NCIS (2003–…): Season 8, Episode 9 - Enemies Domestic - full transcript

An attack on the safe house has killed one person and left Vance with serious injuries; Eli has disappeared; Gibbs takes charge by Vance's order; Gibbs moves the conference to the Navy Yard; the gang protect and investigate. Vance recalls old memories while in a hospital. Gibbs concludes that the Palestinian extremists had nothing to do with the attack. Ziva and Liat get into a chick fight in a synagogue, then Ziva takes Eli to the NCIS, then Gibbs and Eli meet in the chat room, where Eli reveals details about an operation 22 years before. Gibbs visits Vance at his hospital, and they make plans; later Vance receives another visitor, who encounters a medical problem of his own. Eli and Ziva exchange a goodbye, and the Mossad people return to their homeland.

Previously on NCIS:

- Hello, Ziva.
- Oh, good. The Israelis are back.

I'm gonna be at this review conference
all week.

Amsterdam on today's docket?

You must be courageous
and learn the truth.

Get him to the safe house!

Get in. Get in. Let's go.

- Sounds like World War III.
- They should be at the safe house.

Hadar, acknowledge.
Leon, are you there?


What's happened?



Leon, are you there?


I can't believe that happened.


You're crazy.



Uhn. You're crazy.

Hey, come on. Come on, look at me.
Look at me.

I can't believe that happened again.

Come on, Leon. Stay with me.

Perforated organs
and he's losing blood.

My wife.
- BP's at 90 over 40, doctor.

Pulse ox at 80 percent,
falling eight liters O2.

My wife.

Single? I've got a girlfriend.

I got a girlfriend.



Wow, I never had to work so hard
to get someone's attention.

Special Agent Whitney Sharp,
Naval Investigative Service.

Hey, mouth closed, kiddo,
or the bugs will get in.

- Got a minute to talk?
- No, I'm late for class.

No, you're not. You just finished
a Combat Philosophy seminar

and you have about a two-hour window
until Advanced Cryptography.

Which I plan to spend
in the computer lab.

Well, make another plan, Leon.

- Look, lady.
- Whitney.

- Look, Whitney.
- Or Special Agent Sharp.

Look, Special Agent Sharp.

You can follow me around,
bat your eyes at me.

You can chuck me on the chin.
I don't know who taught you

that's how you get a man.
It's not gonna get you me.

You know when a suspect
prefaces what he's about to say

with "look" or "here" or "so,"

it usually means he feels boxed
into a corner.

And I don't want you
to feel that way.

Especially if we might
be working together.

You want me to be a Navy cop?

NIS has been watching you.

And we feel
like you might be a perfect fit

to an operation we're planning.

That is, of course, if you're done

with the whole no friends,
no connections,

single, lone-wolf thing.

We do know everything about you.

Single? I got a girlfriend.

My wife.


Gibbs, call my wife.

I want full protective detail
for my family.

Done. Can you remember
anything, Leon?

Where did Eli David go?

- BP is 70 over 37. Sat's 70, doctor.
- That's it. Conversation's over.

You're in charge, Gibbs.

- I'm not you, Leon.
- I trust you, Gibbs.

Boss, I don't understand.

Every other member of the
Palestinian Liberation Front is dead.

Karif Yasin is the only one still alive
and he's in custody.

Call Tony. Call Ziva.

Lock down the crime scene,
process and canvass.

Shut down Vance's conference.

Transfer everyone
back to the Navy Yard.

- Got it. Anything else?
- Yasin. Get him back in interrogation.

Find out what the hell we missed.

Hadar must have had no warning.

Someone is going to
pay for this, Amit.


Possible shotgun blasts.

Multiple sources
indicate multiple shooters.

You know, our safe house in Tel Aviv
is a concrete bunker

100 feet below ground.

Meaning this would not
have happened?

Because there's never any violence
in Israel.

- Ladies.
- Hadar is dead.

We were operating
under NCIS protocol.

- Are you blaming me?
- Liat. Focus.

Three men walk into a room.

One ends up in the morgue,
one in hospital.

Only leaves one
we can do anything about.

The blood trail leads
to the backroom.

First priority, type and match
to confirm it belongs to Eli David.

But it has to be his or his kidnapper.

Why do you assume
he was kidnapped?

Because it is the only option
where my father is still alive.



Thank you.


There are fragments everywhere.

Anything I touch starts bleeding.

We're gonna need to clamp that off.

Don't stand there
and admire your work.

We've been doing this for six weeks.

You're supposed to be able
to execute a basic dead-drop.

When are you gonna tell me
what my op is?

When we're alone.

Don't look.

Dry-clean while we walk.

I'll tell you when I think you're ready.

When you're done molding me
out of clay.

If you were malleable and soft,
I never would have accepted you.

I work in marble like Michelangelo.
Have you ever been to Italy?

No, never been out of the U.S.
I don't even have a passport.

Right hand.

Oh, excuse me.

You leave tomorrow.

I'm going to Europe?


Everybody, remember.
There is water in the conference room.

I have rewired the plasma
so it has satellite TV.

Thank you.

It's like herding cats, huh,
Agent McGee?

I don't like it at all, Agent Sharp.

I have a dozen other retired agents,

I have Branch, I've got Morrow,
I've got Nedrow.

I have more directors
than the Oscars.

So any help
that you can give me, please.

You're missing one.

McGee, witness statements.


People heard the blast,
but no one saw anything.

Tony and Ziva
are following a blood trail.

The thinking is Eli was abducted.

Making Vance and Hadar
collateral damage.

Karif Yasin?

Well, last of the Mohicans is en route,
but the timing doesn't compute.

We were on him, boss.

They didn't make that safe house.
It had to be someone else.

Oh, no.

Agent McCallister.

Now, remember you're supposed to
ask me before using the men's room.

Shut up.

Permission to smack your boy
with my cane, Gibbs.


I guess secret goes out the window
when it's evidence in a murder.

Or kidnapping.

Eli David is missing.

Missing doesn't necessarily
mean kidnapped.

Attacking an NCIS safe house
requires inside information.

And given this little conference
was destined

to become a shouting match
between Vance and Eli...

I mean, he could be a victim.

From what I know of the man,
makes more sense...

If Eli David was the suspect.

Even with his own bodyguard dead.

You mean his only witness?

I'm just spit-balling.

Heck, it wouldn't be the first time
Eli tried to kill Vance.

I'd start here.

Operation Trident.

God bless it. Look at this.



It's okay. Come on over.

- I'm McCallister.
- Oh.

You can cut out the Agent 13 bit.

I don't know what that means.

Get Smart.

CONTROL's master of camouflage?

Forget it.

Listen, you're supposed to stick out,
not blend in.

Put on the uniform.
Make it easy for this guy to find you.

We're still working on a last name.

We just call him the Russian.

The Soviet Union is crumbling.

What's Russian intelligence services
doing in Holland?

You tell me.

Port of Amsterdam
is a major docking point

for most ships throughout Europe.

Down to South Africa
and the Middle East.

He bribes sailors
to gain foreign intel.

Oh, junior varsity made a play.

I've been studying the Middle East.

I figure we're gonna be heavily involved
for a while.

No. Yesterday's news.

Playing field's changing,

but Hussein and Iraq
are down for the count.

If anybody's gonna get up off the mat,
it's the Iron Curtain.

The reds just want us to think
the Cold War is over.

That's your Russian.

- I'll find him.
- Uh, heh.

How hard is this to get?

Just be yourself.

Stop and smell the tulips.

Visit the Heineken Brewery.

Go see Anne Frank's house.

- Not in that order.
- Heh-heh.

The Russian will find you.

All right.
How do I get in touch with you?

Ha. I'll be watching.

Look at the distance
between the blood drops.

- He was walking.
- Torn fabric.

Heather gray. Eli's suit.

He made a tourniquet
to take care of his wounds.

- He was not abducted.
- No. He fled the scene.

- No, he eluded his attackers.
- He left us a trail to follow.

- Maybe he left us more.
- DiNozzo.

Yeah, boss.

Well, we've got a theory here.

Eli's on the lam.

Here's something.

Will do. Okay.

Director David
has left us a message.

What's that?

It's the Hebrew word "beit."
It means house or home.

Oh, so he's walking
all the way home to Israel?

More likely the Israeli Embassy.

House. Well, you know, there is
a House of Pancakes down the street.

And also a House of Pies.
And a Donut House.

My father needs medical
attention. We should split up.

Cover each possibility.


- You're gonna have to go on your...
- Tony, do you know what a golem is?

Creepy schizophrenic creature
from Lord of the Rings?

No, that's Gollum.

A golem is a supernatural being
from Jewish folklore.

He was created from mud
to protect the Jews.

The mystics etched the word "emet"
into his forehead.

When the monster's task
was completed,

the letter "aleph"was scratched out,
changing the word to "met."

- Do you understand what I'm saying?
- Yeah.

Liat pulled a golem.
She erased a letter?

Liat is an overachiever.

She erased the entire word.

You're not going
to the House of Pancakes, are you?

The rest of your group
is dead, Yasin.

Who's got Eli David?

Abasi Al-Masri is a martyr.

You wanna take credit for that too?
Because you're just gonna rot away.

Justice has been served!

A Mossad officer is dead.

My boss,
he might not live through the day.

You'd like that.

Would you like me
to tell you how it happened?

Where it happened?

Because you had nothing
to do with it.

Hello, Dr. Mallard.

Mrs. Sharp.

I was sorry
to hear about your mother.

Though she hated me,
I know that you cared for her deeply.

I appreciate your condolences.

And you have mine
regarding your husband.

He detested you.

And I him.

But I'm not the kind of man
to spit on another's grave.

Oh, I think I know
exactly the kind of man you are.

Yeah. One moment of weakness
does not define one's character.

Doesn't it?

Agent Gibbs.

Any chance
of removing that protective detail?

It's feeling a little crowded
in the building.

I'll see what I can do.

Always a pleasure, doctor.

Ah. Could have hung a sock
on the door.

There's no knob.

- Cause of death?
- Catastrophic damage to the heart

in addition to massive blood loss
and organ trauma.

The entry wounds
are all to the back and sides.

Strange mix for a 12-gauge.

These don't match any shotgun
I've seen.

But I can confirm
the blast had an upward trajectory.

You know, Jethro,
the dispersal pattern and the volume,

they more closely resemble
an improvised explosive device.

Would explain
the handful of nails and plastic.

Haven't had time
to finish processing the scene.

Tracking Eli the Elusive
became top priority.

Hadar died defending him.

Fancy a smoke?

I like to sprinkle a little hashish
into my marijuana.

It's too strong for the locals,

but not for an American.

I don't know who you are,

but if you're buying
I'll take an espresso.


Yes, coming up.

I don't know how you drink that stuff.
Repulses me.

So, what wakes an Israeli up
in the morning?

My wife.

Although not for several months.

- I'm Eli.
- Leon.


Like yin and yang.

There you are.
- Thank you.

Leon, you would not turn down
a piece of free advice

about this town?
Because you are new here.

Well, I'm only gonna be docked here
for a few days.


Why would a sailor on leave
want to keep his mind sharp?

Leon, the Russian will realize
that you are not what he wants.

Then his men will kill you.

Go back to the boat.

Or you are a dead man.

The director's lucky to be alive,

There were three separate blasts.

But the diffusion is rectangular
instead of round.

I also found traces
of sulfur, charcoal,

ammonium nitrate
and potassium hydroxide.

So the murder weapon was a series
of Claymore-type directional mines.

The safe house was booby-trapped.

Yeah. It was wired from the inside,

so the opening and closing of the door
pulled the pin.

Duty roster on the safe house

shows that it was only vacant
and locked down

for a half hour this morning
prior to the conference.

But it wouldn't take very long
to rig if built in advance.

I mean, it's really not hard
to improvise either.

The only challenging ingredient to find
is a blasting cap.

We'll cross-reference hardware stores
with chemistry supply shops.

Maybe we get a lead
on who built the thing.

- Okay, Abby, I'm gonna need... Oh.
- A shopping list?


G100 grade ball bearings,
12 penny nails,

plastic casing, copper wire,
electrical tape.

And with a little bit of ingenuity,
you too could build one of these.

A Claymore mine, McGuyver.


I've been keeping that one
in my back pocket for a while.

They call him "Magen David."

The Star of David.

Rocketed up the ranks
of the Mossad.

Report says
David is voluntary inactive.

Went off the deep end

after his wife ditched him
for somebody else.

I guess he came here

to smoke the pain away
and make threats.

No, it didn't feel like a threat.
It felt like a warning.

Said the Russian's team
would kill me

if they figured out
who I was working for.

Does he know more
about the Russian than we do?

If the Russian were as dangerous
as David said,

the home office would have never
sent someone so green.

Look at me.

You got a knack for this.

But if you want out of the game...

I gotta be me.

Be you.

Liat, search the right
side. I'm gonna check the shul.

The second word was k'nesset.

The word you removed.

Beit k'nesset,
"the nearest synagogue."

But just one question.

Why did you not trust me?

You're not with us.

Abba, show yourself.

Are you an idiot?

We're not looking for the afikomen.

He can hear us if we call him.

Yes, but you don't know
who else might hear.

- Abba!
- You stop!

He know more
about the Russian than we do?

You have a problem.

The American has orders to kill you.

I know.

Stop this!

What are you doing?

He is coming with me, Malachi.

- He's not going anywhere.
- Liat, you do not answer for me.

Hadar is dead.

Director Vance is nearly so.

Everyone has questions for you.

When you take me to NCIS,

you will have your answers.

McGuyver. It's so obvious.

I mean,
why didn't I come up with that?

Any you've been holding in reserve,
waiting for the perfect opportunity?

That's not how my mind works.

I mean, it's like scat in there,
you know.

Yes, animal dung. I always figured.

Not animal dung.

It's like jive, you know? It's like bebop.
It's unpredictable.

I take the lead guitar.
You take lead vocals.

Like McGlee. McFlea. McGFlat.

Mick Jagger.

What's the news, Hebrews?

Director Vance is in recovery.

He has not yet
regained consciousness.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don't have
to Gibbs up the clicker there.

Where is boss anyway?

- He's in Interrogation.
- With Director David.

This is like Clash of the Titans.
We should be there.

- It's a closed show.
Come on.

- Nice.
- Sorry.

Well, tell Abby to come up
and get this stuff. I can hack the feed.

Yes, you can.

Leon and I are forged
in fire and blood.

Good job.

So you met for the first time
in Amsterdam.

This file is not a complete picture.

Leon and I had hoped to reveal
all sides during the review conference.

You two arranged
this conference? Together?


I urged Leon to include Amsterdam.

His role in that mission
was not what he was told.

Did you know that?

In the almost 20 years since,
all of the players have scattered

around the globe.

You found them.

Director Vance invited them.

To unearth what?

Hmm. Not what. Who.

Who is it
that wants Leon dead, Gibbs?

The Russian operative.
His name is redacted.

I never knew his name.

Another detail
I had hoped to uncover.

According to Vance's report,

you yourself told the Russian
that Vance was sent there to kill him?

Yes. That is true.

So you knew that
that made Vance a target.

Yes. It did.

Are you the type who is grumpy
when you get woken up?

I saw you talk to the Russian
about me.

I saw you seeing me.

He's gonna kill me.

He was going to kill you anyway.
Now he's going to do it sooner.

- He knew already who you are.
- No. That's not possible.

Come on. Get up.

Get out!

If I leave, you die.

There is another box in the hall.

We cannot wait.

It will not be long before the Russian
contacts his hit team.

They will be here by morning.


I told him where you were staying.

Leon never forgets anything.

Did you know that about him?

I do.

It is what saved his life this morning.

When we walked in that door,
he had seen it before.

Good. Don't pack it too tight.

There has to be air in between.

We had a plan, you know.

NIS had a plan.

- What was it?
- I don't know all of it.

- If I could contact my handler...
- Oh, yes. That is a good idea.

Why don't you do that,
if there is time?

In the meantime,
cut where I have marked on here.

I wanna know why you think it's your
business to screw up our mission.

How can you not see
that you are disposable?

How can you not know that?

Tell me.

Who will cry for you if this blasting cap
should accidentally blow up

and turn us to smears on the wall?

Who will cry for you?

I have children.

Then what are you doing?

Why would you
lure a hit team here?

Because Mossad told me
I could kill them.

The Russian turned an Israeli sailor.

Bled him dry for information

then sent a hit team
to dispose of my fellow countryman.

My wife can no longer live
with what I do.

She took my family, my children,

to ensure that they did not grow up
to be like their father.

This I cannot fight.

I need a target.

"I need a target,"I told him.

Before there is nothing left of me.

He knew how to do it.

He just confessed to knowing
how to build the murder weapon.

I mean, come on.

How many people know how to build
a homemade Claymore mine?

In this room?

- Okay, fine.
- If you believe what he says

then you have to believe there was
a leak in your own organization.

And your people refuse to see it.

No. That just means that the Russian
wanted Vance dead then

and probably wants him dead now.

We gotta find him.

If that is the case, it was your director,
not ours, who was the intended target.

Hadar is dead
because of your incompetence.

Our incompetence?

Your protocols.

The PRF attack was public.

Sending both directors
back to your safe house.

Maybe you are leaking still.

And maybe my father is lying.
That is what he does.

For those lacking actual business
to perform,

might I suggest a visit
to the hospital?

I'm sure blood donors
will be welcome.


Special Agent Sharp.

She was a recruiting specialist.

Agent training as well.

And for a time, she was a fine
field agent in her own right.

I'm sure she was fine. She still is.

But she chose Vance.

She prepared him for the mission.

She knew everything.

- Am I nuts or?
- Yes, you are.

Although having had the opportunity
to get to know Director Vance,

he does seem an odd choice for her.

She had a preference for policemen.

Leon was credited with the role
he played in eliminating the hit team.

The Russian vanished from Holland.

I was not able to keep track of him.

It was at that time
that I was being reinstated to Mossad.

And resuming your rise to the top.

You make it sound like fait accompli.

You have no idea what it was like
in that dingy little room.

Neither one of us had any idea
of what we were about to start.

I turned on the shower. Now what?

Keep watching.

They're here.

- They're coming in the building.
- Shh.

Get down.

What's your daughter's name?

I have two.

Tali and Ziva.

You may want to cover your ears.

Dr. Sandler to OR 4.
- Sir.

Dr. Sandler, please report...

Leon, take it easy.
What are you doing?

- Gotta go to the bathroom.
- That's not a good thing, man.

What do you think that tube is for?

I hate this.

- Did your wife go get the kids?
- Mm. Mm-hm.

Jackie caught me up
on everything I missed.

You talked to Eli.

Yep. He told me about the Russian.

Eli doesn't think that this attack
was the Russian out for revenge.

No, he thinks it was one of ours.

He always has.

I don't know what happened
to the Russian

after Amsterdam, Gibbs.

Shake the tree.

Someone at that conference
must know.

How long
has this been cooking, Leon?

SECNAV signed off
almost two years ago.

Even the suggestion of a dirty house
back in the day is unacceptable.

Hey, easy, man.

I never felt so weak.

So vulnerable.

Rule number nine.

How the hell did you get that
past security?

Never go anywhere without a knife.


I don't care.

I don't care if they were us
before we were us.

I don't care if they built NCIS
brick by brick.

- Boss.
- Israelis.

Making travel plans
for their fallen comrade.

- Abby.
- She hit a brick wall.

We gotta start playing the game better
than the guys that made the rules.

That's a good place to start.

You wrote the book.

I'm saving my royalties
to buy a pack of gum.

Hey, it's not a joke.

"Information Security," "Redaction,"
"Witness Protection."

Those are chapter headings.

So is "Interrogation."

Wanna try a different angle here?

Maybe tell me
what I'm being accused of?


What made you choose
Leon Vance?

That's my crime?

For picking the man
who would become the director?

Well, yeah. He didn't exactly fit
your ideal agent parameters.

Look, back then,
we were thin in Europe.

Post the Gulf War, all resources
were being diverted to the Middle East.

I scoured the academies
looking for smart candidates.

Unafraid of risk.

- Yeah, because it was dangerous.
- Yeah.

Yeah. Nobody's gonna miss a black
guy when everything went wrong.

No. I mean, yeah. He had no family.

But Vance was qualified.


What in his background
made him qualify?

Let's just say that there were
inconsistencies in his background

that he obviously preferred
we not explore.

- You threatened him?
- No.

You did. You leveraged him
right into the meat grinder.

You worked with McCallister.

You know he would have had his back
had Eli not gotten in between them.

The Russian was a killer.

Not for sport.

Only for cash.

Some Communist, huh?

You knew him?

Only what I read
in McCallister's mission plan.

Wait a minute. Who do you think
would have paid this guy to kill Vance?

You remember
the Russian's name?

It was something with a Z and a V.

Like Zurov. Zubov.

- Zukov?
- Yeah.

- Anatoly Zukov?
- Yeah, that's him.

Wait a minute. That's him?
You think, what,

he came back
to clean up after himself?


No, he's long gone.

- You sure?
- Yes, I'm positive.

You're doing all right.

You're disappointed.

While I was sleeping, I...

I had what they call
a moment of clarity.

My life is a lie.

I know that.

I always thought I was chosen
because I was special.

That's not it at all.

You chose me because you knew

nobody would miss me
when I got killed.

Oh, not true.

Would have been a great tragedy.

American sailor murdered
by a Russian operative.

The agency
would have been up in arms.

The world was shifting away
from you.

My death would have put the focus
back on your area of expertise.

And then...

Instead of becoming SAC
of the San Diego field office,

I would have been on the fast track
to the director's chair.

You're stuck in the past.

That's why forward-thinkers
got promoted ahead of you.

Like Morrow. Like Shepard.

Like me.

No wonder you wanted me dead
from day one.

Hey, Riley. What the hell is this?

You putting this
in my permanent file?

What are you doing
accessing your file?

I was updating
our Y2K compliance protocols

as is my responsibility
and I found this online.

You and your computers
are gonna be the death of me.

This says I'm a pilot.

And I was a director of a field office.

Pretty ridiculous, huh?

Are you backstopping me
for another mission?

That's not where my interests lie.

You'll take the assignments
I give you, Leon.

You were never supposed
to succeed.

You think your legacy can live
by killing Eli and by killing me?

For once, can't you just die right?

Yes, what is the...? Code blue!

Code blue. Personnel to Room 202.

Stay still. Breathe deeply.
- Code blue alert.

Damn it, Riley!
- Hey.

That's my Danish.

What is your problem, man?

It's my bad.

I'll get you back for that.

Yeah, you will.

Gibbs, Leon.

Leon, Gibbs.

I'll remember.

Me too.

Where were we?

Some assignment in Paris.

Decker's on point.

I want you in on it.

You ever work with Jenny Shepard?

Want you to know
that we're truly sorry about Hadar.

Thank you.

We know how it feels
to lose a teammate.

When your whole country
could be wiped away any day,

you don't take tomorrow for granted.

That's terrifying.

It was meant to be comforting.

There have been times I felt
this job take a piece of me.

I worry they may be gone forever.

Sometimes life

surprises you.

Those are the moments
worth living for.

My Ziva.