Nikita (2010–2013): Season 1, Episode 19 - Girl's Best Friend - full transcript

Nikita believes it's getting too dangerous for Alex at Division and decides its time Alex disappeared. Alex agrees but before the plan can be put in motion, she and Jaden are assigned to an overseas mission to stop the son of a foreign president from selling a newly developed nerve toxin. Things go awry and Alex must decide between saving the mission or saving herself.

People I used to work for
are called Division.

A black-ops program
that has now gone rogue.

And the man that trained me,
someone I trusted, was hunting me.

I was coming here
to double-cross you.

Well, you didn't.

You're the strongest person
I've ever met.

This is too dangerous.

You're supposed to work
on the assignment.

I got a new one. Burying you.

I had a dream.
I saw a future for myself with Nathan.

I have a chance to get out
and I have to take it.

Whenever I'm alone with you


So you decided to infiltrate?

Yes, but we had a plan.

Yeah, you and Nikita. A plan to get back
at the people who killed your parents?

Yes. Nathan, please, just let me say
what I have to say. Hear me out.

- This is crazy.
- You promised.

I thought you were in trouble
with the mob.

You know, you owed money.
Government assassins?

They're government-funded,
but they've broken away.

- They're out of control.
- I can't do this.

I shouldn't hear this.

No, you have to.

You're the reason
everything's changed.

- What?
- You're the reason I wanna get out.

I'm getting out, Nathan. Nikita has
an escape plan to get me free and clear.

I have someone on the inside, Michael,
who's gonna help fake my death.

- Why are you telling me all this?
- I want you to come with me.

And you can't decide to do that or not
unless you know the truth.

All of it.

Nikita has a plan for you too.

I'd go first and then we'd meet up
in a month or so.

- Where?
- Wherever you want. Greece, Brazil.

You said you like the music there.

Michael, your boss that stopped by
for dinner?

He wasn't on our side then.
He is now.


That we didn't know...

...did we?


Alex. Alex, hey.

Hey, you all right?


What is it?

Come on. You've been tense
the last couple of days.

I can't help you
if you won't talk about it.

I haven't been honest with you.

And I think it's eating me up inside.

That's gonna end...

...right now. Are you ready?

From the second you open your eyes,
nothing but surprises.

That's what I love about you, Alex.


It's Alexandra.


Alex, you need to come in. Immediately.

We're pressed for time, so you'll go
from the briefing to tactical review.

Birkhoff will meet you in Logistics
to go over your infiltration kit.

Michael, I thought I was getting out.

Nikita said she told you.

We're on the same team, but that
doesn't mean we speak about it in here.

I'm sorry. But why are you putting me
on a mission?

- Is it something we're trying to stop?
- No.

This mission is on the level.

- And you're gonna run point.
- What?

You're being assigned
a provisional agent.

You two have had your differences...

...but trust me when I tell you
there is no one else for this job.

Kalume Ungara.

Profiled in last month's Vanity Fair.

"The Children of Power."

Kalume's father is the president
of Liberia, so life is good.

Kalume lives like a prince,
parties like a rock star.

If that's all that he did,
we wouldn't care.

Kal, as his Harvard classmates like
to call him, is also an entrepreneur.

He uses conflict diamonds
to fund his illegal weapons operation.

According to our intel, he is arranging
the sale of a new nerve toxin...

...which is extremely lethal
and compact.

He designs his weapons himself... a private laboratory
underneath his home in Geneva.

- You two are going to blow it up.
- How?

There's an economic summit
in Geneva tomorrow night... the Egilsson Center.

Kalume will attend
with his father's delegation...

...and afterwards he'll be throwing one
of his legendary parties at his home.

Let me guess. We're invited.

Actually, you were chosen.

Kal has a weakness
for fashion models.

Last week, he met with a Division agent
who was posing as a broker.

Looked through some photos
and he chose the both of you.

Sale goes down in 23 hours.
Let's go do what Division does best.

Strike first, strike fast, leave no trace.

Alex, this is a big deal.

We're counting on you.

How could you do this?
We were planning her escape...

- ...and you're sending her on a mission?
- I'm not sending her anywhere.

By the time Percy looped me in,
she and Jaden had been picked.

- You could have fought it.
- On what grounds?

You want Percy to start asking questions?
It'd put her in more danger.

- We do it tonight then.
- What?

Fake your death. Car accident.

Your ID packet's ready to go.
Stage it on the way to the airport.

Out of the question.

We have a tight window on this mission,
losing Alex would jeopardize that.

This mission? A Division mission.

- It's a good mission.
- Good for who? Percy?

For our country.

This nerve toxin can be used
in a terrorist attack.

- Or to line Percy's pockets?
- He won't get his hands on it.

I've designed the explosion
to completely incinerate the toxin.

What if it killed me too?

We're supposed to blow up
the lab, right?

What if we faked my death
on the mission?

That's too risky.

Nikita, that is too risky.

So that's how you wanna do this?

In the middle of an operation
with Division monitoring?

Kind of makes it sweeter.

Not the point.
If she blows up on foreign soil...'s not like Percy can send cleaners
to sift through the rubble.

She'd die a hero too.

All we're talking about
is altering the exfil. Could work.

As long as the original mission
gets finished.

So we can do it?



As long as we don't step on
Division's toes.


Jaden, based on recent performance,
you remain on provisional status.

Alex is the lead agent.

- Are we clear?
- Clear.

And, Alex, I trust you'll remember
the lessons we've shared here.

I will always treasure them.

I thought so.

- You need to understand...
- I'm not gonna fight you on this.

Good, because I'm not fighting you.

There's two things waiting for me
on this mission:

A promotion or a coffin.

And I'm claustrophobic.

Trust me.

No one wants this mission to succeed
more than I do.

Then there won't be any surprises.

Not from you and not from me.

We'll watch out for each other.

No surprises.

This is your comm unit.

Use that device.

It'll override Division's channel,
Birkhoff won't hear a thing.

You, me and Alex will have a separate
frequency during this operation.

Got it.

You were right
about the weapons lab.

The ventilation room up top,
just behind the house.

You can leave the exfil kit there,
like you said.

I told Alex about it.


All right.
What was that all about today?

- You put the mission before Alex.
- Absolutely not. I explained...

You've always believed deep down that
there's something good about Division.

There is.

Really? All these years
Percy's manipulated you...

Percy will pay for what he did.
Trust me.

But Division has done more good
than most people will ever know.

Like what? Taking kids off the street
and turning them into killers?

Or brokering girls like sex workers?

Alex and Jaden were picked out
of a catalog by a sociopath.

And they're about to get inside
where nobody, not the CIA... one could ever get.

This is what I'm talking about.

- You don't wanna stop this nerve agent?
- Of course I do.

I just don't think there's anything good
about Division.

That can change.


...I love you.

I just hate where you work.

- And you want me to hate it too?
- Yes.


Nikita, when I was in the Navy...

...I felt like I was a part of something
much bigger than myself.

And that didn't change
when I joined Division.

I need to know
that I can make a difference.

It's a part of who I am.

It's a part of who you are too.

I better get going.


I'll call you when I'm on the ground.

We cannot have peace
unless we make it for ourselves.

Isn't that why we've
gathered here today?

We must imagine a region free
from unrest and famine and war.

We must look to the future...

...and yet if this summit
is to truly be about peace...

...then there are many things
we must let go:

Fear, anger, recriminations
from our past.

I have often talked about this
with my son.

What I see for the future
of our countries and our region... a peace as strong and bright
as the jewels we provide the world.

He's right about one thing.
The rocks are very bright.

One of his flunkies
just gave us some swag.

He is good. I'll give him that.

My father keeps telling me
I need to let go of childish things.

I tell him, "I will do that,
as soon as you stop lecturing me."

Ladies, I see you have been tagged.

- Tagged?
- Yes.

Isn't that what they do to the wildlife
in your country?

They're beautiful.

So have you seen the other girls?

Kalume, didn't they tell you?

We're not like the other girls.

Kalume, time to go.

This is Edgar,
part of my father's security team.

Try not to trip on the pole up his ass.

The bus is waiting.

Ladies, Edgar will escort you.

Nice work. He's already into you.

Nothing I hate more than
an entitled rich kid.

- They're in.
- Good.

Eyes inside?

No cameras installed.

I guess he likes to keep his orgies
on the DL.

We'll be fine with audio.

If our girls don't get what they need
from Kalume...

...I can't hack the door on that lab.

They'll get it.

Oh, let's all get on it

We can either slow down
We can hit the ground

This time
We ain't stopping this time

It's time to get this thing on a roll

They wanna move
And by the looks of this party

You don't like the man you work for.

I work for President Ungara.
Kalume's a boy.

Oh, he likes to have a good time.
What's wrong with that?

As long as he never meets
my daughter.


I wanna see how hot
these look on you.

Let's see.

I'm sorry, baby.
Those don't work at all.

Let me see those beautiful eyes again.

- I think you've had enough, girl.
- You know what?

I can't hold onto these
and another drink.

So why don't you be a doll
and hang onto them for me?

All right?

- I paid her to party, not complain.
- Ha, ha.

Trust me... get more bang
for the buck with me.

I've got the sunglasses.
I'm moving down to the lab.

Good. Alex, remember to place
the charges on the chemical containers.

It'll act as an accelerant
and incinerate the toxin.

It'll destroy the lab
without affecting the house.

ALEX Nikita, it's me.
I'm on the private comm.

We're on schedule.

The exfil kit is in the ventilation room.
One more thing.

Once you're free, you're gonna have
to be alone for a while.

I know you'll be smart
and I know you'll be careful...

...but please be strong.

For yourself.

God knows you've been for me.

She must be down in the lab by now.

This party's a blast.

I hear it gets even better afterwards.

Well, you'll just have to wait and see.

- You're early.
- I'm on schedule. Where is it?

It's in the lab. I'll take you there.

- Kal, where you going?
- Stay here.

You won't even know I'm there.

Stay here.

This is Jaden. He's moving to the lab.
I think he's got a customer.

Copy that. I'm almost there.


The nerve toxin.

It's not what you expected, huh?

You see, I've developed a way
to store it in resin form.

Then I use a small electrical charge
to ignite and disperse it.

What about the delivery system?

You don't expect me to walk
into the summit with that brick.

Have faith, Anya.

The delivery system is the best part.

In resin form, the toxin can be shaped
and polished.

The jewelry
is a self-contained detonator.

Let go of me!

Let go of me!

And the trigger?

There's an app for that.

What do you think you are doing?
You've lost your mind.

- Tell that to my father.
- Your father?

If he knew what you were
doing down here...

He's trying to bring peace
to our country.

With what? Reform?


He has shown a weakness, Edgar.

It's time for me
to take the power I deserve.

You are just afraid he will cut off
his supply of diamonds to you...

...and then you won't be able
to buy your whores.

That is the only way you can get
a woman to sleep with you.

Put him in the box.

If you attack him at the summit,
they will know it was you.

No, Edgar. Attack them all
and no one will know who the target is.

You bastard!

Let me out of here.

Kalume, let me out.

Each set of earrings has its own code.

Anya, just hit...


Kalume, let me out.
You can't do this to me.

Kalume. No.



These will get you into the summit.

And these...

...I think you can make work.

We need to talk.

Meet me in the ventilation room.

Wait a minute, Alex. Slow down.
She wasn't a customer?

She's using the toxin,
but she'll kill his father...

...and make it look like an attack.
She's gonna gas all of them.

Are you listening?
We have to tell Michael.

- No.
- Anya is on her way.

If we tell Michael, he'll follow protocol
and put you and Jaden on the threat.

He'll call off the operation.

Alex, we are this close
to getting you out of Division.

You have to blow the lab
and they have to believe you're in it.

- But the attack...
- I'll stop the attack.

You stay on mission, okay?

Stay strong.

Good luck.

You too.

- You did what?
- I told Alex to stay on mission.

Nikita, if the attack is imminent,
I need all available resources on it now.

Yeah. I'm available.

I've got Anya's description and I already
put the, uh, summit into the nav.

I'm 10 minutes out.

If Percy finds out, he'll pull Alex off.

He won't have time to find out.

Alex will call in, pretend she's trapped,
blow the lab. She'll die a hero.

Look, you can't blow the lab.
It'll tip off Kalume.

He might accelerate the attack.

He might get spooked,
call the whole thing off.

Michael, let me ask you something.

If I was still at Division and this
was happening, who would you put on?

Come on. I'm an agent all over again.

Isn't that some kind
of fantasy of yours?

All right. I want a report when you're
on the scene. Then we'll blow it.

- Michael...
- Bye.

- Alex, do you copy?
- Yes.

I have one charge left to set.

Okay. Finish setting the charges,
don't blow the lab. Not yet.

- You talked to Nikita?
- Yeah.

Look, I know how much
you want this.

I do. But we have to wait.

And I believe that the future of peace
in our region begins here.


What do you got?

A nice pair of C-4 bricks
rigged to blow outside the summit.

- What about the nerve agent?
- Nothing yet.

- And Anya?
- No contact.

This is the same van I saw
outside of Kalume's place.

This has to be part of the plan.

I've already disabled it, so why don't
we let Alex do what she needs to do?

Not until you've located Anya.

I'm here. You know I can stop this.

You're asking me to risk innocent lives.

No, I'm asking you to trust me.

Ha, ha. Hey, baby.

Come on. I wanna dance.


We found these in the lab.

What are these?

Those are, ha, ha, sequins.

Don't get cute with me.

This is from your friend's dress.
Where is she?

Who said she was my friend?

this is Michael back in Operations. Report.

Are the charges set?

All charges are set.

But you're still in the lab.
Get out of there.

So I should proceed according
to the plan.

- Proceed as planned.
- What is this, Spy 101? Just do it.

Wait, we have a problem.
I'm stuck in the lab.

I see other guards. I think I'm trapped.

Let me go.

Operations, do you hear that?

I don't know what she's talking about,
dude. I can't hear anything.

- No, we do not. What's going on?
- Stand by.

- I think it's Jaden.
- Get over there.

- Her comm has been damaged.
- Who are you?

Hmm? Who do you work for?

No one.

Jaden, do you read me?

Are you in the lab?

Where is your friend?
I know you're working together.


- Yes is the answer.
- Can you get out of there?

Keep talking.

Only thing I'm gonna do
is blow you away.

Blow you away.


Alex, what is going on?

- Jaden's been captured.
- What?

Alex, report.

I'm gonna save her.

Who else knows about the attack
on the summit?

Who knows?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Cooperate or things are gonna get
very nasty.

This car bomb makes no sense.

This is supposed to be
a nerve-gas attack.


Three years ago.

Remember we stopped that attack
by the Volksfrei Movement?

Corporate retreat.

Didn't the Volksfrei do
an armed assault?

Yes, they did.

But like this summit, it was
in a large group in an even larger space.

So, what'd they do?
They blew a car...

...and made it seem as if the terrorists
were attacking from outside.

They timed it to go off so that security
can herd them all in one place.

In a smaller area
where they could easily gun them down.

Or gas them.
I'm going inside. Is Alex back on?

- I'll let you know when it's done.
- All right.

I'll call you
after I take this bitch down.

Stay back.

Hang on.

You promised me more bang for the buck.
Trust me, I will take that offer.

You have no idea what I'm capable of.

I know exactly what you're capable of.

You think I don't know you?

I know you.

And I know what that gun
is making up for.

I know you better than you think.

I loved someone just like you.

I was just a girl.

Crushing on you.

Then came the night
when you tried to use your gun... take everything away from me.

But you blew it.

And you know what I did to you,

Stuck a knife in the back of your neck
while you were sleeping.

People I work for...

...they thought I showed initiative.

Forget this.

Do this the old-fashioned way.

- Down on the ground now.
- Stop.


Old-fashioned way.

Alex, be advised.

We have three bad guys moving in
off the perimeter, coming to you.

You're in charge.
How are we doing this?

I guess the hard way.

Mr. President.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please calm down.

There's been an explosion outside,
but that's all we know so far.

They have asked that we make our way
to a small room...

...located through those double doors.

We'll be safer there.

Flash traffic
is saying there's been an attack...

...on the developing-nations summit
in Geneva.

We haven't received any reports.
We've been busy.

They're evacuating.

Pull them from the compound,
send them to the summit.

As soon as they finish surviving, sir.

I'm out.


Hold on.

Not bad for a couple cover girls, huh?
Where'd you get that?

Uh, one of Kalume's gift bags.

Oh, wow, and you gave it up
for little old me.

Alex, report.

The lab is destroyed.

Jaden with you?

Affirmative. We're on our way
to the extraction point.

Copy that. They're safe.


Send them to the summit
and intercept the threat.

Right away.

I left my phone downstairs.


Round two.

Do I have to beat you again?

Cocky. I like that.

Mm. You have no idea.

Can you hear me now?

Those aren't from my country.

Appearances can be deceiving,
Mr. President.

A diamond is dust.

A loyal son a terrorist.


I'm sorry.

If I can have your attention, please.

I have some good news. I have been
assured that everything is safe now.

Anya Weimer.
I would love to get my hands on her.

Been hunting her for years
and then the Swiss capture her.

- Really? The Swiss?
- Sounds like she slipped up.

Well, maybe she wasn't that great.

You two, on the other hand,
were outstanding.

Your country thanks you
and I thank you.

Good work, Alex.
You have a great future here.

All I had to do was press a button.

Kalume, the lab, Jaden.

They would all have been gone.

I'd have been free and clear.

So, what stopped you?

You did.

I asked myself,
"What would Nikita do?"

You know what she would do
if she were you?

- Get out.
- We can still make that happen, Alex.

I'm staying put.

The day I was recruited
inside Division... told me I had a chance
to make a difference.

This mission...

...felt right.

It felt good.

Do you think that Percy's gonna
let you hold on to that feeling?

I don't know if I'm gonna
stay inside Division.

But I am gonna stay in this fight.

Our fight.

You know where to find me.

She has a right to decide for herself.

That's what scares me.

So it got a little rough.


But it was worth it.

You think there's a good side
to Division?


Not unless you're running it one day.

Or you are.

Oh, I like windows.

You needed this, Michael.

It was a good victory.

It was.

- You got to boss me around again.
- Not that you listened.

Just like old times.

Not old times.

New times.

You know what this is.

Alex's report on the mission.

What's it say?

It's actually very complimentary.

That's sweet.

I left this out of my report.

Like you asked.

I always did love your initiative.

Congratulations, Jaden.

You're an agent now.