My Design Rules (2020): Season 2, Episode 3 - Spare Bedroom Winner - full transcript
It is deadline day for the spare bedroom room challenge. The design duo's rush around adding their finishing touches. One team in particular seems to be in complete chaos. Who will be crowned as the winners of the first challenge?
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[upbeat music]
- [Announcer] Last time
on my design rules,
we got our first taste of
the design duo's vision
when they presented their plans
for the guest bedroom,
to their mentors,
along with some interesting
paint technique choices.
- The boldest move
was team habitat,
breaking through a wall.
- Team Visi
collaborated with one of
their favorite designers
while a beaded zebra
was the result of another
artistic collaboration.
- [All Together]
Wow. Oh yes, yes.
As the duos approach
the halfway mark
team House and leisure realized
the difficulty of
their feature wall.
Team habitat had barely started
with their room
and team Visi felt
simply overwhelmed.
- Pretty defeated,
pretty defeated.
- Welcome to another
episode of my design rules.
I am Danilo Acquisto, your host.
This is the interior
design reality series
that follows the journey
of three design duos,
as they compete for awards
by transforming three
empty cluster homes
at the eye of Africa Golf
and residential estates
in Johannesburg, South Africa
into lavish and living spaces.
Today is D day.
And with the 5:00
PM deadline looming,
our design duos are
quickly realizing
that having less than two
weeks to complete their spaces
is not as much time as
they would have liked.
- It's the final day.
And we know we're
close to finishing our
warm Euro
and it's not looking good.
This is such a disaster
and it's not looking
as I thought it would.
- Really. Is it that bad?
- Oh buddy. We have
literally less than six hours
to get this right.
At least don't make
it any more disasters.
- Do you want to
give me a hand here?
- I wish I could help.
But I can't.
- We have everything
still left to do.
We need to assemble a bed.
We need to get our curtains in.
We need to dress the bed.
- And style the whole space.
- And I still need to run around
and get everything because
we haven't even finished
buying all that stuff.
We will finish, with the
help of the design gods.
- Yeah.
- [Announcer] Meanwhile,
team Habitat have a novel plan
for their artificial grass.
It's not for the floor.
It's for the walls.
But the stress of installation
day is driving them
up the walls.
- Sure sure.
Its like Beyonce before
the super bowl, and,
she doesn't have
her backup dancers,
the carpet will still needs to
come in later on the floors.
The cupboards,
need to go in,
the painters.
- There's a lot of
people in that room.
- And we're trying to do a super
standing room and it's like...
- A party up in there.
- Right now its still a space.
An empty space.
- We're excited that
everything is here now and...
- It's looking quite good.
And the only thing that
still needs to be done
is we need to hang our curtains.
And then from there,
we're on a roll.
- Yeah. And I'm excited
about the open wardrobe.
- Yeah.
I'm loving that as well.
I love how that
repeats itself there.
- Are you finally happy?
- Am finally happy.
Not looking half as bad
as I thought it would be.
- Do you trust me now?
- I do.
[soft pop music]
- It is going. It's
going, but very slowly.
- The wall paper is up,
which is quite good.
And the painter
is still on a slow motion.
- He's doing a million
touch-ups all the time.
- And it's starting to scare me.
What happens if maybe the
paint spills on our furniture?
- Can I help you move
this bed in position?
- No Annemarie. It's fine.
You're going to hurt yourself.
- Somebody has to help you.
- I know, but it's fine.
I can manage this.
We've done this before.
- Are you chasing me out?
- Annemarie, you're going
to have to leave now.
Am chasing Annemarie
out of the room
I wanna start working now,
start cleaning and putting
everything together.
I love her a lot, but
she has to go...
- She talks a lot.
- But she has to go now.
[upbeat music]
- You know when they say the
calm before the hurricane.
It's like,
I mean, everything
is going wrong.
Time is not on our side.
- Time is never on your side.
- Sure.
- She doesn't stop.
- No, she does not stop.
She actually goes faster.
She accelerates on
that break and goes,
you don't have any more time.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo my nerves.
Guys, we still have to paint.
We still have to do
the scaffolding green.
There's still need
to be carpeting.
This one needs to be, has to
be all over this entire wall.
Not just there, there
need to be lights.
How many lights?
Five chandeliers babe.
One, two, three, four, five.
In two hours.
Sure. Guys.
It's a war zone.
My word.
please, everybody out,
out, out, out, out,
- [Announcer] All
the design duos
only had until 5:00 PM on the
final day of their challenge
to complete their rooms.
And it's a mad rush
to finish dressing
the guest bedroom.
- Right? So Team
House and Leisure,
you guys have got
30 minutes exactly,
to finish up.
30 minutes. Good luck.
- Thank you.
I'm not even panicking anymore.
I was falling apart and
I managed to put
myself together.
- I hate to be the bearer
of bad news Team Visi,
you guys were 30
minutes to finish up.
Danilo's in the room,
and I feel like
exploding because
he's like the ticking bomb.
- Where's Lesego?
- Lesego, she's on her way.
She's just getting
a mirror. And she's
just on her way.
- She's getting a
mirror and 30 minutes...
- In 30 minutes.
Trust me. We're
gonna get it done.
- All right. Good
luck to you guys.
Good luck.
- [Announcer] Over
at team Habitat,
their room is very
far from finished.
- About, 30 minutes to go.
It seems like they've
pulled all hands on deck
for team habitat.
I wonder if they're going
to get ready in time.
Guys, will I have a guest
bedroom ready in 30 minutes?
- Sure.
Well, first of all,
we are as ashy as ashtrays,
and we're as tight as trabs.
So if by the grace
of I don't know,
something real could happen
that's out of this world.
You have a winning room.
- Guys, why is it
taking so long?
- I think when you
have big dreams
and big visions of whole room,
you need a lot of time,
- And a lot of people.
- So that's why we
have all hands on deck.
- Well you guy knew
your time limits,
you need to learn to
stick to those. All right?
- Get out of the room
and give us time.
You can come back
when it looks nice
and I will be more
- Our contestant duos
have had two weeks,
to complete their
first challenge,
the guest bedroom,
and the pressure was on.
It is however that time,
and am gonna be that guy.
contestants your time is, up.
- We're done boo yes.
- Yes.
- The bomb just exploded,
when they said time is up.
Like it echoed like, time
is up time is up time is up.
And then it killed me.
- [Announcer] And with the
final pillow in its place,
the first challenge is done.
- Fresh paint and frayed
nerves are definitely
not a good combination at
such a critical moment.
But does that affect
the finished product?
We'll find out after the break.
[upbeat music]
Welcome back to my design rules.
As our design dos
are quickly learning,
time is the greatest
challenge in this competition.
And quite miraculously,
they've managed to
complete their rooms
in the nick of time.
And their designs
can now be revealed.
- Our room is very intimate
specifically with the
color that we chose
it makes it feel
very comforting.
- I think our room
is very stylish.
Every piece there
works together nicely.
- So team Visi, tell us
about the ideas you had here.
- So the theme in this room
was concrete jungle,
just like the song, New York,
♪ New york
- Yes.
♪ Concrete jungles, what
dreams are made of. ♪
Obviously, there's
a lot of dreams
that are gonna be
made on this bed.
- And every one of
these challenges,
you guys are going to be
bringing personal aspects to it.
What are your
favorites of this room?
- Well, obviously,
we love our beautiful
custom table
designed by Frank brand and us
at Leonardo design
so that it can reflect a room
with the natural resources.
Specifically the diamond.
- One thing I noticed
about your room was
some bespoke items
that you've got like
artwork that starts
from the floor and then
joins the wall.
Is this meant to be like this?
- Well, now it is.
We actually ran out of time.
- It was supposed to
be mounted on the wall.
But then they looked good
like this and we were like,
Oh, let's just
put them that way.
- So this wasn't a mistake.
- It wasn't a mistake.
- Like this is not
meant to be here,
this hole in the wall
is not meant to be here,
the paint that's painted
over your way mistakes,
or that's not meant to be,
and this was all just
meant to be perfect. Right?
- No, none of them
was meant to be there.
- You mentioned the sort
of feminine touches.
I'm loving the sort
of Kashmir things
that you guys have got here.
There's some blur band.
What's going on here?
- Yeah.
So that one. Yeah.
- Well, that's a
bit of a whopsie,
our painter.
We could die it all green.
- Well, it's not
about what I think.
It's not about what
you guys think.
It's about what the judges
think of your rooms.
They're gonna be coming
to check this out shortly.
So it make sure you just
need neat up these details.
- Do you think someone
would live in our room?
- Oh yes, definitely.
I think so because it's
quite warm and spacious.
- It's actually very inviting,
like the colors from
the pinks that we used.
And the textures as well.
It's like very inviting.
- Danilo, welcome to
our guest bedroom.
I hope you love
it, guys like us.
- It's looking amazing.
I love the color schemes.
It's always African chic.
- When I was starting design,
one of the greatest lessons
I learned as a designer,
your job, isn't only to
make this piece beautiful,
but then you also need to
spot the design problems
and try to solve that
as much as you can.
So one of the biggest
problems was that
the space appeared to be small
and it felt really cold.
And we tried as much as we can
to have more texture and
make this space up here
as warm as possible and
initially this space
had built in wardrobes.
So we broke that out
so that the space could
appear bigger.
- And going back
to African shake.
We actually decided to use
contemporary South African
designers and artists.
So we have myself, who
did the artwork here,
and then the customs
too by John Payne,
and also Tetendachi Dora who
did our photograph there.
- Let's turn our attention
to your feature wall.
There were some ups and
some downs with this one.
- More ups than downs.
But I trusted the process cause
I'm used to working
with watercolors and
it felt like that,
working with water colors
as you can see on
the painting as well.
- Well, the wall piece does
flow into the rest of the room.
And I like that.
Is that why the
curtains also extend
beyond the floor
and onto the floor?
- Yes.
So what we tried to
do is emulate luxury.
- As pretty as that is,
isn't that gonna pick
up a whole bunch of dirt
and people are gonna trip on
it and pull them off the rails.
- Not at all. I think actually
if it gets then they
have to wash it.
- Speaking of the judges,
what do you think that they're
gonna notice in your room?
- We took a chance by not
balancing the room with
the side lamps.
To the opposite side,
it is actually
coming from the top
and mine is like a
banker's side lamp.
- Great choice.
I think the judges
are gonna love it.
I think this space is
looking incredible.
Can't wait for them to see it.
Good luck to you two.
- Thank you.
- We want our guests
come into a room and have
a experience.
- And feel like they are
either at a hotel or they
have just walked into something
that is new different,
so like,
an escape and
- We think our guess
room is on point.
- Its like you're in the jungle.
Welcome to the jungle.
Welcome welcome.
- Team Habitat,
this is looking
absolutely amazing.
It's so eccentric.
Talk me through all
the ideas in this room.
- We went for a
jungle fever vibe.
- I mean, we're
at a golf course.
So we thought, I mean,
bring the green indoors,
so you can play your golf,
or just get in bed and
pose in on there.
And then we put in
some chandeliers.
- Gold, gold is our statement,
piece that we always bring in.
- So, you can never dazzle
without a little bit of
'ching a ling a ling'.
We brought in the zebra,
that you can actually sit on.
Would you like to
take a seat on it?
- Okay.
- Come on, take a seat.
Well we'll fix that later.
- It seems like you
guys have dressed
to match the drapes today and
do you think you've
designed this for yourselves
or for everybody's taste?
- It is a part of us in
terms of the aesthetics.
It's wild, its click ticking.
It's a mix of
different textures,
but at the same
time it's versatile.
- And if you don't like
the green grass, I dunno.
- Get out of town.
Get out of town cause you
have the wrong golf course.
- Well team Habitat,
you most certainly are
on the right Golf estate.
Now in the build up
to the finish line,
it's not surprising
to see small mistakes,
especially in the
first challenge.
But these minor details
could make a big difference
to the judges.
And I'm sure you're
dying to find out
whether the judges thought
that artificial
grass in the walls
was designed genius
or a decor disaster.
That's next.
[upbeat music]
And just like that task one,
the guest bedroom is complete.
All that's left is for our
judges to evaluate each one.
And here they are.
They are,
winner of these in one
and interior designer,
Donald Nxumalo.
From Plus Cone,
Katlego Kondlo.
And finally our guest judge,
the brilliant and
renowned Steven Falcke.
- My name is Steven Falcke,
am an interior designer.
I've been in the business
for about 30 35 years.
I'm passionate about interiors.
I love mixing many
different styles together.
I love very modern things
with traditional things.
I think every
approach to every job
has to be unique.
I think, you know, if
one sort of says, well,
why don't you do what
you've done before?
I wouldn't be interested.
You know, if you do things,
take it to the limit.
But that's not good enough.
You take it beyond that.
- I got a bit
intimidated because he's
like an industry pro.
- Being judged by him is
completely scary.
- I mean, it's an
honor on our side.
Cause, this is one of our first
interior design challenges.
- And it's gonna be great
to hear the feedback,
from him.
- I hope he loves it.
I hope he just dies
when he walks in there.
[upbeat music]
- They will love.
This is me forcing it,
they will love our home room.
- I love the wallpaper.
I think it gives great impact.
It sits the theme of the room
and it gives you a focal point.
I don't like the carpet.
I think the carpet means
nothing. The floor is great.
The floor is not cold
and I just think the carpet is
kind of wrong.
- I love this room.
I think it's gorgeous.
I love the texture that
they've brought in.
I mean, this is
gorgeous. I mean,
you just feel that....
Huh, what happened here.
That will teach them.
How could they paint with
furniture in the room?
- I definitely
liked the fact that
you walk into the space
and it just envelopes you.
It's really for one word,
a beautiful room.
- It's a room that is
very strong on one side.
So when you walk into
the room, it's great.
But when you actually in
the room and look back
as alive as it is
looking in one way,
it is dead in the other.
- The Visi room for me
feels thought.
It felt like something I would
walk into a store,
see it on display and just say,
I want these elements
and just buy it and
put it in my room.
- I think it's important
as a designer to design
and to curate a space
with objects that
you've actually made
or you've sourced
or you've had made.
I think that's really what
set you apart from the crowd.
- It's very important
that you remember the time
that you allocated.
It's unacceptable
that you don't finish
and complete your room.
Otherwise it just takes away
from the wonderful design
that you've put together.
- Wowza.
- Am still worried
about that wall.
- Am not worried about
anything. To be honest.
- I really, really
love this room.
I think it's well designed.
I love how they did
the paint technique.
It really just breaks the pink.
- For me,
I especially love that
there's so much effort
that went into this room
and the shelf above the bed.
That's quite beautiful.
I love how it's so well curated.
Everywhere you look,
there's something beautiful.
- I think you'd have people
have come and actually designed
and given a lot
of thought to this
and there is a balance,
and there's a likeness and
a sort of whimsical
feel about it,
which I think works.
- There's life in this room.
The plans that are used are
quite architectural as well.
- There is a balance.
If you look at the way
a chair has been used,
there's an old lamp.
There's a new lamp in the
way pink has been used.
I think there's,
there's a great balance.
- The true Mark of
a designer for me,
I'm looking for somebody
who can make 2000 rand,
look at 20,000
rand and this room
with that budget they had,
really looks like a lot
more than what they had.
- I didn't like the curtains.
I think the curtains
let the whole room down.
One should have done
something that was designer.
That was simple.
The way things were
actually designed in all
kind of put together
in a designer's way.
The curtains didn't
speak that language.
- The one thing about those
rooms I didn't like is storage.
I think the bed,
they could have used
bedside pedestals
instead of just tables because,
that would have allowed
them more storage space.
I think in every room,
there needs to be some
certain level of privacy
or where you hide things.
In this room is quite
restrictive in that regard
because everything
is so exposed.
- The judges are in our
room, am seeing the eyes.
And I hope it's big eyes of wow.
- Yes!
- All of us are
standing to silence.
I mean, we could
only say one word.
- It's memorable.
- Brave.
- wow.
I'm actually quite excited
to see a room like this.
It completely represents
the designers.
I think it's completely
who they are.
And I can see that
coming through,
and am very happy that
they feel confident
to present a room like this.
- The room is very unique.
I don't think you'll find a
room like that anywhere else.
It's got a strong personality
and it makes it stand out
because of that.
- The designer has
been very brave.
They have mixed things
that are dramatic,
that are quite
kind of shocking
whether the one wants to
wake up in that room or not
is up to whoever
is sleeping there.
- Will I be able to
sleep in this room?
I'm not so sure.
- I think I wouldn't want
to wake up with a hangover
in this room.
- Guys you need to edit.
There's too much
happening in that space.
- Simplify it all.
- Our judges certainly
have lived up to their promise
of being brutally honest
in their feedback for each room.
Another factor that will
affect our duo's performances,
money management.
Each team was allocated a
300,000 Rand cash budget
to decorate their homes.
That's over and above
the sponsored elements.
For the guest bedroom,
Team Visi spent just
over 40,000 Rand.
Team House and Leisure,
spent 46,500 Rand
and team Habitat
spent the most with a
whopping 59,000 rand.
Seems our fierce team were also
fierce with their spending
and are going to have
to reign in those costs
if they want to stay on budget.
But there might be some hope
for the winning design duo
of this challenge.
- They're just
about to announce,
who is the winner for
this guest bedroom.
And I mean,
- It better be us.
- Hell to the yes.
- Am so super nervous.
I feel like I'm
gonna to dissolve.
- My throat is dry.
I'm sweating.
- Its only the first
challenge dude,
so don't stress about it.
- Contestants welcome back.
The winner of challenge one,
wins themselves an
extra 5,000 Rand
on their budget.
Right. Let's start with
our judges feedback.
Team habitat.
The judges only use three
words to describe your room,
and wow.
Team house and leisure.
The judges described
your room as whimsical
and felt that all the items
were perfectly curated.
they felt you were let
down by your curtains.
Team Visi.
Your choice of wallpaper
and paint color,
even though some of it
ended up on your furniture,
were highlights for the judges.
They did however feel
that you were let down
by the imbalance in your room.
- They felt one side
dominated the other.
And with that feedback,
there can only be one winner,
walking away with
that 5,000 Rand
added to their budgets.
The winner of challenge one,
Team house and leisure.
- So happy.
- But also it gave us a
lot of confidence that,
we actually do work.
- And we shouldn't
be comfortable.
This is just like the beginning.
We need to work even more hard
to collect all those 5Ks.
- I am glad...
- We didn't lose.
We didn't lose.
They just took the
first challenge.
- I felt like I was,
you know, when you
had miss universe...
- And someone has
snatched that trophy.
- And you are...
♪ you better tell the
homecoming queen ♪
♪ to hold on to her crown
because we're coming
back with that crown.
- We're coming.
- And we're gonna
win the big one.
- Well, our judges have ruled
in their first challenge
and our design duos
have had their first
taste of the competition.
Next time they receive the
brief for the second challenge
and the gloves come off
as they battle it out
all in the name of
great interior design on
my design rules.
[upbeat music]
- [Announcer] Last time
on my design rules,
we got our first taste of
the design duo's vision
when they presented their plans
for the guest bedroom,
to their mentors,
along with some interesting
paint technique choices.
- The boldest move
was team habitat,
breaking through a wall.
- Team Visi
collaborated with one of
their favorite designers
while a beaded zebra
was the result of another
artistic collaboration.
- [All Together]
Wow. Oh yes, yes.
As the duos approach
the halfway mark
team House and leisure realized
the difficulty of
their feature wall.
Team habitat had barely started
with their room
and team Visi felt
simply overwhelmed.
- Pretty defeated,
pretty defeated.
- Welcome to another
episode of my design rules.
I am Danilo Acquisto, your host.
This is the interior
design reality series
that follows the journey
of three design duos,
as they compete for awards
by transforming three
empty cluster homes
at the eye of Africa Golf
and residential estates
in Johannesburg, South Africa
into lavish and living spaces.
Today is D day.
And with the 5:00
PM deadline looming,
our design duos are
quickly realizing
that having less than two
weeks to complete their spaces
is not as much time as
they would have liked.
- It's the final day.
And we know we're
close to finishing our
warm Euro
and it's not looking good.
This is such a disaster
and it's not looking
as I thought it would.
- Really. Is it that bad?
- Oh buddy. We have
literally less than six hours
to get this right.
At least don't make
it any more disasters.
- Do you want to
give me a hand here?
- I wish I could help.
But I can't.
- We have everything
still left to do.
We need to assemble a bed.
We need to get our curtains in.
We need to dress the bed.
- And style the whole space.
- And I still need to run around
and get everything because
we haven't even finished
buying all that stuff.
We will finish, with the
help of the design gods.
- Yeah.
- [Announcer] Meanwhile,
team Habitat have a novel plan
for their artificial grass.
It's not for the floor.
It's for the walls.
But the stress of installation
day is driving them
up the walls.
- Sure sure.
Its like Beyonce before
the super bowl, and,
she doesn't have
her backup dancers,
the carpet will still needs to
come in later on the floors.
The cupboards,
need to go in,
the painters.
- There's a lot of
people in that room.
- And we're trying to do a super
standing room and it's like...
- A party up in there.
- Right now its still a space.
An empty space.
- We're excited that
everything is here now and...
- It's looking quite good.
And the only thing that
still needs to be done
is we need to hang our curtains.
And then from there,
we're on a roll.
- Yeah. And I'm excited
about the open wardrobe.
- Yeah.
I'm loving that as well.
I love how that
repeats itself there.
- Are you finally happy?
- Am finally happy.
Not looking half as bad
as I thought it would be.
- Do you trust me now?
- I do.
[soft pop music]
- It is going. It's
going, but very slowly.
- The wall paper is up,
which is quite good.
And the painter
is still on a slow motion.
- He's doing a million
touch-ups all the time.
- And it's starting to scare me.
What happens if maybe the
paint spills on our furniture?
- Can I help you move
this bed in position?
- No Annemarie. It's fine.
You're going to hurt yourself.
- Somebody has to help you.
- I know, but it's fine.
I can manage this.
We've done this before.
- Are you chasing me out?
- Annemarie, you're going
to have to leave now.
Am chasing Annemarie
out of the room
I wanna start working now,
start cleaning and putting
everything together.
I love her a lot, but
she has to go...
- She talks a lot.
- But she has to go now.
[upbeat music]
- You know when they say the
calm before the hurricane.
It's like,
I mean, everything
is going wrong.
Time is not on our side.
- Time is never on your side.
- Sure.
- She doesn't stop.
- No, she does not stop.
She actually goes faster.
She accelerates on
that break and goes,
you don't have any more time.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo my nerves.
Guys, we still have to paint.
We still have to do
the scaffolding green.
There's still need
to be carpeting.
This one needs to be, has to
be all over this entire wall.
Not just there, there
need to be lights.
How many lights?
Five chandeliers babe.
One, two, three, four, five.
In two hours.
Sure. Guys.
It's a war zone.
My word.
please, everybody out,
out, out, out, out,
- [Announcer] All
the design duos
only had until 5:00 PM on the
final day of their challenge
to complete their rooms.
And it's a mad rush
to finish dressing
the guest bedroom.
- Right? So Team
House and Leisure,
you guys have got
30 minutes exactly,
to finish up.
30 minutes. Good luck.
- Thank you.
I'm not even panicking anymore.
I was falling apart and
I managed to put
myself together.
- I hate to be the bearer
of bad news Team Visi,
you guys were 30
minutes to finish up.
Danilo's in the room,
and I feel like
exploding because
he's like the ticking bomb.
- Where's Lesego?
- Lesego, she's on her way.
She's just getting
a mirror. And she's
just on her way.
- She's getting a
mirror and 30 minutes...
- In 30 minutes.
Trust me. We're
gonna get it done.
- All right. Good
luck to you guys.
Good luck.
- [Announcer] Over
at team Habitat,
their room is very
far from finished.
- About, 30 minutes to go.
It seems like they've
pulled all hands on deck
for team habitat.
I wonder if they're going
to get ready in time.
Guys, will I have a guest
bedroom ready in 30 minutes?
- Sure.
Well, first of all,
we are as ashy as ashtrays,
and we're as tight as trabs.
So if by the grace
of I don't know,
something real could happen
that's out of this world.
You have a winning room.
- Guys, why is it
taking so long?
- I think when you
have big dreams
and big visions of whole room,
you need a lot of time,
- And a lot of people.
- So that's why we
have all hands on deck.
- Well you guy knew
your time limits,
you need to learn to
stick to those. All right?
- Get out of the room
and give us time.
You can come back
when it looks nice
and I will be more
- Our contestant duos
have had two weeks,
to complete their
first challenge,
the guest bedroom,
and the pressure was on.
It is however that time,
and am gonna be that guy.
contestants your time is, up.
- We're done boo yes.
- Yes.
- The bomb just exploded,
when they said time is up.
Like it echoed like, time
is up time is up time is up.
And then it killed me.
- [Announcer] And with the
final pillow in its place,
the first challenge is done.
- Fresh paint and frayed
nerves are definitely
not a good combination at
such a critical moment.
But does that affect
the finished product?
We'll find out after the break.
[upbeat music]
Welcome back to my design rules.
As our design dos
are quickly learning,
time is the greatest
challenge in this competition.
And quite miraculously,
they've managed to
complete their rooms
in the nick of time.
And their designs
can now be revealed.
- Our room is very intimate
specifically with the
color that we chose
it makes it feel
very comforting.
- I think our room
is very stylish.
Every piece there
works together nicely.
- So team Visi, tell us
about the ideas you had here.
- So the theme in this room
was concrete jungle,
just like the song, New York,
♪ New york
- Yes.
♪ Concrete jungles, what
dreams are made of. ♪
Obviously, there's
a lot of dreams
that are gonna be
made on this bed.
- And every one of
these challenges,
you guys are going to be
bringing personal aspects to it.
What are your
favorites of this room?
- Well, obviously,
we love our beautiful
custom table
designed by Frank brand and us
at Leonardo design
so that it can reflect a room
with the natural resources.
Specifically the diamond.
- One thing I noticed
about your room was
some bespoke items
that you've got like
artwork that starts
from the floor and then
joins the wall.
Is this meant to be like this?
- Well, now it is.
We actually ran out of time.
- It was supposed to
be mounted on the wall.
But then they looked good
like this and we were like,
Oh, let's just
put them that way.
- So this wasn't a mistake.
- It wasn't a mistake.
- Like this is not
meant to be here,
this hole in the wall
is not meant to be here,
the paint that's painted
over your way mistakes,
or that's not meant to be,
and this was all just
meant to be perfect. Right?
- No, none of them
was meant to be there.
- You mentioned the sort
of feminine touches.
I'm loving the sort
of Kashmir things
that you guys have got here.
There's some blur band.
What's going on here?
- Yeah.
So that one. Yeah.
- Well, that's a
bit of a whopsie,
our painter.
We could die it all green.
- Well, it's not
about what I think.
It's not about what
you guys think.
It's about what the judges
think of your rooms.
They're gonna be coming
to check this out shortly.
So it make sure you just
need neat up these details.
- Do you think someone
would live in our room?
- Oh yes, definitely.
I think so because it's
quite warm and spacious.
- It's actually very inviting,
like the colors from
the pinks that we used.
And the textures as well.
It's like very inviting.
- Danilo, welcome to
our guest bedroom.
I hope you love
it, guys like us.
- It's looking amazing.
I love the color schemes.
It's always African chic.
- When I was starting design,
one of the greatest lessons
I learned as a designer,
your job, isn't only to
make this piece beautiful,
but then you also need to
spot the design problems
and try to solve that
as much as you can.
So one of the biggest
problems was that
the space appeared to be small
and it felt really cold.
And we tried as much as we can
to have more texture and
make this space up here
as warm as possible and
initially this space
had built in wardrobes.
So we broke that out
so that the space could
appear bigger.
- And going back
to African shake.
We actually decided to use
contemporary South African
designers and artists.
So we have myself, who
did the artwork here,
and then the customs
too by John Payne,
and also Tetendachi Dora who
did our photograph there.
- Let's turn our attention
to your feature wall.
There were some ups and
some downs with this one.
- More ups than downs.
But I trusted the process cause
I'm used to working
with watercolors and
it felt like that,
working with water colors
as you can see on
the painting as well.
- Well, the wall piece does
flow into the rest of the room.
And I like that.
Is that why the
curtains also extend
beyond the floor
and onto the floor?
- Yes.
So what we tried to
do is emulate luxury.
- As pretty as that is,
isn't that gonna pick
up a whole bunch of dirt
and people are gonna trip on
it and pull them off the rails.
- Not at all. I think actually
if it gets then they
have to wash it.
- Speaking of the judges,
what do you think that they're
gonna notice in your room?
- We took a chance by not
balancing the room with
the side lamps.
To the opposite side,
it is actually
coming from the top
and mine is like a
banker's side lamp.
- Great choice.
I think the judges
are gonna love it.
I think this space is
looking incredible.
Can't wait for them to see it.
Good luck to you two.
- Thank you.
- We want our guests
come into a room and have
a experience.
- And feel like they are
either at a hotel or they
have just walked into something
that is new different,
so like,
an escape and
- We think our guess
room is on point.
- Its like you're in the jungle.
Welcome to the jungle.
Welcome welcome.
- Team Habitat,
this is looking
absolutely amazing.
It's so eccentric.
Talk me through all
the ideas in this room.
- We went for a
jungle fever vibe.
- I mean, we're
at a golf course.
So we thought, I mean,
bring the green indoors,
so you can play your golf,
or just get in bed and
pose in on there.
And then we put in
some chandeliers.
- Gold, gold is our statement,
piece that we always bring in.
- So, you can never dazzle
without a little bit of
'ching a ling a ling'.
We brought in the zebra,
that you can actually sit on.
Would you like to
take a seat on it?
- Okay.
- Come on, take a seat.
Well we'll fix that later.
- It seems like you
guys have dressed
to match the drapes today and
do you think you've
designed this for yourselves
or for everybody's taste?
- It is a part of us in
terms of the aesthetics.
It's wild, its click ticking.
It's a mix of
different textures,
but at the same
time it's versatile.
- And if you don't like
the green grass, I dunno.
- Get out of town.
Get out of town cause you
have the wrong golf course.
- Well team Habitat,
you most certainly are
on the right Golf estate.
Now in the build up
to the finish line,
it's not surprising
to see small mistakes,
especially in the
first challenge.
But these minor details
could make a big difference
to the judges.
And I'm sure you're
dying to find out
whether the judges thought
that artificial
grass in the walls
was designed genius
or a decor disaster.
That's next.
[upbeat music]
And just like that task one,
the guest bedroom is complete.
All that's left is for our
judges to evaluate each one.
And here they are.
They are,
winner of these in one
and interior designer,
Donald Nxumalo.
From Plus Cone,
Katlego Kondlo.
And finally our guest judge,
the brilliant and
renowned Steven Falcke.
- My name is Steven Falcke,
am an interior designer.
I've been in the business
for about 30 35 years.
I'm passionate about interiors.
I love mixing many
different styles together.
I love very modern things
with traditional things.
I think every
approach to every job
has to be unique.
I think, you know, if
one sort of says, well,
why don't you do what
you've done before?
I wouldn't be interested.
You know, if you do things,
take it to the limit.
But that's not good enough.
You take it beyond that.
- I got a bit
intimidated because he's
like an industry pro.
- Being judged by him is
completely scary.
- I mean, it's an
honor on our side.
Cause, this is one of our first
interior design challenges.
- And it's gonna be great
to hear the feedback,
from him.
- I hope he loves it.
I hope he just dies
when he walks in there.
[upbeat music]
- They will love.
This is me forcing it,
they will love our home room.
- I love the wallpaper.
I think it gives great impact.
It sits the theme of the room
and it gives you a focal point.
I don't like the carpet.
I think the carpet means
nothing. The floor is great.
The floor is not cold
and I just think the carpet is
kind of wrong.
- I love this room.
I think it's gorgeous.
I love the texture that
they've brought in.
I mean, this is
gorgeous. I mean,
you just feel that....
Huh, what happened here.
That will teach them.
How could they paint with
furniture in the room?
- I definitely
liked the fact that
you walk into the space
and it just envelopes you.
It's really for one word,
a beautiful room.
- It's a room that is
very strong on one side.
So when you walk into
the room, it's great.
But when you actually in
the room and look back
as alive as it is
looking in one way,
it is dead in the other.
- The Visi room for me
feels thought.
It felt like something I would
walk into a store,
see it on display and just say,
I want these elements
and just buy it and
put it in my room.
- I think it's important
as a designer to design
and to curate a space
with objects that
you've actually made
or you've sourced
or you've had made.
I think that's really what
set you apart from the crowd.
- It's very important
that you remember the time
that you allocated.
It's unacceptable
that you don't finish
and complete your room.
Otherwise it just takes away
from the wonderful design
that you've put together.
- Wowza.
- Am still worried
about that wall.
- Am not worried about
anything. To be honest.
- I really, really
love this room.
I think it's well designed.
I love how they did
the paint technique.
It really just breaks the pink.
- For me,
I especially love that
there's so much effort
that went into this room
and the shelf above the bed.
That's quite beautiful.
I love how it's so well curated.
Everywhere you look,
there's something beautiful.
- I think you'd have people
have come and actually designed
and given a lot
of thought to this
and there is a balance,
and there's a likeness and
a sort of whimsical
feel about it,
which I think works.
- There's life in this room.
The plans that are used are
quite architectural as well.
- There is a balance.
If you look at the way
a chair has been used,
there's an old lamp.
There's a new lamp in the
way pink has been used.
I think there's,
there's a great balance.
- The true Mark of
a designer for me,
I'm looking for somebody
who can make 2000 rand,
look at 20,000
rand and this room
with that budget they had,
really looks like a lot
more than what they had.
- I didn't like the curtains.
I think the curtains
let the whole room down.
One should have done
something that was designer.
That was simple.
The way things were
actually designed in all
kind of put together
in a designer's way.
The curtains didn't
speak that language.
- The one thing about those
rooms I didn't like is storage.
I think the bed,
they could have used
bedside pedestals
instead of just tables because,
that would have allowed
them more storage space.
I think in every room,
there needs to be some
certain level of privacy
or where you hide things.
In this room is quite
restrictive in that regard
because everything
is so exposed.
- The judges are in our
room, am seeing the eyes.
And I hope it's big eyes of wow.
- Yes!
- All of us are
standing to silence.
I mean, we could
only say one word.
- It's memorable.
- Brave.
- wow.
I'm actually quite excited
to see a room like this.
It completely represents
the designers.
I think it's completely
who they are.
And I can see that
coming through,
and am very happy that
they feel confident
to present a room like this.
- The room is very unique.
I don't think you'll find a
room like that anywhere else.
It's got a strong personality
and it makes it stand out
because of that.
- The designer has
been very brave.
They have mixed things
that are dramatic,
that are quite
kind of shocking
whether the one wants to
wake up in that room or not
is up to whoever
is sleeping there.
- Will I be able to
sleep in this room?
I'm not so sure.
- I think I wouldn't want
to wake up with a hangover
in this room.
- Guys you need to edit.
There's too much
happening in that space.
- Simplify it all.
- Our judges certainly
have lived up to their promise
of being brutally honest
in their feedback for each room.
Another factor that will
affect our duo's performances,
money management.
Each team was allocated a
300,000 Rand cash budget
to decorate their homes.
That's over and above
the sponsored elements.
For the guest bedroom,
Team Visi spent just
over 40,000 Rand.
Team House and Leisure,
spent 46,500 Rand
and team Habitat
spent the most with a
whopping 59,000 rand.
Seems our fierce team were also
fierce with their spending
and are going to have
to reign in those costs
if they want to stay on budget.
But there might be some hope
for the winning design duo
of this challenge.
- They're just
about to announce,
who is the winner for
this guest bedroom.
And I mean,
- It better be us.
- Hell to the yes.
- Am so super nervous.
I feel like I'm
gonna to dissolve.
- My throat is dry.
I'm sweating.
- Its only the first
challenge dude,
so don't stress about it.
- Contestants welcome back.
The winner of challenge one,
wins themselves an
extra 5,000 Rand
on their budget.
Right. Let's start with
our judges feedback.
Team habitat.
The judges only use three
words to describe your room,
and wow.
Team house and leisure.
The judges described
your room as whimsical
and felt that all the items
were perfectly curated.
they felt you were let
down by your curtains.
Team Visi.
Your choice of wallpaper
and paint color,
even though some of it
ended up on your furniture,
were highlights for the judges.
They did however feel
that you were let down
by the imbalance in your room.
- They felt one side
dominated the other.
And with that feedback,
there can only be one winner,
walking away with
that 5,000 Rand
added to their budgets.
The winner of challenge one,
Team house and leisure.
- So happy.
- But also it gave us a
lot of confidence that,
we actually do work.
- And we shouldn't
be comfortable.
This is just like the beginning.
We need to work even more hard
to collect all those 5Ks.
- I am glad...
- We didn't lose.
We didn't lose.
They just took the
first challenge.
- I felt like I was,
you know, when you
had miss universe...
- And someone has
snatched that trophy.
- And you are...
♪ you better tell the
homecoming queen ♪
♪ to hold on to her crown
because we're coming
back with that crown.
- We're coming.
- And we're gonna
win the big one.
- Well, our judges have ruled
in their first challenge
and our design duos
have had their first
taste of the competition.
Next time they receive the
brief for the second challenge
and the gloves come off
as they battle it out
all in the name of
great interior design on
my design rules.