My Design Rules (2020): Season 2, Episode 10 - Kitchen Challenge - full transcript
The design duos get briefed on their fifth - and most complex - challenge; they must design and decorate the kitchen. With reserves dwindling, the design teams get surprised with a much-needed budget boost.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[tribal music]
- [Host] Last time
on my design rules,
the design duos didn't rest
on their laurels to
decorate the master bedroom.
But, when all was said and done,
the design duos delivered
dreamlike spaces.
Team House and Leisure
were commended on their
soft and restful retreat.
- Walking to this room of
Team House and Leisure,
I'm immediately transported
to a place of just happiness.
- Team Visi created a
modern master bedroom
that the judges loved
and some would
describe as sexy chic.
- Team Habitat wild
with their decadent
yet contemporary room
that rarely impressed
guest, Judge David Muirhead
- Were actually on
the dance floor.
- The designs were so good.
There was almost a time,
but one design duo
rose above the rest,
Team Visi.
- Yeah!
- Now that's all the design
duos have won a challenge,
that heat is truly on
in the competition.
[upbeat music]
- Welcome to my design rules,
where our three design duos
are really feeling the heat.
Not only in terms of the
pressures of the competition,
but their proverbial
wallets are burning too.
After the master
bedroom challenge,
Team Habitat has
114,000 Rand remaining.
Team Visi has 104,000
Rand remaining
and Team House and Leisure
in serious trouble with
only 85,000 Rand left
for their cash budgets.
And our design duos have
three spaces left to decorate
with an expensive one next.
Hello contestants.
It's time to get cooking
as it's challenge time again.
The next room is the
heart of the home.
It's the room that's
required to be
more functional than pretty,
as it serves an essential
function in the home.
It feeds the family.
Your next challenge
is the kitchen.
- We're quite excited
about doing a kitchen
because it's...
It's like the central
space of a home.
- The heart of the home.
- It's quite important.
- It's very important.
you gotta eat in your home.
But we don't want
our guests to starve.
That's quite a big pressure.
And we hope to do our best.
- Both of us have experience
in the kitchen industry.
Mpho worked at a
kitchen company.
And so did I.
So, we do know how it works,
but time is not on our side.
- Yeah.
- You'll have just 10 days
to design a multifunctional
and breathtaking kitchen.
Now I know you guys have
been working really hard
up until this point
and I've been
pretty harsh on you.
So, we have decided
to give you a teeny tiny
cash bonus to reward you.
I would say 5,000 Rand
solid added to your budget.
- Yes!
- How about an
extra 10,000 Rand?
What happens if I told you,
I'm giving you 20,000 Rand
for your next challenge,
- I'm so excited that
I fall off my chair.
I just couldn't believe that--
- 20,000 Rand.
- 20,000 Rand.
Wow, of course
I'm over the moon.
I feel like I've just
won the challenge.
- It's gonna be a
chandelier kitchen.
- Mmh!
Razzle dazzle--
Chop it up.
- 20 grand is just
what we needed.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yup.
We're gonna use it and use it
and use it some more.
- Yeah.
- Armed with their
boosted budgets
the design duos are fired
up and ready to spend.
Thankfully, the kitchen
appliances are sponsored
and there's nothing better
than shopping on
somebody else's dime.
[upbeat music]
- Tshepo, this our hub options.
What do you think?
- I've been eyeing
this gas on Glass Hub,
I think it looks beautiful.
And I think because
we've gone with like
the more young folk kitchen,
since it has that
classic feel to it,
there's like the guests,
would work better with it.
- Don't you think
something more minimal
and just something
that disappears?
- Well, I'm not
all for minimalism,
but then I've...
You know me.
- I don't.
I've always had like a thing
for traditional looking
gas stoves and so.
And I feel like with the stove,
it all work perfectly.
So, I don't know what you think.
- No.
I think because our
kitchen's quite modern.
I think this will be great.
- And I love that it has
an option for using
different sizes, parts,
and the fact that it has
like a childcare log system.
- Now we can totally go for it.
I like it.
- Finally, he agrees!
- See, all the essentials
that make a kitchen
pretty functional,
we were looking for those items.
- I live a fair by task.
And the bigger, the better.
We've got two
fridges stand alone.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Ooh, what the fridge!
♪ I gotta have it
If we like it and
you gotta have it,
you just charge it.
- Charge it.
- [Host] Yes indeed,
and the spending spree,
was not over yet.
- We gonna fill up
those kitchen cupboards.
- Absolutely.
Its a heart of a home,
needs to be hearty.
Full of things.
Charge it, charge it!
We need a iron, we need
digital hand mixer, charge it.
- Oh ,this is...
- Oh-oh!
Oh-oh, shut the door.
- We need this because it
looks exactly like our kitchen
and it's color changing.
- Oh-oh, overruled.
- That's fine.
- Okay, you can have that.
I think we wanna
see out water boil.
- Yes!
- I'm so excited--
The spice shelf is...
[sighs]Super blender.
- I love the yogurt maker.
Cause I think,
whoever gets the house
can live a healthy life.
- We got a coffee maker.
- Its perfect, its perfect,
because our client
loves to drink coffee.
- And also wine.
- And wine and coffee.
- Yeah.
[soft music]
- Charger it.
- Charge it.
- [Host] At Belgotex,
a clever app is
helping Team Visi
make their flooring decision.
- This floor quiz is quite fun.
- I clicked, she clicked.
And then we clicked
it to become air.
- And as designers,
I think we're very calm.
I think that's why maybe
we are, "The A element"
- You were asking specifically
for something that could work
in your kitchen environment.
So, Charleston I
would recommend,
as you came out in
the quizzes here,
there you can see
the color, boxwood.
Is that something that
you would consider?
- That's perfect.
And we also love the
green that we see with it.
But we wanna do, like a
heading born technique.
We just don't wanna
have like a plain floor.
- What I can
recommend for example,
is that you've
combined two shades.
So, if you look at
the lighter color
that you're looking at,
and that falls under
that element over here,
you could add a
darker gray to that.
- You think the two
colors would work.
- Mmh?
- We'll just have
to think about it.
- Yeah.
- [Host] Onsite,
it's time to get things started.
And Team Habitat,
meet with a kitchen
cupboard supplier.
- Jonathan and
Andrew went with him,
hit him with the Rolls Royce.
What we are actually aiming for,
Can it slide,
can it--
Can the table go in
and out of the island?
- Right, what can you
do with the budget?
- Absolutely.
And what can't you do
with the timeframe?
- I'm feeling confident.
I'm very happy with the choices.
There is a few challenges
that they've given
us in the kitchen.
They definitely work
with the right people
that were willing
to go the extra mile
and put in the extra hours
to meet the deadlines.
[upbeat music]
- He's pretending to
be looking at colors.
- That should be it.
- Here, what do you
mean I'm pretending?
Look at all the
colors I came up with.
- You know how these
color gets to you.
- Ta-dah!
- What are these for?
and then we got
those three options.
And see which one
we can work with.
- Is this for the wall?
- Yeah, the back of
the kitchen units.
Cause we need something
that'll frame the kitchen units
and let the gray
stand out better.
- Since you couldn't stop
speaking about our ideas.
I thought we could use the--
as our main color
for the kitchen.
- Oh yes, that's
a beautiful color.
Yeah, we can work with that.
It's a lovely color.
As we were criticized the
last time for using yellow,
I thought maybe we
could try a green
since you love it so much.
- Who said that I love green?
That is your green.
Are you starting to confuse
yourself with me now.?
I'm in your head.
No, I don't like it.
I think we should
still go with that.
You're not fighting
for that green.
The decision is final.
- And if someone
says it's yellow,
you're not gonna
change your mind again?
No, I didn't think it's yellow.
We don't have to change our mind
cause we don't have much of
it happening in the kitchen.
[upbeat music]
- Kitchen applies have arrived
and we're still
looking for our things.
- We're forging.
- Yeah.
- But we are glad we
got everything that
we wanted, on time
and we're gonna try and manage
to fit them inside the cabins.
- Ooh.
Thank you so much guys.
Washing machine.
Oh its the dishwasher.
[upbeat music]
- With the appliances on site.
It's time for the design duos
to dish up some exquisitely
functional spaces,
but it could be a
recipe for disaster
if they don't heed the
advice of their mentors.
That's next.
[upbeat music]
- Welcome back to
my design rules.
Having revised their budgets
with an additional cash
injection of 20,000 Rand
Team habitats have allocated
70,000 Rand to their kitchen
Team Visi have allocated
similarly with 68,000 Rand.
That includes the 3000 Rand
for winning the master
bedroom challenge.
While Team House and Leisure
have allocated the
least amount of money
with 57,000 Rand
for the kitchen.
So, they're gonna have
to spend very wisely.
Luckily, they have the advice
of their seasoned
experts, their mentors.
[soft music]
- What's happening here?
- We are delayed,
so we're supposed to get
our cupboard in today,
but they have not even painted
and they still plastering--
- So...
Okay, what do you...
how do you look at it now?
You've got a fridge.
- We have a fridge,
We have a multifunctional oven
slash microwave.
- That's nice.
That's great.
- Especially with this guy
that you're building
the place for.
That's it there.
- Yes, exactly.
- He needs everything
to be compact
and quick
- And quick.
And we also have a washing
machine and a dishwasher.
- What's your look
gonna be like,
cause that's where I come in.
I like to picture
the whole story.
- So, the look and feel we
want is concrete and white.
So, we want to create a contrast
with our cupboards,
which are gonna be high gloss.
- And what are the cupboards?
- White.
White cupboards.
- Oh, got your way!
She wanted a white
kitchen from the start.
- Yes.
We want to get our
accessories right.
And AnnaMarie is giving
us tips on how to do that
in terms of quantities
of accessories
and how it should be packaged.
- What we're hoping
to get from Tiaan
is actually approval
for custom pendants.
We're trying to avoid
the bubble effect again,
cause that will make
it too predictable
that we're going for
that again and again.
- So, the last time we spoke,
you had roughly around 12K,
where are we on that?
How much have you used?
What's left?
What's needs to be done?
- We considered everything,
and at the moment,
after taking everything
into consideration,
we have 2.5 left,
but then we let---
Maybe we forgot, but then...
- Forgot about the light?
What have you bought
in that--[chuckling]
- Yeah, not really
forgot about them, but--
- We just put last.
- Yeah.
- Did you buy the
important stuff for now?
I mean, you haven't wasted
your money on props so far.
- No.
- No.
- Why are you laughing?
I know that you
bought something.
What have you bought?
- A cake stand.
- A cake stand, yeah.
- So, you spend all your
budget on a cake stand?
- Actually it was 800 Rand.
- Considering that you
spent all your budget.
Is there nothing that
we can make or do
some creative kind of like
things that we can turn
into something amazing
without spending money?
- He's supposed
to do it yourself.
- No, not that I'm not to fan,
but I think so.
- So, you're gonna have to
make a lab yourself tonight.
You gonna have to think of waste
that's in your apartment
that you can reuse,
instead of spending the cash
because you don't have it,
you spend it on your
budget, on your cake stand.
- So, the biggest lesson
we've taken from Amanda
is list of the...
List of objects will
cut in your space.
- Yeah, but without losing
your aesthetic peace.
- And your wellness,
your bravery.
- Who you are, your boldness.
- Amanda, welcome
to the war zone.
That is the kitchen.
- There's a lot going on.
We've got the guys
walking nine to five.
- This wall is fantastic.
- Sure.
And we think of doing
some lighting on it.
- Right.
- Maybe some chandelier.
- No chandeliers, we
don't want chandeliers.
- So, this is where
we started off
into the preparation
for the kitchen.
- So, this is where
you brought the--
- Absolutely.
And we bought an island---
- Because we want to
split it to dining room,
out of the kitchen.
- Yeah, show us the
openness of this space.
- Well, there isn't much space.
So this is a good way of--
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- We also wanted
to do like here,
with the whites and
the dark wood mix.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But you see there, we
don't have a wall there,
that's going to go up.
Rolled up into these walls.
- I'm so impressed with
what you've done so far,
what you've created.
You've definitely hit
the nail on the head.
I'm just wondering,
are there any surprises in store
because how your personality
is going to come through,
there's always
something over the top.
And I refer to the
previous rooms-
- -every single one.
- There's always a surprise.
- Absolutely.
- But there has to be.
It's a lot more than we are.
- And we thought it out and
we've rolled ourselves in.
They had a little bit
of razzle and dazzle.
Not too much.
- No more chandeliers.
- Oh man! It's just one.
I saw a very big one, so lovely.
- Goodness, time for
another chandelier.
After the break,
as the duos reach
the halfway mark
of the kitchen challenge,
I pop in to see what's cooking.
Welcome back to My Design Rules.
We're halfway
through the challenge
and someone better
pop into the kitchens
to ensure there are no
ingredients missing.
And that person is moi.
[soft music]
- [Host] At the halfway mark
of the previous challenge,
Team Visi faced
some big decisions.
It's happened again
this time round
with choosing plain color
for the kitchen wall,
- We are gonna test two colors.
We're gonna test our jungle...
What's the name of
the color again?
- But we didn't test it.
- No, did you buy the paint?
- Yeah, but we never painted it.
- Did we paint already?
- Yeah.
- With black?
- Charcoal.
- Yes screw me over.
The agreement was that, we're
gonna try with the green first
and then after go
with the black.
Cause if it's easier to apply
a black on top of the green.
So, if in that case
it's already done
with the first
one, it's perfect.
We can work with it.
[soft music]
- We know they can
design a master bedroom,
but can they design
a functional kitchen?
Team Visi, what's up?
- Hey, how are you?
I'm great, how are you guys?
- Good, good, good.
- This apartment looks great.
The kitchen looks glorious.
Take me on a grand tour.
- Okay.
So, this is our sink area.
You're currently standing
in our dishwasher,
- And the color scheme.
You guys seem like
you're thinking in
black and white here.
- I don't.
- Well.
We we're fighting
about the black color,
and it's so lovely.
So, just gonna
have to go with it.
So it's...
I think that's going
to look amazing.
- It's warming up on you.
- It's coming out.
- You know what
like about the idea
is that it almost
could be practical.
It's feels like it
could be a chalkboard,
you could write your
grocery list down.
You could write the
menu, when your guests...
- Yeah,
- Exactly, exactly.
And it also brings a
drama to our kitchen,
because we've gone
with gray and white,
which can be a bit dull.
I think the black just
gives it a bit of a pop.
- As much as I dig the
aesthetics in the space,
talk me through some
of the practicalities
and let's do it--
- We working with
a kitchen triangle,
which is the dynamic
space living where
you don't need to move too
far to get to what you need.
That's why we added
enough ripple here,
so that you can
rinse your veggies
and everything without
going all the way over there
and coming back.
- So imagine you're spending
next to the pro-bowl,
and you're chopping.
Underneath there you're
gonna find like your bin.
Oh gosh, he's useful.
- Just gonna scrape
into the bin.
So it's quite more practical.
You don't need to move all the
way into the other side too,
in order to get
that practicality.
Here we have your
bruising cabinet.
So, everything that you
can take from the fridge
into those kinds of things.
- Well you two, good luck.
Let's make it a second
challenge won in a row.
So, much pressure.
- Good luck.
I'll see your completion date.
- All right, cheers.
- All right cheers Dee.
[soft music]
- [Host] Team House and Leisure
found themselves in every
interior designers' nightmare.
Where their curvy art taste
didn't match their
tuned tune budget.
But the bonus cash and
generous sponsorship
might be their
kitchen's saving grace.
- It seems like
there's no one here
at Team House and Leisure.
Tshepo and Banele.
- I'm here.
- Where?
- Here.
- How's it going?
- Good and you Danilo.
- It's nice to see you.
- Nice to see you too.
- So, what are you doing
behind the fridges?
- I was taking out the
positioning of the things.
If they're gonna get it right.
- Okay.
- But then otherwise
everything is looking good.
- It does look good.
I like your cabinetry.
I like this island
in the middle here.
It looks a bit skew though.
So, how's it going
at halfway mark?
- They're not yet
done with the island,
so, it'll be fine
once they're done.
- A good designer knows
how to incorporate
both functionality and
good design aesthetic
and do that all within a budget.
So, how have you managed
to do that in your kitchen?
- Functionality wise,
we decided to give
like everything
on the one side
and have like a preparation area
in the center of the kitchen.
So, in that corner we'll be
having our double fridges.
And then from there,
you move on to your stove.
And in that corner,
it'll be our double sink.
So, next to the sinks
we'll have a dishwasher
and a washing machine.
- And what about the design
aesthetics in the kitchen?
- From a design perspective,
we chose the color there,
which is the ideas.
And then we try to
contrast that with
the dark stone gray wood finish
and have a cherry,
which that material can
be used in a spare room
and the main bedroom.
So, that ties all
those rooms together.
- Nice ideas.
But I'm not hearing
challenge winning ideas
from you guys in this space.
What do you believe are
the showstoppers for you?
Because everybody's
got an island,
everyone's got paint on the wall
and everyone's got cabinetry.
What makes your so unique?
- I think what
makes it unique...
Well, I haven't seen it in
the other guys' kitchen,
but then simplicity
is always key.
That's what I believe
from a design perspective,
not complicating the
life of the person
who's gonna use this space.
- I like that.
All right, so what's
the least to be done
before we get to completion?
- There's still quite a
bit that needs to be done.
So, I'm trying not to paint it
because Banele is not here.
I'm by myself today.
I need to keep myself together.
- Well, don't stress too much.
Get back to the work.
I wanna see a beautifully
simple kitchen
by the end of this, all right?
- We on it.
- Exactly, good luck dude.
- Thanks.
[upbeat music]
- [Host] Team Habitats are
hoping to create a kitchen,
that is the toast
of the competition.
Hello Team Habitat!
- Hi.
- Hi.
Welcome to the kitchen.
- Thanks so much, whats
cooking in the kitchen?
- She'll be running to
create an open kitchen.
The-- dining room is
going to be a big feature.
- And we have some
seating on other side.
So, basically we've just
lowered the ceiling.
- It's a creative focal
point for the kitchen
and dining room extension.
- So, it's basically
just highlighting
the main entertainment area.
- And it's gonna be highlighted,
when they light this up.
- Not even a neon highlighter
could compete with this
blockade and our lighting.
And it seems like
the word chandelier--
with some chander-lightning
inspired lights.
- However, this bancony extends
all the, from the kitchen quite
deep into your lounge area,
which is another space
for another challenge.
- Yes.
Well, we wanted to use
the open area space,
to be the kitchen and lounge
to not just have two
rooms between them.
- Could you have a kitchen?
- You have a dining room
and then you have a lounge
which is all open till now.
- Bye two and get the
third by one free.
- I don't quite know
if id hold on to that
because it's a very small space
you guys are cluttering with
lots more extra bits and bombs.
And your buddy has
also told me that
you guys have got
other little surprises
to add to the space.
- You must tell
the birds to stop,
[imitating birds]
Well we do have a few surprises.
Like we've got a
ladder coming in
to help you get up and down
to the pet's right at the top.
Because we wouldn't want
you to just jump up and down
like a netball player.
- No, it's not an aerobics.
- No its not, this is
a functional kitchen.
- One thing I know is not
raining in this competition,
is obviously the money.
Brad, has he been looking
after your budget?
- Like my waistline.
I've been dreading
it, a fine line.
- We've been
watching that budget,
but it's been a bumpy road.
- We've behaved and we've
stayed within the budget
and try to make everything
fall within that too.
That's how the minimalistic
feel of the kitchen
has come about.
- Stunning, deadline
is approaching fast,
what still needs to be done?
- Obviously, we don't have doors
as you can see on our cabinets,
that's not part of the plan.
No, no, no!
- They're all to be coming
in with a door handle.
Back slashes or cabin.
It's quite a lot.
- A lot still to be done
and time is always limited.
I do not wanna see a
stressed Abiah and Brad,
at the completion
date, all right?
- I hope not.
- All right, good luck you two.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- And I expect a milkshake
at their completion
- Absolutely, with whip cream.
- Okay.
- Let's get back.
- Let's get back.
- Well, for now,
all we can see are
half baked kitchens,
but on the next episode,
we're hoping to see some
steaming hot design.
Our judges will be joining us
so you can expect
some spicy commentary.
The real question is
whose kitchen design will
be the cherry on top,
on My Design Rules.
[tribal music]
[tribal music]
- [Host] Last time
on my design rules,
the design duos didn't rest
on their laurels to
decorate the master bedroom.
But, when all was said and done,
the design duos delivered
dreamlike spaces.
Team House and Leisure
were commended on their
soft and restful retreat.
- Walking to this room of
Team House and Leisure,
I'm immediately transported
to a place of just happiness.
- Team Visi created a
modern master bedroom
that the judges loved
and some would
describe as sexy chic.
- Team Habitat wild
with their decadent
yet contemporary room
that rarely impressed
guest, Judge David Muirhead
- Were actually on
the dance floor.
- The designs were so good.
There was almost a time,
but one design duo
rose above the rest,
Team Visi.
- Yeah!
- Now that's all the design
duos have won a challenge,
that heat is truly on
in the competition.
[upbeat music]
- Welcome to my design rules,
where our three design duos
are really feeling the heat.
Not only in terms of the
pressures of the competition,
but their proverbial
wallets are burning too.
After the master
bedroom challenge,
Team Habitat has
114,000 Rand remaining.
Team Visi has 104,000
Rand remaining
and Team House and Leisure
in serious trouble with
only 85,000 Rand left
for their cash budgets.
And our design duos have
three spaces left to decorate
with an expensive one next.
Hello contestants.
It's time to get cooking
as it's challenge time again.
The next room is the
heart of the home.
It's the room that's
required to be
more functional than pretty,
as it serves an essential
function in the home.
It feeds the family.
Your next challenge
is the kitchen.
- We're quite excited
about doing a kitchen
because it's...
It's like the central
space of a home.
- The heart of the home.
- It's quite important.
- It's very important.
you gotta eat in your home.
But we don't want
our guests to starve.
That's quite a big pressure.
And we hope to do our best.
- Both of us have experience
in the kitchen industry.
Mpho worked at a
kitchen company.
And so did I.
So, we do know how it works,
but time is not on our side.
- Yeah.
- You'll have just 10 days
to design a multifunctional
and breathtaking kitchen.
Now I know you guys have
been working really hard
up until this point
and I've been
pretty harsh on you.
So, we have decided
to give you a teeny tiny
cash bonus to reward you.
I would say 5,000 Rand
solid added to your budget.
- Yes!
- How about an
extra 10,000 Rand?
What happens if I told you,
I'm giving you 20,000 Rand
for your next challenge,
- I'm so excited that
I fall off my chair.
I just couldn't believe that--
- 20,000 Rand.
- 20,000 Rand.
Wow, of course
I'm over the moon.
I feel like I've just
won the challenge.
- It's gonna be a
chandelier kitchen.
- Mmh!
Razzle dazzle--
Chop it up.
- 20 grand is just
what we needed.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yup.
We're gonna use it and use it
and use it some more.
- Yeah.
- Armed with their
boosted budgets
the design duos are fired
up and ready to spend.
Thankfully, the kitchen
appliances are sponsored
and there's nothing better
than shopping on
somebody else's dime.
[upbeat music]
- Tshepo, this our hub options.
What do you think?
- I've been eyeing
this gas on Glass Hub,
I think it looks beautiful.
And I think because
we've gone with like
the more young folk kitchen,
since it has that
classic feel to it,
there's like the guests,
would work better with it.
- Don't you think
something more minimal
and just something
that disappears?
- Well, I'm not
all for minimalism,
but then I've...
You know me.
- I don't.
I've always had like a thing
for traditional looking
gas stoves and so.
And I feel like with the stove,
it all work perfectly.
So, I don't know what you think.
- No.
I think because our
kitchen's quite modern.
I think this will be great.
- And I love that it has
an option for using
different sizes, parts,
and the fact that it has
like a childcare log system.
- Now we can totally go for it.
I like it.
- Finally, he agrees!
- See, all the essentials
that make a kitchen
pretty functional,
we were looking for those items.
- I live a fair by task.
And the bigger, the better.
We've got two
fridges stand alone.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Ooh, what the fridge!
♪ I gotta have it
If we like it and
you gotta have it,
you just charge it.
- Charge it.
- [Host] Yes indeed,
and the spending spree,
was not over yet.
- We gonna fill up
those kitchen cupboards.
- Absolutely.
Its a heart of a home,
needs to be hearty.
Full of things.
Charge it, charge it!
We need a iron, we need
digital hand mixer, charge it.
- Oh ,this is...
- Oh-oh!
Oh-oh, shut the door.
- We need this because it
looks exactly like our kitchen
and it's color changing.
- Oh-oh, overruled.
- That's fine.
- Okay, you can have that.
I think we wanna
see out water boil.
- Yes!
- I'm so excited--
The spice shelf is...
[sighs]Super blender.
- I love the yogurt maker.
Cause I think,
whoever gets the house
can live a healthy life.
- We got a coffee maker.
- Its perfect, its perfect,
because our client
loves to drink coffee.
- And also wine.
- And wine and coffee.
- Yeah.
[soft music]
- Charger it.
- Charge it.
- [Host] At Belgotex,
a clever app is
helping Team Visi
make their flooring decision.
- This floor quiz is quite fun.
- I clicked, she clicked.
And then we clicked
it to become air.
- And as designers,
I think we're very calm.
I think that's why maybe
we are, "The A element"
- You were asking specifically
for something that could work
in your kitchen environment.
So, Charleston I
would recommend,
as you came out in
the quizzes here,
there you can see
the color, boxwood.
Is that something that
you would consider?
- That's perfect.
And we also love the
green that we see with it.
But we wanna do, like a
heading born technique.
We just don't wanna
have like a plain floor.
- What I can
recommend for example,
is that you've
combined two shades.
So, if you look at
the lighter color
that you're looking at,
and that falls under
that element over here,
you could add a
darker gray to that.
- You think the two
colors would work.
- Mmh?
- We'll just have
to think about it.
- Yeah.
- [Host] Onsite,
it's time to get things started.
And Team Habitat,
meet with a kitchen
cupboard supplier.
- Jonathan and
Andrew went with him,
hit him with the Rolls Royce.
What we are actually aiming for,
Can it slide,
can it--
Can the table go in
and out of the island?
- Right, what can you
do with the budget?
- Absolutely.
And what can't you do
with the timeframe?
- I'm feeling confident.
I'm very happy with the choices.
There is a few challenges
that they've given
us in the kitchen.
They definitely work
with the right people
that were willing
to go the extra mile
and put in the extra hours
to meet the deadlines.
[upbeat music]
- He's pretending to
be looking at colors.
- That should be it.
- Here, what do you
mean I'm pretending?
Look at all the
colors I came up with.
- You know how these
color gets to you.
- Ta-dah!
- What are these for?
and then we got
those three options.
And see which one
we can work with.
- Is this for the wall?
- Yeah, the back of
the kitchen units.
Cause we need something
that'll frame the kitchen units
and let the gray
stand out better.
- Since you couldn't stop
speaking about our ideas.
I thought we could use the--
as our main color
for the kitchen.
- Oh yes, that's
a beautiful color.
Yeah, we can work with that.
It's a lovely color.
As we were criticized the
last time for using yellow,
I thought maybe we
could try a green
since you love it so much.
- Who said that I love green?
That is your green.
Are you starting to confuse
yourself with me now.?
I'm in your head.
No, I don't like it.
I think we should
still go with that.
You're not fighting
for that green.
The decision is final.
- And if someone
says it's yellow,
you're not gonna
change your mind again?
No, I didn't think it's yellow.
We don't have to change our mind
cause we don't have much of
it happening in the kitchen.
[upbeat music]
- Kitchen applies have arrived
and we're still
looking for our things.
- We're forging.
- Yeah.
- But we are glad we
got everything that
we wanted, on time
and we're gonna try and manage
to fit them inside the cabins.
- Ooh.
Thank you so much guys.
Washing machine.
Oh its the dishwasher.
[upbeat music]
- With the appliances on site.
It's time for the design duos
to dish up some exquisitely
functional spaces,
but it could be a
recipe for disaster
if they don't heed the
advice of their mentors.
That's next.
[upbeat music]
- Welcome back to
my design rules.
Having revised their budgets
with an additional cash
injection of 20,000 Rand
Team habitats have allocated
70,000 Rand to their kitchen
Team Visi have allocated
similarly with 68,000 Rand.
That includes the 3000 Rand
for winning the master
bedroom challenge.
While Team House and Leisure
have allocated the
least amount of money
with 57,000 Rand
for the kitchen.
So, they're gonna have
to spend very wisely.
Luckily, they have the advice
of their seasoned
experts, their mentors.
[soft music]
- What's happening here?
- We are delayed,
so we're supposed to get
our cupboard in today,
but they have not even painted
and they still plastering--
- So...
Okay, what do you...
how do you look at it now?
You've got a fridge.
- We have a fridge,
We have a multifunctional oven
slash microwave.
- That's nice.
That's great.
- Especially with this guy
that you're building
the place for.
That's it there.
- Yes, exactly.
- He needs everything
to be compact
and quick
- And quick.
And we also have a washing
machine and a dishwasher.
- What's your look
gonna be like,
cause that's where I come in.
I like to picture
the whole story.
- So, the look and feel we
want is concrete and white.
So, we want to create a contrast
with our cupboards,
which are gonna be high gloss.
- And what are the cupboards?
- White.
White cupboards.
- Oh, got your way!
She wanted a white
kitchen from the start.
- Yes.
We want to get our
accessories right.
And AnnaMarie is giving
us tips on how to do that
in terms of quantities
of accessories
and how it should be packaged.
- What we're hoping
to get from Tiaan
is actually approval
for custom pendants.
We're trying to avoid
the bubble effect again,
cause that will make
it too predictable
that we're going for
that again and again.
- So, the last time we spoke,
you had roughly around 12K,
where are we on that?
How much have you used?
What's left?
What's needs to be done?
- We considered everything,
and at the moment,
after taking everything
into consideration,
we have 2.5 left,
but then we let---
Maybe we forgot, but then...
- Forgot about the light?
What have you bought
in that--[chuckling]
- Yeah, not really
forgot about them, but--
- We just put last.
- Yeah.
- Did you buy the
important stuff for now?
I mean, you haven't wasted
your money on props so far.
- No.
- No.
- Why are you laughing?
I know that you
bought something.
What have you bought?
- A cake stand.
- A cake stand, yeah.
- So, you spend all your
budget on a cake stand?
- Actually it was 800 Rand.
- Considering that you
spent all your budget.
Is there nothing that
we can make or do
some creative kind of like
things that we can turn
into something amazing
without spending money?
- He's supposed
to do it yourself.
- No, not that I'm not to fan,
but I think so.
- So, you're gonna have to
make a lab yourself tonight.
You gonna have to think of waste
that's in your apartment
that you can reuse,
instead of spending the cash
because you don't have it,
you spend it on your
budget, on your cake stand.
- So, the biggest lesson
we've taken from Amanda
is list of the...
List of objects will
cut in your space.
- Yeah, but without losing
your aesthetic peace.
- And your wellness,
your bravery.
- Who you are, your boldness.
- Amanda, welcome
to the war zone.
That is the kitchen.
- There's a lot going on.
We've got the guys
walking nine to five.
- This wall is fantastic.
- Sure.
And we think of doing
some lighting on it.
- Right.
- Maybe some chandelier.
- No chandeliers, we
don't want chandeliers.
- So, this is where
we started off
into the preparation
for the kitchen.
- So, this is where
you brought the--
- Absolutely.
And we bought an island---
- Because we want to
split it to dining room,
out of the kitchen.
- Yeah, show us the
openness of this space.
- Well, there isn't much space.
So this is a good way of--
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- We also wanted
to do like here,
with the whites and
the dark wood mix.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But you see there, we
don't have a wall there,
that's going to go up.
Rolled up into these walls.
- I'm so impressed with
what you've done so far,
what you've created.
You've definitely hit
the nail on the head.
I'm just wondering,
are there any surprises in store
because how your personality
is going to come through,
there's always
something over the top.
And I refer to the
previous rooms-
- -every single one.
- There's always a surprise.
- Absolutely.
- But there has to be.
It's a lot more than we are.
- And we thought it out and
we've rolled ourselves in.
They had a little bit
of razzle and dazzle.
Not too much.
- No more chandeliers.
- Oh man! It's just one.
I saw a very big one, so lovely.
- Goodness, time for
another chandelier.
After the break,
as the duos reach
the halfway mark
of the kitchen challenge,
I pop in to see what's cooking.
Welcome back to My Design Rules.
We're halfway
through the challenge
and someone better
pop into the kitchens
to ensure there are no
ingredients missing.
And that person is moi.
[soft music]
- [Host] At the halfway mark
of the previous challenge,
Team Visi faced
some big decisions.
It's happened again
this time round
with choosing plain color
for the kitchen wall,
- We are gonna test two colors.
We're gonna test our jungle...
What's the name of
the color again?
- But we didn't test it.
- No, did you buy the paint?
- Yeah, but we never painted it.
- Did we paint already?
- Yeah.
- With black?
- Charcoal.
- Yes screw me over.
The agreement was that, we're
gonna try with the green first
and then after go
with the black.
Cause if it's easier to apply
a black on top of the green.
So, if in that case
it's already done
with the first
one, it's perfect.
We can work with it.
[soft music]
- We know they can
design a master bedroom,
but can they design
a functional kitchen?
Team Visi, what's up?
- Hey, how are you?
I'm great, how are you guys?
- Good, good, good.
- This apartment looks great.
The kitchen looks glorious.
Take me on a grand tour.
- Okay.
So, this is our sink area.
You're currently standing
in our dishwasher,
- And the color scheme.
You guys seem like
you're thinking in
black and white here.
- I don't.
- Well.
We we're fighting
about the black color,
and it's so lovely.
So, just gonna
have to go with it.
So it's...
I think that's going
to look amazing.
- It's warming up on you.
- It's coming out.
- You know what
like about the idea
is that it almost
could be practical.
It's feels like it
could be a chalkboard,
you could write your
grocery list down.
You could write the
menu, when your guests...
- Yeah,
- Exactly, exactly.
And it also brings a
drama to our kitchen,
because we've gone
with gray and white,
which can be a bit dull.
I think the black just
gives it a bit of a pop.
- As much as I dig the
aesthetics in the space,
talk me through some
of the practicalities
and let's do it--
- We working with
a kitchen triangle,
which is the dynamic
space living where
you don't need to move too
far to get to what you need.
That's why we added
enough ripple here,
so that you can
rinse your veggies
and everything without
going all the way over there
and coming back.
- So imagine you're spending
next to the pro-bowl,
and you're chopping.
Underneath there you're
gonna find like your bin.
Oh gosh, he's useful.
- Just gonna scrape
into the bin.
So it's quite more practical.
You don't need to move all the
way into the other side too,
in order to get
that practicality.
Here we have your
bruising cabinet.
So, everything that you
can take from the fridge
into those kinds of things.
- Well you two, good luck.
Let's make it a second
challenge won in a row.
So, much pressure.
- Good luck.
I'll see your completion date.
- All right, cheers.
- All right cheers Dee.
[soft music]
- [Host] Team House and Leisure
found themselves in every
interior designers' nightmare.
Where their curvy art taste
didn't match their
tuned tune budget.
But the bonus cash and
generous sponsorship
might be their
kitchen's saving grace.
- It seems like
there's no one here
at Team House and Leisure.
Tshepo and Banele.
- I'm here.
- Where?
- Here.
- How's it going?
- Good and you Danilo.
- It's nice to see you.
- Nice to see you too.
- So, what are you doing
behind the fridges?
- I was taking out the
positioning of the things.
If they're gonna get it right.
- Okay.
- But then otherwise
everything is looking good.
- It does look good.
I like your cabinetry.
I like this island
in the middle here.
It looks a bit skew though.
So, how's it going
at halfway mark?
- They're not yet
done with the island,
so, it'll be fine
once they're done.
- A good designer knows
how to incorporate
both functionality and
good design aesthetic
and do that all within a budget.
So, how have you managed
to do that in your kitchen?
- Functionality wise,
we decided to give
like everything
on the one side
and have like a preparation area
in the center of the kitchen.
So, in that corner we'll be
having our double fridges.
And then from there,
you move on to your stove.
And in that corner,
it'll be our double sink.
So, next to the sinks
we'll have a dishwasher
and a washing machine.
- And what about the design
aesthetics in the kitchen?
- From a design perspective,
we chose the color there,
which is the ideas.
And then we try to
contrast that with
the dark stone gray wood finish
and have a cherry,
which that material can
be used in a spare room
and the main bedroom.
So, that ties all
those rooms together.
- Nice ideas.
But I'm not hearing
challenge winning ideas
from you guys in this space.
What do you believe are
the showstoppers for you?
Because everybody's
got an island,
everyone's got paint on the wall
and everyone's got cabinetry.
What makes your so unique?
- I think what
makes it unique...
Well, I haven't seen it in
the other guys' kitchen,
but then simplicity
is always key.
That's what I believe
from a design perspective,
not complicating the
life of the person
who's gonna use this space.
- I like that.
All right, so what's
the least to be done
before we get to completion?
- There's still quite a
bit that needs to be done.
So, I'm trying not to paint it
because Banele is not here.
I'm by myself today.
I need to keep myself together.
- Well, don't stress too much.
Get back to the work.
I wanna see a beautifully
simple kitchen
by the end of this, all right?
- We on it.
- Exactly, good luck dude.
- Thanks.
[upbeat music]
- [Host] Team Habitats are
hoping to create a kitchen,
that is the toast
of the competition.
Hello Team Habitat!
- Hi.
- Hi.
Welcome to the kitchen.
- Thanks so much, whats
cooking in the kitchen?
- She'll be running to
create an open kitchen.
The-- dining room is
going to be a big feature.
- And we have some
seating on other side.
So, basically we've just
lowered the ceiling.
- It's a creative focal
point for the kitchen
and dining room extension.
- So, it's basically
just highlighting
the main entertainment area.
- And it's gonna be highlighted,
when they light this up.
- Not even a neon highlighter
could compete with this
blockade and our lighting.
And it seems like
the word chandelier--
with some chander-lightning
inspired lights.
- However, this bancony extends
all the, from the kitchen quite
deep into your lounge area,
which is another space
for another challenge.
- Yes.
Well, we wanted to use
the open area space,
to be the kitchen and lounge
to not just have two
rooms between them.
- Could you have a kitchen?
- You have a dining room
and then you have a lounge
which is all open till now.
- Bye two and get the
third by one free.
- I don't quite know
if id hold on to that
because it's a very small space
you guys are cluttering with
lots more extra bits and bombs.
And your buddy has
also told me that
you guys have got
other little surprises
to add to the space.
- You must tell
the birds to stop,
[imitating birds]
Well we do have a few surprises.
Like we've got a
ladder coming in
to help you get up and down
to the pet's right at the top.
Because we wouldn't want
you to just jump up and down
like a netball player.
- No, it's not an aerobics.
- No its not, this is
a functional kitchen.
- One thing I know is not
raining in this competition,
is obviously the money.
Brad, has he been looking
after your budget?
- Like my waistline.
I've been dreading
it, a fine line.
- We've been
watching that budget,
but it's been a bumpy road.
- We've behaved and we've
stayed within the budget
and try to make everything
fall within that too.
That's how the minimalistic
feel of the kitchen
has come about.
- Stunning, deadline
is approaching fast,
what still needs to be done?
- Obviously, we don't have doors
as you can see on our cabinets,
that's not part of the plan.
No, no, no!
- They're all to be coming
in with a door handle.
Back slashes or cabin.
It's quite a lot.
- A lot still to be done
and time is always limited.
I do not wanna see a
stressed Abiah and Brad,
at the completion
date, all right?
- I hope not.
- All right, good luck you two.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- And I expect a milkshake
at their completion
- Absolutely, with whip cream.
- Okay.
- Let's get back.
- Let's get back.
- Well, for now,
all we can see are
half baked kitchens,
but on the next episode,
we're hoping to see some
steaming hot design.
Our judges will be joining us
so you can expect
some spicy commentary.
The real question is
whose kitchen design will
be the cherry on top,
on My Design Rules.
[tribal music]