Peaky Blinders (2013–…): Season 6, Episode 6 - Episode #6.6 - full transcript
There will be a war in this family,
and one of you will die.
Please be aware, Mr Shelby,
that the deaths of your people
are your own responsibility.
Since my mother
passed away four years ago,
Tommy and I haven't even spoken.
I'm very much looking forward to
working with you again, Michael.
That, my friend, is the finest opium
in the world.
Why would you sell? The Irish
are being difficult.
The Italians are not an option.
You're going to America? To Canada,
to collect payment for the shipment.
you are a very lucky woman,
to have each day what
I have only sampled once.
Mr Shelby,
your daughter has consumption.
She's gone, Tommy. She's gone.
A daughter lost. A son found.
This is my son.
They call him Duke.
It is tuberculoma.
I am afraid it is inoperable.
How long? Perhaps 18 months.
My associates are going
to take care of Thomas Shelby,
and you are going
to give us his brother.
What are Michael's real intentions
towards me, Gina?
And if you lie, I will know.
It is my intention
to kill Tommy Shelby.
It was the ambitions and strategies
of one man that caused this.
I will take revenge
on Tommy Shelby.
Do you want a drink first
or a whore first?
I want to see my wife first.
After you've fucked your wife,
you're going to kill a man,
The smoke
from your daughter's funeral
is still in your clothes...
...and you slept with someone.
Not just someone.
The enemy.
Every enemy we ever had
in one woman.
There are some things
that I do, Lizzie, that I...
You're not so good
at lying any more, Tommy.
These days,
the truth gets in your eyes.
I have to go to Canada, Lizzie.
I need to know where you will go.
See? You just accept it.
You don't fight it.
You ARE cursed, Tommy.
Never to understand the limits
that other people will accept.
Never to be allowed in
where everybody else is.
A curse never to be lifted.
I will be away, Lizzie.
And while I'm gone,
I know a place where...
Always gone, always away.
Well, now your rings are gone,
your rings are away.
I'm already packed.
Now leave me to say goodbye
to Ruby.
I have to go away for a bit,
Look at me.
Hey. Look at me.
Mum already told me
she's leaving...
..and she told me why.
Mum, where are you going?
A hotel.
And then your father
will get me a house.
Mum, I'll come with you.
I'd rather be with you.
Wherever it is.
You're not my mum...
..but you're more my mum
than he's my dad.
He's never here.
I'd be on my own here.
Oh, Charles, love...
..I don't think your father
would allow that.
You can go.
You can go, son.
I know a good place.
I'll arrange that place.
And, Charlie,
you can take him, eh?
They have stables
at this new place.
After a while, he'll...
He'll listen to you.
He'll forget about Ruby.
That's how horses are.
And you'll be here all alone.
I'm buying land, Lizzie.
I'm buying up land.
This place I've bought
I was going to knock down,
but you can go there. Dad...
Where will you go?
This is
the Peaky Blinders' armoury.
We have
a very good relationship
with the BSA factory
in Armoury Road.
Two dozen machine guns,
half a dozen sub-machine guns,
BSA sniper rifles,
three boxes of hand grenades.
For what purpose?
For eventualities like
the one that is about to occur.
When men come to us
with bad intentions,
the family come together.
Tommy says it's time
you join the family.
But you're not just going to be
a soldier.
You're going to be a general...
some day.
So, I need to ask you
some questions.
What have you ever fired?
What have you ever killed?
Few rabbits.
Pheasant, partridge. A stag.
Arthur tells me when they were
taking care of some business
at the betting shop,
you ran away.
It was unfair.
Fairness is not
a soldier's concern.
You do what you do.
I already have done.
Fair and square.
I have killed a man.
Tommy's always right.
We were outside
a hospital in Bridgnorth.
In the Black Country.
My mother was dying.
And the orderly
wouldn't give her a bed
cos she was a Gypsy -
she had no insurance.
She never saw the sunrise.
Nor did that man
who denied her.
Just one more thing
we need to know about you.
Can you keep a secret?
I know, brother.
I know.
I know.
I stole your keys.
In your brain.
But I still have time
to do what I need to do.
Fuck you, Tommy.
I don't need anyone to know,
No, you don't, do you?
You don't need anything,
do you?
No, I don't need anything.
I don't need anything.
How long
have we been dead for, eh?
You and me, how long?
At least now
I'll have a certificate.
Wherever it is,
I'll get the drinks in
and I'll wait for you.
Fuck's sake. Yeah.
All them bullets that missed.
It's funny, Arthur.
It's funny is what it is.
So don't you fucking weep.
When everyone is taken care
of financially,
I will take myself away.
On my own.
I don't want anyone...
..anyone who may or may not
love me... have to see me crawl...
..or grow insane and helpless.
It would be a cruelty to me
and to them.
By the time people know
the truth, I will be gone.
What about Lizzie?
I have some papers
I need you to sign
on behalf of the company.
Told Lizzie?
I'm working
with the housing minister.
I will be allocating contracts,
construction contracts,
worth £10 million.
You haven't told Lizzie?
Some of the contracts
I will be allocating
are with companies
in which we have an interest.
Fuck you and your contracts!
So the Shelby Company Limited
will continue to earn money.
But mostly, Arthur, I'm doing it
because it's a good thing.
Building houses. Oh...
Yeah, for ordinary working people...
Oh, yeah, good for you. Fuckin'... the interests
of a fairer future.
And before that,
I will be going to Canada
to collect payment
for the shipment - £5 million!
Oh, five fucking million?
Which I will share
among the Shelby family.
And that will be my legacy.
Instead of me,
there will be money.
Because for most
of the people
who are close to me,
that is what I am!
Fucking money.
That is my agency.
Is that all you think you are,
eh? Hmm?
Stand up.
You heard me.
Stand up.
On your feet.
On your fucking feet. Arthur...
On your feet, Soldier.
On your feet.
Stand the fuck up! Come here.
You hear me?
Now you know.
You tell no-one else...
..until I am gone.
Until you're gone, yeah?
When the time comes,
I'll call you.
I'll tell you where.
It'll be a wagon.
Fuck your wagon!
You light the flame.
You bring Charlie and Curly
and no-one else.
Get drunk.
Rake the ashes
for silver and gold.
Fuck you!
And your fucking plans!
That time,
I did let you fucking win.
Fuckin' you, John.
Fuckin' both of you.
Come here. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Let me see your eyes.
I'm clean, man.
The dragon's fucking gone.
Thanks to you. Fucking...
Fucking thanks to you.
You all right?
Come on.
Hey, I'm still fucking here.
Pull yourself together,
come on. We have work to do.
Come on!
You're sure you want Billy?
I had to shut up the shop.
Yes. We want Billy.
Sit down, Billy.
Thank you for inviting me,
Mr Shelby.
Good to see you again, Billy.
No. Mary says
not until after six o'clock.
He said to tell his father
he feels OK about it.
Good. Shut the door, Duke.
Now, we are all gathered...
...and those...
Apologies, Mr Shelby,
I still don't speak the lingo.
Well, Finn here never even
bothered to learn it.
I heard "tachipen".
Truth. You said something
about the truth.
Truth. The truth is...
..I called men here
that I could trust...
..because I will be going away.
I have to collect payment
for a shipment of goods
which left Liverpool
ten days ago. Payment from who?
South Boston Irish, Finn.
Are you going alone?
Johnny Dogs has already sailed
for Canada.
Michael will be there.
Michael is family.
Michael will be my guarantee
of safety.
But while I'm away,
I have a job for you all.
I need you to go
to Arrow House.
I will be leaving Arrow House
for good,
and there are things
that need removing.
I need men that I can trust.
There is cash,
there is valuables.
There is information
about important people
that has more value than gold.
There are also bodies buried
in the grounds
which need digging up
before the contractors
start moving earth.
Isiah, you will be in charge.
In Arrow House,
there is a wine cellar.
In that wine cellar,
there are fine French wines
that are worth more
than a man's life.
You are welcome to them, boys,
it'll be like a... like a farewell party.
Are you ready for the party,
The fucking truth again.
What truth? You'll need shovels,
you'll need boxes,
and you'll take the bones
to Mr Patches
to put in the furnace
at Greenham's.
Got it?
Right. Any questions?
Yeah. If it's a party,
can we bring girls?
No, Billy. All the fun will be
laid on for you.
So, when is the party, Tom?
Mr Shelby.
Party's next Sunday, Billy.
You mean this Sunday?
And while you're
digging fucking holes,
I'll be here drinking
champagne with my wife.
It's our wedding anniversary.
Oh, and, Finn, by the way,
please explain to, erm,
what's her name?
Mary. Mary? Yes. Is it Mary?
Please explain to Mary
that you are a Shelby.
It says it here
on the back of your watch.
Have a look - Shelby. Look.
This means you own the watch,
the watch doesn't own you.
The clock strikes six
when you fucking tell it to.
Have a whiskey.
Enjoy the party, boys.
Want a drink, baby?
Drinking water like Tommy, huh?
Until this thing is done,
I need a clear head.
Leave it.
That's good.
Look, I've got to go.
Good news, Michael. Listen.
That was our informant
in Birmingham.
The Shelby men will all be together
on Sunday.
But Arthur will be having
dinner with his wife
at the bar
at the Garrison Tavern.
As I recall, the Shelby table is
right next to the windows, correct?
Every table's a Shelby table.
Yes, but...
...maybe our people
could just drive by and...
..shoot Arthur through the glass
without even getting out of the car.
..we've talked about this -
there's no other choice.
This business is between me
and Tommy.
Yes, and when you kill Tommy,
Arthur will come after you.
He has to die too.
If Arthur's in a bar,
he'll be drunk.
Or worse.
At least he'll die without pain.
Who'll do the killing?
Tommy's working
with a faction of the IRA.
Connor has connections.
They made a deal.
A favour in return for guns.
But, Michael...
..whilst the assassin's
in this city...
..Tommy has a son.
He's a kid.
Kids grow up.
We don't kill women
and we don't kill kids.
The informant also mentioned
a new boy named Duke.
Do you want
a fucking bloodbath, Gina?
I know about the new boy.
I've decided that
the illegitimate son
is not a threat. My decision.
Only Arthur.
Michael, baby...
..everything's been agreed.
Everybody wants the same things.
How many men do you think they
killed with bullets and blades?
That's how Tommy became king.
And in three days' time,
that's how you will become king.
Deep down, Arthur and Tommy
want to be dead anyway.
On Sunday, we'll just...
..give them what they want.
Oswald was called away.
He sent me instead.
Actually, that's not true.
I sent Oswald away
and elected myself
to be his representative.
What was it you wanted?
I'm planning on bringing
my housing bill before Parliament.
You'll need to start drawing up
a list
of all your land-owning families
with gambling debts,
drug addictions, any other drain
on their resources.
I will deliver offers to buy
the surplus land
using Treasury bonds.
Thomas, why don't we fuck here,
on these benches?
Right now.
We wouldn't be the first.
I hear your wife left you.
Over the last few months, I've had
some associates of mine...
..break into
some of your pals' houses.
They stole paperwork.
Letters, bills,
bank statements...
Are you not upset?
This is a list
of all land-owning families
facing foreclosure.
And to answer your question...
No, I'm not upset that
my wife left me.
And, yeah,
if you want to fuck, I'll fuck.
But you'll have to cross the floor
cos I refuse to fuck
on Tory benches.
Mr Shelby.
I was going to have
this delivered to you,
but I decided to bring it
in person.
It's an invitation
to mine and Diana's wedding.
It's in Berlin.
We're going to get married in
the presence of the Fuhrer himself.
Were you having fun?
Making paper aeroplanes.
I'm afraid, er...
..I have business.
I will be in Canada.
Oh, and, er...
..the other reason I wanted
to bring this in person
was to tell you that,
after our wedding,
you must understand, Mr Shelby,
that if you so much as look
in my wife's direction,
I will have you killed.
Come, Diana.
Just think...
..very soon crumbling old
institutions like this one
will be swept away and become
a thing of ancient memory.
Fly safe.
Be careful with this baby.
You see any potholes,
you drive round them.
Mr Shelby called to say
to expect you.
Yeah, we've come to do
a bit of gardening.
We're hearing so many rumours about
what's happening to the house.
Tommy says your second best
quality after your baking is
you don't ask questions.
Get everybody away from
the house until Monday.
OK, let's find
these bottles of wine
worth more than a man's life.
There's only one guest here.
The rest of the rooms are free
if you want to use them
while you wait.
Our friend will be here
by the time it gets dark.
There was a storm last night.
Last of a hurricane.
Boats all came in.
He's not coming by boat,
he's coming by plane.
Then your friend is dead.
Wind was like...
Maybe God's done your job
for you, Mickey.
My name is not fucking Mickey,
there is no fucking God,
and Tommy will be here.
Another one.
POLLY: There will be a war...
..and one of you will die.
Which one I cannot tell.
You're a brave man, Mr Shelby.
Where the fuck were you?
She's gone Tommy. She's gone.
The devils who did this will pay,
I am afraid it is inoperable.
How long? Perhaps 18 months.
I will change.
And change for good.
What is this good
that you have become?
Kill...and kill.
What's going on?
What the fuck is this?
I thought it was meant to be
a fucking party, lads.
It is now you're here.
Where's the...
Where's the fucking booze?
In the kitchen. All the booze
is in the kitchen.
All right.
God gives a man wealth,
possessions and honour,
but God steps in and says,
"No, this is grievous,
mindless evil!"
Where is he, Jeremiah?
In heaven, looking down.
God tells us that blood is given to
him from us.
Why don't you turn
the fucking lights on, eh?
Well, there's no longer
any power
in the house of Thomas Shelby.
Why not? What do you mean?
What happened?
I thought there were
going to be girls here.
Who need girls when you're in
a house bound for hell?
Fuck d'ya mean?
Hey. What the fuck do you mean?
We can do whatever we want
in this house.
It's got a death sentence.
I don't want a drink.
I want to go dig up
those fucking bodies, yeah?
Billy? Yeah? Got to wait until
all the bodies are buried
before you start digging them
back up.
What the fuck does that mean?
I'm a fucking Shelby.
So am I.
He's here.
Step back and give me
a bit of light there, boys.
Charge is set to blow
in 30 minutes.
That's at exactly 16.20.
Everybody got that?
I'll do it.
This is between me and Tommy.
I'll do it with my own hand.
I'll come with you.
Yeah, don't slam any doors.
It's just a pity
you didn't have the guts
to shoot him face to face.
My mother was a Gypsy.
She saw the future.
She always said
it won't be a bullet
that'll kill Tommy Shelby.
Hey, lads.
Over by the bridge.
Big, big fish.
Poisson. Grande.
Go on.
Take the gun, Finn.
Arthur says if you don't do it,
then you can walk away
from this family for good.
What the fuck do you know
about family? You're not family!
You're the son
of a fucking whore!
Just take the gun and do it,
Take the fucking gun.
Now you have the gun, Finn,
you have the gun.
Use it on these fucks!
Charlie Strong told me,
"When you give Finn the gun,
"make sure the first two chambers
are empty."
Good old Uncle Charlie.
You are no longer a member
of this Shelby family.
By order of
the Peaky fucking Blinders.
I will come for you.
I will fucking come for you!
..That find me faulting them
who govern like dogs in
Garrison Lane.
Hear this, then came
Jesus forth
wearing the crown of thorns
and the purple robe,
and Pilate said,
"Behold the man,
"he is the man."
Not the Peaky Blinders!
We see them in the automobiles,
with their whores and their...
Order your man to drop it.
Order him.
Empty the fucking gun.
Tell him.
You all right, Charlie?
All good here, Arthur.
Let's move.
Take you out to the street
cos I don't want to spoil my pub.
You'd shoot us like dogs?
No. I don't shoot dogs.
I shoot fucking fascists. Move.
Fuck! Fuck!
Oh, Lord!
Time for the chosen one
to reveal himself.
CHILD: Let's go and see!
Kids, no, come here.
I said, come here!
What have I told you
about running off?
Don't pick up things. Don't.
Come here, come on.
Emily! Emily, come on.
If you get lost in the fog,
the Peaky Blinders will get you.
..let's charm the old keepsake
from Passchendaele.
Come here.
Her name was Elizabeth Gray.
She was my Aunt Polly.
My Aunt Polly.
Vengeance is for the Lord...
Not in Small Heath, it ain't.
Rest in peace, Pol.
Leave us, Uncle Charlie.
We're still in France.
I see him
coming out of the fog.
How was the flight?
They say it's the future,
I'm not so sure.
Hello, Michael.
Give me another.
We want you to take us to where the
opium is being stored.
And then we will provide you
with a banker's draft
for the full amount.
$5 million.
$5 million.
Let's go.
I'll go with Tommy.
You boys follow behind.
Ah, shit. Forgot my cigarettes.
Mum...'s done.
It's over.
And may God forgive me.
Johnny! Johnny, where are you?
I switched the ticker
like you said, Tom.
Tell me I've done
a good thing here, Tom.
Goodbye, Michael.
Goodbye, Johnny.
You're a good man.
I'm going to go look at the fog,
Speak to me.
Speak to me, Michael.
You killed her. Polly made
her own choices, Michael.
No-one close to you makes a choice
without your opinion, Tom.
Not Arthur,
not me, not Ada.
We can't escape you.
Your lethal hand is always
on our shoulders.
Polly was half of me.
Still visits me in my dreams.
She'll visit me no more.
I have no limitations.
I smell the smell
of roasting Irishmen.
Oh, yes, hello.
I also smell the smell of tobacco,
which is forbidden in my presence
for all except for one -
my new wife, Edna.
The Irish being rendered
to smoke and fat,
I now own half of Boston,
so, out of respect
for my restored authority...
..put the fucking cigarette
out now, Tommy.
Hello, Alfie.
I heard it was a good wedding.
Yeah, it was, actually.
Thank you.
Edna's from a family circus.
So, after the ketubah
and the old swapping of rings
and the smashing of glass,
we left aboard elephants!
Yeah, it was quite a thing.
They had to shut down
Camden High Street,
and even the Gentile what normally
fucking hate me,
they waved with their hankies.
And housekeeping. Long overdue.
Yeah, look at
that little cunt ascending,
he's ascending to the heavens!
Right in front of us.
Before our very eyes.
I can see with this eye.
I'm not blind.
This eye is the eye
of a dead man.
Dead men can see through life
like it was a curtain
that billows with the flicker
of truth upon it.
And I can see with this eye,
that your nephew is ascending,
and he will be forgiven.
Unlike you,
who, on Judgment Day,
is probably truly fucked when the
other shoe drops.
All right, Tommy?
How are you keeping?
You know, Alfie... many people,
so many times
going to so much trouble
to kill me.
I'm fucking dying anyway.
We're all dying anyway.
Not a bullet, not a bomb,
not a knife.
Is it clap? Is it clap?
No, not even that noble.
What are you trying to say?
I'm about to sign over
half of fucking Camden Town
to you as part of this deal.
Are you saying you're
just going to die in your bed?
I'm not going to die in bed, Alfie.
Who fucking dies in bed?
Good people die in their bed,
Tommy. Good people.
Good people, eh? Hmm.
Good people.
And yet here we are, Alfie,
after all this time,
just you and me.
And I crossed the line.
Tommy, if you are about
to express profound emotion,
you might be better served
expressing it
to someone
who gives a fuck,
or perhaps to somebody
who is being paid
to pretend to have to.
Like a fucking nurse.
Or a priest! Someone.
And as for death,
speaking as someone
who has been dead
for a number of years,
I can only
heartily recommend it.
Well, Alfie,
your opera is complete.
Shall we go
and witness the final act?
Whenever you're ready, boys.
That's enough.
Thank you all for coming.
Well, at least
I can say that, er...
..I am one of those rare politicians
who actually makes good
on his promises.
Country estate -
requisitioned to make way
for houses for working people.
I improved my own home
with good intentions
and 1,500lb of dynamite.
Now I'm back where we began...
..with horses and caravans...
..vagabonds and thieves.
Frances, sit down, please.
I'd like to raise a toast.
A simple toast.
To family.
To family. To family.
Sometimes it is shelter
from the storm.
Sometimes it is
the storm itself.
I'm planning on going away
for a bit.
After I'm gone...
Ada... this family... was you who was born
to be a politician, not me.
Remember that.
And if ever a seat
is to become available
in this ugly old city,
you should run.
Where's Arthur?
He went for a walk
down the river.
He said he's not good
at farewells
so he's decided to
go catch a trout instead.
He told me to tell you that...
"Where you're going, Tommy,
there will I be...
"..very soon. Love, Arthur."
How does Arthur know
where you're going, Tommy?
You watch him, Linda.
You love him.
Charles, I want you
to look after your mum.
You tell her I'm sorry,
you hear me?
I want you to be the bes...
Exactly how long
are you going away for, Tommy?
Thanks, Curly.
Tom, the horse.
Shut up, Curly.
Is she hitched, Johnny?
Tommy, you tell me right now,
where are you going?
You have to carry the bucket
on your own this time, Ada.
Tommy, you come to me
with everything.
You always come to me. Not this
time. Not this one, sister.
What the fuck does that mean?
Where are you going?
# My eyes are open wide
# And now I see you
# Without your robes on... #
# ..Without your crown... #
# ..I don't want to hate you... #
# ..I don't want to bear
# The kind of fascination
# That gets in my way
# The door that opens wide
# My high-up altar
# Oh, heaven help me
# Is that the time?
# Beginning
# Without end
# Never lost
# Never die
# Unending... #
# ..A beam of light
# A tunnel
# In my mind
# As it opens wide
# With a filter on the lens
# She sees everything I do
# She sees everything I do
# And without my shirt on
# Over broken glass
# I am dancing for pennies
# I am staring straight ahead
# A view that is so wide
# It's gonna break
# It's like it holds me in its gaze
# If I go
# It's because
# It's happened once before
# And now it's starting all again
# As it opens wide
# Forget everything you knew
# Forget everything you knew
# As it opens wide
# Wide
# Like a newborn child
# Like a newborn child
# Like a newborn child
# A child
# A child... #
# ..A child
# Like a child
# A child... #
In the bleak midwinter...
Dad... Dad, come out, come out!
Dad, it's me.
Did Polly send you?
Did Polly send you?
Or am I dead already?
You're not dead.
You're not even sick.
But I am, my darling.
I'm sick.
Sick like you was.
No. Not true.
I know it.
You've got to live, Daddy.
You let the fire go out.
Light the fire again
and get warm,
and you will see
that you must live.
You're not even sick, Daddy.
Fucking Gypsies.
Have you thrown the tinkers off
the top field yet?
Well, I went up to the caravan,
sir, but there was no-one there.
Well, go back up there
and set fire to the fucking thing.
Yes, sir.
Have you filled the car
with petrol?
I said, have you filled the car up
with petrol?
How was the wedding in Berlin?
I hear Chancellor Hitler
himself was the best man.
You've been my doctor now
for three years.
Never knew you were
so well connected.
Oh, and the doctor
at St Thomas's
who you sent me to
for the second opinion,
second set of X-rays?
A maid of honour
at the same wedding.
All so very well fucking
On your knees, Holford.
I'm guessing you people
all decided
that the only person
who could ever kill
Tommy Shelby
is Tommy Shelby himself.
You made me believe
death was coming.
Let my nature do the rest,
You may not have tuberculoma,
Mr Shelby,
but you are sick.
I know you.
You are sick with guilt.
Sick of death at your own hand.
Sick of who you were.
You are no longer
the kind of man
who would kill another man
in cold blood.
Tommy, you have been
on a journey
from the backstreets
to the corridors of power.
You cannot go back.
You are a different man.
The gun no longer belongs
in your hand.
Oh, but I am back.
Back from under the ground.
Close your eyes.
SOFTLY: Close your eyes.
The eleventh hour.
Peace at last.
Peace at last.
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done? #
and one of you will die.
Please be aware, Mr Shelby,
that the deaths of your people
are your own responsibility.
Since my mother
passed away four years ago,
Tommy and I haven't even spoken.
I'm very much looking forward to
working with you again, Michael.
That, my friend, is the finest opium
in the world.
Why would you sell? The Irish
are being difficult.
The Italians are not an option.
You're going to America? To Canada,
to collect payment for the shipment.
you are a very lucky woman,
to have each day what
I have only sampled once.
Mr Shelby,
your daughter has consumption.
She's gone, Tommy. She's gone.
A daughter lost. A son found.
This is my son.
They call him Duke.
It is tuberculoma.
I am afraid it is inoperable.
How long? Perhaps 18 months.
My associates are going
to take care of Thomas Shelby,
and you are going
to give us his brother.
What are Michael's real intentions
towards me, Gina?
And if you lie, I will know.
It is my intention
to kill Tommy Shelby.
It was the ambitions and strategies
of one man that caused this.
I will take revenge
on Tommy Shelby.
Do you want a drink first
or a whore first?
I want to see my wife first.
After you've fucked your wife,
you're going to kill a man,
The smoke
from your daughter's funeral
is still in your clothes...
...and you slept with someone.
Not just someone.
The enemy.
Every enemy we ever had
in one woman.
There are some things
that I do, Lizzie, that I...
You're not so good
at lying any more, Tommy.
These days,
the truth gets in your eyes.
I have to go to Canada, Lizzie.
I need to know where you will go.
See? You just accept it.
You don't fight it.
You ARE cursed, Tommy.
Never to understand the limits
that other people will accept.
Never to be allowed in
where everybody else is.
A curse never to be lifted.
I will be away, Lizzie.
And while I'm gone,
I know a place where...
Always gone, always away.
Well, now your rings are gone,
your rings are away.
I'm already packed.
Now leave me to say goodbye
to Ruby.
I have to go away for a bit,
Look at me.
Hey. Look at me.
Mum already told me
she's leaving...
..and she told me why.
Mum, where are you going?
A hotel.
And then your father
will get me a house.
Mum, I'll come with you.
I'd rather be with you.
Wherever it is.
You're not my mum...
..but you're more my mum
than he's my dad.
He's never here.
I'd be on my own here.
Oh, Charles, love...
..I don't think your father
would allow that.
You can go.
You can go, son.
I know a good place.
I'll arrange that place.
And, Charlie,
you can take him, eh?
They have stables
at this new place.
After a while, he'll...
He'll listen to you.
He'll forget about Ruby.
That's how horses are.
And you'll be here all alone.
I'm buying land, Lizzie.
I'm buying up land.
This place I've bought
I was going to knock down,
but you can go there. Dad...
Where will you go?
This is
the Peaky Blinders' armoury.
We have
a very good relationship
with the BSA factory
in Armoury Road.
Two dozen machine guns,
half a dozen sub-machine guns,
BSA sniper rifles,
three boxes of hand grenades.
For what purpose?
For eventualities like
the one that is about to occur.
When men come to us
with bad intentions,
the family come together.
Tommy says it's time
you join the family.
But you're not just going to be
a soldier.
You're going to be a general...
some day.
So, I need to ask you
some questions.
What have you ever fired?
What have you ever killed?
Few rabbits.
Pheasant, partridge. A stag.
Arthur tells me when they were
taking care of some business
at the betting shop,
you ran away.
It was unfair.
Fairness is not
a soldier's concern.
You do what you do.
I already have done.
Fair and square.
I have killed a man.
Tommy's always right.
We were outside
a hospital in Bridgnorth.
In the Black Country.
My mother was dying.
And the orderly
wouldn't give her a bed
cos she was a Gypsy -
she had no insurance.
She never saw the sunrise.
Nor did that man
who denied her.
Just one more thing
we need to know about you.
Can you keep a secret?
I know, brother.
I know.
I know.
I stole your keys.
In your brain.
But I still have time
to do what I need to do.
Fuck you, Tommy.
I don't need anyone to know,
No, you don't, do you?
You don't need anything,
do you?
No, I don't need anything.
I don't need anything.
How long
have we been dead for, eh?
You and me, how long?
At least now
I'll have a certificate.
Wherever it is,
I'll get the drinks in
and I'll wait for you.
Fuck's sake. Yeah.
All them bullets that missed.
It's funny, Arthur.
It's funny is what it is.
So don't you fucking weep.
When everyone is taken care
of financially,
I will take myself away.
On my own.
I don't want anyone...
..anyone who may or may not
love me... have to see me crawl...
..or grow insane and helpless.
It would be a cruelty to me
and to them.
By the time people know
the truth, I will be gone.
What about Lizzie?
I have some papers
I need you to sign
on behalf of the company.
Told Lizzie?
I'm working
with the housing minister.
I will be allocating contracts,
construction contracts,
worth £10 million.
You haven't told Lizzie?
Some of the contracts
I will be allocating
are with companies
in which we have an interest.
Fuck you and your contracts!
So the Shelby Company Limited
will continue to earn money.
But mostly, Arthur, I'm doing it
because it's a good thing.
Building houses. Oh...
Yeah, for ordinary working people...
Oh, yeah, good for you. Fuckin'... the interests
of a fairer future.
And before that,
I will be going to Canada
to collect payment
for the shipment - £5 million!
Oh, five fucking million?
Which I will share
among the Shelby family.
And that will be my legacy.
Instead of me,
there will be money.
Because for most
of the people
who are close to me,
that is what I am!
Fucking money.
That is my agency.
Is that all you think you are,
eh? Hmm?
Stand up.
You heard me.
Stand up.
On your feet.
On your fucking feet. Arthur...
On your feet, Soldier.
On your feet.
Stand the fuck up! Come here.
You hear me?
Now you know.
You tell no-one else...
..until I am gone.
Until you're gone, yeah?
When the time comes,
I'll call you.
I'll tell you where.
It'll be a wagon.
Fuck your wagon!
You light the flame.
You bring Charlie and Curly
and no-one else.
Get drunk.
Rake the ashes
for silver and gold.
Fuck you!
And your fucking plans!
That time,
I did let you fucking win.
Fuckin' you, John.
Fuckin' both of you.
Come here. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Let me see your eyes.
I'm clean, man.
The dragon's fucking gone.
Thanks to you. Fucking...
Fucking thanks to you.
You all right?
Come on.
Hey, I'm still fucking here.
Pull yourself together,
come on. We have work to do.
Come on!
You're sure you want Billy?
I had to shut up the shop.
Yes. We want Billy.
Sit down, Billy.
Thank you for inviting me,
Mr Shelby.
Good to see you again, Billy.
No. Mary says
not until after six o'clock.
He said to tell his father
he feels OK about it.
Good. Shut the door, Duke.
Now, we are all gathered...
...and those...
Apologies, Mr Shelby,
I still don't speak the lingo.
Well, Finn here never even
bothered to learn it.
I heard "tachipen".
Truth. You said something
about the truth.
Truth. The truth is...
..I called men here
that I could trust...
..because I will be going away.
I have to collect payment
for a shipment of goods
which left Liverpool
ten days ago. Payment from who?
South Boston Irish, Finn.
Are you going alone?
Johnny Dogs has already sailed
for Canada.
Michael will be there.
Michael is family.
Michael will be my guarantee
of safety.
But while I'm away,
I have a job for you all.
I need you to go
to Arrow House.
I will be leaving Arrow House
for good,
and there are things
that need removing.
I need men that I can trust.
There is cash,
there is valuables.
There is information
about important people
that has more value than gold.
There are also bodies buried
in the grounds
which need digging up
before the contractors
start moving earth.
Isiah, you will be in charge.
In Arrow House,
there is a wine cellar.
In that wine cellar,
there are fine French wines
that are worth more
than a man's life.
You are welcome to them, boys,
it'll be like a... like a farewell party.
Are you ready for the party,
The fucking truth again.
What truth? You'll need shovels,
you'll need boxes,
and you'll take the bones
to Mr Patches
to put in the furnace
at Greenham's.
Got it?
Right. Any questions?
Yeah. If it's a party,
can we bring girls?
No, Billy. All the fun will be
laid on for you.
So, when is the party, Tom?
Mr Shelby.
Party's next Sunday, Billy.
You mean this Sunday?
And while you're
digging fucking holes,
I'll be here drinking
champagne with my wife.
It's our wedding anniversary.
Oh, and, Finn, by the way,
please explain to, erm,
what's her name?
Mary. Mary? Yes. Is it Mary?
Please explain to Mary
that you are a Shelby.
It says it here
on the back of your watch.
Have a look - Shelby. Look.
This means you own the watch,
the watch doesn't own you.
The clock strikes six
when you fucking tell it to.
Have a whiskey.
Enjoy the party, boys.
Want a drink, baby?
Drinking water like Tommy, huh?
Until this thing is done,
I need a clear head.
Leave it.
That's good.
Look, I've got to go.
Good news, Michael. Listen.
That was our informant
in Birmingham.
The Shelby men will all be together
on Sunday.
But Arthur will be having
dinner with his wife
at the bar
at the Garrison Tavern.
As I recall, the Shelby table is
right next to the windows, correct?
Every table's a Shelby table.
Yes, but...
...maybe our people
could just drive by and...
..shoot Arthur through the glass
without even getting out of the car.
..we've talked about this -
there's no other choice.
This business is between me
and Tommy.
Yes, and when you kill Tommy,
Arthur will come after you.
He has to die too.
If Arthur's in a bar,
he'll be drunk.
Or worse.
At least he'll die without pain.
Who'll do the killing?
Tommy's working
with a faction of the IRA.
Connor has connections.
They made a deal.
A favour in return for guns.
But, Michael...
..whilst the assassin's
in this city...
..Tommy has a son.
He's a kid.
Kids grow up.
We don't kill women
and we don't kill kids.
The informant also mentioned
a new boy named Duke.
Do you want
a fucking bloodbath, Gina?
I know about the new boy.
I've decided that
the illegitimate son
is not a threat. My decision.
Only Arthur.
Michael, baby...
..everything's been agreed.
Everybody wants the same things.
How many men do you think they
killed with bullets and blades?
That's how Tommy became king.
And in three days' time,
that's how you will become king.
Deep down, Arthur and Tommy
want to be dead anyway.
On Sunday, we'll just...
..give them what they want.
Oswald was called away.
He sent me instead.
Actually, that's not true.
I sent Oswald away
and elected myself
to be his representative.
What was it you wanted?
I'm planning on bringing
my housing bill before Parliament.
You'll need to start drawing up
a list
of all your land-owning families
with gambling debts,
drug addictions, any other drain
on their resources.
I will deliver offers to buy
the surplus land
using Treasury bonds.
Thomas, why don't we fuck here,
on these benches?
Right now.
We wouldn't be the first.
I hear your wife left you.
Over the last few months, I've had
some associates of mine...
..break into
some of your pals' houses.
They stole paperwork.
Letters, bills,
bank statements...
Are you not upset?
This is a list
of all land-owning families
facing foreclosure.
And to answer your question...
No, I'm not upset that
my wife left me.
And, yeah,
if you want to fuck, I'll fuck.
But you'll have to cross the floor
cos I refuse to fuck
on Tory benches.
Mr Shelby.
I was going to have
this delivered to you,
but I decided to bring it
in person.
It's an invitation
to mine and Diana's wedding.
It's in Berlin.
We're going to get married in
the presence of the Fuhrer himself.
Were you having fun?
Making paper aeroplanes.
I'm afraid, er...
..I have business.
I will be in Canada.
Oh, and, er...
..the other reason I wanted
to bring this in person
was to tell you that,
after our wedding,
you must understand, Mr Shelby,
that if you so much as look
in my wife's direction,
I will have you killed.
Come, Diana.
Just think...
..very soon crumbling old
institutions like this one
will be swept away and become
a thing of ancient memory.
Fly safe.
Be careful with this baby.
You see any potholes,
you drive round them.
Mr Shelby called to say
to expect you.
Yeah, we've come to do
a bit of gardening.
We're hearing so many rumours about
what's happening to the house.
Tommy says your second best
quality after your baking is
you don't ask questions.
Get everybody away from
the house until Monday.
OK, let's find
these bottles of wine
worth more than a man's life.
There's only one guest here.
The rest of the rooms are free
if you want to use them
while you wait.
Our friend will be here
by the time it gets dark.
There was a storm last night.
Last of a hurricane.
Boats all came in.
He's not coming by boat,
he's coming by plane.
Then your friend is dead.
Wind was like...
Maybe God's done your job
for you, Mickey.
My name is not fucking Mickey,
there is no fucking God,
and Tommy will be here.
Another one.
POLLY: There will be a war...
..and one of you will die.
Which one I cannot tell.
You're a brave man, Mr Shelby.
Where the fuck were you?
She's gone Tommy. She's gone.
The devils who did this will pay,
I am afraid it is inoperable.
How long? Perhaps 18 months.
I will change.
And change for good.
What is this good
that you have become?
Kill...and kill.
What's going on?
What the fuck is this?
I thought it was meant to be
a fucking party, lads.
It is now you're here.
Where's the...
Where's the fucking booze?
In the kitchen. All the booze
is in the kitchen.
All right.
God gives a man wealth,
possessions and honour,
but God steps in and says,
"No, this is grievous,
mindless evil!"
Where is he, Jeremiah?
In heaven, looking down.
God tells us that blood is given to
him from us.
Why don't you turn
the fucking lights on, eh?
Well, there's no longer
any power
in the house of Thomas Shelby.
Why not? What do you mean?
What happened?
I thought there were
going to be girls here.
Who need girls when you're in
a house bound for hell?
Fuck d'ya mean?
Hey. What the fuck do you mean?
We can do whatever we want
in this house.
It's got a death sentence.
I don't want a drink.
I want to go dig up
those fucking bodies, yeah?
Billy? Yeah? Got to wait until
all the bodies are buried
before you start digging them
back up.
What the fuck does that mean?
I'm a fucking Shelby.
So am I.
He's here.
Step back and give me
a bit of light there, boys.
Charge is set to blow
in 30 minutes.
That's at exactly 16.20.
Everybody got that?
I'll do it.
This is between me and Tommy.
I'll do it with my own hand.
I'll come with you.
Yeah, don't slam any doors.
It's just a pity
you didn't have the guts
to shoot him face to face.
My mother was a Gypsy.
She saw the future.
She always said
it won't be a bullet
that'll kill Tommy Shelby.
Hey, lads.
Over by the bridge.
Big, big fish.
Poisson. Grande.
Go on.
Take the gun, Finn.
Arthur says if you don't do it,
then you can walk away
from this family for good.
What the fuck do you know
about family? You're not family!
You're the son
of a fucking whore!
Just take the gun and do it,
Take the fucking gun.
Now you have the gun, Finn,
you have the gun.
Use it on these fucks!
Charlie Strong told me,
"When you give Finn the gun,
"make sure the first two chambers
are empty."
Good old Uncle Charlie.
You are no longer a member
of this Shelby family.
By order of
the Peaky fucking Blinders.
I will come for you.
I will fucking come for you!
..That find me faulting them
who govern like dogs in
Garrison Lane.
Hear this, then came
Jesus forth
wearing the crown of thorns
and the purple robe,
and Pilate said,
"Behold the man,
"he is the man."
Not the Peaky Blinders!
We see them in the automobiles,
with their whores and their...
Order your man to drop it.
Order him.
Empty the fucking gun.
Tell him.
You all right, Charlie?
All good here, Arthur.
Let's move.
Take you out to the street
cos I don't want to spoil my pub.
You'd shoot us like dogs?
No. I don't shoot dogs.
I shoot fucking fascists. Move.
Fuck! Fuck!
Oh, Lord!
Time for the chosen one
to reveal himself.
CHILD: Let's go and see!
Kids, no, come here.
I said, come here!
What have I told you
about running off?
Don't pick up things. Don't.
Come here, come on.
Emily! Emily, come on.
If you get lost in the fog,
the Peaky Blinders will get you.
..let's charm the old keepsake
from Passchendaele.
Come here.
Her name was Elizabeth Gray.
She was my Aunt Polly.
My Aunt Polly.
Vengeance is for the Lord...
Not in Small Heath, it ain't.
Rest in peace, Pol.
Leave us, Uncle Charlie.
We're still in France.
I see him
coming out of the fog.
How was the flight?
They say it's the future,
I'm not so sure.
Hello, Michael.
Give me another.
We want you to take us to where the
opium is being stored.
And then we will provide you
with a banker's draft
for the full amount.
$5 million.
$5 million.
Let's go.
I'll go with Tommy.
You boys follow behind.
Ah, shit. Forgot my cigarettes.
Mum...'s done.
It's over.
And may God forgive me.
Johnny! Johnny, where are you?
I switched the ticker
like you said, Tom.
Tell me I've done
a good thing here, Tom.
Goodbye, Michael.
Goodbye, Johnny.
You're a good man.
I'm going to go look at the fog,
Speak to me.
Speak to me, Michael.
You killed her. Polly made
her own choices, Michael.
No-one close to you makes a choice
without your opinion, Tom.
Not Arthur,
not me, not Ada.
We can't escape you.
Your lethal hand is always
on our shoulders.
Polly was half of me.
Still visits me in my dreams.
She'll visit me no more.
I have no limitations.
I smell the smell
of roasting Irishmen.
Oh, yes, hello.
I also smell the smell of tobacco,
which is forbidden in my presence
for all except for one -
my new wife, Edna.
The Irish being rendered
to smoke and fat,
I now own half of Boston,
so, out of respect
for my restored authority...
..put the fucking cigarette
out now, Tommy.
Hello, Alfie.
I heard it was a good wedding.
Yeah, it was, actually.
Thank you.
Edna's from a family circus.
So, after the ketubah
and the old swapping of rings
and the smashing of glass,
we left aboard elephants!
Yeah, it was quite a thing.
They had to shut down
Camden High Street,
and even the Gentile what normally
fucking hate me,
they waved with their hankies.
And housekeeping. Long overdue.
Yeah, look at
that little cunt ascending,
he's ascending to the heavens!
Right in front of us.
Before our very eyes.
I can see with this eye.
I'm not blind.
This eye is the eye
of a dead man.
Dead men can see through life
like it was a curtain
that billows with the flicker
of truth upon it.
And I can see with this eye,
that your nephew is ascending,
and he will be forgiven.
Unlike you,
who, on Judgment Day,
is probably truly fucked when the
other shoe drops.
All right, Tommy?
How are you keeping?
You know, Alfie... many people,
so many times
going to so much trouble
to kill me.
I'm fucking dying anyway.
We're all dying anyway.
Not a bullet, not a bomb,
not a knife.
Is it clap? Is it clap?
No, not even that noble.
What are you trying to say?
I'm about to sign over
half of fucking Camden Town
to you as part of this deal.
Are you saying you're
just going to die in your bed?
I'm not going to die in bed, Alfie.
Who fucking dies in bed?
Good people die in their bed,
Tommy. Good people.
Good people, eh? Hmm.
Good people.
And yet here we are, Alfie,
after all this time,
just you and me.
And I crossed the line.
Tommy, if you are about
to express profound emotion,
you might be better served
expressing it
to someone
who gives a fuck,
or perhaps to somebody
who is being paid
to pretend to have to.
Like a fucking nurse.
Or a priest! Someone.
And as for death,
speaking as someone
who has been dead
for a number of years,
I can only
heartily recommend it.
Well, Alfie,
your opera is complete.
Shall we go
and witness the final act?
Whenever you're ready, boys.
That's enough.
Thank you all for coming.
Well, at least
I can say that, er...
..I am one of those rare politicians
who actually makes good
on his promises.
Country estate -
requisitioned to make way
for houses for working people.
I improved my own home
with good intentions
and 1,500lb of dynamite.
Now I'm back where we began...
..with horses and caravans...
..vagabonds and thieves.
Frances, sit down, please.
I'd like to raise a toast.
A simple toast.
To family.
To family. To family.
Sometimes it is shelter
from the storm.
Sometimes it is
the storm itself.
I'm planning on going away
for a bit.
After I'm gone...
Ada... this family... was you who was born
to be a politician, not me.
Remember that.
And if ever a seat
is to become available
in this ugly old city,
you should run.
Where's Arthur?
He went for a walk
down the river.
He said he's not good
at farewells
so he's decided to
go catch a trout instead.
He told me to tell you that...
"Where you're going, Tommy,
there will I be...
"..very soon. Love, Arthur."
How does Arthur know
where you're going, Tommy?
You watch him, Linda.
You love him.
Charles, I want you
to look after your mum.
You tell her I'm sorry,
you hear me?
I want you to be the bes...
Exactly how long
are you going away for, Tommy?
Thanks, Curly.
Tom, the horse.
Shut up, Curly.
Is she hitched, Johnny?
Tommy, you tell me right now,
where are you going?
You have to carry the bucket
on your own this time, Ada.
Tommy, you come to me
with everything.
You always come to me. Not this
time. Not this one, sister.
What the fuck does that mean?
Where are you going?
# My eyes are open wide
# And now I see you
# Without your robes on... #
# ..Without your crown... #
# ..I don't want to hate you... #
# ..I don't want to bear
# The kind of fascination
# That gets in my way
# The door that opens wide
# My high-up altar
# Oh, heaven help me
# Is that the time?
# Beginning
# Without end
# Never lost
# Never die
# Unending... #
# ..A beam of light
# A tunnel
# In my mind
# As it opens wide
# With a filter on the lens
# She sees everything I do
# She sees everything I do
# And without my shirt on
# Over broken glass
# I am dancing for pennies
# I am staring straight ahead
# A view that is so wide
# It's gonna break
# It's like it holds me in its gaze
# If I go
# It's because
# It's happened once before
# And now it's starting all again
# As it opens wide
# Forget everything you knew
# Forget everything you knew
# As it opens wide
# Wide
# Like a newborn child
# Like a newborn child
# Like a newborn child
# A child
# A child... #
# ..A child
# Like a child
# A child... #
In the bleak midwinter...
Dad... Dad, come out, come out!
Dad, it's me.
Did Polly send you?
Did Polly send you?
Or am I dead already?
You're not dead.
You're not even sick.
But I am, my darling.
I'm sick.
Sick like you was.
No. Not true.
I know it.
You've got to live, Daddy.
You let the fire go out.
Light the fire again
and get warm,
and you will see
that you must live.
You're not even sick, Daddy.
Fucking Gypsies.
Have you thrown the tinkers off
the top field yet?
Well, I went up to the caravan,
sir, but there was no-one there.
Well, go back up there
and set fire to the fucking thing.
Yes, sir.
Have you filled the car
with petrol?
I said, have you filled the car up
with petrol?
How was the wedding in Berlin?
I hear Chancellor Hitler
himself was the best man.
You've been my doctor now
for three years.
Never knew you were
so well connected.
Oh, and the doctor
at St Thomas's
who you sent me to
for the second opinion,
second set of X-rays?
A maid of honour
at the same wedding.
All so very well fucking
On your knees, Holford.
I'm guessing you people
all decided
that the only person
who could ever kill
Tommy Shelby
is Tommy Shelby himself.
You made me believe
death was coming.
Let my nature do the rest,
You may not have tuberculoma,
Mr Shelby,
but you are sick.
I know you.
You are sick with guilt.
Sick of death at your own hand.
Sick of who you were.
You are no longer
the kind of man
who would kill another man
in cold blood.
Tommy, you have been
on a journey
from the backstreets
to the corridors of power.
You cannot go back.
You are a different man.
The gun no longer belongs
in your hand.
Oh, but I am back.
Back from under the ground.
Close your eyes.
SOFTLY: Close your eyes.
The eleventh hour.
Peace at last.
Peace at last.
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done?
# All the tired horses in the sun
# How am I supposed to get
any riding done? #