PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (1996–2000): Season 1, Episode 15 - The Greenhouse Effect/The Buzz - full transcript

The Greenhouse Effect - A family has a gorgeous and verdant greeenhouse, but one day, the plants grow into the son's bedroom and bind him to his bed...

These stories are inspired
by the actual case file

of the Office of Scientific
Investigation and Research.

Jane, where's the morning paper?
Have you seen it?

You can't start the day without making
sure the rest of the world is still there.

I haven't picked it up
off the front porch yet.

The plants, they've consumed your life.

Well, call it sublimation
for my real agenda.

A baby?

Jane, we've been over this again and again.

Greg's going off to university
in a couple of years.

Finally, there's light
at the end of the tunnel.

For you, it may be cold, but my biological
clock isn't even ticking anymore.

The alarm is going off.
I want to have a baby.

I think the plants and Greg
are a big enough handful.

And look around you.
You make Martha Stewart look like an amateur.

Then I remember the time when every
plant you taught to die within a month.

And I remember when you
never made breakfast.

Oh, my eggs!

Go, go, go wake up Greg.
I'll save your omelette for you.


Greg, let's go! I made eggs!

Greg, don't tell me
you're passing up a meal.

Come on, kiddo.
No sleeping in.

Oh, my God !

Greg ! Oh, my God !

Greg !

Greg, are you okay ?

Come on.

Animals are not the only
carnivorous organisms in our world.

Certain plants like the bladderwort, the
venus flytrap, and the Malaysian pitcher plant

have the ability to consume
meat to stay alive.

The OSIR has been confronted with many strange
occurrences in its 30 plus years of activity.

The consolidation of plants,
seeming to attack humans for sustenance,

has to be one of the most
intriguing cases ever.

I cancelled two lectures
to come up here.

Greg's in the hospital.
Shock and asphyxiation.

Covering the entire bed, you say?

Like something out of
a Stephen King novel.


Oh, my God !

Adrian, what is happening to my son's room?

I don't know.

I've never seen anything like it before.

All different species all growing out of...

It's impossible.

I'll have to have a sample.

Get out of the room now, Cole.

Unbelievable !

The case file number 984141,
case manager Connor Doyle.

After being contacted by a member of McGill
University's biological sciences department,

we've arrived at the site of an apparent
botanical phenomenon that has manifested itself

in the home of Jane and Cole Conacher.

Their 16-year-old son, Greg,
remains under close medical observation

after being attacked by the phenomenon.

Has it been getting any worse?

No one's been back upstairs.

I haven't looked in that room since
Adrian and I went in two days ago.

And the plants seem to entwine
your son while he slept?


They just came up through the floor vents.

Greg didn't have a chance.

He's a tough kid, though.
He'll be fine.

What are you guys going to do about this?

We need to talk to a few other people
before we go in and have a look.

I'll talk to whoever you want,
have a look, then get rid of it.

Because scientific breakthrough or not,
I want that jungle out of my house.


I've never seen or heard

of a grouping of different botanical species
infesting a local environment like that.

Do you know what the vine
was that grabbed your wrist?

Typical hedera helix, ordinary
household ivy, nothing exotic or hybrid.

But it had extraordinary strength.

It cut off my circulation almost instantly.

Did you attempt any further
examination after that?

Look, I'm a biology professor.

I give lectures and I fight for grant money.

Your organization, on the other hand,

has a reputation for
dealing with the extreme.

Could those plants have somehow
come from the greenhouse?

I don't see how that's possible.
Everything was just the way I left it.

I take meticulous care of my garden.

I would know immediately if there
was any change in the plants.

if that's the source of the phenomenon...

Dr. Lungier, dial 114, please.
Dr. Lungier, dial 114, please.

Hi, Greg. How you doing?


So, what happened the other night?

They attacked me.

The plants in your room?

No, I don't have any plants in my room.
They must have come from somewhere else.

Why don't you just tell us what happened?

Greg, he needs to know.

About six o'clock in the morning, I felt something
holding me down like a rope or something.

And then it started choking me and holding
me down with his vines and it started...

I couldn't breathe!

They were so alive,
but they had a mind of their own.

Case log update.

As a safety precaution, the Conacher
family has agreed to vacate the premises

until the situation can
be brought under control.

This is Doyle,
Axon and Donner, do you copy?

We copy, Connor.

We're heading upstairs now.

Picking up

increased heat signatures from the room.

From plants?

They can increase a room's
temperature by building up humidity

and trap the heat from the sun, a sort of

miniature greenhouse effect.

A multitude of botanical species,
just like they said.

Temperature's abnormally high in here,

Get a sample, guys.
We'll regroup after we examine it.

Copy that.

Peter !

It's reacting !

Let's get that back to the lab.

Any results?

The liquid nitrogen
killed the vine instantly.

We've been running tests
on the sample all morning,

but there's still nothing to explain
the plant's accelerated growth.

You know, those plants had
Lindsay entangled in a second.

Something's making them aggressive.

Could be we're dealing with some sort of
psychokinetic effect, maybe a family member?

Medical team says the witnesses are normal.

There's nothing unusual in either the physical
or psychological assessments of the Conachers.

There's something I want
you to have a look at.

I'm wondering if we could be dealing with
some form of accelerated genetic mutation.

This cutting is pretty badly damaged
due to the liquid nitrogen blastitude.

But we did find something
interesting in the stem.

Have a look.

Organic waste.

Residue from some sort of foreign matter.

Can you identify it?

Not here. We have to send it off to the
central out for a detailed analysis.

Put a rush on it.
Start environmentals, full spectrum scanning.

Infrared and thermal scans online,
right on the house.

Wait a minute.
Are those readings correct?

Temperature's way up on
the structure itself.

I can't get a fix on the movement.

It's all over the place.

What the hell's going on in there?


They seem to be growing
exponentially so fast.

You can see their progress.

I count at least ten
different species in there.

Stronger vines seem to
be blazing the trail,

and the other plants are
consolidating their position.

They're working together ?

Looks like their focus is the
flooring and the walls of the bedroom.

Can we just take a sample from here?

Well, I'd prefer one from the
scene of the attack itself.

That's where they display
the most aggression.

All right, let's try to get
another cutting from the bedroom.

Looks like we found the source.


We're standing on it.

Case log update, day two.

We've determined the
source of the plant growth.

A concentration of botanical life is formed
underneath the greenhouse and appears to be

assimilating sections of
the main house itself.

These plants aren't coming from the
greenhouse, but actually underneath it.

They have a new access point into the house,
through the basement.

Is there any apparent reason for their sudden
disappearance from the second floor bedroom?

It's possible we could be dealing
with some sort of group intelligence.

Well, we damaged a section of the
mass the last time we were inside.

Perhaps it collectively retreated.

Change in tactics.

Practical theories?

You know, I heard a xenobiologist speak at a
genetics conference last year in Melbourne.

He had the entire room convinced that the
Venus flytrap was of extraterrestrial origin.

I've heard the theory, ancient meteor
damage near certain plant sites.

The evidence was pretty compelling.

Botanical life forms could be tenacious
enough to survive a hard free fall from space.

The point is that there may be species of plant
life out there that have mysterious origins.

We won't know exactly what
we're dealing with, until we go and...

... we get a substantial living cutting.

Preferably with the root systems intact.


We'll re-enter the site, but with protective
gear and liquid nitrogen on hand, just in case.

This house belonged to an
established Quebecois family.

We bought it after the last
of their old money died out.

We thought it would be a challenge
to take an older house, fix it up.

You haven't experienced anything
strange in the house before this?

No. No, nothing.

I mean, the real estate agent who sold us the
place did happen to mention that it was haunted.


The ghost of some old guy
who won't rest in peace

or the spirit of some rum
runner who died tragically.

It's just a sales technique.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
you don't really think...

We have no answers yet.

Only the phenomenon itself.

But we never discount any
information that might come our way.

Even old poltergeist stories? Come on.

Maybe it's true. Cole, how can you know?

Because I haven't seen my TV set become
a portal of hell yet, that's why.

But you have seen your son almost
killed by attacking plants.

When can we come home?

I can't tell you that.

We haven't been able to identify
or control the outgrowth just yet.

But you will, eventually. Right?

It hasn't moved again, has it?

Scans indicate there's
definitely something down there.

We're going down.

The sheer mass of the plants must have
cut off the power coming to the house.

Yeah, it's a good idea to come
in here with minimal lights.

I don't think these guys
need any help growing.

Shh. Listen.

You hear that sound?

Are we recording this?

In stereo.

All right, Lindsay, take the sample.

Easy now. We just need one little piece.

I guess they're in a better mood today.


Freeze them!

- Get them off me!
- She's too close!

- Aim at the face!
- No, Peter ! Don't...

You okay, Lindsay?

I'll survive.

Nothing a night off and
a hot bath couldn't cure.

Well, what do you think?

*** ?


Doyle better see this.

And nice work.

It's fascinating.

I guess you could say that.

Well, Central Lab confirmed the findings.

The first cutting we took
revealed traces of organic waste.

We now know where it came from.

A horde of microscopic parasites are
infesting the stem of the second sample.

What are they?

They're a life form I've
never encountered before.

They appear to be some hybrid
of a parasitical insect.

They're using the plants as hosts.

Their waste seems to act as
some kind of a super fertilizer,

causing the plants to
grow at a phenomenal rate.

What about the underground growth?

I thought plant life required
photosynthesis to sustain itself.

Well there are rare cases
of subterranean botany.

Underground locusts have been
unearthed in Western Australia.

They seem to have found some symbiotic
relationship with root parasite

that provide nourishment.

This seems to be a more aggressive
relationship between plants and parasites.

Well insect groups often have a
collective mentality and a common goal.

So I guess we just have to
figure out what their goal is.

Maybe the parasites are trying to expand their
hive and the plants are the means to do it.

All they have to do is rid the
house of its current occupants.

And eventually infest the entire house.

Case log update.

After identifying the phenomenon,

we're now experimenting with different
methods of remote eradication.

So far, our standard
approach has come up empty.


Sound, frequency, modulation, temperature
fluxing, environmental tampering,

all had zero effect.

Then we do it the hard way.

Destroy the host.

Well, that's fine by me.

How's Donner's research ?

Take a back seat, load up a compound
pesticide, and prep the sprayers.

It's time we did a little
gardening of our own.


Start spraying now.

Cocktail hour.

Let's hope they're thirsty.

It's got me !


Connor! Peter's in trouble !

Try to hold still.

What is this stuff?

Everyone, fall back!
This place is going wild!

Here, let me help you.

Fall back! Fall back!

Is that everyone?

Well, I guess that was a success.
They hated the mixture.

Really? What was our first clue?

Where the hell did you get a machete?

Graduation gift.

After last time,
it wasn't taking any chances.

You okay?


Chemicals worked.
The application's the problem.

We need to find a method of dousing
them without moving in too close.

We're already too close.

Doyle ! The seismic sensors are showing
rapid movement throughout the entire house

and they're expanding their position.

Peter, grab as many gas canisters as you can.
Lindsay, get the portable chem generator.

Let's move.

Building pressure here.

Okay, we're cool. Pressure's good.

start pumping the chemical on my mark.

It's coming your way now. Here it comes.

Look good. Turn it on.

All right, we seem to be working fine here.


So far there doesn't appear to be any leaks.

Okay, it should be working by now.

The scans are showing nothing abnormal...

Chemical leaking, it's over here.

Thank you.

They're gone.

Wide-range scans reveal no evidence of
the hoard under or above the ground.

We sprayed the entire house
with herbicides and pesticides.

No traces of plants or parasites anywhere.

But did we kill them or just drive them off?

Continue wide-range
scanning just to be sure.


Oh my God !

You said you would destroy the phenomenon,
not the whole house.

We regret this.
We'll reimburse you for the damage.

It's the greenhouse. Is it...

We had to remove all the plants to be safe.

I'm sorry.

Well, that's the good thing about gardens.

I guess they can always grow back.

Come on, honey.

Final case log.

After successfully eradicating the parasite
infestation from the Conacher home,

we're no closer to understanding what caused
the biogenic mutation in the first place.

In the past year, no further sign of this
anomaly has been recorded.

Connor Doyle, out.

Someday the scientific disciplines
of biology botany and entomology

may discover and confirm the nature of the
anomalous relationship between flora and fauna,

as presented in case number 984141.

And when science can offer
explanations for such anomalies,

then mystery is forced to play a lesser role

in determining whether there
is or is not a Psi Factor.

I'm Dan Aykroyd.

It started again.

Okay, okay.

Now it's off.

No, it's still there.

Honey, I don't hear anything.

I do.
Make it stop !

That's why there's no answer at the store.

What are you doing home so early?

The place was empty so I closed up.

You don't look so good.

You're hot.

Daddy, make the noise stop.

The only noise around here is you,

She's been complaining about a buzzing
sound in her ears for two days now.

I mean, I'm worried that she might
have an infection or something.

Just call the doctor.
I gotta go lie down.


Oh, uh, Ernest,
will you check on the baby, please?



Ernest !


Hang on, I'll be right back. Hang on.

The rustle of leaves in the wind,
a bird song, the voice of a loved one.

Our world is enveloped in an invisible
and bountiful mantle of sound.

When the OSIR investigated an inexplicable
audio phenomenon in Cranbrook, Montana,

their challenge was not only to trace its
origins, but to assist authorities in ridding

the town of a sudden and
mysterious plague of rats.

Okay, Helen, what do we have?

Severe respiratory arrest.

Okay, start IV saline,
oxygen, and antipyretic.

And get a bottle of culture.

We're full down here.

Well, start moving people upstairs.

ICU, cardiac, wherever there's room.

Room four.


Where's my husband?

Hi, Randy. He's being looked after.

Look, this might sound crazy, but our
house is completely overrun with rats.

There were hundreds of them in Andy's room.
Could that have anything to do with this?

Let's take Andy and have him looked at.


Don't worry, he'll be fine.

Did you say hundreds of rats?

I don't know how many. Exactly.

Mayor Winslow, what are you doing here?

My wife got quite sick this afternoon.

How's Ernest?

We're not sure yet, Randy.

Listen, how's the rest of the family?
Any signs of fever?

Uh, no, I mean, she's been complaining
about a buzzing sound in her ears,

but I haven't heard it myself.

All right, listen, sweetheart,
I'm gonna look at you as soon as I can, okay?

Dr. Ivers, six more cases on the way.
Same symptoms.

What the hell's going on?


Call maintenance!

Good God !

Case file number 213127,
case manager Connor Doyle.

Having been contacted by
the Disease Control Center,

who will be assisting with the investigation of
an outbreak of a new strain of deadly hantavirus.

The DCC has been unable to explain the
unusual sightings of large groups of rats,

as well as a mysterious
intermittent buzzing sound

that only certain residents
of the town seem to hear.

DCC says the hantavirus is
definitely caused by the rat disease.

How do you get the disease?

It's not technically airborne,
but it can be carried on dust particles.

If you sweep up an area where the
droppings are, you can inhale the virus.

I found tons of rats above the ceiling tiles,
enough of them to do their business in that.

I see. How do you treat huntivirus?

You can't. It's like viral pneumonia.

Prevention is pretty much the only solution.

And unfortunately we lost several patients
before the DCC was able to isolate the cause,

but the general population
has been warn out.

However, until we get rid of the rats,
the danger will still be out there.

What about the sound that's been mentioned?

I don't know.

Several of my patients have been complaining
about hearing an intermittent buzzing sound.

I mean, doesn't appear to be any
physical explanation for it.

But some of them have the
virus and others don't.

Have you heard it ?

No, not not me personally,
but it's driving people nuts.

We'd like to interview everyone
who's claiming to hear the sound.

I'll put a list of names together for you.

I haven't heard the sound myself,
but I know these people, Professor Doyle.

I trust them.

We'll do our best to figure it out.

Deadly virus is devastating,
but we can take precautions.

You can explain where it comes from,

but with this crazy sound thing,

it makes the people scared,
not thinking straight.

I understand.

I hope your wife feels better.

Thank you.

I don't know what I would've done,
you know, if Ernest had died.

He's lucky.

He should be home soon.

I mean, you know,
they said that it's safe to come back,

but how do they know that?

The DCC's very thorough with
their disinfection techniques.

We checked the house as well.
It's clean.

I mean, I'm sorry, but it's not like we
have any other place to go, you know?

Are you sure that she's gonna be okay?

I mean, I'd like to be in there with her.

Don't worry, Mrs. Harltey.

Tell me about the sound, Sally.

I hate it.

It hurts my ears.

How often can you hear it?

Once a day?

Twice a day?

I hear it a lot.

Can you make a sound that
sounds like what you hear?

Is that how loud it is?

It started again.

I don't want to hear it anymore.

Can't you make it stop?

- Doesn't anybody hear that ?
- Hear what ?

Sweetheart ?

What I heard was not a
naturally occurring sound.

Let's call all the people who claim to
hear the buzzing sound our experiencers.

Psychological assessments indicate
that they are being truthful.

Thank you.

There is no apparent link

between those who've contracted the virus
and those who claim to hear the sound.

The average age of the
experiencers is 15 ?

Which might indicate a high frequency sound.

The top range of hearing varies,
in many cases decreasing with age.

How does that explain Peter?

I've always had a good ear.

But our environmental test
didn't record anything.

We weren't running the test
while the sound was occurring.

Let's run full range
audio sensors 24 hours.

All right, let's start at the top.

The dots on the map indicate
where the experiencers live.

As you can see,
there's no pattern or concentration.

Loudness is somewhat subjective,

although put through a
comparative audio test,

the experiencers all identified
a similar amplitude and pitch.

Are the virus is under control for now ?

The sound remains a serious
public health concern.

Audio irritation can cause severe psychological
and physiological problems over a long term.

Sometimes a short term.

The sound is back.

I don't hear anything.


The library.

We all hear that, right?

That's not the same sound I heard before.

Can you get a read on
where it's coming from?

It's the pipes.


This system of tunnels
spans the entire town.

It connects it with other
towns throughout the valley.

It's a huge underground maze,

left over from the old silver mines.

It has one eerie sound.

It'd make me crazy if I had
to listen to it for very long.

The sound's getting closer.

Are we moving towards it,
or is it coming to us?

No, it's coming towards us, and fast.

Is it just me,
or is the ground moving up ahead?

- Rats !
- Hold your breath !

Case log update.

We're working with the DCC in
an attempt to contain the rats,

which have apparently been using the underground
tunnels to move freely throughout Cranbrook.

Well, your tests came back negative.
You were lucky.

Try not to play with any more infected rats.

But it was so much fun the first time.

At least they weren't snakes.
Here, listen to this.

We picked this up in the
tunnels underneath the library.

It's been amplified and lowered in frequency
by 3000 Hz in order to make it audible to you.

I'd say 25% of the general population

has the range of hearing to
pick up the original frequency.

How long did it last?

About 15 minutes.

This is the sound the
rats are migrating from.

They're being repelled by it.

Where's the sound coming from?

The amplitude is relatively consistent,

and normally sound tapers off the
farther away it gets from the source.

This coupled along with analysis
of the direction of the wave

would normally make it easy to pinpoint.

But not in this case?

No, of course not.

Do you remember how the tunnels
distorted the sound the rats were making?

My theory is that the sound is being
carried by these highly conductive tunnels

and is resonating up into
the town through the pipes.

Then the sound we recorded may
also be originating in the tunnels.

Those tunnels are a maze.
How are we going to find the source?

Well, we'll just have to wait
till the next time it starts.

After the mill closed down three years ago,
this town was stuck in a downward spiral.

We were on a major comeback.

Big businesses have been
moving into this valley.

You could even say this area has
been thriving until last week.

People are going to have to be patient.

Domestic violence is at an all-time high,

people are talking about aliens
and secret government experiments.

Put this thing to rest, Professor Doyle.

We're doing our best.

Do it faster,
before the whole community falls apart.

Your portable audio sensor is online,
and amplified.

I'm hearing what you're picking up.

Our ground level sensors have
pinpointed a definite source.

You want to move east to the next junction

and then go left.

Now you want to go right

at the next junction,
it should be about 100 meters straight ahead.

No visuals yet, nothing out of the ordinary.

Well it's right in front of you.

There's nothing here.

I'm picking up the waves
but I can't see the source.

You're standing right on top of it.

We're under it.

Lindsay, what's above us?

Looks like we found our man.

MRI and ultrasound test confirmed that
the statue in the base are solid.

It was erected by Stigmata Steel in 1920.
That company no longer exists.

So there's nothing in or about the
statue that could create that sound.


Maybe the statue is just
conducting the sound.

It's acting like a big antenna.

Or could it be that someone's aiming a
directional wave at it from a distance?

Well, more likely something in
the tunnel is creating that sound.

Something we just can't see.

Case log update.

The effect of the sound on the
town appears to be getting worse.

Sally Hartley has been admitted to the
hospital and is in serious condition.

- She's not doing well.
- Is it the virus?

No, she's in a catatonic like state.

Any number of things could have caused it, but
I'd hazard a guess it's noise-induced stress.

Sally just doesn't want to hear the sound
anymore, so she's shutting herself down.

Is there anything that we can do for her?

Well, we have her in a sound-tempered room,

but we can't possibly accommodate
everyone who's being afflicted.

We're seeing a wide number of symptoms,

everything from from high
blood pressure to bleeding ulcers.


You can see her now.

It's good to see you up and around,
Mr. Hartley.

Unfortunately, we can't say
the same for our daughter.

You go on, honey.

My wife wants to pack up and leave,

but I've got a mortgage on my store,

and who the hell would buy my
house with all this going on?

What are we supposed to do?


Case log update.

Sally Hartley's condition remains stable.

Our search for the source
of the sound continues.


Sorry, that's better than that other sound.

I know you'd probably prefer Kenny G.

What are you working on?

These are the rat sightings
in chronological order.

As you can see, they're moving
across the town from east to west.

Now the blue dot is the strongest
sound that we can find.

My problem is this.

If this is the sound that
is repelling the rats,

why are they moving across the city instead of
outwards from the center away from the sound?

Well, what are you saying that the rats
aren't being repelled by the sound?

I don't think so.

See the rats are coming from the east

and that's where we'll find whatever
it is that's repelling them.

The eastern end of the tunnel system.

- What are they running from ?
- Another sound.

What do you mean?

Do you remember the sound we heard in
the tunnel underneath the monument?

That was interference.

Basically, two sound waves collide
and interfere with each other

in such a way that they
alter the frequency.

In this case, the frequency was
lowered while the amplitude increased.

Well, why wasn't our equipment
picking up that higher frequency wave?

It was being overpowered
by the combined wave.

The higher frequency wave is coming
down those tunnels from the east.

There and there.

Let's go see what's down those tunnels.

Nothing's showing up on the sensors yet.

Wait. There it is.

It's registering. 22,000 hertz.

No, I'm picking up a different wave.
60,000 hertz.

It's extremely high, isn't it?

Very few living things could hear it.

Rats are one of them.

You're reaching the end of the tunnel.

You see that?


You ever seen anything like it?


Is this generating the sound?

The high-frequency wave is
definitely coming from this device.

And yes, it's currently operational.

what's on the other side of this door?

It's an access tunnel to the surface.

Unit 2 is reporting another
device at the end of the B tunnel.

Hey, the sound under the
monument just stopped.

What happened?

Case log update.

We're meeting with the VP of
Public Affairs for Diginite,

a large computer company which was
courted successfully by Mayor Winslow

to locate their new microchip production
plant in the Cranbrook Valley.

We had no idea.

The frequency they emit is not supposed
to be heard by humans, just rats.

Our analysis of the equipment revealed that the
devices were operating slightly out of phase.

When the frequencies met at
the convergence of the tunnel,

they combined to form a new frequency.

An unforeseeable accident.

The rats were significantly
affecting production.

I mean, do you have any idea how
sensitive microchip production is?

I mean, we either dealt with the rats or we
would have been forced to move the plant.

I know that the town
wouldn't have wanted that.

I doubt they wanted a deadly
disease forced on them either.

You drove the rats into the town.

And we've agreed to assist those
affected by this unfortunate situation.

In exchange for complete confidentiality.

Well, we're not assuming
responsibility here.

We're chipping in.

I guess we're done, then.

In addition, I thanks you for the
work that you've done here, gentlemen.

It sounds like a fax transmission.

Or a computer modem.

This is the sound that was being
radiated up into town by the monument.

The combined frequency of the
two rodent repelling devices.

Mm-hmm. It's been amplified and
slowed down over a thousand times.

Diginite denies that it's
a transmission of any kind.

What's our lab say?

It's a digitally ordered
sequence, a message.

What's it say?

We don't know.
It's a pretty complex code.

So it's possible that Diginite
said they were using the devices

to repel the rats as a cover-up for
a secret high-tech transmission?

Well, that makes sense,

considering the odds of the frequency
occurring naturally or even by accident.

So, who were they sending the message to?

All we know is that given the
length of the transmission

and the density of the encoding,
the total message is enormous.

How enormous?

Well, in written form, it wouldn't
fit into the Library of Congress.


Final case log.

Sally Hartley and the rest
of the town have recovered.

We're closing the investigation for now.

We can't proceed any
further until we have proof

that Digenite was involved in
something more sophisticated

than high-tech rodent repelling.

But we'll be watching, Cranbrook,
and listening closely.

Ultra-high-frequency sound,
unobtrusive and effective,

a modern solution to the
age-old problem, rats.

And yet, because of the unanticipated
interaction of the employed frequencies,

the townspeople were subjected to
a terrifying and deadly situation.

These events are a vivid
warning of what can happen

when technology is employed
without proper forethought.

For Psi Factor, I'm Dan Aykroyd.

We are well into our first season of Psi Factor,
and I want to thank you for watching.

Our viewership is continuing to grow,
and we welcome our new audience.

And we hope that you will stay
with us as we present more stories

inspired by the investigations of the Office
of Scientific Investigation and Research,

the world's foremost private agency

for the analysis and understanding
of logic-defying phenomena.

Subtitle made by Adr1an