NightMan (1997–1999): Season 1, Episode 19 - Hitchhiker - full transcript






Situation, General.

We'’ve got an impact site,
almost the size of
a football field.

What'’s more is we
recovered a body.

You don'’t mean a...

Radio activity has prevented
anyone with medical knowledge

from examining it
so far, sir.

Major, if what you got
in that bag is
an alien life-form,

I don'’t have to tell you
how carefully this whole matter

has to be handled.

Pentagon has
already been in touch with
the National Nuclear Center.

They have a special truck
on the way over here
to transport

the body back
to their facility,

where they say they can
handle the autopsy as well
as all necessary security.


RALEIGH: Can you
go a little faster?

"Faster"? I really
can'’t imagine.

Yeah, but... [CLEARS THROAT]

JOHNNY: Let'’s stop
and get some coffee.

I don'’t want to stop.
She'’s waiting for me.

She ain'’t waiting for you.

She'’s waiting.

What the...

What could'’ve happened?
That whole ridge is on fire.

Yeah, yeah, except
those aren'’t...

Those aren'’t
fire-fighting choppers,
those are Cobras, man.

Gun ships.

looks like they'’ve got
the whole army out tonight.

This is all we need.

Sorry, sir, this road
is temporarily closed.

What'’s going
on out there?

Look, sir, I'’d like
to tell you, but I can'’t.

Come on now, bro.

You guys better make
yourself comfortable.

It'’s gonna be a wait.



This is more than a fire.

The visitor has been taken
off our hands.

I can'’t say I am
not grateful.

That'’s gonna
be a real circus.

Sir, we'’ve still got a ship
buried in that mountain.

As far as I can tell,
our own circus is far
from over.

Okay, nice and steady,
close her up, close her up.

Keep moving. Keep coming.

Gentlemen, it'’s going
to be a long night
for all of us.



Yes, sir.


There must be a communication
blackout in this area.

Still can'’t get through
to the club to tell them
we'’re gonna be late.

JOHNNY: Oh, check it out.

I wonder what'’s
inside the truck?

Whatever it is,

they'’re guarding it like
it came out of Fort Knox.

And the truck came
from the National
Nuclear center.

How do you know that?

Oh, we use to use '’em to ship
prototype nuclear weapons.

Chill up to million
rads of radiation.


Meaning whatever came
out of that fire,

was producing a lot
of radiation.

Go, go, go,
traffic'’s being released.
We'’re not gonna be late.

What do you think
we'’re carrying back there?

Whatever it is, as long
as it stays sealed up,

we got nothing
to worry about.


Motion detector went off.

I don'’t see any problem.

Sometimes it happens
when the load shifts.

Man, you okay?

Yeah, I think so,
I just got a chill.

It'’s a cold night.
Should be glad
we got heaters in here.

I'’m fine.


What the hell!


Can we stop on the shoulder.
I think we trashed the escort.

[GASPS] Oh, God.

They slid right off
the road into that canyon.

It'’s gotta be
a 1,000 foot drop.

We'’re gonna have four
dead soldiers down there.


JOHNNY: There'’s
that truck again.

And something'’s wrong,
I don'’t see an escort.

What happened?

It'’s a government matter.
Every thing'’s under control.

Thank you.

I used to do some defense work,
so if I can be
of any assistance...

As a matter of fact,
I used to work
at the Nuclear Center.

I imagine that'’s where you're
headed since that'’s where...

the truck is from.Yes.

Thank you for offering
to help, but there
is no problem.



Where'’s he going?

I offered my help.
He said there'’s no problem.

The escort went
off this cliff.


JOHNNY: I call that a problem.

How could he just
drive away?

Johnny, whatever
happened here tonight
is huge.

The only thing
I can think
of is security.

Maybe his orders
were for the immediate

of whatever'’s
in the back of the truck.

Some of those people down
there may still be alive.

We have to find out
and get help.


There is still a communication
blackout in this area.

We'’ll have to rely
on our friend.

Let'’s go.


You follow the truck,
find out who is in charge,

tell them
about the accident.

All right.

You'’re probably gonna get
there before I do.

If I get through...

What are you
talking about?

I just don'’t know yet.

Look, if you'’re picking up
something from all this
I'’d like to know what it is.

That'’s what's
bothering me.

I got something
from the driver.

As if he was part
of the blackout.

All right.

I'’ll stay with the truck.Good.


Watch yourself.

RALEIGH: I always do.



Help'’s arrived.

Don'’t move.

You fell a long way.

You'’ve been shot.

Who did this to you?

I don'’t know.

The cargo'’s...


Raleigh is in trouble.

And I put him there.


You'’re following
a security vehicle

on a special assignment,
I am afraid I have
to search you.

Look, we know about
your escort going
over the cliff

back there
and we appreciate
your predicament

with the communication
blackout so,

my friend went
for some help.

How did your friend
know what happened?


You'’re thinking
about telling him

to approach
The Jefferson Institute.

To circumvent the blackout,
is that correct?

Well, the other world'’s
most powerful deep
space probe.

I figure they can
at least help us
get a call out downstate.

Please, direct me there.

Oh, I'’ll just follow you.

I can'’t take the chance that
we'’ll get separated. Please.

It'’s my friend's car.

He told you to get
through to the authorities.

To tell them what
happened, is that correct?

Yeah, yeah,
he did say that, um...

He will be back.

I'’ll just ride
with you, all right.

Thank you.



So I gather whatever
crashed out there in the woods,

has something to do
with your cargo, huh?


Don'’t have to answer that.

Any idea why
are blacked out?

Sun spots.

"Sun spots"?

Eruptions on the sun send
radioactive waves through
the ionosphere.

When severe, they eradicate
all forms of transmission
to and from Earth.

"To and from Earth"?

They'’re also responsible
for wavelength errors

in intergalactic navigation.

Ah, so that'’s the kind
of thing that'’ll keep

E.T. from going home, huh?



I guess this is the kind
of situation that doesn'’t
call for much laughs, huh?


Where are you from?
I mean...

You'’re not
from around here, right?

I can tell you'’re not
from around here.

Around here,

a lot more relaxed.

Is it true what they say
about truckers, you know?

You know the the great places
to stop for food,
chicks, sleep, HBO?


Cable television?


I am gonna... shut up.

Gonna be a long night.

DR. LESLIE: The Jefferson
Deep Space Probe is funded
for the next 100 years.

Scanning the skies to prove
we'’re not alone.

Right now, for instance,
we are systematically

exploring nebula Perseus,

over ten million
light years away.

One of the most beautiful
places in the star system.

Well, very few people
on Earth have ever

seen it, those photographs
are virtually brand new.

If you'’ll focus your antenna
on the upper left quadrant,

you will be amazed
at the colors you'’ll find.

Emula, Nesiris, Ornoyan.

I'’ve never heard of those.

Are you...

Are you sure you have
the right galaxy?

Anyway, you said that
you had an urgent message

from a General Nordoff.

I don'’t believe that
I know a General Nordoff.

He'’s monitoring a crash site,
some distance south of here.

DR. LESLIE: What kind
of a crash site?

Possible UFO.

How fascinating.

But what can the General
possibly want us to do?

Well, there has been
a local communications

we need to call out about
an accident that happened
between here and there.

Well, we have every
transmission band
at our disposal,

you just let me know
who it is you'’d like
to speak...

Actually it'’s your deep
space probe we'’ll
need to reprogram.

You'’re joking.

He'’s joking.He'’s got a wonderful
sense of humor.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
you can'’t...

RALEIGH: Whoa...

How do you program
the computer?

I'’m not gonna tell you that.

Thank you.

Who are you people?
What do you want?

Don'’t lump me up with him,
this is his own thing.

Look, he can'’t
be touching those.

He'’s going to destroy
years of work.

RALEIGH: Hey, will you
please listen to her, she
is telling you the truth.

You may think
that you'’re helping
your General...


What have you done?

How can you
be doing that?

Who are you?

What are you?

This is your receiver
for getting messages back?

You'’re patching the receiver
into the transmitter, why?

In a few hours I will
be transmitting a message
back to you.

Your receiver is automatically
programmed to send it back out

into space to coordinates
I have previously selected.

What is this message,
and why are you sending

it out into deep space?

You obviously have nothing
to do with the military.

I have a job to do
just like you.

To build a new world
in place of the old.

Just like yours did
not so long ago.




JOHNNY: Hey! Hey!


Are you hurt?

Thank God,
you were here.

What kind of a monster
was he?

RALEIGH: And where
did he come from?

Johnny, wait, wait, wait,

we got to get her
to the hospital, man.

JOHNNY: I have something
I have to do.

What could be more important
than saving this woman'’s life?

Saving thousands of lives.


Sir, a message for you.

Major Fury, scramble all
your available choppers.

The driver never delivered
the alien to the institute,

someone apparently managed
to hijack the truck,

and is on the road with it
as we speak.

All right, you man,
into the truck!

Into those trucks.

Move it, Sergeant.
Somebody get back up.


Listen, I want back up.

No, dammit, bring
in the gun ships.

This guy wants a fight,
we'’ll give it to him.

Let'’s go. Come on!

Move, move, move.



MAN ON SPEAKER: You have hijacked government property.

Stop immediately.

It'’s over, mister.
Pull that rig over or we'’ll
blow you off the road.


Shut it down. Now.

Go, go, go, go!

All right, Mr. Domino.
Step away from the truck. Now.


Keep coming. Keep coming.

Come back.


Sir, I know that he was not
trying to hijack your alien.

Why was he driving
down the highway

at 100 miles an hour?

I don'’t know.What about shooting
the institute'’s driver?

He was trying to disarm
him and the gun went off.

Mr. Jordan, your friend'’s
car is being ferried back here
as we speak.

I suggest you use it to get
off this facility as quickly
as possible.

Yes, sir.You'’re not listening,
Mr. Jordan.

This entire region
is in a declared state
of national alert.

Get out while you can.

You want to help your
friend, get him a good lawyer.


General, I know under
the circumstances

it'’s going to be impossible
to convince you
of his innocence.

But something very wrong
is going on here.

And he is the only chance
we have in finding out
what it is.

Wrong, Mr. Jordan.

I hold the key to what'’s
going on around here.

Johnny, you guys, what
did you do to him, huh?


Yo, Simmons, we may
need a medic.

Johnny, what happened?

I don'’t know.

You tell me.

What? You took the truck,
you were barreling down
the highway.

Why did you resist,
why didn'’t you just turn
the truck over

to the authorities?

I don'’t know.

Why did you go to the base?

The Jefferson'’s Institute
was the driver'’s idea.

Something about
a deep space probe.

"Deep space probe."

You have plenty of time
to tell your story later,
Mr. Domino.

For the moment, you'’re being
held under suspicion of murder
and high treason.

Take him away.

Wait, wait.


I have a right
to a phone call.

Sorry, there'’s a complete
blackout of all communications.

At least let me talk
to my friend.

I'’ll check with
my duty officer.

I don'’t think I need
to remind you all,

what a remarkable moment
this is in the annals
of medical science.

I want a meticulous record
kept of every step
of this procedure.


You have five minutes.

Thank you.

The alien'’s not in the body.

What are you talking about?

To get what it needs,
it passes from one person
to the next.

Then by it, you mean...

That thing in the back
of the truck...

it'’s going back to the ship

to guide more
of these things in.

You'’re serious, aren't you?

Yeah, you got to get
me out of here.


The truck.

Can you get hold of it?

I think I can.

Everyone'’s ready?

Start the cameras,
lets begin.




Somebody get help
for this man.

No, you mustn'’t
go in there.

They were right.

[GROANS] He'’s still alive.

Not for long.



Are you authorized
to be in this motor pool?

Oh, absolutely.

As a matter of fact, here
is the key to the vehicle
of my choice.







Someone just
murdered Dr. Brady.

If anyone tries to leave
this installation

without the General'’s
direct permission,

shoot to kill.




Good work.


Now we can talk.

Open the gate.

RALEIGH: What was that
little trip by the radio
transmitter all about?

I think a call
for reinforcements.

I hope you'’re not saying
what I think you'’re saying.

Yeah, I think our visitor
was apartment hunting.

But his ship malfunctioned
and went down.

But that doesn'’t mean
they'’re hostile.

Considering all that he'’s
been through this guy could be

pretty frightened himself.

JOHNNY: Remember the pilgrims,
cowboys and Indians.

Who were the good guys?
Who were the bad?

RALEIGH: You'’re right.
They moved in and took over.

Survival of the fittest.

Who do you think
is the fittest?

I say we better stop
that message from getting out.

RALEIGH: Do you think we can
get the ship back?

JOHNNY: It'’ll be close.

I wish we brought the prowler.

Don'’t worry. I got
all the special equipment
on board in back.

MAN ON PA: Unauthorized
vehicle approaching gate.

Once we got to the base,

I have to take off
on my own.


Looks like none of us
are getting out of here.

Do we explain
the situation?

I'’m sure Major Fury already has.

Looks like we have to split up
sooner than I thought.

Be careful.





It'’s official,
we'’re gonna blow it.

We can'’t do this, sir. We
don'’t even have the result
from the research center.

Preliminary catch cameras
chopped it to the White House
this evening.

Reveals the victim
to be an alien in origin.

If we bury this thing, we'’ll
be giving up on millions
of years of progress,

right in the palm
of our hands.

Son, we have every indication
these aliens are hostile.

I think the President
made a good call.

We blow her in 30 minutes.

Yes, sir.

All right, listen up,
people, we got 30 minutes

to pack it up
and move them out.
Lets go.



All right, everybody move it.

I'’m talking about everybody.
Let'’s get a move on!



Twenty minutes
and counting,
people, lets go.



We'’re running out of time.

Ten minutes and counting.




All right, we got
three minutes left.

I want all personnel
withdrawn right now.

Major Fury, is that you?

Where is everybody?

Orders came down.What orders?

Pulling out, we got
less than two minutes.

Why couldn'’t they wait.

We have to stop it.

A lot of us felt
the same way, Major.

But the orders came
from Washington.

Those people, those things,

are to be considered hostiles.

I'’ve got my orders.

You can stop it, can'’t you?

We'’ve got less
than a minute, Major.

We got to get out of here.

Give me the timer.


Stand back from him,
Major Wilson.

Who are you?
What are you?

He knows.

Don'’t you, Major Fury?

Stay out of this.

Whatever you are,

you'’re not strong enough
to wait, give me the timer.

You intend to take
our planet.

How often have you taken
when it suited your needs?

What primitive people did
you steal this land from?

I can'’t deny the point, Major,
but you'’re gonna have
to take it away from us.

You hear that, Major?

He'’s provoking me.

Give me the timer.

I am the military police
in charge, this is
my jurisdiction.

Don'’t do it, Major.

Maybe we'’re not
as strong as you.

But we'’re strong enough.

We are intelligent
beyond your belief.

We can inhabit your
primitive life-forms.

Wilson, get away from him.

Don'’t get between us.It'’s too late.

You come after me,

you kill an innocent man.

If I have to kill one
to save us all.

Exactly the kind
of logic that is of my people.

That'’s what gives us the right
here to come and take

this land away from you.

For God'’s sake, whoever
you are, there is less
than 30 seconds left.

Don'’t release the timer.

He has to make a choice.

He can'’t reset it
with one hand.

You are a challenge, fellow.

But I have felt your soul.

You will not be able
to kill the Major,

in whose body I reside.

Fifteen seconds, dammit.

I am going to take the timer.

Do not resist.

JOHNNY: If you
touch the timer,

I'’ll have to stop you.

It won'’t be pretty.

And kill two people?

I don'’t think so.

Ten seconds.






What the hell happened?

Major Dunn,
are you all right?

What do you mean,
am I all right?

You had a gun stuck
down my throat.

Why would I hold
a gun on you?

I work with you.

Lucky this guy came along.

Who the hell are you? Ooh!

Have I got a headache.

You want to talk
about headaches.

You should'’ve seen the one
that almost got away.