NightMan (1997–1999): Season 2, Episode 4 - Book of the Dead - full transcript





I'’ve hit it.

Open it.

I beg you to reconsider,
Dr. Sutton.

If you wanna be something
more than a perpetual
graduate student,

you'’ll open
the casket, Reg.

You know the legends
better than I do.

This can only spell
disaster for all of us.

For the last time, Reg,
open the casket.






DR. DR. SUTTON: Hand me
the magician'’s book.

There'’s a card.

Read it.

"He who takes
this book from me

"takes with it
a curse

"of eternity."

It'’s the magician's curse.

It'’s meant
to scare you.

Yeah, well,
it worked.

Hand me the magician'’s book.

I can'’t!

I won'’t.

Pity. You had a promising
academic future.


The book, Reg.



♪ You said you wouldn'’t
Hurt me, baby

♪ But then you said goodbye

♪ Well if that
Ain'’t hurting, baby

♪ I'’d hate to see you try

♪ Now you'’ve come
Crawling back to me

♪ And you'’re down
On your knees

♪ And you'’re begging me
For forgiveness

♪ Crying baby
Baby, please

♪ That'’s all right

♪ Just go ahead and cry

♪ That'’s all right, baby

♪ '’Cause we just
Said goodbye

♪ '’Cause we just
Said goodbye

♪ Now go ahead and cry

♪ Oh


Thank you!
Thank you
for coming out tonight.

The usual?

JOHNNY: Sinclair,
single malt, neat.


It'’s funny.
I'’ve never seen you drink

anything stronger
than spring water.

What'’s up?

This is my dad'’s drink.

Sinclair, single malt.

He wouldn'’t drink
anything else.

Everything seemed
fine yesterday.

What'’s so different
about today?

Today is his
father'’s birthday.

Oh, God.
Johnny, I'’m sorry, man.
I wasn'’t even thinking.

How do you know that?

We have a common friend
who'’s told me a great deal
about you.

Yeah? Friend?
Who would that be?

I believe you know
Dr. Walton.

Yeah. Doc.


He helped me
after my accident.

The lightning. I know.

You seem to know a lot.
Who are you?

I'’m Trudy Thorpe,
Walton'’s research assistant.

The doctor'’s currently
on a world lecture tour,
stuck in Romania.

TRUDY: Care to join me
for a drink?

We have a matter of grave
importance to discuss.

We'’d love to.

Um, it'’s a confidential
matter, I'’m afraid.

If you need anything,
you just shout.

Excuse me.

It was a great show.

We don'’t get that kind
of soulful music
in Cambridge.

What brought you
all the way out here
from England?

Do you believe
in magic, Johnny?

Have you ever heard of a book
called the Necromancer'’s Tale?

Sounds like fiction.

It isn'’t entirely fiction.

It was written by a man
calling himself
the "Lord of Magicians."

His name was Andre Barzun.

Barzun'’s book purportedly
contained fragments

of an original
Sumerian manuscript.

This manuscript
was thought to be lost

around the end
of the first millennium.

by the Catholic Church.

But it wasn'’t.

At least one copy
survived the Inquisition.

Barzun'’s was the first hint
in over a thousand years

that a powerful
Sumerian magic rites
might still exist.

REG: You, of all people,
know the power of this book.

Once opened,
the death gate tide
will sweep the entire world.

You'’ll never be able
to close it.

You underestimate me.[GUN CLICKS]

As a scientist,

you'’ll be throwing away
everything you'’ve ever sworn
allegiance to.

Truth, natural law,
the universal order.

I didn'’t fail them.
They failed me!


I won'’t fail her.

Sutton'’s wife, Lucy,

was diagnosed with an
inoperable brain tumor.

For the past four months,
she'’s been bedridden.

Four days ago,
according to Reg,

her round-the-clock nurses
was sent away,

and Reg wasn'’t allowed
to see Lucy anymore.

No one was.


I summon thee. Rise!

Rise! Rise!


Are you trying to tell me
that Sutton is trying
to use this book

to raise his wife
from the dead?


And you think
it'’s possible?



My love,
is it really you?


You'’re... you're alive.

I'’m... I'm...

You'’re alive.

It worked.
It truly worked.

The old magician
did have the secret
of necromancy.

Of everlasting life.

What'’s a university student
doing with a bullet in his chest
in an open grave?

It'’s the curse.

What curse?

The old magician'’s curse.

Andre Barzun,
Lord of the Magicians.

A dark sorcerer.

I don'’t believe in sorcery
and I don'’t believe in curses.

I'’m guessing
what killed this man
was a .38 special.

The curse is real.

That is fact.

The bullet is only a symptom
of this man'’s greed.

Fear of the lord
is the beginning of knowledge.

And only fools despise
wisdom and instruction.

I have seen the curse
with my own eyes,

and I have ran away,

as have others before me.

You mean,
this isn'’t the first time
this gravesite has been dug up?

Neither the first,
nor the last.

Treasure draws many.

Stolen waters are sweet.

And bread that is eaten
in secret is pleasant.

But he knows not
that the dead are there,

and that his guests
are in the depths of hell.


You want me to try
and get an impression
from Sutton'’s mind.

It'’s vital that we learn
if he'’s got the original

And if he does,
we must find it
before he uses it.

The manuscript
the book'’s based on

is a thousand years old.

Uh, 4,000, actually.

All right, 4,000.

And the world
hasn'’t fallen apart yet.

If this manuscript does exist,
and no one'’s sure it does,

it can'’t be as dangerous
as everyone thinks.

Johnny, you,
of all people, should know

that there are things
that science can'’t explain.

The reason the book
hasn'’t destroyed the world

is because it'’s been hidden
by those who know its power.

But who'’s to say
that it hasn'’t been used
in some small way

to shape the course
of history.

Remember, I can only pick up
his thoughts if they'’re evil.

I'’m well aware of your
limitations, Johnny.



Yes? What can I do for you?

I don'’t know
if you'’ll remember me,
Dr. Sutton.

My name'’s Trudy Thorpe,
and I'’m...

Walton sent you, didn'’t he?TRUDY: Yes, actually.

Or rather, I was in the city
and he asked if I'’d pay
my respects.

This is Johnny Domino.

The musician, yes.

My wife and I came to see
one of your shows
about a year or so ago.

Nice to meet you.

Please come in.
I'’m delighted
to have the company.

TRUDY: Thank you.

I apologize
for the mess.

The maid seems to have
up and left us
during the night.


My wife, of course.

Still warm.

TRUDY: Oh, yes, your wife.
How is your wife?

I heard she was ill.

Yes, quite ill.

But she'’s had the most
remarkable recovery.

Oh. Will she
be joining us?

No. She'’s been resting
all morning.

Her illness
left her fatigued,
I'’m afraid.

Care for a brandy?

I'’d love a tea, thanks.

Water will be fine.

Cream? Sugar?

Uh, no, thanks.


Oh, look at that.

Think nothing of it.

May I use your bathroom?Of course.

Upstairs, down the hall,
two doors to your left.Thanks.


Whoa! You shouldn'’t
sneak up on people.

It could be dangerous.


You have a strong heart.

Sounds positively


Don'’t be frightened of me.

You don'’t belong here.

You'’re not natural.


Dear boy,
your concept of natural
is about to change.

He'’s going
to return the world
to the Old Order.

He will give to the dead
power over the living.

There'’s nothing to fear
in the dead.

I kinda like it
when the dead stay dead.

Rules change.

Life is wasted
on the living.



You find it all right?

JOHNNY: Yeah, I found it.
We'’d better go.

So soon?

Uh, yes. But thank you
for seeing us, Doctor.

TRUDY: It'’s been a pleasure.

I couldn'’t get anything
out of him. How about you?

You didn'’t by chance
find Lucy, did you?

Oh, I found her.
She looks pretty good
for a dead person.


So he does have the book,
and he'’s already used it.

He'’s gonna use it again.

She said he wants to return
the world to the Old Order.

I don'’t think she was
talking about Sutton.

Then who?

I need to get Raleigh
in on this.

He can research Sutton
on the Internet.

We need all the help
we can get.

Did she give you any clue?

She was beginning
to make a point.

COMPUTER: Dr. Winslow Sutton,

Professor of
Cultural Anthropology
at Bay City University,

is the leading expert on the life and teaching of Bay City local Andre Barzun,

the self-proclaimed
Lord of Magicians.

Dr. Sutton'’s forthcoming book traces the roots of the magician'’s sordid past

and examines his roles
as the modern day messiah
of cultural anarchy...

Okay, I got
that info you wanted
about the cemetery stiff.

What'’d you find, Nance?

Okay, the guy
was an anthropology student,

but he was working
as a research assistant...

Wait, let me guess.

Dr. Winslow Sutton.

I guess that'’s why
you have the corner office.

I think I should go
pay this Sutton a visit.

I'’d like to hear is views
on the rotting infrastructure

and moral decay
of contemporary society.

The what?

Okay, fine.
We'’ll do this
the old-fashioned way.


Hmm. Wrong season
for planting.


TRUDY: Your father
was a handsome man.

Rugged looking.

Would you like another?


Perhaps we should get down
to business, hmm?

Uh, were you able to...

I was able to pick up
bits and pieces
from both of them.

Sutton and Lucy are gonna do
whatever they'’re gonna do,

and they'’re gonna
do it tonight.

That soon?

It'’s going to be difficult
to prepare any kind
of counter measure.

There'’s one more thing.
When I picked up
on Lucy'’s vibe,

it was like it wasn'’t her,
it was her body,

but it was like another soul
had taken her place.

Does that make
any sense?

Perfect sense.

Dr. Walton always
believed that...

in the normal death process,
the soul is released
from the body

and then moved on
to the next level, but...

when the soul is tormented
and refuses to acknowledge
its own passing, it...

lingers on earth
as a ghost.

Or worse.

You hear stories
of zombies and ghouls,

and many occultists believe
that it'’s these disembodied
and tortured spirits

that enter a corpse,
reanimating it,

but only
for a very short time

before the body decomposes
beyond any sort of function.

So the spells in this book
make these things happen.


Johnny! I'’ve found that book,
the Necromancer'’s Tale.
You'’ve got...


Sorry about last night.

I wasn'’t sure if you were aware
of Johnny'’s unique insight
into the criminal mind.

We'’re partners.

Look, anyways, both of you,
you'’ve got to listen to this.

Okay, here it is.

"The gate may only be opened
by a special ordinance

"and may not stay open
beyond the hour of Tiamat,

"lest the abyss break forth
upon the earth

"and the dead rise
to eat the living,

"for it is writ,
I will cause the dead
to rise and devour the living.

"I will give to the dead
power over the living

"that they may
outnumber the living."

How'’s that for demented?

I'’d call it disgusting.

"He will give the dead
power over the living."

That'’s what Lucy said.

She must be talking
about Tiamat.

I was afraid of that.

DR. SUTTON: We gather together,
the light and the dark,

through the
mist-shrouded mountains
at the hour of Tiamat.

TRUDY: Andre Barzun believed that he was the incarnation of Tiamat

and that it was his destiny
to return his rule.

So how do we stop him?

We'’ll find a way.

DR. SUTTON: I call to thee,
ancient lords,

to hear me
and fill this circle
with your light.


Rise! Rise, Tiamat! Rise!

You can stop
right there, Sutton.

Whoever you are,
you can'’t stop them now.

LUCY: The ancient ones
are already gathering.


You have to do
better than that.

Rise, Tiamat! Rise!



ANDRE: Lucy!

I'’m home!

Well done, magician.

It is an honor
to serve you, Master.

But I had my reasons.

Yes, of course.
You want immortality

so that you can die
happily ever after
with my daughter.


And who might you be?

I'’m the one
that'’s gonna put you
back in your grave!

You'’re hardly
in a position to threaten.

After all,
I am the Lord of the Dead.

We'’re the living.
You have no rule over us.

That is about to change.

You must close
the gate.

If you don'’t,
the dead will rise
and devour the living.


It'’s already begun.

What? "It"?

The raising of the dead.

Oh, maybe we shouldn'’t
go rushing in there.

Come on, this way.

[SIGHS] Okay.

I am the incarnation
of Tiamat!

I am come to give the dead
power over the living
as I promised!

We can'’t allow this, Lucy.

Even if it means
we can'’t be together.

I won'’t be the cause
of the death
of all living things!

The living
had their chance.

I'’ve missed you, Daddy.


ANDRE: Now the dead
are knock, knock, knocking,

demanding what
is rightfully theirs.

I'’m tired of this lunatic.

It'’s almost midnight,
the hour of Tiamat!

Over here.

What the...

TRUDY: Who the hell is that?

That'’s Night Man,
defender of the faith
and evil'’s worst nightmare.



I'’ll take that.

You'’re too late.

It'’s midnight.

It'’s beginning.

You know
how to use this thing.

We must close the gate.

We need the Spell of Banishings
against Barzun

so that he won'’t
reopen it tomorrow.

Here it is.

You'’re no magician,
little girl.

Marduk, I call thee
to this place of enchantment!

Hear me,
Lord of the White Light!

I call thee!


I'’ve had quite enough
of your annoyances.

In my happy place.
I'’m in my happy place.


I think it'’s working.

It'’s working. Keep going.


Marduk! Marduk! Marduk!

The night is ours!



The best magicians
have the best memories.


The night may be yours,
but the game is still afoot.

Stop them!


Are you all right?

I think so.

But I wasn'’t able to cast
the Spell of Banishings.

He'’ll be back to reopen
the gates tomorrow.

Only now, we won'’t have
the ammunition to stop him.





All right.

If I were dead
and walking around Bay City,

where would I go?


You guys looking
for some action?


Don'’t you know it's dangerous
to be out on the streets
this time of night?

Well, yeah, you know...

it could be very...


Thing is...

we just blew the last
few bucks we had, so...

Yeah, but...

good for him.

I doubt that.

You don'’t have
to insult me like that.

We don'’t need to know
who you are.

MAN 1: Who are you?




First a PhD student,
now a PhD.

It doesn'’t say
anything else?

Three persons dead,
another person missing.

This case just gets weirder
by the minute.

And the two guys
they found in Red Light...Yeah?

Same MO as the maid
you dug up last night.

They had their hearts ripped
from their chest cavity.

Looks like
we may have a serial.

Want me to seal off
the cemetery?

No, I don'’t think
the families of these people
would appreciate that.

I feel like I'’ve got an aunt
around here somewhere.

No, I'’m guessing
whoever did this
got what they came for.

Yeah. A ten-year-old corpse.

Yeah. We do know
that it'’s someone

with no appreciation
for Renaissance art.

Or literature.

Your fever
is getting worse.

The burns in your hands
aren'’t getting any better.

I got to get you
to a doctor.

It'’s no use.

It'’s magic,
it'’s too strong to fight.


You have to fight it.

It'’s too strong.

Maybe we should
call Doc Walton.

I tried,
I can'’t get a hold of him.

What are we gonna do?

Trudy said that Barzun
was probably gonna try
that zombie-making crap again

tonight at the hour
of Tiamat.

We'’ll have to stop him.

How? The book'’s gone,

and the only guy
who can remember
the Spell for Banishing

is the guy
we'’re trying to banish.

We'’ll find a way.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.
Maybe this'’ll help.

Trudy did say
that some of this book
came from the original text.

If this Lord of the Dead

were eventually gonna rise
from his grave
to destroy the living,

he wouldn'’t have written down
how to destroy himself.

Probably not.

Fourth edition.Yeah, so?

So the first book
was published in '’69.


Trudy said that Barzun started
as a white magician.

A good guy
in the '’60s and '70s.

When was this book

Uh, some time around '’84.


He never would'’ve written
about black magic
before the '’80s.

So you think
that each edition

chronicles his descent
onto the dark side.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe.

We have to find
the first edition.

Can I help you?

I hope so.
I'’ve been everywhere else.

I pride myself
on carrying books

that other more modern
stores do not.

I'’m looking for
the Necromancer'’s Tale.

You'’re in luck.
We have several copies.


This is the revised edition.
I need the first edition.


Well, that is an order
not even I can fill.

You see,
it'’s quite a rare book,
and quite valuable.

Do you know
where I might find one?
It'’s urgent.

Well, I do know
of a man in Lisbon
who might have a copy.

There'’s no time.
It'’s a matter of life,
more importantly death.

Did you say
"a matter of death"?

Yeah. Who are you?

Only a humble custodian.

Can you help me?

The Lord Creator
sent you to me.

You want the book. Why?

It'’ll sound crazy.

Try me.

A magician named Barzun
who died over a decade ago

rose from his grave
last night

and tried to raise
the rest of the dead so...

So they could
devour the living.Right.

And you need
the Spell of Banishings,

that you might banish
the old dark wizard
once and for all.

How do you know
so much?

I believed in Andre Barzun
once upon a time.

And then I saw him plummet
to the depths of hell,

and I heard him vow
to bring back
the ancient ones.

Then you can help.
You can use the spell
against him.

No. I'’ve renounced the path
that leads to destruction.

I walk the path
of salvation.

The only other person who knows
how to do this is dying
because of Barzun'’s magic.

Yes, and she will die
if you do not stop him.

The tasks have been
given to you
by the lords of light.

You must succeed,

or we'’re all doomed
to eternal night.

The woman who'’s dying said,

"Not just anyone
can use these spells.

"You have to know
the fundamentals of magic."

True, but he that diligently
seeketh after good,

procureth favor.

And he that diligently
seeketh after mischief,

surely it will come
unto him.

You have already passed
the first and most important


For the next eight hours,
I'’m going to teach you
everything I can

but when the hour
of Tiamat arrives,

you'’ll be on your own.


What took you?
She'’s not doing so well.

You found it.

Yeah. Let'’s hope
I can use it.

No, I'’m doing this alone.
You stay with her.

If everything goes right,
the spell will break,
so will her fever.

Yeah, but...

No. I'’m doing this alone.

ANDRE: Great Tiamat,
Serpent King of the underworld,

the hour of your greatness
is upon you.


JOHNNY: Marduk,
servant of the light,

vanquisher of the dark lords,

hear me.


Remember the words.
Damn it, remember the words.

Rise, Tiamat!

Remember the words.

Rise, Tiamat! Rise!






WOMAN ON RADIO: All available units, proceed to Flower and Main...




MAN: Run!

MAN: Get out of here, lady!

Truth always remains
in the heart.

We cannot forget the truth
unless we choose to forget.

The words are there
in your heart.

Time to join the dead.



I will not allow this!

Tiamat will not allow this!

Lord of the light,

vanquish this Barzun
to the farthest reaches
of your realm.

May he do no more evil
in this world.

Restore equilibrium.


Restore the natural order!


Andre Barzun,
I banish thee from this world.






Welcome back.


Well done, Chosen One.