Nova (1974–…): Season 29, Episode 1 - Death Star - full transcript
Astronomers struggle for decades to determine where gamma ray bursts are coming from unsure whether they are nearby or half way across the universe. Once that is pinned down an even bigger question arises, what could possibly produce them.
Peering into the
depths of space, astronomers
depths of space, astronomers
glimpse something astounding:
glimpse something astounding:
the most powerful explosions
the most powerful explosions
since the creation of the
since the creation of the
- Universe.
- There's just
There's just
nothing we know of in the
nothing we know of in the
universe that comes anywhere
universe that comes anywhere
- Close.
- Explosions that
Explosions that
released more energy than ever
released more energy than ever
thought possible.
- Thought possible.
- This is the kind
This is the kind
of energy you need if you took
of energy you need if you took
the mass of our Sun... our Sun...
The mass of our Sun... our Sun...
And turned it into energy in ten
and turned it into energy in ten
seconds... pure energy, e=MC2
seconds... pure energy, e=MC2
Their deadly
Their deadly
radiation flared through entire
radiation flared through entire
What would happen if such an
What would happen if such an
event took place near Earth?
- Event took place near Earth?
- It would be
It would be
sort of like Hiroshima going off
sort of like Hiroshima going off
all over the world all at one
all over the world all at one
- Time.
- For decades,
For decades,
scientists have searched for the
scientists have searched for the
cause of this phenomenal
cause of this phenomenal
What is the source of these
What is the source of these
explosions that go back to the
July, 1967, an
American satellite is on the
American satellite is on the
lookout for nuclear blasts
lookout for nuclear blasts
coming from the far side of the
coming from the far side of the
It sounds like the plot of a
It sounds like the plot of a
Cold War thriller, yet with
Cold War thriller, yet with
Russia and America locked in an
Russia and America locked in an
arms race, the U.S. military
arms race, the U.S. military
perceived a very real threat.
Perceived a very real threat.
Seven years earlier, both
Seven years earlier, both
countries had signed a treaty
countries had signed a treaty
forbidding the testing of
forbidding the testing of
nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons.
But with Russia able to send
But with Russia able to send
rockets into space, the U.S.
rockets into space, the U.S.
feared they had a way to cheat.
- Feared they had a way to cheat.
- The
possibility of hiding a test in
possibility of hiding a test in
outer space afforded Russia an
outer space afforded Russia an
opportunity to gain an
opportunity to gain an
And the United States had no
And the United States had no
means to determine whether a
means to determine whether a
clandestine test was being
clandestine test was being
- Performed.
- The Americans knew
The Americans knew
that if the Russians detonated a
that if the Russians detonated a
bomb into space, they could hide
bomb into space, they could hide
the initial explosion behind a
the initial explosion behind a
shield, or even the moon itself.
Shield, or even the moon itself.
So the U.S. military set out to
So the U.S. military set out to
design spy satellites that could
design spy satellites that could
pick up traces of a blast that
pick up traces of a blast that
could not be hidden.
Could not be hidden.
The satellites would search for
The satellites would search for
the most long-lasting radiation
the most long-lasting radiation
emitted by an atom bomb... gamma
emitted by an atom bomb... gamma
A nuclear explosion doesn't just
A nuclear explosion doesn't just
produce a bright flash of
produce a bright flash of
visible light, it generates
visible light, it generates
radiation across the entire
radiation across the entire
electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic spectrum.
A powerful pulse of long
A powerful pulse of long
wavelength radio, or microwaves,
wavelength radio, or microwaves,
can destroy electronic circuits.
Can destroy electronic circuits.
Infrared heat radiation can
Infrared heat radiation can
trigger flash fires.
Trigger flash fires.
Then, there are the wavelengths
Then, there are the wavelengths
shorter than visible light...
Shorter than visible light...
Ultraviolet radiation and
ultraviolet radiation and
X-rays can lead to cancer.
X-rays can lead to cancer.
But the most deadly of all are
But the most deadly of all are
gamma rays, emitted by the
gamma rays, emitted by the
expanding radioactive cloud that
expanding radioactive cloud that
remains long after the visible
remains long after the visible
light of a nuclear explosion has
light of a nuclear explosion has
If the Soviets were violating
If the Soviets were violating
the Test Ban treaty, the
the Test Ban treaty, the
American satellites would pick
American satellites would pick
up the gamma rays.
Up the gamma rays.
For two years, engineers at a
For two years, engineers at a
top-secret laboratory at Los
top-secret laboratory at Los
Alamos worked on the satellites.
Alamos worked on the satellites.
Soon they were ready for launch.
Soon they were ready for launch.
Code-named VELA, Spanish for
Code-named VELA, Spanish for
watchman, they hunted in pairs,
watchman, they hunted in pairs,
searching for gamma rays.
Searching for gamma rays.
On July 2, 1967, they got their
On July 2, 1967, they got their
first bite.
- First bite.
- It consisted
It consisted
of two bursts, and it was
of two bursts, and it was
reproduced very accurately
reproduced very accurately
between the records of the two
between the records of the two
Clearly, it was something of
Clearly, it was something of
On the other hand, it was,
On the other hand, it was,
almost as clearly, was not the
almost as clearly, was not the
response to a nuclear
response to a nuclear
- Detonation.
- The satellites had
The satellites had
recorded thousands of bursts of
recorded thousands of bursts of
radiation, but nothing came
radiation, but nothing came
close to the brightness of these
close to the brightness of these
gamma rays.
Gamma rays.
They must have been produced by
They must have been produced by
a violent explosion.
A violent explosion.
If a nuclear bomb wasn't
If a nuclear bomb wasn't
responsible, then what could
responsible, then what could
have triggered them?
Have triggered them?
Solar flares erupting from the
Solar flares erupting from the
sun can shoot out intense gamma
sun can shoot out intense gamma
Other high-energy events in the
Other high-energy events in the
universe might also produce this
universe might also produce this
But Ray Klebesadel could find
But Ray Klebesadel could find
nothing to coincide with the
nothing to coincide with the
gamma-ray bursts he detected.
Gamma-ray bursts he detected.
Another 12 were discovered, and
Another 12 were discovered, and
according to the VELA
according to the VELA
satellites, they came from
satellites, they came from
random directions around the
random directions around the
For years, the mysterious bursts
For years, the mysterious bursts
were known only to the
were known only to the
scientists at Los Alamos.
Scientists at Los Alamos.
By 1973, it was time to share
By 1973, it was time to share
their existence with the world.
It was a couple of
months after Ray Klebesadel and
months after Ray Klebesadel and
the scientists at Los Alamos had
the scientists at Los Alamos had
announced their discovery.
Announced their discovery.
And so I went on out there, met
And so I went on out there, met
Ray, and learned all about the
Ray, and learned all about the
- Bursts.
- Like many of his
Like many of his
colleagues, Don Lamb... marathon
colleagues, Don Lamb... marathon
runner and astrophysicist... was
runner and astrophysicist... was
I knew it was a mysterious
I knew it was a mysterious
phenomenon, but I think no one...
Phenomenon, but I think no one...
Certainly not myself... realized,
certainly not myself... realized,
at that time, what the depth of
at that time, what the depth of
the mystery really was.
- The mystery really was.
- The bursts of gamma
The bursts of gamma
rays were unlike anything else
rays were unlike anything else
known to astronomers.
Known to astronomers.
They lasted only a few seconds
They lasted only a few seconds
and were difficult to locate.
And were difficult to locate.
It took weeks to pinpoint their
It took weeks to pinpoint their
direction, and when astronomers
direction, and when astronomers
looked, all traces had
looked, all traces had
- Disappeared.
- So it would be like
So it would be like
you're in a completely darkened
you're in a completely darkened
room and you see, you know, a
room and you see, you know, a
flash over here, unexpected,
flash over here, unexpected,
from an unexpected direction,
from an unexpected direction,
then a flash over here, then
then a flash over here, then
maybe one in this direction, and
maybe one in this direction, and
then over here.
Then over here.
And after the flash was gone,
And after the flash was gone,
you'd look with the most
you'd look with the most
sensitive telescopes, whether
sensitive telescopes, whether
from the ground or from space,
from the ground or from space,
in that direction, and try to
in that direction, and try to
see something, and you could
see something, and you could
never find anything that you
never find anything that you
could be sure was associated
could be sure was associated
with that flash, with that
with that flash, with that
- Burst.
- The bursts were so
The bursts were so
elusive, that many astronomers
elusive, that many astronomers
were unwilling to devote time to
were unwilling to devote time to
studying them.
Studying them.
There were exceptions.
Jerry Fishman and Chip Meegan
were two of the first
were two of the first
astronomers to take a serious
astronomers to take a serious
look at the bursts.
- Look at the bursts.
- The early data
The early data
for gamma-ray bursts were so
for gamma-ray bursts were so
And gamma-ray bursts can be
And gamma-ray bursts can be
produced by any one of any
produced by any one of any
variety of things so that almost
variety of things so that almost
anything goes; you get all kinds
anything goes; you get all kinds
of crazy ideas.
Of crazy ideas.
The "National Enquirer" thought
The "National Enquirer" thought
that maybe we were seeing alien
that maybe we were seeing alien
civilizations warring with each
civilizations warring with each
other and throwing nuclear
other and throwing nuclear
explosions, nuclear bombs at
explosions, nuclear bombs at
each other.
Each other.
We really couldn't refute that,
We really couldn't refute that,
nobody could refute that.
Nobody could refute that.
They even got some respectable
They even got some respectable
scientist to say, "Well, yeah, I
scientist to say, "Well, yeah, I
guess that's a possibility."
- guess that's a possibility."
- I complained
I complained
that that wasn't at all what I
that that wasn't at all what I
said, but nevertheless, it got
said, but nevertheless, it got
published in just the form he
published in just the form he
read to me.
- Read to me.
- I got a phone
I got a phone
call once from a guy who said
call once from a guy who said
that he not only knew what was
that he not only knew what was
causing the bursts, but how to
causing the bursts, but how to
stop them.
Stop them.
And I just said, "Oh, well, I've
And I just said, "Oh, well, I've
got to go to a meeting now."
- got to go to a meeting now."
- Whatever was
Whatever was
creating the bursts, it was
creating the bursts, it was
difficult to see.
Difficult to see.
But Don Lamb and other theorists
But Don Lamb and other theorists
knew of an object that just
knew of an object that just
might fit the bill.
- Might fit the bill.
- I was one of the
I was one of the
first people to put forward a
first people to put forward a
model about gamma-ray bursts,
model about gamma-ray bursts,
and my first instincts were that
and my first instincts were that
they might be coming from
they might be coming from
neutron stars.
- Neutron stars.
- Shining throughout
Shining throughout
the universe are huge stars some
the universe are huge stars some
ten times the mass of our sun.
Ten times the mass of our sun.
When one dies, it dies violently
When one dies, it dies violently
in a brilliant explosion called
in a brilliant explosion called
a supernova.
A supernova.
It blasts away most of the star,
It blasts away most of the star,
leaving just a tiny core of
leaving just a tiny core of
dense nuclear material... a
dense nuclear material... a
neutron star.
Neutron star.
Into this sphere, just a few
Into this sphere, just a few
miles across, is crammed the
miles across, is crammed the
mass of two suns.
Mass of two suns.
The density creates incredible
The density creates incredible
gravitational energy that might,
gravitational energy that might,
under some circumstances,
under some circumstances,
trigger gamma-ray bursts.
- Trigger gamma-ray bursts.
- There were even
There were even
ideas that perhaps neutron stars
ideas that perhaps neutron stars
had comets orbiting around them
had comets orbiting around them
just like the sun does, and
just like the sun does, and
occasionally a comet actually
occasionally a comet actually
crashes into the sun.
Crashes into the sun.
And the idea was here that
And the idea was here that
perhaps some material could fall
perhaps some material could fall
onto the neutron star and it
onto the neutron star and it
would hit the neutron star at a
would hit the neutron star at a
third of the speed of light
third of the speed of light
because the gravity was so
because the gravity was so
strong; and produce an
strong; and produce an
- Explosion.
- Another of the
Another of the
favorites was the neutron star
favorites was the neutron star
quake model, something quite
quake model, something quite
popular here in California, that
popular here in California, that
the neutron star crust might
the neutron star crust might
crack; and something resembling
crack; and something resembling
an earthquake.
An earthquake.
But because the gravitational
But because the gravitational
field of the neutron star is so
field of the neutron star is so
powerful, the energy released in
powerful, the energy released in
a quake can be enormous.
A quake can be enormous.
And so there were all sorts of
And so there were all sorts of
variations that involved getting
variations that involved getting
energy out a neutron star.
- Energy out a neutron star.
- One might say it
One might say it
was a golden age of theories in
was a golden age of theories in
gamma-ray bursts because the
gamma-ray bursts because the
constraints from the
constraints from the
observations were so sparse,
observations were so sparse,
were so limited, that it gave
were so limited, that it gave
free reign to the imaginations
free reign to the imaginations
of theorists in this era.
- Of theorists in this era.
- But without more
But without more
data, there was no way to prove
data, there was no way to prove
any theory.
Any theory.
Fishman and Meegan went
Fishman and Meegan went
searching for more bursts.
Searching for more bursts.
The first
The first
instruments that saw these
instruments that saw these
bursts were very small.
Bursts were very small.
We knew if we could put together
We knew if we could put together
even a simple detector system,
even a simple detector system,
but make it big, that we had a
but make it big, that we had a
good chance of seeing many of
good chance of seeing many of
these gamma ray bursts on even
these gamma ray bursts on even
an eight- or ten-hour balloon
an eight- or ten-hour balloon
- Flight.
- They sent their
They sent their
detectors to the edge of our
detectors to the edge of our
atmosphere to see if they could
atmosphere to see if they could
discern a pattern in the blasts.
Discern a pattern in the blasts.
Our galaxy is a flattened disc,
Our galaxy is a flattened disc,
and earth lies at its edge.
And earth lies at its edge.
When we look up at the night
When we look up at the night
sky, we see it as a band of
sky, we see it as a band of
bright stars: the Milky Way.
Bright stars: the Milky Way.
If the bursts were created by
If the bursts were created by
neutron stars in our
neutron stars in our
neighborhood, Fishman and Meegan
neighborhood, Fishman and Meegan
expected to see them coming from
expected to see them coming from
the direction of the Milky Way.
The direction of the Milky Way.
In the end, they found only
In the end, they found only
one... and it wasn't where they
one... and it wasn't where they
- Expected.
- If the gamma-
If the gamma-
ray bursts were in the galaxy,
ray bursts were in the galaxy,
you would expect most of them to
you would expect most of them to
be right along the plane of the
be right along the plane of the
Milky Way, within the galaxy.
- Milky Way, within the galaxy.
- Even the weak
Even the weak ones.
- Ones.
- Hmm-mm.
Especially the weak ones.
Especially the weak ones.
And this was one of the weakest
And this was one of the weakest
ones that was ever seen, and yet
ones that was ever seen, and yet
it was out of the plane.
It was out of the plane.
It caused us some puzzlement,
It caused us some puzzlement,
but not enough to really come to
but not enough to really come to
any conclusion.
- Any conclusion.
- As more gamma-ray
As more gamma-ray
bursts were located, they, too,
bursts were located, they, too,
came from random positions
came from random positions
around the sky.
Around the sky.
Most astronomers believed they
Most astronomers believed they
simply weren't seeing far enough
simply weren't seeing far enough
into our galaxy to detect the
into our galaxy to detect the
full extent of the Milky Way.
Full extent of the Milky Way.
But one man thought the bursts
But one man thought the bursts
were further than they could
were further than they could
possibly imagine.
Possibly imagine.
Bohdan Paczynski thought
Bohdan Paczynski thought
everyone was thinking small.
- Everyone was thinking small.
- When I was
When I was
first interested in gamma-ray
first interested in gamma-ray
bursts, they were generally
bursts, they were generally
believed to be in our galaxy.
Believed to be in our galaxy.
However, the single most clear
However, the single most clear
evidence of them being in our
evidence of them being in our
galaxy... our Milky Way... was
galaxy... our Milky Way... was
They were not seen against our
They were not seen against our
Milky Way, they were everywhere,
Milky Way, they were everywhere,
all over the sky.
All over the sky.
And that left just two
And that left just two
possibilities: either they were
possibilities: either they were
very, very close to us, so close
very, very close to us, so close
that Milky Way is too far to be
that Milky Way is too far to be
seen; or just as well, they
seen; or just as well, they
could have been very, very far
could have been very, very far
away, and that's what I decided
away, and that's what I decided
to go for.
- To go for.
- Paczynski's point
Paczynski's point
was simple: although objects in
was simple: although objects in
our galaxy tend to cluster along
our galaxy tend to cluster along
the Milky Way, those that are
the Milky Way, those that are
farther away will be seen
farther away will be seen
equally in all directions.
Equally in all directions.
So if the bursts were coming
So if the bursts were coming
from distant galaxies, they
from distant galaxies, they
would appear randomly
would appear randomly
distributed across the sky.
- Distributed across the sky.
- So a
So a natural suggestion is that
natural suggestion is that
gamma-ray bursts were coming to
gamma-ray bursts were coming to
us from so-called cosmological
us from so-called cosmological
distances, which basically means
distances, which basically means
huge, huge distances from the
huge, huge distances from the
far end of the universe, you
far end of the universe, you
could say.
- Could say.
- But that posed a
But that posed a problem.
The further away the bursts, the
The further away the bursts, the
more powerful they had to be to
more powerful they had to be to
reach us.
Reach us.
And for them to come from the
And for them to come from the
edge of the universe, invoked
edge of the universe, invoked
energies beyond what a neutron
energies beyond what a neutron
star could produce.
- Star could produce.
- Is it a billion
Is it a billion
times further away?
Times further away?
Must not be a million, must be
Must not be a million, must be
about 100 million.
- About 100 million.
- The kind of energy
The kind of energy
that still leaves astrophysicist
that still leaves astrophysicist
Stan Woosley staggered.
- Stan Woosley staggered.
- Even in the
Even in the
models that had gamma-ray bursts
models that had gamma-ray bursts
in our own galaxy, we needed
in our own galaxy, we needed
things that were a million times
things that were a million times
more luminous than the sun.
More luminous than the sun.
But in order for them to be a
But in order for them to be a
million times further away... as
million times further away... as
the cosmic models would
the cosmic models would
require... the luminosity would
require... the luminosity would
be like a billion, billion times
be like a billion, billion times
the luminosity of the sun.
- The luminosity of the sun.
- This energy problem
This energy problem
put Bohdan Paczynski out on a
put Bohdan Paczynski out on a
- Limb.
- If you had
If you had
a crowded field in one part, and
a crowded field in one part, and
complete emptiness in the other,
complete emptiness in the other,
I would rather go for the
I would rather go for the
uncrowded area.
Uncrowded area.
But there is a price to be paid.
But there is a price to be paid.
If you are in the sufficiently
If you are in the sufficiently
uncrowded area, you may look
uncrowded area, you may look
like a crackpot.
Like a crackpot.
And indeed, how do you know that
And indeed, how do you know that
you are not a crackpot?
- You are not a crackpot?
- Fishman and Meegan
Fishman and Meegan
went hunting for gamma ray
went hunting for gamma ray
bursts again, this time with the
bursts again, this time with the
largest space telescope ever
largest space telescope ever
built: The Compton Gamma Ray
built: The Compton Gamma Ray
The gamma ray detectors onboard
The gamma ray detectors onboard
were the most sensitive ever
were the most sensitive ever
If there were a burst anywhere
If there were a burst anywhere
in the universe, the Compton
in the universe, the Compton
would find it.
- Would find it.
- About once a
About once a
day, it would see a tremendous
day, it would see a tremendous
flash of gamma rays, and it
flash of gamma rays, and it
would show up in three or four
would show up in three or four
or sometimes more detectors.
- Or sometimes more detectors.
- The results were
The results were clear.
117 bursts scattered all over
117 bursts scattered all over
the sky outside the Milky Way.
The sky outside the Milky Way.
Fishman and Meegan were stunned.
- Fishman and Meegan were stunned.
- We knew that
We knew that
it had major implications for a
it had major implications for a
lot of theorists that had been
lot of theorists that had been
working on the puzzle of gamma-
working on the puzzle of gamma-
ray bursts over the previous ten
ray bursts over the previous ten
or 15 years, and that this would
or 15 years, and that this would
throw out a lot of their
throw out a lot of their
So we really wanted to proceed
So we really wanted to proceed
- Cautiously.
- We wanted to
We wanted to
turn that whole thing upside
turn that whole thing upside
down, it's sort of the... the
down, it's sort of the... the
old slogan that "everything you
old slogan that "everything you
know is wrong."
- know is wrong."
- When the news was
When the news was
announced, it was a moment of
announced, it was a moment of
triumph for Bohdan Paczynski.
- Triumph for Bohdan Paczynski.
- That was
That was
for me quite an emotional
for me quite an emotional
To see 50% of the people
To see 50% of the people
instantly accepting the obvious
instantly accepting the obvious
consequences and saying, "Okay,
consequences and saying, "Okay,
we goofed for ten years, now we
we goofed for ten years, now we
decided the data is unambiguous.
Decided the data is unambiguous.
Bursts are at cosmological
Bursts are at cosmological
That was, sort of, rational for
That was, sort of, rational for
- Me.
- But his triumph was
But his triumph was
diminished by the lingering
diminished by the lingering
resistance to his big idea.
- Resistance to his big idea.
- What was
What was
truly amazing was another 50% of
truly amazing was another 50% of
the audience was unmoved.
- The audience was unmoved.
- It took me and
It took me and
the rest of the community a
the rest of the community a
while to get used to the idea
while to get used to the idea
that the bursts just weren't
that the bursts just weren't
going to follow a galactic
going to follow a galactic
By 1993, I'd say, the
By 1993, I'd say, the
handwriting was on the wall.
Handwriting was on the wall.
And so it was getting very hard
And so it was getting very hard
to hold on to the neutron star
to hold on to the neutron star
- Model.
- Now astronomers
Now astronomers
found themselves in a quandary.
Found themselves in a quandary.
It seemed probable that the
It seemed probable that the
bursts were coming from far
bursts were coming from far
across the universe.
Across the universe.
And if this were true, neutron
And if this were true, neutron
stars could not explain them,
stars could not explain them,
for they couldn't generate
for they couldn't generate
enough energy to send gamma rays
enough energy to send gamma rays
across such vast distances.
Across such vast distances.
As many astrophysicists looked
As many astrophysicists looked
for other explanations, Don Lamb
for other explanations, Don Lamb
searched for a way to hold on to
searched for a way to hold on to
his ideas about neutron stars.
- His ideas about neutron stars.
- Look, we know
Look, we know
objects... neutron stars... that
objects... neutron stars... that
produce bursts just almost
produce bursts just almost
exactly like this, not
exactly like this, not
completely, but almost
completely, but almost
completely like this.
Completely like this.
We're just lacking a population
We're just lacking a population
of those neutron stars which
of those neutron stars which
could account for the sky
could account for the sky
- Distribution.
- Don Lamb reasoned
Don Lamb reasoned
that if there were a population
that if there were a population
of neutron stars in a halo
of neutron stars in a halo
surrounding our galaxy, then
surrounding our galaxy, then
that might account for the
that might account for the
random pattern of bursts seen by
random pattern of bursts seen by
the Compton.
The Compton.
But whether astronomers believed
But whether astronomers believed
the bursts were close by or
the bursts were close by or
coming from far away, no single
coming from far away, no single
theory made complete sense.
- Theory made complete sense.
- When you're on the
When you're on the
very frontier of science,
very frontier of science,
everything's chaos... confusing.
Everything's chaos... confusing.
You have one observational
You have one observational
result that completely conflicts
result that completely conflicts
with another observational
with another observational
result, and each scientist is
result, and each scientist is
using their own experience,
using their own experience,
their own intuition, trying to
their own intuition, trying to
figure out how much am I going
figure out how much am I going
to weigh this result which
to weigh this result which
clearly conflicts with this one?
- Clearly conflicts with this one?
- The more scientists
The more scientists
found out about gamma-ray
found out about gamma-ray
bursts, the more intrigued they
bursts, the more intrigued they
Don Lamb, and others, needed a
Don Lamb, and others, needed a
way to prove their theories
way to prove their theories
right... or wrong.
News was spreading fast that the
mysterious bursts were coming
mysterious bursts were coming
from beyond our galaxy.
From beyond our galaxy.
They were far more powerful than
They were far more powerful than
anyone had imagined, and
anyone had imagined, and
astronomers began to see them as
astronomers began to see them as
a cosmological sensation.
A cosmological sensation.
For 25 years, a small group had
For 25 years, a small group had
had the field to themselves.
Had the field to themselves.
Now others were joining the
Now others were joining the
Dale Frail had access to the
Dale Frail had access to the
largest radio facility in the
largest radio facility in the
world, the Very Large Array.
- World, the Very Large Array.
- There was an
There was an
established community of people
established community of people
working on this problem for a
working on this problem for a
good 20 years.
Good 20 years.
I'm a radio astronomer, I work
I'm a radio astronomer, I work
at the other end of the
at the other end of the
spectrum, so I felt that I had
spectrum, so I felt that I had
something to contribute that was
something to contribute that was
unique and distinct from what
unique and distinct from what
they had... previously had done.
- They had... previously had done.
- It was now obvious
It was now obvious
that the bursts were randomly
that the bursts were randomly
distributed across the sky.
Distributed across the sky.
But how far away were they?
But how far away were they?
The distance was critical
The distance was critical
because the further away they
because the further away they
were, the more powerful they had
were, the more powerful they had
to be to reach us.
To be to reach us.
If the bursts were coming from
If the bursts were coming from
the outer limits of the
the outer limits of the
universe, then the forces that
universe, then the forces that
created them would be truly
created them would be truly
Surely, such violent explosions
Surely, such violent explosions
would leave a trace, a lingering
would leave a trace, a lingering
- Afterglow.
- The afterglow
The afterglow
idea is very simple.
Idea is very simple.
You release a large amount of
You release a large amount of
energy, there has to be some
energy, there has to be some
glowing embers left over of that
glowing embers left over of that
We were looking for the
We were looking for the
aftermath of that explosion so
aftermath of that explosion so
we had very much, as radio
we had very much, as radio
astronomers, an idea of how to
astronomers, an idea of how to
go about doing that.
- Go about doing that.
- The key to solving
The key to solving
the riddle of the bursts was to
the riddle of the bursts was to
catch an afterglow.
- Catch an afterglow.
- The reason we
The reason we
really wanted to do that, to
really wanted to do that, to
find the counterpart, the object
find the counterpart, the object
that had made the gamma ray
that had made the gamma ray
burst, was that maybe we could
burst, was that maybe we could
out find how far away it was.
Out find how far away it was.
We didn't know whether these
We didn't know whether these
firecrackers were going off next
firecrackers were going off next
door, or out in the comet cloud,
door, or out in the comet cloud,
or in the halo of Milky Way, or
or in the halo of Milky Way, or
at the edge of the universe.
- At the edge of the universe.
- But in 25 years, no
But in 25 years, no
one had ever caught an
one had ever caught an
They must be fleeting.
They must be fleeting.
Astronomers needed to train
Astronomers needed to train
their telescopes at the bursts
their telescopes at the bursts
much more quickly.
Much more quickly.
They pinned their hopes on an
They pinned their hopes on an
explorer satellite called HETE.
- Explorer satellite called HETE.
- So the key ideas
So the key ideas
about the High Energy Transient
about the High Energy Transient
Explorer, HETE, were that it
Explorer, HETE, were that it
would very accurately pinpoint
would very accurately pinpoint
the locations of the bursts and
the locations of the bursts and
then share that with the
then share that with the
community in near real time.
- Community in near real time.
- So they'd detect
So they'd detect
the gamma-ray burst, then give
the gamma-ray burst, then give
us a position accurate enough to
us a position accurate enough to
point our very best telescopes
point our very best telescopes
at that position.
At that position.
So we could bring out our big
So we could bring out our big
guns, if you like.
- Guns, if you like.
- After years of
After years of
arguing over the origin of the
arguing over the origin of the
bursts, astronomers thought HETE
bursts, astronomers thought HETE
was the tool they needed to end
was the tool they needed to end
the debate.
The debate.
30 seconds and counting, this
30 seconds and counting, this
is Pegasus control...
- is Pegasus control...
- In November, 1996,
In November, 1996,
HETE took off from an airbase in
HETE took off from an airbase in
To the dismay of HETE
To the dismay of HETE
scientists, NASA insisted on
scientists, NASA insisted on
deploying the satellite from a
deploying the satellite from a
Pegasus rocket strapped to the
Pegasus rocket strapped to the
belly of a converted airliner.
- Belly of a converted airliner.
- In previous
In previous
launches, the Pegasus rockets
launches, the Pegasus rockets
had suffered a 40% failure rate.
- Had suffered a 40% failure rate.
- We said, "Look,
We said, "Look,
we've spent a decade designing
we've spent a decade designing
and building the satellite and
and building the satellite and
now you're asking us to take a
now you're asking us to take a
launch on a rocket that's shown,
launch on a rocket that's shown,
so far, to be very unreliable."
so far, to be very unreliable."
And the answer came back from
And the answer came back from
NASA that, "You either take the
NASA that, "You either take the
ride now, or we close the
ride now, or we close the
So the moment came when the
So the moment came when the
aircraft, you know, says, "On my
aircraft, you know, says, "On my
mark, launch... three two one..."
mark, launch... three two one..."
Three, two, one, drop.
- Three, two, one, drop.
- The rocket had just
The rocket had just
dropped from the aircraft, and
dropped from the aircraft, and
your heart's pounding, and
your heart's pounding, and
you're waiting, because it will
you're waiting, because it will
only ignite five seconds later,
only ignite five seconds later,
so you're counting to yourself.
So you're counting to yourself.
Pegasus is away, standing by
Pegasus is away, standing by
for ignition.
For ignition.
And Pegasus is up and burning.
And Pegasus is up and burning.
Wow, you know that the first
Wow, you know that the first
stage is ignited and it's headed
stage is ignited and it's headed
for orbit.
For orbit.
So everything was going well and
So everything was going well and
we were hearing, "We have first-
we were hearing, "We have first-
stage burnout."
stage burnout."
Burn out in approximately...
Burn out in approximately...
- Now.
- "We have second
"We have second
stage separation, we have second
stage separation, we have second
stage ignition."
stage ignition."
And everything, all the
And everything, all the
telemetry, and you hear all
telemetry, and you hear all
these voices of all the mission
these voices of all the mission
controllers who are monitoring,
controllers who are monitoring,
telling you how things are going
telling you how things are going
and we had third-stage
and we had third-stage
separation, and just as that
separation, and just as that
happened, I just caught... some
happened, I just caught... some
person in the control room said,
person in the control room said,
"We have an anomaly in the
"We have an anomaly in the
third-stage bus."
third-stage bus."
This is Pegasus launch stat.
This is Pegasus launch stat.
It looks like the transient bus
It looks like the transient bus
has gone down.
- Has gone down.
- The other people in
The other people in
my office didn't understand what
my office didn't understand what
was going on, so they were still
was going on, so they were still
excited, and yet I was starting
excited, and yet I was starting
to feel this dread that
to feel this dread that
something was terribly wrong.
Something was terribly wrong.
And we appear to have a
And we appear to have a
problem in the electrical
problem in the electrical
system that fires the
system that fires the
pyrotechnics that separates the
pyrotechnics that separates the
spacecraft from the third
spacecraft from the third stage.
- Stage.
- A flat battery
A flat battery
prevented the payload doors from
prevented the payload doors from
HETE was in orbit and fully
HETE was in orbit and fully
operational and trapped inside
operational and trapped inside
the rocket.
- The rocket.
- They could tell
They could tell
that HETE had turned on and was
that HETE had turned on and was
inside the canister, couldn't
inside the canister, couldn't
get out, but had tried to extend
get out, but had tried to extend
its solar panels and tried to
its solar panels and tried to
turn and orient itself to the
turn and orient itself to the
It was horrible, it was like
It was horrible, it was like
HETE was in its coffin and it
HETE was in its coffin and it
was struggling, trying to get
was struggling, trying to get
out, and there was really no
out, and there was really no
hope of it.
- Hope of it.
- Buried alongside
Buried alongside
HETE were Don Lamb's hopes of
HETE were Don Lamb's hopes of
proving exactly where the bursts
proving exactly where the bursts
were coming from.
- Were coming from.
- I really thought
I really thought
that there was a very good
that there was a very good
chance that HETE might break
chance that HETE might break
open the mystery and tell really
open the mystery and tell really
us what was really going on.
- Us what was really going on.
- But on the other
But on the other
side of the Atlantic, another
side of the Atlantic, another
team had joined the hunt for an
team had joined the hunt for an
afterglow, and they didn't need
afterglow, and they didn't need
Paul Groot and Titus Galama were
Paul Groot and Titus Galama were
young, ambitious astronomers
young, ambitious astronomers
from the University of
from the University of
- Amsterdam.
- It's a scientific
It's a scientific curiosity.
You know there is this problem
You know there is this problem
which has been there for 30
which has been there for 30
years, and we just came in to
years, and we just came in to
science basically, and of course
science basically, and of course
you're full of enthusiasm and
you're full of enthusiasm and
you want to see, okay, let's
you want to see, okay, let's
have a go at this and see if we
have a go at this and see if we
can crack this nut.
- Can crack this nut.
- And the Dutch
And the Dutch
thought they had just the
thought they had just the
HETE had a ready-made
HETE had a ready-made
understudy; it came from Italy.
Understudy; it came from Italy.
BeppoSAX was an Italian
BeppoSAX was an Italian
satellite carrying Dutch
satellite carrying Dutch
instruments designed to study
instruments designed to study
But the satellite also carried
But the satellite also carried
instruments that could double as
instruments that could double as
crude gamma-ray detectors.
Crude gamma-ray detectors.
It wasn't as fast as HETE, but
It wasn't as fast as HETE, but
BeppoSAX gave the Italian and
BeppoSAX gave the Italian and
Dutch scientists the ability to
Dutch scientists the ability to
locate bursts relatively
locate bursts relatively
- Quickly.
- BeppoSAX gave
BeppoSAX gave
us the position within a few
us the position within a few
hours after the event.
Hours after the event.
That was really critical because
That was really critical because
typically the afterglow fades
typically the afterglow fades
away very quickly in optical;
away very quickly in optical;
and so after a few days, it was
and so after a few days, it was
not detectable.
Not detectable.
You really need to be there
You really need to be there
within a few hours.
- Within a few hours.
- With HETE lost,
With HETE lost,
Dale Frail knew that if he was
Dale Frail knew that if he was
to stay in the race, he had to
to stay in the race, he had to
get his hands on the BeppoSAX
get his hands on the BeppoSAX
- Data.
- Now, there's
Now, there's
always competition in a project
always competition in a project
such as this, when one is aiming
such as this, when one is aiming
for a certain thing, and it's a
for a certain thing, and it's a
good competition, it's healthy
good competition, it's healthy
- Competition.
- If you know that
If you know that
other people are looking for the
other people are looking for the
same thing at the same time,
same thing at the same time,
that drives you a bit harder and
that drives you a bit harder and
you try to get it.
- You try to get it.
- Yeah, a healthy
Yeah, a healthy
drive then, yeah.
- Drive then, yeah.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Unwilling to give
Unwilling to give
up, Dale Frail made contact with
up, Dale Frail made contact with
the BeppoSAX controllers.
- The BeppoSAX controllers.
- January, 1997, I
January, 1997, I flew to Italy.
Flew to Italy.
I showed them our capabilities
I showed them our capabilities
that we had... the instruments
that we had... the instruments
that we had that we'd lined up
that we had that we'd lined up
for the HETE era... and struck a
for the HETE era... and struck a
- Collaboration.
- Not only did Frail
Not only did Frail
have the largest radio facility
have the largest radio facility
in the world, but his colleagues
in the world, but his colleagues
had the biggest optical
had the biggest optical
telescope, the Keck.
Telescope, the Keck.
That was crucial, because it was
That was crucial, because it was
only in visible wavelengths that
only in visible wavelengths that
the distance to an afterglow
the distance to an afterglow
could be measured precisely.
Could be measured precisely.
Unlike gamma rays, visible light
Unlike gamma rays, visible light
can be focused by telescopes and
can be focused by telescopes and
broken into a spectrum of
broken into a spectrum of
As a beam of light passes
As a beam of light passes
through galaxies of dust and
through galaxies of dust and
gases, specific wavelengths are
gases, specific wavelengths are
absorbed, leaving a
absorbed, leaving a
characteristic pattern of dark
characteristic pattern of dark
lines in the spectrum.
Lines in the spectrum.
The further away the light
The further away the light
source, the more these dark
source, the more these dark
lines move toward the red,
lines move toward the red,
because as light travels through
because as light travels through
an expanding universe, it is
an expanding universe, it is
stretched and shifted towards
stretched and shifted towards
the longer wavelength of red.
The longer wavelength of red.
If the explosion that produced
If the explosion that produced
the gamma rays left an optical
the gamma rays left an optical
afterglow, Dale Frail's team
afterglow, Dale Frail's team
could use red shift to measure
could use red shift to measure
the distance.
The distance.
But first, the Italian satellite
But first, the Italian satellite
would have to catch one of the
would have to catch one of the
unpredictable gamma-ray bursts.
Unpredictable gamma-ray bursts.
Although the Dutch scientists
Although the Dutch scientists
didn't know it, the Italians
didn't know it, the Italians
agreed to give Dale Frail's team
agreed to give Dale Frail's team
their data.
Their data.
Soon after, BeppoSAX recorded a
Soon after, BeppoSAX recorded a
burst and Frail's telescopes
burst and Frail's telescopes
captured what appeared to be an
captured what appeared to be an
- Afterglow.
- We found
We found
something very interesting,
something very interesting,
something we hadn't seen before.
Something we hadn't seen before.
We thought we may have found an
We thought we may have found an
It sort of fit the bill.
- It sort of fit the bill.
- The BeppoSAX
The BeppoSAX
satellite had traced the source
satellite had traced the source
of the burst to a patch of sky
of the burst to a patch of sky
in the constellation of the
in the constellation of the
When Frail studied the area, he
When Frail studied the area, he
discovered a faintly glowing
discovered a faintly glowing
source which he thought was the
source which he thought was the
The source was in a distant
The source was in a distant
It looked like final proof that
It looked like final proof that
the bursts were happening far
the bursts were happening far
across the universe.
Across the universe.
Working flat out, Frail prepared
Working flat out, Frail prepared
to reveal his findings in the
to reveal his findings in the
prestigious scientific journal
prestigious scientific journal
- "Nature."
- It was mentally
It was mentally
exhausting, the whole procedure
exhausting, the whole procedure
of writing the paper; keeping
of writing the paper; keeping
everything quiet for that long.
- Everything quiet for that long.
- At the last minute,
At the last minute,
he got bad news.
- He got bad news.
- And it was
And it was
accepted, waiting to go to
accepted, waiting to go to
press, and the Dutch team
press, and the Dutch team
announced a new position for the
announced a new position for the
And there was no doubt in
And there was no doubt in
anyone's mind that we'd gotten
anyone's mind that we'd gotten
it wrong.
It wrong.
And this was a pretty big blow.
- And this was a pretty big blow.
- When the BeppoSAX
When the BeppoSAX
team calculated more precise
team calculated more precise
coordinates, the area was much
coordinates, the area was much
smaller than the original, and
smaller than the original, and
Frail's glowing source was
Frail's glowing source was
outside the new more accurate
outside the new more accurate
Whatever he had found, it wasn't
Whatever he had found, it wasn't
an afterglow.
- An afterglow.
- You write this
You write this
nature paper, and at the very
nature paper, and at the very
last moment, the very last
last moment, the very last
moment, you have to retract that
moment, you have to retract that
it you must be really down,
it you must be really down,
really depressed, I can really
really depressed, I can really
imagine that.
- Imagine that.
- We expended all
We expended all
this energy trying to study this
this energy trying to study this
object and there it was, off
object and there it was, off
outside of the field of view of
outside of the field of view of
the gamma-ray burster, doing its
the gamma-ray burster, doing its
own little dance and mocking us,
own little dance and mocking us,
if you like, for our
if you like, for our
- Foolishness.
- When BeppoSAX
When BeppoSAX
caught its next burst, the
caught its next burst, the
timing couldn't have been worse
timing couldn't have been worse
for Dale Fail.
- For Dale Fail.
- This was almost
This was almost
at the lowest point for us.
At the lowest point for us.
We are completely exhausted from
We are completely exhausted from
the last event, the false event.
The last event, the false event.
We've worn ourselves out.
We've worn ourselves out.
We begin somewhat half-heartedly
We begin somewhat half-heartedly
to go after this next event.
- To go after this next event.
- The Dutch were also
The Dutch were also after it.
After it.
But back in Holland, things
But back in Holland, things
weren't much better.
Weren't much better.
The Italians were refusing to
The Italians were refusing to
hand over the coordinates they
hand over the coordinates they
- Needed.
- And then at
And then at
some point it turned out that he
some point it turned out that he
couldn't give me... this was a
couldn't give me... this was a
political decision made higher
political decision made higher
up, had to do with the Italian
up, had to do with the Italian
collaborators... that he couldn't
collaborators... that he couldn't
give me the position.
- Give me the position.
- With the afterglow
With the afterglow
fading, there was a string of
fading, there was a string of
frantic phone calls.
Frantic phone calls.
Dale Frail broke the deadlock.
- Dale Frail broke the deadlock.
- I felt very
I felt very
strongly that the best way to
strongly that the best way to
solve this problem was to indeed
solve this problem was to indeed
make the information public to
make the information public to
everyone; and I told the
everyone; and I told the
Italians this.
- Italians this.
- But the Italians
But the Italians
gave the coordinates to the
gave the coordinates to the
Dutch on strict conditions:
Dutch on strict conditions:
they had permission to look for
they had permission to look for
the afterglow at radio
the afterglow at radio
wavelengths only... not in the
wavelengths only... not in the
crucial optical wavelengths.
Crucial optical wavelengths.
As fate would have it, that very
As fate would have it, that very
night the Dutch had time booked
night the Dutch had time booked
at an optical observatory called
at an optical observatory called
La Palma.
La Palma.
Paul Groot had to decide whether
Paul Groot had to decide whether
to play by the rules.
- To play by the rules.
- We were in a
We were in a
dilemma, at that point, because
dilemma, at that point, because
we had our position and I
we had our position and I
realized that it was still
realized that it was still
visible but it would set shortly
visible but it would set shortly
below the horizon quite soon.
Below the horizon quite soon.
So then the question was, what
So then the question was, what
are we going to do?
Are we going to do?
Are we going to go wait till we
Are we going to go wait till we
get a call saying yes or no, or
get a call saying yes or no, or
are we going to go ahead and go
are we going to go ahead and go
for it?
For it?
And at that time, we thought,
And at that time, we thought,
"Well, this is science, we are
"Well, this is science, we are
never going to get this chance
never going to get this chance
So that's when we decided to
So that's when we decided to
call the telescopes on La Palma
call the telescopes on La Palma
and tell them go.
- And tell them go.
- To just try
To just try
whatever you can, so that's what
whatever you can, so that's what
we did.
We did.
That's the race.
- That's the race.
- And deal with
And deal with
any consequences later.
- Any consequences later.
- Two images, taken a
Two images, taken a
week apart, revealed a rapidly
week apart, revealed a rapidly
fading optical source: an
fading optical source: an
- Afterglow.
- That was just
That was just
amazing, at the point where...
amazing, at the point where...
that I remember very well, the
that I remember very well, the
point we were looking at that
point we were looking at that
screen and we saw that there was
screen and we saw that there was
this star, this little thing
this star, this little thing
And really, I realized
And really, I realized
immediately this must be it, I
immediately this must be it, I
felt that my intuition told me
felt that my intuition told me
this must be it.
- This must be it.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Yes, absolutely.
- And then I
And then I
really felt like this has been
really felt like this has been
30 years, and there it is.
- 30 years, and there it is.
- There it is.
- There it is.
- What was good news
What was good news
for the Dutch was a bitter blow
for the Dutch was a bitter blow
for Dale Frail.
- For Dale Frail.
- It was late at
It was late at
night; I was very tired.
Night; I was very tired.
I had already been punched once
I had already been punched once
from the previous burst and this
from the previous burst and this
was the second punch and this
was the second punch and this
was a bad, bad time.
Was a bad, bad time.
So I went home and threw the
So I went home and threw the
telegram on the table and told
telegram on the table and told
my wife, "It's over, it's all
my wife, "It's over, it's all
- done."
- As more afterglows
As more afterglows
came in, it became clear that
came in, it became clear that
the bursts were coming from vast
the bursts were coming from vast
Dale Frail's luck finally turned
Dale Frail's luck finally turned
when his team got a crucial
when his team got a crucial
red shift that precisely located
red shift that precisely located
one blast at a distance of nine
one blast at a distance of nine
billion light years from earth.
- Billion light years from earth.
- And that distance
And that distance
told us, unambiguously, that the
told us, unambiguously, that the
thing had to be outside of our
thing had to be outside of our
galaxy; in fact located at a
galaxy; in fact located at a
distance when our universe was
distance when our universe was
about half of its present age.
About half of its present age.
So these things were what we
So these things were what we
call cosmological, truly
call cosmological, truly
- Cosmological.
- This, of
This, of
course, was an hour of triumph
course, was an hour of triumph
for Bohdan Paczynski because he
for Bohdan Paczynski because he
had been championing the cause
had been championing the cause
of extra-galactic gamma-ray
of extra-galactic gamma-ray
bursts for many years.
Bursts for many years.
But this was such clear
But this was such clear
confirmation as a great victory
confirmation as a great victory
for him.
For him.
No longer the nut or the voice
No longer the nut or the voice
crying in the wilderness, but
crying in the wilderness, but
the seer of the future.
- The seer of the future.
- The debate was
The debate was over.
A neutron star couldn't create
A neutron star couldn't create
the energy to beam gamma rays
the energy to beam gamma rays
from such vast distances.
From such vast distances.
Don Lamb's theory was dead.
- Don Lamb's theory was dead.
- It was kind of like
It was kind of like
a triple whammy, the launch of
a triple whammy, the launch of
HETE failed and we lost HETE.
HETE failed and we lost HETE.
And after battling to get an
And after battling to get an
opportunity to be the team, even
opportunity to be the team, even
so to unravel the mystery,
so to unravel the mystery,
BeppoSAX turned out to be able
BeppoSAX turned out to be able
to do it, and then on top of all
to do it, and then on top of all
that, I turned out to be wrong
that, I turned out to be wrong
about the distance to gamma-ray
about the distance to gamma-ray
Bursts and what they are.
- Bursts and what they are.
- As we began to
As we began to
get red shifts for the gamma-ray
get red shifts for the gamma-ray
bursts, we were startled at how
bursts, we were startled at how
much energy was involved.
Much energy was involved.
We were expecting large numbers,
We were expecting large numbers,
but not this big.
But not this big.
I mean, to put it into
I mean, to put it into
perspective, when a rather large
perspective, when a rather large
nuclear bomb, say ten megatons
nuclear bomb, say ten megatons
goes off, less than one pound of
goes off, less than one pound of
matter is turned into energy in
matter is turned into energy in
that explosion.
- That explosion.
- This is the kind
This is the kind
of energy you need if you took
of energy you need if you took
the mass of our sun... our sun...
The mass of our sun... our sun...
And turned it into energy in ten
and turned it into energy in ten
seconds, pure energy... e=mc2.
- Seconds, pure energy... e=mc2.
- If one mystery was
If one mystery was
solved, an even greater puzzle
solved, an even greater puzzle
had taken its place.
- Had taken its place.
- The entire sun
The entire sun
being turned instantly into
being turned instantly into
gamma rays, how on earth could
gamma rays, how on earth could
one possibly do that?
- One possibly do that?
- And this is
And this is
something that, well, we still
something that, well, we still
have a hard time getting our
have a hard time getting our
brains around, but we've come to
brains around, but we've come to
accept now that it's our brains
accept now that it's our brains
that are the problem and not the
that are the problem and not the
energies involved.
- Energies involved.
- Astronomers had
Astronomers had
finally revealed the true
finally revealed the true
enormity of the blasts creating
enormity of the blasts creating
gamma-ray bursts.
Gamma-ray bursts.
They are the most powerful
They are the most powerful
explosions since the Big Bang.
Explosions since the Big Bang.
But what object could release so
But what object could release so
much energy, defying all notions
much energy, defying all notions
of what was physically possible?
- Of what was physically possible?
- And we do
And we do
know from history that now and
know from history that now and
then a textbook truth, which was
then a textbook truth, which was
valid for, considered to be
valid for, considered to be
valid for hundreds of years, is
valid for hundreds of years, is
We have either completely new
We have either completely new
interpretation, or we actually
interpretation, or we actually
find that the old one is
find that the old one is
fundamentally wrong.
Fundamentally wrong.
It happens.
- It happens.
- For 25 years,
For 25 years,
scientists had searched for the
scientists had searched for the
source of these powerful
source of these powerful
They had turned to the sun and
They had turned to the sun and
found nothing.
Found nothing.
They had looked to the stars
They had looked to the stars
that surround our sun and found
that surround our sun and found
They had scoured the very center
They had scoured the very center
of the galaxy and beyond.
Of the galaxy and beyond.
Now that they had finally found
Now that they had finally found
the explosions at the far
the explosions at the far
reaches of the universe, they
reaches of the universe, they
were desperate to understand
were desperate to understand
what objects might be capable of
what objects might be capable of
such staggering violence.
Such staggering violence.
The first clue was where the
The first clue was where the
bursts were found.
- Bursts were found.
- As time was
As time was
passing, we were finding that
passing, we were finding that
gamma ray bursts really did seem
gamma ray bursts really did seem
to happen not just randomly in
to happen not just randomly in
the galaxies where they
the galaxies where they
occurred, but in regions where
occurred, but in regions where
star formation was going on.
- Star formation was going on.
- In stellar
In stellar
nurseries throughout the
nurseries throughout the
universe, stars form where there
universe, stars form where there
are clouds of gas and dust.
Are clouds of gas and dust.
The denser clouds give rise to
The denser clouds give rise to
giant stars, ten times more
giant stars, ten times more
massive than our sun, that end
massive than our sun, that end
their brief lives with a bang...
Their brief lives with a bang...
As supernovae.
As supernovae.
It was now clear that these
It was now clear that these
explosions, and the neutron
explosions, and the neutron
stars they create, could not
stars they create, could not
themselves trigger the gamma
themselves trigger the gamma
rays scientists were detecting.
Rays scientists were detecting.
Stan Woosley asked what might
Stan Woosley asked what might
happen if the dying star wasn't
happen if the dying star wasn't
ten, but 30 times more massive
ten, but 30 times more massive
than our sun; exploding not as a
than our sun; exploding not as a
supernova, but as something
supernova, but as something
entirely different... a
entirely different... a
Hidden within this fireball
Hidden within this fireball
would be an object far more
would be an object far more
powerful than a neutron star,
powerful than a neutron star,
with the most intense
with the most intense
gravitational field known to
gravitational field known to
science, a black hole.
- Science, a black hole.
- And then we
And then we
created a very interesting
created a very interesting
You have a star that's made a
You have a star that's made a
black hole in its middle.
Black hole in its middle.
And what's the natural
And what's the natural
inclination is for everything to
inclination is for everything to
fall in the hole and you see the
fall in the hole and you see the
star and suddenly it disappears,
star and suddenly it disappears,
it's gone.
- It's gone.
- Stan Woosley's
Stan Woosley's
colleague, Andrew McFadyen,
colleague, Andrew McFadyen,
built a model depicting the last
built a model depicting the last
few seconds in the life of one
few seconds in the life of one
of these colossal stars.
Of these colossal stars.
star that's dying.
Star that's dying.
And the way that a star this big
And the way that a star this big
dies is that it makes a black
dies is that it makes a black
hole in its center.
Hole in its center.
And so this is the, in a way,
And so this is the, in a way,
the death cry of the star and
the death cry of the star and
it's the birth cry for the black
it's the birth cry for the black
- Hole.
- But even a star
But even a star
collapsing into a black hole
collapsing into a black hole
couldn't create a gamma-ray
couldn't create a gamma-ray
There had to be a twist.
There had to be a twist.
whole star was spinning when it
whole star was spinning when it
was born and it's spinning now.
Was born and it's spinning now.
So this material that's falling
So this material that's falling
into the black hole, it's like a
into the black hole, it's like a
big electric motor in the center
big electric motor in the center
of a star, but incredibly
of a star, but incredibly
- Powerful.
- In this cross
In this cross
section, the black hole is a
section, the black hole is a
speck at the center of the
speck at the center of the
The red areas are the materials
The red areas are the materials
spinning around it.
Spinning around it.
The combination of the spin and
The combination of the spin and
the intense gravitational field
the intense gravitational field
converts huge amounts of matter
converts huge amounts of matter
into pure energy.
Into pure energy.
But the spin does something even
But the spin does something even
more remarkable, it focuses the
more remarkable, it focuses the
energy into two powerful jets.
Energy into two powerful jets.
blue stuff is, they're called
blue stuff is, they're called
jets, those blue things are the
jets, those blue things are the
things that take the energy from
things that take the energy from
near the black hole and
near the black hole and
transport it way far away from
transport it way far away from
the star and make the huge
the star and make the huge
gamma-ray burst.
Gamma-ray burst.
The gravity is insanely powerful
The gravity is insanely powerful
and much, much stronger than
and much, much stronger than
anything we're used to.
Anything we're used to.
That's the source of energy for
That's the source of energy for
these things.
- These things.
- If Stan and
If Stan and
Andrew's theory is right, then
Andrew's theory is right, then
every day in the universe a
every day in the universe a
massive spinning star collapses
massive spinning star collapses
into a black hole.
Into a black hole.
As the star is consumed by the
As the star is consumed by the
black hole at its center,
black hole at its center,
focused beams of intense energy
focused beams of intense energy
shoot into space.
Shoot into space.
These create the bursts of gamma
These create the bursts of gamma
rays seen from Earth.
Rays seen from Earth.
In seconds, the colossal star
In seconds, the colossal star
disappears; consumed by one of
disappears; consumed by one of
the most powerful explosions
the most powerful explosions
since the Big Bang.
Since the Big Bang.
As astronomers gather more
As astronomers gather more
evidence for this model, some
evidence for this model, some
wonder what would happen if a
wonder what would happen if a
hypernova went off near Earth.
At the University of Haifa, is a
man who has thought long and
man who has thought long and
hard about the affects of a
hard about the affects of a
direct hit on our planet.
Direct hit on our planet.
Arnon Dar is a professor of
Arnon Dar is a professor of
- Astrophysics.
- The gamma-ray
The gamma-ray
bursts are the largest explosion
bursts are the largest explosion
in the universe after the Big
in the universe after the Big
And the amount of energy
And the amount of energy
released in such an explosion is
released in such an explosion is
a billion time a billion time a
a billion time a billion time a
billion of hydrogen bombs.
Billion of hydrogen bombs.
And this explosion is taking
And this explosion is taking
place in a short fraction of a
place in a short fraction of a
Say that the gamma-ray burst
Say that the gamma-ray burst
occur in our galaxy, and lets
occur in our galaxy, and lets
say that it occurs in that
say that it occurs in that
direction, then the first thing
direction, then the first thing
that you would see when the
that you would see when the
flash of gamma rays arrive to
flash of gamma rays arrive to
our atmosphere, you see a big
our atmosphere, you see a big
flash of blue light; tremendous
flash of blue light; tremendous
effects which are very similar
effects which are very similar
to those which are when you are
to those which are when you are
standing very close to a nuclear
standing very close to a nuclear
You would become blind in a very
You would become blind in a very
short time.
Short time.
Your skin will be completely
Your skin will be completely
Your body will be burned and
Your body will be burned and
will be exposed to an enormous
will be exposed to an enormous
dosage of radioactive radiation
dosage of radioactive radiation
which will kill you in a very
which will kill you in a very
short time.
- Short time.
- And the same thing
And the same thing
would be happening
would be happening
simultaneously all around the
simultaneously all around the
A tremendous shock wave causes
A tremendous shock wave causes
The intense heat sparks flash
The intense heat sparks flash
The sea boils.
The sea boils.
Hurricanes spread deadly
Hurricanes spread deadly
radiation around the globe.
Radiation around the globe.
All but the most sheltered
All but the most sheltered
species are destroyed.
Species are destroyed.
The ozone layer is blasted away.
The ozone layer is blasted away.
And unprotected, the Earth turns
And unprotected, the Earth turns
under a continuous barrage of
under a continuous barrage of
deadly cosmic rays.
- Deadly cosmic rays.
- If you had it
If you had it
within just a few hundred light
within just a few hundred light
years, it would be sort of like
years, it would be sort of like
Hiroshima going off all over the
Hiroshima going off all over the
world all at one time.
World all at one time.
But in the whole galaxy, there
But in the whole galaxy, there
is nothing within 1,000 light
is nothing within 1,000 light
years that we would expect to
years that we would expect to
produce a gamma-ray burst any
produce a gamma-ray burst any
time in the future.
Time in the future.
There are massive stars, but
There are massive stars, but
they don't seem to be the type
they don't seem to be the type
that would make gamma-ray
that would make gamma-ray
So I personally don't think they
So I personally don't think they
are an astronomical hazard.
- Are an astronomical hazard.
- Most scientists
Most scientists
consider such a global
consider such a global
catastrophe unlikely.
Catastrophe unlikely.
But there is no doubt that
But there is no doubt that
anything caught in the beam of a
anything caught in the beam of a
nearby gamma-ray burst would be
nearby gamma-ray burst would be
And with a destructive force
And with a destructive force
this powerful throughout the
this powerful throughout the
universe, Arnon Dar sees an
universe, Arnon Dar sees an
answer to one of the profound
answer to one of the profound
questions of our time.
- Questions of our time.
- There are many
There are many
stars with planetary systems
stars with planetary systems
where life could develop and
where life could develop and
precede us by billions of years.
Precede us by billions of years.
They are much more advanced
They are much more advanced
civilization; there may be much
civilization; there may be much
more advanced civilizations in
more advanced civilizations in
this universe.
This universe.
So the question: Where are they?
So the question: Where are they?
Why didn't they visit us?
Why didn't they visit us?
Why didn't they communicate with
Why didn't they communicate with
- Us?
- With billions of
With billions of
galaxies, the laws of
galaxies, the laws of
probability seem to favor the
probability seem to favor the
existence of alien
existence of alien
Yet, as far as we know, we are
Yet, as far as we know, we are
Arnon Dar believes that gamma-
Arnon Dar believes that gamma-
ray bursts might explain this
ray bursts might explain this
- Paradox.
- This phenomena of
This phenomena of
gamma-ray bursts is taking place
gamma-ray bursts is taking place
everywhere, in any galaxy in the
everywhere, in any galaxy in the
And one by one, they sterilize
And one by one, they sterilize
life on all the planets in each
life on all the planets in each
So this is a very effective
So this is a very effective
sterilization process.
- Sterilization process.
- If Dar is right,
If Dar is right,
then the objects that create
then the objects that create
gamma-ray bursts are truly death
gamma-ray bursts are truly death
stars, destroying life on a
stars, destroying life on a
galactic scale.
Galactic scale.
But other astronomers see these
But other astronomers see these
colossal stars as one of the
colossal stars as one of the
principle creative forces in the
principle creative forces in the
universe, forging new elements
universe, forging new elements
that are released as they die.
That are released as they die.
And a new race is on to study
And a new race is on to study
them in greater detail.
- Them in greater detail.
- HETE 2 was
HETE 2 was
successfully launched on October
successfully launched on October
9, 2000, and it's now detected
9, 2000, and it's now detected
and reported its first bursts.
- And reported its first bursts.
- So now instead of
So now instead of
being notified on a time scale
being notified on a time scale
of an hour, which is pretty good
of an hour, which is pretty good
four years ago, now I can be
four years ago, now I can be
told on a time scale of minutes
told on a time scale of minutes
to seconds after the burst has
to seconds after the burst has
gone off.
Gone off.
This opens up a whole new realm
This opens up a whole new realm
of physics, a whole new realm of
of physics, a whole new realm of
questions, and that's what gets
questions, and that's what gets
me out of bed at 2:00 in the
me out of bed at 2:00 in the
- Morning.
- The light from a
The light from a
recently detected burst began
recently detected burst began
its journey over 12 billion
its journey over 12 billion
years ago.
Years ago.
Such events are among the
Such events are among the
closest scientists have come to
closest scientists have come to
seeing back to the dawn of
seeing back to the dawn of
time... the Big Bang, some 14
time... the Big Bang, some 14
billion years ago.
Billion years ago.
After this primeval explosion,
After this primeval explosion,
there was no light, until clouds
there was no light, until clouds
of hydrogen and helium ignited
of hydrogen and helium ignited
to form the first stars.
To form the first stars.
They gave rise to new elements,
They gave rise to new elements,
even the iron that flows through
even the iron that flows through
our blood.
- Our blood.
- Everything that
Everything that
we're made of, carbon, nitrogen,
we're made of, carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen, silicone, iron,
oxygen, silicone, iron,
everything the earth is made of,
everything the earth is made of,
were formed in the furnaces of
were formed in the furnaces of
these massive stars.
These massive stars.
The bursts in gamma rays, if
The bursts in gamma rays, if
these ideas are right, would be
these ideas are right, would be
being produced by exactly those
being produced by exactly those
So by observing the bursts, we
So by observing the bursts, we
could find out and determine the
could find out and determine the
moment of first light.
Moment of first light.
We could find out when the first
We could find out when the first
stars formed in the universe.
- Stars formed in the universe.
- Glimpsing this
Glimpsing this
"first light," scientists may
"first light," scientists may
gain new insights into how the
gain new insights into how the
universe evolved.
- Universe evolved.
- And there is
And there is
always a hope, expectation, that
always a hope, expectation, that
perhaps something very
perhaps something very
fundamentally new is being
fundamentally new is being
Not just a twist on something we
Not just a twist on something we
already know, perhaps some
already know, perhaps some
completely new physics.
Completely new physics.
I mean, this would just be
I mean, this would just be
- Great.
- It took 30 years to
It took 30 years to
track down the most powerful
track down the most powerful
events in the universe.
Events in the universe.
But as astronomers learn more
But as astronomers learn more
about gamma-ray bursts, they
about gamma-ray bursts, they
realize that their work has just
realize that their work has just
Explore one astronomer's
detailed analysis of what would
detailed analysis of what would
happen to our planet if a gamma
happen to our planet if a gamma
ray burst occurred nearby in
ray burst occurred nearby in
our own Milky Way galaxy.
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Next time on NOVA, a battle
over bones fuels; an
archaeological dispute.
Over bones fuels; an
archaeological dispute.
They were compassionate, they
archaeological dispute.
They were compassionate, they
were caring, they were human.
They were compassionate, they
were caring, they were human.
An evolutionary dead-end or
were caring, they were human.
An evolutionary dead-end or
our ancestors?
depths of space, astronomers
depths of space, astronomers
glimpse something astounding:
glimpse something astounding:
the most powerful explosions
the most powerful explosions
since the creation of the
since the creation of the
- Universe.
- There's just
There's just
nothing we know of in the
nothing we know of in the
universe that comes anywhere
universe that comes anywhere
- Close.
- Explosions that
Explosions that
released more energy than ever
released more energy than ever
thought possible.
- Thought possible.
- This is the kind
This is the kind
of energy you need if you took
of energy you need if you took
the mass of our Sun... our Sun...
The mass of our Sun... our Sun...
And turned it into energy in ten
and turned it into energy in ten
seconds... pure energy, e=MC2
seconds... pure energy, e=MC2
Their deadly
Their deadly
radiation flared through entire
radiation flared through entire
What would happen if such an
What would happen if such an
event took place near Earth?
- Event took place near Earth?
- It would be
It would be
sort of like Hiroshima going off
sort of like Hiroshima going off
all over the world all at one
all over the world all at one
- Time.
- For decades,
For decades,
scientists have searched for the
scientists have searched for the
cause of this phenomenal
cause of this phenomenal
What is the source of these
What is the source of these
explosions that go back to the
July, 1967, an
American satellite is on the
American satellite is on the
lookout for nuclear blasts
lookout for nuclear blasts
coming from the far side of the
coming from the far side of the
It sounds like the plot of a
It sounds like the plot of a
Cold War thriller, yet with
Cold War thriller, yet with
Russia and America locked in an
Russia and America locked in an
arms race, the U.S. military
arms race, the U.S. military
perceived a very real threat.
Perceived a very real threat.
Seven years earlier, both
Seven years earlier, both
countries had signed a treaty
countries had signed a treaty
forbidding the testing of
forbidding the testing of
nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons.
But with Russia able to send
But with Russia able to send
rockets into space, the U.S.
rockets into space, the U.S.
feared they had a way to cheat.
- Feared they had a way to cheat.
- The
possibility of hiding a test in
possibility of hiding a test in
outer space afforded Russia an
outer space afforded Russia an
opportunity to gain an
opportunity to gain an
And the United States had no
And the United States had no
means to determine whether a
means to determine whether a
clandestine test was being
clandestine test was being
- Performed.
- The Americans knew
The Americans knew
that if the Russians detonated a
that if the Russians detonated a
bomb into space, they could hide
bomb into space, they could hide
the initial explosion behind a
the initial explosion behind a
shield, or even the moon itself.
Shield, or even the moon itself.
So the U.S. military set out to
So the U.S. military set out to
design spy satellites that could
design spy satellites that could
pick up traces of a blast that
pick up traces of a blast that
could not be hidden.
Could not be hidden.
The satellites would search for
The satellites would search for
the most long-lasting radiation
the most long-lasting radiation
emitted by an atom bomb... gamma
emitted by an atom bomb... gamma
A nuclear explosion doesn't just
A nuclear explosion doesn't just
produce a bright flash of
produce a bright flash of
visible light, it generates
visible light, it generates
radiation across the entire
radiation across the entire
electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic spectrum.
A powerful pulse of long
A powerful pulse of long
wavelength radio, or microwaves,
wavelength radio, or microwaves,
can destroy electronic circuits.
Can destroy electronic circuits.
Infrared heat radiation can
Infrared heat radiation can
trigger flash fires.
Trigger flash fires.
Then, there are the wavelengths
Then, there are the wavelengths
shorter than visible light...
Shorter than visible light...
Ultraviolet radiation and
ultraviolet radiation and
X-rays can lead to cancer.
X-rays can lead to cancer.
But the most deadly of all are
But the most deadly of all are
gamma rays, emitted by the
gamma rays, emitted by the
expanding radioactive cloud that
expanding radioactive cloud that
remains long after the visible
remains long after the visible
light of a nuclear explosion has
light of a nuclear explosion has
If the Soviets were violating
If the Soviets were violating
the Test Ban treaty, the
the Test Ban treaty, the
American satellites would pick
American satellites would pick
up the gamma rays.
Up the gamma rays.
For two years, engineers at a
For two years, engineers at a
top-secret laboratory at Los
top-secret laboratory at Los
Alamos worked on the satellites.
Alamos worked on the satellites.
Soon they were ready for launch.
Soon they were ready for launch.
Code-named VELA, Spanish for
Code-named VELA, Spanish for
watchman, they hunted in pairs,
watchman, they hunted in pairs,
searching for gamma rays.
Searching for gamma rays.
On July 2, 1967, they got their
On July 2, 1967, they got their
first bite.
- First bite.
- It consisted
It consisted
of two bursts, and it was
of two bursts, and it was
reproduced very accurately
reproduced very accurately
between the records of the two
between the records of the two
Clearly, it was something of
Clearly, it was something of
On the other hand, it was,
On the other hand, it was,
almost as clearly, was not the
almost as clearly, was not the
response to a nuclear
response to a nuclear
- Detonation.
- The satellites had
The satellites had
recorded thousands of bursts of
recorded thousands of bursts of
radiation, but nothing came
radiation, but nothing came
close to the brightness of these
close to the brightness of these
gamma rays.
Gamma rays.
They must have been produced by
They must have been produced by
a violent explosion.
A violent explosion.
If a nuclear bomb wasn't
If a nuclear bomb wasn't
responsible, then what could
responsible, then what could
have triggered them?
Have triggered them?
Solar flares erupting from the
Solar flares erupting from the
sun can shoot out intense gamma
sun can shoot out intense gamma
Other high-energy events in the
Other high-energy events in the
universe might also produce this
universe might also produce this
But Ray Klebesadel could find
But Ray Klebesadel could find
nothing to coincide with the
nothing to coincide with the
gamma-ray bursts he detected.
Gamma-ray bursts he detected.
Another 12 were discovered, and
Another 12 were discovered, and
according to the VELA
according to the VELA
satellites, they came from
satellites, they came from
random directions around the
random directions around the
For years, the mysterious bursts
For years, the mysterious bursts
were known only to the
were known only to the
scientists at Los Alamos.
Scientists at Los Alamos.
By 1973, it was time to share
By 1973, it was time to share
their existence with the world.
It was a couple of
months after Ray Klebesadel and
months after Ray Klebesadel and
the scientists at Los Alamos had
the scientists at Los Alamos had
announced their discovery.
Announced their discovery.
And so I went on out there, met
And so I went on out there, met
Ray, and learned all about the
Ray, and learned all about the
- Bursts.
- Like many of his
Like many of his
colleagues, Don Lamb... marathon
colleagues, Don Lamb... marathon
runner and astrophysicist... was
runner and astrophysicist... was
I knew it was a mysterious
I knew it was a mysterious
phenomenon, but I think no one...
Phenomenon, but I think no one...
Certainly not myself... realized,
certainly not myself... realized,
at that time, what the depth of
at that time, what the depth of
the mystery really was.
- The mystery really was.
- The bursts of gamma
The bursts of gamma
rays were unlike anything else
rays were unlike anything else
known to astronomers.
Known to astronomers.
They lasted only a few seconds
They lasted only a few seconds
and were difficult to locate.
And were difficult to locate.
It took weeks to pinpoint their
It took weeks to pinpoint their
direction, and when astronomers
direction, and when astronomers
looked, all traces had
looked, all traces had
- Disappeared.
- So it would be like
So it would be like
you're in a completely darkened
you're in a completely darkened
room and you see, you know, a
room and you see, you know, a
flash over here, unexpected,
flash over here, unexpected,
from an unexpected direction,
from an unexpected direction,
then a flash over here, then
then a flash over here, then
maybe one in this direction, and
maybe one in this direction, and
then over here.
Then over here.
And after the flash was gone,
And after the flash was gone,
you'd look with the most
you'd look with the most
sensitive telescopes, whether
sensitive telescopes, whether
from the ground or from space,
from the ground or from space,
in that direction, and try to
in that direction, and try to
see something, and you could
see something, and you could
never find anything that you
never find anything that you
could be sure was associated
could be sure was associated
with that flash, with that
with that flash, with that
- Burst.
- The bursts were so
The bursts were so
elusive, that many astronomers
elusive, that many astronomers
were unwilling to devote time to
were unwilling to devote time to
studying them.
Studying them.
There were exceptions.
Jerry Fishman and Chip Meegan
were two of the first
were two of the first
astronomers to take a serious
astronomers to take a serious
look at the bursts.
- Look at the bursts.
- The early data
The early data
for gamma-ray bursts were so
for gamma-ray bursts were so
And gamma-ray bursts can be
And gamma-ray bursts can be
produced by any one of any
produced by any one of any
variety of things so that almost
variety of things so that almost
anything goes; you get all kinds
anything goes; you get all kinds
of crazy ideas.
Of crazy ideas.
The "National Enquirer" thought
The "National Enquirer" thought
that maybe we were seeing alien
that maybe we were seeing alien
civilizations warring with each
civilizations warring with each
other and throwing nuclear
other and throwing nuclear
explosions, nuclear bombs at
explosions, nuclear bombs at
each other.
Each other.
We really couldn't refute that,
We really couldn't refute that,
nobody could refute that.
Nobody could refute that.
They even got some respectable
They even got some respectable
scientist to say, "Well, yeah, I
scientist to say, "Well, yeah, I
guess that's a possibility."
- guess that's a possibility."
- I complained
I complained
that that wasn't at all what I
that that wasn't at all what I
said, but nevertheless, it got
said, but nevertheless, it got
published in just the form he
published in just the form he
read to me.
- Read to me.
- I got a phone
I got a phone
call once from a guy who said
call once from a guy who said
that he not only knew what was
that he not only knew what was
causing the bursts, but how to
causing the bursts, but how to
stop them.
Stop them.
And I just said, "Oh, well, I've
And I just said, "Oh, well, I've
got to go to a meeting now."
- got to go to a meeting now."
- Whatever was
Whatever was
creating the bursts, it was
creating the bursts, it was
difficult to see.
Difficult to see.
But Don Lamb and other theorists
But Don Lamb and other theorists
knew of an object that just
knew of an object that just
might fit the bill.
- Might fit the bill.
- I was one of the
I was one of the
first people to put forward a
first people to put forward a
model about gamma-ray bursts,
model about gamma-ray bursts,
and my first instincts were that
and my first instincts were that
they might be coming from
they might be coming from
neutron stars.
- Neutron stars.
- Shining throughout
Shining throughout
the universe are huge stars some
the universe are huge stars some
ten times the mass of our sun.
Ten times the mass of our sun.
When one dies, it dies violently
When one dies, it dies violently
in a brilliant explosion called
in a brilliant explosion called
a supernova.
A supernova.
It blasts away most of the star,
It blasts away most of the star,
leaving just a tiny core of
leaving just a tiny core of
dense nuclear material... a
dense nuclear material... a
neutron star.
Neutron star.
Into this sphere, just a few
Into this sphere, just a few
miles across, is crammed the
miles across, is crammed the
mass of two suns.
Mass of two suns.
The density creates incredible
The density creates incredible
gravitational energy that might,
gravitational energy that might,
under some circumstances,
under some circumstances,
trigger gamma-ray bursts.
- Trigger gamma-ray bursts.
- There were even
There were even
ideas that perhaps neutron stars
ideas that perhaps neutron stars
had comets orbiting around them
had comets orbiting around them
just like the sun does, and
just like the sun does, and
occasionally a comet actually
occasionally a comet actually
crashes into the sun.
Crashes into the sun.
And the idea was here that
And the idea was here that
perhaps some material could fall
perhaps some material could fall
onto the neutron star and it
onto the neutron star and it
would hit the neutron star at a
would hit the neutron star at a
third of the speed of light
third of the speed of light
because the gravity was so
because the gravity was so
strong; and produce an
strong; and produce an
- Explosion.
- Another of the
Another of the
favorites was the neutron star
favorites was the neutron star
quake model, something quite
quake model, something quite
popular here in California, that
popular here in California, that
the neutron star crust might
the neutron star crust might
crack; and something resembling
crack; and something resembling
an earthquake.
An earthquake.
But because the gravitational
But because the gravitational
field of the neutron star is so
field of the neutron star is so
powerful, the energy released in
powerful, the energy released in
a quake can be enormous.
A quake can be enormous.
And so there were all sorts of
And so there were all sorts of
variations that involved getting
variations that involved getting
energy out a neutron star.
- Energy out a neutron star.
- One might say it
One might say it
was a golden age of theories in
was a golden age of theories in
gamma-ray bursts because the
gamma-ray bursts because the
constraints from the
constraints from the
observations were so sparse,
observations were so sparse,
were so limited, that it gave
were so limited, that it gave
free reign to the imaginations
free reign to the imaginations
of theorists in this era.
- Of theorists in this era.
- But without more
But without more
data, there was no way to prove
data, there was no way to prove
any theory.
Any theory.
Fishman and Meegan went
Fishman and Meegan went
searching for more bursts.
Searching for more bursts.
The first
The first
instruments that saw these
instruments that saw these
bursts were very small.
Bursts were very small.
We knew if we could put together
We knew if we could put together
even a simple detector system,
even a simple detector system,
but make it big, that we had a
but make it big, that we had a
good chance of seeing many of
good chance of seeing many of
these gamma ray bursts on even
these gamma ray bursts on even
an eight- or ten-hour balloon
an eight- or ten-hour balloon
- Flight.
- They sent their
They sent their
detectors to the edge of our
detectors to the edge of our
atmosphere to see if they could
atmosphere to see if they could
discern a pattern in the blasts.
Discern a pattern in the blasts.
Our galaxy is a flattened disc,
Our galaxy is a flattened disc,
and earth lies at its edge.
And earth lies at its edge.
When we look up at the night
When we look up at the night
sky, we see it as a band of
sky, we see it as a band of
bright stars: the Milky Way.
Bright stars: the Milky Way.
If the bursts were created by
If the bursts were created by
neutron stars in our
neutron stars in our
neighborhood, Fishman and Meegan
neighborhood, Fishman and Meegan
expected to see them coming from
expected to see them coming from
the direction of the Milky Way.
The direction of the Milky Way.
In the end, they found only
In the end, they found only
one... and it wasn't where they
one... and it wasn't where they
- Expected.
- If the gamma-
If the gamma-
ray bursts were in the galaxy,
ray bursts were in the galaxy,
you would expect most of them to
you would expect most of them to
be right along the plane of the
be right along the plane of the
Milky Way, within the galaxy.
- Milky Way, within the galaxy.
- Even the weak
Even the weak ones.
- Ones.
- Hmm-mm.
Especially the weak ones.
Especially the weak ones.
And this was one of the weakest
And this was one of the weakest
ones that was ever seen, and yet
ones that was ever seen, and yet
it was out of the plane.
It was out of the plane.
It caused us some puzzlement,
It caused us some puzzlement,
but not enough to really come to
but not enough to really come to
any conclusion.
- Any conclusion.
- As more gamma-ray
As more gamma-ray
bursts were located, they, too,
bursts were located, they, too,
came from random positions
came from random positions
around the sky.
Around the sky.
Most astronomers believed they
Most astronomers believed they
simply weren't seeing far enough
simply weren't seeing far enough
into our galaxy to detect the
into our galaxy to detect the
full extent of the Milky Way.
Full extent of the Milky Way.
But one man thought the bursts
But one man thought the bursts
were further than they could
were further than they could
possibly imagine.
Possibly imagine.
Bohdan Paczynski thought
Bohdan Paczynski thought
everyone was thinking small.
- Everyone was thinking small.
- When I was
When I was
first interested in gamma-ray
first interested in gamma-ray
bursts, they were generally
bursts, they were generally
believed to be in our galaxy.
Believed to be in our galaxy.
However, the single most clear
However, the single most clear
evidence of them being in our
evidence of them being in our
galaxy... our Milky Way... was
galaxy... our Milky Way... was
They were not seen against our
They were not seen against our
Milky Way, they were everywhere,
Milky Way, they were everywhere,
all over the sky.
All over the sky.
And that left just two
And that left just two
possibilities: either they were
possibilities: either they were
very, very close to us, so close
very, very close to us, so close
that Milky Way is too far to be
that Milky Way is too far to be
seen; or just as well, they
seen; or just as well, they
could have been very, very far
could have been very, very far
away, and that's what I decided
away, and that's what I decided
to go for.
- To go for.
- Paczynski's point
Paczynski's point
was simple: although objects in
was simple: although objects in
our galaxy tend to cluster along
our galaxy tend to cluster along
the Milky Way, those that are
the Milky Way, those that are
farther away will be seen
farther away will be seen
equally in all directions.
Equally in all directions.
So if the bursts were coming
So if the bursts were coming
from distant galaxies, they
from distant galaxies, they
would appear randomly
would appear randomly
distributed across the sky.
- Distributed across the sky.
- So a
So a natural suggestion is that
natural suggestion is that
gamma-ray bursts were coming to
gamma-ray bursts were coming to
us from so-called cosmological
us from so-called cosmological
distances, which basically means
distances, which basically means
huge, huge distances from the
huge, huge distances from the
far end of the universe, you
far end of the universe, you
could say.
- Could say.
- But that posed a
But that posed a problem.
The further away the bursts, the
The further away the bursts, the
more powerful they had to be to
more powerful they had to be to
reach us.
Reach us.
And for them to come from the
And for them to come from the
edge of the universe, invoked
edge of the universe, invoked
energies beyond what a neutron
energies beyond what a neutron
star could produce.
- Star could produce.
- Is it a billion
Is it a billion
times further away?
Times further away?
Must not be a million, must be
Must not be a million, must be
about 100 million.
- About 100 million.
- The kind of energy
The kind of energy
that still leaves astrophysicist
that still leaves astrophysicist
Stan Woosley staggered.
- Stan Woosley staggered.
- Even in the
Even in the
models that had gamma-ray bursts
models that had gamma-ray bursts
in our own galaxy, we needed
in our own galaxy, we needed
things that were a million times
things that were a million times
more luminous than the sun.
More luminous than the sun.
But in order for them to be a
But in order for them to be a
million times further away... as
million times further away... as
the cosmic models would
the cosmic models would
require... the luminosity would
require... the luminosity would
be like a billion, billion times
be like a billion, billion times
the luminosity of the sun.
- The luminosity of the sun.
- This energy problem
This energy problem
put Bohdan Paczynski out on a
put Bohdan Paczynski out on a
- Limb.
- If you had
If you had
a crowded field in one part, and
a crowded field in one part, and
complete emptiness in the other,
complete emptiness in the other,
I would rather go for the
I would rather go for the
uncrowded area.
Uncrowded area.
But there is a price to be paid.
But there is a price to be paid.
If you are in the sufficiently
If you are in the sufficiently
uncrowded area, you may look
uncrowded area, you may look
like a crackpot.
Like a crackpot.
And indeed, how do you know that
And indeed, how do you know that
you are not a crackpot?
- You are not a crackpot?
- Fishman and Meegan
Fishman and Meegan
went hunting for gamma ray
went hunting for gamma ray
bursts again, this time with the
bursts again, this time with the
largest space telescope ever
largest space telescope ever
built: The Compton Gamma Ray
built: The Compton Gamma Ray
The gamma ray detectors onboard
The gamma ray detectors onboard
were the most sensitive ever
were the most sensitive ever
If there were a burst anywhere
If there were a burst anywhere
in the universe, the Compton
in the universe, the Compton
would find it.
- Would find it.
- About once a
About once a
day, it would see a tremendous
day, it would see a tremendous
flash of gamma rays, and it
flash of gamma rays, and it
would show up in three or four
would show up in three or four
or sometimes more detectors.
- Or sometimes more detectors.
- The results were
The results were clear.
117 bursts scattered all over
117 bursts scattered all over
the sky outside the Milky Way.
The sky outside the Milky Way.
Fishman and Meegan were stunned.
- Fishman and Meegan were stunned.
- We knew that
We knew that
it had major implications for a
it had major implications for a
lot of theorists that had been
lot of theorists that had been
working on the puzzle of gamma-
working on the puzzle of gamma-
ray bursts over the previous ten
ray bursts over the previous ten
or 15 years, and that this would
or 15 years, and that this would
throw out a lot of their
throw out a lot of their
So we really wanted to proceed
So we really wanted to proceed
- Cautiously.
- We wanted to
We wanted to
turn that whole thing upside
turn that whole thing upside
down, it's sort of the... the
down, it's sort of the... the
old slogan that "everything you
old slogan that "everything you
know is wrong."
- know is wrong."
- When the news was
When the news was
announced, it was a moment of
announced, it was a moment of
triumph for Bohdan Paczynski.
- Triumph for Bohdan Paczynski.
- That was
That was
for me quite an emotional
for me quite an emotional
To see 50% of the people
To see 50% of the people
instantly accepting the obvious
instantly accepting the obvious
consequences and saying, "Okay,
consequences and saying, "Okay,
we goofed for ten years, now we
we goofed for ten years, now we
decided the data is unambiguous.
Decided the data is unambiguous.
Bursts are at cosmological
Bursts are at cosmological
That was, sort of, rational for
That was, sort of, rational for
- Me.
- But his triumph was
But his triumph was
diminished by the lingering
diminished by the lingering
resistance to his big idea.
- Resistance to his big idea.
- What was
What was
truly amazing was another 50% of
truly amazing was another 50% of
the audience was unmoved.
- The audience was unmoved.
- It took me and
It took me and
the rest of the community a
the rest of the community a
while to get used to the idea
while to get used to the idea
that the bursts just weren't
that the bursts just weren't
going to follow a galactic
going to follow a galactic
By 1993, I'd say, the
By 1993, I'd say, the
handwriting was on the wall.
Handwriting was on the wall.
And so it was getting very hard
And so it was getting very hard
to hold on to the neutron star
to hold on to the neutron star
- Model.
- Now astronomers
Now astronomers
found themselves in a quandary.
Found themselves in a quandary.
It seemed probable that the
It seemed probable that the
bursts were coming from far
bursts were coming from far
across the universe.
Across the universe.
And if this were true, neutron
And if this were true, neutron
stars could not explain them,
stars could not explain them,
for they couldn't generate
for they couldn't generate
enough energy to send gamma rays
enough energy to send gamma rays
across such vast distances.
Across such vast distances.
As many astrophysicists looked
As many astrophysicists looked
for other explanations, Don Lamb
for other explanations, Don Lamb
searched for a way to hold on to
searched for a way to hold on to
his ideas about neutron stars.
- His ideas about neutron stars.
- Look, we know
Look, we know
objects... neutron stars... that
objects... neutron stars... that
produce bursts just almost
produce bursts just almost
exactly like this, not
exactly like this, not
completely, but almost
completely, but almost
completely like this.
Completely like this.
We're just lacking a population
We're just lacking a population
of those neutron stars which
of those neutron stars which
could account for the sky
could account for the sky
- Distribution.
- Don Lamb reasoned
Don Lamb reasoned
that if there were a population
that if there were a population
of neutron stars in a halo
of neutron stars in a halo
surrounding our galaxy, then
surrounding our galaxy, then
that might account for the
that might account for the
random pattern of bursts seen by
random pattern of bursts seen by
the Compton.
The Compton.
But whether astronomers believed
But whether astronomers believed
the bursts were close by or
the bursts were close by or
coming from far away, no single
coming from far away, no single
theory made complete sense.
- Theory made complete sense.
- When you're on the
When you're on the
very frontier of science,
very frontier of science,
everything's chaos... confusing.
Everything's chaos... confusing.
You have one observational
You have one observational
result that completely conflicts
result that completely conflicts
with another observational
with another observational
result, and each scientist is
result, and each scientist is
using their own experience,
using their own experience,
their own intuition, trying to
their own intuition, trying to
figure out how much am I going
figure out how much am I going
to weigh this result which
to weigh this result which
clearly conflicts with this one?
- Clearly conflicts with this one?
- The more scientists
The more scientists
found out about gamma-ray
found out about gamma-ray
bursts, the more intrigued they
bursts, the more intrigued they
Don Lamb, and others, needed a
Don Lamb, and others, needed a
way to prove their theories
way to prove their theories
right... or wrong.
News was spreading fast that the
mysterious bursts were coming
mysterious bursts were coming
from beyond our galaxy.
From beyond our galaxy.
They were far more powerful than
They were far more powerful than
anyone had imagined, and
anyone had imagined, and
astronomers began to see them as
astronomers began to see them as
a cosmological sensation.
A cosmological sensation.
For 25 years, a small group had
For 25 years, a small group had
had the field to themselves.
Had the field to themselves.
Now others were joining the
Now others were joining the
Dale Frail had access to the
Dale Frail had access to the
largest radio facility in the
largest radio facility in the
world, the Very Large Array.
- World, the Very Large Array.
- There was an
There was an
established community of people
established community of people
working on this problem for a
working on this problem for a
good 20 years.
Good 20 years.
I'm a radio astronomer, I work
I'm a radio astronomer, I work
at the other end of the
at the other end of the
spectrum, so I felt that I had
spectrum, so I felt that I had
something to contribute that was
something to contribute that was
unique and distinct from what
unique and distinct from what
they had... previously had done.
- They had... previously had done.
- It was now obvious
It was now obvious
that the bursts were randomly
that the bursts were randomly
distributed across the sky.
Distributed across the sky.
But how far away were they?
But how far away were they?
The distance was critical
The distance was critical
because the further away they
because the further away they
were, the more powerful they had
were, the more powerful they had
to be to reach us.
To be to reach us.
If the bursts were coming from
If the bursts were coming from
the outer limits of the
the outer limits of the
universe, then the forces that
universe, then the forces that
created them would be truly
created them would be truly
Surely, such violent explosions
Surely, such violent explosions
would leave a trace, a lingering
would leave a trace, a lingering
- Afterglow.
- The afterglow
The afterglow
idea is very simple.
Idea is very simple.
You release a large amount of
You release a large amount of
energy, there has to be some
energy, there has to be some
glowing embers left over of that
glowing embers left over of that
We were looking for the
We were looking for the
aftermath of that explosion so
aftermath of that explosion so
we had very much, as radio
we had very much, as radio
astronomers, an idea of how to
astronomers, an idea of how to
go about doing that.
- Go about doing that.
- The key to solving
The key to solving
the riddle of the bursts was to
the riddle of the bursts was to
catch an afterglow.
- Catch an afterglow.
- The reason we
The reason we
really wanted to do that, to
really wanted to do that, to
find the counterpart, the object
find the counterpart, the object
that had made the gamma ray
that had made the gamma ray
burst, was that maybe we could
burst, was that maybe we could
out find how far away it was.
Out find how far away it was.
We didn't know whether these
We didn't know whether these
firecrackers were going off next
firecrackers were going off next
door, or out in the comet cloud,
door, or out in the comet cloud,
or in the halo of Milky Way, or
or in the halo of Milky Way, or
at the edge of the universe.
- At the edge of the universe.
- But in 25 years, no
But in 25 years, no
one had ever caught an
one had ever caught an
They must be fleeting.
They must be fleeting.
Astronomers needed to train
Astronomers needed to train
their telescopes at the bursts
their telescopes at the bursts
much more quickly.
Much more quickly.
They pinned their hopes on an
They pinned their hopes on an
explorer satellite called HETE.
- Explorer satellite called HETE.
- So the key ideas
So the key ideas
about the High Energy Transient
about the High Energy Transient
Explorer, HETE, were that it
Explorer, HETE, were that it
would very accurately pinpoint
would very accurately pinpoint
the locations of the bursts and
the locations of the bursts and
then share that with the
then share that with the
community in near real time.
- Community in near real time.
- So they'd detect
So they'd detect
the gamma-ray burst, then give
the gamma-ray burst, then give
us a position accurate enough to
us a position accurate enough to
point our very best telescopes
point our very best telescopes
at that position.
At that position.
So we could bring out our big
So we could bring out our big
guns, if you like.
- Guns, if you like.
- After years of
After years of
arguing over the origin of the
arguing over the origin of the
bursts, astronomers thought HETE
bursts, astronomers thought HETE
was the tool they needed to end
was the tool they needed to end
the debate.
The debate.
30 seconds and counting, this
30 seconds and counting, this
is Pegasus control...
- is Pegasus control...
- In November, 1996,
In November, 1996,
HETE took off from an airbase in
HETE took off from an airbase in
To the dismay of HETE
To the dismay of HETE
scientists, NASA insisted on
scientists, NASA insisted on
deploying the satellite from a
deploying the satellite from a
Pegasus rocket strapped to the
Pegasus rocket strapped to the
belly of a converted airliner.
- Belly of a converted airliner.
- In previous
In previous
launches, the Pegasus rockets
launches, the Pegasus rockets
had suffered a 40% failure rate.
- Had suffered a 40% failure rate.
- We said, "Look,
We said, "Look,
we've spent a decade designing
we've spent a decade designing
and building the satellite and
and building the satellite and
now you're asking us to take a
now you're asking us to take a
launch on a rocket that's shown,
launch on a rocket that's shown,
so far, to be very unreliable."
so far, to be very unreliable."
And the answer came back from
And the answer came back from
NASA that, "You either take the
NASA that, "You either take the
ride now, or we close the
ride now, or we close the
So the moment came when the
So the moment came when the
aircraft, you know, says, "On my
aircraft, you know, says, "On my
mark, launch... three two one..."
mark, launch... three two one..."
Three, two, one, drop.
- Three, two, one, drop.
- The rocket had just
The rocket had just
dropped from the aircraft, and
dropped from the aircraft, and
your heart's pounding, and
your heart's pounding, and
you're waiting, because it will
you're waiting, because it will
only ignite five seconds later,
only ignite five seconds later,
so you're counting to yourself.
So you're counting to yourself.
Pegasus is away, standing by
Pegasus is away, standing by
for ignition.
For ignition.
And Pegasus is up and burning.
And Pegasus is up and burning.
Wow, you know that the first
Wow, you know that the first
stage is ignited and it's headed
stage is ignited and it's headed
for orbit.
For orbit.
So everything was going well and
So everything was going well and
we were hearing, "We have first-
we were hearing, "We have first-
stage burnout."
stage burnout."
Burn out in approximately...
Burn out in approximately...
- Now.
- "We have second
"We have second
stage separation, we have second
stage separation, we have second
stage ignition."
stage ignition."
And everything, all the
And everything, all the
telemetry, and you hear all
telemetry, and you hear all
these voices of all the mission
these voices of all the mission
controllers who are monitoring,
controllers who are monitoring,
telling you how things are going
telling you how things are going
and we had third-stage
and we had third-stage
separation, and just as that
separation, and just as that
happened, I just caught... some
happened, I just caught... some
person in the control room said,
person in the control room said,
"We have an anomaly in the
"We have an anomaly in the
third-stage bus."
third-stage bus."
This is Pegasus launch stat.
This is Pegasus launch stat.
It looks like the transient bus
It looks like the transient bus
has gone down.
- Has gone down.
- The other people in
The other people in
my office didn't understand what
my office didn't understand what
was going on, so they were still
was going on, so they were still
excited, and yet I was starting
excited, and yet I was starting
to feel this dread that
to feel this dread that
something was terribly wrong.
Something was terribly wrong.
And we appear to have a
And we appear to have a
problem in the electrical
problem in the electrical
system that fires the
system that fires the
pyrotechnics that separates the
pyrotechnics that separates the
spacecraft from the third
spacecraft from the third stage.
- Stage.
- A flat battery
A flat battery
prevented the payload doors from
prevented the payload doors from
HETE was in orbit and fully
HETE was in orbit and fully
operational and trapped inside
operational and trapped inside
the rocket.
- The rocket.
- They could tell
They could tell
that HETE had turned on and was
that HETE had turned on and was
inside the canister, couldn't
inside the canister, couldn't
get out, but had tried to extend
get out, but had tried to extend
its solar panels and tried to
its solar panels and tried to
turn and orient itself to the
turn and orient itself to the
It was horrible, it was like
It was horrible, it was like
HETE was in its coffin and it
HETE was in its coffin and it
was struggling, trying to get
was struggling, trying to get
out, and there was really no
out, and there was really no
hope of it.
- Hope of it.
- Buried alongside
Buried alongside
HETE were Don Lamb's hopes of
HETE were Don Lamb's hopes of
proving exactly where the bursts
proving exactly where the bursts
were coming from.
- Were coming from.
- I really thought
I really thought
that there was a very good
that there was a very good
chance that HETE might break
chance that HETE might break
open the mystery and tell really
open the mystery and tell really
us what was really going on.
- Us what was really going on.
- But on the other
But on the other
side of the Atlantic, another
side of the Atlantic, another
team had joined the hunt for an
team had joined the hunt for an
afterglow, and they didn't need
afterglow, and they didn't need
Paul Groot and Titus Galama were
Paul Groot and Titus Galama were
young, ambitious astronomers
young, ambitious astronomers
from the University of
from the University of
- Amsterdam.
- It's a scientific
It's a scientific curiosity.
You know there is this problem
You know there is this problem
which has been there for 30
which has been there for 30
years, and we just came in to
years, and we just came in to
science basically, and of course
science basically, and of course
you're full of enthusiasm and
you're full of enthusiasm and
you want to see, okay, let's
you want to see, okay, let's
have a go at this and see if we
have a go at this and see if we
can crack this nut.
- Can crack this nut.
- And the Dutch
And the Dutch
thought they had just the
thought they had just the
HETE had a ready-made
HETE had a ready-made
understudy; it came from Italy.
Understudy; it came from Italy.
BeppoSAX was an Italian
BeppoSAX was an Italian
satellite carrying Dutch
satellite carrying Dutch
instruments designed to study
instruments designed to study
But the satellite also carried
But the satellite also carried
instruments that could double as
instruments that could double as
crude gamma-ray detectors.
Crude gamma-ray detectors.
It wasn't as fast as HETE, but
It wasn't as fast as HETE, but
BeppoSAX gave the Italian and
BeppoSAX gave the Italian and
Dutch scientists the ability to
Dutch scientists the ability to
locate bursts relatively
locate bursts relatively
- Quickly.
- BeppoSAX gave
BeppoSAX gave
us the position within a few
us the position within a few
hours after the event.
Hours after the event.
That was really critical because
That was really critical because
typically the afterglow fades
typically the afterglow fades
away very quickly in optical;
away very quickly in optical;
and so after a few days, it was
and so after a few days, it was
not detectable.
Not detectable.
You really need to be there
You really need to be there
within a few hours.
- Within a few hours.
- With HETE lost,
With HETE lost,
Dale Frail knew that if he was
Dale Frail knew that if he was
to stay in the race, he had to
to stay in the race, he had to
get his hands on the BeppoSAX
get his hands on the BeppoSAX
- Data.
- Now, there's
Now, there's
always competition in a project
always competition in a project
such as this, when one is aiming
such as this, when one is aiming
for a certain thing, and it's a
for a certain thing, and it's a
good competition, it's healthy
good competition, it's healthy
- Competition.
- If you know that
If you know that
other people are looking for the
other people are looking for the
same thing at the same time,
same thing at the same time,
that drives you a bit harder and
that drives you a bit harder and
you try to get it.
- You try to get it.
- Yeah, a healthy
Yeah, a healthy
drive then, yeah.
- Drive then, yeah.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Unwilling to give
Unwilling to give
up, Dale Frail made contact with
up, Dale Frail made contact with
the BeppoSAX controllers.
- The BeppoSAX controllers.
- January, 1997, I
January, 1997, I flew to Italy.
Flew to Italy.
I showed them our capabilities
I showed them our capabilities
that we had... the instruments
that we had... the instruments
that we had that we'd lined up
that we had that we'd lined up
for the HETE era... and struck a
for the HETE era... and struck a
- Collaboration.
- Not only did Frail
Not only did Frail
have the largest radio facility
have the largest radio facility
in the world, but his colleagues
in the world, but his colleagues
had the biggest optical
had the biggest optical
telescope, the Keck.
Telescope, the Keck.
That was crucial, because it was
That was crucial, because it was
only in visible wavelengths that
only in visible wavelengths that
the distance to an afterglow
the distance to an afterglow
could be measured precisely.
Could be measured precisely.
Unlike gamma rays, visible light
Unlike gamma rays, visible light
can be focused by telescopes and
can be focused by telescopes and
broken into a spectrum of
broken into a spectrum of
As a beam of light passes
As a beam of light passes
through galaxies of dust and
through galaxies of dust and
gases, specific wavelengths are
gases, specific wavelengths are
absorbed, leaving a
absorbed, leaving a
characteristic pattern of dark
characteristic pattern of dark
lines in the spectrum.
Lines in the spectrum.
The further away the light
The further away the light
source, the more these dark
source, the more these dark
lines move toward the red,
lines move toward the red,
because as light travels through
because as light travels through
an expanding universe, it is
an expanding universe, it is
stretched and shifted towards
stretched and shifted towards
the longer wavelength of red.
The longer wavelength of red.
If the explosion that produced
If the explosion that produced
the gamma rays left an optical
the gamma rays left an optical
afterglow, Dale Frail's team
afterglow, Dale Frail's team
could use red shift to measure
could use red shift to measure
the distance.
The distance.
But first, the Italian satellite
But first, the Italian satellite
would have to catch one of the
would have to catch one of the
unpredictable gamma-ray bursts.
Unpredictable gamma-ray bursts.
Although the Dutch scientists
Although the Dutch scientists
didn't know it, the Italians
didn't know it, the Italians
agreed to give Dale Frail's team
agreed to give Dale Frail's team
their data.
Their data.
Soon after, BeppoSAX recorded a
Soon after, BeppoSAX recorded a
burst and Frail's telescopes
burst and Frail's telescopes
captured what appeared to be an
captured what appeared to be an
- Afterglow.
- We found
We found
something very interesting,
something very interesting,
something we hadn't seen before.
Something we hadn't seen before.
We thought we may have found an
We thought we may have found an
It sort of fit the bill.
- It sort of fit the bill.
- The BeppoSAX
The BeppoSAX
satellite had traced the source
satellite had traced the source
of the burst to a patch of sky
of the burst to a patch of sky
in the constellation of the
in the constellation of the
When Frail studied the area, he
When Frail studied the area, he
discovered a faintly glowing
discovered a faintly glowing
source which he thought was the
source which he thought was the
The source was in a distant
The source was in a distant
It looked like final proof that
It looked like final proof that
the bursts were happening far
the bursts were happening far
across the universe.
Across the universe.
Working flat out, Frail prepared
Working flat out, Frail prepared
to reveal his findings in the
to reveal his findings in the
prestigious scientific journal
prestigious scientific journal
- "Nature."
- It was mentally
It was mentally
exhausting, the whole procedure
exhausting, the whole procedure
of writing the paper; keeping
of writing the paper; keeping
everything quiet for that long.
- Everything quiet for that long.
- At the last minute,
At the last minute,
he got bad news.
- He got bad news.
- And it was
And it was
accepted, waiting to go to
accepted, waiting to go to
press, and the Dutch team
press, and the Dutch team
announced a new position for the
announced a new position for the
And there was no doubt in
And there was no doubt in
anyone's mind that we'd gotten
anyone's mind that we'd gotten
it wrong.
It wrong.
And this was a pretty big blow.
- And this was a pretty big blow.
- When the BeppoSAX
When the BeppoSAX
team calculated more precise
team calculated more precise
coordinates, the area was much
coordinates, the area was much
smaller than the original, and
smaller than the original, and
Frail's glowing source was
Frail's glowing source was
outside the new more accurate
outside the new more accurate
Whatever he had found, it wasn't
Whatever he had found, it wasn't
an afterglow.
- An afterglow.
- You write this
You write this
nature paper, and at the very
nature paper, and at the very
last moment, the very last
last moment, the very last
moment, you have to retract that
moment, you have to retract that
it you must be really down,
it you must be really down,
really depressed, I can really
really depressed, I can really
imagine that.
- Imagine that.
- We expended all
We expended all
this energy trying to study this
this energy trying to study this
object and there it was, off
object and there it was, off
outside of the field of view of
outside of the field of view of
the gamma-ray burster, doing its
the gamma-ray burster, doing its
own little dance and mocking us,
own little dance and mocking us,
if you like, for our
if you like, for our
- Foolishness.
- When BeppoSAX
When BeppoSAX
caught its next burst, the
caught its next burst, the
timing couldn't have been worse
timing couldn't have been worse
for Dale Fail.
- For Dale Fail.
- This was almost
This was almost
at the lowest point for us.
At the lowest point for us.
We are completely exhausted from
We are completely exhausted from
the last event, the false event.
The last event, the false event.
We've worn ourselves out.
We've worn ourselves out.
We begin somewhat half-heartedly
We begin somewhat half-heartedly
to go after this next event.
- To go after this next event.
- The Dutch were also
The Dutch were also after it.
After it.
But back in Holland, things
But back in Holland, things
weren't much better.
Weren't much better.
The Italians were refusing to
The Italians were refusing to
hand over the coordinates they
hand over the coordinates they
- Needed.
- And then at
And then at
some point it turned out that he
some point it turned out that he
couldn't give me... this was a
couldn't give me... this was a
political decision made higher
political decision made higher
up, had to do with the Italian
up, had to do with the Italian
collaborators... that he couldn't
collaborators... that he couldn't
give me the position.
- Give me the position.
- With the afterglow
With the afterglow
fading, there was a string of
fading, there was a string of
frantic phone calls.
Frantic phone calls.
Dale Frail broke the deadlock.
- Dale Frail broke the deadlock.
- I felt very
I felt very
strongly that the best way to
strongly that the best way to
solve this problem was to indeed
solve this problem was to indeed
make the information public to
make the information public to
everyone; and I told the
everyone; and I told the
Italians this.
- Italians this.
- But the Italians
But the Italians
gave the coordinates to the
gave the coordinates to the
Dutch on strict conditions:
Dutch on strict conditions:
they had permission to look for
they had permission to look for
the afterglow at radio
the afterglow at radio
wavelengths only... not in the
wavelengths only... not in the
crucial optical wavelengths.
Crucial optical wavelengths.
As fate would have it, that very
As fate would have it, that very
night the Dutch had time booked
night the Dutch had time booked
at an optical observatory called
at an optical observatory called
La Palma.
La Palma.
Paul Groot had to decide whether
Paul Groot had to decide whether
to play by the rules.
- To play by the rules.
- We were in a
We were in a
dilemma, at that point, because
dilemma, at that point, because
we had our position and I
we had our position and I
realized that it was still
realized that it was still
visible but it would set shortly
visible but it would set shortly
below the horizon quite soon.
Below the horizon quite soon.
So then the question was, what
So then the question was, what
are we going to do?
Are we going to do?
Are we going to go wait till we
Are we going to go wait till we
get a call saying yes or no, or
get a call saying yes or no, or
are we going to go ahead and go
are we going to go ahead and go
for it?
For it?
And at that time, we thought,
And at that time, we thought,
"Well, this is science, we are
"Well, this is science, we are
never going to get this chance
never going to get this chance
So that's when we decided to
So that's when we decided to
call the telescopes on La Palma
call the telescopes on La Palma
and tell them go.
- And tell them go.
- To just try
To just try
whatever you can, so that's what
whatever you can, so that's what
we did.
We did.
That's the race.
- That's the race.
- And deal with
And deal with
any consequences later.
- Any consequences later.
- Two images, taken a
Two images, taken a
week apart, revealed a rapidly
week apart, revealed a rapidly
fading optical source: an
fading optical source: an
- Afterglow.
- That was just
That was just
amazing, at the point where...
amazing, at the point where...
that I remember very well, the
that I remember very well, the
point we were looking at that
point we were looking at that
screen and we saw that there was
screen and we saw that there was
this star, this little thing
this star, this little thing
And really, I realized
And really, I realized
immediately this must be it, I
immediately this must be it, I
felt that my intuition told me
felt that my intuition told me
this must be it.
- This must be it.
- Yes, absolutely.
- Yes, absolutely.
- And then I
And then I
really felt like this has been
really felt like this has been
30 years, and there it is.
- 30 years, and there it is.
- There it is.
- There it is.
- What was good news
What was good news
for the Dutch was a bitter blow
for the Dutch was a bitter blow
for Dale Frail.
- For Dale Frail.
- It was late at
It was late at
night; I was very tired.
Night; I was very tired.
I had already been punched once
I had already been punched once
from the previous burst and this
from the previous burst and this
was the second punch and this
was the second punch and this
was a bad, bad time.
Was a bad, bad time.
So I went home and threw the
So I went home and threw the
telegram on the table and told
telegram on the table and told
my wife, "It's over, it's all
my wife, "It's over, it's all
- done."
- As more afterglows
As more afterglows
came in, it became clear that
came in, it became clear that
the bursts were coming from vast
the bursts were coming from vast
Dale Frail's luck finally turned
Dale Frail's luck finally turned
when his team got a crucial
when his team got a crucial
red shift that precisely located
red shift that precisely located
one blast at a distance of nine
one blast at a distance of nine
billion light years from earth.
- Billion light years from earth.
- And that distance
And that distance
told us, unambiguously, that the
told us, unambiguously, that the
thing had to be outside of our
thing had to be outside of our
galaxy; in fact located at a
galaxy; in fact located at a
distance when our universe was
distance when our universe was
about half of its present age.
About half of its present age.
So these things were what we
So these things were what we
call cosmological, truly
call cosmological, truly
- Cosmological.
- This, of
This, of
course, was an hour of triumph
course, was an hour of triumph
for Bohdan Paczynski because he
for Bohdan Paczynski because he
had been championing the cause
had been championing the cause
of extra-galactic gamma-ray
of extra-galactic gamma-ray
bursts for many years.
Bursts for many years.
But this was such clear
But this was such clear
confirmation as a great victory
confirmation as a great victory
for him.
For him.
No longer the nut or the voice
No longer the nut or the voice
crying in the wilderness, but
crying in the wilderness, but
the seer of the future.
- The seer of the future.
- The debate was
The debate was over.
A neutron star couldn't create
A neutron star couldn't create
the energy to beam gamma rays
the energy to beam gamma rays
from such vast distances.
From such vast distances.
Don Lamb's theory was dead.
- Don Lamb's theory was dead.
- It was kind of like
It was kind of like
a triple whammy, the launch of
a triple whammy, the launch of
HETE failed and we lost HETE.
HETE failed and we lost HETE.
And after battling to get an
And after battling to get an
opportunity to be the team, even
opportunity to be the team, even
so to unravel the mystery,
so to unravel the mystery,
BeppoSAX turned out to be able
BeppoSAX turned out to be able
to do it, and then on top of all
to do it, and then on top of all
that, I turned out to be wrong
that, I turned out to be wrong
about the distance to gamma-ray
about the distance to gamma-ray
Bursts and what they are.
- Bursts and what they are.
- As we began to
As we began to
get red shifts for the gamma-ray
get red shifts for the gamma-ray
bursts, we were startled at how
bursts, we were startled at how
much energy was involved.
Much energy was involved.
We were expecting large numbers,
We were expecting large numbers,
but not this big.
But not this big.
I mean, to put it into
I mean, to put it into
perspective, when a rather large
perspective, when a rather large
nuclear bomb, say ten megatons
nuclear bomb, say ten megatons
goes off, less than one pound of
goes off, less than one pound of
matter is turned into energy in
matter is turned into energy in
that explosion.
- That explosion.
- This is the kind
This is the kind
of energy you need if you took
of energy you need if you took
the mass of our sun... our sun...
The mass of our sun... our sun...
And turned it into energy in ten
and turned it into energy in ten
seconds, pure energy... e=mc2.
- Seconds, pure energy... e=mc2.
- If one mystery was
If one mystery was
solved, an even greater puzzle
solved, an even greater puzzle
had taken its place.
- Had taken its place.
- The entire sun
The entire sun
being turned instantly into
being turned instantly into
gamma rays, how on earth could
gamma rays, how on earth could
one possibly do that?
- One possibly do that?
- And this is
And this is
something that, well, we still
something that, well, we still
have a hard time getting our
have a hard time getting our
brains around, but we've come to
brains around, but we've come to
accept now that it's our brains
accept now that it's our brains
that are the problem and not the
that are the problem and not the
energies involved.
- Energies involved.
- Astronomers had
Astronomers had
finally revealed the true
finally revealed the true
enormity of the blasts creating
enormity of the blasts creating
gamma-ray bursts.
Gamma-ray bursts.
They are the most powerful
They are the most powerful
explosions since the Big Bang.
Explosions since the Big Bang.
But what object could release so
But what object could release so
much energy, defying all notions
much energy, defying all notions
of what was physically possible?
- Of what was physically possible?
- And we do
And we do
know from history that now and
know from history that now and
then a textbook truth, which was
then a textbook truth, which was
valid for, considered to be
valid for, considered to be
valid for hundreds of years, is
valid for hundreds of years, is
We have either completely new
We have either completely new
interpretation, or we actually
interpretation, or we actually
find that the old one is
find that the old one is
fundamentally wrong.
Fundamentally wrong.
It happens.
- It happens.
- For 25 years,
For 25 years,
scientists had searched for the
scientists had searched for the
source of these powerful
source of these powerful
They had turned to the sun and
They had turned to the sun and
found nothing.
Found nothing.
They had looked to the stars
They had looked to the stars
that surround our sun and found
that surround our sun and found
They had scoured the very center
They had scoured the very center
of the galaxy and beyond.
Of the galaxy and beyond.
Now that they had finally found
Now that they had finally found
the explosions at the far
the explosions at the far
reaches of the universe, they
reaches of the universe, they
were desperate to understand
were desperate to understand
what objects might be capable of
what objects might be capable of
such staggering violence.
Such staggering violence.
The first clue was where the
The first clue was where the
bursts were found.
- Bursts were found.
- As time was
As time was
passing, we were finding that
passing, we were finding that
gamma ray bursts really did seem
gamma ray bursts really did seem
to happen not just randomly in
to happen not just randomly in
the galaxies where they
the galaxies where they
occurred, but in regions where
occurred, but in regions where
star formation was going on.
- Star formation was going on.
- In stellar
In stellar
nurseries throughout the
nurseries throughout the
universe, stars form where there
universe, stars form where there
are clouds of gas and dust.
Are clouds of gas and dust.
The denser clouds give rise to
The denser clouds give rise to
giant stars, ten times more
giant stars, ten times more
massive than our sun, that end
massive than our sun, that end
their brief lives with a bang...
Their brief lives with a bang...
As supernovae.
As supernovae.
It was now clear that these
It was now clear that these
explosions, and the neutron
explosions, and the neutron
stars they create, could not
stars they create, could not
themselves trigger the gamma
themselves trigger the gamma
rays scientists were detecting.
Rays scientists were detecting.
Stan Woosley asked what might
Stan Woosley asked what might
happen if the dying star wasn't
happen if the dying star wasn't
ten, but 30 times more massive
ten, but 30 times more massive
than our sun; exploding not as a
than our sun; exploding not as a
supernova, but as something
supernova, but as something
entirely different... a
entirely different... a
Hidden within this fireball
Hidden within this fireball
would be an object far more
would be an object far more
powerful than a neutron star,
powerful than a neutron star,
with the most intense
with the most intense
gravitational field known to
gravitational field known to
science, a black hole.
- Science, a black hole.
- And then we
And then we
created a very interesting
created a very interesting
You have a star that's made a
You have a star that's made a
black hole in its middle.
Black hole in its middle.
And what's the natural
And what's the natural
inclination is for everything to
inclination is for everything to
fall in the hole and you see the
fall in the hole and you see the
star and suddenly it disappears,
star and suddenly it disappears,
it's gone.
- It's gone.
- Stan Woosley's
Stan Woosley's
colleague, Andrew McFadyen,
colleague, Andrew McFadyen,
built a model depicting the last
built a model depicting the last
few seconds in the life of one
few seconds in the life of one
of these colossal stars.
Of these colossal stars.
star that's dying.
Star that's dying.
And the way that a star this big
And the way that a star this big
dies is that it makes a black
dies is that it makes a black
hole in its center.
Hole in its center.
And so this is the, in a way,
And so this is the, in a way,
the death cry of the star and
the death cry of the star and
it's the birth cry for the black
it's the birth cry for the black
- Hole.
- But even a star
But even a star
collapsing into a black hole
collapsing into a black hole
couldn't create a gamma-ray
couldn't create a gamma-ray
There had to be a twist.
There had to be a twist.
whole star was spinning when it
whole star was spinning when it
was born and it's spinning now.
Was born and it's spinning now.
So this material that's falling
So this material that's falling
into the black hole, it's like a
into the black hole, it's like a
big electric motor in the center
big electric motor in the center
of a star, but incredibly
of a star, but incredibly
- Powerful.
- In this cross
In this cross
section, the black hole is a
section, the black hole is a
speck at the center of the
speck at the center of the
The red areas are the materials
The red areas are the materials
spinning around it.
Spinning around it.
The combination of the spin and
The combination of the spin and
the intense gravitational field
the intense gravitational field
converts huge amounts of matter
converts huge amounts of matter
into pure energy.
Into pure energy.
But the spin does something even
But the spin does something even
more remarkable, it focuses the
more remarkable, it focuses the
energy into two powerful jets.
Energy into two powerful jets.
blue stuff is, they're called
blue stuff is, they're called
jets, those blue things are the
jets, those blue things are the
things that take the energy from
things that take the energy from
near the black hole and
near the black hole and
transport it way far away from
transport it way far away from
the star and make the huge
the star and make the huge
gamma-ray burst.
Gamma-ray burst.
The gravity is insanely powerful
The gravity is insanely powerful
and much, much stronger than
and much, much stronger than
anything we're used to.
Anything we're used to.
That's the source of energy for
That's the source of energy for
these things.
- These things.
- If Stan and
If Stan and
Andrew's theory is right, then
Andrew's theory is right, then
every day in the universe a
every day in the universe a
massive spinning star collapses
massive spinning star collapses
into a black hole.
Into a black hole.
As the star is consumed by the
As the star is consumed by the
black hole at its center,
black hole at its center,
focused beams of intense energy
focused beams of intense energy
shoot into space.
Shoot into space.
These create the bursts of gamma
These create the bursts of gamma
rays seen from Earth.
Rays seen from Earth.
In seconds, the colossal star
In seconds, the colossal star
disappears; consumed by one of
disappears; consumed by one of
the most powerful explosions
the most powerful explosions
since the Big Bang.
Since the Big Bang.
As astronomers gather more
As astronomers gather more
evidence for this model, some
evidence for this model, some
wonder what would happen if a
wonder what would happen if a
hypernova went off near Earth.
At the University of Haifa, is a
man who has thought long and
man who has thought long and
hard about the affects of a
hard about the affects of a
direct hit on our planet.
Direct hit on our planet.
Arnon Dar is a professor of
Arnon Dar is a professor of
- Astrophysics.
- The gamma-ray
The gamma-ray
bursts are the largest explosion
bursts are the largest explosion
in the universe after the Big
in the universe after the Big
And the amount of energy
And the amount of energy
released in such an explosion is
released in such an explosion is
a billion time a billion time a
a billion time a billion time a
billion of hydrogen bombs.
Billion of hydrogen bombs.
And this explosion is taking
And this explosion is taking
place in a short fraction of a
place in a short fraction of a
Say that the gamma-ray burst
Say that the gamma-ray burst
occur in our galaxy, and lets
occur in our galaxy, and lets
say that it occurs in that
say that it occurs in that
direction, then the first thing
direction, then the first thing
that you would see when the
that you would see when the
flash of gamma rays arrive to
flash of gamma rays arrive to
our atmosphere, you see a big
our atmosphere, you see a big
flash of blue light; tremendous
flash of blue light; tremendous
effects which are very similar
effects which are very similar
to those which are when you are
to those which are when you are
standing very close to a nuclear
standing very close to a nuclear
You would become blind in a very
You would become blind in a very
short time.
Short time.
Your skin will be completely
Your skin will be completely
Your body will be burned and
Your body will be burned and
will be exposed to an enormous
will be exposed to an enormous
dosage of radioactive radiation
dosage of radioactive radiation
which will kill you in a very
which will kill you in a very
short time.
- Short time.
- And the same thing
And the same thing
would be happening
would be happening
simultaneously all around the
simultaneously all around the
A tremendous shock wave causes
A tremendous shock wave causes
The intense heat sparks flash
The intense heat sparks flash
The sea boils.
The sea boils.
Hurricanes spread deadly
Hurricanes spread deadly
radiation around the globe.
Radiation around the globe.
All but the most sheltered
All but the most sheltered
species are destroyed.
Species are destroyed.
The ozone layer is blasted away.
The ozone layer is blasted away.
And unprotected, the Earth turns
And unprotected, the Earth turns
under a continuous barrage of
under a continuous barrage of
deadly cosmic rays.
- Deadly cosmic rays.
- If you had it
If you had it
within just a few hundred light
within just a few hundred light
years, it would be sort of like
years, it would be sort of like
Hiroshima going off all over the
Hiroshima going off all over the
world all at one time.
World all at one time.
But in the whole galaxy, there
But in the whole galaxy, there
is nothing within 1,000 light
is nothing within 1,000 light
years that we would expect to
years that we would expect to
produce a gamma-ray burst any
produce a gamma-ray burst any
time in the future.
Time in the future.
There are massive stars, but
There are massive stars, but
they don't seem to be the type
they don't seem to be the type
that would make gamma-ray
that would make gamma-ray
So I personally don't think they
So I personally don't think they
are an astronomical hazard.
- Are an astronomical hazard.
- Most scientists
Most scientists
consider such a global
consider such a global
catastrophe unlikely.
Catastrophe unlikely.
But there is no doubt that
But there is no doubt that
anything caught in the beam of a
anything caught in the beam of a
nearby gamma-ray burst would be
nearby gamma-ray burst would be
And with a destructive force
And with a destructive force
this powerful throughout the
this powerful throughout the
universe, Arnon Dar sees an
universe, Arnon Dar sees an
answer to one of the profound
answer to one of the profound
questions of our time.
- Questions of our time.
- There are many
There are many
stars with planetary systems
stars with planetary systems
where life could develop and
where life could develop and
precede us by billions of years.
Precede us by billions of years.
They are much more advanced
They are much more advanced
civilization; there may be much
civilization; there may be much
more advanced civilizations in
more advanced civilizations in
this universe.
This universe.
So the question: Where are they?
So the question: Where are they?
Why didn't they visit us?
Why didn't they visit us?
Why didn't they communicate with
Why didn't they communicate with
- Us?
- With billions of
With billions of
galaxies, the laws of
galaxies, the laws of
probability seem to favor the
probability seem to favor the
existence of alien
existence of alien
Yet, as far as we know, we are
Yet, as far as we know, we are
Arnon Dar believes that gamma-
Arnon Dar believes that gamma-
ray bursts might explain this
ray bursts might explain this
- Paradox.
- This phenomena of
This phenomena of
gamma-ray bursts is taking place
gamma-ray bursts is taking place
everywhere, in any galaxy in the
everywhere, in any galaxy in the
And one by one, they sterilize
And one by one, they sterilize
life on all the planets in each
life on all the planets in each
So this is a very effective
So this is a very effective
sterilization process.
- Sterilization process.
- If Dar is right,
If Dar is right,
then the objects that create
then the objects that create
gamma-ray bursts are truly death
gamma-ray bursts are truly death
stars, destroying life on a
stars, destroying life on a
galactic scale.
Galactic scale.
But other astronomers see these
But other astronomers see these
colossal stars as one of the
colossal stars as one of the
principle creative forces in the
principle creative forces in the
universe, forging new elements
universe, forging new elements
that are released as they die.
That are released as they die.
And a new race is on to study
And a new race is on to study
them in greater detail.
- Them in greater detail.
- HETE 2 was
HETE 2 was
successfully launched on October
successfully launched on October
9, 2000, and it's now detected
9, 2000, and it's now detected
and reported its first bursts.
- And reported its first bursts.
- So now instead of
So now instead of
being notified on a time scale
being notified on a time scale
of an hour, which is pretty good
of an hour, which is pretty good
four years ago, now I can be
four years ago, now I can be
told on a time scale of minutes
told on a time scale of minutes
to seconds after the burst has
to seconds after the burst has
gone off.
Gone off.
This opens up a whole new realm
This opens up a whole new realm
of physics, a whole new realm of
of physics, a whole new realm of
questions, and that's what gets
questions, and that's what gets
me out of bed at 2:00 in the
me out of bed at 2:00 in the
- Morning.
- The light from a
The light from a
recently detected burst began
recently detected burst began
its journey over 12 billion
its journey over 12 billion
years ago.
Years ago.
Such events are among the
Such events are among the
closest scientists have come to
closest scientists have come to
seeing back to the dawn of
seeing back to the dawn of
time... the Big Bang, some 14
time... the Big Bang, some 14
billion years ago.
Billion years ago.
After this primeval explosion,
After this primeval explosion,
there was no light, until clouds
there was no light, until clouds
of hydrogen and helium ignited
of hydrogen and helium ignited
to form the first stars.
To form the first stars.
They gave rise to new elements,
They gave rise to new elements,
even the iron that flows through
even the iron that flows through
our blood.
- Our blood.
- Everything that
Everything that
we're made of, carbon, nitrogen,
we're made of, carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen, silicone, iron,
oxygen, silicone, iron,
everything the earth is made of,
everything the earth is made of,
were formed in the furnaces of
were formed in the furnaces of
these massive stars.
These massive stars.
The bursts in gamma rays, if
The bursts in gamma rays, if
these ideas are right, would be
these ideas are right, would be
being produced by exactly those
being produced by exactly those
So by observing the bursts, we
So by observing the bursts, we
could find out and determine the
could find out and determine the
moment of first light.
Moment of first light.
We could find out when the first
We could find out when the first
stars formed in the universe.
- Stars formed in the universe.
- Glimpsing this
Glimpsing this
"first light," scientists may
"first light," scientists may
gain new insights into how the
gain new insights into how the
universe evolved.
- Universe evolved.
- And there is
And there is
always a hope, expectation, that
always a hope, expectation, that
perhaps something very
perhaps something very
fundamentally new is being
fundamentally new is being
Not just a twist on something we
Not just a twist on something we
already know, perhaps some
already know, perhaps some
completely new physics.
Completely new physics.
I mean, this would just be
I mean, this would just be
- Great.
- It took 30 years to
It took 30 years to
track down the most powerful
track down the most powerful
events in the universe.
Events in the universe.
But as astronomers learn more
But as astronomers learn more
about gamma-ray bursts, they
about gamma-ray bursts, they
realize that their work has just
realize that their work has just
Explore one astronomer's
detailed analysis of what would
detailed analysis of what would
happen to our planet if a gamma
happen to our planet if a gamma
ray burst occurred nearby in
ray burst occurred nearby in
our own Milky Way galaxy.
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Next time on NOVA, a battle
over bones fuels; an
archaeological dispute.
Over bones fuels; an
archaeological dispute.
They were compassionate, they
archaeological dispute.
They were compassionate, they
were caring, they were human.
They were compassionate, they
were caring, they were human.
An evolutionary dead-end or
were caring, they were human.
An evolutionary dead-end or
our ancestors?