Nailed It! Mexico (2019–2021): Season 3, Episode 4 - Episode #3.4 - full transcript


The bell just rang.

Welcome to Nailed it! Mexico,
where it's the thought that counts.

At the beginning of every school year,
we look fresh like this...

But after our final exams,
we look like this...

Today sees three pastry chefs
go back to school

to try to become the teacher's pet,

and, more importantly, win 200,000 pesos.

We need to pass the exam
even if we just scrape through.


I'm Gina Toyos, I'm from Mexico City.

I have two kids

and I'm a full-time mother.

I've always liked baking.

I try to follow the instructions,

but I like to add a personal touch,

and that's what ends up ruining things.

Like this!


If I win the 200,000 pesos,

I'm going to get one of those food trucks.

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Hi, I'm Pablo Gudiño.

I'm from Querétaro and I'm 18.

Since I was little, I've baked
meringues and cookies with my grandmother.

I love painting and
anything related to arts and creativity,

but cake-making is something else.

I thought it'd be easy for me,
but it wasn't in the slightest.

Done. Nailed it!

I'd love to win the prize
so that people will start believing in me,

and realize that
I'm capable of greater things.

My name is Miriam Monterrubio and I'm 57.

I love baking, but my kids tell me
that they're glad I'm an English teacher.

If I manage to get it out,
I'll send them a picture.

Ever since my husband died,

I have felt as if
a part of me died with him, so...

I'm here because I want to allow myself

to enjoy myself,

to enjoy the moment
and not care about anything else.

Hello. Welcome, guys.

This is kind of like
going back to school really.


-Pablo, you're still at school, right?
-I am but I'd like to escape.

Miriam, you're still at school too?

-I'm a school principal.
-Very good.

As you can see,
I have with me the Turbo Chef,

the queen, the professor, the master...

-Anna Ruiz.
-Thanks, Omar.

Today, I only want to give out "A"s
so please study hard.

It's a privilege to have with us today,
mistress of social media, presenter,

and the most popular girl
in school, the fabulous Dhasia.

Glad to be here.
I'm the pushover teacher

of the school,
but still give it your heart and soul.

-I wish you the best.
-Of course.

Our all.

Let's start off with Sweet Possibilities.

There's always that student

that tries to become friends
with the teacher.

And to achieve this

they'll leave presents on their desk,

like these...


Chocolate-covered apples

portraying typical school characters.

We have the wise owl, the keen scholar,

and the sleepyhead.

The apples are covered in caramel.

The little heads are made out of cookies
with fondant details.

When we scream "recess!",

you need to run and grab
the apple that you want.


two, one.


They're starting to break.

-Did they fall?
-Don't get hurt.

It's a great feeling.


-That's nonsense.
-Good luck!

And so, how are they
supposed to do this in 45 minutes?

I don't know if you heard
but the bell already rang.

-Get to school, guys!


How much flour do I need?

No, the pot. Oh, my God!


Turbo Chef, give us the benefit
of your culinary knowledge

and tell us how to prepare these apples.

Yes, of course,
you prepare them as follows.

First, prepare the cookie dough.

Cut out the shape of the figure
and add a stick before baking.

Melt the chocolate while the dough bakes,

dip the apple and leave it to dry.

Complete the details
with modeling chocolate.

Cover the cookie
with fondant once it's ready,

then add the figure's details,
the face, clothing and body.

And there you go, your scholarly apples.

We'll be waiting
for our apples on the desk.

My God!


Three? No, four.

I try to follow the instructions.

The final product
may not be exactly what we wanted,

but that doesn't mean it's bad.

It's too sticky, no?

I can tell it's done by looking at it.

Gina didn't follow the recipe
or mix the ingredients right.

Let's see how that cookie comes out.

Poor thing.


Let's add... a little more.

I don't know
how many cups of flour I've added.

I think...

It's about four.

I'm very forgetful. I'm 57.

I've had brain surgery,
so I have three loose screws.

It's true.


I don't know, I don't have...

-What happened, Miriam?
-I dropped the dough.

-On the ground?
-No, into that pretty box next to it.

That dough and that cookie are yours.

No, sweetie,
we all have to try their creations.

Okay, perfect.

Miriam didn't roll out the dough
before she shaped it.

It might be too thick
and be difficult to bake.

What a pretty thing! Look at this.

-I'll stretch the dough and then cut it.

What happened?

Have you ever
baked a cake for your family?

I made one for my friends
but it went badly.

They all got sick the day after.

I don't think I'll try yours.

We'll rate it on looks alone.

My family used to trust my baking skills.

But ever since my friends got sick,
no one eats what I cook.

I'm making a skull.

Those cookies
should already be in the oven.

-Twenty-nine minutes left.

No! How much longer do I have?

Baking for how much longer? I don't know.

Okay, then...

Guess what?

I don't have a tray.

-Miriam runs so fast.

Miriam is Miss Turbo.


Miss Turbo!

Cookie trays.

Oh, seriously?

-Look at her.
-Very good.



-Why did you go to the pantry?
-Just looking.

I had no idea I had trays here.

Even worse,
I don't know what I'm doing.

Hurry up!

This is atrocious.

Oh... The stick. No!

Oh, my God!

It better not burn me.

Pablo, what did you do in the oven?

I'd forgotten to add the sticks.

-The sticks!
-The sticks!

Gina, did you forget about them too?

We'll improvise, it's okay.

Oh, no!

Yes, that's rough.


I need to melt the chocolate
but it's not heating up.

It's like me. It takes time to warm up.

In the microwave.

What a beautiful thing!

Very good.

What do I do now?

I remember now.

-Let's go again.

Excuse me.

Miss Turbo.


Miss Turbo, coming out quickly.

She could run a marathon.

-She looks like she runs.
-She's very slim, very agile.

It's one way of getting out of trouble.
Let's put this here. Perfect.

I'm chucking this, don't look.

I've never done this before.

I didn't put the stick in the cookie,

so I'll put it in the apple.

There it is.

To the fridge.

There it is.

Students, you have 14 minutes.

The cookies should be ready.

My cookie's already in there, baking.

How stressful!

I realized that the cookie is hard,
but I had to leave it that way.

Gina, how are you doing?

The cookies are done
but they have big heads.

They're very smart.

Look at the nice cookies.

That's cool.

How are the cookies, Miriam?

Too flimsy.

-It looks like a hotcake from here.

That's a big face. How awful!

This can be the hair.

She's cutting a circle into the cookie

to create the hair.

-Very much like a teacher. A "miss."
-Very good.

It's like playdough,
but it's not very easy.

Pablo is very focused on cutting the dough

and crushing the cookies.

The burnt cookie.

Oh, the cookies!

They're getting burnt.


There it is.

I think Pablo's cookies got burnt.

-They look a little golden from here.
-I can smell them.

I knew they'd get burnt.

This is boiling.

Yes, too bad.

No! It's going to melt!

-Poor thing.
-Poor thing.

It looks bad, it's not what I wanted.

Too bad. Anything is possible.

Dear scholars,
you have five minutes...

-No! complete your models.

No pressure, please.


Let's add a...

I won't have time to do anything else.

I decided to grab a marker...

I'm going to be bullied.

-Should it be covered in fondant?

Yes, with fondant.

I'll do yellow hair
as there's no more brown.

Miriam is like Dalí, right?

Out of it, focused.

Do you guys have good imaginations?

Oh, no, the cookie!

I don't have time.

So I thought, "Easy,
I'll add chocolate to the cookie too."

Where should I put it?

She's struggling.

No, I have to cover it first.

Hurry up!

Why is he blowing on it?

The hat's covered in blood.



-And the legs.

-Are you done?

-Neat skills.
-But his table's a mess, I'd fire him.

What was that?

I was trying to cool the chocolate

because the eyes kept drooping.

It won't harden.

My God!

It won't cool.

One minute, guys.

You should be
assembling the apples now.

What fridge can I put this in?

The glasses.

-Why do you have a banana, Miriam?
-It has banana?

Come on, let's go.

It's a bloody apple because
the glasses stabbed it in the face.

-Let's go.
-Let's go.

How do I attach them?

Oh, okay.



three, two,


You're done!

Time's up. Keep your hands up.

What a disaster!

Pablo, how are you?

Nervous, let's see if they like it.

We're looking at the original sleepyhead.

Let's see if you were asleep
while you were making your creation.

Okay, let me show you.

-I didn't mean to laugh, but...
-So bad.


Your Tim Burton character is pretty.

It's very...
I'm thinking of many things.

The original one was sleepy,
this one is terrified.

It looks badly sunburned.

-It's sweating.
-What's it covered in?

-Was it warm when you used it?

It was warm.

The clock hands are great.

The details are very time-consuming.

I would've liked
the glasses to be thinner.

Can I try it?

-Go ahead.
-Let's see.

-It sounds like it's overcooked.
-It's very crunchy.

I can't even...

-From the side.
-He drooled all over it.

Here it is.

It's too hard.

Yes, you forgot about
the cookies in the oven.

-So they got burnt.

Burnt food won't make you sick, right?

It's like sweet, toasted bread.

Honestly, it would be something I'd eat.

-This applause is for you.

Thank you.

-Hi, Gina.

Let's take a look at the original owl.

-And now let's see Gina's creation.

Nailed it!


-Wow! We didn't see this coming, right?

It's not bad.

An owl that looks like an owl.

With a wandering eye.
A little wonky but very cool.

Caribbean eyes.
One looks at Cancun, one at Cuba.

Even though you changed the fondant

for the chocolate, I still want to eat it.

The chocolate is shinier
and looks prettier.

-Can we try it, Gina?
-Go ahead.

-First, our guest.
-Let's see.

What? I can't bite it, I can't.

It's very hard, babe.

You know?
I like chocolate more than fondant.

So, I really like your cookie.

-Thank you.
-It's tasty.

But it was hard to bite.

My teeth are too expensive for this...

I'm joking.

It's tasty. But definitely hard.

You have to mix the ingredients
for it to taste great.

But it's a lovely owl.

-This applause is for you.
-Thank you very much.

It's the turn of Miss Turbo.

Let's take a look
at the keen scholar you had to recreate.

And now, let's look at your creation.

I think you've seen
similar work done by your students, right?

-She got inspired by her kindergarten.
-I think so.

-You didn't put fondant on the cookie,

but you did what any teacher would,
you used a marker.

The face is very creative, all the same.

The apple is perfectly covered
in dark chocolate.

But as far as the details go,
I think the banana is too much.

It's a very big, yellow diploma.

What about this strip
made of orange gummies?

What is it?

She has arms.

Those arms look like tentacles.
She's like octopus girl.

-Teachers are like octopuses.

-We have to be everywhere.
-The hat, amazing.

I'd like to try it.

Very well. Good luck.

From here it looks like a hotcake.

-What happened?

There's no way.

-It's tasty.
-You know what, Miriam?

Yours isn't as burnt,
but it's still very hard.

But the flavor is very good.

You didn't roll the dough evenly,
so one side is more cooked than the other.

That's why the edges are burnt.

I liked it.

It's tough but tasty. Sounds bad, but...

I honestly believe that your students

-should be very proud of what you've done.

Could you all come here, please?

We now know the winner of the first round.


One of you will get an "A"
and the rest will fail.

So, the winner of the first round is...

You, Gina.

Winning this round means

I know how to play this game.

-What is she going to get?
-A really cool cake-making kit, honey.

All this is for you.

Congratulations, Gina.
And a golden hat to bring you luck...

-Does it look good? Good. the most important challenge.

This was just a midterm.

The examination of the 200,000 pesos
is the final exam.

-Are you ready?

-Then follow me.
-Let's go.



I can tell you all like studying,

but the time has come
to pull an all-nighter,

and study harder,
because the next challenge will be...


An Einstein cake

complete with tongue sticking out.

It's made with
an apple and cinnamon cake base

covered with fondant
and modeling-chocolate details.

His head is sculpted
from modeling chocolate.

His hair is made of edible rice paper.

I suggest you start
by making progress with the details.

Be careful with the wrinkles,
hair, and especially the pen and pencil.

Focus. This is all about technique.

You all wanted to be here,
so now you have to do the work, right?

Miss Turbo, we noticed
you were having some problems,

so we're going to give you extra help.

When you press
the "multiply yourself by zero" button,

your opponents will have to solve

mathematical problems
for three minutes straight.

How humiliating!

I hope you're all ready
to get back to class.

Let the exam begin! To your islands.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry.


The cake's very easy.
First we need the base,

then the head, the hair, and the details.

-Very easy.
-Did I get it right?

To prepare the Einstein cake,

mix cinnamon, eggs, milk, and apple puree.

Mix the moist ingredients
with cake flour.

Pour it into molds and bake until ready.

Then, sculpt Einstein's face
using modeling chocolate.

Using a pasta machine,
cut sheets of rice paper to make the hair.

Make the eyebrows, mustache
and tongue from modeling chocolate.

Stack the cakes.

Form Einstein's bust.

To finish up,

add the details, accessories,
clothing and face using fondant.

Eureka! You have your bust of Einstein.

-Can you do my face out of cake?
-Of course.

I wouldn't want a cake
with my face on it.

I'm too beautiful to be eaten.

I'll start with the moist ingredients.

My strategy to win the competition

is to follow the instructions perfectly.

That way, the cake will have time to bake.

This time, it'll come out just right.

So, one can is a cup. Very good.



Instead of adding three cups
of apple puree, Miriam added three cans.

Her dough is all puree.

The recipe says three cans,

but I'm doing twice as much,
so I'll add six.

No! It's three cups.

That student, Pablo.

How much will fit in it?

Too bad.

I had to add more flour
as the mixture was too runny.

What am I going to do?

It's overflowing.

-It's too much mixture!
-The apple puree looks good.

Turn it higher.

It came out bad
but I need to add the other flour.

Instead of a utensil he's using his hand.

I'm not eating that cake.

And then he does that too!

It's disgusting.

He really put the "ew!" in utensil.

He took half of what was overflowing

and added more flour
but didn't measure anything.

Let's see what texture he ends up with.

Three cups, not cans.

The importance of reading it properly.
Yes, it was too much.

I want to win this competition

to teach my children

challenges are there to be overcome.

Well, God willing, let's do this.

The moment of truth has come.

I hope it works out.


Hey guys, did I tell you that
you only have 55 minutes left?

Oh, God!

Watch out, Pedrito!

Here comes the hard part.

The face.

It looks more like
a sculpture than a cake.

It has glasses, wrinkles. It's perfect!

He's a little fat too.

And big-nosed too.
His nose looks like a bread roll.

Here it goes.

Wow, it looks good from here.

I've never worked with this before

but it's super cool.



The voice.

-So heavy.
-MIss Turbo is coming.

It's Roadrunner!

I decided to do the hair first.

How cool!

Did you start with the hair?

Yes, because I thought
it would be terrible.

-Is it difficult or what?
-No, it's very cool.

Don't put more than one in.

So I put two in again.

I don't get it.

Time's running.

I thought, "Awful, I screwed up."

And I didn't even think
about doing Einstein's head.

Horrible. I'm like a little girl.

The chocolate is too lumpy,

but that'll form his wrinkles.

I'll put one ball
on the nose and one on the chin.

Now the eyebrows.

I began to trust myself,

but I'm worried about the time.

Pablo is molding the face correctly.

-He's giving it volume.
-The face looks the way it should.


You have 29 minutes left, kids.


Let's go, out.

That cake is done.

Don't collapse, please, I'm begging you.

Oh, no! It's missing those things.

I'm going to have real problems.

Of course, now I remember
the cans of apple puree I added to it.

Oh, this is horrible.

That's probably
why the cakes aren't baking.

Miriam's cake is missing.

How did they do it?


It's too hard.

Let's see how they are doing.
Be right back.

What is Miss Turbo saying?

How do you stick this?

Time wasn't on my side

so I decided to press
the "Multiply yourself by zero" button.

Multiply yourselves by zero!

-Multiply yourselves by zero!

-No, it's not fair!

Pablo and Gina, start doing math.

-What do we do now? How?
-Let's do the nose.

Six by three, nine.

Oh, no, I'm terrible at this.

Why are you doing this to me?

Pablo is taking the lead in mathematics.

I'll copy off you.

-She's cheating!

-Why are you making me do this?
-Don't you teach math to your kids?

They're not in elementary school.
They're in high school. Alone.

-But you're in school, I'm...

-You're still missing some sums. Look.
-Oh, that one.

Take some more time.

I can't think.

Five, four,



That's enough!

I couldn't. What now?

Hey, my hat is sweating.

I'd have a cheat sheet,
written on my legs.

-You know? On the legs.
-I never...

In my nails.

You'd write down initials, or what?

No, I'd write the alphabet,
then numbers,

each letter had a number.

-Don't do that at home. Don't.
-Oh, no.

-Did you do it?
-Yes. Of course.

The moment of truth is coming.

Will the cakes
come out the molds intact?

Don't miss the next episode. How awful!


This is so difficult.

Here comes the volume.

It's dropping out. What a thing!

It looks like a scarecrow.

They won't stick.
They fly away, and end up like this.

This hair is scary.

The hair takes forever.

-He is saying "no."

-Listen, Einstein wasn't bald from behind.

It's not bad.
It's even worse than that.

It's covered in fondant
so you can start adding rice paper

and start molding it
until it looks like actual hair.

I think he has just woken up, right?

we have 11 minutes left on the clock.

-That's not true!


Stop being stuck!

Pablo can ruin a kitchen.

-I'll break it.
-He breaks everything he touches.

He already dented the molds.

I think it's stuck.

It got stuck.

That's for not measuring the ingredients.

The cake looked uncooked on the bottom.

So I grabbed the good part,
the slightly burnt part, and moved it.

This is a disaster,
but I'll use the cake-pop technique.

This is the ugly bit,
the pretty bit goes on top.


Pablo has butcher's hands.

-He's treating it like ground beef.
-"You want cream?"

He's giving you scraps.

"I'll fix it."

Fondant can fix anything, right?

He's still moving.

I know what I'm supposed to do,
but I just can't do it.

I said I wasn't good at decorating.

I was doing great until now.

-What do I do now?
-It's going to break in half.

It's going to break.

The hardest part for me
is getting the cake's consistency right.

They're brave if they eat this.

With so much apple puree.

It looks more like puree than cake.

How much is left?

Einstein's shoulders
are too far from his head.

There's a hole.

I didn't have time
to cover the hole with Rice Krispies,

so I'm going to make a scarf.

-He's got a solution.

You can do it.

Three minutes!

Remember the details.

Let's make his shirt.

This can't be true.


It's not over, not yet.

What a pretty thing!

Guys, raise the screens, please.

One minute!



Oh, no!

There's no time left!

What a pretty thing!

Five, four,




You're done!

Hands up, students.

Pablo, let's take a look
at the cake you had to recreate.

Now let us see your creation.

It looks like a bobble-head doll
that's come to say hello to us.

But drawing is easy for you, right?
You're good at drawing?

I love painting.

The mustache is good.
The eyes are very expressive.

Even the pencil is there,
though it looks like a pinkie finger.

I gave him a scarf because he was cold.

-Or because the head was flying around.

It's interesting.

The scarf makes it look
as if his throat has been slit a little.

But something I want to try

is that movement with the fingers
where you grab the bowl and do this.

-Get it?

Can we turn it round to see the back?

I love the fact the head moves.

It's as if...

-He's very happy then.
-Are you happy with your creator?

Don't break it.

-Thank you, this is for you.

Thank you very much.

-Let's see yours now.
-The results.

Nailed it!

Nailed it!


His hair's a mess. He just woke up.

-His hair is a total mess.
-That's possible. He was a bit crazy.

-So it's realistic.
-Unlike the original, this one looks mad.

One eyes looks angrier than the other.

Maybe he's squinting,
it doesn't mean he's mad.

You didn't have time to add
the pen and pencil, but you put...

They're cookies.

The chocolate was mounted correctly.

The man looks square,
but you gave him shape.

And I really like the glasses.

The tongue looks very strange.
It looks like it belongs to an animal.

I like it.
He has an expression like...

-I like it.
-And from the back...

-I'm missing hair.
-He's a little bald.

He has alopecia.

He's very old.

It could be alopecia.
His hair fell out from stress.

He's an angry old man.
Very nice. Congratulations.

-Very good.

Thank you.

And now we're with Miss Turbo.

Do you fancy showing us yours now?


Oh, Miriam!

To begin with,

this Einstein's facial expression
looks most like the model's.

The nose is very well done.

I can see you're an experienced teacher

and have experience with playdough.

We're missing the shirt
and the hair is a disaster.

Poor thing.

My first impression was,
"Why did you put wound dressings...

on his mustache?"

But it's great.

I love the wrinkles.
It gives him character.

The pencil looks like a nail painted pink.

The hair at the back...

-He lost a little.
-He lost it.

-I think we should give it back.

Yes, the hair. You had problems,
but I love your attitude.

Always with a smile,
that's important when baking cakes.


-Good job.

Guys, cut a nice slice of cake.

-And take it to the table.
-Of course.


Let's start by trying Pablo's.

Pablo, what a surprise!
Your cake is very tasty.

Thank you very much.

You can taste the apple
and cinnamon but not too strong.

It's not at all dry,
it has a good texture.

I would've liked it better if the slice
was visually more appealing.

-But honestly, it was very tasty.

Thank you.

The hands were a nice touch,
because it tastes great.

Let's try Gina's cake now.

Very good slice.

The consistency isn't perfect,
but I really like it.


Gina, the presentation is excellent.

Your cake is great,
the apple is well-balanced.

-Congratulations, good job.
-Thank you.

The cake is spongy, it's very good.

Congratulations. This was great. Cool.

Thank you very much.

-And now we're going to try Miriam's.
-Oh, my God.

It's like you made homemade apple puree.

It tastes more like
an apple strudel than a cake.

-That's great.

To me, it's more like
a pudding than a cake.

Not as sweet as theirs
although you used too much apple.

Thank you.

It's time to find out the winner

of the 200,000 pesos
and our prized trophy.

Production! The trophy!

Oh, Miss!

She's our Miss.

That's the best.

Miss, I behaved,
I won't get extra homework, right?

Thank you, Miss.
I left you an apple in my locker.

-Do you have the gun with the bills?

I'll shoot us some lunch at recess.

-You're ready and so is Anna.

Congratulations everyone.

This was a tough decision.

-Very tough.
-Very close, very tight.

The winner of Nailed it! Mexico is...

It's you, Pablo!

Slow and steady wins the race. Pablo!


I never thought I'd be able to win,

against the others,
but I set a goal and reached it.

And I'll tell my friends

that I'm the winner of Nailed it!
and they can trust me now, please.

Nailed it! Mexico may be
full of errors, but it's a lot of fun.

Stay with us, this is Nailed it! Mexico.

A selfie. Quickly.

-Pablo, you're crying!