PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (1996–2000): Season 2, Episode 4 - Communion - full transcript

These stories are inspired
by the actual case files

of the Office of Scientific
Investigation and Research.

Oh yeah, you're looking good.
Like a lean, mean growing machine.

Don't worry,
there's moisture level in your soil.

What are you doing, Alan?

Uh, nothing.
Just taking some measurements of my wheat.

Alan, when I agreed to let you use
our facilities for your hobby...

Uh, Miss Whitney, it's not a hobby.

No, I'm sure that your research is perfectly
valid, but Montex is not a charity.

And right now I need you working on
the pheromones for Maribel Cosmetics.

We have to show them something in a week.

You'll have it, I promise.

Don't make me look bad, Alan.

Because if I look bad, we all look bad.
Do you understand?


And if you're last out tonight,
try not to set off the alarms again.

What happens when an
extraordinary occurrence

bestows an exceptional
capability upon an individual?

Can the person learn to control this power,
or might the power control him?

So come on, tell me the truth.

I mean, you guys really get
paid to do this stuff?

We receive reports and investigate,
just like you, Sheriff.

Sorry, Detective.

Last time I checked, I wasn't looking
for anyone from the planet Zontar.

Gee, nobody said it was aliens.

UFOs is all I've been hearing.

Nine sightings, bright lights, they hover,
they disappear at great speeds,

and now the captain comes to me and he
tells me that you guys are on the case.

Hey, we don't go in looking for weird stuff.
Sometimes it just finds us.

A little bit of advice to you guys.

You'd be very sure these Martians do not
blast you guys with their slime guns?

Thanks, but in my experience,
Martians usually favor ray guns.

Yeah, whatever.

Ray guns.

Gotta love these guys.

So I'm sitting here trying to watch the
tube and then bang, instant daylight.

This bright, bright light seemed
to sweep over the building

and toward the parking
lot in the back.

Did you go outside
and check things out?

Yeah, but I didn't see anything.

Did you hear anything like
an airplane, a helicopter?

Nope, just the light show.
It came and went.

What time did this happen?

After the news,
the first one was around 11.30.

The first time?

Yeah, that's the crazy thing.

It happened all again
about seven hours later.

That's interesting.


Yeah, uniform high gamma waves
across the whole parking lot.

Is it dangerous?

Well, the levels are dropping,
but they're still too high for my liking.

The only things that are clean are these
cars that have been here since this morning.

How many cars have been
parked here overnight?

Just that one.

Wow !

You ever seen anything like this?

Looks like the plants grew from
seeds embedded in the asphalt.

Maybe it was a prank of some sort.

Not the whole parking lot's radioactive.

Maybe the company
leaked the radiation.

I wonder why this
was here overnight.

This might have
something to do with it.

The vehicle is owned by Alan Trombley,
an employee at Montex.

Now there's something
you don't see every day.

I wonder if Trembley saw it.

Well, according to security records,
he was the last one to sign out at 11.32 p.m.

around the time of the first occurrence.

And guess who was the first one to
sign back in at 6.44 this morning?

He was an eager beaver.

- Let's talk to Alan Trembley.
- Right.

Radiation? No.

We deal primarily in organic chemicals.

And people like Alan Trembley.

Our strength is our research chemists.

Oh, really?

Actually, when I was brought
in to turn this company around,

I hadn't really realized how hard
that part of the equation would be.

Try to get high-strung
scientists to follow the rules.

You know what I mean.

I understand perfumes and fragrances
is a real dog-eat-dog world, huh?

Cutting-edge research.

Well, it's a multi-billion dollar industry.

So if a scent works, everybody wants it.

Gentlemen, I've been instructed to
give you full access to the facility.

But my people work under tight security,
so your discretion would be appreciated.

A man's word.

All right. Goodbye.

Alan Tremblay?

Hi. Matt Prager..

Peter Axon.
Nice to meet you.

It's yours?

Yeah, how did...

Oh, who are you?
Are you from Mirabel Cosmetics?

No, we're investigating reports of several
sightings in and around the area last night.

I'm sorry, sightings?

Yeah, my sentiments exactly.

What's this? Hormone synthesis?

Oh, yes.

Uh, I'm synthesizing human pheromones
for a perfume company.

Love is in the air, huh?

If successful, it'll cause a few more
mismatched people to ruin each other's lives

over a chemical attraction.

Tell me about it.

Three X-Ys.


So what's this?

Don't tell me you're synthesizing
pheromones out of wheat.

That's my personal project.

It's hardy as winter wheat and able
to resist all the major diseases.

Rust, barley, yellow dwarf,
virus, spike blight, you name it.

And it'll yield three crops a
year without leaching the soil.

If I'm successful,
it'll grow anywhere.

Sounds like you're
going to be a rich man.

Well, it's not about the money.
It's about making a difference.

It's a great dream.

Oh, no, it's no dream.
I'm almost done.

let's get back on track here.

Something happened in the parking lot
last night around the time you left.

Did you see anything?

No, I drove home.

Ate some dinner and went to bed.
Nothing exciting.

Nobody said anything
exciting happened.

What did you have for dinner?
Do you remember?


I know. I know. I know.

Mr. Tremblay, are you all right?


Excuse me, I should get back to work.

Okay. Thanks for your time.


We found seeds throughout the
entire parking lot, but dormant.

They've probably been in the asphalt
since it was laid four years ago.

Any chance Trembley's developed
some sort of super fertilizer?

There's no evidence of it in
the cuttings or the soil below.

I'm wondering if this is some form
of subconscious psychokinesis.

It is. It's one for the textbooks.

Affecting living organisms.

Let's think this out.

Something caused the
high radiation levels.

And then the bright lights.

If it walks like a UFO
and talks like a UFO...

Then you've got a hit movie.

Trembley's shape fits this shape.
He's connected somehow.

Let's talk to him again.

Mr. Trembley?


Hello? Anybody home?

Look at this place !

Look at this !

Wow !

Alan ?

Oh my God !
Are you all right ?

I can't make the sound go away.

Please make it go away.

Please !

Make it go away.


at the count of three,

you're going to wake up,

feeling relaxed

and refreshed.




How are you feeling?

Awful, like I haven't slept in weeks.

What's the matter with me?

Physically, you're in excellent condition.

But I can't explain your
memory loss just yet.


We'll get you unhooked.
I'll be back in a minute.

You're gonna be okay.

What you got?

He's suffering from
superficial radiation burns.

They're consistent with exposure to
the levels we found in the parking lot.

I've been trying to
access his deep memories,

but with conventional hypnosis,
I haven't had any luck.

This is a recording of
the brain mapping we did.

No one knows where
memory is stored,

but we can at least track the
patterns of activity in the brain.

Now, look at this.

See, neurons fire in the normal
course as Trembley accesses memory.

But watch what happens when I ask
him what he experienced last night.

See, it's as if something was blocking
access to that part of his brain.

His boss really seems paranoid
about industrial espionage.

Any chance the block was planted?

Possibly, but I find it very
hard to conceive of anything

so sophisticated it could isolate
and block specific memories.

It's hard to imagine flowers growing
out of asphalt in the shape of a human.

Alan, have you ever heard of psychokinesis?

You mean like bending spoons?

Sure, that's one aspect of it.

Certain people have the ability to affect
things purely with the power of their mind.

In your case, Alan, you may have achieved
some connection with living organisms.

Something happened to you last night.


There were flashes of things.


No, I remember going home.

We checked with your neighbors, Alan.
You didn't.

So I must be hallucinating.

It's like I can't even trust
my own memories anymore.

What is it?

You're going to think I'm losing it,

Earlier today in my lab,
my wheat plants, it's like...

They were reaching out to me.

Are you saying there
was a communication?

I'm not sure.
I saw them move.

It seemed like they did.

What's happening to me?

Here, at the rear quarter
of the temporal lobe,

it's almost as if Tremblay's brain
was rewired at a cellular level.

Hardly your normal brainwashing techniques.
You see any way around it?

If I can introduce a synthetic
neurotransmitter into his system,

we might be able to break through
to the information that's concealed.

What are we talking about here?
Mental drain-out?

Is it risky?

all clinical procedures have risk.

But there's nothing in his medical workup
that would counter-indicate the procedure.

We should let him decide.

This is in order to help you.

Alan, we're trying to help you.

Look, we think we may be able to find out
what happened to you during your memory loss.

You think?

Well, we're not absolutely sure, but...


You said your plants were
trying to communicate with you.



Well, there were bright lights
observed in the area last night.

What are you saying?
I saw a UFO?

Whatever that light was,
it may be the root of your problems.

If it is, in fact, a problem,
it may be something wonderful.

Please, Alan.

I don't know. I... I...

You okay?

If you're having any second thoughts
about this, we can stop right now.


I want to know what happened to me.

Spoken like a scientist.

Now you're going to feel foggy at first,
but then things will become very clear.

Alan ?

Can you hear me?


Where are you?

I'm outside.

How are you feeling?


I'm walking to my car.

There's a wind.

What we're looking for is in that
blocked area, I'm sure of it.

What do you see?

I see...

I see a light.

Look into the light, Alan.

It's too bright, it hurts my eyes.

I'm cold, but...

I'm burning at the same time.

I scream, but I can't hear.

Then I'm inside.

I can't see them,
but I know they're there.

It's... like they're part of the light.

I see them.

What do they look like?

Beautiful, so beautiful.

They speak to me and...

I hear them.

They're communicating with you?

We are one.

But they are so... perfect.

What do they want, Alan?

They want to help me.

Teach me.

Teach you?

They see my dream, they know...

... what I'm doing wrong with the wheat.

We broke through?
Did you see that?

I saw something,
I'm not sure what.



And what, Alan?

Cerebral hemoragy.

He's in cardiac arrest !
Get the paddles, quickly !


Charge !


- Ready !
- Clear !

He's still flatlining.


Charge !

- Ready !
- Clear !

We're losing him.

Adrenaline, quickly!

Standing by with the epinephrine.

One ml.


Adrenaline hit,

in three, two...

Wait !

What happened?

Why are you all looking at me?

Is everything okay?

Spontaneous aneurysm.
Inexplicable heart failure.

Look, Matt, I took all the precautions.
This should not have happened.

It looks like it didn't.
You sure he's okay?

Better than okay.
Now he's as good as new.

Mr. Prager, if it's alright with you,
I'd like to go now.

You sure?

Thank you.

I have to check in at the lab and
then go home and feed my fish.

Life stuff.

Alan, what happened in
there was truly remarkable.

We may need you to come back to
the central lab for more tests.

No. No more tests.

There's a chance it
might happen again.

I think I'll be fine.

I'm going to go now.

I'll walk you back.

Thank you.

Have you seen this brain and
heart repaired themselves?

How's that possible?

It isn't.

But nothing associated
with Mr. Tremblay is.

So tell me more about
your weed experiments.

Oh, like you said,
it's just a dream.

You know, when I was a grad student,

I always thought I'd go
into medicine like my dad.

Sometimes I wonder...

The road not taken.

Yeah, something like that.

You really think you can make this
world a better place, don't you?

Yes, I do, Peter.
I really believe I can.

Hang in there.

Mr. Axon, Peter, you've been
to South America recently.

Yeah, I have.

This is amazing.
You have to see a doctor, right away.

What are you talking about?

It's a parasite.
You picked up a parasite.

How do you know that?

You told me.
The parasite told me.

Case log update.

Dr. Hendricks makes
quite a persuasive case

that Alan Tramblay has
the ability to manipulate

and change the physical
structure of his own body.

The full extent of his
abilities is still unknown.

Prager out.

Hello, lady.

Keep away those nasty aphids.

Antamoeba histolytica.

Amoebae that attack the colon and liver.

Quite virulent, in fact.


You know, he's really tapped
into something special.

It took Anton a full blood workup
to find out I had a parasite.

I mean, he knew it just
from touching my hand.

You're saying he can communicate
with animal and human selves?

Absolutely. Just the way the
aliens communicated with him.

And that means he can cause
change in living organisms.

Well, he repaired his heart.

I mean, I think we ought to
bring him in for more tests.

Hang on.

You got to take it easy.

I'm fine.
Anton gave me antibiotics.

Okay, but first sign of anything weird,
you're in quarantine.

All right, all right.

Mr. Prager.

Before you send me the principal's office,
we're almost finished.

- Pete, there's nothing here.
- Oh, there's got to be something

Oh my...

What the hell is that ?

No cute no for sure,
but I'd say it started out as a ladybug...

And it ended up as an
extra from a *** lunch.

Hey, you mind if we take
this off your hands?

No, be my guest.

Pete, would you do the honors?


Yeah, I want lab 173 sealed.
Nobody goes in but me.

No, Mr. Trembley no longer works here.

Oh, hey !

Man's having some problems,
but that's no reason to can them.

This is my division and I will
run it however I see fit.

I would like both of
you out of here now !

Yes, yes...

I understand.

Gee, too bad it died on us.

Would have made one hell
of a conversation piece.

It still will.
Any idea what killed it?

There's no reason why it was
alive in the first place.

What do you mean?

Here. You see these?

They're supposed to circulate air
through the body via the trachea,

but most of them are dead ends.
They're not even connected to anything.

Now look. Here.
You see this?

The food comes in okay,

but there's no connection between
the midgut and the hindgut.

Like, it doesn't come out anywhere.

Well, how'd it grow to this size?

You ask me, it looks like the
cells have been magnified.

What about the
mutations and growths?

Well, it's like this insect has been taken
apart and then reassembled all wrong.

Mr. Tremblay,
I'm afraid you're not allowed inside.

What are you talking about?
I work here.

Not according to Miss Whitney.

You can't do this!

Let me in!

I'll have to ask you to
leave the premises, sir.


Mr. Tremblay!

Don't make me call the police.

No, of course not.

Thank you.

Mr. Prager, back so soon ?

Uh, yes.
I need to see Ms. Whitney again.

Sure, I'll take you to her.

No, that's okay.
I'll... I can find my way.

Don't touch those!

I thought I told you
to stay out of here.

Why did you do it?

Do what?

Fire me! Lock me out of my lab!
It's unacceptable!

Your lab? Mr. Prager?

You have no right!

I've done nothing wrong.

We have done everything
we could to cooperate.

Now, I want you out of here right now.

No !

I want my plants back!


Oh no !

Okay, let's assume something or someone
could influence individual cells,

somehow rearrange them.

There'd be billions of
cells to image and revise.

If it was Tremblay,

he wouldn't have the capacity to hold that
much information at once in his mind.

Yeah, but that might
account for the mutations

in the more complicated life
forms like the ladybug.

He simply may not have the
capacity to control it.

In your opinion, does he need the
physical contact to make the connection?

Oh, absolutely.
He has to touch them.

Are you worried about what
Tremblay may have done to you?


Have you noticed
anything abnormal?

To tell you the truth,

I don't think anything's too
normal about me to begin with.

I'm okay, really.



Up until yesterday, Tremblay wasn't able to
communicate with living organisms, right?

As soon as Anton broke
through that memory block,

it was like he was able
to access this new power.

That's maybe when he felt
he was able to understand

and control his contact
with these other organisms.

Then there's the near-death
experience he had.

You have the bright light,

you have the feeling of being in the
presence of some benevolent being.

You know, these occurrences are
all in keeping with other reports.

Uh, alien abductions?

Well, I didn't say it,
but since it's out on the table...


Everybody's looking for
something to believe in.



Maybe he found it.

What now?

Mr. Prager.

Alan Tremblay's boss, Miss Whitney,
just turned up dead.

Oh, my God.

You're under arrest for murder.

I've got ten people who confirm my
whereabouts for the last six hours.

Yeah, right.

Ten people who work for you,
chasing down little green men.

We really should be
doing this downtown.

Doing what downtown?

There's a number you can call.

Don't even start with that.

Oh, I know you got government juice.

That don't count for squat right now.

I got a videotape of you
entering the building.

We've got an eyewitness
who says he let you in.

What'd you do to her anyway?

Some kind of asset or something?

What is it? A cult thing?

You're really beginning
to piss me off.

This is my world we're in right now,

There's no ghosts,
there's no aliens.

Just people who kill people and me
trying to figure out who did it.

Look, I'm doing my job and
you're doing your job and...

If I wasn't on the business
end of these handcuffs,

I'd be in total
agreement with you.

So, if you didn't kill this woman,
who did?

I don't know.

Well, I don't care who you think you saw.
It wasn't Prager.

And we can back that up.

Yeah? Well, the police have the
security tape that proves it was him.

Time-coded and everything.

Are all the entrances and
exits automatically recorded?

Sure. Miss Whitney's a...

That is to say,
she was a bare-butt security.

And you've got backup copies
of these surveillance tapes.

You think we could have the tape
that covers the last 24 hours?

In your dreams, pal.
You want me to lose my job?

Look, um, pal.

The way the cops are
saying things now,

you're the guy who let the
killer through security.

And if we can prove
Mr. Prager innocent,

then you're off the hook,



There you go.

It's your boy splashed
all over the screen.

Take a look at this.

See the time code?

Trembley was denied access
to his lab less than a minute

before Prager supposedly entered.

Notice what Trembley's wearing.

Now watch.

Same pants, same shirt, same tie.

He just took his coat off.

She had just fired him,
so you've got a man with a motive

and the power to do what was
done to that woman's body.

Changed his face?

Look, this isn't gonna have anything
to do with flying saucers, is it?

I was afraid of that.

Stay out of here on the com-link.

If there's trouble,
send it Starsky and Hutch.

Watch yourselves, okay?

Yeah, we plan on it.

Forgot how much
handcuffs can hurt.

Don't ask.

Further update.

After a few well-placed calls
to Detective Waller's superiors,

he agreed to release me and to allow us the
first examination of Trembley's apartment.

Prager out.

Okay, I'm inside.

Copy that.

Mr. Tremblay ?


We want to help.
The police are waiting outside.

Help me, what?
Go to prison?

Don't come any closer !

Don't make me hurt you, Peter.

You know what I'm capable of.

You're not gonna hurt anybody,

That's not what this gift is for,
you know that.

Lindsay, we got this situation
under control. Just, uh...

Just give us a few minutes.

They found Tremblay.

Good. We're going in.

Hold it. You don't know what
it is you're dealing with.

Your people cannot be inside
there with a murder suspect.

You understand?

This is not your typical murder suspect.
You saw what he did to Whitney's body.

Let us handle it.

I didn't mean to hurt Ms. Whitney.

I couldn't control it.

And you can now?

Yeah. I...


Oh, I thought...

Alan, we think we understand why some of
the organisms you changed have mutated.

It's the human brain, Alan.

It doesn't have the volume to
re-image complex life forms.

Come back with us.

We can help you.

You can't help me.

How do you know ?

Can you hear them?

No, of course you can't.

What are they saying, Alan?

They're thanking me.

You still don't understand,
do you, Mr. Prager?

I can...

...communicate with living cells.

You broke your arm
when you were seven.

But it didn't heal properly.

How did you know that?

It's a good thing you quit smoking.

Oh !

Oh my !

I can tell you what
you're gonna die.

Do you wanna know how you're
gonna die, Mr. Prager?


I'm scared.

I'm afraid to touch
anyone or anything.

I have to learn how to
control this power, but...

...I can't do it here.

You know, screw this waiting around.
I'm going in.

Lindsey, Axon's down!

I knew it!

What the hell's going on here?

Where's Tremblay?

Go for me !

Take me with you !

Please !

Final case log.

Matthew Prager reporting.

After an extensive police
search on ground and by air.

Alan Trembley has not been located.

Miss Whitney's death has been attributed
to an unfortunate chemical accident.

After intense medical testing,
Peter Axon and myself

were cleared of any effects
from our contact with Trembley.

Prager out.

The phenomenon encountered
in case file 245-208

indicated a synchronization between one
man and the living cells around him.

Perhaps whatever Alan Tremblay was exposed
to triggered this strange communion,

stimulating an untapped psi ability
known as Clair-sentient diagnosis.

We may never know, as the answers to
these questions disappeared with him.

For Psi Factor, I'm Dan Aykroyd.

Subtitle made by Adr1an