Paranormal 911 (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Dark Christmas - full transcript

A paramedic is spooked by a ghostly wind inside a closet, two kindly spirits help a firefighter locate a missing car crash victim on Christmas Eve; A state trooper comes face-to-face with a remorseful spirit.

Code 6. 105 north avenue. 52.

Any unit in the area,
please respond.

We have domestic dispute,
possible injury.

You'll be sorry.

Not knowing who's inside
the residence,

I have my hand on my gun in case
he pops out from a corner.

He was very, very pale.

He had massive injuries.

We were looking around,
and we found these weapons.

I started to think to myself,
"what's going on here?"

There was a definite feeling
that told me

I should turn around.

You'll be sorry.
Do it!

It wanted me to know that
it was there and it was angry.

It felt like pure evil.

Joe, put the gun down.

Oh, my god!

please state your emergency.

I think it's a ghost!

I don't feel it!
I don't think it's real.

I don't even know
what we are!

I don't even recognize you

Yeah, I don't think
you ever loved me!

I don't think you
ever loved me.

I don't even know who
you are anymore, okay?

Well, you know what? I'm the
same guy I've always been!

Oh! You are not!
I am done with it!

I'm done!

I'm leaving!

You'll be sorry.

I don't...


You'll be sorry!

I'm calling the cops!

Do it!
I will!


I'm on my way.

On patrol nearby,
state trooper timothy walker

Responds to the 911 call.

I was dispatched to a residence
for the report

Of some sort of distress.

With few details, the officer
is not sure what to expect.

You always have to prepare
for inherent dangers

That may lie ahead.

Car 184, please
proceed with caution.

Police. Open up.

Adding to the tension,
office walker

Finds the house
completely silent...

...And the front door ajar.

You have to clear
every single room.

You have to identify each room,

And you have to make sure
that nobody else is there.

You'll be sorry.

You'll be sorry.

Clearly, someone
is still in the house.

Is there anybody here?

You'll be sorry.

The officer has no
choice but to go in blind.

Not knowing the layout
of the residence at all

To just all the inherent

Going into something cold,
you know,

Not knowing who they are
or what are their capacity.

...Hang up and try
your call again.

Please hang up now.

This is a recording.

Please hang up and tr--

All signs confirm
a violent altercation,

But where are they now?

I'm leaving!

You're such a creep!

Is there anybody there?

Get away from me!


I hate you!

Moving through the
house, he gets the eerie sense

That whoever is still here
is watching him,

Waiting for the right moment
to pounce.

I felt a dark presence,
and it was as if it was

Laying a heavy,
heavy weight on my shoulders.

Is anyone there?

I walk in through
the main hallway,

And I make a right-hand turn.


Tell me your name, sir.


I see this man sitting in
a chair with a shotgun.

Were you here
the whole time?

I heard you come in.

You're too late.

He was very calm.

His voice didn't change
in fluctuation.

He did not appear angry.

You're gonna need to put
the gun down, joe.


Are you alone?

He was in turmoil, I believe.

I'm trying to think,
"how can I help him?"

Joe. Are you by yourself
in the house?

I just wanted to confirm whether
or not there

Was multiple people
inside the residence.


Hands off the weapon, joe.

Put the gun down, okay?

As the officer inches closer...

...The room suddenly goes dark

And the eerie feeling
of being watched intensifies.

We were not alone.

There was something else
in there with us.

Something dark,
something very scary.

Joe, just...

Give me the gun, okay?

Hand me the gun.

Joe, put the gun down.

Joe, put the gun down.

The gun went off,
and I stood there for a second,

Or maybe even 10 seconds, just
wondering what just happened.

Oh, my god.
I didn't even know.

I was just completely

It was just awful,
just absolutely awful.

This is dispatch.
Walker, what's your status?

But despite the carnage, the
officer, as per protocol,

Still has to confirm
the victim's status.

I immediately went over.

As I'm trying to check
for a pulse, he's bleeding out,

And there was no pulse present.

He was dead.

But what happens next...

You'll be sorry.

...Suggests something different.

In that moment,
I was completely terrified.

Called to the scene
of a domestic dispute...


...State trooper tim walker

Witnesses the gruesome death
of a man...

Joe, just put the gun down.

Put the gun down.

Give me the gun!

...Who momentarily seems
to return from the dead.

You'll be sorry.

It was clear that this voice
was coming from the individual.

But the only problem
was that he was dead.

But something had just happened,

And it was something
that I could never explain.

Officer walker,
what is your status

Of the active search
of the premises?

I was able to come to my senses,
separate myself

From what has just happened.

I still had to do my job.

Dispatch, I've got a suicide.

Uh, gunshot.

Ambulance transport needed.

This is dispatch.
Paramedics are on the way.

Is there anyone else here?

Adding to the mystery
is the total disappearance

Of his girlfriend.

Dispatch 173, go ahead.

Go ahead.


You continually try to make
audible contact

With the individual that you're
trying to make contact with.

Is anyone there?


Is anyone there?

As he moves to
the back of the house,

The feeling of a dark presence
grows stronger.

In one of the rooms,
something stirs.

Yet, there's nothing inside.

Except a sudden and drastic
drop in temperature.

It felt like it
was freezing cold.

What was really odd about
the whole situation

Is it was a hot summer night
and it felt like a meat locker.

Cold spots happen when a spirit

Is pulling available energy
out of its environment

In order to
manipulate objects or people.

I believe these
are sometimes warnings

That perhaps you're treading
on very dangerous ground,

A place that you're not wanted
and are not welcome.

You'll be sorry.

You'll be sorry.

You'll be sorry!

Something wanted me
to leave the room.

Just pure -- what I could
say is -- pure evil.

Officer walker,
ems en route for transport.

Eta two minutes.

Unwilling to spend
another second in that room,

The officer re-joins
the victim,

Where he has to hold
down the fort

Until the paramedics arrive,
which feels like an eternity.

It's freezing cold again.

My muscles tensed up.

I could breathe,

But it just did not
make me feel comfortable at all.

It sucked the air out of me.

But breathing quickly becomes
the least of his problems.

I see a black cloud, like,

Literally a presence
leave his body.

What the hell?

I could see a head,
I can see a torso.

I felt pure evil in that house.

Very scary.

You'll be sorry.

Felt bad.

It wanted me to know that it
was there and it was angry.

I knew from my faith --

I said, "I have to pray
for my life."

Our father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name...

And I immediately just said it.

I said a prayer.
Thy kingdom come...

...Thy will be done,
on earth...

His words seemed
to have a profound effect

On the dark energy.

As it dissipated,
it went over me

And out the entrance
that I had come through.

Within a minute or two,

The room gradually started
to feel normal.

Officer walker,
paramedics are en route.

And, uh, eta is,
uh, 10 minutes.

Copy that.

When the emts arrive,

The office learns
that the victim's girlfriend

Left the house before he arrived
on scene and is uninjured.

In her report, the woman
indicates that

For the last few days,

Her boyfriend was acting
violently out of sorts,

Filled with dark energy.

If there was a dark
energy present,

It may have been the force
that pushed this man to suicide.

You know what? I don't even
recognize you anymore!

All you do is sit around!

In the girlfriend's words,
joe had seemed almost possessed.

Some common signs of possession

Are extreme changes
in personality.

A person might start
speaking differently,

Might become more isolated.

I do believe that at some point,
a dark entity possessed him.

I believe that the demon
wanted me to see it...

...To affect
my own mental health.

That demon may have wanted
to leave his body

And enter someone else's
body, possibly mine.

I don't know.

Hail mary, full of grace...

The officer believes
only his prayers saved him

From the same gruesome end...

...A dark thought that leaves
a deep and permanent scar.

I wish I can unsee this.

I relive that day
on a regular basis.

Hey, walker.

You okay?
He's inside.

This incident did confirm
my suspicions

That there are deep,
dark forces that roam

And/or walk
upon this earth.

Snow will continue
to intensify

Throughout the evening,
bringing with it

Low visibility
and slick roads.

If you're out there behind
the wheel tonight,

Make sure you slow down
and drive safe.

Responding to
the 911 call is firefighter

And paramedic
bryan meisinger.

When the call came
in, it was christmas eve,

Single car accident.

You try to prepare
for the absolute worst,

And nine times out of ten,
it's not bad.

But there's an occasional time

It's a way worse scene than
what you possibly imagined.

With few other details,
bryan tries to anticipate

What might be needed
at the crash site.

I saw one car
basically cut in half.

Standing nearby in
shock, a lucky survivor.

There was a young man
rocking back and forth.

He looked very dazed.

Sir. Look at me.

My first job on any scene
is patient care --

Our priority is taking care
of any victims.

I ki-- I killed them.
I killed them.

I killed them.

I killed them.

I killed them.
I killed them.

Just kept saying,
"I killed them.

I killed them.
I killed them."

I killed them both.
Killed who?

They're dead.
I killed them.

I said, "who did you kill?
Who did you kill?"

And he said, "my brother
and my cousin."

How many people were
in the car with you?
There's two.

I said, "so, you had two people
in the car with you?"

And he said, "yes, yes."

Bryan's job now
is to find those passengers.

We found the one victim
in the backseat of the car.

He was obviously a fatality.

But there's no sign
anywhere of a second passenger.

Hey. Buddy.

Are you sure there were
two people in the car?

Two people -- my brother
and my cousin.

Bryan wonders if the shock
might be clouding

The man's account
of the events.

I killed them.

We kept asking,

"are you sure there were
two people in the car?"

And he said, "yes, there
was two.

There was two.
I killed them both."

Sir, just stay right here.

I'm gonna be right back, okay?
Don't move.

Go grab the trauma kit.

Okay --
it's my brother
and my cousin.

I'm gonna go take care of them.
Stay right here.

Anticipating that,
in the impact,

The body might have been
flung from the vehicle,

Bryan expands the perimeter
of his search.

Generally, when you're ejected
from a car

In a high-speed accident,

You know, the human body
can be thrown

Anywhere from 50 to 200 feet,
depending on the speed.

But why would only one passenger
get tossed from the wreck?

It just didn't make sense,

Given that there was still one
in the backseat

And the other gentleman was
standing there talking to us.

One possibility is
that the victim is alive,

But badly disoriented
from trauma.

He could have a head injury.

He could be confused,
walking around.

The fresh snow has also covered
any possible footprints,

Making the search
near impossible.

The best way to describe that
situation would be dread

And helplessness
because I can't do anything.

I'm not being able to perform my
job to the best of my abilities.

As bryan moves deeper
into the woods,

He's overcome with
an inexplicable sense of dread.

Something's not right.
It just kept nagging at me.

"something's not right here."

He comes face-to-face
with a man,

Not the teenager
he's looking for.

I saw a gentleman
standing there.

Didn't fit the profile
of what the young man

Was saying
who was in the car with him.

All too perplexing
is what he's wearing,

Or rather, not wearing.

It struck me as a little weird

To see the gentleman out there
with no coat.

I thought that was
kind of strange --

Just the simple fact
that it was cold.

And even stranger,
given the location.

The closest home is about a mile
and a half down the road,

And it just didn't make sense
that you would go out

In that kind of weather
with no coat on.

In hindsight, it seemed
a little creepy,

But you're in the moment,
the adrenaline's running,

And my only thought
is taking care of victims

From the car accident and
making sure I find everybody.

And I said,
"what can I do for you?

Can I help you? Were you
involved in the accident?"

I start going through
all my questions.

Bryan tries to get
answers from the man.

He pointed.

It was probably 75
to 100 foot away.

He said, "I have another victim
over here.

I have a young boy."

He said, "I have
a young boy over here."

I found my third victim.

Can you hear me?

A young boy laying
on the ground...

...About 16 years old.

He was very, very pale.

He had massive injuries.

Kind of had an uneasy feeling.

There was a definite feeling
that told me

I should turn around.

When I turned around,
I saw the man again.

There was a woman
standing there with him.

The expression on her face
was pretty neutral.

She never really showed
a lot of expression.

She didn't really move.

I mean, she just kind of
stood there and watched,

And she didn't have the proper
attire on for the weather.

You see what happened?

Seemed kind of weird to me,

That they weren't acting
like they were cold,

But they were good enough
to cover the young man up

And do what they could for him.

Do you know this boy?

Did you see what happened?

I asked the gentleman where
he found the young man,

And he said,
"over by the car."

And I said, "okay.

Well, thank you for wrapping him
up and keeping him safe."

I asked the couple
to stay around

If the sheriff had
any questions for them.

When did you --

But when I turned back around,

They were gone.

They were just vanished.

While looking for
a possible second casualty

In a brutal, remote car crash,
firefighter and paramedic

Bryan meisinger encounters a man

Strangely oblivious
to the bitter cold

Who leads him
to the missing victim.

As bryan examines
the boy's injuries,

He notices a woman
also without a coat.

But when he turns back,
they're gone.

They were nowhere to be found,

And the thing of it is is
there's nowhere to go there.

This doesn't make any sense how
they just vanished like that,

And that totally freaked me out.

Can you hear me?

With more pressing concerns,

Bryan focuses
on his victim's injuries.

I looked at his injuries
and called the ambulance

To take this boy in.

Dispatch, I'm gonna need
another ambulance.

I have a young teen
in critical condition.

Back at the crash site, bryan
is joined by his partner

And other first responders,

Who have arrived to help
with victim transport.

Bryan hopes his partner
can help clear up his mystery.

Did you see that couple?

"did you see these guys?"
you know?

"did you see this couple leave?
Did you see a car leave?"

And nobody saw anything.

It didn't make any sense at all.

Left struggling for answers,

Bryan walks back to where
he last saw the couple,

Looking for clues.

I went back to
where the boy was laying.

There was still a blanket there.

The only footprints around
were the fire boots

That I was wearing
and the two sets of prints

Coming in
from the ambulance company.

There were no other footprints
in that area.

There were two people.

There should have been

That was one of those chilling
moments that makes you think,

"holy ****, I'm in
'the twilight zone.'"

When there's catastrophic
events or some sort of trauma,

What can often happen
is that we see

An influx
in paranormal activity

In regards to different
entities or spirits

That actually start
pitching in to help.

I've been doing
this a long time

And been a fireman
a lot of years,

And not a lot bothers me,
not a lot rattles me.

But that one -- that one
made me very uncomfortable.

It was terrifying to know
that I'm the only one

Who saw the two people
out there.

Car 38, car 64,
where are you?

First responders are very much
in the moment

When they come into any
sort of emergency situation,

And oftentimes being focused
in the moment

And being focused
onto something

Will actually open up
your perception

A little bit more in terms

Of what may be
going on around you.

I have a lot
of questions.

I want to know how they came
back to help

Or why they were put there or
why was it me they singled out.

Determined to prove
what he saw was real,

Bryan digs deeper.

Started doing
some research,

Going through
the old firehouse records.

That's when I found a couple

Matching that description
in previous records.

He finds a mention
of a terrible 1950s crash

Involving a man and a woman
who were dead-ringers

For the couple
he encountered in the woods.

They matched the
description of a couple

That was killed
in a car accident in that area

In the late '50s, early '60s,
much in a similar way.

They went off the road
and hit a tree.

That tree was in
the very same location

Where they carried the victim
and covered him with a blanket.

My feeling on the couple is that
they were victims of an accident

In that area years ago,

Were somehow looking out
for the young man,

And trying to give me
a hand to find him.

Often, with spirits and
especially human spirits,

We find that they will come in
in traumatic situations

Just to help out
humankind in general.

They tend to be
extremely empathetic.

How did it change the way

You see both
the living and the dead?

What I saw in that moment
has completely changed my life.

It gives me hope to know

That there's something
in the afterlife.

This isn't it.
It lets me know that, you know,

Maybe there are
some guardian angels

That take care of people
and make good things happen.

Oh, stay away!

Go away!


No, not again!

Aah! Go away!

2245, call.


We got a code 48
at 782 westdale avenue,

Elderly woman, confusion,

Copy that.

Halfway through
a busy night shift,

Paramedic steve kawamura
and his partner

Respond to the emergency call,
unclear as to the details.

When the call came in,
it was strange and bizarre.

It said, "intruder, increased
confusion, elderly female."

Steve and his partner
soon arrive at the location

And wait for the other
first responders.

2245 at location.
Standing by.

The standard procedure for us
is to usually stand by

And wait till the police come.

Police deferral, not urgent.

Caller is anxious,
still confused.

Officers will not be there.

The paramedics
are informed that,

Based on past 911 calls
to this location,

The police
will not be attending.

Dispatch informed me
that this patient

Had called
repeatedly for intruders,

And the police had been there
many times before,

And there was never
any intruder,

So they stopped responding
to that address.

But the emts feel they have a
duty to check in on the caller

And assess her condition.

Being paramedics,
we did what we normally do.

Hello there, ma'am.
Is everything okay?

No, there's somebody
in the house.

An intruder.
There's somebody here.

We entered the house, and there
was an elderly female there.

There's somebody
in the basement.

I'm really scared, you know?

It's okay.
I'm so worried.

Just have a seat,
have a seat.

She seemed very
concerned and kept on stating,

"there's a man there.
There's a man inside the house."

Based on the woman's
long history

Of making false 911 calls
regarding intruders...

There's somebody in the house.

...The paramedics instead focus

On identifying the cause
of the woman's confusion.

He's downstairs.

There's an intruder downstairs.

We started asking her questions.

"what does this guy look like?"

Uh, he looks, uh...

He's here.
He's here.

"how did he get in?"

There's -- there's an

"has he hurt you?"

He...Scares me.

The woman's responses
are muddled and vague.

Frightening at night.

When somebody has trouble
answering standard questions

Like that, it tells us
that they are confused.

We assumed that she possibly
had dementia.

Please go.

So, we asked her
a few questions --

Standard questions --
that we would ask anybody.

"do you know what day it is?"

Tuesday because
last week, I...

"do you know what time it is?

Do you know where you are?

What is your name?"
s- s-sarah.

But I don't see...

And she didn't skip a beat.

There's an intruder.
There is an intruder.

With dementia
ruled out as a cause,

They turn their attention
to her physical condition.

We checked her over,
we took her vital signs,

And they all seemed very normal.

I know there's an intruder
in the basement.

Please go and check.
Please go and check.

There's somebody
in the basement.

We asked her if she wanted to go
to the hospital,

And she kept on saying,

"please look for the man
in my house."

And I looked at my partner,
and I said, "you know what?

It's really not
that busy right now.

We'll entertain this lady
and help her out."

- Oh, please.
- W-we'll look and see.

Please go.

Just stay here, ma'am.
Just stay here.

Please. Please.
Please go. Please.

And sometimes we do that
as paramedics.

We'll get them a coffee,
we'll sit down with them

For a little while, the elderly,

'cause they get lonely,
and sometimes that's the reason

Why they call us --
they're just lonely.

So we didn't mind taking
an extra few minutes

And looking around the house.

The paramedics head
for the basement,

Where the woman claims
the intruder is hiding.

It was an unfinished basement

With a whole bunch
of junk in it.

Nothing remarkable.

Despite the creepy atmosphere,

The emts find nothing suggesting
a home invasion.

There was nothing that we could
see that would indicate

Even anybody had been down there
in a long time.

There was a lot of dust
on everything down there.

We were looking around,
and I noticed something strange.

But something does
catch their eye --

Objects hardly befitting
a lonely old woman.

We found these weapons.

I started to think to myself,
"what's going on here?

Is there something
we're not seeing?

This is really strange."

And I started to get
a little creeped out.

Very bizarre.
Very bizarre.

I've never seen anything
like that before.

We asked the woman,
"what are these for?"

And she said,
"those were for the man."

The woman insists the weapons

Are to protect herself
against the intruder.

It reaffirmed the fact that this
woman actually believed

That somebody was in her house,

And that she would need
these to defend herself.

Suddenly, the electricity
starts to go haywire,

And a strange feeling
descends on steve.

It felt like this dark energy
that was saying,

"do not come in here,"
through emotion,

And it invoked fear in me.

In the darkness,
they hear footsteps.

But there's no one there.

That freaked me out.

Paramedic steve
kawamura and his partner

Respond to a bizarre 911 call
from a woman

Claiming there is a dangerous
intruder in her basement.

Go away!

While their search
comes up empty,

They uncover a sinister
collection of weapons

To fend off a presence
that can be felt...

...Heard, but not seen.

You've got something that seems
to be very territorial

And very negative,
and oftentimes,

We see this associated
with very fearful

And negative mental states.

Despite feeling and hearing
a presence in the basement,

Steve escorts his patient
back to the living room,

Dismissing the experience as
a figment of his imagination...

There's somebody upstairs
as well, you know?

I heard him.

...And determined to calm
the woman's fears.

Please go and check
upstairs as well.

I thought, "I need to make sure
that when I tell this woman

That nobody's there, that
I've checked the whole house."

Look after her.

I've seen him before.
I'll look.


While his partner
stays with the anxious patient,

Steve makes his way upstairs.

I checked all the bedrooms,

And there was one bedroom
left to check.

As he enters the room, he feels
a sudden drop in temperature.

It must have dropped 15 degrees
because I could see my breath.

And it was a summer night,

And I shouldn't be able
to see my breath.

Again, he hears
disembodied footsteps.

I don't know what it was, and
that's what really scared me.

A temperature drop can be
another warning sign

That the entity's not happy
and wants you out.

If somebody's not familiar with
dealing with these entities,

The best thing they can do
at that point

Is to just turn around
and leave.

He follows the footsteps, which
lead him to a closet...

...From which he hears noises
not at all human.

I get this emotional feeling
right here.

"do not come in here.

Do not approach this door."

What we end up seeing is
a progression

In warning signs
before an actual attack.

Growling, barking,

Sometimes it can go
from zero to 60 very quickly.

Despite being
terrified, steve pushes ahead,

Determined to find
a logical explanation.

But what he finds
is anything but logical.

Then a wind starts to blow
inside the closet towards me.

I did not see a vent or a window
or anything in that closet.

The wind moves out of
the closet and into the room.

The wind was pushing so hard
against my body,

I couldn't keep my eyes open

And I couldn't physically
push forward anymore.

Something otherworldly
is determined to push steve

And the woman out of this house,
but at what cost?

It felt like pure evil.

I wanted to get out
of that house.

So I ran out into the hall,
I stopped,

And I took a few breaths.

And instantly,
that feeling was gone.

That feeling of pure evil,
pure terror was instantly gone.

For her own protection,

Steve decides to take
the patient to the hospital.

As soon as we left
and we got in the ambulance,

I told my partner
the whole story.

He couldn't believe it.

When I was in that closet...

...It felt like there
was something in there

Forcing me out.

I don't know what it was,
but it wasn't human.

The same evil force
steve believes

Has been psychologically
abusing the old woman.

The number-one tool of abusers
in general is isolation,

And we see this again
in negative entity cases.

This experience proved the fact
that the paranormal exists

And that there are things
out there that I cannot explain.

For the skeptics,
you got to experience it.

There's no other way.