Paranormal Caught on Camera (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - A Texas Ghost Attack Draws Blood and More - full transcript

A paranormal investigator explores an abandoned hospital; a baby's innocent play beckons a powerful entity; a reptile hunter spots a snake-like object in the sky.

Next on
"paranormal caught on camera"

push comes to shove
between a man and a poltergeist.

Whatever activity is taking
place in this guy's house,

seems to have some
sort of intelligent control.

It may be trying to communicate

or at the very least
trying to scare this guy.

An entity triggers a cctv cam

then vanishes into thin air.

Look, he just disappeared.

I walked outside to see
if he was down the road.

He was nowhere.

A shadowy figure forms
on the staircase.

I've seen shadow forms
like this before.

They're notoriously hard
to pin down.

The fact that these got anything
is something else.

And apparition appears
during a walk through the woods

in north carolina.

I've seen things manifest
like this before

in broad daylight, outdoors.

Doesn't matter whether
you investigate night or day.

If there's gonna be phenomena,
it will happen.

And even more paranormal footage

you have to see to believe.

Moving from one home to another

is known to be one
of the top stressors in life.

Usually that stress dissipates

soon after the boxes
are unpacked

and people get adjusted
to their new surroundings.

But for one man in texas,

settling into his new house
was extremely unsettling.

Not long after
corey davison and his family

moved into their home
in houston,

corey noticed
a light fixture swaying,

as if someone had pushed it.

So he quickly grabbed a camera
in hopes of documenting

the inexplicable activity.

I was in my dining room,

and the overhead lamp
was moving.

And I went to get my camera

so I could videotape me eating

to see if would happen again,
and as soon, like,

literally as soon
as I hit record this happened.

My name's corey davison.
This is my video.

I'm a huge skeptic
when it comes to, like,

ghosts or paranormal stuff.

So I was like,
"I have to record this, like,

try to get it on camera."

I had to have other people
witness this.

When I set up the camera
the chair

almost instantaneously moved
maybe like a foot.

I wasn't looking at the chair
when it happened.

I was setting up the camera.

Like, I heard the chair move.

I was already in that state
of mind,

like, something weird
is happening.

Like, is someone pranking me?
What's going on?

And so I went over it,

I guess nonchalantly
and just kind of pushed it.

And then all of a sudden...

...Chair comes back at me.

Whatever activity is taking
place in this guy's house,

it seems to have some
sort of intelligent control.

The chair moves at him,
rather than away from him.

And it does more than once
in this enclosed environment.

It seems like it may be trying
to communicate,

or at the very least,
trying to scare this guy.

It seemed like he was
ill prepared for that to happen.

So he walks up and he's like,

"what's going on
with this chair?"

he's trying to see if there's,
like, energy around.

He's, like, putting his arm
in the atmosphere

around it to see
if it will stir up anything.

He might've unknowingly

the poltergeist or spirit

in that room by pushing
that chair back like he did.

And it did seem as
if that spirit

was reacting directly
to that push.

This is poltergeist 101.
They move chairs.

They open doors and sometimes
they'll throw something,

you know,
a kitchen utensils or something,

but they won't
throw it very far.

This is all stuff that's within
their wheelhouse,

and this is
a great capture of it.

I have no idea how to explain
what would have caused that.

So immediately I was like,

"I need to get the heck
out of here."

Watching this video
you might think,

"okay, his reaction is comical."

but if you were
in that situation,

you're gonna be freaked out.

Even if you're not terrified,
you're going to be concerned.

You're gonna think,
"all right. Something's here.

"what do I do about it?
Let me remove myself

from this spot
and then regroup."

it's the classic
fight-or-flight response.

I had nothing to fight
so I was, like,

I was kind of shaking, like,
I guess I was scared.

I needed to get out of there.

I ran upstairs.
I'm in the back room.

I'm kind of creeped out
right now.

Thinking back now, I was, like,

I probably should have went
outside and get away from there.

But I felt like upstairs
was safe enough

and I could just...
I don't know.

After corey's
encounter in the dining room,

things quieted down for a while.

But less than a year later
after moving yet again,

another eerie event happened

when his mom
was doing laundry in the garage.

I was in the living
room just hanging out,

and my mom thought
someone was outside.

So she got me.

We both got our pistols

and went outside
and didn't see anything.

I didn't hear anything.

Nothing that stood out to me
as being, like, okay, whatever.

When corey came back inside,

he checked to see if the motion
activated security cameras

picked up something
he may have missed.

And sure enough, they had.

So it took me forever to find

what might have made the noise.

But I looked through
all the video's recordings,

and I come across that.

There's something moving,

and that was at 22:04.

And whenever she saw the thing,
she came in the garage at 22:06.

The fact that they have footage
to corroborate their claim

certainly lends some credibility
to this particular case.

And the fact that she heard
something strange

right when the motion-activated
cameras kicked in,

that certainly tells me
there may be something out

in that yard
that's hard to explain.

If you look
right there, right there.

I went out there, was looking
at the places

that it should have been
according to the camera,

and I didn't see anything,
didn't hear anything.

See, I'm right here.

That's the top of my head,

and there's something
walking back there.

I just can't explain it.

You see something on the camera,

but we didn't see anything
when we were out there.

You can see me flash my light.

I had been flashing my light

and see, there's nothing.

I didn't see anything
while I was there.

And I just...
It kind of boggles my mind.

This apparition seems to be
walking around the perimeter,

and even in areas where
there's ir illumination,

it doesn't light up, like,
you see corey

when he's walking
around his house.

You see the difference
of a solid person

walking in front
of an ir camera,

as opposed to this other entity

that seems to be
going around the home.

Whether or not these
two incidences

are related remains to be seen.

But his mom has a feeling
the paranormal activity

happening around them might have
something to do with her.

My mother has a couple
of theories

about spirits
being in our lives.

She had a brother
who passed away at 10 days old.

She's always thought, like,
he's just been around,

and part of me thinks
that maybe it's my uncle

kind of pranking us.

You know, like, just always
being around,

like, ha-ha,
like, having fun with us.

You know, like,
being a poltergeist

but not in an evil way.

Coming up, a father
and daughter get spooked

at a popular paranormal site
in north carolina.

Oh, we definitely felt like
we were being watched.

By the looks of it,

this unassuming plot of land
in bear creek, north carolina,

doesn't seem like much.

But the secluded spot has been
spooking visitors

for more than a century.

Known as
the "devil's tramping ground,"

this barren circle is said to be
where the devil comes to dance

and haunt all those
who enter it.

Recently, a father and daughter
team of ghost hunters

might have actually
captured proof.

There's a legend that
the devil rises from hell

and uses this circle as his own
private thinking area,

and nothing grows in that area
because his feet are so hot.

There actually were some studies
done by soil scientists

to see why nothing
was growing in that area.

They actually
couldn't find a reason.

Since 1882,
the 40-foot wide circle

has been at the center
of paranormal lore,

attracting countless

like kevin saunders
and his daughter, jade,

who visited the site
in October of 2018.

I'm at the devil's tramping
ground in north carolina.

And the legend
is that the devil,

he would remove you
from this circle,

and you'll wake up in
the morning outside the circle.

Hello. My name is kevin,

and I was the one
that shot the video

at the devil's tramping ground.

There's jade.

My name is jade saunders,
and I was there that day.

We've been ghost hunting for,

well, I've been doing it
for about 16 years.

We weren't even ghost hunting
at that time.

We just simply was recording
walking around.

But as you can see, there have
been people here recently.

What? Oh, god.

Isn't that weird?

Yeah, that's weird.

That's like the jesus hands.

It looks they tried to burn it.

Yeah, these trees here,
like this one over here,

somebody carved a cross on it.

The sap itself is like
oozing down the tree,

makes it look really creepy.

In addition
to creepy discoveries,

kevin and jade also felt on edge
the entire time they were there.

I just felt like I was
in a very big crowd.

I'm really claustrophobic

so I just felt like there's
something sitting on my chest.

And I would say, "there's too
many people around me,

but I'm in a very open spot,
so I shouldn't feel like that."


Anxiety levels were
really high there.

We definitely felt like
we were being watched.

Oh, god.

Hello? Anybody out here?

As far as kevin
and jade could tell,

there was no one else
around that day.

But when they got home
and reviewed the footage,

it seems they might not
have been alone after all.

You see the daughter in frame.

He pans away, and for just
a split second

you see in the tree line

in the background
something moving.

First it looks bluish, whitish,

but it's definitely
something that

when he pans back,
it's not there anymore.

And it wasn't there before.

When he first arrived,
we got a pretty good view

of what was around them,

so it wasn't a tree,
it wasn't a sign.

Something was back there.

I see here what looks
like a traditional capture

of a ghostlike mist
in broad daylight.

It doesn't matter whether
you investigate night or day.

If there's gonna be
phenomena, it will happen.

I really like this clip.

It shows a classic capture
that any paranormal investigator

would be really stoked to have.

And then I had my wife
just kind of approve the video

before I posted it on youtube,

and she was like,
"what is that?"

and I was like, "oh, my god.
What is that?"

of course, we were, like,
high-fiving each other.

I'm like,
"finally after 16 years

I caught something
on the camera."

16 years it took him
to catch something.

That raises his credibility
in my book.

And the fact that he is looking
for corroboration

from other people,

rather than saying,
"I know all the answers."

it's a smart thing to do,

and more people
should investigate like that.

I think the fact that
he didn't notice it

until reviewing the video,

that's a little bit
of credibility in the respect

that he was just going
about his business,

and oh, he captured something.

We believe it's a ghost,

And he's just got
so much movement.

The arms are swaying.
The legs are moving.

I felt like it really
just shows, like,

it takes form to something
as it goes along.

After they posted
the video on youtube,

some viewers
thought it could just be

a smoke cloud from a vape pen.

So kevin and jade returned
to the devil's tramping ground

in efforts to prove otherwise.

We're going to try
and debunk this

because I'm trying
to trick anybody.

I promise.

You know, a lot of people
were saying,

"we might think it's a vape."

and we decided to see if we can
just try it out and match it up.

Go ahead and puff off it,
see what it does.


We don't think
it was a vape at all.

I mean, I know
we can't get it exact,

but it's just
too much movement to it.

I was sitting there
recreating it over

and over with a vape to see
if it could even resemble it,

and it just did not.

Both days, like, weren't windy
or anything, so I don't know.

While kevin and jade
may never know for certain

if they captured a ghost
at the devil's tramping ground,

they agree that it's the most

compelling evidence
they've seen yet.

Yeah, it was definitely
the best capture we ever got.

Yeah, I would say that for sure
we think it was definitely

one of the best videos
that we have caught.

- Yeah.
- We were just ecstatic about it.

Coming up, a family
hike takes a frightening turn.

It really is there.

Since the late 1800s,
tales of tall,

ape-like creatures

have fueled the bigfoot legend
in north america.

And while the majority
of accounts of the elusive

biped come from the northwestern
part of the country,

a man from much further east

believes he may have
spotted one in ohio.

Surprisingly enough, the ohio,
pennsylvania, west virginia area

is actually a bigfoot hot spot.

There are sections
along the allegheny river,

the ohio river,
that have pockets of activity.

Salt fork state park,
wayne national forest,

chestnut ridge in pennsylvania,

all these places seem to harbor
some sort of strange creature,

and there are a dozen
or so reports out of each area

over the last several years.

Jeff patterson
was hiking with his family

through wayne national forest
in southeastern ohio

when they found some rocks
stacked in a circle.


While this could have simply

been built for a campfire,

the lack of any charred
remains points

to an entirely
different purpose.

So rocks in a circular formation
like in this video

are thought to be sign
that bigfoot has been there.

These rock formations are
actually sometimes known as

"sasquatch stonehenge."

The question could be asked,

"why would a bigfoot make a rock
formation of this type?"

there could be lots of
different explanations.

It could be a marker,

navigational just so
he knows where he's been.

It could be the demonstration
of territory.

This is where I live.

This is a marker of my domain,
stay out.

A little while later
they came upon a waterfall,

and as jeff was filming
the serene site,

he captured something
daunting in the distance.

My name is jeff patterson,
and I shot this video.

We had hiked back up
along a ridgeway

through these pine trees,
and we came down in to a valley.

And at the bottom of this
100-foot gorge,

we were standing directly
underneath a waterfall,

and I use my video camera

to go up to get
the waterfall coming down.

I got back up the second time,

that's when I saw one
going across the ridge.

What we see here seems to be
some sort of humanoid entity

walking from right to left.

The camera seems to cut,

so we don't actually get
a good look at what it is.

I don't know what else it could
possibly be other than bigfoot

or a very large human
in a very sort of burly attire.

If it were a bigfoot,

I'd like to be on higher ground
if I ran into it.

I'd feel a little vulnerable
if I was down where they are.

I wouldn't want thing thing
to start pushing trees

down onto me.

But jeff felt they
were at a safe enough distance,

so he wasn't too worried.

It was a good ways away up

on the top of the ridge
across from us.

I mean, there was a good amount
of space between us.

I'm quite sure that we could
have got out of there safely.

But if was walking through
the woods somewhere

and this thing suddenly appeared
right smack in front of me,

I would be scared.

This video is interesting

because this was not
a squatcher.

This was not a bigfoot hunter.

This was just somebody relaxing
with their family

at a waterfall,
and the camera is looking up,

"hey, look at
the beautiful water.

Look the... oh!
Look up there! What's that?"

As far as jeff is concerned,

he believes it was a bigfoot,
and he's not alone.

Sightings of
sasquatch-like creatures

have been reported by ohio
residents since 1869,

and they even have
a name for it.

They call it the grassman.

Now it's said to be
much smaller than

the sasquatch of the northwest,
and it's certainly something

that these people seem
to be proud of.

There's all kinds of museums
and knickknacks

and that kind of thing
you can find in that area.

So they definitely take
their grassman fairly seriously.

Whether jeff captured
a grassman or a bigfoot

that day remains to be seen.

And if there are any skeptics
out there who think he didn't,

jeff doesn't hold it
against them.

If it was somebody else's stuff,

I wouldn't believe it.

It's something that you have
to see yourself

to fully understand
that it really is there.

Perched on
the northeast coast of florida

is the oldest city
in the united states,

st. Augustine.

Established in 1565
by the spaniards,

this quaint coastal city

is packed with history
and hauntings.

I've investigated st. Augustine

quite a few times,

and I do believe it to be
a hotbed of paranormal activity.

Not only were over
50,000 native americans

slaughtered there, but hundreds
of years later in the 1800s,

there was a huge
yellow fever outbreak

that killed thousands
of european settlers.

That city is steeped in death.

For years, ghostly activity
has been reported

throughout the historic city,
from the spanish fort,

where spirits of soldiers
have been spotted

patrolling the grounds,

to the lighthouse near the spot
on the salt run inlet,

where two young girls
drowned in the late 1800s.

The st. Augustine lighthouse
is not only

one of the most haunted
lighthouses in the country,

but possibly the world as
reports of knocking or footsteps

and even dark ghostly entity

peeking over the railing
at visitors

when no one else
should be in the building.

And not surprisingly,

there's been a plethora
of paranormal activity

documented in the city's
historic graveyards.

When you see cemeteries
in st. Augustine,

there are tons of people
buried there.

I mean, there are people buried
on top of people.

In January 2019,
amanda and aeryck de sade

who regularly watch
"paranormal caught on camera"

were walking past
the tolomato cemetery

when they captured this
inexplicable entity on camera.

I'm amanda de sade.

And I am aeryck de sade.

And I saw a paranormal anomaly
at the cemetery.

This floating blue orb
appeared just two days

after a drunk driver
plowed through the cemetery wall

and damaged the headstone
of a boy who died in 1877.

I do tours in st. Augustine
twice a nice,

pretty much
every night of the week.

And so she came along with me
on the tour that night

just to get some
extra footage of the damage

that was done at the cemetery,

and when she walked
across the street

to film the wide-angle shot
of the damage of the cemetery

is when she actually
got the video.

But no one else in
the group noticed the orb

because it was only visible on
the screen of amanda's camera.

Not convinced of what she saw
on the screen,

amanda immediately checked
her surroundings.

We normally debunk everything
because I'm a super skeptic.

So I looked around to see

if there was like
a laser pointer

or, you know,
if anybody was doing anything.

But amanda didn't find
anything to account

for the hovering
bright blue orb.

It's not lens flare.
It's not a moth.

It's not a lightning bug.

It's not a laser pointer
or anything you can see.

It's definitely free-form
floating around.

If this was just a light

reflecting on the camera lens,

then it would have moved
when the camera moves away,

but it doesn't.

It remains in the same spot

no matter
where the camera is looking.

It's probably something else,

and probably
something more mystical.

Aeryck and amanda
believe there is a connection

between the orb's appearance

and the damaged gravestone
of the boy.

When we were looking at
the video

where it kept going back
and forth through the entrance

towards that little boy's
grave in the front.

Well, if anything is going
to disturb

the rest of a departed soul,

I would imagine
a car plowing into the wall

and knocking over the tombstone
would be a good start.

Certainly a violent act
like that might be enough

to rattle somebody's
eternal slumber.

And according to aeryck,

this isn't the first time
the child's spirit has surfaced.

There's a tree at the entrance
and the boy died in the cemetery

by falling out of that tree.

So he's the only one
that's buried right there

in the front
of the cemetery like that.

And there are lots of sightings

based around the tree
of the little boy.

From years of
experience giving tours

in one of the nation's
most haunted cities,

aeryck has some advice
on how to capture

paranormal activity of your own.

The more pictures you take,
the more likely you are

to actually get
some sort of evidence.

And we've gotten quite
a few people on our tour

to get full body apparition
pictures in the cemetery.

Coming up,
a team of ghost hunters

makes the capture of a lifetime.

There's only way that went,
and that's into the wall.

It's not all that
uncommon for people

to pass away in their homes.

For the most part,
houses with morbid histories

show no signs
of residual energies.

But every so often,

a spirit of the deceased
remains inside the residence,

and will make
their presence known.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.

Advice I have
for every homeowner

is that people live and die,

and you're gonna always
share your space with energies.

There's nothing
to be fearful of.

In 2013, a man named
kevin butcher was found dead

inside his home
in halstead, England.

His cause of death was unknown.

Since then, residents who've
lived in kevin's house

have reported hearing footsteps,
seeing apparitions,

and have felt as though
they were being watched.

In 2018,
jeff young and phil bradshaw

from ghost tech
paranormal investigators,

paid them a visit
to see if they could

communicate with the spirit.

My name is jeff young.

We were called by the tenants
of the property

to help them find out
what was in their home.

Jeff and phil began
their investigation

by debriefing the previous
and current tenants

about the hauntings.

It was about maybe three weeks
when we first moved in.

I was sat in the kitchen.

I saw legs walk
into the kitchen.

So it was just a bottom half?

Just the bottom half.

There's just noises all over
the house, and sometimes I see,

well, I think I see things
in the hall

like little... somebody there.

But then I look away
and there's nothing there.

After interviewing the tenants,

jeff and phil got to work

with an array of
ghost hunting gear

motion detector lights,

digital voice recorders,
and four static cameras.

These investigators followed
standard operating procedure

by setting up still cameras
at every point they could,

even so that
they overlap angles,

which is great because you can
check the different angles

to make sure, "all right.
We've got this covered."

it cannot be this or that.

And when it comes to
paranormal investigating,

once you eliminate
the impossible,

whatever remains however
improbable must be the truth.

Kevin, the people
that live here,

they've heard you and seen you.

Not long after
the session began,

phil and jeff received a clue

that kevin was willing
to communicate

when a motion activated light
was triggered.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.

Motion detector lights are,

as some people in the field
call them are rem-pods.

It's a sensor
that picks up movement.

And they set up one of these
pods inside of a room,

and they ask the energy,
"can you come forth

and let us know
that you're here."

Rem stands for radiating
energy module.

Now this is an important tool
in investigations

because sometimes a spirit

doesn't have enough energy
to give you an evp.

It can't touch you.
It can't make anything move.

It can't drain the heat
out of the air.

But the rem pods generate
a field of em energy.

When something crosses into it,
it goes off.

It's a good tool because
it doesn't require energy.

It just requires it to be
inside the field.

And just because you die

and you're not here anymore.

It doesn't mean
that you have to leave here.

I understand that.

From there,

it seemed kevin
was making his presence known.

Myself and phil, we were
upstairs turning out evp work.

And as we were on the stairs,
we heard this noise.

Whoa, movement downstairs.

Phil and jeff went downstairs,

but nothing looked out of place.

So they reviewed the footage

by one of the static cameras
hoping to get some answers.

You can see the door pop open,

and it's actually a solid lock.

When you push it,
it actually clicks in.

You cannot open it.

You can jump on the stairs.
You can jump on the hallway.

That door does not open.

Maybe that was kevin's way
of catching our attention

to let us know where he was.

It seems like whatever's there

has an intelligent sense
of what's going on.

They know that investigators
are there.

He's communicating with them.

So it seems like you have
a pretty good haunt

going on there.

But perhaps the most
compelling evidence

phil and jeff captured happened
on the stairs itself.

- Movement on the stairs.
- Okay.

We turned our cameras around.

I knew something was there.

But then of course on reviewing
the static cams,

what we saw on the stairs
was a form of an apparition,

and it gradually
just materializes.

You could imagine that
this is a spirit

that descends the staircase
and stops on the landing,

almost as if to listen
and observe what is going on.

And when they get too close,

that phantom just recedes back

to where it came from.

But you see the leg
and the foot lift up,

and you can see the foot
as it moves,

as it walks backwards.

There's only one way that went,
and that's into the wall.

Early on during
the investigation,

one of the young ladies
actually mentioned

that she saw a pair
of disembodied legs

walk through the kitchen.

I saw legs
walk into the kitchen.

And when they captured that
on the stairway,

I kind of shut up

and I knew exactly that
this was legitimate activity.

It's an amazing
piece of footage,

and we believe we did capture
kevin butcher.

I've seen shadow forms
like this before.

They're notoriously
hard to pin down.

They're hard to see.
They're hard to get on camera.

So the fact that these guys got
anything, even a portion of it,

is something else.

When the investigation was over,

jeff and phil shared their
findings with the tenants.

When they saw everything
that we had captured,

I think that they were relieved.

I think they felt, maybe we're
going to slightly nuts here.

We need some solid
sort of proof,

and that's why they called us.

And I think we did give them
all the proof that they needed.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.

Coming up,

a convenience store
employee freaks out

when things start
flying off the shelves.

television cameras

in convenience stores

are typically used to catch
criminal activity,

like shoplifters
or armed robbers.

But one security camera
at a store in minnesota

seemed to have nabbed something
even more concerning

than a thief,
something paranormal.

I'm a firm believer that
activity can happen anywhere,

and why not a convenience store.

One night in 2017,

an employee working
at the b-dale corner store

and gas station
in roseville, minnesota,

called his manager, matt murphy,
to tell him he'd quit.

The next day when matt showed up
to open the store,

he found many items
were displaced.

Assuming the ex-employee
was to blame for the mess,

matt went through the security
footage from the night before.

It seems like this
could be poltergeist activity.

At the very least,
it's a spirit or entity

that wants to garner
some attention from someone.

When the employee
working that night

noticed the paranormal activity
in the store,

he was so freaked out by it

that he took off running.

You see a kid
walking down an aisle,

and then the kid runs out.

Then through the window,

you see him running across
the parking lot

and he just got
the hell out of there.

It didn't take long
for the video

of the potential paranormal
activity to gain some attention.

In this video,
we see small movements.

And at first when I thought,
"okay, if a bag of potato chips

flies off of a shelf,
maybe it was poorly stacked."

and then if another one falls,
I think,

"well, maybe
there's a ceiling fan

or a vent that is blowing
these things off of the shelf."

but when the freezer door opens,
that takes a lot more force.

So there's something going
on here

that's not just an errant draft
that happens to be in the room.

There's something more to it
than that.

After the poltergeist
finished rearranging things,

the cctv camera captured
something even more alarming...

A spectral figure heading
toward that area of the store.

You see this shadow form kind of
walking down the aisle,

making a turn, and going out.

Now was he shopping?

Was he trying to do
something else?

Was this residual
or intelligent?

It's hard to tell,
but you can definitely tell that

something was there
by the wake left behind.

I love this footage because
I can relate to the ghost.

What does a ghost want?
They want snacks.

They want some beers.

Ghosts, they're just like us.

This curious capture
left some unanswered questions

in it's wake, like who
or what might be haunting

this specific convenience store,
and why.

This is a place
where people are in transit.

They stop in briefly.

They just live a very short
part of their life

and then they move on
to another thing.

Who knows,
this convenience store

might have been
the scene of a crime.

Maybe there was stickup
at some point.

It certainly happens at these
places that are open all night.

When it comes to any haunting,

one has to consider things

on a large scale first.

Is it the land?

If not the land,
is it the building?

If not the building,

is the person
or maybe even an item?

Now in trying to focus
why a spirit

could be haunting
a specific location,

maybe it's not because
it's a convenience store.

It's maybe something
that was there

before it was
a convenience store

that was maybe
causing the haunting.

As it turns out,
this particular store

is conveniently located across
the street from a funeral home,

so that might have
something to do with it.

Regardless, there haven't been
any more reports

of paranormal activity
from the mini-mart since.

But should this spirit
ever return,

there are ways to deal with it.

I suggest that they reach out
to local clergy

or perhaps a ghost-hunting team.

See if they can't track down

who or what may be haunting
the structure,

and devise a way to either
get rid of it,

or encourage it to move on
to somewhere else.

Coming up, a home
security camera in kentucky

picks up a phantom
just passing through.

- Then he just disappears.
- Weird.

The primary function
of a home security camera

is to monitor what's happening
outside the house

and make residents
feel safe and secure.

But every so often,

they capture something
that cannot be explained

making some homeowners
more on edge than ever.

There's bound to be a big spike

in people catching
paranormal activity.

I don't think more cameras
or more eyeballs

on the environment are causing
more paranormal activity.

I think this stuff is happening,

we've just got more eyeballs
on the lookout for it.

In 2018, amy van gundy
from arvada, colorado,

noticed her motion-activated
security camera

picked up a suspicious sphere

floating into her
basement window.

About an hour later,

that same orb triggered
her camera again as it left.

Orbs come in so many
different shapes and sizes.

They emit all different
types of energy.

In this clip,
it looks like an orb

has manifested into some sort
of, like, a smoky ectoplasm

and moves through walls.

A lot of skeptical
people will say,

"orbs are just dust or a fly."

but why would
the security camera turn on?

A motion sensor security camera
isn't gonna turn on

if it sees dust, isn't gonna
turn on if it sees a fly.

It makes you wonder, like,
what energy was around this orb

that triggered this camera
to turn on in the first place?

About a year later,
natalie king from austin, texas,

noticed her nest cam
capturing a black cat

walking by her front door.

The cat setting off
her motion-activated camera

wasn't concerning, but the way
it vanished into thin air was.

The cat's really interesting.

A lot of the times
I've investigated places

and I've come across
evps of dogs or cats or horses

when I've investigated stables,
and it just goes to show you

that even animals

have spiritual energy
that can manifest, too.

I have actually heard
of a couple stories of people

who have witnessed
things like this,

where they see a person
or an animal clear as day,

and then all of a sudden
they just sort of vanish,

like, they wipe away.

Maybe those are
residual hauntings

where we see a moment of

when that person
or animal was alive

just for that, like,
brief moment of time.

Perhaps the most
compelling evidence of

paranormal activity

captured on a home
security camera

happened in kentucky in 2017.

Ricky and pam carter
were watching tv one night,

when they saw a figure appear
on their surveillance camera.

- That's weird.
- Then he just disappears.

I'm pamela carter.

- And...
- I'm ricky carter.

This is the footage we caught
on our security camera.


Our security camera is right
by our tv,

and I had looked at it, like,
two or three minutes prior

and nothing was on there.

And then, like, it looked
like something

just appeared out of nowhere.
I was like, "rick!"

I was like, "look at that.
We've got to rewind that."

and then he come over there,

and by that time the guy
had already disappeared,

and I walked outside to see
if he was down the road.

He was nowhere.

That's weird.

Then he just disappears.

What I love about this clip is,

dvrs are some of the best ways
to capture phenomena.

It's a stationary camera.

There's no contamination
of evidence.

There's nobody moving it around.

There's no strange
light anomalies.

There's something that just
shows up

and disappears
right in front of this camera.


If he would have went between
the houses,

our security camera
would have picked him up,

and it just... he was gone.

Then he just disappears.

There's a figure
walking with purpose.

He's going somewhere.

He's hightailing it
through the yard.

What caught my attention,
I was like,

I told rick, I was like,
"look, that man's marching."

I was like, "and he's going
pretty fast,"

because he looked like he was,
like, military or something.

If you look closely
to this entity that's walking,

it's not walking like
if it's walking on concrete.

Maybe there is a point in time
where this wasn't a parking lot,

and it was just regular
kind of like, gravelly ground.

If you look at his gait,
he's kind of walking on

and stepping over things

that aren't there,
which gives me the idea

that this is
some sort of residual haunt

as opposed to
an intelligent haunt.

Some skeptics suggest
that it could be

the result of faulty equipment.

But the carters are certain
that's not the case.

Right around the time
this happened,

the camera system
was brand-new.

Some people online was like,

"well, it's fake because
the dvr system's going out."

it wasn't that case.

We had literally just bought
that like a month prior.

If it was really a trick
of the camera

or some kind of flare
or whatever,

then the cars in front
would have disappeared, too.

But the cars stayed solid,

and whatever it was just kind
of disappeared as it walked by.

In a final attempt to confirm

that it wasn't a trick
of the camera,

ricky went outside
and walked past it.

I'm pretty skeptic
on everything that happens so.

We've tried to duplicate it,
debunk it as you would say.

It picked me up all the way
going down the road

and everything. - Yeah.

You could tell who he was
and everything.

Pamela and rick's
security camera

hasn't picked up anything since,

but they'll never forget
the spirit that once

strolled by their home.

It was a good catch.

It's like once in
a lifetime thing, you know?

What should you do in the event

you witness
something paranormal?

Here are some tips to get it
all on camera.

Check all your footage
for something strange.

Keep a safe distance
from the monsters.

Trust your instincts that what
you're seeing really

is otherworldly.

And if you do catch something,

and connect with us
on social media.

Your footage could be seen
right here

on "paranormal caught
on camera."