NCIS (2003–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Minimum Security - full transcript

By accident two bikers meet a dead driver who destroys their ride; the late driver, a petty officer and a naturalized citizen of the USA, was of Egyptian descent. His death resulted from massive internal bleeding due to an intestinal blockage caused by emeralds. He had just arrived from duty as an interpreter at Camp Delta at the US Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba; his luggage contained five unmailed letters to others from a woman special agent of the NCIS at Gitmo. Gibbs, Kate, and Tony go to Gitmo while Abby checks out perfumes in Washington. The gang sort things out, identify a son-in-law of Bin Laden, and prevent a murder.

WOMAN: You promised
I'd be back by now.

Don't get your thong in a knot.

Yeah, well, if my old man finds out

that I've been biking with you,
he'll kill us both.

Oh, yeah? Well, if your old man
was a man, I might be worried.

Wayne, you've gotta get me back.
I'm serious.

I'll get you a ride.

What if he doesn't stop?

He'll stop.

Hey, stop!

You stupid bastard!

When I get through with you,
you're gonna wish you were dead.

He's dead.

Massive internal bleeding
in the abdominal cavity, Gerald.

No, that's enough.


My young friend,
you must have been in acute pain

for many hours.

What kept you from seeking help,
I wonder?

Well, run the gut for me,
would you please, Gerald?

Not a problem.

There was definitely a blockage.

It's strange, though. It seems to consist
of a cluster of objects.

- Gallstones?
- Oh, my, no.

Gallstones that large could never
pass through the cystic duct.

And even if they did,

they wouldn't
all be expelled at the same time.

Although I did find a gallbladder once
with almost a kilo of large stones.

Of course,
the victim was a sumo wrestler

who weighed over 200 kilos.

He was in the middle
of a bout, he just went...


They're stones, Doc.

Not gallstones.


It was lodged
in his gastrointestinal tract,

causing perforation of the peritoneum,

internal bleeding, infection, and death.

- He swallowed emeralds.
- He did indeed.

I'm gonna take a wild guess here, Doc.

He smuggled them into the country.

It's from where
he smuggled them in, Jethro.

Our sailor just arrived
from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,

where he was a translator.

KATE: Petty Officer Second Class,
Khalil Sa'id.

Naturalised American citizen,
born in Egypt.

Worked as a translator at Camp Delta.

Fluent in Arabic, Uyghur and Pashto.

Died in his car
on Route 522, near Fredericksburg.

Almost killed a pair of bikers.

"Vroom-vroom" bikers or pedal bikers?

I said bikers, Tony. Not cyclists.

Bikers is a term
that refers to both cyclists...

Next of kin?

None in the states.
No US address either.

And apparently,
he rotated from our naval station

in Bahrain to Gitmo five months ago.

Where'd he get those emeralds?

Gitmo exchange?

TONY: Sorry.

Get your gear. We're going to Gitmo.

(LAUGHING) That's a good one, boss.

He was kidding, right?

I don't think so.

We're going to Cuba!



Hey, Gibbs.

I've got a gemologist
coming over to look at the rocks.

It's my mother's friend's sister's son.

Yeah, does he know his stuff?

I went out with him, like, once,
and didn't get very far.

Is this all from the car?

Yeah. It was a rental.

- Any classified material?
- Not in the suitcases.

He would've swapped
his hard drive before he left.

Well, check it anyway.

These were in the suitcase.

Stamped, no postmark.
All the same return address.

"NCIS Special Agent Paula Cassidy."

You know her?

No. But I will.

Okay, smell this.

Does this turn you on, Abby?

It turned somebody on.

Box of condoms, half empty.

The price tag
says they're from the Gitmo exchange.

Hey, maybe...
Maybe it was a package deal.

See if you can brand the cologne.

Why? You want some?

Nope, don't use cologne.

Women I date think
the smell of sawdust is sexy.

That's probably why
I don't date many women.


You had better have
a good reason for spilling my coffee.

I do.

I booked us on the first
AMC flight to Gitmo tomorrow.

Unbook it.

I knew it.

I told Kate you were pulling my leg.

The Navy's giving us
a priority ride today.

You mean it?


You do mean it.

Normally, I hate priority rides,
but who cares if it's going...

What's wrong with priority rides?

Come on, boss. You're telling me
you like sitting on canvas seats

slung between cargo pallets?

Yeah, it makes me feel
like I'm back in the Corps.

I love priority rides.

Boss, this is the best!

I miss canvas seats.

Check this out.

What do you want?

- Get to work.
- I already started.

"Guantanamo enjoys
a year round tropical climate

"cooled by the breezes
from the Windward Passage.

"Some of the more
popular pastimes include skin diving,

"sunbathing and horseback riding."

I would be the last one
to rain on your parade, Fidel,

but you're logged onto
an official Navy website.

- It's PR.
- This isn't.

It's the NCIS file
on Special Agent Paula Cassidy.

She's an interrogator at Camp Delta.

Special Agent Cassidy
is not to know that Sa'id is dead.

We're not working with her?

Sa'id was carrying
five unmailed letters of hers.

Until we find out
how she was involved with him,

she's out of the loop.

I can't believe
we're in a $40 million Gulfstream.

I mean, it's gotta be CNO's

You know,
Tiger Woods has one of these.

Tom Cruise, all the big movie stars.

- This is their ride.
- Tony?

Yeah, boss?

Can we get to work?

Sure thing. Just check this out.

It's a Gulfstream.

So much for the element of surprise.

Welcome to Gitmo.

I'm Special Agent Paula Cassidy.

Special Agent Jethro Gibbs.
Special Agent Kate Todd.

- Hi.
- How are you?

- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo.
- Hey.

Hello. I heard you all were coming.

- Nice ride.
- You are so right there.

This is yours. There's a map in it.

They've put you up
in one of the nicest houses on the base.

We appreciate that,
Special Agent Cassidy.

So is there something going down
that I should know about?


It's just that
all my transcripts have been pulled,

my interrogations have been cancelled,

and then you all arrive
on the Navy Gulfstream.

How would you connect the dots?

I wouldn't.

Okay. Enjoy your stay.

Okay. We'll set up here.

Tomorrow morning we'll be joined
by the senior FBI translator,

who's gonna bring transcripts
of Sa'id's translations.

The interrogator
was Special Agent Cassidy.

No way!

It's the only bedroom with a bath.

I know. And I picked it first.

Women take baths.
Men take showers, Tony.

Why does the woman thing come up
when a ship is sinking,

or when there's
only one bedroom with a bath?

GIBBS: Gibbs.

Well, you were right
about Sa'id's laptop. System's virgin.

Yeah, well, we'll track down the
hard drive he had here

and ship it to you.

- When's your rock boy coming?
- In the morning.

My mother's very excited.

Find anything else?

Yeah, I picked up another scent
on his shorts and his T-shirts.

What did Sa'id do, bathe in the stuff?

No, it's not his.

It's peach and musk,
with vanilla as a top note.

It's definitely feminine.

Well, tag it.

Perfume is expensive, Gibbs.

I can't just hang out

at the Macy's tester tray with my lab kit.

They frown on that sort of behaviour.

Buy what you need to, Abby.
We'll deal with it later.

Bold, Gibbs. Bold.

- We're finished.
- And we need to talk to you.

Whatever. It'll have to wait
till the morning.

Well, it's kind of important.

I appreciate that, but I'm going to bed.

Talk to you mañana.


Any preference
on the remaining bedrooms?

No. They're both equally crappy.

You pick.

Ladies first.





I need coffee.

Where'd you get this, Abby?

If I told you,
I'd have to kill you, Benjamin.

You know, this was very sweet,
but you did not have to bring me a gift.

I wanted to.

And your mother said
it was something you could use.

Right on. Thanks.

Benjamin, this is... This is great.

So the emerald. Is it real?

Oh, it's... It's very real.

Colour grade 2.5,
tone one to two, clarity I-1.

I mean, it's at least worth $20,000.

And the colour is quite distinct.

It's bluish apple green.

And the fluid inclusions are
quite different than Colombian stones.

This emerald was mined
in the Panjshir Valley.

Where's that?


- William Gamal.
- Bill.

Senior translator, Camp Delta.

We've been expecting you.
Special Agent Gibbs,

Special Agent DiNozzo and Todd.

When the FBI relaxes their dress code,
they sure go for it.

GAMAL: Well, these are the transcripts

of the interrogations
of Nasser Al Jazeir you requested.

- The translator was Sa'id?
- That's right.

Apparently there's a problem?

Did you know him?

Only to say hello.

He worked with the interrogator
Paula Cassidy.

You might want
to think about keeping that door shut.

Iguanas have been known
to wander inside.

Nasser arrived in June
from Afghanistan.

Yes. Insists he was
picked up by mistake.

Weren't they all?

Agent Cassidy did especially well
with the subject.

Younger detainees feel more
comfortable with female interrogators.

Once rapport has been established,

the prisoner's
only interrogated by that team.

I understand Agent Cassidy
is not in on the loop on this?


I booked you
an interrogation room for this afternoon.

Well, we better get started.

Okay, I wanna know more
about Agent Cassidy.

Who her friends are in Gitmo.

How she spends her free time.
Where she hangs out.

Was she involved with Sa'id.

- Sure.
- No problem.

Did I say both of you?

Well, you didn't not say
both of us, Gibbs.

Yeah, she's kind of
got a point there, boss.

Yeah, well, I'm saying it now.
DiNozzo, you go.

- Kate'll stay here and help me with this.
- Got it.

- Do you mind telling me why he...
- Yeah.

TONY: Agent Cassidy has a lot
of friends, I'll say that.

Mostly male friends

and mostly either
interrogators or translators.

Where does she hang?

A club on base called El Floridita.

Check it out.

Observe her if she's there.

- Can I drink?
- Sure.


- Sarsaparilla? Who drinks sarsaparilla?
- Shane.

Who's Shane?

- Alan Ladd.
- Who's Alan Ladd?

- Maybe you should check her out, Kate.
- I'm on it!

Where is Agent DiNozzo?

Drinking sarsaparilla.

They'll bring Nasser down

as soon as
the evening prayers are finished.

Why aren't you praying?

I'm Presbyterian.


GIBBS: How do you say "good cop,
bad cop" in Arabic?

I learned my Arabic

at the Defence Language Institute
in Monterey.

That phrase wasn't in the syllabus.

Nasser should be here
in about five minutes.

Watch his body language.

Fortunately, Nasser speaks
some English.


So Jack Palance shoots Elisha Cook.

The slug lifts his body off the ground
and splat, right into the mud.

Elisha Cook?

Have you ever seen
The Maltese Falcon?


You young people
don't know what good movies are.

All this violence today. It's so sad.

"Splat" isn't violent?

What're you drinking?

- Sarsaparilla.
- Root beer.

- So you're on duty?
- Maybe I just like sarsaparilla.

Cosmo, Jimmy.

Coming up.

That's funny.
I knew you were gonna order a cosmo.

Are you here to check me out?

Define "checking out."

- Come on. What are you doing here?
- Straight up?

No. I want you to lie to me.

You turn me on.

- Here, let me pay.
- No, thanks.

I buy my own drinks.

So, Jack Palance shoots Elijah Wood.


He asks who we are.

Name is Gibbs.

US Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

GIBBS: Sit down.

Where is Paula?

She's been replaced.

By me.


I think you know why.


Well, sit down, Nasser. I'll tell you why.

Sa'id is dead.

He's praying.



MAN: That's it. There you go.

Thank you.

Miss me?

Like herpes.

- Now that confuses me.
- Really?

Absolutely. If you don't like me,

then why do you keep
coming over here for refills?


I like the game.

Me, too.

Your move.

You've been here eight months
and you haven't hooked up.

Well, how do you know?

You danced with five different guys.

Nothing going on with any of them.

You're counting the men
that I'm dancing with?

I'm the jealous type.

Jimmy, does he seem
like the jealous type?

- I thought so.
- See?

Till he flashed his badge

when I wouldn't answer
any questions about you.

More info than she needed, Jimmy.

I'm disappointed.

What if I told you
I was checking out the competition?

- I'd say you were lying.
- No, it's true.

I am checking out the competition.

For your investigation.

And for me.

So what are you
gonna write in your report?

That you have rules about hooking up
with men you work with.



I have rules about guys
that investigate me, too.

Never broken a rule?

Have you?

If the risk is worth it.



Let's dance.

Sa'id was a good man.

He gave me hope
I would see my family again.

He said America does not hate Islam.

And Allah knows we are here.

Don't you want to know how he died?

- Or have you guessed?
- He guessed.

How would I know?

We have no contact here
with the outside world.

He swallowed these.

They killed him.

I think he got them from you.

I don't understand.


He says he's never seen them before.

He would like to return to his cell
so he can pray for his friend's soul.

Tell him he's not going back to his cell.

He's being transferred to isolation.


He says he was promised
a transfer to minimum security.

Who promised him that?

Special Agent Cassidy.


One sec.


...back at the house.

Be there in five.

I'm back on duty.

Well, that's too bad.

So are you.

Why'd you recommend transferring
Nasser to minimum security?

Reward for cooperation.

That's the idea around here.

We read the transcripts. He didn't
tell us anything we didn't know.

Well, that's not the point.
He told us all that he knows.

Are you sure?

It's a judgment call.

But we get a lot of flak around here
for holding people too long.

Are you gonna tell me what's going on?

Are you gonna tell us what was going on
between you and Sa'id?

We worked together.

That's all.

These were found in Sa'id's luggage.

Well, he was gonna put them
in the mail for me.

You couldn't find the post office?

Mail is slow out of Gitmo.

Sa'id was on his way to the States

and I asked him
to throw them in the mail for me.

Do you mind if we open them?

Yes, I mind. They're private.

We'll get a court order.

What the hell is this about?

Why do you have these letters?

Something happened to Sa'id.

He's dead.

Oh, my God.

How? What happened?

Tell me how he died!

Internal bleeding
from a perforated bowel,

caused by the presence
of hard objects in his intestines.

Hard objects? What the hell
is that supposed to mean?


I have been a damn good NCIS agent
for over six years now.

I really don't deserve
to be treated like this.

All we asked is,
can we open these letters?

Sure. Go head. Open the damn things.

Thank you.

They're to my family.

Would you like to search my apartment
while you're at it?

- I would.
- Okay.

Sorry, Paula.

Check out Sa'id's apartment, too.

First time I've seen you
apologise to a suspect.

How would you feel
if I was gonna search your apartment?

Violated beyond belief.

You know why you're attracted to her,
though, don't you?

- Who said I was?
- It's endorphins.

Thank you, Abby.

You were so excited about
going to Cuba and riding in the jet.

It stimulated the hell
out of your endorphins.

The first woman you saw
was like honey to a bear.

You were the first woman
I saw on my endorphin high.

Yeah, well, we work together, Tony.
It's like a brother-sister thing.

- Never had a sister.
- That's probably a good thing.

We just passed Sa'id's room, sis.

Need some help?


Tony, wait.

Sa'id had a key to her apartment.

Well, she doesn't have a key to his.

Women like making love
in their own bed.

Now, wait a minute. Just 'cause
you're woman and you enjoy doing it

- You're right. I misspoke.
- ...does not mean that all women

- I was wrong, Tony. Let it go!
- ...insist on doing it in their own bed.

Gonna read me my rights?

You have the right
to be reimbursed for postage.

Put it on your expense report.


You might want
to take that chip off your shoulder.


Just treat me as a member of the team.

We're in the same agency,

not on the same team.

Is this interrogation over?

Yeah. Yeah, almost.

Why is Special Agent DiNozzo sorry?

He blew his chance to get laid.

This just came for you
from Guantanamo Bay.

It's Sa'id's hard drive. Excellent.

Quite a collection.

Yeah, I'm trying to match a scent I found
on Sa'id's clothes.

I don't see Chanel No. 5.

Does anyone wear that anymore?

- My mother does.
- Really?

Ever since Marilyn Monroe
confessed that Chanel No. 5

was all she wore to bed.

So, does your mother...

Unfortunately, yes.

Makes for terribly awkward
slumber parties.

GAMAL: Nasser is extremely upset.

Feels he's been cooperative
and now he's in a cell with no windows.

Well, maybe after losing all this luxury,

he'll be even more cooperative.

Well, a psychiatrist examined him
and is worried for his mental health.

I'm not all that interested
in the mental health

of people who wanna kill me.

You're certain Nasser is a terrorist?

Isn't it possible
that he is what he says he is?

A man who was in the wrong place
at the wrong time?

Yeah. And it's also possible

that he's the man
who gave Sa'id those emeralds.

Why would he do that?

Are you that naive?

Or did Nasser pass
some of those emeralds on to you?

GIBBS: What are all these bottles,

That's the perfume you said I could buy.

Do we have to buy so many?

I only got 30.

There's more than 2, 500 on the market.

You're kidding me.

Perfume is the most powerful accessory
a woman can wear.

Yeah, well, how much
did all this power cost us?

Around $1, 500.


Well, not including the tax.

I stuck to the 30 most popular scents,
hoping we'd get lucky.

How fiscally responsible, Ab.

Thank you.

So, did we get any bang for our $1,500?

We did.

The perfume
on Sa'id's clothes is called "Escada."

Never heard of it.

Do you want to hear
about his hard drive?

What's it gonna cost me?

It's pretty much synonymous
with his sex drive.

Our boy deleted 20 gigs of porn before
he turned his drive in.

He was trading
with a porn pal on a Hotmail account

that doesn't exist anymore.

Anything good on it?

Nothing with sawdust, yet.

Agent Cassidy's?


And nothing else of interest
in her apartment except...


She had a bottle of Escada
on her dresser.

And Sa'id had a key to her apartment,
but she did not have a key to his.

Most women prefer their own beds.

So, she and Sa'id were doing
the horizontal salsa.

Not according to the bartender
at El Floridita.


Lovers register with him at Gitmo first?

Bartenders know this kind of stuff, boss.

He said she went there most nights,
danced with a lot of guys,

but always went home alone.

What'd you find out, Kate?

Sa'id's place wasn't just clean.
It was sterilised.

There were some towels,
soap and a half a roll of toilet paper.

I think Sa'id copied Paula's key
without her knowing it.

Now, which brain
is thinking that, DiNozzo?

I'm hitting the rack.

Get this off to Abby
first thing in the morning.

You know, Gibbs,
sometimes you can be a real...



Yeah, well, my gut is telling me
Agent Cassidy is telling the truth.

So then what's the problem?

Romance between agents, Kate.

It never works.

Are you speaking from experience?

Sa'id and I were not lovers.

Who told you that?

A room key.

Had yours on his key chain.

That's not possible.

How would he get my room key?

- You gave it to him.
- No, I didn't!

I lost a key.

Had to replace one.

Sa'id could have stolen it.

Are you just remembering now
that you lost a key?

I was just told
that somebody else had it.


Okay, let's say that I buy that.

Why would he want a key to your room?

To get to my computer.

But how does he get my password?

If you don't keep your doors shut,
the iguanas get in.

We did so many interrogations together,

he could have watched me type it in.

Why would Sa'id want
to get into your computer?

To read my interrogation reports.
I don't know.

Lately, I noticed that
his conversations with Nasser

seemed longer than his translations.

I even noted that in my computer.

Sa'id took leave
and left the next day for the States.

Right after I wrote that.

His room was empty.
He wasn't intending to come back.

I should have had Bill come and sit in
on one of the interrogations

and check my suspicions.

I blew it.

These are the hard objects

that Sa'id had
in his stomach when he died.


I think he got them from Nasser.

How did Nasser get them
past our body search?

Nasser complained
of constipation when he arrived

and they gave him a laxative.

He got them in
the same way Sa'id got them out.

DUCKY: What are you looking at, Abby?

It's just sex, Ducky.

- Just sex?
- Yeah.

You know, the biological act
between creatures within a species

in response to neurological
and physiological stimuli.

Between creatures within a species?


- This isn't yours, I hope.
- No!

It's off Sa'id's hard drive.
But something's wrong.

The files are too big.

Not just the files.

ABBY: Easter eggs.

What the hell are Easter eggs?

Easter eggs are hidden messages
within a computer program.

If you don't know to look,

you don't know they're there.

They were hidden in the porn?

My cursor has moved across places
that would make Tony blush.

What kind of messages?

There's a diagram of the camp
and a bunch of stuff in Arabic.

It's coming to you now.

Something tells me
it's not a greeting from the Bunny.

Sa'id arrived Gitmo April 23rd.

April 28th he writes,
"Son-in-law located."

May 11th, "Son-in-law moved
to minimum security."

May 23rd he gets a response.

"Leader disavows son-in-law.

"He will be eliminated
by the one who is victorious."


Bin Laden.

My God. We've got
one of bin Laden's son-in-laws here

and didn't know it.

"The one who is victorious"?

Why does he start talking
in riddles all of a sudden?

I don't think he is.

I may not be translating that accurately.

Nasser is old Arabic for
"the one who is victorious."

I owe you an apology, Gibbs.

If I'd transferred Nasser
into minimum security...

You didn't. Don't worry about it.

How do we find this son-in-law?


We transfer Nasser
to minimum security so he can kill him.

At Camp Delta,
the security buck stops with me.

If Nasser kills a detainee,
it'll be my ass.

Yeah. But,

once the son-in-law learns that
Bin Laden ordered him murdered,

he's going to sing like
a bird in Islamic paradise

and maybe that prevents another 9/11.

What's your plan, Gibbs?

We transfer Nasser
to minimum security.

From isolation to minimum security?
He's bound to be suspicious.

A new interrogator will have to deliver
the news convincingly.

Since we know
he trusts women, that's me.

No, that's me.

I'm the one he trusts.

You promised him minimum security.
He got isolation.

He won't believe
you have the authority to move him.

He will when I order the guards
to remove the shackles.

- That's too risky.
- Tony's right.

Nasser and Sa'id did this
right in front of me.

You're an interrogator, not a translator.

You couldn't have known.

But I did.

I had suspicions about Sa'id
and I let them slide.

- It's inexcusable.
- Yep.

Let me make up for it.

How good an actress
are you, Agent Cassidy?

Ask Tony. He bought my act.

- Icing me was an act?
- No.

Letting you think I was melting was.

Tony, she'd say anything
to get in that room.

Kate, it's not a problem.
We were both playing a game.

Yeah? Who won?

Hello, Nasser.

I did not expect we'd meet again.

Neither did I. Remove the shackles.

Now, please.

Where is Gibbs?

Recalled to Washington.

His superiors determined
that his concerns were unfounded.


He's not buying it.

He will.

Agent Gibbs
has had problems in the past.

Agent Cassidy, this is inappropriate.

He deserves to know.

He has a history of building cases
at the expense of the facts.

Tell him.

She's good.

I was locked up like a dog.

It was out of my hands, Nasser.
I'm sorry.

I've arranged to have you
returned to your cell.

Just answer one question.

Do you have a conscience?

I have a moral awareness of my actions.


Because I've trusted you, Nasser.

I am glad you are back.

So am I.

She's ending the session.
What is she doing?

Playing him.


He's asking about the transfer
to minimum security

you promised him.

I'll try.

McCLAFFERTY: We have 120 detainees
in minimum security at present.

20 to a unit.

Barracks 20
is the one Nasser is assigned to.

And this,
that's the inside surveillance cam.

How many guards
do you have inside the barracks?

Two. One on each exit. Front and rear.

Odds are six to one against his target

being billeted
in the same barracks as him.

That means Nasser is gonna have to kill
his target in the exercise yard.

What does Secret Service think?

Three sharpshooters.
There, there and one in the watchtower.

- I have an idea.
- It's about time.

Nasser has to change his jumpsuit
when he transfers, right?

Spanking brand-new white one. So?

So I wanna add a little trim.

You're being transferred
to minimum security, Nasser.

You have kept your word.

Does that surprise you?


Don't betray my trust, Nasser.

I will not.

There. Right there.
They're bringing him out now.

Talk about your own personal webcam.

We only did enough of a search
to keep it legitimate.

You think he already has a weapon?

Yeah, I do. Probably a shiv.

That makes sense. Easy to conceal.

How does he make a shiv
in max security?

A comb, a toothbrush,
something innocuous ground to a point.


You're good. Bet you could have
made it in Hollywood.

I don't know if I'm hoping you're right
or wrong about Nasser.

He's a killer. It's in his eyes.

Yeah. The eyes always give you away.

Oh, yeah.



Your target is the fifth detainee to exit.

Acknowledge when you have him
in your sights.

Roger that.

Okay, I've got him.

That's a diversion.

SNIPER: I lost my target, Lieutenant.
No shot.

My sniper's lost his target.

He's heading in the opposite direction,
Gibbs. He switched groups.

He's going into barracks 21.

He's made his man.
Where are your guards, Colonel?

NCIS! Open up!


- DiNozzo, go around back!
- Got it!


Get down!

I'd have killed him.

And make him a martyr? No.

This is worse than death.


KATE: She looks awfully lonely
back there.


So, I think one of us should go
and keep her company.


She is one of us.



Well, I can't let her ride alone.

Why is it that women always want to fix
what doesn't need fixing?

It makes us feel all warm inside.

So does scotch,
but it doesn't cost you a house.

- I didn't really...
- I didn't think that...

You go.

Watch this.

TONY: It's a Gulfstream.