NCIS (2003–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Good Wives Club - full transcript

While clearing a tract of old disused base housing at the Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia, demolition workers find, inside an underground room, the decomposing body of a young woman clothed in a bridal gown (which seems to date from about 1952), lying on a bed and chained to a wall; Gibbs and the gang investigate. The victim was a petty officer third-class who disappeared without a trace about 18 months before, and who apparently wore the gown about six months before she died. Then McGee learns that a similar young woman petty officer has disappeared from the Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. While checking that lead, the team find the kidnapper, the missing woman, and evidence of even more previous similar cases.



Hey, Harry.

Stop! Stop!

-DRIVER: Hey, what's up?
-Throw me a flashlight.


-Agent Gibbs?

Lieutenant Commander Willis,
Base Security.

Commander Hutchins‘ day to play golf?

Intestinal virus.

Special Agent Todd, McGee
and DiNozzo.

GIBBS: How long since anyone's
lived in these units?

Base closed the tract five years ago.

Plans were to convert it to a park.
Cutbacks put it on hold.

WILLIS: The units were becoming
a security and health hazard.

We brought in a private company
to demo it.

When Gibbs introduced us,

he introduced you and McGee, then me.

-Why'd he mention me last?
-You are kidding.

No, for Gibbs to mix up
the seniority order like that, it's just...

I don't know,
it just seems weird, that's all.

-I don't think it really means...
-TONY: Probie?

-I wouldn't put too much stock in it.
-TONY: Why do you say that?

Because I don't think
it has anything to do with seniority.

What do you think it has to do with?

My guess would be the level
of intelligence and general competence.

I didn't say anything.

It's what you're thinking, probie.

Soon as we knew what he had,
all work was stopped.

We contained the scene.

Old bunker?

We don't know what it is.

GIBBS: A little bit more left.

-Your other left, McGee.
-Sorry, boss.

TONY: Little nervous, probie?

Whoa. Hold it right there.

GIBBS: The tunnel leads to the house.

That's a little weird.


Boss, over here!

Kate, McGee, you're with me.
DiNozzo, wait for Ducky.


GIBBS: Let's do it.


GIBBS: Nails were hammered in
at a left to right angle.

Might have been left-handed.

Ever seen anything like this before,

Only in the movies.

Where's our bride, DiNozzo?

Nine feet down, twelve feet over.

You're kidding, right?


DUCKY: This actually reminds me of my
days at Edinburgh Medical College.

TONY: You took a tunnel
to get to school, Ducky?

No, the morgue was tiny.

Yeah, we had a fellow student

who suffered terribly
from claustrophobia.

Constantly hyperventilating.

Yes, one day he decided
to overcome his fear.

Yeah, he shut himself
in one of the morgue drawers.

Well, the ventilation was awful,
of course.

He asked us not to disturb him
for 24 hours.

We were very impressed
with his gumption.

-Did it work?
-Unfortunately not. No.

He died of a massive coronary.

So you see,
people can be frightened to death.




GIBBS: Hey, Duck.

This is really sick.
Stephen King would love it.

Oh, my dear.

Get you out of this place


and into somewhere more appropriate.

I promise.

-That was really nice, Doctor.
-Thank you, Mr Palmer.

Now, if you'll give me the bag
for transportation.

It's in my truck.

I know. Next time you'll remember.

KATE: "The Good Wife's Guide.
Ten Steps To Pleasing Your Husband."

TIM: I think | read something like that
in Redbook.


You read Redbook?

Yeah, all the time.

Well, I don't think
you read this one, McGee.

It's from May, 1955.

How long has she been here, Duck?

Oh, it's hard to say, Jethro.
Poor thing's been dead for months.

-How about years?
-Perhaps one.

Not more than two.

Housing's been abandoned
for five years.

KATE: Well,
then she wasn't the last tenant.

GIBBS: Check it anyway.


The last tenant in that house was

Lieutenant Commander Carlton Halpin,
his wife and two children.

Moved out January '99.

Transferred to
the San Diego Naval Station.

As far as we can tell,
he's never been back.


All the materials used
in the construction of the bunker

could have been purchased
at any Lowe's in the area.


A lot of the furniture
in the room's authentic '503.

Not my taste, but what the hell.

All from various manufacturers.
Nothing in production today.

The way I figure it, he would have
to have collected the pieces

from antique shops or garage sales.

What about the possibility
they were handed down from family?

Yeah, I was getting to that.

There is, of course,
always the possibility

that the pieces have been
handed down from family members.

Question for you, probie.

Redbook. Why?

Redbook was and still is the definitive
magazine for today's young woman.

Planning a sex change?

No. Since I've always been
interested in women,

I figured the best way
to know about them was to,

you know, know about them.

McGee, the best way
to know about them

-J|MMY: Do you think she knew him?
-|t's difficult to say.

She could have been lured
by a confidant or grabbed by a stranger.

The result unfortunately,
in the case of so many women,

is the same either way.

Is your recorder on?

-Do you want it to be on?
-No, do you want it on?

Well, it helps me to be more accurate
in my report.

-Well, then turn it on.
-It is on.

Then why didn't you just say so?

I'm not sure...

The victim is a Caucasian woman,
20 to 25.

Cause of death can be attributed
to non-specific asphyxiation.

No obvious signs of sexual trauma,

but due to the dehydration
and mummification of tissue,

it's impossible to say
whether she was violated.

Yeah, but you think
that she was though, right?

I mean, all the stories
that you read about.

These guys, they don't keep girls
down in a cellar for conversation.

Where do you read these stories,
Mr Palmer?

(STUTTERING) I didn't mean that I
actually read them. I meant to say that...

She wore a ring.

-A wedding ring?

No doubt it was removed violently.

Mr Palmer, what stories?

What do you have, Abby?

What don't I have, Gibbs?

Clothing fibres, carpet fibres, dust,
beetle parts, soiled bedding.

There's even a pamphlet
called The Good Wife's Guide.

-What's up with that?
-Ask McGee.


-The dress, Abby.

As you might imagine,
it's not exactly virginal.

It was made in 1952.

She'd been wearing it for months
before she died.

And I'm running a DNA sample as we...

-All over the room.

Thanks to our semi-mummy,
l was able to get a match for our victim.

Your crack team
is running it through AFIS.

-Only prints in the room were hers?
-Yeah, I'm afraid so.

I found traces of cleanser
on the furniture.

He's cautious.

So am I, when l chain guys up.


KATE: Victim is Carolyn Figgis.
Petty Officer, 3rd Class, 22.

Went missing 18 months ago.

I pulled the file, boss.
It was a Pacci case. Didn't have much.

She left for work one morning
and "poof" gone.

No witnesses. Case went cold.

Yeah, well itjust got hot again.

Ducky estimates
she's been dead about a year.

That means she was in the bunker
for six months before she died.

That rules out the last tenants.

Kate, tell me about her killer.

The basic pathology is obvious.

He was probably abused as a child.
Dad beating on Mom.

One or both beating on him.
Who knows?

He's trying to create
the perfect relationship.

That's right.
And control's the name of the game.

This one didn't
live up to his expectations.

Why was I sure
you'd understand that part?

So he cut off her air supply,

left her in an airtight chamber to die,
and moved on.

Yeah, that's the problem.
This kind of pathology is driven.

He's not gonna stop
until he finds the perfect one.

He's playing house
with somebody else out there.

GIBBS: Something's off.

Gibbs, | recreated it
from McGee's photos.

Gibbs, everything in here was ALS'd.

All pertinent forensic evidence
was sent to Abby for analysis,

and then I rebuilt it from the photos.

This room and everything in it
is exactly as it was when we found it.


What is with his '50s thing?

The '503 represents an idealised time

when the rules between men
and women were simpler.

-This was an older guy.
-Actually, I think he was younger.

As Tony said, a lot of the stuff in here
is authentic '50s but a lot of it isn't.

Some is '605. Some are reproductions.
But it isn't pure.

He couldn't get his hands
on the real deal.

I don't think it mattered.

I think he put this room together
based on his idea of a fantasy

rather than some remembrance
of an ideal experience.

Someone who grew up with it
would be more pure?

Well, I think he'd wanna

be as close to what
he actually experienced as possible.

Plus he didn't seem to have a problem

with just picking up
and leaving everything behind.

How do we know
that he didn't have to leave?

Transferred? It's possible.

Ducky said
her wedding ring was removed.

Well, it makes sense
that'd be the one thing

that he keeps in common
from one bride to the next.

You know, it might help,

ifl could observe a re-enactment
of the victim's life inside the chamber.

Put someone in the wedding dress.

-Tony would look cute.

He's off interviewing
the victim's parents.

-We|l, McGee then.
-No, he's with Tony.

-No, up to her tats in forensics tests.

Well, what about you?

You won't have to wear the dress.



I hate that song, McGee.

I thought you bought tickets
to see them next week.

I changed my mind.
I'm selling them on eBay.


Well, could we listen
to something else?



-This isn't about music, is it?
-ThiS what?

Whatever it is that isn't music?

This is your conversation, McGee.

Tony, I'm not after yourjob.

You think I'm actually worried
about you taking my place, probie?

No. I mean, of course not.

How could I be?
You're Gibbs' right-hand guy.

-Did Gibbs say that?
-Not directly.

Then why did you say that?


Well, 'cause I've heard him
say nice things.

What kind of things?

(STUTTERING) I don't remember.


Okay. Yesterday.


Yeah, he said something
about filing your case report.

Well, what did he say exactly?

He said it wasn't late for once.

KATE: This is not what I had in mind,

You wanted a re-enactment. Re-enact.

-I wanted to observe.
-|'m observing.


She could make it to the toilet.

But she couldn't make it
to the threshold of the tunnel.

KATE: /can't imagine what she must
have gone through, Gibbs.

How many months did she suffer

before giving up and realising
she was never gonna be found?

That no one
was ever gonna hear her screams?

She had nothing left to do
but Sit and stare at her own reflection.


KATE: What?

The rug.

The spots.

Someone was standing there
over and over again.

The pattern's wrong.

It's not from a shoe or foot.
It's too round, too large.

She wasn't standing. She was kneeling.

Enough to permanently wear
an indentation in the carpet.


Po/opinus ingens, commonly known
as the Darkling Beetle.

As with all beetles,
the Darkling has two sets of wings.

One set of hard front wings

and a set of soft hind wings
used for flying.

This is going to be useful, Abby, why?

Gibbs, I know you know
that I need a good windup

before I deliver my knockout.

-Just hit me with it, baby.

This particular species of Darkling,
is indigenous only

in extreme Southeast Georgia
and Northeast Florida.

-What's it doing in Virginia?
-My guess? Somebody stepped on it.

A piece of it got lodged in their shoe,

and then it dislodged
in Mr Sicko's love nest.

Very Silence of the Lambs,
don't you think?

Our nasty little critter could have called
any one of three Navy bases home:

Jacksonville Naval Air Station,
or Mayport Naval Station in Florida,

Naval Submarine Base,
Kings Bay, Georgia.

We have a piece of a beetle
that shouldn't be in Virginia.

It doesn't mean
that the guy who did this is there now.

-Didn't say it did.
-Wel|, She's right, boss.

I mean, he could've just been there
on vacation, who knows.

-Could've been.
-TONY: He could still be here.

TIM: Except nobody else
is missing from Norfolk.

Somebody is from Jacksonville.

She fits the profile.

NCIS Agent Jane Melankovic

fonNarded a missing person's report
she filed on a female petty officer.

Barbara Swain, Petty Officer,
2nd Class, at Jacksonville.

She's been missing
for almost four months.

She's close in age to Carolyn Figgis.
Similar look.

TlM: Same deal, too.

Disappeared off the face of the earth.
Never made it to work.

No witnesses. No clues.
Case went dead.

Get us on the next flight to Jacksonville,

and tell Agent Melankovic we think
her victim might still be alive on base.

On it, boss.

-Pretty thin, Gibbs.
-All we got, Kate.

WOMAN: The Seahawk is still searching

for thermal anomalies
on the ground surface.

Been sweeping for a long time,
Agent Melankovic.

At this altitude,
they're working 150-foot swatches.

It's time consuming but more accurate.

-Hungry again, Tony?
-Actually, no, Kate. l...

I'm just bored.
I had something to eat on the plane.

I'm not sure what I ate but it was filling.

You had the Chicken Singapore
with the port mushroom sauce.

Something you read
in Redbook, McGee?

Ladies Home Journal, actually.

-The Food and Home section?
-Yeah, that's right.

-The best.
-Oh, no question.

McGee, right?



Me, Tony.

Oh, looks like they're picking up
a thermal Signature. It's warm.

Warm is good.

AGENT 1: Go!

AGENT 2: Let's go!


Whoa! Whoa! Don't Shoot! Don't Shoot!
Please don't shoot!


TONY: Petty Officer, 3rd Class,
Darrell Baum.

TIM: Works in avionics.

Claims he was growing
for his own personal use.

What do you think?

Well, there's over 200 plants, boss.
Gotta think he's spreading the love.

And I'm pretty sure Darrell's
cutting into his profit margin.

-There's nothing here.
-Doesn't look like it.

Says he started over three months ago.

Size of the weeds
indicates that'd be about right.

And you know this because?

Of my experiences with the
Baltimore PD Drug Task Force.

You were never on
the Baltimore PD Drug Task Force.

l have friends. We shared experiences.

Actually, Darrell does seem to be
on the level, boss.

Oh, and you know this why, McGee?
From personal knowledge?

Well, no. No, no, no. I mean,
you know, there was the occasional

innocent youth, you know...

Commander Spencer
would like to see you, sir.

-Let me guess, you never inhaled.
-| inhaled.

-Yeah. Once, a little bit.

-How was it?
-Didn't like it.

-You didn't like it?

-He didn't inhale.
-He didn't inhale.

All 423 houses
have been analysed, Agent Gibbs.

No heat signatures, other than this one,
have been recorded.

Okay with you if! recall the helo?


What now, Gibbs?

Well, I guess we just give up,
Agent Todd.

ABBY: Shot the forensics wad
on our mummified bride.

Except for the prints,

nothing in the underground chamber
is really speaking to me.

The carpet fibre indicates a cheap
nylon product available anywhere.

The analysis of the accumulated dust
only indicates that our sicko murderer

wasn't any better a housekeeper
than he was a pretend husband.

Clothes fibres.

White cotton, probably socks.

And purple silk.
Don 't know what that's about.

KATE: Maybe a scarf
or an ascot kind of thing?

How many guys wear ascots today?

-l have.
-You would.

GIBBS: Okay, thanks, Abs.

Oh, anything for you, wonderful wizard.

-By the way, Tony?

I need it back when you're done.

MELANKOVIC: Files you requested.

All the transfers from Norfolk
over the past Six months.

Yeah. Put them over there,
Agent Melankovic.

Hey, we appreciate
the use of your desk.

Not a problem.

-Finding everything all right?
-G|BBS: Yeah.

DiNozzo, there sure found the nuts
without much trouble.

I haven't eaten since the plane.
I hope you don't mind.

I do, actually. They're for my Sister.

Oh, sorry.

But probably for the best. So fattening.

I'm sure you know that
from all your food magazine reading.

She's anorexic.

GIBBS: According to
the missing person's report,

the last person to see
Petty Officer Swain was her roommate.

That's right.
Petty Officer Debra Marshall.

-ls she still on base?
-Mechanic in Motor T.

All right, Kate, you're with me.
DiNozzo, you're with McGee.

McGee, yeah.

-Help her with the transfers.
-Agent Gibbs.

I did the initial interview
with the roommate.


I know.


-Petty Officer Marshall?


-|S it about Barbara, ma'am?

-Have they found her?

You don't expect her to be found alive?

l was told the odds get worse
the longer a person goes missing, sir.

Well, yeah. That's true.

KATE: Agent Melankovic might have
gone over this ground with you before...

No problem, ma'am.

You last saw your roommate
when she left for work four months ago?

It was 0600, sir.

She worked here in Admin.
That's how we met.

Was there anyone
acting strange around her?

Any arguments or disputes
you might know about?

No, ma'am. Everybody liked Barbara.

Even likeable people have beefs.

So I'm told.

Was there anything particular
on her mind at the time?

Nothing other
than what was always on her mind.


She was hung up
that she couldn't find the right one.

-She wanted to get married?
-In the worst way, sir.

Except, all the guys She met
were losers.

She thought something
must be wrong with her.

Even mentioned
she might even see somebody about it.

-Did she?
-I don't know.

She was a really private person.

Did you ever meet any of the losers?

No, sir.

I couldn't even tell you their names.

I doubt Barbara could, either.

CPO Alan Drewe.

Transferred from Norfolk
two months ago. Left-handed.

Father was a drywall subcontractor.
He could have built the bunker.

Captain Marshall Buckner.

but heads up a Seabee crew

and has a domestic disturbance charge
on his record.

Transferred last May.

"Always respond enthusiastically
to your husband's amorous advances.

"It's a wife's duty to make sure
his physical needs are met."

You know,
except for the murder-abduction part,

I kind of think this guy's onto something.

-I can't believe you just said that.

It's sexist and insensitive

and what the hell does it have to do
with our investigation?

Do you know, Timothy?

Answer Jane, Timothy.

The real question is
do you find it pertinent?

Every bit as pertinent to this
investigation as those files, probie.

It is?

It speaks to the suspect's state of mind.

Look, Tony, with all due respect,
I think it Speaks more to your...

With all due respect, probie,
how much time do you have in the field?

Not a lot, of course.

Exactly. Because you're
a probationary field agent.

I know it can be confusing sometimes.

I'm actually not confused.

You just think you're not confused.
In reality, you're very confused.

And that contradiction
is what makes the whole situation

seem more...



Just because
she didn't see a Navy therapist

doesn't mean she wasn't
seeing someone off base.

She's a Petty Officer.
Civilian shrinks are expensive.

Private people
go to long lengths sometimes.


Sometimes they don't have to.

Bit's in your mouth, Gibbs.

-She didn't have to see a Shrink.

Second divorce. Saw the padre.

Chaplains don't keep records.

Yes, I saw her. Only once, though.

We know that whatever you discussed
is confidential

but her life could hang in the balance.

What happened to the woman at Norfolk
could be happening to her.

Petty Officer Swain didn't say much.
In fact, I did most of the talking.

What were her issues?

She was attracted to men who

fulfilled her needs on a physical level
but not a spiritual one.

And I tried to make her see that they
didn't need to be mutually exclusive.

A difficult concept in today's world.

Did she mention
any of those men by name?

No, She met them in bars.

I got the impression
they weren't around very long.

She was supposed to call and make
another appointment. Never did.

Well, this one is not left-handed, either,
but everything else fits.




GIBBS: How's it going
with the transfers?

Almost finished, boss.

We've ID'd 15
that fit a substantial part of the profile.

GIBBS: Good.

Put down The Good Wife's Guide
and listen up.

Padre thinks Petty Officer Swain
could have met this guy at a local bar.

Split up, canvass the area.

See if a bartender
can make a connection to one of them?

I'll make copies of their service photos.


Make the copies yourself.

Of course.

GIBBS: Are you sure about this,

All in his SRB, boss. Left-handed.
Transferred six months ago.

-From where?

Boss, you remember what Abby said
about the clothes fibres?

Chaplains sometimes wear a vestment
called a stole over their uniform.

It's a band of silk cloth
hung around the neck.


The colour of the stole
depends on the liturgical season.

-It can be red, or green, or white...
-Or purple!


It wasn't Petty Officer Carolyn Figgis
who was praying, was it?



After your interview he must have
sensed that it was just a matter of time.

What do you know about him,

Not much.
He was Episcopal. I'm Catholic.

Only time I ever met him
was at the Navy Ball.

-He seemed normal to me.
-Yeah. Usually do.

The medical examiner's on the way.
I'll get the search helo back in the air.

I wonder what Ducky would say
to this piece of work.

He'd ask Evans
where he's keeping Petty Officer Swain.

[said I’m gonna get married.

Listen, John said
he's gonna get married!

Oh, that's great!

Oh, that's wonderful, John!

You're the one who convinced me, 02.

Why this delightful home,
wonderful family, devoted wife.

This is the way a man should live.

/ didn’t realise what I’d been missing
all these years.

OZZIE: Oh, look at that.

What are you watching?

Ozzie and Harriet. Ran for 14 years.

Four hundred and thirty-five episodes.

Why am | not surprised,
you would know that?

l have the "best of" box set at home.
It's really good.

-Where did you find those?
-I found them stashed under the settee.

The settee?

Yeah, it's a small sofa
with seating for two.

Sold mine at a garage sale last year.

Are you gonna watch
the whole hour or...

They were half-hour, McGee.
And what if I do?

I guess that would mean you're trying
to figure the suspect's state of mind?

We're gonna make a field agent
out of you yet, probie.


Flipped on the light switch,
look what I got.

Well, it's either a darkroom
or a really small bordello.

What's your call?

Have you always been a smart ass,
Agent DiNozzo?

Tony. Probably as long as
you've been an overachiever, Jane.

MELANKOVIC: He might have pictures
somewhere around here, to remind him.

He might.

Are you ready to find
where Ozzie stashed Harriet?


SPENCER: The chaplain could have
hidden her in a number of places

the thermal scanner wouldn’t pick up.

We have unoccupied housing,
training and maintenance units,

as well as boiler rooms here and here.

Base housing storage
is another possibility.

Several abandoned ammo dumps
in this quadrant.

Abandoned ammo bunkers
in this one here.

Jacksonville NAS is almost 4000 acres,
hundreds of buildings.

-|t'|| take us days to search them all.
-Then we'd better start now.

How much time does she have?

If he cuts off the 02
like he did the others, a few hours.

"My darling, my betrothed.

"I long for the day
we will be together always."

There must be more than
50 of these love letters.

All sounding like
Nelson Eddy recordings.

That guy was on the air for 14 years
Singing lyrics like that?

Different Nelson.
Not Ozzie Nelson, Nelson Eddy.

-Do you have his collection, too?
-The forgotten recordings.

You seem to have an awful lot
in common with this...

TONY: Uh-huh.

Oh, yeah.

TONY: Whoa.

She's not Petty Officer Figgis or Swain.

And neither is this one.

There's Figgis.

MELANKOVIC: God, She looks terrified.

Here's Swain.

Where did he hide you,
Petty Officer Swain?

I'II scan the prints, upload them to Abby.

I wish we had the negatives.



When I was a kid,
I used to hide stuff in my record player.

Nice work, hotshot.

ABBY: Some of these prints
were enlarged from the negatives.

I think you'll find this one
very interesting.

Okay, this is Petty Officer Swain's
photo from the album.

Now, look at the full negative.

There '3 much more visible
in the background now around the bed.

And there '3 some sort of door to the left.

-Abs, can you blow that up, lighten it?
-Oh, yeah.

-/t's a riveted doorframe.
-G|BBS: That's an ammo bunker.


AGENT: Let's go, on the double!

SPENCER: You're right, Gibbs.
These ammo bunkers

are the only underground structures
on the base with riveted doors.

-How many?
-Six bunkers,

all with multiple corridors
and up to 100 compartments each.

Some units have bar locks,
others padlocks.

They've been vacated so long,
I couldn't get access to a master key.

-We'll need bolt cutters.
-You got them.

SPENCER: Search dogs won't be here
for another half-hour.

Can't wait. Kate, McGee, DiNozzo,
take Bunker 2. Thanks.

-Melankovic, you're with me.
-KATE: You take Bunker 3.


-KATE: Clear!

Kate. Kate. I hear tapping.

Petty Officer Swain?

Open it.


Bunker 1 is cleared.
What's everyone's status?

KATE: McGee andl
are almost done in 2.

-TONY: I got a couple more, boss.
-Keep me posted.


Petty Officer Swain, are you all right?

Where's Brett?

Well, you don't have to worry about him.

He's dead.

You're safe now, okay?

Boss, DiNozzo. I got her.

Bunker 2, Corridor C.
She's all right but...


GIBBS: DiNozzo?
Tony! Tony, you there?


IS it true? Brett's dead?

Put the gun down, Petty Officer.

We were supposed to get married.

I don't think I can go on without him.


KATE: You've done everything
that Brett's asked, haven't you?


You wouldn't want to disappoint him,
would you?


Doesn't the guide say that the good wife

must carry on
in her husband's absence?

Let me Show you.


Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

-TIM: How's your head?
-Sti|l throbbing.

-You know what bongos are?

Well, a beatnik is playing them
in my head.

You finally met the perfect '503 woman
and she almost kills you, DiNozzo.

She was so obedient.

Yeah. Scary
how impressed you are by that.

I find it hard to believe
how Chaplain Evans

could have such power over her.

Classic Stockholm syndrome.

She formed an emotional attachment
to her captor.

It'll take her time but She'll recover.

DiNozzo, Kate, McGee. MTAC now!

DiNozzo, Kate, McGee.

DiNozzo, Kate, McGee.

-Beatnik gone?
