Paranormal Caught on Camera (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 22 - A Haunted Bar and More - full transcript

A destructive spirit wreaks havoc on a bar, three boys encounter a Sasquatch-like creature in the woods and worm-shaped entities are spotted above Mexico.

Narrator: Next on
"paranormal caught on camera"...

[ rem pod beeps ]

...A haunted cabin
in the woods attacks.

The family that owns that cabin

legitimately believes that
that cabin is cursed.

Narrator: Horrifying noises fill
the sky all around the world.

[ distant screeching ]

this phenomena
is incredibly unsettling.

It strikes at my core.

Narrator: An apparition
terrorizes a family.

Get the [bleep] out of here.

Hayes: Well, the apparition
looked like something

straight out of "ghostbusters."

it was flowing.

It looked like it was

Narrator: Is this a victim
of king henry viii's wrath?

Maron: If this is a ghost,

one of the best image captures
of a ghost I've ever seen.

Narrator: And even more
paranormal footage

you have to see...

...To believe.



The cabin in the woods.

[ owl hoots ]

the phrase has become
something of a trope

in the telling of terrifying
real-life stories.

And for good reason.

Cabins in the woods can be dark,
secluded, and empty,

a perfect recipe for spooky
and paranormal events.

Behold, the quintessential
haunted cabin.

When this ghost-hunting team
dared to investigate...

[ rem pod beeps ]

...One member encountered
something so evil...

...He came under attack.


In September 2018, in the
backwoods of west virginia...

Woman: Whoa!

...Ryan zacherl
and the rest of the team

from "paranormal quest"

investigated a remote cabin
with a dark history.

So, we are getting ready
to go into the cabin.

My name is ryan zacherl,
and I filmed this video.

The cabin actually became
a case for "paranormal quest"

because dave gear,

one of our co-creators
and investigators...

He actually had
investigated there

about a decade ago with his mom.

Dave's mom: That was
the evil room there.

It's the room that they had
all the funerals in, isn't it?


Not only did they experience
some shadow figures,

some disembodied voices

that they said
were absolutely chilling,

but they also had
multiple experiences

where they believed
that the cabin was

not only trying
to drive them away,

but was actively trying
to kill them inside this cabin.


That's one of the claims
of this cabin,

is the owners and people who
have been there and investigated

believe that the curse
on this cabin

is that anyone that attempts
to live there or stay there

will have some sort
of health problem,

will have some sort of accident,

or will have some
sort of dire situation

in which their life
is in jeopardy.

The family that owns that cabin
legitimately believes

that that cabin is cursed.

They've had
so many family members

and so many friends
who have lived in that cabin,

and then shortly after died,

that they themselves
are terrified

to even go inside of it.

Narrator: But why, exactly,
is it cursed?

Zacherl: The owner's grandmother
and grandfather built that cabin

shortly after the
turn of the century,

between the 19th
and the 20th century.

And they used the actual lumber
from that land

that the cabin sits on.

They cut it down, they built it
themselves out of that land.

They believe that that was
some sort of sacred land

for a native american tribe
that lived there years ago.

And they believe
that cutting down the timber

and building that cabin
on that land

could have started some sort
of anger or animosity

between the family
that lives there

and the spirits of this tribe
that used to live on this land.

Narrator: Which is why
the "paranormal quest" team

decided to investigate
the curse for themselves.

Are you native american
and this was your land,

your burial ground?

Over the first several hours,

the group experienced limited
paranormal activity,

from footsteps....

- What was that?
- Footsteps.

...To unexplained mumbling.

Are you from the cherokee tribe?

Both: What was that?

So, you got the rem pod
right there on the bed.

Narrator: Then they pulled out
the rem pod,

a device that radiates its own
electro-magnetic field,

making it easier to detect
the presence of entities.

Are you here now?

[ rem pod beeps ]

there you are.

Narrator: And its reaction
was off the charts.

Back up now!


Something was
in the room with them.

And it was powerful.

[ rem pod beeping ]

keep your eyes
on group member jason

on the left side of the screen.



[ rem pod beeps erratically ]


There's scratch marks
on your back.

You're... [bleep].

Ryan, get over here, dude.

Jason has been scratched...

Woman: Oh, my, yeah.
...Three times.

One, two, three.

Zacherl: The experience where
jason was scratched

is probably one that is going to
stick with us for a long time.

I don't think any of us
expected that to happen.


I could see just
the shock on his face

to find out that he had these
scratch marks on his back.

[ groans, laughs ]

and I think that was a little
bit more unsettling to me

knowing how concerned he was
for his own safety.

I'm being completely honest,
that shakes me up a little bit.

Zacherl: And maybe also
influenced how concerned

I thought we should have been
for our own safety.

So, it's really common
on investigations for people

to find scratches
or markings on them.

Usually, they come in threes,

and a lot of people
tend to believe

that when something
comes in threes,

it is a sign of a demonic entity

because it's mocking
the holy trinity.

Narrator: But if this is,
in fact, the work of a demon,

why go after jason?

When you go into a place

that has seen a lot
of traumatic history

and you bring this
very aggressive energy

in with you as an

Please stop.

...You are opening yourself up
to these types of interactions,

and it's funny because

it's the timid observer
that gets scratched.

And a lot of the times,
this happens because

the energies are fearful
of the antagonizer

and this person that has
the aggressive attitude

towards them.

Back up now!

But they want to instill fear
or ask them to leave, in a way,

by targeting the person
that's considered most timid

or weaker in the group.


Narrator: The scratching was
enough to convince the team

that it was time to go.

Alright, well, I guess that
means we're officially done

with this investigation
of the cabin.

Narrator: And that's when team
member renee suddenly made

a startling discovery.

Zacherl: What is this?

That is the coin that ended up
in my left pocket

when we were finished
filming in the basement.

We were packing up to leave.

She reached into her pocket,

and that is when she discovered
that at some point over the past

two hours, this coin
materialized in her pocket.

This was a coin that none of us
had ever seen before...

Even renee.

Renee didn't even know
what this coin was.

Steve was the first to bring up.

He said, "that coin
is from israel."

now, none of us have ever been
to israel, ever, in our lives.

So how this coin from israel
got into renee's pocket

at some point over that two-hour
period of investigating,

I don't know.

Cano: In parapsychology,
this phenomenon

is known as an apport.

It's when an object appears
or disappears

from one location to another,
or sometimes the same location.

It's usually very small.
It could be rocks.

In this case, it's a coin.

I've been on an investigation
where coins have

fallen out of the ceiling.

Something like this happening
on an investigation

is not uncommon.

Coins are a very
on-the-nose death reference.

Many years ago,
and some still do,

people used to put coins
on the eyes of the deceased

to help them get into heaven.

So if you find a coin
in your pocket

when dealing with a spirit that
might be a little bit demonic,

that's not a great sign.

Narrator: Three days after
the investigation,

renee was hospitalized
with severe chest pains.

Doctors found nothing
physically wrong.

Fearing her medical issues

might have something
to do with the coin,

she gave it back to the team.

Once renee had given it back
to us, we sat down

and we tried to communicate
with whatever energies

or spirits were attached to it.

As you can see,
we have this setup going.

The coin is gonna go
onto this mirror.

Narrator: They set up
a spirit box

to try to get some answers.

Zacherl: We're speaking to
the entity or energy

that's attached to this coin
right here.

Narrator: It didn't take long
to get a response.

Are you here with us?
Let us know.


I'll count to 10.
You hide inside...

That was a little girl's
[bleep] voice, dude.
That was.

A voice of a little girl started
to come through the spirit box.

You hide inside...

It's kind of interesting
'cause one of the stories

that the family had talked
about in that cabin is

they had an experience
with what they thought

was an apparition
of a little girl.

[ child giggling ]

But how can they be sure

that this is the spirit
of a child?

Sandalo: Just because the
spirit box sounds like a child

does not necessarily mean
that it is a child

because a lot of the times,
a demonic entity can trick you.

These spirits are trolls.

They will take on
the voice of a child

because they know
that it's the most disarming

and they know
that it's the most vulnerable

and you are more likely
to trust a child

because it's inherent goodness.

But that's not real.

That's not a child.

Zacherl: Children don't usually
have malice towards people.

Children don't try
and hurt people.

Children don't try
and kill people.

Whether child, adult, or demon,

ryan was forced
to draw one conclusion.

I can say that
that family is not crazy.

They are definitely not lying
about what they're experiencing.

There is something there

that I think is
legitimately dangerous.

We were physically scratched.
We were tormented.

We had dreams about that place.

And renee thought she was
dying of a heart attack.

So I definitely can say
there is something in this world

that we can't see or touch
or experience

but can hurt us.

And that is a scary thing
to think about.


Narrator: Coming up...

[ child crying ]

...A mother and her children
are tormented by ghosts.



Narrator: For many people,
moving into a new home

represents a fresh start
in life.

But sometimes, it isn't just
a fresh start for you.

It's also a fresh start for the
ghosts that are already there,

waiting for their new roommates.

That's exactly what happened
to one single mother

of two young children

when she moved
into her new place.

But when she tried to
communicate with the spirits...

...She got the scare
of her life.

[ child crying ]

- this door's stuck.
- Get the [bleep] out of here.


Narrator: In July of 2016,
single mother veronica shannon

moved into an apartment
in morris, illinois,

with her two sons.

Not long after,

she began hearing creepy noises
throughout the apartment.

Noises that were loud enough
to wake her up...

[ bang ]

...And keep her up
in the middle of the night.

[ door hinges creaking ]

so she purchased
security cameras,

hoping to capture
visual evidence

of whatever was causing
the noises.

But when she reviewed
the footage,

she was shocked to discover
they were not alone.

It started with the front door

opening by itself
to let in guests.

But watch again closely.


The door's actually
not opening on its own.

It's being pulled open
by what appears to be a ghost.

In a separate incident,
just a short while later,

another full-bodied apparition

of what appears to be
an older woman

is seen directly
behind another friend

as he is leaving the apartment.

Mcneill: This was awesome.

It is so rare to see
a full-bodied apparition

caught on camera,

and yet this appears to be
at least two distinct instances

of someone in that space.

It looks almost like
they reach out,

the spirit reaches out
and opens the door.

The person who's on
the other side of the door,

who comes in...
Their hand wasn't on the door.

That's not how it opened.

And then when we see it again,

sort of moving through
that space...

That's incredible.

I was convinced.

Moran: It truly looks like there

is a person standing behind
the door opening it for them.

But it's not a person.

It's a translucent figure,

but we can make out
the human form.

It almost looks like somebody
with a sweatshirt and a hood on.

It seems like a very,
dare I say,

contemporary spirit.

Well, the apparition that
actually seems to open the door

looked like something
straight out of "ghostbusters."

it was flowing.

It looked like it was

It didn't have
a solid shape to it,

and certain parts of it
was even see through.

There definitely is something
in that room,

and it definitely looks like
it goes to open the door.

Narrator: But there's more.

Watch as flying orbs set off
the motion-detecting cameras.


And veronica's children start
crying hysterically

at 3:00 a.M....

[ child crying ]

...Every night.


Extremely disturbed
and not knowing what else to do,

veronica and a couple of friends

decide to confront
whatever is in her apartment.

Shannon: Are you here?

Man: Are you in the boys' room?

Then at that very moment...

[ child crying ]

...The kids begin crying again,
and when one of the friends

attempts to go
into the boys room...

...He can't because the door
is apparently blocked.

Freaked out, the three adults
eventually force the door open,

causing damage to the frame.

But wait, there's more.

Throughout the entire event,

orbs fly past the cameras
in both the living room

and the children's bedroom.

[ child crying ]

I'm telling you right now,
this whole place is haunted.

You got doors being locked open.

You got full-body manifestations
just walking around the room.

Orbs flying all over the place.
It's crazy.

This footage is really stirring,
and there is a lot of it,

and you can't help
but sympathize

for this poor mother

whose children are distressed,

who is living
amongst this activity,

and she doesn't know what to do.

That is incredibly relatable.

The fact that whatever
is present here really

seems to be focusing on the kids
to the point of apparently

locking the door
to the kids room

so that the parents
have to break it down...

That's probably a bad sign.

But if the children were being
specifically targeted, why?

Children are easy targets
because they're non-threatening.

They can't vocalize the threats
that are happening

to them, other than, obviously,
crying and things of that sort.

They sort of don't have the
staunch, resolute rationality

that adults have that might
dismiss that sort of evidence.

So it might be that kids
are very receptive,

or it might be that kids
are very vulnerable.

Narrator: Or could it be that
the spirit, or whatever it was,

was actually trying
to be helpful?

I think it's notable
that this is a single mother

because that's
a vulnerable person.

Not to say that single mothers
are incapable

or extra vulnerable,

but that's somebody
who has, probably, a lot of,

like, personal stress,
and that can invite some spirit.

And sometimes, it could be
a helpful spirit.

Cano: Maybe the spirit
is not attacking the family,

but maybe the spirit
is protecting the family.

Maybe it doesn't like an element

or maybe even a person that has
come in to their family.

It could be any number
of motivations,

but if they really want to
get down to the bottom of it,

they probably have to employ
some investigators.

Narrator: Which veronica did,
with inconclusive results.

So, what options did she have?

Hayes: A lot of times,
I would suggest to people

in situations like this

to try to live in harmony
with this entity,

to communicate with it,
to speak out to it,

and try to find some boundaries,
but when kids are involved,

that's a completely
different situation.

It's a lot harder for them
to understand what's going on.

They get scarred
so much more easily,

and my recommendation is
for them to simply leave.

Narrator: So they did. For good.


Coming up...

A royal ghost
makes a surprise appearance.



Narrator: King henry viii,
the infamous ruler of England

from 1509
until his death in 1547,

had a notorious predilection
for executing people,

including several of his friends
and two of his wives...

Anne boleyn
and katherine howard.

Among his many homes was
hampton court palace in london,

which today serves
as a tourist destination,

attracting history buffs
from around the world.

And due to its sordid past,
there are many who believe that

hampton court palace is haunted.

[ thunder crashes ]

in 2003, a security camera
captured something in a doorway

that may be the best proof yet.


For three straight days
in October of 2003,

officials at
hampton court palace in london

were summoned after hours to
close one particular fire door

that wasn't supposed to be open.

When reviewing
security-camera footage,

the first and third days'

show the door blowing open
for no apparent reason.

But security footage from the
second day the door blew open

show this.


Watch again in slow motion

as a skeleton-like figure
dressed in period clothing

seems to throw open the doors

and then quickly
close them again.


If this is a ghost, then it's
one of the best image captures

of a ghost I've ever seen.

You can see so much
detail in it.

You know, on the internet,
they call this guy skeletor,

and it does sort of have
a skeleton kind of vibe

to the face.

Sceurman: But it just doesn't
look like a real person.

The arms are too long,
or something about it

is just not right.

And according to security staff,
there should have been nobody,

especially nobody in costume,
in the building at the time.

Maybe it was the court jester
for henry viii

who didn't
make him laugh one day

and was murdered by the court.

Who knows?

Narrator: Henry didn't behead
any jesters as far as we know,

but could this have been
another victim of henry's wrath?


When you think about these
executed wives of henry viii,

all I would want to do,

for the rest of
my eternal immortal life,

is scare the [bleep] out of men.

That's all I would want to do.

Slaughter: I would just imagine
being obligated to marry

someone like king henry viii
who has beheaded wives

for things like
not being able to bear children,

for infidelity,
and just knowing I'm going there

to lay in his bed
for the rest of my life,

to just be, like,
this baby-making machine

and to be completely
abused by him,

that energy alone stains
a location with just awful,

awful, negative
psychological energy.

Narrator: And what about
the level of detail

of this particular spirit,
right down to its clothing?

How is it possible to capture
an entity so clearly?

I know a lot of times,
we see something like this

and we think this is
too good to be true.

But occasionally,
it's so good because it's true.

And what I find
so fascinating about this

is ghost stories
of the 16th century

had these specters
that were very lifelike

and could interact with humans
and other ghosts.

And they could even wear
suits of armor and go to battle.

So it's kind of cool
that we see this footage,

this robed skeletor,

showing up and appearing
like a regular guy.

Narrator: This entity has not
been seen again since 2003,

but many believe
that this sighting

was just the tip of the iceberg
when it comes to

all of the spirits
that haunt these halls.

Henry viii was...

Let's just say that he existed
before the me too movement

and did not always have great
relationships with his wives

or other people in
his administration at the time,

and many of them
were put to death.

[ woman screams ]

so if there's any reason
for a ghost to be anywhere,

this is really a good place
to look for them, I think.


Coming up... that cryptid
in the rearview mirror...

...Is closer than it appears.



In the world of the paranormal,

there is a fine line
between curiosity and fear.

[ screaming ]

and there is, perhaps,
no better example

of that razor-thin margin
than the legend of bigfoot.

[ roars ]

simply put, we want to know
more about this elusive cryptid,

but the closer we get...

[ growling ]

...The more terrified we become.

Then we panic.

[ roars ]

this dynamic was
in full display in russia

when a car full of young people

came across a creature
that intrigued them...

...Until it threatened
their very existence.


August 2, 2016,
in bashkortostan, russia.

A group of friends are out
for an early evening drive

in the country...
[ woman speaking russian ]

...When they suddenly spot
something off in the distance.

It appears to be
a large humanoid creature,

almost ape-like.

And it has apparently
also spotted them.

Terrified, they pull away.

But they can't help

...And reverse the car
to get a better shot

of whatever this thing is.

It's now just over to the left,
about 20 feet away.

The driver stops again...

...And gets out
for a better look...



Still in disbelief,

they stop again
to get one more look.

But have now lost sight of it...

...When suddenly...

...It is right beside them.


This time, they keep driving.

[ shouting ]

in their minds, one thought.

[ screaming ]

"was that really bigfoot?"

this was scary.

Kids sell stuff.

Kids can sell
the emotion of fear

so much better than adults can,

that I really felt
like those kids thought

bigfoot was coming to get them.

Cano: You just see something
bounding towards them,

and it's taking large steps.

You see its upper body
moving in time

with what are large steps,
not just a stroll.

Evans: You see it in pursuit.

Like, you see it using its hands
more than I ever have, at least.

You see it really using
its entire body in pursuit.

So that's what's so striking
about this, is that,

to me, it's clearly not human.

I can't always say that.

With bigfoot evidence,
sometimes I think

that is a person
in a furry suit,

or, unfortunately,
that's just a very furry person.

But in this case,
I didn't see a human in that.

Moran: The people in the car...

Their reaction is not only
very believable,

but it's very understandable.

This creature, whatever it is,

does appear to be something
that could do them harm.

Narrator: But given what
we know about bigfoot,

isn't this aggressive behavior
a bit out of character?

Hayes: There are bigfoot legends

in almost every corner
of this globe.

Some of these
are gentle forest giants.

They're claimed that if you run
into them, they simply turn

and go the other direction,
but places like russia,

they've been known to be
a little bit more ornery

and sometimes violent
to the point

where they have claimed
to kill certain people.

[ growls ]

because we don't really
know much about

what a yeti or a sasquatch
or a bigfoot is

we can't really start
pinning traits onto them,

unless we actually were able
to have one with us

and to observe it
in its natural environment,

which has been
so obviously elusive to us.

Whatever this creature was,

one thing's for certain.

It was clearly not in the mood
to be observed.

It's freezing. It's miserable.

So it is possible
that we're just seeing, like,

an animal we haven't seen before

that is hunting
and needs human blood to live.

Narrator: Coming up...

Is this the sound
of the end of the world?

[ distant screeching ]



Narrator: Ghosts, ufos,
and cryptids can be scary

for different reasons.

Ghosts lurk in unexpected places
and remind us of our mortality.

[ church bell chimes ]

ufos make us wonder
if little green men

are about to invade earth.

And the majority of cryptids

are said to be beastly
and primal in nature.

But with all three
of these things,

we have some idea of what we
might be dealing with...

[ goat bleats ]

...And what might protect us.

What happens when you can only
hear the sound of something...

[ rumbling ]

...And you have no idea
what is causing it?

[ distant screeching ]

that's when your fear
turns into absolute terror.


September 19, 2019,
in san antonio, texas.

A young man named
dillon dickerson

was taking out the trash when
he heard this horrifying sound.

[ distant trumpet-like blaring ]

it continued on and off
for several minutes...

[ blaring intensifies ]

...Until finally
stopping altogether.

My name is dillon dickerson

and I am the one who
filmed the video.

[ distant trumpet-like blaring ]

I was thinking
it was, like, underground

or, like, solar flares,
stuff going on in outer space

that was bouncing
onto earth's atmosphere.

[ blaring continues ]

just, like, some
extraterrestrial stuff.

[ blaring continues ]

this phenomena is
incredibly unsettling to me.

It strikes at my core.

[ blaring intensifies ]

the sound we're hearing
is terrifying.

It's extremely loud.
There's a ton of bass.

There's no origin
to these things.

[ distant trumpet-like blaring ]

it almost takes you to biblical
references of the apocalypse.

[ blaring continues ]

trumpets would be sounded
to signal

the beginning
of those end times.


This sounds like something

has opened up
a portal to hell or something

because it feels like
it's the end of the world.

[ distant trumpet-like blaring ]

And this isn't the only example
of this kind of noise.

Across the globe, people
have reported hearing loud,

booming, trumpet-like noises.

Noises that appear
out of nowhere

and continue uninterrupted
for minutes

or even hours at a time...

Like this one
from January 21, 2012,

in banff, alberta, canada...

[ horn-like blaring
in distance ]

...And this one
from March 9, 2011,

in tallahassee, florida.

[ loud rumbling ]

and from those
who experience it live...

[ woman laughs ]

...To those who watch online...


It's freaking everyone out.

When you hear sounds in the sky,
it's usually an indicator

that something bad
is about to happen.

It's a warning.

[ screeching in distance ]

But if so, what exactly
are they warning us about?

A lot of people assume
that they may be something

involved with earthquakes
or the us government,

and other people think
maybe aliens are at fault.

Sandalo: A very popular theory
that explains what they are

is that it is the sound
of an invisible ufo

that is hovering nearby.

I don't think it's, you know,
alien invasions

because you don't see aliens,
but, you know,

it's something definitely
happening to the earth.

Maybe the earth is just,
like, imploding.

[ trumpet-like blaring ]

narrator: Let's hope not.

But until we know more,
we're left to wonder.

Well, there's something
about these.

You're in your home,
and it's engulfing your home.

Every door, every window
you go out, there's the sound,

and it's loud and intrusive.

So I can completely understand
why people are so put off

and so terrified
by these things.

There's simply no explanation,
and a lot of times,

no one ever gets an explanation.

We are conditioned to react
fearfully to loud noises.

The emergency broadcast system,
sirens, alarms.

Things that are loud and jarring
put us on alert.

It gives us that
fight-or-flight response

like, "okay,
something's happening.

What am I gonna do about it?"

[ screeching in distance ]

narrator: Coming up...

A spirit attempts
to get a man's attention.

Man: What the [bleep]?

...With his kitchen light.

Dude, it literally just stopped.



Narrator: Have you ever seen an
inanimate object move by itself?

Maybe you were home alone
one night and,

out of the corner of your eye,

you swore you saw
something come to life,

if only for a brief moment.

So brief, in fact,
that you probably ignored it.

Didn't you?

Maybe you shouldn't have.

Because maybe, as one california
man recently discovered,

that swinging light fixture
was pushed by a ghost.

Man: What the [bleep]?


February 2018
in elk grove, california.

Richie mcclure is in his home
when he sees something

that totally freaks him out.

So he pulls out his phone
to record it.

Mcclure: Oh, my god.

What the [bleep]?

The light over his table
is swinging back and forth,

and since the sliding door
behind it is clearly shut,

preventing a draft,

it is apparently
doing this on its own.

Dude, I'm literally
shaking right now.

This is just...

Then it does something
that freaks him out even more.

What the [bleep]?

Dude, it literally has just,
like, [bleep] stopped.

But that's not all.

Watch closely.


Oh, god!
There it goes again, dude.

There it goes again.

My name is richie mcclure,

and I am the guy
that took the video.

I'll tell you this,
I was scared.

Like, I was genuinely
freaked out when I saw it.

This light had been swinging
a few different times

since we had first
moved into the house,

but you know, we always just
assumed that it was,

like, the breeze or somebody
knocked it when they got up

because of the table
right underneath it.

Narrator: But this time
is clearly different.

I went in the kitchen,
and I saw it swinging,

and I was, like, "holy cow."

it was, like, going hard,

like harder than we'd ever
seen it swinging before.

What the [bleep]?

Dude, it literally has just,
like, [bleep] stopped.

I'm, like, thinking,

"I can't just stay back here
and film it."

you know, I'm like,
"I got to move up.

I got to just go get it.

my heart was
beating out of my chest.

[ heartbeat ]

[ breathing heavily ]

what the [bleep]?

Narrator: The light finally
comes to a full stop

a short while later.

Richie is stunned.

Before this happened, I was,

I would say, at least
90% skeptic,

and afterwards, I'm, like...
I'm definitely less skeptical.

How in the [bleep]
is this happening?

It could have been a ghost.

But if this was a ghost,

is this the extent
of its haunting,

or is there more to come?

It's super possible that this is
the beginning stages

of a more powerful haunting.

It's possible
that this is a spirit

trying to communicate with you,

and the more energy you give it,
the more it is able to give you.

Oh, god,
there it goes again, dude.

There it goes again.

Maybe it's the light this time,

but it might be
something else next time.

Hayes: And the next thing
you know, you have footsteps

and then moving objects,

and then you see a full-bodied
apparition in your bathroom.

I definitely think if it is,
you know, a spirit or a ghost,

something like that,
then I think, you know,

undoubtedly, there'll
probably me more activity.

There'll probably be
more strange happenings.

Narrator: Whatever happens,
it seems that richie

has taken the appropriate
first steps.

I think the fact
that he's paying attention

and he's acknowledging
that something is there

is a good step.

Spirit typically just wants
to pass along a message,

wants their story told,

so if he's ignoring them,
I could understand

that there would be escalation.

In this case, I think he just
needs to find a way

to translate what is being said.

Dude, I am tripping
the [bleep] out right now.


Narrator: What should you do
in the event

you witness
something paranormal?

Here are some tips
to get it all on camera.

[ screeching ]

be prepared
for physical contact.

- You okay?
- Something's right in my back.

Narrator: Trust that what you're
seeing really is paranormal.

Be curious...

[ man speaking russian ]

...Not foolhardy.

[ woman shouting in russian ]

and if you do catch something,

and connect with us
on social media.

Your footage could be seen
right here on

"paranormal caught on camera"