Once Upon a Time (2011–2018): Season 3, Episode 7 - Dark Hollow - full transcript
Ariel is sent to Storybrooke to help Belle locate an item that could help take down Pan, however, two men have broken into the town with the intent to stop them at all costs. Meanwhile, Emma, Neal and Hook attempt to find Dark Hollow, where Pan's shadow dwells.
Previously on
"once upon a time"...
Find your anger. Smell that?
I can't leave neverland.
If I do, I'll die.
Maybe we don't have to kill him.
Maybe we can find another way.
I might have just the thing.
The place I'm sending you,
among its residents,
Is your prince eric.
You have a nice girl waiting
for you back in storybrooke.
Belle, is it?
You have to stay here.
No! W-why? I-I...
Well, greg and tamara
weren't working alone.
Others will follow.
It's a cloaking spell.
It'll shield the town,
Making it impossible
for anyone to find.
Well, then how--how will you
find your way back to me?
You're not coming back,
are you?
The prophecy.
The boy is my undoing.
But he's also my grandson.
I must save him.
(voice breaking) I understand.
I also know...
That the future isn't always
what it seems.
I will
See you again.
(leroy) they did it!
They saved us!
They did save us,
didn't they?
Tears of joy?
Belle, what is it? Are you okay?
What happened?
Where is everyone?
They stopped
the self-destruct device.
Those people who came--
greg and tamara--
They kidnapped henry
And they took him through
a portal.
A portal? To where?
I-I don't know. Everyone else
followed them on hook's ship.
Why'd you stay behind?
Because I had to.
It's a cloaking spell.
Because rumple said...
He said others were coming.
(revs engine)
Who exactly does gold think
is coming?
(belle) he didn't say
(archie) well, let's not panic.
I mean, for all we know,
it's a precaution. Right?
They're working with the people
who tried to destroy the town.
(leroy) can we panic now?
Yeah. Sure.
Maybe just a little.
We'll be fine as long
as we get this up in time.
Careful, sister. Mines are
a dangerous place.
Fairy dust.
It runs through the walls.
And that'll carry the magic
through town.
No time for whistlin', boys.
Let's get swingin'.
(men grunt)
(clanking, rocks clattering)
What is it?
I-I've never cast a spell
Maybe you should do this.
No. Mr. Gold entrusted this task
to you for a reason.
You just need
to believe in yourself.
(whispers) okay.
You might wanna believe
a little harder.
(man) whoa! Oh!
(whooshing continues)
(revs engine)
(loud crunch)
(tires screech)
(engine idling)
(engine revs, tires peal)
That's storybrooke?
Can you get there?
It's far. I'll have to
cross over realms.
But yes, I can make it.
If all went according to plan,
Will be surrounded
by a cloaking spell.
When you arrive,
surface close to the shore.
Then you're inside its bounds.
And what would you like me
to bring back?
An object to help us
defeat pan.
Well, I'm gonna need a little
more than that to go on.
I'm sorry.
(stick clatters)
Pan has ears everywhere.
We can't risk telling you.
then how?
Find a woman named belle,
And then give her this.
She'll know exactly what to do.
Got it.
Where will I find him
in this new world?
Well, that comes
after you've succeeded.
Incentives are important.
The bracelet will only
give you legs for 24 hours.
How do I know you'll uphold
your end of the bargain
When I'm back?
Guess you'll just
have to trust me.
(water splashes)
(inhales sharply)
(exhales deeply)
someone's leaving neverland.
(spears clatter)
How shall we stop them?
It's too late.
Don't worry, felix.
We simply need to get word
to our friends on the ground.
In storybrooke?
They can handle this.
All it does is move up
our timetable a touch.
We need to get henry ready.
And I need to have a chat with
our friend in the other cage.
Pan's shadow?
That's your way off
the island?
Oh. We thought you learned how
to navigate the stars.
I know how to navigate
the stars, but I can't fly.
I'm guessing that's where
the shadow comes in.
That's why we have to
capture it.
Capture it? We've never been
within 10 feet of pan
Unless he wanted us to be.
Sneaking up on him to steal
his shadow? That sounds insane.
Except pan's shadow
is rarely with him.
It's an entity unto itself.
It can carry out his will
from miles away.
What does that mean for us?
It means we can get his shadow
Without having to be
anywhere near pan--
As long as we know
where to look.
Okay. You and I are
on shadow duty.
As am I.
This trek won't be easy.
You could use another veteran
of the island.
Well, in the meantime, we'll
give tinker bell a heads up,
See if she can make good
on her promise
To get us into pan's camp.
Then we get henry and get
the hell back to storybrooke.
(sighs deeply)
gotta say something, boys.
You know I love
snow and charming, but...
Can I be honest?
It's kinda nice
not having them around.
No, really.
It's only been five days,
But it's the first five days
with no killing.
No wraiths.
No giants stepping on
my miata.
It has been peaceful.
I don't want to hear
any more of this.
Snow and charming
are coming back,
And everything will
remain normal.
I'm ariel.
(water splashes)
Do you know where I could find
someone named belle?
(british accent)
the home office was right.
She's here.
What now?
(british accent)
we follow our orders.
We find out why she came.
Then we make sure she never
leaves this town again.
What's the matter?
Too many pickles?
Not enough pickles?
I-I guess
I'm just not hungry.
All right, so that's
the fourth cheeseburger
You've turned down
this week.
It's about gold, isn't it?
Certainly not my cooking.
You miss him.
And it's just...
He said he was going off
to his death.
And I just...
I wish I was...
I wish I was able
to help him,
Help save henry.
But you protected
I mean, that--
that's just as important.
All... (scoffs) all I did was
pour a potion over some rocks.
The dwarfs did
all the hard work.
Hey, you wanted to be
a hero.
Sounds like you were.
And you kept the bad guys out.
What bad guys?
Come on, face it.
Nobody's coming here.
I wasn't on that ship
because he doesn't need me.
(door bells jingle)
(leroy) beg to differ, sister...
(closes door)
'cause this little lady
just swam a real long way
To find you.
Uh, maybe you didn't notice
the sign?
No shirt, no shoes,
no service.
Now you got a dress code?
I seem to recall
some ruby outfits
That are seared into my brain.
So, uh, who are you?
W-w-why are you here?
I came from neverland.
Rumplestiltskin sent me.
He's a--he's alive?
And he wanted me
to give you this.
A sand dollar?
What am I supposed to do
with it?
Don't ask me.
I'm just the delivery girl.
Looks like you figured it out.
I hope you raised
the cloaking spell.
The people headed for town
as far more dangerous
Than even I first believed.
They're unwitting pawns
in pan's game.
I told you I was going to
my death.
I found another way.
I can defeat pan and live...
But only if you get me
something from the shop.
The object I need is hidden.
But I know that with
the strength of our love,
You'll find it.
(sighs deeply)
He's really into being cryptic,
isn't he?
(voice breaks)
he wants my help.
He wants me to save him,
henry, everyone.
hey, you need help?
No, I can handle my pack.
Mary margaret...
(sighs deeply)
(blows air)
How long is this
gonna go on?
The whole
not-talking-to-each-other thing.
Don't you think
it's been long enough?
He didn't tell you about
his illness
Because he wanted to keep
the focus on the mission.
It's good to see you've
inherited his tunnel vision.
What does that mean?
You say a lot with nothing.
(sighs deeply)
Be careful
with hook and neal.
The one we need to be careful
with is the shadow.
The fact that they both have
feelings for you
Is dangerous, too.
None of that matters.
All I care about is
getting my son back.
There you are.
You care to take a stroll?
There's someplace special
I'd like to show you.
I'm not going anywhere
with you.
(sighs) why not, henry?
I think you're lying to me.
My family--they're here,
on neverland. I know it.
What makes you so sure?
Does it matter?
No. It doesn't.
But I'd remiss if I didn't
point out what does.
If your family's here, henry,
why haven't they come for you?
Maybe you're keeping them
from me.
(whispers) henry,
I promise you,
I'm not holding your family
Then why do you
keep disappearing
Into the jungle?
You're hiding something
from me,
And I'm gonna find out
what it is.
(felix) it would appear
we're losing the boy.
He just requires...
Some effort.
Given his lineage,
I'd expect nothing less.
(sighs deeply)
Shall I bring the cage here?
I have another idea.
Something tells me we won't find
pan's shadow in here, mate.
Yeah, well, we're looking for
something else.
It's a--it's a coconut.
It's carved in two.
One part holds a candle.
Yeah, your star map.
We hid it. I'll go grab it.
I owe you thanks,
For being so understanding.
Understanding about what?
Emma and me.
Emma and you?
Our dalliance.
You don't know, do you?
Well, this is awkward.
The two of us shared a kiss.
I assumed she told you.
Honestly, it probably...
Slipped her mind.
We're kinda focused
on getting our son back.
Of course.
(footsteps approach)
Everything all right?
Couldn't be better.
Here it is, your star map.
It's not a star map. It's...
What we're gonna use to trap
pan's shadow.
You came to neverland on
a pirate ship through a portal.
You draw the line
at a magic coconut?
Fair enough.
What's our next stop
on this mission?
Dark hollow.
(emma) really?
Why couldn't it be called
something like sunshine valley
Or rainbow cove?
What exactly is it?
Just what it sounds like--
The darkest spot
on the entire island.
Any light that
makes its way in
Is snuffed out by the shadows
that call it home.
Even I managed to avoid it.
Well, time to break tradition.
Dark hollow it is.
That's where we're gonna find
pan's shadow, right?
It's the only way we'll ever
get back to storybrooke.
Yeah, he's a... (chuckles)
bit of a collector.
This is a...
But it's not what
rumple needs.
(object clatters)
It's a...
Uh, button.
Also not what he needs.
No, I know.
But eric, he...
He had one just like it on
his jacket when I rescued him.
And eric is...
He's a prince.
The kind with legs.
I fell in love with him
a long time ago.
It didn't work out.
Because you're a mermaid?
Something like that.
Well, that's just one more
reason that we need to succeed.
So rumple said
I'd find the hiding space
with the strength of our love.
There--there's only one thing
he could've been talking about.
That's a...
It's chipped.
But no matter how much
this thing has been through,
It's survived.
Just like our love.
So... What now?
Do we make tea?
I'm not sure.
Rumple used to keep it
in here.
He enchanted it. It's...
It's a key.
(belle gasps)
It's a box.
I've read about this
in my books,
But I-I didn't realize
it was real,
Or that rumple had it.
What is it?
Pandora's box.
Legend says it contains
The world's darkest evil.
Shouldn't you be wearing gloves
or something?
No, no. As long as we don't
open it, we're fine.
Yeah. Sure.
So what do you think's
inside to it?
Well, whatever it is,
It's what rumple's gonna use
to defeat pan.
(guns cock)
All that trouble for a box?
Who are you?
The people you tried
to keep out of storybrooke.
(belle and ariel grunt)
I don't understand. Why do we
kind of doing what he tells us?
Because he has a gun.
What's a gun?
Trust me, you don't want
to find out.
What did rumplestiltskin
tell you about this thing?
I'm not afraid of you
or your gun--
And not just because
I don't know what it is.
Shall we demonstrate?
The box--what is it?
It's magic,
Which you're only gonna
destroy anyway.
So why do you even care?
Because our boss wants to know.
(laughs) you don't even know
what this is all about,
Or who you're
really working for.
Peter pan.
Yes. We know exactly who
we're working for.
But rumple said that--
greg and tamara didn't know.
They were patsies.
We, on the other hand, are aware
of our real mission.
Which is what?
Seeing that your rumple fails,
And that this thing
Never makes it back
to neverland.
Head to the other side
of the island
And deliver the supplies.
Anything else?
Just be certain henry doesn't
find out what you're up to.
I'm okay.
Because you've hardly said
two words to me since the caves.
Hell, since yesterday.
Look, I-I know you're upset
I didn't tell you
I was poisoned.
And even though it might seem
like it wasn't fair,
That's all I was trying
to do--
Be fair.
I think tinker bell's is
that way.
(sighs deeply)
(exhales deeply)
We're gonna have to cut
our way through.
(blade zings)
here, use this.
My cutlass.
You find it in the cave?
No. Actually,
hook gave it to me.
Since when are you
I thought emma would wish
to have something
To remember you by.
Oh. Thanks.
She's got me now.
What was that about?
(exhales deeply)
I assumed he'd heard
my secret.
And I also assumed that you'd
told him of our shared moment.
Why would you assume that?
Because I was hoping
it meant something.
What meant something
Was that you told us
neal was still alive.
Thank you.
I realized you could've kept
pan's information to yourself.
Why would I have done that?
I don't know.
Maybe pan offered you a deal?
Why else would he tell you?
He wanted to see if I'd leave
an old friend to die--
Even if the old friend
happens to be vying for
The same woman that I am.
And you chose your friend.
Does that surprise you?
You aa pirate.
Yeah, that I am.
But I also believe
in good form.
So when I win
your heart, emma--
And I will win it--
It will not be
because of any trickery.
It will be
because you want me.
(whispers) this is not
a contest, hook.
Isn't it?
You're gonna have to choose,
You realize that,
don't you?
Because neither one of us
is gonna give up.
The only thing
I have to choose
Is the best way
to get my son back.
And you will.
You think so?
I have yet to see you fail.
And when you do succeed...
Well, that's when
the fun begins.
(neal) guys!
I think I found it.
(crow caws)
(wind whistling)
Dark hollow.
(wind gusts)
So this is where the victims
of pan's shadow reside.
(low roar)
Forced to spend eternity
in this darkness.
Come on.
Let's be sure
not to join them.
(grunts) they're too tight.
We'll find a way out.
What makes you so sure?
Because... I'm an optimist.
I wish I could be,
But every time I try to be
a hero, it just...
Feels like it backfires.
I'm sorry you won't get
to be with eric.
Even after the magic wears off
this bracelet, I'll find him
And I will tell him
how I feel...
As long as he lives near
the beach.
Bracelet? Is--is that what
turned your tail into legs?
Yeah. Why?
I think we can
get out of here.
By stretching your fins.
Can you get that bracelet off?
No, I can't reach it.
Okay, hang on.
(grunts) ugh!
You got it?
Ah! I can! I can!
Let me... Got it!
(gasps) aah!
(both panting)
See? That didn't backfire.
Where did they go?
Well, the protection spell's
still up,
So they can't leave
Well, then what are they gonna
do with the box?
(sighs) well, if I wanted
to make sure
It doesn't end up
in neverland,
I'd--I'd destroy it.
How do you destroy something
so powerful?
You need something
just as strong.
Like what? More magic?
No. A dwarf's pickax.
The kind that can
smash a diamond.
The kind that their friends
who took henry used
To start all this trouble.
Come on. Hurry.
I think we're almost
at tink's.
I see why she picked
this area.
Nice quiet jungle.
Might make a good spot
for a hut, don't you think?
Or a tree house,
if you prefer.
Mary margaret.
When are you gonna start
talking to me again?
When we're storming
pan's camp?
When we're grabbing henry?
You need to say something.
You didn't.
You didn't tell me
At first, I was hoping
That I could find a cure
for the poison.
Okay. But then you did find
a cure,
And you still didn't tell me.
I know.
So what, afraid of
worrying me again?
No. I-I-I didn't think--
No, you didn't--
you didn't think?
You didn't think
I had a right to know
You could never leave
this island?!
Why didn't you tell me?
I was scared!
Did you think I wouldn't
stay here with you?
After everything
we've been through?
Did you think I would
ever leave your side?
No, I knew you wouldn't.
That's what scared me.
And I didn't want that
for you.
I didn't want you to be stuck
on this island with me.
The price of this cure
Was something I didn't want
to force on you.
Love means being together.
I know.
It also means sacrifice.
And protecting
the person you love.
A part of me not want you to
leave this place?
I would happily build
a tree house
And spend
the rest of my days
Dodging poison arrows
and lost boys,
As long as I had you
by my side.
But you should have told me.
(whispers) I know.
I'm sorry.
You didn't believe, david.
You needed to believe in us.
(animal cries)
(crow caws)
(emma) so we just wait
for pan's shadow to show up?
Yeah. And when it does,
we'll be prepared.
You wanna tell me
how that coconut works?
(crow caws)
We light the candle,
and the shadow is drawn to it.
It gets close enough,
the flame will suck it in.
Put the lid on...
(hook) sounds like a fine plan,
except for one thing--
Our lanterns went out.
So how the devil are we gonna
ignite that bloody thing?
(clinks open)
welcome to the 21st century.
(crow caws)
(wind blowing, lighter clicking)
How's it coming over there,
All right, hang on.
(flint striking)
Let me help.
No. D--I got it.
Well, I've only got one hand.
I can do better than that.
You know what? Now's not
the time to try to impress emma.
Oh, you think that's what
I'm doing?
Really? You're doing this now?
You heard her. Are we gonna
stand here and argue...
(flint striking)
Or are we gonna
get the candle lit?
(crow caws)
(breeze blows, flint strikes)
Harder than it looks, huh, pal?
Let me see it.
(lighter clinks closed)
Give it to me. Give it to me.
Guys, we don't have time
for this.
(wind gusts)
(blade zings)
we really don't have time
for this!
Is that pan's shadow?
(hook) what about
the other two?!
(emma grunting)
Aah! Aah!
(loud thud)
(loud thud)
(roaring continues)
(roaring continues)
Aah! Aah!
(hook and neal screaming)
Emma, get out of here!
Just go!
Save yourself! Aah!
(hook and neal
continue screaming)
(roaring continues)
(flame whooshes)
(roaring continues)
(crow caws)
How did you do that?
(breathes heavily)
She's teaching you magic?
Yeah. I guess she is.
(twig snaps)
They're, uh,
they're probably just ahead.
(ariel) shouldn't we wait
for the dwarfs?
We don't have time.
(man) here. Use this pickax.
you can't do that.
(gun cocks)
you destroy that box,
People we really care about
will die.
Then we have
something in common.
Because if we don't,
someone we care about will die.
What are you talking about?
None of your concern.
Now stay back.
We don't want to hurt you.
You should know
when to walk away.
(lever clanks)
(men groan and grunt)
(men grunt)
Please. You're making
a terrible error.
There is too much at stake.
Destroying magic?
That's not it.
We don't care about magic.
Then what were you trying
to do?
We're trying to save
our sister.
Your sister?
She's been pan's prisoner
for a long time.
Over a century.
That's impossible.
You'd be--
Dead. We're well aware.
Pan has kept us alive
to do his bidding.
And as long as we do,
she lives.
And then when we're done,
he'll free her and us.
But now--
now is your best chance.
We can defeat pan,
And your sister can finally
be set free.
You think
you're the first person
Who thought they could
beat him?
Why? Have you tried?
Yes, but we failed.
It's how our sister ended up
his prisoner in the first place.
We tried to be heroes,
but it just made things worse.
And now?
Now that we've failed?
He'll kill her.
We get this back
to neverland,
Pan is gonna have much bigger
things to worry about.
Can you really stop him?
Yes. I believe we can.
And if what you're saying
is true,
We wilsave your sister.
Who is she?
Her name is wendy.
Wendy darling.
If you see her,
Tell her john and michael are
waiting for her.
(chain rattles)
Am I...
Am I free?
Not yet, wendy.
But that doesn't mean
you can't come out and play.
Remember what I told you.
Don't worry.
I'll deliver your message
to gold.
Good luck.
(whispers) okay?
(water splashes)
(cough in distance)
Who are you?
You're not supposed
to be here.
I thought pan might be keeping
my family here.
Why are you so far away
from the camp?
I'm sick,
And he's afraid
someone might catch it.
Who are you?
My name's wendy.
Wendy darling?
I'm henry.
W-what's wrong?
It's the island, henry.
Its power is fading.
I've been here a long time,
For some reason, it's affecting
me more than the others.
You look like him.
Like who?
Your father.
You knew my father?
We were friends.
A long time ago,
When he was just a little bit
older than you.
He saved my brothers
from danger.
He would do anything
for my family.
Are you gonna be okay?
You should go.
M-maybe there's something
I could do to help.
Just please, I don't want you to
catch what I have.
Pan is already doing
everything that he can.
But the magic here...
I fear it is not enough.
There has to be a way--
please go,
Before you, too, become ill.
I'll come back for you.
I promise.
Well done.
I couldn't have played the part
better myself.
Oh, and that bit about
dear old dad.
(whispers) excellent job.
I don't like lying to him.
Well, don't think of it
as lying.
Think of it as...
Providing motivation.
Motivation for what?
Doing what needs to be done,
For all of us.
See, henry has the heart of
the truest believer,
And I need to control
that belief.
What do you need him to
believe in?
Now back to your cage.
(water lapping)
You really believe
belle can succeed?
Are you sure it's not
your feelings blinding you?
Or perhaps it's my feelings
illuminating me.
You really love her.
Is that jealousy?
(laughs) of belle?
I think not.
No, no.
Of having someone.
Sorry I'm late.
We ran into a few...
Did you get it?
(opens satchel)
You fulfilled your end
of the bargain.
Now you can have legs
whenever you want.
Or a fin.
Whatever eric's into
these days.
When you return to storybrooke,
Seek him out.
Before I go,
belle wanted me to let you know
That pan has a prisoner
on this island--
A girl named wendy.
Her brothers are
back in storybrooke.
Belle doesn't wanna
let them down.
She wants you to make sure
that wendy's okay.
All that matters is henry.
And now you have a chance
to save him,
So rescuing that girl is
the least that you can do.
We'll do our best.
Look, um...
When you return...
Tell belle I love her,
And that she was right.
I will see her again.
Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry.
I know I screwed up.
Yes, you did.
It wasn't the lighter that
we were fighting over, luv.
Okay, let me be very clear
about something.
If I had to choose someone...
I choose henry.
He's the only love
I have room for in my life.
(foliage rustling)
I was wondering
if I'd see you again.
But if you've come
to talk me into helping you
Before you've found a way
off this island, I still--
We found one--
or we're about to.
I'm not sure I like the sound
of "about to."
Emma went with hook and neal
to capture it.
That's our way off the island.
Capture pan's shadow?
Yeah, I'm not
lifting a finger
Until I see some proof that
you've actually succeeded.
(coughs) hey. (panting)
Here's all the proof
you need.
It's been a long time, tink.
Is it really you?
Most people
call me neal now.
We did it.
Are you finally ready
to do your part, tink?
Yes, I am.
Uh, emma?
I just wanna say that...
You're right.
About henry.
And if he's the only thing that
came from us being together?
I'd say we did all right.
Now let's go get
our son back.
Why so glum, chum?
You said you weren't keeping
any secrets.
But you lied.
I found wendy.
Henry, I can explain.
She's dying, isn't she?
I'm afraid she is.
Like much of the island,
Because the magic here
is slipping away.
I would've told you, but...
I didn't want you to have
that weight on your shoulders,
Knowing that a young girl's life
depends on you.
So I'm the only one
who can save magic?
You are.
How do I do it?
The question isn't how, henry.
It's where.
Follow me.
See that?
Is that skull rock?
Inside is where
our salvation awaits--
A salvation that only
the heart of the truest believer
Can bring.
That's right, henry.
But I won't lie to you.
It won't be easy.
It will require heroism
And sacrifice.
(breathes deeply)
The only question is,
Are you up to the task?
"once upon a time"...
Find your anger. Smell that?
I can't leave neverland.
If I do, I'll die.
Maybe we don't have to kill him.
Maybe we can find another way.
I might have just the thing.
The place I'm sending you,
among its residents,
Is your prince eric.
You have a nice girl waiting
for you back in storybrooke.
Belle, is it?
You have to stay here.
No! W-why? I-I...
Well, greg and tamara
weren't working alone.
Others will follow.
It's a cloaking spell.
It'll shield the town,
Making it impossible
for anyone to find.
Well, then how--how will you
find your way back to me?
You're not coming back,
are you?
The prophecy.
The boy is my undoing.
But he's also my grandson.
I must save him.
(voice breaking) I understand.
I also know...
That the future isn't always
what it seems.
I will
See you again.
(leroy) they did it!
They saved us!
They did save us,
didn't they?
Tears of joy?
Belle, what is it? Are you okay?
What happened?
Where is everyone?
They stopped
the self-destruct device.
Those people who came--
greg and tamara--
They kidnapped henry
And they took him through
a portal.
A portal? To where?
I-I don't know. Everyone else
followed them on hook's ship.
Why'd you stay behind?
Because I had to.
It's a cloaking spell.
Because rumple said...
He said others were coming.
(revs engine)
Who exactly does gold think
is coming?
(belle) he didn't say
(archie) well, let's not panic.
I mean, for all we know,
it's a precaution. Right?
They're working with the people
who tried to destroy the town.
(leroy) can we panic now?
Yeah. Sure.
Maybe just a little.
We'll be fine as long
as we get this up in time.
Careful, sister. Mines are
a dangerous place.
Fairy dust.
It runs through the walls.
And that'll carry the magic
through town.
No time for whistlin', boys.
Let's get swingin'.
(men grunt)
(clanking, rocks clattering)
What is it?
I-I've never cast a spell
Maybe you should do this.
No. Mr. Gold entrusted this task
to you for a reason.
You just need
to believe in yourself.
(whispers) okay.
You might wanna believe
a little harder.
(man) whoa! Oh!
(whooshing continues)
(revs engine)
(loud crunch)
(tires screech)
(engine idling)
(engine revs, tires peal)
That's storybrooke?
Can you get there?
It's far. I'll have to
cross over realms.
But yes, I can make it.
If all went according to plan,
Will be surrounded
by a cloaking spell.
When you arrive,
surface close to the shore.
Then you're inside its bounds.
And what would you like me
to bring back?
An object to help us
defeat pan.
Well, I'm gonna need a little
more than that to go on.
I'm sorry.
(stick clatters)
Pan has ears everywhere.
We can't risk telling you.
then how?
Find a woman named belle,
And then give her this.
She'll know exactly what to do.
Got it.
Where will I find him
in this new world?
Well, that comes
after you've succeeded.
Incentives are important.
The bracelet will only
give you legs for 24 hours.
How do I know you'll uphold
your end of the bargain
When I'm back?
Guess you'll just
have to trust me.
(water splashes)
(inhales sharply)
(exhales deeply)
someone's leaving neverland.
(spears clatter)
How shall we stop them?
It's too late.
Don't worry, felix.
We simply need to get word
to our friends on the ground.
In storybrooke?
They can handle this.
All it does is move up
our timetable a touch.
We need to get henry ready.
And I need to have a chat with
our friend in the other cage.
Pan's shadow?
That's your way off
the island?
Oh. We thought you learned how
to navigate the stars.
I know how to navigate
the stars, but I can't fly.
I'm guessing that's where
the shadow comes in.
That's why we have to
capture it.
Capture it? We've never been
within 10 feet of pan
Unless he wanted us to be.
Sneaking up on him to steal
his shadow? That sounds insane.
Except pan's shadow
is rarely with him.
It's an entity unto itself.
It can carry out his will
from miles away.
What does that mean for us?
It means we can get his shadow
Without having to be
anywhere near pan--
As long as we know
where to look.
Okay. You and I are
on shadow duty.
As am I.
This trek won't be easy.
You could use another veteran
of the island.
Well, in the meantime, we'll
give tinker bell a heads up,
See if she can make good
on her promise
To get us into pan's camp.
Then we get henry and get
the hell back to storybrooke.
(sighs deeply)
gotta say something, boys.
You know I love
snow and charming, but...
Can I be honest?
It's kinda nice
not having them around.
No, really.
It's only been five days,
But it's the first five days
with no killing.
No wraiths.
No giants stepping on
my miata.
It has been peaceful.
I don't want to hear
any more of this.
Snow and charming
are coming back,
And everything will
remain normal.
I'm ariel.
(water splashes)
Do you know where I could find
someone named belle?
(british accent)
the home office was right.
She's here.
What now?
(british accent)
we follow our orders.
We find out why she came.
Then we make sure she never
leaves this town again.
What's the matter?
Too many pickles?
Not enough pickles?
I-I guess
I'm just not hungry.
All right, so that's
the fourth cheeseburger
You've turned down
this week.
It's about gold, isn't it?
Certainly not my cooking.
You miss him.
And it's just...
He said he was going off
to his death.
And I just...
I wish I was...
I wish I was able
to help him,
Help save henry.
But you protected
I mean, that--
that's just as important.
All... (scoffs) all I did was
pour a potion over some rocks.
The dwarfs did
all the hard work.
Hey, you wanted to be
a hero.
Sounds like you were.
And you kept the bad guys out.
What bad guys?
Come on, face it.
Nobody's coming here.
I wasn't on that ship
because he doesn't need me.
(door bells jingle)
(leroy) beg to differ, sister...
(closes door)
'cause this little lady
just swam a real long way
To find you.
Uh, maybe you didn't notice
the sign?
No shirt, no shoes,
no service.
Now you got a dress code?
I seem to recall
some ruby outfits
That are seared into my brain.
So, uh, who are you?
W-w-why are you here?
I came from neverland.
Rumplestiltskin sent me.
He's a--he's alive?
And he wanted me
to give you this.
A sand dollar?
What am I supposed to do
with it?
Don't ask me.
I'm just the delivery girl.
Looks like you figured it out.
I hope you raised
the cloaking spell.
The people headed for town
as far more dangerous
Than even I first believed.
They're unwitting pawns
in pan's game.
I told you I was going to
my death.
I found another way.
I can defeat pan and live...
But only if you get me
something from the shop.
The object I need is hidden.
But I know that with
the strength of our love,
You'll find it.
(sighs deeply)
He's really into being cryptic,
isn't he?
(voice breaks)
he wants my help.
He wants me to save him,
henry, everyone.
hey, you need help?
No, I can handle my pack.
Mary margaret...
(sighs deeply)
(blows air)
How long is this
gonna go on?
The whole
not-talking-to-each-other thing.
Don't you think
it's been long enough?
He didn't tell you about
his illness
Because he wanted to keep
the focus on the mission.
It's good to see you've
inherited his tunnel vision.
What does that mean?
You say a lot with nothing.
(sighs deeply)
Be careful
with hook and neal.
The one we need to be careful
with is the shadow.
The fact that they both have
feelings for you
Is dangerous, too.
None of that matters.
All I care about is
getting my son back.
There you are.
You care to take a stroll?
There's someplace special
I'd like to show you.
I'm not going anywhere
with you.
(sighs) why not, henry?
I think you're lying to me.
My family--they're here,
on neverland. I know it.
What makes you so sure?
Does it matter?
No. It doesn't.
But I'd remiss if I didn't
point out what does.
If your family's here, henry,
why haven't they come for you?
Maybe you're keeping them
from me.
(whispers) henry,
I promise you,
I'm not holding your family
Then why do you
keep disappearing
Into the jungle?
You're hiding something
from me,
And I'm gonna find out
what it is.
(felix) it would appear
we're losing the boy.
He just requires...
Some effort.
Given his lineage,
I'd expect nothing less.
(sighs deeply)
Shall I bring the cage here?
I have another idea.
Something tells me we won't find
pan's shadow in here, mate.
Yeah, well, we're looking for
something else.
It's a--it's a coconut.
It's carved in two.
One part holds a candle.
Yeah, your star map.
We hid it. I'll go grab it.
I owe you thanks,
For being so understanding.
Understanding about what?
Emma and me.
Emma and you?
Our dalliance.
You don't know, do you?
Well, this is awkward.
The two of us shared a kiss.
I assumed she told you.
Honestly, it probably...
Slipped her mind.
We're kinda focused
on getting our son back.
Of course.
(footsteps approach)
Everything all right?
Couldn't be better.
Here it is, your star map.
It's not a star map. It's...
What we're gonna use to trap
pan's shadow.
You came to neverland on
a pirate ship through a portal.
You draw the line
at a magic coconut?
Fair enough.
What's our next stop
on this mission?
Dark hollow.
(emma) really?
Why couldn't it be called
something like sunshine valley
Or rainbow cove?
What exactly is it?
Just what it sounds like--
The darkest spot
on the entire island.
Any light that
makes its way in
Is snuffed out by the shadows
that call it home.
Even I managed to avoid it.
Well, time to break tradition.
Dark hollow it is.
That's where we're gonna find
pan's shadow, right?
It's the only way we'll ever
get back to storybrooke.
Yeah, he's a... (chuckles)
bit of a collector.
This is a...
But it's not what
rumple needs.
(object clatters)
It's a...
Uh, button.
Also not what he needs.
No, I know.
But eric, he...
He had one just like it on
his jacket when I rescued him.
And eric is...
He's a prince.
The kind with legs.
I fell in love with him
a long time ago.
It didn't work out.
Because you're a mermaid?
Something like that.
Well, that's just one more
reason that we need to succeed.
So rumple said
I'd find the hiding space
with the strength of our love.
There--there's only one thing
he could've been talking about.
That's a...
It's chipped.
But no matter how much
this thing has been through,
It's survived.
Just like our love.
So... What now?
Do we make tea?
I'm not sure.
Rumple used to keep it
in here.
He enchanted it. It's...
It's a key.
(belle gasps)
It's a box.
I've read about this
in my books,
But I-I didn't realize
it was real,
Or that rumple had it.
What is it?
Pandora's box.
Legend says it contains
The world's darkest evil.
Shouldn't you be wearing gloves
or something?
No, no. As long as we don't
open it, we're fine.
Yeah. Sure.
So what do you think's
inside to it?
Well, whatever it is,
It's what rumple's gonna use
to defeat pan.
(guns cock)
All that trouble for a box?
Who are you?
The people you tried
to keep out of storybrooke.
(belle and ariel grunt)
I don't understand. Why do we
kind of doing what he tells us?
Because he has a gun.
What's a gun?
Trust me, you don't want
to find out.
What did rumplestiltskin
tell you about this thing?
I'm not afraid of you
or your gun--
And not just because
I don't know what it is.
Shall we demonstrate?
The box--what is it?
It's magic,
Which you're only gonna
destroy anyway.
So why do you even care?
Because our boss wants to know.
(laughs) you don't even know
what this is all about,
Or who you're
really working for.
Peter pan.
Yes. We know exactly who
we're working for.
But rumple said that--
greg and tamara didn't know.
They were patsies.
We, on the other hand, are aware
of our real mission.
Which is what?
Seeing that your rumple fails,
And that this thing
Never makes it back
to neverland.
Head to the other side
of the island
And deliver the supplies.
Anything else?
Just be certain henry doesn't
find out what you're up to.
I'm okay.
Because you've hardly said
two words to me since the caves.
Hell, since yesterday.
Look, I-I know you're upset
I didn't tell you
I was poisoned.
And even though it might seem
like it wasn't fair,
That's all I was trying
to do--
Be fair.
I think tinker bell's is
that way.
(sighs deeply)
(exhales deeply)
We're gonna have to cut
our way through.
(blade zings)
here, use this.
My cutlass.
You find it in the cave?
No. Actually,
hook gave it to me.
Since when are you
I thought emma would wish
to have something
To remember you by.
Oh. Thanks.
She's got me now.
What was that about?
(exhales deeply)
I assumed he'd heard
my secret.
And I also assumed that you'd
told him of our shared moment.
Why would you assume that?
Because I was hoping
it meant something.
What meant something
Was that you told us
neal was still alive.
Thank you.
I realized you could've kept
pan's information to yourself.
Why would I have done that?
I don't know.
Maybe pan offered you a deal?
Why else would he tell you?
He wanted to see if I'd leave
an old friend to die--
Even if the old friend
happens to be vying for
The same woman that I am.
And you chose your friend.
Does that surprise you?
You aa pirate.
Yeah, that I am.
But I also believe
in good form.
So when I win
your heart, emma--
And I will win it--
It will not be
because of any trickery.
It will be
because you want me.
(whispers) this is not
a contest, hook.
Isn't it?
You're gonna have to choose,
You realize that,
don't you?
Because neither one of us
is gonna give up.
The only thing
I have to choose
Is the best way
to get my son back.
And you will.
You think so?
I have yet to see you fail.
And when you do succeed...
Well, that's when
the fun begins.
(neal) guys!
I think I found it.
(crow caws)
(wind whistling)
Dark hollow.
(wind gusts)
So this is where the victims
of pan's shadow reside.
(low roar)
Forced to spend eternity
in this darkness.
Come on.
Let's be sure
not to join them.
(grunts) they're too tight.
We'll find a way out.
What makes you so sure?
Because... I'm an optimist.
I wish I could be,
But every time I try to be
a hero, it just...
Feels like it backfires.
I'm sorry you won't get
to be with eric.
Even after the magic wears off
this bracelet, I'll find him
And I will tell him
how I feel...
As long as he lives near
the beach.
Bracelet? Is--is that what
turned your tail into legs?
Yeah. Why?
I think we can
get out of here.
By stretching your fins.
Can you get that bracelet off?
No, I can't reach it.
Okay, hang on.
(grunts) ugh!
You got it?
Ah! I can! I can!
Let me... Got it!
(gasps) aah!
(both panting)
See? That didn't backfire.
Where did they go?
Well, the protection spell's
still up,
So they can't leave
Well, then what are they gonna
do with the box?
(sighs) well, if I wanted
to make sure
It doesn't end up
in neverland,
I'd--I'd destroy it.
How do you destroy something
so powerful?
You need something
just as strong.
Like what? More magic?
No. A dwarf's pickax.
The kind that can
smash a diamond.
The kind that their friends
who took henry used
To start all this trouble.
Come on. Hurry.
I think we're almost
at tink's.
I see why she picked
this area.
Nice quiet jungle.
Might make a good spot
for a hut, don't you think?
Or a tree house,
if you prefer.
Mary margaret.
When are you gonna start
talking to me again?
When we're storming
pan's camp?
When we're grabbing henry?
You need to say something.
You didn't.
You didn't tell me
At first, I was hoping
That I could find a cure
for the poison.
Okay. But then you did find
a cure,
And you still didn't tell me.
I know.
So what, afraid of
worrying me again?
No. I-I-I didn't think--
No, you didn't--
you didn't think?
You didn't think
I had a right to know
You could never leave
this island?!
Why didn't you tell me?
I was scared!
Did you think I wouldn't
stay here with you?
After everything
we've been through?
Did you think I would
ever leave your side?
No, I knew you wouldn't.
That's what scared me.
And I didn't want that
for you.
I didn't want you to be stuck
on this island with me.
The price of this cure
Was something I didn't want
to force on you.
Love means being together.
I know.
It also means sacrifice.
And protecting
the person you love.
A part of me not want you to
leave this place?
I would happily build
a tree house
And spend
the rest of my days
Dodging poison arrows
and lost boys,
As long as I had you
by my side.
But you should have told me.
(whispers) I know.
I'm sorry.
You didn't believe, david.
You needed to believe in us.
(animal cries)
(crow caws)
(emma) so we just wait
for pan's shadow to show up?
Yeah. And when it does,
we'll be prepared.
You wanna tell me
how that coconut works?
(crow caws)
We light the candle,
and the shadow is drawn to it.
It gets close enough,
the flame will suck it in.
Put the lid on...
(hook) sounds like a fine plan,
except for one thing--
Our lanterns went out.
So how the devil are we gonna
ignite that bloody thing?
(clinks open)
welcome to the 21st century.
(crow caws)
(wind blowing, lighter clicking)
How's it coming over there,
All right, hang on.
(flint striking)
Let me help.
No. D--I got it.
Well, I've only got one hand.
I can do better than that.
You know what? Now's not
the time to try to impress emma.
Oh, you think that's what
I'm doing?
Really? You're doing this now?
You heard her. Are we gonna
stand here and argue...
(flint striking)
Or are we gonna
get the candle lit?
(crow caws)
(breeze blows, flint strikes)
Harder than it looks, huh, pal?
Let me see it.
(lighter clinks closed)
Give it to me. Give it to me.
Guys, we don't have time
for this.
(wind gusts)
(blade zings)
we really don't have time
for this!
Is that pan's shadow?
(hook) what about
the other two?!
(emma grunting)
Aah! Aah!
(loud thud)
(loud thud)
(roaring continues)
(roaring continues)
Aah! Aah!
(hook and neal screaming)
Emma, get out of here!
Just go!
Save yourself! Aah!
(hook and neal
continue screaming)
(roaring continues)
(flame whooshes)
(roaring continues)
(crow caws)
How did you do that?
(breathes heavily)
She's teaching you magic?
Yeah. I guess she is.
(twig snaps)
They're, uh,
they're probably just ahead.
(ariel) shouldn't we wait
for the dwarfs?
We don't have time.
(man) here. Use this pickax.
you can't do that.
(gun cocks)
you destroy that box,
People we really care about
will die.
Then we have
something in common.
Because if we don't,
someone we care about will die.
What are you talking about?
None of your concern.
Now stay back.
We don't want to hurt you.
You should know
when to walk away.
(lever clanks)
(men groan and grunt)
(men grunt)
Please. You're making
a terrible error.
There is too much at stake.
Destroying magic?
That's not it.
We don't care about magic.
Then what were you trying
to do?
We're trying to save
our sister.
Your sister?
She's been pan's prisoner
for a long time.
Over a century.
That's impossible.
You'd be--
Dead. We're well aware.
Pan has kept us alive
to do his bidding.
And as long as we do,
she lives.
And then when we're done,
he'll free her and us.
But now--
now is your best chance.
We can defeat pan,
And your sister can finally
be set free.
You think
you're the first person
Who thought they could
beat him?
Why? Have you tried?
Yes, but we failed.
It's how our sister ended up
his prisoner in the first place.
We tried to be heroes,
but it just made things worse.
And now?
Now that we've failed?
He'll kill her.
We get this back
to neverland,
Pan is gonna have much bigger
things to worry about.
Can you really stop him?
Yes. I believe we can.
And if what you're saying
is true,
We wilsave your sister.
Who is she?
Her name is wendy.
Wendy darling.
If you see her,
Tell her john and michael are
waiting for her.
(chain rattles)
Am I...
Am I free?
Not yet, wendy.
But that doesn't mean
you can't come out and play.
Remember what I told you.
Don't worry.
I'll deliver your message
to gold.
Good luck.
(whispers) okay?
(water splashes)
(cough in distance)
Who are you?
You're not supposed
to be here.
I thought pan might be keeping
my family here.
Why are you so far away
from the camp?
I'm sick,
And he's afraid
someone might catch it.
Who are you?
My name's wendy.
Wendy darling?
I'm henry.
W-what's wrong?
It's the island, henry.
Its power is fading.
I've been here a long time,
For some reason, it's affecting
me more than the others.
You look like him.
Like who?
Your father.
You knew my father?
We were friends.
A long time ago,
When he was just a little bit
older than you.
He saved my brothers
from danger.
He would do anything
for my family.
Are you gonna be okay?
You should go.
M-maybe there's something
I could do to help.
Just please, I don't want you to
catch what I have.
Pan is already doing
everything that he can.
But the magic here...
I fear it is not enough.
There has to be a way--
please go,
Before you, too, become ill.
I'll come back for you.
I promise.
Well done.
I couldn't have played the part
better myself.
Oh, and that bit about
dear old dad.
(whispers) excellent job.
I don't like lying to him.
Well, don't think of it
as lying.
Think of it as...
Providing motivation.
Motivation for what?
Doing what needs to be done,
For all of us.
See, henry has the heart of
the truest believer,
And I need to control
that belief.
What do you need him to
believe in?
Now back to your cage.
(water lapping)
You really believe
belle can succeed?
Are you sure it's not
your feelings blinding you?
Or perhaps it's my feelings
illuminating me.
You really love her.
Is that jealousy?
(laughs) of belle?
I think not.
No, no.
Of having someone.
Sorry I'm late.
We ran into a few...
Did you get it?
(opens satchel)
You fulfilled your end
of the bargain.
Now you can have legs
whenever you want.
Or a fin.
Whatever eric's into
these days.
When you return to storybrooke,
Seek him out.
Before I go,
belle wanted me to let you know
That pan has a prisoner
on this island--
A girl named wendy.
Her brothers are
back in storybrooke.
Belle doesn't wanna
let them down.
She wants you to make sure
that wendy's okay.
All that matters is henry.
And now you have a chance
to save him,
So rescuing that girl is
the least that you can do.
We'll do our best.
Look, um...
When you return...
Tell belle I love her,
And that she was right.
I will see her again.
Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry.
I know I screwed up.
Yes, you did.
It wasn't the lighter that
we were fighting over, luv.
Okay, let me be very clear
about something.
If I had to choose someone...
I choose henry.
He's the only love
I have room for in my life.
(foliage rustling)
I was wondering
if I'd see you again.
But if you've come
to talk me into helping you
Before you've found a way
off this island, I still--
We found one--
or we're about to.
I'm not sure I like the sound
of "about to."
Emma went with hook and neal
to capture it.
That's our way off the island.
Capture pan's shadow?
Yeah, I'm not
lifting a finger
Until I see some proof that
you've actually succeeded.
(coughs) hey. (panting)
Here's all the proof
you need.
It's been a long time, tink.
Is it really you?
Most people
call me neal now.
We did it.
Are you finally ready
to do your part, tink?
Yes, I am.
Uh, emma?
I just wanna say that...
You're right.
About henry.
And if he's the only thing that
came from us being together?
I'd say we did all right.
Now let's go get
our son back.
Why so glum, chum?
You said you weren't keeping
any secrets.
But you lied.
I found wendy.
Henry, I can explain.
She's dying, isn't she?
I'm afraid she is.
Like much of the island,
Because the magic here
is slipping away.
I would've told you, but...
I didn't want you to have
that weight on your shoulders,
Knowing that a young girl's life
depends on you.
So I'm the only one
who can save magic?
You are.
How do I do it?
The question isn't how, henry.
It's where.
Follow me.
See that?
Is that skull rock?
Inside is where
our salvation awaits--
A salvation that only
the heart of the truest believer
Can bring.
That's right, henry.
But I won't lie to you.
It won't be easy.
It will require heroism
And sacrifice.
(breathes deeply)
The only question is,
Are you up to the task?