Pacific Blue (1996–2000): Season 5, Episode 5 - Silicone Valley of the Dolls - full transcript

A doctor running an underground clinic for plastic surgery causes the death of a young co-ed. The world of high school girls obsessed with plastic surgery is explored when Russ Granger and Monica Harper go undercover. Struck by the beautiful perfection of the students, Monica and Granger learn that the girls' boyfriends have been financing plastic surgery by breaking into homes.




ready for your miracle kill you should

gonna be okay right we're God's already

given you it's gonna be great


I'm scared relax you just imagine that

perfect body you're going to have when

you wake up

Sarge Sarge will you look at that you

lost your mind mind heart and body my

humble offerings to the darkness I agree

she's no mere mortal but that's not the

work of the divine my friend that or

should I say those are the work of a

talented surgeon artist you should go

get her number how could you not fall

for you you have that killer combination

of hard body and puppy dogs timid or

cases with a dash of the outrageous

toxic you resist what have you done with

Cory McNamara she'll burn with passion

you'll driver to that intense climax

just as I'm slapping the cuffs on you

and booking you for sexually assaulting

a minor minor your goddess my friend

isn't even old enough to vote well she

may not even be old enough to drive

should be a felony girl looking like

that should be a felony guys like you

make him feel like they have to I heard

an interview with Howard Stern with an

eight-year-old girl who wanted

liposuction hey you listen to how it's

true my love them



look later we find we find Kelly okay we

were like to find the bleeder just find

it dang in hitfilm need you to hang in

there it was just fine it's gonna be

okay think I've got come on come on

don't go to come in come on God don't do

this to me


come on Joe come on


why am I


is what I call me



me too



if I

oh that



love it a day






God okay well I ever not feel like this

after looking at something like that

hope not I'll go talk to the chief about

keeping the media out of here for a

while girl turns up like that you mean

what's left different exactly panic

spread like a mountain brush fire hell I

can wait without your honeymoon huh as

omens go I've seen better


taylor is the victim's mother Jamie you

believe in coincidence I was at her

house maybe five days ago I took a

stolen vehicle report make any headway

uh nothing to suggest the serial

situation yeah except that he sliced her

up like she was on a deli platter

Granger's right keep checking for

similar Mo's Wow mother goes away for

the weekend when she gets back no notes

nothing missing it should her daughter

Ashley James her best friend didn't know

anything either well anything she tell

her mother no job no hobbies no family

in the area this girl's whole life was

sunset park high then I guess we know

where to start looking oh no I hid in

high school the first time always new

year hey maturity would come in handy






sorry Wow beautiful and deep when you're

so cute and so crippled what's the

matter you haven't gotten any lately

that is are you offering to help well I

think we both know that you're going to

be thinking about me later if I want to

puke I'll pack up your scrambled eggs

and don't come near me again unless

you're volunteering for a vasectomy

Madras very smooth she'll come around

they always do door Karama you look wack

its strategy you [ __ ] the best threat

is the one they don't see coming hey

well done like you though yeah maybe in

my dream but sometimes that's all a girl

like me have so we can add a sure

Richard just gonna throw up I back in

detention see you around I'm Ashley I'm



it's wrong with that picture there's

lewin nothing exactly Phillip Taylor's

mother father stolen car report two days

before Kelly's murder now maybe it was

just a hunch or maybe I just needed to

feel like I was doing something but all

of the cars that I've highlighted show

up in the same school district Sunset

Park I and all within a three month time

frame and it gets stranger several of

the cars belong to parents of girls in

Kelly's class do you think maybe she

might have stumbled upon some sort of

car theft ring could be this kind of

violent homicide doesn't fit the profile

of guys to boost cars I know very

graceful shimmery huh oh shut up and

listen FEMA Silicon Valley 1999 yeah

well the guy who's going to talk a lot

to me to you is my heroine who to about

a month ago used to dating resistance it

looks like a poser to me you should have

no problem finding them


Wow pretty impressive invention cost you

big time I got good connections I'm not

talking about the car a mass eight look

no offense just a little new kid in

school humor seriously she's pretty damn

sweet they were consider letting her go

no way anyone who so much as goes near

her is going to learn the meaning of the

word punishment and I'm not talking

about the car besides indulging in an

obvious passion for comedy what else you

guys do around here for fun I tell you

why you let me say your baby's first

ventolin should take mine do we have

talking about the car this time right

don't bet on it my man's always looking

to trade in hand up yeah pretty nice

watch you got there huh Thanks you can

just go check this arata and the other

had a Rolex congratu claims the most of

these guys have cars that our way to the

price range and girlfriends is

maintenance is even higher than the car

senator I don't really good but somehow

this group of kids seem to be living far

beyond their parents mean Bobby this is

a murder investigation what we need is

evidence and so far all we have is a

bunch of 90210 wannabes I luck may have

just turned my favorite car thief Marty

Reuben has just been trolled and can now

be found doing lube job on Dudley and

the boardwalk





long time no see fast gain some speed

Reuben must be from the looting all

those students in prison a dios mio

don't be gentle


some rissa excited yet I have I mean

come on there's always better micro

Bravo I'm signed so the car key they

know you have this I made a copy when

they were away last weekend monday

nights my father always watches football

at Shorty's club in the marina good girl

you are gonna feel so much better I

don't know it feels pretty good already

hey you sure there will be any

complication come on we're pros girlie

speaking of complications I'm kind of

worried about Kelly when I left a

million messages it just doesn't make

sense sure it is you know how her mom

will react when she finds out he

probably just went up north to stay with

her cousin until the bandages come off

you really think so by the time she gets

home my mom you'll be so relieved he's

alive you won't even notice that her

daughter's been slightly improved see

baby Siri Kelly realized everyone's got

room for improvement what's the help out



come on how come you got the kids around

11 loser damn


hurry up after Dad hey now man you

killed him it's just unconscious you

idiot why'd you have to be so wrong

let's get out of here so misteriosm

daughter Marissa not only goes to Sunset

Park which is also a close friend of

Kelly something went wrong this time and

they got cutting yeah well I'm handing

over to the hospital now with a sketch

artist it's good work Jamie I really go

see Kelly Taylor's mom some time and

trouble keeping the bad news to her

south huh she's wondering when she can

reclaim her daughter's body for the

funeral it's gotta be tough yeah how's

Granger doing well the homework is

killing him and he's failing that of

course he is let's just hope he doesn't

give a teacher's any trouble


what makes it good you do babe sex drugs

and no phone call eyes tight shut nice

wide open good morning boys and girls


and I'm glad to see today's topic in a

nerve because that maple have a very

productive discussion it's hit my nerve

all right a very big nerve somehow mr.

Curran I suspect you're exaggerating our

budding artist kind of an art Chuck hmm

now we're all quite familiar with the

practical aspects of intimacy so let's

talk about what really brings two people

together the hell was talking already

yes how about a little show-and-tell

teach that's a problem right there

because many boys your age are very

little show in a whole lot of town sex

sex is what breaks people who go sex is

good but there's a secret of making a

good relationship great i believe it's

Victoria's Secret will you guys shut up

what do you think makes a relationship

last being able to talk to the person

i'm with ok and knowing he loves me for

who I am hey if a hot babe always wants

to look sexy for me you can't tell me

that would make things left all right I

want you all to take out a piece of

paper and write down the five things

that are most important to you in a

relationship in order I'm looking at two

of them right now and I'm sure you're

talking about my eye

this one's good she your girlfriend no

that's Kelly Kelly Taylor she usually

sits next to me but she's been out sick

all week yeah I always thought so shut

up geek all right I'm sure you're not

finished with your assignment so get to




Wow sensational look out Pam Anderson

she can't compete now that she had hers

removed what are you staring at can't

blame them I mean the way you guys love

you have to be blind not to stare I feel

like I transferred into a swimsuit

catalog hey you know I I think you might

actually have some real potential

yourself please you don't have to say

that to make me feel better I learned a

long time ago that my brains what's

going to get me please so what's wrong

with putting it in a better package you

do things to improve your mind right why

stop there I mean especially when

nature's mistake can so easily be good

yeah if you have a lot of dough or your

free minded parents please do you always

drive 60 on the freeway the smart flo

understands sometimes you just have to

get a little more creative you know the

whole means end things


what did she mean by that who knows but

you're probably better off ignoring it

look I know I'm new and everything but

aren't you two supposed to be really

good friends all I'm saying is you still

have a chance not to get sucked in

we've got nothing to be embarrassed

about ashlynn you have a beautiful face

in that classic structure yeah slender

bones you've got killer calf we're just

going to do a little hip and thigh

reduction you see that do you know how

many women go through torture estab a

waistline Lincoln you see that youthful

perky luck is nice but you were meant to

be a lethal I'm the towel I'm sorry

sweetheart this is just part of my job I

just want to show you what we're going

to do ok we're going to list them give

you a little more cleavage a little more

firmness course a little more size

I changed my mind I don't think I want

to do this of course you do what woman

wouldn't want to inspire men to fantasy

rather than boredom I already have a

boyfriend I don't need this fine fun but

don't blame me for not trying to make it

work between us so this is all I comes

Jim look I know you think I'm a jerk but

I would guy hon I see it everywhere I

know it's available I'm thinking maybe I

should get it let me just think of it

like a new haircut do that in a blink

how could you even compare the two ash

don't get me wrong right I'm not asking

you to do it just for me you will feel

better you look so hot like general and

the rest forgive me for making you




I didn't know loins of love is in the

curriculum educational number what

something p I don't think you can have

any trouble in the romance department

Yeah right I mean it unfortunately only

a mature woman like you can look past my

shabby facade and see a diamond in the

rough did you ever tell Kelly Taylor me

too why so that she could feel guilty

when she had to blow me off for being

such a dork no way well that's very

considered of you but you know what they

say instrumental game hey my voice just

changed you know I'm not even going to

hit my stride until the pretty boys have

started losing their hair getting beer

bellies and going through midlife crises

it's okay I'm a patient guy I can wait

were you willing to wait for Kelly so

many other pretty girls down here yeah

if you like plastic

and Kelly was real yeah that's probably

not the one what do you mean I mean

welcome to peer pressure in the new

millennium are you saying Kelly wanted

to have plastic surgery I'm saying she

did missing subcutaneous layers from the

hypodermis she's losing skin fat the

girl had liposuction in a breast

augmentation and how does this help our

case well the corn had said that the

blood and tissue patterns indicate that

some of the work had been done after her

heart had stopped meaning he started the

surgery something went wrong so he

slices are up to make it look like a

violent homicide but he finishes the

surgery to distract attention from it

hmm so all we have to do now is figure

out who is cashing in on Team peer

pressure and insecurities so I can tell

you who the next one the cave to it will

be hi Ashley you look like you have a

lot more NIMH Eyman homework garden

variety teen eggs no biggie listen you

made what I thought were very

intelligent points the other day and I

would sure like to talk to you about him

he has some time could be the only way I

feel like I can do my job effectively is

if I know what your kids are going

through so father it changes so fast

even I can't keep up with lime supposed

to be screwed up okay well if you ever

want to get some coffee Oh before I

forget I was told to give all Telly's

assignments to you I still haven't heard

from her the stripping have strange well

I didn't at first but and has kind of

been a while it's really having any kind

of problem and Frank Meredith a guy you

really cared about ask you to change for

him would you wholesome well it depends

upon what kind of change we're talking

about I don't know like changing your

hair having plastic surgery oh well

there's a big difference between the two

of them that's what I did your boyfriend

asked you to do this

I'm just having trouble explaining to

him why it's a big deal I'm starting to

have trouble explaining it to myself I

mean why wear size to start when you can

wear a size zero right well for one game

you'd literally be whittled down to

nothing which in my opinion very

unattractive and secondly with any

surgery there's a lot of risk and least

important of a lot more expensive than a

cut in a blow dry but what if money

wasn't an issue I mean how do I tell

them it still bothers you tell them just

like that that it bothers you and that's

all that really matters except that I'll

lose him maybe that's a chance for the





I need some moves in that body and I am



cow laundry you think I'll throw another

bath like this for tickets back hey baby

I got a party for you and it's you and

it's me and there's plenty for Sutton

the train I'll grieve all the time in

case you didn't notice you were not

invited to join us which means that you

would miss out on another golden

opportunity to get to know me better

quick let's do that sweetie yes entire

movie but maybe you ought to be a little

bit more concerned about your own sad so



not now bathing am busy things

why don't you it's a starbucks that's

the long horizontal row me go upside

down crown


looks like you made yourself some

friends girl now I'm not about playing

ass-kissing as long as I make high

school survivable what does actually

celebrating you've made a life-changing

decision and it's a total rush take it

for me well i hope that rush doesn't end

up on my sister's carpet taurus jose

told you ain't doing it not after you

beat immerses dad man whatever they

loser come on over come on Russell come

on you got some stones you know that new

boy yeah well mom always did teach me to

share that's a good thing because we'd

like to share a little business

opportunity with you police knowledge

acne completely is our boy well I do

below you should ask my own business

card actually they're guests of the

council now see they got a little

overzealous with their entrepreneurial

adventures since you've shown so much

good faith and trust enough the least we

can do is return the favor I don't know

all this seems kind of sketchy you know

the only thing sketchy is you man now

you to do it I get the hell out of here



congratulations harder you passed your

the key EEP


the only question is are the guys

stealing the keys from their girlfriends

or the girl from dinner lunch is that

the guys and girls are working together

the girls tell them the guys exactly

what I'm where to take the car kids

Robbie wrong parent because they figure

the cars are covered by insurance with

the exception of julio Rios is usually

no violence to risk and they go on out

get themselves nice watches fancy cars

the ultimate Royale living Barbie doll I

want to meet the bastards cutting your

kid Bobby stealth or spread the word of

Kelly Taylor then mr for try and find

out how to get to the so called doctor

and make an appointment for another girl

loses more than just a big cat yes sir

kelly taylor was found dead on a

mysterious trip skin I just thought you

should hear it from me before the

principal made a general announcement I

don't understand how could they not know

what killed her well maybe they do and

the coroner didn't release his findings

yet look Ashley you don't know anything

else about Kelly do you I mean like was

she in any kind of trouble did you have

any problems I have to go

I just can't believe in them and I don't

mean this to sound shallow but she looks

so beautiful and she was very happy with

the work and you don't know where she

went after she left here I assume that

she had went off to see you guys if she

could show us a new and improved Kelly

maybe you should go to the police Jill

Shelly I start giving away the secrets

of the Sunset Park beauties what are you

doing you know I've got this new

European collagen treatment if it might

work on those lips you think that you

thin well not terribly sorry nevermind

no tell me please actually I better not

the treatment I have in mind is very

expensive you would look so gorgeous

well what if i gave you the same down

payment his last time

well how can I deny my own masterpiece


I knew it you freaking [ __ ] don't touch

my work Clark what's wrong what are you

doing here Jill get out of here now you

sick bastard is that what you did to

Kelly 20 like you give a damn you

couldn't dump her fast enough once you'd

see what I'd done to chill you really

did kill her it's an accident we gotta

tell the cops yes I supposed to know the

[ __ ] was a bleeder hmm why would I do

that why would I let you ruin both of

our lives something you won't be able to

do if I plunge this into your next it

will be paralyzed insects if I give you

the full dose you will be dead what do

you want for this I want you do to

understand I have a very successful

practice here and a murder conviction

would not be a good thing for me right

now or for a boy who has this whole

future in but I didn't kill her in the

eyes law you might as well have your

felonies led to her death and that makes

you my partner in crime


the cops start asking questions

I want you to have some answers prepared

nobody's asking questions are no cops

around how stupid are you because you

don't see them doesn't mean they're not

there I want you to think hard is there

anything unusual going on your school no

any new students who are acting

strangely you know I was given thought

to what you said to me the other day and

though I can never look like you I

figure few improvements could hurt right

well I think you've made the right

decision good luck well I would say when

you could steer me in the right

direction some of these cheap and

doesn't need a permission slip oh come

on i mean i know i am playing but I'm

not stupid somebody's going to be giving

you guys a volume discount or something

fine I'll hook you up but it's still

going to cost you cash and up front how

much regram I don't think I have that

kind of money got any rich relatives

uncle your ultimate Harper would you

prefer a daddy we are talking about my

car here

if I give you the green light to set

things emotions will you please just go

away a while good girl their spare set

they won't be missed my uncle Terrence

Terrence yeah I know well he works out

religiously every morning you're

probably park chemistry by goals in five

to seven will you excuse me I'm gonna go

make somebody's head explode oh this

matter sweetheart they just lunch too

perfect to town well I want to talk

about it

it's not my fault the guys stare at me

absolutely not if anything you're just

doing us a favor by letting us look at

you it inspires us yeah the violence to


mark hurt you look it's still red and it

syncs with my lip you'll turn blue and

they'll be so ugly I think that you

should probably stay away from mark if

you lays a hand on you I'm gonna have to


don't stop little good to me right now


I have into this give me one good read

hey gizzard on the rebound first of all

I'm not on the rebound from

pharmaceutics strength and second of all

my two reasons feature one


it's just stuff just basic stop please



you have no idea what you just met


you were right well well the other shoe

drops excellent guy in his right mind in

turn a girl like you down somebody who

couldn't afford to get into trouble like

a cop are you sure there isn't any other

way do the words accessory and

co-conspirator maybe thank you


so you guys one thing I'm sure as hell

not going to spend my cut off chicks

like you guys feel what's the hell are

you talking about as too high

maintenance cows the you two are so

whipped on no offense but it's not your

personalities if they're interested in

perfect in case you hadn't noticed in

exactly there's we're interested in

either touche amigo hey let me ask you a

question kind of cut your different

forget you the cake so they get one

Granger did today between 5 30 and six

right yeah 615 guess they're running

late I thought Simon was crucial relax

we'll pick up the tickets Michael left

for me than radical well all of them

except for you that is officer you

really should have taken what we offered

you Eunice come with a scalpel we should

get you to greet Libya Harvard you dip

well Danny must have donated a library

so Liam [ __ ] wouldn't realize how

unhealthy it is to kidnapping assault a

police office I don't know on the

contrary is it you're here to get your

nose thing now I haven't had my coffee

look you want someone who does it by the

book why don't we just get your mother's

permission to what if your parents say

when you came home different well the

only change is dear old dad notices are

on NASDAQ and after my mother told him

and speak to me for weeks which

considering how much he spoke to me

before wasn't even used and your mom

after initially having a cow she ran out

and got Christy Turlington his nose

Michelle Pfeiffer's lips and Demi

Moore's breasts let safe and wes is the

last one

years on her face though now she

basically looks like my older sister you

want to do either turn into Kwan now or

I'm out of here you only the other

ducklings I have an image

we're going to assume the worst 630 up

they ain't coming meaning we may have

set Granger and Harper straight into a

trap we need to get ahold of Corey I

apologize during normal business hours

i'm usually feeders doing normal lists

which is no celebrities models

housewives so i can only do my good rail

work during off-hours goodwill towards

what your Swiss bank account clever mind

too well when I'm through with you

you'll be a double threat Monica

veronese giving us Tiffany quality at

kmart prices look I don't mean to be

skeptical or anything but what if

something goes wrong or I need follow-up

care are you going to pretend you don't

know me if I have to come back here like

I've got too much at risk not to take

care of any problem

look if you guys are smart enough to

know that we're caught you ought to know

backups on the way I do for a living

murder among other things I read faces

right now yours is the only one around

here that looks


liking to all of us because Kelly was

murdered I told you I I don't know

anything Ashley you're not in trouble

here but we do need you to tell us the

truth why should I believe you actually

we don't have time don't you want it to

get the guy who killed your best friend

but we have two officers whose lives are

in danger right now that's right if you

don't tell us where the doctors offices

and they die you're going to find

yourself going into a beautiful woman

behind bars

and you hope you're not afraid of

needles no I understand you all right

are you talking about now big needle


time I get done with you no one will

recognize you okay very Brock would

you're under arrest for the murder of

Kelly Taylor pretty good couple in that

position there doc I got a feeling that

you're going to be using it a lot yeah

the good news is in prison no one will

care about the size of your needle since

you won't be given the injections


Kelly's mom asked me to give you this

not that two people to see you just jen

when you're lighter so much thank you no

thank you for helping I'm just sorry I

didn't do something sooner give yourself

a break Ashley you know sometimes

anything enough of something that's

wrong it begins you're right especially

when all of your friends are doing it

and when you're getting pressure from

the guy at all

in the plane when you're like well

unfortunately no matter how old you are

and it comes to love this really get

confused it to be true to yourself

she was so pretty yeah she was




why we're back


take a look

Wow captain




