Pacific Blue (1996–2000): Season 2, Episode 12 - Wheels of Fire - full transcript

A paraplegic shop owner agrees to testify against a Boardwalk extortion ring, but T.C.'s disdainful attitude toward him almost blows the Bike Patrol's investigation. Chris suspects a group of teenage girls of assaulting men on the beach, and Victor's in an awkward position when Jessie Palermo asks him about birth control.


sure you are not
worried about the

sergeant's exam
because I am sure you

know I am not worried about

the sergeant's exam good good

everything okay I am Sammy fine

no need to send
the girl thing but

sometimes it feels
better if you talk

about stuff you know
there is nothing to

talk about okay Chris okay

okay strong and silent I get it


be my little friend we are

hurt you do not call you don't

write you do not
send money come on

this is kind of slow
right more pain how

could you lie to us
when we take such

good care of you my
money take food for

my kids you call
not taking care of

me we protect you
from all the terrible

things that can happen

to you in this horrible world



hello SPF patrol
we've got a report of

some overexposed
skin around here go hi

jerez in a closet hey babe

watch me lick my nose so gross

look just leave us
alone okay it is too

late just love at
first sight everything

okay here these guys
think they are God's

gift to women this is
one pv3 responding

okay lover boy Surf's Up


and that is not all



hey ocular wheelie





this is one pb-7 requesting paramedics

at windward and boardwalk one

victim possible
internal injuries








well nobody saw
anything nobody heard

anything nobody
knows it yeah even the

victim says he fell
over his own stand

somebody put a
hell of a scare into

these people what
scam is this place

a little see putting
turn up a cooperative

witness what do you think

see you guys back at the station


yo bike brigade something

we could do for you sir

name's ed Tarlow I run wheels of

fire around the corner
it is a head shop I

knew you are yeah
well I know I am

low to the ground
here and all but you and

blondie about spudding
we halfway back

to Kansas and he
can't fly and I had you

covered all the
way well that is a

comfort we were
responding to a call sir

sorry if we startled
you do not flatter

yourself I just
wonder what is gonna

happen when you
mow down some kid who

is chasing a beach
ball did you happen to

see what went on
over here oh now you

want me to do your
job for you forget it

officer see you around




Hey ladies we help your dreams

dead listen um we
realized we got off to a

bad start a while ago and

we were wondering if there

we can do to make
it up to you start

by getting out of our
Sun you babes think

you are pretty hot


obviously so do you I think you are a

bunch of stuck-up Valley chicks wouldn't

know a real world no he combines

agenda oh you do not
have to look very far


maybe we were wrong
about you guys they

are kind of cute
touch pink what do you

say boys you up for a little test drive

anyway you want

to go all right on


john-boy right here all right


you guys are gonna have a great time


over here I knew just the place


you see nothing yet

now the only question is

got a lock




we have here as an
apparent protection

game run by persons
unknown we only

found one inventor
that would talk to

us off the record he
described as his big

tall and with
Russian accents the

perpetrators offer
a contract for $500 a

week or 10% of
their clients gross

the client refuses
is late or shorts of

payment his business
gets wrecked and

he gets beaten to a
pulp okay not to date

we have six vendors
in one shopkeeper

that have been
taken out in broad

daylight so no one's

willing to file a complaint

how do they expect
us to help them keep

at it we'll only one
person to stand up

can I talk to you a minute

what is up you tell
me you are tense

you are gonna snap
into people you're

preoccupied what is going

on it will not happen again

I knew your control
sergeant exam burnin

you want No so it is
personal now we're

gonna fix you here
it isn't sandy she is

thinking about leaving
La why well after

the rape she started
volunteering at

the rape crisis center
when she saw how

effective she could be a kind of a k-mer

whole life so now
she is applied to

some graduate training
program so she can

become a licensed
therapist that is great

why she have to
leave LA to do what she

really wants to
do she needs your

doctorate it is only
two schools in the

country that'll give
her one without her

masters and they are
in San Francisco and

Georgia I see your

problem she got in yet

not yet we'll know in
a couple of weeks she

does again will not
she go I do not know

I do not think she
knows well there's

anything I can do
to help I do not know

what but I will
try not to let it

affect my work
anymore fair enough

you can start with
this we got another

sitting play on that
wheels of fire time

to shut him down




the bus stop three o'clock

you are not in
school III cut lunch

period Victor I
need to talk to you

sounds important
it is absolutely

positively so
critical you wouldn't

believe it I am all
ears it is kind of

a personal thing
I was just leaving

Victor I need to
ask you a little

question and you
have got to promise me

that you will answer
me truthfully and you

will not tell that okay
far away what kind

of condoms do guys like that is

not a little question
Victor I need birth

control I didn't know

who else to talk to

well how about your

father for one oh yeah right

look dad there's this really cute guy

I'd like to sleep with
can I borrow some

rubbers okay okay I
mean but he is a very

understanding guy
Jess yeah maybe with

you with me he is
like a basic training

film from the 50s he has got

rules for everything how long

you can throw it
on the phone what

time you got to
come home at night

how many hours a day I can watch

the television even
his roles have rules

believe me I know
but Jess I mean you

are only 16 and I
am still a virgin that's

not a bad thing for you to be

look forget it I
am sorry I asked

all right but you
are the one older

person I could talk to Jess wait

tell me about this
guy he is way cool

his name's Todd
he is like this major

sensitive artist
painter and he is so

mature how mature
was almost nineteen

okay where'd you meet him oh

he busts his tables
at the waterfront

cafe chunks while
he waits for his big

break right good
look I will see what I

can do but promise
me you will not

do anything until I
get to know this guy

wait wait a minute
you are not actually

if you are not gonna
go see him are you

well usually that
is the way you get

to know somebody
all right all right

just promise you will
not mention anything

about the condoms
it'll be cool all

right and you
cannot spill a word

of this to my dad
okay pain okay fair

enough but take this

and call me if anything

comes up wait a minute scratch

what I just said just
call me okay thanks



it comes


well his officer Road
Rash and officer

roadkill brings you
to my little corner

like you do not know
a new bond for the

firehouse maybe we
are having a sale on

Roach clips mr. Charlie
the problem is

we received another
complaint about you

stealing rolling
papers to minors

and it is a load of
BS did you get this

so-called report from it was an

anonymous phone call like all the others

some misguided goody-good out to blame

me because they found a

roach in their kids lunchbox

there wouldn't be
a roach if you didn't

sell them the papers
hey I do not sell

the kids in fact I
make it a point to

cart anybody who
looks under 30 bottom

line mr. Charlie
if the complaints

do not stop you will
get a call from the

licensing board you two ever here at due

process it is an a little-known document

called the Constitution
I figure since

you are sworn to
defend it maybe I ought

to learn what it says



move back people we are sparring

Kuzco how'd I have you

didn't do this to each other

who did it the new shins dude

and his long arms
big bloodshot eyes

okay clear the way everybody

hey right these
guys are hassling

you a while ago I
do not know a little

different now just
see what happened

to them maybe they
fell off the pier I got

pushed the barges

tripped over their big mouths


I am only going to ask you one more time

what did you say
these officers did the

same thing I told
you the last time you

were here - go away and leave me alone

how can I be so
sure that it is all you

told him today the
truth I couldn't care

less now get the hell

out of my store nothing

to do we get what we came

for well I'd say
you got a problem

my friend I would say you to the prom


doing Kara just yes so so he is

completely out of it
we made our point

the point is I wasn't
finished he was it

is us in them Kara
remember whose side

do you want
sometimes I am not sure

you are the reason
we learned how to

fight in the first place yeah I know but

I used to feel like
we were fighting for

something we are
for all the women who

get abused by guys
like this but if one

of these guys goes
to the police come on

what big macho
lab monkey is gonna

say he got the crap
kicked out of him by a

bunch of girly girls
yeah I guess you are

right yeah and do
not you ever forget it


couple of big
Russians tried to work

me over and bust it
up half my stuff okay

Abin did harder
than that buy a good

idea I think just
cuz I am gonna chair

can take care of myself did

you get a look
at him of course I

did what kind of
question is that

these guys have
been operating a broad

daylight and
everybody's afraid to

give us a description
break out your pen

sweet cheeks

I will finger those
bullies down to

an eyelash I have
got our witness I'm

flattered nose like
you stopped a semi

with his face thanks
Devon I appreciate

that oh great we

got approval for the

overtime I have asked
for new coordinator

stakeout teams for
a turtle Oh shop it's

all the same to
you Tony I'd like to

bow out of this detail
any sometime with

Sandy no it is
not that it is well

actually I'd rather
not get into it okay

not okay the priority
case we are gonna

pull our share I do
not like babysitting

cop haters you do

not the like I just do it

hey Kelly not in the
mood well I wasn't

gonna ask you out
I just thought that

well maybe we got
off on the wrong foot

do me a favor and do
not get all warm and

fuzzy on me I like
our relationship

just the way it is hey
how's it going your

boys gotta back off
on the testosterone

yeah that is kind of
a design feature in

any case get used to it we are

gonna be staking your place out

not a chance man
cops hanging around

a head shop you
want to bury me don't

worry we'll be in
our civvies we gotta

protect you your
only witness not if it

means killing my
business you say

anyone testify I
said I would and I will

just keep your wheel

jockeys away from me



hey Victor hey
Jess huh hi Jess that

is it that is all you
have to say what do

you mean what what do

you mean what do I mean

my boyfriend Todd
have you checking

out yet excuse me
but I do have other

a little thing called

fighting crime for
instance can't you

just go down to
the waterfront cafe

right now and I am
just getting off duty

I believe me planned
please Victor you

did promise let me
go home and change

meet me there in an hour

okay thanks Victor bye



you got a lot of
California huh I

wouldn't live anywhere
else where else

could you get
such a prior pick it

must be something the way yeah

about a bear oh
sorry man I am not

21 but the but I will
be back in a minute

you all enough to serve coffee yeah that

I can right


man look at the
action here it must keep

me real busy on now
I really mean 19 and

minimum wage are
like two big strikes

against you it is
gotta try to crazy not

me I like him you
under anyway oh yeah

the younger the
better right you no more

my age besides I have got a full-time

girlfriend you got
a car oh yeah it

is not a van is it
and it is a minivan

actually it is a hand-me-down for my mom

I tried to fix it up like a surf

wagon it still
looks a little dorky

let's have plenty
of room in the back

well yeah I guess I
mean for the easels

and stuff but I mean
let's make it real

convenient for you
and your girlfriend

hey speak the devil
hey Jess can't sit

at the bar remember
your minor don't

remind me

hey thanks for the coffee


so isn't harvest
legally an adult works

in a bar drives a
van the guy's a dream

come true just
Victor that is not fair

I just call it the
way I see it if this

guy sleeps with
you its statutory rape

so what are you
gonna bust him no but I

guess before your
dad that is why we

are keeping him out
of this remember look I

came to you because
I thought I could

trust you I am NOT
ready to sign off on

you two just yet well
Victor um I am kind

of in a hurry here
you can always go to

your dad that is blackmail isn't

that how you got
me into this all

right all right you win okay

just do not take too long

go on

you know we could burn a few

calories if we actually
spoke to each other

I am sorry Cory I am
somewhere else but he

wishes you were
believe me I will be happy

to oblige

hi hi it is a cold
night and I figured

since I can't get
rid of might use this

thanks it is really nice

of you you are welcome

I am fine that is debatable here I said

I am fine

alright alright I give what

is with you in this guy

these druggies
driving me crazy she

was guys like IDI
Tarlov who screwed my

brother up you mean

Teddy he was like the

straightest guy
alive well except for

you maybe wasn't
always that way I

remember one night I guess I was about

15 Teddy got completely
ripped and stole

my dad's car he
proceeded to go and flip

it in a flood
control channel if it

hadn't been for
a jogger who just

happened to be
there he would have

drowned you never
told me this before

it is not something
I talk about a lot

but it is the reason
I am so black and

white on the subject
of drugs so you

mean you can't take
a cup of coffee from

an old hippie and a
wheelchair the guy

deals drug paraphernalia
in my book that

puts him one notch about the

lowlife scum who
peddle of drugs wait

what you stare



you seemeth rope I

told you they were cops

you just have to finish our business lid



thank you check it out


what is with those girls I am not sure

We Need to Talk
alone do not mind me it

is up to time you tell
me del Toro I found

this in the backseat
of my car I must

have fallen out of
Jessi's book bag the

wallet that is a
con in there isn't it

yeah right next to
your business card

what are you
implying then tenant

forget the implications
let's start the

explanation I can't
please just trust me

here I made a promise
to Jess you have a

responsibility to
me and I respect

that so I will tell you
this there's a very

simple and innocent
explanation to this

but it is not my
place to say and if you

press Jess you
just might blow it if I

do not hear something
pretty soon I will

blow it everything cool here Oh

everything is just
peachy keen come on I

got a situation too fat looks

like I fell out of
a jello mold Oh

too skinny a good breeze

that take him out hmm what

about him nobody's
glasses no fair

arrest guys I am
getting so tired of your

whining you are the one who got attacked

Cara remember then
I should be the one

to say when I have
gotten even well then

who is gonna stop
them they will keep

on abusing women
because they can I've

heard the rap
Nicky and I used to

believe it but your
pay past that this

is a retaliation it
is hunting you are

doing this because
it gets you off are

you getting in my
face now Oh what are

you gonna beat me
up now ladies ladies

incoming at 3
o'clock miss American

passion on my Beach
huh what is going on

you wanna judge the town oh it would you

God baby will not you

okay give me
some room to stretch

out sorry man i got
orders to stick to you

like milk yes for
this was your idea

remember you
think I want to babysit

something broken-down druggie hey back

off by quiet officers
drugs no but you

help kids do them
and I do not know which

ones first listen I
talked I do not sell

the bynars and if
adults want to buy my

stuff it is still a
free country for the

moment come on
let's see how fast you

can go loser leaves the boardwalk











are you guys nuts you

could have killed somebody

by the way I won okay
you ever come near

me again and I will
never testify you got

that straight just stay away from me


well that went well come

on let's get you another bike



come on Cara get a piece

all right hold it turn

around turn around

down easy to make
this rough on yourself

down on the ground
hands behind your

head lesbian mono no sweat

man you see the
other guy look like


if much you have been
seen in the company

of a very bad element
you nose cops do

me a favor get rid
of them for me with

would be you are
planning on testifying

against us and do not

worry about boys that never

happen what you understand

we have to make sure


let's go


my left arms



folks step back please

yet how you doing there's a home Harper


so we got a straight
behind the shops

with an alley and
several side streets

that run east to west both times

you have lost and we lost them

up the back street
what if they never

left what if they are
ducking into a back

entrance or one
of these businesses

along here maybe
that explains how they

keep track of all the protection

contracts if they
were actually here

right here all in
time we got a serious

problem too you see
lieutenant look I'm

sorry I let my
personal feelings affect

my judgment endangering innocent

civilians you are
getting in tarlowe

killed Walker he
doesn't sue us blind

yeah well that
tarlowe is just looking

to stick it to the
cops you obviously

do not know his story he is

a cop hater what is to know

it is also a war hero received a Bronze

Star with a V but
this thing was service

cross oh is that
how he ended up in a

wheelchair that is
the irony of it man

through the war
just fine but Vietnam

changed him became a leader in the

anti-war movement he was given a speech

on the cops moon
with riot gear and

tear gas and the
smoke cleared its spinal

cord had been damaged

he never walked again


the girls get to
walk what we caught

him dead to rights
well they claim the kids

assaulted them and
they were defending

themselves that is
bull yeah well we know

that but Nicky Danes
father's a hotshot

attorney and the
kid will not give an

opposing statement
besides he is got a

record what do you
think the DA's gonna

believe hey check this out

Kara Fisher found
a sexual assault

charge two years
ago claims she was

drugged and nearly
raped at a party

there was insufficient
evidence and the

guy got off on a
misdemeanor assault

your basic slap
on the wrist so you

figure a revenge
thing makes sense only

she is Elise aggressive
of the bunch but

when you want to break a chain


stop yes she does
and I will dad um

what are you doing
here I live here you're

supposed to be at
the station except

I am home now who might you be

a Tod sir Jessie's boyfriend Todd

Jessie's boyfriend you have a

three-count one okay

later just Victor
that rat what is

Victor got to do
with this I went

to him for some
help with Todd and he

swore he wouldn't
say anything what a

liar Victor never
said a thing Jesse

what kind of help
were you asking him

for you do not want
to know yes I do

was this little
floorshow his suggestion

no and as a matter
of fact he said I

should wait and not
get pressured into

anything that I wasn't ready for

that sounds like
pretty good advice

yeah I thought
so too is that why

you left this where
I'd be sure to find it

no come to your rescue No

look I do not know



anyways I am glad he did

you and me both



she knows we are here doesn't

look like your friends do know

I'd like to find a way to split care off


I do not know is this expensive


my back I have an idea

I just want to say
thanks for taking

such good care of
my daughter so you're

not mad just happy
she has a friend

she can turn to when
she takes your old

man's to have
time to listen on you

uptight or we should
get that idea don't

push it okay but thanks anytime


do you believe it uh I

always thought mines with the

bottom of food chain

what do you want I know you were

sexually assaulted
a few years ago and I

know the guy want
but you can't go

around hammering
men for revenge we have

a right to defend ourselves what you're

doing is not self-defense

it is a salt Jamie
where is Kara I do not

know well I I told
you to keep an eye on

her oh let me go you I am great come on

Kara you are the
only one that can

stop this thing Jamie
and Nikki are gonna

take you right down
with them please

they are my friend
no they are not

I am sorry I can't do

this just leave me alone

there she is


where were you Kara she

is been talking to the cops

isn't it obvious no I swear I

didn't tell her
anything I think it's

every living to hit
it back off man I

want no part of your
noise look acting

like a complete
idiot okay and now

you are gonna make
this big speech and

I am supposed to
kiss you right well

not without dinner in
a movie look what do

you say we work together this time huh

what suck Populus it is nothing

nothing just that we
have a right to defend

ourselves all right tough guys - I won

come on give me your best shot


you okay yeah
thanks thanks a lot

you want to thank
me testify yeah I can

do that


there's no need for
that guys I decided

to pay off you have
come to your senses

duh I knew you are a smart man

yeah but funny
thing just like that I

changed my mind but you

heard me Porsche breath no deal

tough break put it

down nice and slow

put the gun down get down on the ground



one down one coming your way




sorry we are closed bad for

pig you are gonna make me cry


we are going straight
to the mall then

grab a couple
burgers maybe catch a

movie and then I
will have her straight

back here I will have
her home by 11:00

sir no sweat thought

I know I can trust you

to take good care
of her oh yes sir

yeah let's stop with
the sir routine huh we

can be on a first-name basis my first

name is lieutenant so Todd

what are you driving tonight

my mom's Volvo my
vans in the shop make

sure it stays in hey
are you ready yeah

you look great I mean she

looks relaxed she
does look great

hey Todd why do not you

go start the car all right sure

hey good night lieutenant I will be up at

11:00 dad thanks for being so nice to

Todd nice seems like a nice

guy you are happy I am happy

I am and thanks
for trusting me like

my skin Oh a next
time you see Victor tell

him thanks for being
such a great friend

and not telling me
that I was planning

on having sex with

Todd okay dad good night



