF agents.

And now you are too.

You're being
temporarily reassigned.

[Phone rings]

Answer the phone, John.

But be smart
or I'll make it impossible

for anyone to tell
where you end and Mark begins.


Baker, we've got a situation

developing over at 780 Mercer.

Need you and Louis
to check it out.

Will do.

Time for you boys
to go to work.

Take the jackets,
lose the phones.


[Bear whines]

We'll get him back, Bear.

I promise.

[Phone rings] Yes, Detective?

So the hard drive
Snow stole from Fujima

is from a small batch.

Uh, model number DH-950.

It's NSA certified.

This model is made exclusively

for government
and military installations.

What would Stanton
want with it?

If I had to guess,
it's to store something

highly sensitive or dangerous.
[Phone vibrates]

Listen, I've just received a
text from an unfamiliar number.

It reads UXO.

UXO is the military designation

for unexploded ordinance.

Mr. Reese.

He could be
wearing a bomb vest.

Sending you the number.

You ed to track down
the location

it was sent from, Detective.

I'm on it.

Clear this area!

Lock down the street
as soon as you can.

[Indistinct chatter]

Come on, come on, come on.


Need everyone out of here
right now!

I think I know what kind of
situation we're responding to.

Bomb threat.

Couldn't resist.

Now use your cover
to get inside the building.

Go to the elevators.

Get in the right rear one.

Just go that way, yeah.
Keep moving.

Hold on, fellas.

Bomb Squad's running the show.
They go--

We don't answer
to the Bomb Squad.

What can I tell you?
It's SOP.

You know what just a half
pound of semtex

can do to a building like this

or the people in it?

- No, but I got--
- Well, I do.

And the longer you delay us,

the more likely it is
you're gonna find out.

Now get out of the way.

[Elevator bell rings]

Detective, did you find them?

No, but they were here.

They followed
two other men out.

It turns out the phone
that sent the text

belongs to an ATF agent.

He and his partner
were just called

to a bomb threat at 780 Mercer.

A bomb threat?

It's an office building,

Mostly commercial
and corporate tenants.

Oh, no, this is interesting.

What is?

The building has 21 floors,

but the directory only lists 20.

21st floor is registered
to a Stillwater Imports.

Except Stillwater Imports
doesn't appear to have

any ongoing business activity.

This is a shell corporation.

I'll keep looking into it,

but whatever Stanton's after,

I bet it's in there.

You're going to the 21st floor.

The elevator only goes to 20.

The access pad.

Enter this code, 0-5-1-5-7-3.

What's up there?

The 21st floor

is a level 5 DOD facility.

the men guarding it

won't leave it for something
as routine as a bomb threat.

And they're not gonna be
very happy to see you boys.

Damn it, Kara.

Come on, John.
Didn't you miss this?

The three of us
working together?

What are we looking at?

If I had to guess,

two Delta Force operators
with M-4s

trained to fire
if those elevator doors open

without authorization.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Silenced gunfire]

Delta Force for guards?

Where the hell are we?

Safe house
for high-level defectors?

Bioweapons lab maybe?

[Groans] Son of a bitch!

What did I say?

These guys get free,
they're gonna kill us.

They're just doing their job
and I don't know them.

The only person here I'm pretty
sure deserves to die is you.

I guess you have changed, John.

I hope your conscience
doesn't get us killed.


Time is a factor
in this next stage, gentlemen.

And there may be
some signal interference

inside the facility,
so we'll have to change

your incentives a little bit.

[Ascending electronic tone]

Good morning.

[Female reporter
speaking Mandarin on TV]

I was going to have them
turn on the English captions,

but then I remembered
you're fluent in Mandarin.

Don't your bosses at
the Ministry of State Security

have anything better
for you to do?

My dear, if you think
I work for the government,

I really must fire my tailor.

Then who do you work for?

You read the classics
at Annapolis, Kara.

Do you recall The Titans?

The Old Gods?

They were so afraid
of the New Gods--

their own children--

that they ate them.

You work
for the Old Gods, Kara.

And they betrayed you.

They were willing
to kill you...

because they're afraid.

They have an inkling
of what happens next.

If you don't work for the MSS,
then, why are you here?

Because unlike the CIA,

my organization still thinks
you could be very useful.

You think I'd work for you?


If I break your neck,
can I go back to watching TV?

No, Kara.

I know you wouldn't work
for us.

Not for money.

But as I said,
money is not my business.

I can offer you
what your old employers couldn't

or wouldn't give you.

I can give you an answer.

You merely have to tell me
the question.


Who did this to me?


Not your old boss, Mark Snow.

I have a fairly graphic idea
of your plans for him.

But the person
truly responsible.

The person who sold the laptop
in the first place.

In exchange for what?

Do you remember...

how The Titans
were finally killed?

Before they could eat
their youngest child,


they wrapped a boulder
in his swaddling clothes,

then watched
as his father choked on it.

We're in position.

The first thing you'll hit
is the security desk.

Take out the cameras, alarms,

and erase the last two hours
on the backups.

I'll tell you
where to go from there.

We're in.

In what is the question.

You're looking for a technician

with high-level clearance.

Try the temperature-controlled
room labeled "Applied Research""

Let's go, folks.

I don't see them anywhere.

Must already be up there.

[Phone rings]


Detective, hello.

I have information
on your restricted floor.

I can barely hear you.

Sorry about the noise,

but I had to relocate to a place
with better wi-fi anonymity

before hacking
the Department Of Defense.

You hacked the DOD?

Stillwater Imports is a cover

for their Cyber Security
operations center.

What is that?

Officially their role
is to monitor and protect

sensitive government networks
against cyber terrorism.

And unofficially?

They're developing
weaponized malware

like Stuxnet and Flame.

You may recall they were used

to sabotage
Iranian nuclear centrifuges.

- Cyber warfare.
- Yes.


That's why Stanton
needed the hard drive.


She's gonna have them
steal a cyber weapon.

With that, the people
that she's working for

could shut down
a country's power grids,

cripple their communications,
or worse.

We're gonna have to stop her,

I'm working on it.

We gotta get up to that floor.

You think the Bomb Squad boys
are gonna go for that?

Good luck.

We'll just tell 'em

we're gonna help 'em
clear the stairs.

Wait, that's 20 floors.


That's it.

I was right.

Bioweapons lab.

Not bio.

That room's a scif.

Built to keep
any wireless or radio signals

from getting in or out.

Your tax dollars at work.

You need to get into that room.

Mark can take it from there.

What's in there, Kara?

Just get inside
and don't drag your feet.

Or you'll detonate?

You do and you'll blow up
your plan along with us.

Fond as I am of you, John,

don't make me remind you just
how expendable you are.

See you tomorrow, Jimmy.

We're gonna need you
to put in some overtime.


[Clears throat]

- Who are you?
- Hey, bud.

Do you guys have
any idea where you are?

Just give us a hand, would you?

Log in.

Get the drive.

Mark, we don't have to do this.

Yes, we do or we're dead.

No, there's no signal.

She can't hear us.

We can figure out
a way to stop her

or at least a way out
of these vests.

I've tried.

- There isn't one.
- Well, there has to be.

We don't have time.

- Show him the servers.
- This way.

I'll let you know when
I find a bay for the drive.

- What's your name?
- Kevin.

I'm gonna try to get us
out of this alive, Kevin.

But I'm gonna need your help.


- It's me.
- Mr. Reese.

I don't have much time.
I'm in a DOD facility.

I got your text.
What is she having you do?

Stealing something, I think.

I think she may be aiming
to steal a cyber weapon.

Cyber weapon?

- What's on these drives?
- Uh...


if we're gonna survive this,
you need to trust me.

Information warfare units.

Viruses, worms,
military-grade malware

designed to infect and destroy
enemy computer networks.

That's why these machines
aren't networked.

Yes, nothing in here can be
allowed to get out there.

She may be looking
for a project

with a code name "Cygnus."

What is Cygnus?

It's a new super virus.

In the wrong hands it could
cripple major civilian networks,

our own defense systems,
even kill the entire internet.

Which means it could be used
to shut down the machine.

I won't let that happen.

Harold, I need you

to stay clear of the building.

What are you going to do?

Mr. Reese?

Is there a way
to erase these drives?

Only if there's a security
breach to the system.

Then its failsafe
is to wipe the drives.



What are you doing?

Destroying Cygnus
before she gets her hands on it.

What are you talking about?

You're gonna
get us killed, John.

We'll see.

Put that drive back in.

Not gonna happen.



[Ascending electronic tone]

Break it up, boys.


I knew you wouldn't
follow orders, John.

Just like in Ordos.

- You lost your nerve.
- You're too late.

I erased the drives.


Never were one
for the bigger picture.

Were you, John?

All I wanted was for you two
to clear a path for me.

Nicely done.

Get the drive.

Let's go.

See, I'm not looking to take
anything from this place.

These boys are at least
a generation behind.


No offense.

I'm more interested
in giving them something.

What is this room?

Where we monitor

the government's most secure
networks against cyber attacks.

From here she could reach--



What have you done, Kara?

My job, John.

[Device beeps]

Kara, listen.

I know how you feel.

I was in Ordos too, remember?

And, yes, we were burned,

but we survived.

You've gotta let it go.

It's not too late.

You can end this.

Oh, John.

I plan to.

[Device beeps]

I meant what I said before.

About missing this.

But it's true what they say.

You can't go home again.

So long, fellas.

Can you override the door?


But I can overload
the room's power supply

which should cause
an emergency shutdown.

[Alarms ring]


Still locked.

Battery backup
must have kicked in.

Over here.

Stay put.

We'll never catch up with her.

We need to get clear
of any civilians.

We can get up to the roof--

God, Reese.

The whole self-sacrifice bit?

Beginning to wear a little thin,
don't you think?

Agency's got a safe house
less than two blocks from here.

It's a long shot,
but it's all I got.

Even if you made it,

you think the agency
would take you back?

In their eyes,
you're compromised.

Think about it.

All that's waiting
for you is a black hood.

Good luck, John.

- John!
- Carter.

You need to get off
this floor right now.

No, we need to get you
out of that vest.

- You can't.
- I saw enough of them in Iraq.

Get her out of here.

John, please listen to me--

There's no time.

You've got too much to lose.

No, John,
you are not doing that.


- Carter, he's right.
- Get off of me.

Think of your son.


You don't have to do this.

You know I do.

Because you'd do
the exact same thing.

Thank you.

Both of you.

Come on, Carter, let's go.
Come on.

So I see I'm not too late.

I should have known
you'd turn up here.

I told you to stay clear.

Which is how I knew
you'd put yourself

in a situation
like this, Mr. Reese.

Stay where you are.


Find out what's on
that hard drive and stop it.

Will you just let me--

What are you gonna do?

Shoot me?

This is my past
catching up with me.

It doesn't concern you.

But this moment does.

I'm not leaving you here, John.

So can we please
stop wasting time?

Well, let's see
what we've got here.

Have you ever
defused a bomb vest before?

Can't say I have.

But I believe I grasp
the basic principles.

Well, that's encouraging.

It appears
that she's wired the phone

to a capacitor-based trigger.

If the phone is called,
it will charge the capacitor

which will, in turn, release
it's charge in a single--

- Finch.

I'm sorry.
This is my process.

Can you shut off the timer?

I can't get at the battery.

I need to hack
the phone's lock code.

Can you do it?

I have built
some of the most complex

computer systems in existence.

I can certainly unlock a phone.

All phones have
a universal unlock code

based on their model
and the unique IMEI number.


For this phone,
it's one of five combinations.

Well, that's good.

The problem is we only get
three attempts

before the phone permanently
locks us out.

That's not.

I take it that one
didn't do it?


[Indistinct radio chatter]


[Phone line trills]

- Hello, Kara.
- It's done.


So I see.
Nicely done.

We'll take it from here.

Now I want what you promised.

The person who sold the laptop

that took you on your
unfortunate trip to China.

Or fortunate,
depending on one's view.

The name.

I'm afraid a name
is all I have for you...

for someone who seemingly does
not exist on any known database.

Perhaps you'll have better luck
in your search than I did.

Go ahead.


Something you said once.

About how sooner or later
we'd both probably end up dead.

I'd prefer later.

After all,
I'm the one that got you

into this in the first place.

I'm pretty sure I'd be dead
already if you hadn't found me.

It's hard to say.

Not really.

Pick a winner, Harold.


[Car engine turns over]

[Ascending electronic tone]

You were right, Kara.

About me being dead.

I'm gonna be great at it.

Must have been a dud.


[Car alarms ring]

[Overlapping chatter]

Guess Snow retired after all.

[Bear barks]

Hey, boy.


Hey, hey.


Agent Moss.

What brings you by?

We identified
the suicide bombers

who broke into
the DOD facility.

Apparently they were a couple
of rogue CIA agents.

Agency's not saying a peep,
but we think they went pro.

This one, Mark Snow,
fits the description

of your "man in a suit."


We believe Donnelly
was on to them.

They found out and killed him.

So does that mean
the Bureau's case

against the man
in the suit is--

Closed officially.

As for Donnelly, we'll deal
with the agency on our end.

- You take care, Detective.
- Thank you.

Everything okay?

We'll see.

The hard drive
tell you anything?

Nothing yet.

Whatever she uploaded,
the encryption is remarkable.

I can only assume
that the malware

it's protecting
is equally sophisticated.

The only thing I've been able
to decompile

is when it's set to go live

a little more
than five months from now.

What happens then?

I suppose we'll find out.


Thank you.

Please, don't mention it.

Well, I'm afraid a name
is all I have for you...

for someone who seemingly does
not exist on any known database.

Perhaps you'll have better luck
your search than I did.