One Tree Hill (2003–2012): Season 8, Episode 10 - Lists, Plans - full transcript

Nathan goes back to college and opts to take a harder class but he doesn't get a very welcome reception from his college professor and so with Jamie's help they figure out a way for Nathan to do better at college. Haley and Mia book Erin as warm-up act to Kid Cudi at Tric with both Mia and Alex acting as competing bar staff. Elsewhere, Quinn looks up Dan Scott and enlists his help to kill Katie Ryan but he manages to talk her out of it but she may regret her decision as Katie heads back to Tree Hill. Julian finds a list belonging to Brooke of things she's always wanted to do but never got around to so he sets about making them all come through so that she gets her lost inspiration back.

Досега в One Tree Hill...

Може би трябва да те направим
официално агент.

Просто ми дай дипломата ти
от колежа,

и аз ще оправя всичко.

Никога не завърших.

Трябва да имаш диплома
за да бъдеш агент.

Мисля че трябва да вземеш тези изпити.

Усп,не осъзнах че вече отбеляза.

Моя грешка.

С Чейс или в играта?

Карат се заради Чейс.Знам коя харесва.

Мисля че трябва да бъде
себе си за известно време.

Добре Брук Дейвис,
това е --

за който винаги си мечтала.

Не плачи.
Все още имаш снимки.

И не пътувай.
Ще съсипеш роклята.

Изглеждаш много красива,скъпа.

Добре всички кажете кашкавал.


Добре всички,събрали сме се да видим как...

Брук и Джулиан ще се оженят.




Сега,къде са пръстените?

Джеймс Лукас Скот бира ли пиеш?

Каква сватба би било без бавачки...

и свинско печено?

Свинско печено?
Да,точно така,скъпа.

Забрави ли, че имаме специален кум
за да пестим пари?

Това не е моята сватба.

Сигурен съм че е, и мисля
че е време да го приемеш.



Нека да забравим за церемонията
и да пием за медения ни месец.






Видя ли че можеш.
Добра работа.

Понякога си струва да го кажеш
със скобите.

Добре, ето още едно...



Това немога да го кажа със скобите.

Моля те, не слагай това в обяда ми.

Само ако го кажеш грешно.



не, не, не, не.




Нека да го сложим на татко ти.

Е, вълнуваш ли се за твоето
състезание по правопис?

Колкото мога за състезание по правопис.

Какво? Обожавах състезанията по
правопис когато бях на твоята възраст.

Татко каза че си била зубърка.

Хей,казал си на сина ни
че съм била зубърка?

Да, много пъти.
Няма да лъжа сина си, Хелс.

Осъзнаваш ли, че ще ходя в колеж,
не в трети клас.

Оу, не искаш ли шоколадов пудинг?

Ще го остава за теб.


Заповядай, малчо.

Приятен ден в училище, момчета.


Имам сладко.

Имаш броколи.

Дори не съм си помислял да те напускам,

ако е толкова важно.

Но трпбва да си проверя клиентите --

Не се тревожи.

Тогава защо не дойдеш с мен?

Защото имам доста работа по мойте снимки.

И мисля да отида да видя Тейлър.

но ще ми липсваш.

Ти също.


Хейли, седнала ли си?

нещо такова.

Защото току що резервирах
Кит Куди да пее в Трик.

Ти как--



Утре вечер.

Боже мой.
Това е страхотно.

Да, той започна турнето си,

и аз просто го поканих.

Освен това, си мислех
Ерин да започне вечерта.

О, обожавам тази идея.

Да, тъпото е че никой не идва
на подгряващите изпълнители.


Ще видя какво ще направя по въпроса.

Нейтън Скот?

Наистина си ти.

Какво правиш тук?

Завършвам си образованието.

Всъщност се опитвам да реша

в кой бизнес курс да вляза--
на Стюарт или Келерман.

О, Стюарт без съмнение.

Всички спортисти избират него

защото можеш да спиш през
всичките часове и пак да го вземеш.

Супер е.

Да, но ще научиш ли нещо?

Ще научиш как да спиш седнал.

Но аз определено няма да отида
при Келерман.

Чух че е невъзможен.

Няма проблем.

Д-р Келерман?


Казвам се Нейтън Скот,

и найстина искам да съм във вашия клас,

но искам разрешението ви да се
присъединя по късно.

Нямам проблеми с това.

Класът вече е минал

половината от тази книга
Само за 2 седмици.



Найстина очаквам с нетърпение това.

Ще видим.



С какво мога да ви помогна?


Изглеждате ми позната.

Спали ли сме заедно?

Аз съм сестрата на Хейли.

О, значи сте спали със сина ми?

Това беше Тейлър.


Значи, ти си сетрата която
иска да говори за убийство.

Защо дойде при мен?
Аз не съм наемен убиец.

Защото ти си единствения
човек който познавам

и който е убил някой,

и всеки друг ще се опита да ме спре.

Но не и Дан Скот, осъденото чудовище

който продава бургери за да оцелее.

Не това имах впредвид.

Какво имаш впредвид?

Една жена се опита да убие
мен и човекът който обичам.

И сега съм ядосана, а когато
не съм ядосана, ме е страх.

Или поне ме беше страх.

Вече не.

Не се страхуваш вече?

Трябва да бъдеш.


Е, как са шаферските рокли?

Кога ще видя моята?

Нямам никаква представа.

Твоята рокля,дори моята --

вдъхновение което напоследък

Буквално бях планирала цялата

А сега..
променям абсолютно всичко,

и най-вече че мисля за това,

че никога не съм се чувствала
по разочарована.

Съжалявам, Брук.

Всичко е наред.

Когато имах пари, беше толкова
лесно да си намеря вдъхновение.

Добре, знаеш ли какво?
Извън погледа, извън ума.

Трябва да си прочистиш главата
и да се опиташ да намерих твоето вдъхновение..

Очевидно е, че тази книга само те обърква.

Искаш ли да играеш "Madden"
с мен?

Ще ти позволя да бъдеш
the Falcons.

С удоволствие, приятел.

Но трябва да се концентрирам
върху това сега.

Това е наистина труден час.

Защо не се обадиш на Чък?

Немога.Наказан е за това че си използва името

в песента "banana-fana-fo-fana".

Какво лошо има в това?



Та..защо е толкова трудно в твоят час?

Защото никога не съм бил добър в училище.

И имам наистина гаден учител.

Гадните учители не струват.

Опитай с г-жа Лорън за две поредни години.

Но аз избрах този учител.


Защото понякога трудните неща,

са повече поучителни.

Знаеш ли коя е най-важната баскетболна среща

която съм играл?

Не. Срещу Канзас, втората ми година.

Те бяха номер едно.

И ти ги победи?

Не, загубихме с 3.

Но трябваше да загубим с 27.

И ако Канзас не бяха толкова корав отбов,

никога нямаше да се научим,

да играем в защита, така както
играхме онази среща.

И без тази защита,

никога нямаше да стигнем до
Финалната Четворка

Това е когато се изправиш лице в лице
с най-трудните неща в живота,
и с желание и много работа се
научава най-много.

И затова избрах трудния учител.

Предполагам че това е добре за теб.

Просто искам при г-жа Лорън да е
малко по-лесно.

Тя ще си го върне.
Повярвай ми.

Хей, говорейки за това,
ти нямаш ли състезание по правопис,

за което е предполага че трябва да учиш?

Готов съм.

Така ли.Добре.

Кажи ми "арбитър."



Как стана толкова умен?

Наследил съм гените на мама, нали знаеш.

Също и нейната височина.

Беше отвратително да я гледам

на вечерята на Деня на Благодарността.

Как изобщо не се ядоса за това че,

нашите майки си допаднаха толкова добре

и че, заминаха за Ню Йорк заедно?

Ако това означава, майка ми да я няма
и да прекарваме повече време заедно сами,

аз съм "за".

Какво търсим всъщост?


Какво е това?

Не, просто можем да се оттървем от това.

"Научи се да говориш френски,
гледай всички филми на Джеймс Бонд."

Какво е това?

Списък който Мили направи за мен
когато бях богата

с всички неща който винаги съм
казвала че искам да направя.
"Изкачете К2"?

Случайно "изгуби цялата си компания" да е там?

'Cause we can go ahead
and just cross that one off.

"Go into outer space.
Get drunk at Oktoberfest."

Did you ever do
any of these?


But it was comforting
to know

that I could've
anytime I wanted to.

Maybe not space, but...

Why didn't you ever do any
of these when you were rich?

Too busy getting rich,
I guess.

She shot us both
at close range.

A surgery and a seven-day coma
later, I survived.

And now I spend every night
afraid to sleep in my own home,

worried what's gonna happen

when she finds out
that we both lived.

And on the rare nights
that I do actually sleep,

I have nightmares.

What kind of nightmares?

About her coming back
to finish the job.

I'm not gonna
let her do it.

I've always preferred offense
over defense, but murder?

We can't live like this.
I can't live like this anymore.

So I'm not going to.

And I don't trust the police.
They couldn't even find her.

And I did.

She's pretty.

I can see why Evans
was sleeping with her.

He wasn't.
That's too bad.

If you do this...

You'll lose a piece of yourself
that you'll never get back.

I've already lost
that part.

I'm trying to do something

so I don't lose
everything else, too.

All right,
I'll tell you what.

Go get some sleep.

And tomorrow, if you still
want to kill someone,

you come and see me.

I know that we said a 150

but we're actually
gonna trim it down to 75.

Well, how can it be more money
for less people?

Well, now there's zero.

Je suis Juliette.

"Au revoir," "c'est la vie,"
"merci beaucoup" --

these may be French phrases
you're familiar with now,

but soon, you can live in Paris

and never have to
speak English again.

How does that sound?

That sounds amazing, actually.

Nathan Scott.


Uh, can I get a picture?

Yeah, sure, man.
Thank you.

Thank you so much.
Nice to meet you.

Can I get an autograph?

Yeah, sure.

If Mr. Scott doesn't mind,

I'd love my students back
so I can begin my class.

Let's start in chapter 12.

You'll need
an industrial-grade hacksaw

to properly detach the body
piece by piece,

lye to speed up
the decomposition process,

biodegradable plastic wrap

to properly seal
and transport the pieces,

a shovel to bury them,

Now, make sure you section
the body into 20 pieces,

spreading them
at least five miles apart

and no less
than 4 feet underground,

although I recommend 6.

Oh, and a hammer.

Don't forget about
the dental records.

Those will come back
to haunt you.

Finding someone's easy.

Making sure they're never found
again -- that's the hard part.

From the look
on your face,

you never thought
of any of this.

This is what you want,
isn't it?

I just...

I want it all to stop.

No. You don't
just want it to stop.

You've decided you're the one
that's gonna stop it,

and that's
a whole new ballgame.

And in that game,
those are the rules.



I've been wanting
to talk you.

Oh, yeah?

Apologize for the way
I've treated you lately.

That won't work.

♪ ...That I'm not on time ♪

♪ she knows that... ♪

Don't want me
to apologize?

I prefer top-shelf liquors
to my right

and well brands
to my left,

and we'll need twice as many
pint glasses.

Okay. Why?

Haley asked me
to celebrity-bartend tonight.

And about that other thing --
don't worry about it.

It's fine.

That is so not fine.

Why did you ask Alex
and not me?

Because Alex
knows how to bartend.

Well, who do you think
taught her?

Chase, right?

But who taught him?

Me. Uh-huh.
I don't know.

Alex has like a million
followers on Twitter.

Okay, my 237,000 followers are
a very dedicated group, Haley.

You want to bartend?

Hell, yeah.

All right.
You better go get ready.

I will.

♪ I know you can't care ♪

♪ and nothing is big like that ♪

Done and done.

Julian, are you home?

Someone broke into my car this
morning and planted a French CD.

And I'm really hoping it was you

and not some psycho
euro stalker.

♪ One day
I'll be fine with that ♪

"put this on."

Mettez cela sur.

♪ Oh-oh-oh,
one day I'll be fine with that ♪


♪ One day
I'll be fine with that ♪


♪ You don't leave me now ♪

♪ do you love me back? ♪

I'm all for trying
new things,

but I'm not sure I'm sold
on this one yet.

It's Oktoberfest.

It's not October.

is a state of mind.


You're very clever
with my list.

Can I also interest you

in a James Bond marathon,
Miss Moneypenny?

Okay, that was a terrible
German accent.

That's not German.
It's Sean Connery.

That was an even worse
Sean Connery.

I'm pretty sure I do
a pretty good Sean Connery.

Let's hear yours.
Okay. Uh...

I'll have
mine stirred, not shaken.

All right, fine.
We'll go with yours.

Shall we begin, darling?

♪ Do you love me back? ♪

Can someone please explain,
using the terms from the book,

how taking this class is like
entering into a contract?

Mr. Scott?



I know the book has the answers,
Mr. Scott.

I wrote it.

I'd hoped you
had the answer.

I'm not sure.

Ms. Helbeck?

By taking this class,
we've made an offer to you

that you've accepted

based on our facility
of intelligence,

therefore setting the value
at a standard

worth your time
and our money.

And to violate the contract
is not only disappointing,

but it makes your presence here

Uh, I'll be back in my office, 4:00.

Professor Kellerman?

You couldn't have given me
a couple classes to catch up?



$97,795, Mr. Scott.

That's what a university spends,
on average, for each athlete.

Non-athletic students
receive about $13,000

in academic spending.

On top of that, nearly every
school in the country

operates their athletic programs
at a severe loss,

including your very own
University of Maryland.

Yes, I know who you are.

I've been required to pass
marquee athletes for years.

And I'll have to pass more
in the future.

But I don't have to
pass you.

You know, I had a choice
of professors.

I chose this class.

I intend to hold up my end
of the contract.

I won't hold my breath.

I don't think
there was anything on my list

about squeezing two grown people
on an oversized toy.

You wanted to ride
a motorcycle.

I am quite certain that
that is not a motorcycle.

is a state of mind?

It's all they'd let me rent
without a motorcycle license.

Come on.
It's pretty fun, actually.

It just feels like riding
a jet ski, but on land.

Oh, it sounds much safer now,
thank you.

Everyone in France rides one.
They're quite fashionable.

Hop on, mademoiselle.

Is this thing even legal
to take on the roads?


Where we're going,
we don't need roads.

Maybe we should
split the bar

so we can each handle
our own fans.

I've got like 150 @replies
so far

that say
they're coming, so...

Yeah, I'll have a ton
of people, too.

In fact, do you want to make
a little competition out of it?

Okay, you're on.

Hey, you.

I'm not sure
I like this --

the two of you
bartending together.

You know, after the whole
football-game throwdown.


Are you worried about us
becoming friends?

No. I'm worried
you'll destroy my bar.

Your terrible drinks
already did that.

She's right.
Things can only improve.

You know, you should
probably stay away

from making drinks tonight
and be our bitch.

That's a great idea.

I know.

♪ Hey, that's what you say ♪

- Awesome.
- Wow.

Hey, dad, any chance
we can play catch later?

Sure, buddy.

Just let me get
some more studying in.

What's the matter?

Well, my teacher
was mean to me today.

Promise me
you'll stay away

from anyone with "Keller"
in their name.

Well, you could
pull a prank on him.

Chuck has a really good one
with fire ants and honey.

Thanks, Jame,
but, uh, I'm okay.

I just --
I have to work harder

to be better prepared
for this next class,

and it's gonna be tough for me because
I have a lot of lists to memorize.

And I've never really been good
at memorizing things.

Lists are easy.

I have
a really good trick.

What's the list?

Well, it's essential elements
of forming a contract.

Offer, acceptance,

consideration, facility,

and intent to create
legal relations.



Outside animals can't...

Fart inside.

So, if you just remember that,
you'll always remember the list.

All right.

First tutor girl,
now tutor son.


Ah, there you are.

This is amazing.

Thanks so much
for inviting me.

I love kid Cudi.

Good, 'cause you're
about to meet him.

- Seriously?
- Mm-hmm.

Hi. Sorry to interrupt, guys.
Hey, Scott.

I just wanted to introduce you
to Erin.

Erin Macree,
this is kid Cudi.

It's so nice to meet you.

Can I just say --
I love your stuff.

Thank you.
I appreciate it.

From what I heard,
you might be the one

everyone leaves here
talking about tonight.

I'm sorry?

Well, if you're half as good
as what Haley's been saying,

you're gonna be a tough act
to follow.

I'm opening?

You're opening, yes.

And I'm really looking forward
to hearing your stuff.

It's gonna be
a great night.

Okay, so,
we'll leave you alone to relax.

Let me know
if you need anything.

Sounds good.

Good meeting you, Erin.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't believe you're letting
me open for kid Cudi tonight.

How do I ever thank you?

Don't thank me.
Thank Mia.

This was all
her little brainchild.

Now, don't be nervous.

All you have to do
is remember to play.

Don't think about --

No way.
I'm gonna kill this.

So, how are you
gonna kill her?

That's cute.

You're gonna need
an untraceable gun.

Contrary to what you've seen
in films,

you're gonna have to get in
nice and close.

In fact, the only reason
you're still alive

is that she shot you
from across the room.



If you're not
close enough

to feel the blood splatter
on your face...

...Then you're not
close enough.

I suggest the heart.

Head's too messy.

You're just trying
to scare me.

Scare you? No.

I'm just trying to prepare you
the best that I can.

'Cause watching the light go out
in someone's eyes

and knowing you're the one
that took it,

that's something
that'll never leave you.

And just remember this --

the moment you pull
that trigger,

you'll never
be the same again.

For the rest of your life,
it'll be there...

With every breath.

Are you ready for that?

Absolutely not!

But it was on your list!
You've always wanted to do it!

I changed my mind!
A girl can change her mind!

Okay, now's the time.

You guys ready?

Give us
just one minute here.

I promise you it'll be

the second-most exhilarating
45 seconds of your life.

What's the first?

Oh, a sex joke,

which might be cute if we
weren't 15,000 feet in the air

with a quarter of the plane

Brooke, life is not
which breaths you take when --

wait, wait, wait.

Life is not about taking
the breaths that --


Hold on!

We're gonna miss
our window.

It's okay.

"Life is not measured by
the number of breaths we take,

but by the moments
that take our breath away."

Did you seriously
just quote "hitch"?

Yeah, because it's
a really great quote.

Life is about
breathtaking moments like this.

Let's take the plunge.

It's now or never, guys.


Now, before I change
my mind.


♪ Turn around ♪

I hate you.

I love you.

Bon voyage!

Hi, Tric.

Thanks for coming out tonight,

I wanted to personally introduce

our newest addition
to Red Bedroom records.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please give a very warm welcome

to the lovely and talented
Erin Macree.

♪ Hmm-mm-mm, yeah ♪

♪ if an angel came down to me ♪

♪ asked what I would do
differently ♪

♪ I would say,
"nothing," you see ♪

♪ I love someone truly ♪

♪ and if I do not see tomorrow ♪

♪ you know
it's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'cause I got my baby ♪

♪ right by my side ♪

♪ and if the rain
ain't fallin' ♪

♪ and the sun ain't shinin' ♪

♪ it makes no difference to me ♪

♪ I'm right where I wanna be ♪

♪ and if tonight is my last ♪

♪ what I gotta do? ♪

♪ and if tonight is my last ♪

♪ I want to spend it... ♪

I'm up to 450 @replies,
singer girl.

Right on your heels,
drama queen.

Never underestimate
team Mia, right?

Hey, you got a bottle of vodka
over there?

Coming at you.


Watch out, little guy.

You might want to stay clear
of the bar

so you don't
hurt yourself, Chase.

There you go.




Very nice.

Now, what does it mean?

It's a negative net worth.

Sounds right.

Okay, next one.
You ready?


I know you wanted to go
to outer space,

but due to
budgetary restrictions,

I thought maybe I could
bring the moon to you.

It's beautiful.

It's made of cheese,
you know.


At least
that's what they say.


Yeah, you know,

the people that say
those kinds of things.

This one actually never made it
onto the list

because I didn't think
it was possible.

Outer space?
No, I'm pretty sure it was on --


Finding a man who adores me
as much as you do...

And getting to keep him

♪ ...Worth something beautiful ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ you got to give ♪

♪ every bit of you
for the love ♪

♪ half just won't do ♪

This is a lot more fun
than fighting.

Yeah, you know, I think
we should just call a truce

on the whole Chase thing
for a while.

Fine with me.

♪ What I gotta do? ♪

Thanks, barmaid.

It's bar manager.

Not tonight, rookie.

♪ I want to spend it with you ♪

What can I get you?

I'll wait
for Alex Dupré.

How about you?

I'm waiting
for Mia Catalano, bro.

Would anyone rather
me get them a drink

than wait in line
for 20 minutes?

No, but I will take a beer from
Haley James Scott if she's serving.


I'll just stand here, then.

Actually, the Hefeweizen tap
needs to be changed in the back.

♪ If tonight is my last ♪

♪ I want to spend it with you ♪

You did this to me.

♪ Hey, and if the sky
falls down ♪

♪ it's gonna be all right ♪

♪ because
I got you here tonight ♪

♪ here tonight ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ it's gonna be all right ♪

♪ if an angel came down to me ♪

♪ asked what I would do
differently ♪

♪ I would say,
"nothing," you see ♪

♪ I have loved someone truly ♪

You're gonna need
an airtight alibi,

so be thinking
about that.

And the final thing
you're gonna need

is to prepare yourself
for a life on the run

in case anyone finds out.

So get your goodbyes and
I love yous taken care of now.

Don't. Just --

Does he know about this?

I think we should tell him,
don't you?

Please just give me
my phone.

He was shot, too. I'm sure
he'd be happy to hear the plan.


Please don't.
Hey, Quinn?


Hello, Quinn?

Hi, honey.

No, sorry. Uh, the reception
is horrible here.

Um, but, uh,
Taylor says hi.

Yeah, um...

I'm okay.

It just, uh...

It's just been
an emotional day.

But, um, can I --
can I call you later on tonight?

I love you, too.

You couldn't tell him
'cause you know this is wrong.

Look around you.

Is this the life you want?

A life
of complete isolation

from everyone
you ever cared about?

I ended two lives
the day I pulled that trigger.

And one of them was mine.

Save yours.

Don't do this.

♪ She said I don't spend time ♪

♪ like I really should ♪

♪ she said she don't know me ♪

♪ what? What? ♪

♪ anymore ♪

♪ I think she hates me
deep down ♪

♪ I know she does ♪

♪ she wants to erase me ♪

♪ hmm ♪

♪ a couple days, no talking ♪

I'm gonna go fetch some more
clean pint glasses,

since I'm, like, your guys'
servant or something.

♪ And this what she tells me ♪

♪ hey, hey ♪

♪ she said ♪

I'm gonna go get
some more Tequila.


Well, look who it is.

It's Tree Hill's
newest rock star.

Thanks so much for setting me up
to play tonight.

I was just paying forward
the opportunity I got

from someone
who believed in me.

Fair play.

So, do I have to get in the back
of this line to get a beer?


Rock stars
don't wait in line.

Thank you.

♪ I can't get away from you ♪

♪ no ♪

♪ I keep on duckin',
keep on duckin' you ♪

♪ nothin' helps ♪

♪ I can't stop missin' you,
yeah ♪

♪ it's like I'm
her new nightmare ♪

♪ she ain't escapin' ♪

♪ it makes me feel... ♪

You good?

Yeah, just grabbing
some Tequila.

You know we're just kidding
around with you tonight, right?

Yeah, I know.


Because that's not
how I really feel about you.

Not even a little.

♪ Hey, I wish we could
start over ♪

Don't tell Mia.

♪ I told my baby ♪

♪ this what this...Tells me ♪

♪ she said ♪

♪ I keep on runnin',
keep on runnin' ♪

♪ and nothin' works ♪

♪ I can't get away from you ♪

♪ no ♪

the Falcons
are doing good.

Troy might be able to play
in the super bowl.

Yeah, maybe so.


Okay, what are
the fundamental elements

of forming a contract?

Outside animals
can't fart inside.






...And intent to create
legal relations.

All right.

Well done, Mr. Scott.


♪ No ♪

♪ I keep on duckin',
keep on duckin' you ♪

♪ nothin' helps ♪

♪ I can't stop missing you ♪

Thank you.

Tric, make some noise!

Ladies, thank you
for filling the place tonight.

What a great job.

We actually had to
turn people some away, you know.

So, who won
your little competition?

Team Mia kicked
some team Alex ass.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.
She's from here.

Hometown advantage.

Anyways, I'm proud
of what I did tonight.

♪ Make everything so simple
in a crazy world ♪

So, you had a good day?

If it's affirmation
you're fishing for, Mr. Baker,

fish no more.

I'm sorry I've been
so up and down lately.

They say the only thing
that's worse than being poor

is being rich
and then poor.

And I certainly
haven't handled it well.



You know, the people that say
those kinds of things.

They would probably
also say

that I'm still richer
than I've ever been...

Because no matter how much money
I have in my bank account,

I know that my dreams
can still come true

because I'm with you.

That's my girl.

And it didn't even come
from "Hitch."

You should know that...

I plan on making every one
of your dreams come true,

for richer or poorer,

even the last one
on that list.

Which one's that?

I will give you a baby,
Brooke Davis.

Whatever it takes --
fertility, adoption...


I can't wait
to have a family with you.


Wow. One day, and you're
already speaking French?


And I've already picked out
my favorite french word.



You'll have to learn
the word for "husband" soon.

Not soon enough.


♪ Mmmm-mm-mm ♪

♪ ohhhh ♪

♪ oh, oh, yeah ♪

♪ I need a little help, boy ♪

♪ well, I ♪

♪ I can't seem ♪

♪ to breathe easy, no ♪

♪ not when you're around ♪

♪ oh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ mmm-mmm ♪

♪ mmm-mm-mm ♪

How was the concert?


It was great.

Erin was awesome.
How was class?

Outside animals
can't fart inside.


It's gonna be okay.
Jamie's a great tutor.




There's an "o"
in "tutor"?


Man, he's even a genius
in his sleep.

♪ I need a little help, boy ♪

♪ well, I ♪

♪ I can't seem
to breathe easy, no ♪


♪ Not when you're around ♪

♪ oh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ mmm-mmm ♪

♪ mmm-mm-mm ♪

♪ mmm, oh, yeah ♪

♪ oh, yeah ♪

♪ mmm-mm-mmm ♪

♪ mmm-mmm ♪

♪ mmm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ mmm-mmm-mmm ♪

♪ mmm-mmm ♪

♪ mmmmmmmmmmm ♪

♪ mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ♪


I was just heading out.

You have fun tonight? Yeah.
Tonight was amazing.

Well, you know it only gets
better from here on out, so...

I bet.

All right,
I'll holler at you.

Oh, Erin, you should know
that your stuff's really great.

Believe in it.
You know what I mean?

Just be you, do your thing.
You'll be all right.


All right, babe.

♪ Mmmmmmmmmmmm ♪

♪ you think
you're gonna take me ♪

♪ and put me on a shelf ♪

♪ I'd rather die ♪

♪ than see you
with somebody else ♪

♪ never gonna give you up ♪

♪ no matter how you treat me ♪

♪ never gonna give you up ♪

♪ so don't you think
of leavin' ♪

Have you heard about this
giant storm brewing down south?

Looks like
it's headed this way.

Better get ready, because
things are gonna get crazy.