Naked Attraction (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Rebecca and Dan - full transcript

Taking part are Rebecca, who's tired of having her heart broken by guys with bad boy images, and Dan - who thinks the only thing missing in his life is the love of a good man.

Modern dating has become a complicated business online dating has been a complete nightmare. I've used tinder Facebook snapchat

Not even work

Status symbols online profiles and the clothes we wear can all get in the way of finding our perfect mate

I can look at gang go get it. And then when it comes to be naked, I'm like

okay, maybe not but what would happen if we were stripped of all the things that usually define us in this dating show we

Go back to basics. Are you ready bring on and

Start where a good date often ends


In a wet look

Faced with six pieces. No, but I feel like I should've thought what do men and women really find physically attractive

And could picking a partner based solely on their natural beauty

help us find the one it's just

Let's find out quite dating in Reverse. Who are you going to pick your date?

Every naked body has something to offer and as someone who's swung both ways

I'm well aware of the joys of Johnson and the loveliness of a lady garden. So I'm in the right place

Inside each of these colored pods is a brave naked singleton

But only one of them will be picked to go on a date, but who's doing the choosing?


Am a waitress in a bar the love of my life is singing I think everywhere by sing at home sing

Welcome to the shop a singing mellow for coffee shop

Well, I'm always seeing these lovey-dovey sounds but I haven't got anyone to film about

I've been single about two years but in between I've had on and off relationship

nothing solid so just

Friends of fellows. I

Love spending time with my mum whenever I've got boy troubles. She gives me good advice

There Matt at times that she rings me in tears because of some Ludd that's been a player

She really deserves to find someone that's gonna be good for

Its natural be making I'm quite happy with what my mother gave me

I love a day in my apartment where there's no roommate and I can just be free and just have my naked day

Later is right

Rebecca welcome to the show how

Are you I'm a bit nervous. I'm not gonna lie to you

It's not every day. You see six naked guys. Now is it it's very

Single I'm awful at finding the right guy for me

I once dated a guy whom also dated four other girls at the same time

You are really picking the wrong kind of guy than Rebecca, right? I really am so you have been dating them

I've done tinder, but the pictures can be a bit misleading at times

You're not always guaranteed to get what you see on your phone. Well on this show, you really do know what you're getting

In front of you you have got six

Naked guys. Okay, all of these guys have an attribute that you have said you find attractive

We are going to reveal them to you bit by bit and you have to whittle them down from 6 to 1
00:03:35,290 --> 00:03:40,259
Purely based on who you find the most physically attractive, okay

Can we please reveal the bottom half of the bodies?

Hold on tie Rebecca. Hang on


First impressions

Immediately. I'm actually joined yellow

He's got a good-sized penis, which is get size is important. Yes

I've been in a situation before where a guy treated me like an absolute princess and then when it came down to it he

Had the tiniest penile. Yes, so it's quite a big thing

You need you need sex for love fucking anything here that you see that you think yeah, I could work with that. I'm kinda onto


Actually, take a closer. Look. Yeah, come I don't wait. He's got inspect. Let's inspect the goods

It's a little bit of the tinder thing from a distance. It looks better

Okay, but I have to say he does have a fantastic pair of legs. He looks quite tall height in general

That is quite important to me as I'm five foot eight. I'm quite tall

How about blue, please? Looks like he's got a nice sized penis. He's got hair on his legs which and I'm not into the whole

Completely shaved I mean on his legs or dishonest pubic area on his legs

Have you guys that these are Rebecca seriously is apparently the new thing

men shaving their legs also dubbed leg scaping does appear to be a growing trend a

Survey reported that 33 percent of men admit to trimming their leg hair whilst 15 percent confess to shaving

completely to get super smooth pins


52 percent of women like it when a man does a bit of leg scaping

So is there anybody else here specifically that you want to look at? Yeah


It's that a piercing. I really hope so, Rebecca

Is that a print that's a Prince Albert?

Kind of watch the sweetest thing and there's a seam in this where she's giving him a blowjob and

He has a Prince Albert and she actually gets caught at the back of her throat. Oh, it can't pointed me

Come on back now the bomb fellows turn around, please leave them in

Whose bomb do you think is just magnificent? Yes, Bob

Would be orange he's got a great bun. Oh, it's working that

Working well

If that's someone's name then this isn't okay, it says babe, babe

Okay, yeah, those got fun, he's got a great bow he really does that is a peach that's the right juicy bun

Mmm, right turn background. Hey, you're gonna have to lose

One guy out of these six

Remember you've got to pick the guy but at this point you find the least physically attractive, okay

Are you ready, Rebecca?

I'd like to lose blue

Why I

Didn't think it would think that high is quite a big thing to me as I love to wear the heels. Let's reveal

Who you saying goodbye to?

Who's 20 he's a dancer from Glasgow, it's nice to see you

He is gorgeous actually as you can see ya

Exacto lady you're not so tall. You are lovely. Yes, so I'm afraid it's a goodbye

Pretty girl but it's not for me. I'm quite sure so that's fair enough

It was nice to have a few compliments couldn't really completely get a few compliments. At least it wasn't all bad

Okay, Rebecca, you've got five guys remaining do you want to see a little bit more yeah

That's why next back isn't it?

To sound quite pleased with


He's got a nice body on him Vicki's quite

Muscly he might be a bit of a ladies man as well

Which is why I intend to kind of go for which is bad and that's probably a main reason I'm single

When women ovulate research suggests that judgment about what makes a good partner becomes clouded

Ovulate or induced hormones mean rebellious muscular looking men temporarily appear to be the best choice for a long-term partner

How you feeling about red?

I'm quite like in red. I mean he's not as rich not as mostly okay

Now then we haven't talked about pink

It's quite a slim guy, but he does have to hide with him as well there

Is that his tight little nipple? I dated a guy with tiny lot

you know, he really liked his nipples and he liked a lot of attention around them if it's fake a

Licking my mum's gonna love it

Do you like a pierced nipple? I do actually quite like a pierced nipple I

Mean at one point I did want to get my nipple done it much a bit of a rock chick

But luckily I didn't do it. So your boobs are intact. You're intact. We'll be finding out later. Okay


Thought maybe because he's got great legs it was a bit more athletic ah, she might be more rich it's a little bit more

Rebecca you've got to make a decision on who you would like to say goodbye to


Would like to say goodbye to


why unfortunately

Just a little bit too slim for me. Let's see who you are saying goodbye to

This is Jordan, he's twice here's an actor from Swansea

I'm so sorry, but it's a no on this occasion. No problem

Annie's Welsh Andes why don't you like that? I love that well

This is give me I think a little bit of confidence because I was quite conscious about my body

But I won't worry about that so much now and maybe I can be more flirtatious and go food a bit more

Coming up


Rebecca's turn to lay everything bare and decide which guy to take on that date and a brand new

Singleton gets to pick a partner based on naked



24-year old Rebecca whittled six potential dates down to four based on physical attraction alone

She can only choose one guy to go on that date. So who will she lose next?

Okay, Rebecca, it is time to now see the faces that belong to those bodies

The thing is so this is the first time that they will get to see you. I know all right

Are you surprised yes, I really quite like yellow music gorgeous boy he is and he's quite my tie. Oh

And she's quite creaky. I

Wouldn't I don't write I wouldn't read actually keeps eyebrow rosin at me. So I think that's okay

So he's definitely making some moonshine his confidence and green and pleasantly surprised fair. Definitely

He's got very kind eyes. Yeah good kissable air

Kissing stimulates the same pleasure centers in our brain as heroin which is why it can be both euphoric and addictive

but whilst kissing may seem like a key factor in attraction for Brits a new study has revealed that only

46 percent of cultures across the world lock lips romantically

Yellow, he's got lovely lips. Yeah

Just to the side of it

Right there definitely. Yeah the ladies man found

Obviously mouths are very important lips are very important not just to do with kissing but I'm thinking oral sex. That's to be honest

If you're talking about going down, it's more about the town

Well, 75% of women can't orgasm from a penis alone. So the tongue can be essential


Really has and he knows it. Oh

Okay, you've seen everything there is to see you need to lose somebody

Who's it gonna be?

rat I

Don't know father stealing the cheeky tongue. I mean, yeah, that's great in the bedroom, but

He does seem a little bit too cocky. So Rebecca, you're gonna say goodbye to Jordan

He's a 23 year old warehouse worker from Gloucester

She's attractive girl I did give her via Eisen or not

She smiled a lot a few times. So take as a compliment

Okay, Rebecca, this is around where you get to hear what they sound like

So let's find out. Okay, let's start with green

I want you to tell me Rebecca what you like most about your body and what you like least

What I like most about my body is my arms because I'm quite strong

the thing I hate most about my body is I would say I'm kind of packing a little bit weird right now because of

Dumbness has great weekend deals

All right, what did you think about the voice I am

Really pleasantly surprised I love the Irish as I like it is Irish, isn't it? It's Jody

Yellow pod, I like the most in my bar. They'll get pinched a lot and what you're not least

The least is my legs because I think my legs are too big. Yeah voice


Gravelly tone to it. I don't know if that is because you is that last site? Yeah. No, they are the sexy voice

Okay moving on to orange. Okay, I

Quite like my penis because of his extradition

Our family's fond of my toes. I like the confident voice. Yeah, which is a very attractive quality happening

So Rebecca, you're gonna have to lose one

It's really tough

Would you like to lose

Sorry, you're my kind of guy, but I'd like to lose yellow. Why?

If the love bite thing, I mean I'd say it's who many assholes

Also Rebecca, you're gonna say goodbye tomorrow

He's 20. He's a student from


Mauro what is going on here?

You my friend are gonna have to go

Meet you nice

I was happy I made it that far to be honest. I've got another one

He had a scarf on he could've hit

That is what's brilliant about this show. Yes, you see everything. There's no hiding. Yeah, absolutely

I'm sure for better and probably not got the luck won't last like Bert

Yeah, she's got two boys so you can beat the farmer side. Hopefully they satisfy

Rebecca just two men remain and soon you're gonna get the chance to see them face to face

But not before they get to see you totally naked. Yeah

But at the same time being naked is not a big deal two things

That is music to my ears get it off off you go see in a bit

Based on physical attraction alone. Rebecca has whittled six men down to just two

24-year old comedian Andrew and

21 year-old project manager Sam

But only one of them can go on that date to find out if there's chemistry when the clothes come on

Andrew Sam, how'd you feel? I'm amazed I go this far

I thought all of them had something over me yellow had a penis the size of my leg. Yeah, that didn't go unnoticed

I was worried that when she saw him walk away and so as us again, I thought ish was gonna change his lonesome

Well so far you guys have just seen Rebecca with a kiss on all of that is about to change

Boys what do you think about Rebecca's body?

Okay, and I'm just trying to think all right now


amazing like amazing figure out boobs are great and

Fiercest I mean act up and start absolutely beautiful and just Vince there's nothing at all that I can see

I'm still trying to pick majora. Yeah, I think everything is important. Everything is where it should be

Everything is exactly how I'd love somebody to see

Okay, it's decision time, who would you like to date

You have Sam and you have Andrew you decide you can only take one

Who is it gonna be?

Personally I'm gonna pick he's going to be sad. Oh

Sorry, you're gorgeous but you're gonna have to leave

She seems like a really nice girl, she's always incredibly beautiful and just absolutely flawless

The only bad thing that I can say about is that she has a core sense of judgment

What I'm taking away from this experience is I saw a hot girl naked which is a massive massive


Naked now, there's no barriers left

Next time you're gonna see each other. It's gonna be with your clothes on brushing change

Absolutely. I hope you have a fantastic date. Have fun. Thank you very much

He seems like a really nice guy, he's quite quirky

He's got a better body than I probably would have thought by seeing him in a jacket or a coat

Philly's got a big personality. So watch this thing

I feel really underdressed comparison

And I'm just staying with Muscovy jeans

I'm just torn again. He didn't really make all that much of an effort

You know girls love to get the Gladrags on you know, it's nice bar

Did you think you could pick no, yeah, I didn't know you're quite cheeky though, that's polite really what was I to you

Believe me to you

I'm gonna confuse when you black had sex. How are you? Leave it in there you leave I leave it in. Yeah

It's certainly a good facing off

End the day went quite well fancier a little bit Cheers

Hello nice to see you again, how are you? I'm good

I think it went. Alright. Yeah, we had a lon just by you just there wasn't that huge?

You're not my usual type of guy I'm honest I usually I just got no beds do you think you'll be seeing each other again?

You never know

Hmm we've had a laugh if nothing else

In a live one. I

Hate that way jail over opium. There you go

You've got it tattooed on your ass. No. No, that's paid. Oh shit. Come on. Keep it

Coming up twenty five-year-old damn meets six naked men before choosing a date based on the naked attraction

I think it would definitely be very good. I think so

Welcome back to make it attraction the dating show with balls

Another six naked Singleton's are hoping to get a date, but who's doing the choosing?

My name is tan. I'm from the northeast of England from Durham and I'm 25. I've got a good job in the city

Left in France for a while. I lived in Brazil for a while then calc. You don't bitch

Come here. I'll give you a kiss

At the moment I've got everything down in my I've got good job got great friends keep healthy go to the gym

There is just one part the jigsaw that's missing

We all know that you're quite picky Daniel Ross in what sense?

He knows if he wants and and that's something he's always been very consistent about it would just be fantastic to see him happy really

I've been single for two years

Ultimately, I want to meet someone who is gonna be my best friend

someone who I'm gonna feel a hundred percent myself around whether I've got my clothes on or whether I'm naked I

Think the naked body reveals more about someone than you think I'm ready now for mr. Right?

Damn good to see you here. Could be here. How are you feeling though excited. Are you there? You get to choose of

six skin men in a box

Why do you want to meet a guy naked?


Know a lot of people can sort of get to know someone and who don't find physically attractive to start with and they can grow

Into that where it's like instantly with me like if there's no physical attraction, then there's no point

See that's interesting cuz I'm the sort of girl that you can laugh me into bed

But you're saying no not. Are you ready to play the game? Let's go. Okay in front of you you have six

Naked guys, each of them has an attribute that you have said that you find physically attractive

We are going to reveal them to you bit by bit based on that

You have to whittle them down from six to one. There you go

Could we please?

Reveal the bottom half of the bodies

Are you ready?

Five varieties yeah


I'm instantly Jornal red. So it's drawn to red why the size is good. It's not too big. It's not too small

Yeah, it's pretty on the eye

Well, we are coming to pink. Yeah, how do you feel about that penis?

I think it would definitely be a big one. I think so

research shows that the average gay man has a bigger penis than the average straight man a study of

5,000 direct penises revealed homosexual men were an average 1/3 of an inch longer than their heterosexual counterparts

Is a big penis important to you though Dan, it's not about the size

It's what they do with it. It's so true. It's so true. Have you had a fella before where it's been too big? Yeah

What happened broke up with him?

It's over literally yet, so orange

How do you feel about you know the penis and the balls?

I think they could have been tidied up a little bit more like maybe a bit bit more

Print but a house thing that needed blue

Instantly not huge fan of the noir pubic hair if you shave a lot of it looks a bit young in a bit

Yeah, so what have you got going on just a bit of bit trim?

Just keep it in check nice and tidy grower or a shower. I think it's a sure nice tight ball sack though. Yeah

Probably the nerves I got that before as well I Rick. Yeah what you mean? I get nervous like all sucks up

Just sit you look at them or the other

I think we really need to see the boys bums. Yeah fellas good as your moon

Okay, okay

Look at the way, they're all standing there all clenched and as I can see it

Balloons doing something quite interesting

Is he leaning forward? Was it just that we see as Willy honey? Dad? I think that's what it is. I think you can see

It's not about sigh really is it so what kind of bum do the ideal boom?

yeah is yellow it just it's like

Two handfuls. It's like perfect beachy boom. Can you turn back round again, please boys

So you have to make a decision

Yeah, you need to lose somebody based on who you find least attractive so far. Have a good look

It's gonna have to be blue why damn I just it's the head thing

Yeah, right. You need to see who you're losing?

This is Craig and

Here's a web developer from preswick. Oh

Yeah bit gutted

Dan was saying that certainly from behind he was very much admiring your willy

And the way it used to but on this occasion, it's a no date so big. Goodbye

I'm kind of surprised that I was the first off

I think it's really strange that he things the fact that he can see my penis from behind really attractive

Do people really care about the size of my really that much?

You've got five gorgeous fellas remaining it's time to reveal the middle part of the body

Alright you got

Pink's got really nice, buddy

Massive arms as well

What is it about arms that you like that is big and manly and nice up like a big arm around you

You know big. Can you give us a bicep curl? There we go. It's a good'n nice arms gray arms

Greens got a very strong posture there. He looks after himself doesn't he you can tell

Totally. Yeah, what do you think about Green's tattoos?

Not usually a massive fan of tattoos, but these guys have all got like really nice ones beautiful ones that suit them

How about red? I think with red there's too much in the way of body hair going on there. Okay now

Let's go and have a look at our lovely orange

Not quite sure with that with the chest. It doesn't very toned and not enough to warrant a hairy chest

okay, what I'm starting to think is the reason that you are single is because

Let's look at yellow so you know, it's got a lovely smooth body cuz you've said you don't get the body hair. Yeah

Nipples tell me about nipples cuz I think the crucial my nipples are

Decent-sized didn't ever stick out as well, but do not like them sort of being played with no

No, no. No, not at all nipples. Just don't do anything for me now

Hold on so they won't even come out if I do know I could stand here for hours

You could do that online. You could put me in minus 10 degrees

You could put me wherever and they would not come out dams in the minority only 8% of young men

don't enjoy having their nipples played with most men do and that's because nipples are structured exactly the same in both men and

Women they have a similar number of nerve endings and male nipples even contain milk ducts

Although usually inactive in rare cases an increase in the hormone prolactin can trigger lactation meaning a man could breastfeed

You need to decide to lose one. Okay?


Think it's going to have to be


orange, oh and why it's the chest hair and

Yeah, it's the body hair think so. Yeah was a bit too much to wish me. Let's see who you're missing out on Dan

This is Marc. He's 24 and he is from stewartson near Glasgow

Unfortunately, we're gonna say goodbye Jews

If it kept men longer I see my face I think there would have been a different result

But all right my hyung there's no chance for getting me a waxing or stuck to my heels

Coming up it's Dan's turn to lay everything bare and decide which man to take on that date


25 year-old Dan whittled six men down to four based on physical attraction alone

He can only choose one man to go on that date

So who will he lose next so Dan?

It's time now to see the faces that belong to the bodies

But remember, it's the first time that these fellas get to see you as well

Yeah, no, the tables are turned now me. Can we please?

See the faces

Yep, oh that was such definitely link over there

Sedan based on their faces alone. Yep. Would you have approached any of these boys in a bar? Yes

I think I would approach the Moreland bar actually with the faces

Anybody here who's thrown you in terms of never expected that that that face on that body? I think red. I wasn't expecting


Mustache face. Yeah, what is it about faces down in particular that you are drawn to?

It's all about good smile. It's good about the nice draw line

Nice white straight teeth in the eyes the light open the smile. Well yellows eyes

Straightaway eyes, very cheeky. Chappie is the neck tattoo a surprise to you. Yeah. It's a bit

Actually, he's got really like young cute pretty face. I wouldn't have put with that Thai food, buddy

Pink's very good-looking that as well

Great smile on cracking my teeth eyes lay up big lips. Yeah


Not sure what that your piercings and now that we can see more. Can we just

Clarify ginger pubes or strawberry blondes wage and work it out. I'm gonna go with ginger. You're going would you?

disagree with that one

No, no, I would like to have quite have a look at the the armpits Sunday morning when you're laying back in bed like that

Go and do it again for me. Oh, wow, you see

Dams desire to snuggle into a partner's pits maybe about sniffing out a suitable, mate

scientists in America have discovered that gay armpits emit a different body odor two straight ones and in a blind body odor test they found

Candidates were attracted to the smell of someone who matched their own sexual preference

Green ah

Hasn't got any Oh

Not sure about that why is that slightly thrown you I'm not quite feminine

Okay, is it the only thing you shave their armpits? You need to eliminate? Okay one boy

based on physical attraction alone


Take a good look

It's gonna have to be


Why are you losing red it was there it was the most part a minute. Unfortunately, this is mark he's 30
00:37:12,770 --> 00:37:16,059
Here's a sullen owner and he is from Chu just a dad


Was expected to go a bit before because he mentioned about body hair long white hair

Hey, I do quite like the honesty from it

It has made me realize that like I am an acquired taste

and I'm not suitable for everybody which is which is fine because I everyone said it to me but

Damn halfway through you've seen everything the boys have got to offer

Now is the time that you hear them what kind of voice?

Makes you melt an Irish accent. It's a lot of tough them own interview or that kind of accent

You know like that pink. What do you like most about your body? It's putting my hands

I like hands that I moisturize and no doubt in those can't be long got nothing clean. Very very important. What do you like least?

It's gonna have to be my feet at the back it's a bit crusty

It's D it's yeah matches him perfect yellow


I like most about my body is

The fact I don't go to the gym and I have a decent physique or someone who is more of an Irish accent

Irish and what do you like least of you when I roll a jiggle of a

Career accent love that. Yeah, is that a game changer? Yeah, it's definitely and what about green?


I thought my body is my freckles both my mom and dad are both parents getting prickly and I've now carried that on through generation

At least my birthmark

I have a very large birthmark on the inside of my palm which can be quite unsightly to some people interesting. We never saw before

It's not problem, you know around half of us are born with a birthmark of some sort or another

All three of these boys are real contentment are one horse race here

It's decided which ones to let go it's the hard thing


Think it's going to have to be

Sorry yellow

Goodbye to yellow

Accent just wasn't enough to keep him in the game, unfortunately

No, it's the tattoo. Sorry yellow

You are waving. Goodbye to the gorgeous Cody. He's 22. He is a sales assistant from the Republic of Ireland later here

coding dan

Absolutely loves accents, but at the end of the day, you're gonna have to say goodbye

Thanks. Yeah, I

Didn't get pissed because of my neck tattoo

And I was like expect and like some and tall dark gorgeous and any combinations like oh they didn't like what was enough for anything

Your remaining two Romeo's await

Wasn't an easy choice to make you are gonna be meeting them for the first time face to face

But not before they get to see you naked as well. How'd you feel about that? Tony fair off you go get your tax off

Based on physical attraction alone. Dan has whittled six men down to just two

24-year old entrepreneur Sam and 33 year-old acting coach Marlon

But only one of them can go on that date to find out if there's chemistry when the clothes come on will you expect him?

To get this far no

Why I for I'd be out in the second round just because I'm mine white. Y'all looking like me. You're gonna hate me

I'll be okay with the second round

However, I don't think I'll be okay with the first cuz I'm more of a grower than a shower

It's you were worried about your penis. Yeah, that's why you weren't gonna be big enough

This could go either way. Mmm a little bit nervous. I haven't been over sand

I think uh, if a husband I think I'll go same colors. My beef green. Jealousy

Oh, yeah, well this is it so far you've only seen Dan witnessed kiss on all of that is about to change

Dan can you come and join us please?

Hi you look amazing

Follows first impressions good really good spin round you lurked in the bomb the bomb is

Perfect. Oh, yeah, nice and smooth

Marlon great legs really strong legs. I like a guy who works out on the lake. There's not many guys do the penis

How did you feel about that? It looks good. It's a nice size just be clean. It's nice shave and everything. Yeah, that's great

He looks great all together

Damn, it, is that it is toe

You can only go on a date with one of them. I

Think I'm gonna have to go on a date with


You've done so well, are you gutted no cuz I got perfectly life. Why would I think a hug is in order at least?

You need to me

I'm not disappointed. I think it's a good story to tell your grandkids because they'll be able to watch on YouTube like 50 years five

He said out of all the guys I had the best arms best biceps, which was nice which last hairs

obviously the gym is paying off I

Wasn't surprised when you said Sam was out. Yeah, I would've chosen Sam

Dan are you happy with the selection?

How can it not be at what point did you just know that Sam was right for you?

it's been tough the whole way along but the face revealed with the cheeky wink and

That was sort of sealed the deal. I think next time you see each other. It's gonna be fully clothed

So pop your boxers back on enjoy yourselves on the day. See you later

Some had the best body out of the bunch you had nice muscle tone. He wasn't Harry

I'm really looking forward to the day when I get to know him some more now

Done all right. Yeah. I'll see you

Guys yes, Lucia, what did he start on the drinks as well? So I'm back atcha. Yeah in that

Um just go fight actually drink. Do you know no, I'm gonna go for a motto that

Wasn't for me that drink that very minimally so forgot on a night out

I just have one so generally a drive there have a drive back again. Just cuz I'm really sees you in taxis


Why does choose me from just the bottom to the top?

I guess you look like you probably worked out believe on that. I don't work out dude. Uh, I used to be a gymnast

No, absolutely kept up really good must've attention from that's probably good. Yes, but back to the gym now I

Could look at big do it


Had no expectations of how I was gonna be dressed or anything

But he looked really cool and was dead chilled and I like that it's cool

Would you've approached me in a bar who saw me now? I?

don't really afford to in a bar I get approached a


That is completely why I expected his body matched his personality and I was really happy with his body

So I'm asking really happy with his personality as well when it came to getting your clothes off and I saw your bomb

It literally I set me off and I had I literally was in my head going microfiber microfiber

Manufacturer manufactures are so scared of getting hard

Let's get some air in there it gets marinade like oh

Hello lo hello, how's it going? Yeah

Good sit Oh God

Response, thank your watch. What's this Jess? Oh you hate this gold chain

But me enough to date went offer to my drinks. I had some nice food

Got very drunk. Yeah. Well one of us got a you continue to drink like that one drink and who made the first move?

Some I let in to give him a kiss and it's not like you pulled away that shall we say?

Thanks to tango. One thing you did say to me was

Yeah, and I did comment many noses. Yeah, yeah

Today since our date we've been texting quite a lot and a mission or what's up as well. Yeah, just catching up

How you doing? What's going on?


Well, they said anything

Some slightly more close romance for you meet get married and

Then hopefully fall in love the American and Ozzie versions of married at first sight on all for now. And

best outfit on for a whole new set of first dates

I'll be at the bar with Fred and a nice glass of red Wednesday night at 10:00 next to nice 8 out of 10 cats

fancy, but a countdown