One Piece: Wan pîsu (1999–…): Season 1, Episode 22 - Saikyou no kaizoku kantai! Teitoku Don Kurîku - full transcript

When Sanji sees Nami he starts to flirt with her with a rose, his boss was very unpleased with the way he acts as a chef. Sanji has always had fights with the customers, and all the other chefs dislike his attitude. And for that Chef Zeff decides to lay him off. But Sanji denies his pink slip and will continue to cook no matter what. 4 days later Luffy is still working for Zeff, and his crew won't leave until Luffy convinces Zeff to let him go. Then out in the opening a ship sailed towards the restaurant. The customers were all in an uproar as it was owned by THE Captain Don Kreig. The King of the East Blue, leader of 5000 pirates, strong pirate of them all, and a real snake in the grass. When he entered the restaurant, the customers and chefs discovered that he's starved to death and is being helped by Gin who telling them that his captain needs food. But no one wanted to help the one who's responsible for killing many marines and victims. Don bowed and states he'll leave when he's done eating. Still none of the chefs would help him. Sanji however offered Don, a platter of food. Patty and the chefs couldn't believe that Sanji would help a pirate like Don. Danji states to his role of being a chef is to serve food. He has no care about anything else, except to satisfy those who are hungry. When Don finished he knocked Sanji out and orders the chefs to feeds his remaining men on board his damaged ship. Gin couldn't believe that his captain wasn't true to his word. But like they say, Don is known for being a real snake in the grass. And he plans to use the Baratie as his new ship. What will happen to the Baratie chef crew next?

Let me tell you something...

You can't save this country.

Goodbye, Princess...



Straw Hat...!

Luffy's alive!

I'm gonna put an end... to all this!

You can't turn into sand
once you touch water.

You take rain away because
you're afraid of water, right?

Now I can beat you up.

Our fight starts now.

''Sand Gator and Water Luffy!
The Second Round of the Duel''

Now, get up! Crocodile!

Get up! Gator man!


A cannonball will be shot
into the Square in ten minutes?!

That's right. The attack is scheduled at 4:30.


Once it's shot, no one within
a 5 km diameter will survive.

That's what Crocodile said!

Within a 5 km diameter... Then...

Both the Royal Army and the Rebel
Army will be completely destroyed!

That damn gator!

Wh-What the hell will we do?

Find the cannoneer.


We'll stop the attack!

Find the cannoneer?

So how do we find him?!

In ten minutes?!

We don't have time to think, right?!

But a 5 km diameter means this guy's
aiming at least 2.5 km from here, right?!

No, that's not true! The cannoneer
is probably near this Square!

What?! Why?! If that's the case,
the cannoneer will also be blown up...

So that's the kind of man Crocodile is...

He doesn't care if his own men die?!

What a crafty bastard...

Let's go, already!


We found you, Princess Vivi!

I wonder how far I'll be
promoted if I kill you...


Ten minutes minus how many seconds?!

Hey, we're wasting time by talking.

Two seconds!

--I'll go on ahead!
--I'll go on ahead!

1.5 seconds!

Don't slow down, idiot!

Same to you!

Let's split up! At any rate, we gotta
get out of this dust devil first!

Ten more minutes...!

Okay, hurry up! Let's go!


This is really... the last chance!

The next ten minutes...
will decide... this country's fate...!

You think... you can defeat me...?

Yeah... since you no
longer can turn into sand.

I'm indeed impressed
that you figured it out...

...especially when you were close to dying...

But that is still nowhere near enough
to put you on the same level as me.

That's the level of the
Seven Warlords of the Sea.

So what if you're one of the
Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Then, I'm one of the...

...Eight Warlords of the Sea!

Who on earth is that man?

He's a pirate. Haven't you heard?

Looks like the princess
escaped death once again.

Then he is the one... who brought
Vivi back to this country...



It's no good if I dodge it.

Whether it's wet or not... hand can absorb any kind of fluid.

Sh-Shoot! I forgot he still had that power!

You told me, didn't you...?

Depending on how Devil Fruit powers
are used, you can become stronger.

Gum-Gum... Pistol!


Impertinent brat! Desert Spada!

That thing again?!

That was close...


You keep using the same technique...
Are you really trying to win?



My goal was this from the start!
Time to get soaking wet!

That's obviously what
you'd wanna do! Sables!

Barrel! Barrel!

You're struggling desperately,
Straw Hat Luffy...

You can't do anything
without that barrel after all.

This isn't any different from our first fight.

You're right.

It's no different like this.

Then, how about this?!

Now, I'm not the same as I was.

Are you serious?

Water Luffy!

Ahh! This is bad! Water's leaking!

Is this brat... serious...?

Bloated with water...

I guess I shouldn't drink this much water...

Doesn't he get what's happening right now?

Stop messing around, you damn brat!


Who's messing around?!

My body...

I'm always serious! Gum-Gum...!


How's that... sand gator?!

I can't believe it...! He beat the Crocodile...

Who on earth is that boy...?

This is no time to be
impressed, right, Mr. Cobra?

Now, you show me the way...
to where the Poneglyph is!

What in the world are you
going to do... by looking at it?

Don't ask pointless questions.

All you have to do is show me the way...

I wonder if your luck is running out...
There isn't much time left.

Go already, Nico Robin...
unless you wanna be dried up, too.

I'm losing... my patience...

Nico Robin?!

Yes, as you wish.

Listen up, Straw Hat.

Every rock on the ground can be destroyed.

The grass is withering away!

Ground Secco!

What the heck...?!

I'm falling...!

That was close!

That bastard! Water-Water Pistol!

What?! He swallowed it all with his hand!

You thought you killed
my powers, Water Luffy...?

But that's a mistake.

The true power of sand is drying. Look!

My right hand dries out
everything... with no limit...

Stones... and even stone
statues are becoming sand...

The ground... is dying...!

Ah! My sandals dried up, too!

Everything that's connected
to this hand... Dry up!

Ground Death!

Where is he?! Where's the cannoneer?!

We've only got eight minutes.

If we have eight minutes, we can find him!

We'll stop the attack
no matter what happens!

Or the lives of a million
people will be destroyed!

A cannonball that can
blow up a 5 km diameter...

It has to be a big cannon!
Could it be inside a building?!


But wait...! If Alubarna is completely
destroyed in eight minutes...

...does that mean that we're all
going to die in eight minutes as well?

We don't have time to be scared!

Look! That's it!


C-Can we go up there... in eight minutes?


Ahh, dammit!

You...! Are you from the Rebel Army?!

I don't have time to waste on you.

Go to sleep.

That's it! That's it!

This isn't it! It's got moss on it!

I don't see him... anywhere...!
There's no sign of a cannoneer!

Why...? Why?!

Seven minutes left...

I'll stop it... I'll...

Nico Robin... Is that your real name?

What if it is? It has nothing to do with you.

A girl whose name was known
throughout the world 20 years ago...

Why... are you here now...?

All you have to do is show me
the way to the Poneglyph...

What incredible timing you
have showing up now, Navy.

Clear the way. We're in a hurry.

We can't! I heard everything
that's going on here in Alubarna

from a soldier on the ground.

Who do you think that person is?!

Well, I don't care who it is.
I hate people in the Government.

If you don't get out of my way...

We don't have the slightest
intention of giving way to you!

Then I might have to kill you.

Wait, Navy! Don't worry about me!

We've been warned that at 4:30 pm,
a cannonball will be shot

into the Palace Square where
the rebellion is going on right now!

Please stop it somehow!

What...?! Seven more minutes...!

A million citizens' lives are at stake!


Then we'll save you and stop the explosion!

--Wait! This woman is...!

Don't get in my way!

Treinta Fleurs!


Devil Fruit Powers...

I said I was in a hurry, didn't I?
Don't make me upset!

Sergeant Major! This woman... is Nico Robin!

There's no mistake!

As Captain Smoker asked,
I looked for her wanted poster.

She's got a bounty and was talked
about worldwide 20 years ago!

I remember the articles appearing
in newspapers around that time.

There was an incident where
six Navy warships were sunk.

They said that a girl who was only
eight years old was responsible for it.

The Government declared her
a first-degree risk factor,

and the bounty put on her head was...
believe it or not, 79 million berries!

However, she suddenly
disappeared after that.

Stop your rambling!
Are you gonna clear the way?

Or do you all wanna die? Which is it?!

It seems there's no point in having
many soldiers against this woman...

Sergeant! Take everyone to the
Square and stop the explosion!

But, Sergeant Major...!

Hurry up! There's only six minutes left!

Yes, ma'am!

Now, let that man go!

I said you're in my way!

That was close!
His right hand is a problem...

The lawn has turned into desert!

Where'd he go?

You made me waste my energy...

You missed...

You... lose again...

Straw Hat Luffy...