My Design Rules (2020): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

It is deadline day for the kitchen challenge and a disaster befalls one of the duos. Will they be able to overcome this in time while the other two duos are also rushing to finish. Who will be crowned as challenge winners by the judges?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(cheerful music)

- [Danilo] Previously
on My Design Rules,

the design duos got cooking
on their kitchen spaces.

Their mentor and guest judge
for the challenge was revealed

to be one of the most
highly respected names

in South African interior
design, Mark Rielly.

Team Contrast Control had
quite an ambitious plan

for their key collaboration.

Team R and K turned
their design on its head

with a unique lighting solution.

And the Perma Peeps took
their handcrafting skills

to the next level.

With little more than a shell
to show at the halfway mark,

it's crunch time for the duos

as they work to complete one
of the most technical spaces

in the home.

(hip hop music)

Welcome to another episode
of My Design Rules,

where for this season,

we're hosted at the
Paardevlei Lifestyle Estate

in beautiful Cape Town, on
the southern tip of Africa.

It's the final moments
of the kitchen challenge,

and up until this point,

things seem to be
running smoothly.

But on this show, things change.

- [Kehumile] It's
the day of hustle.

- Yeah, it is the day of hustle.

We need to hustle very hard!

- A whole lot of everything
needs to still happen.

Cabinets need to still go in.

We're only sort of
halfway with all of that.

Cleaning, styling, planting.

Just everything, really.

- One day left, and our
tiling still has to be done.

Our cupboards still
need to be fitted,

and our shelves also
need to be fitted.

No planters at all.

There's just nothing
there, really.

- [Rekopile] And then, of
course, there's the bulkhead,

which is the main
feature of this kitchen.

It still needs to be installed.

- Well, this is our
first beam of 11,

which we're just gonna like,

(clicks tongue) placed here.

- Apparently they've started,
but I'm not seeing it yet.

- We decided to
take our splash-back

straight across the kitchen,

because of our built-in
plants and herb wall feature.



Go guys.

So amazing, and those
plants popping through,

it looks like they're literally
growing out of the stone.

- Ah, it's gorgeous.

- So, this is gonna be our
splash-back in the kitchen.

Initially we wanted to do brass,

and then we worked out that
that wasn't gonna be possible,

so we went with a mild steel,

but it comes with a very
clean, clinical finish,

and we wanted that
a bit textured up.

So, we got a mist bottle
and we sprayed vinegar on

and we left it overnight,
and that oxidizes the...

It almost speeds up
the rust process.

So, basically what we're doing

is just taking off this excess,
dusty top layer of rust,

so that we can properly seal it.

And when we were doing that,

we didn't know if it was gonna
remove the finish completely,

the texture that
we'd just created,

or if it was gonna come
out with something awesome.

And I think we've got a
little trick up our sleeve.

It's a little exciting
texture we've created.

(upbeat music)

- Oh, yeah.

- Our collab piece is here from
Ashlee Lloyd Design Studio.

I'm glad we went with the olive.

- [Melissa] Yeah,
it's really cool.

- We've actually gone
with more of a woven feel,

'cause it actually ties in
with our other woven elements

from all the other rooms,

so, yeah, no, we are so excited

to see the installation of this
and see it finally hanging.

- Our pendants arrived.

- Oh my goodness.

- Those babies
look so beautiful!

- Right?


- Ooh, look at that!

But heavy.

- Ooh yeah.
- They're heavy.

I mean of course the
concern is the fact

that they could fall.

- [Koketso] I mean, they
are gorgeous though.

- They are.

They're so worth the risk.

(mid-tempo music)

- [Danilo] Contrast control!

Whoa whoa whoa!

- Howdy.
- Hi, hi!

How's it going here?

Is this exactly
where it needs to be

at this particular point?

- Yeah, yeah, very much so.

Good to see Danilo making
himself at home in our kitchen.

- That's so dope!

- [Kehumile] I really
think it's a kitchen

that would suit someone
with a lifestyle like his.

- [Danilo] Well get cleaning,

get this thing done and dusted.

Wanna see a final product
when I walk in here,

listen for my buzzer.

All right?

- We'll try.

- Good luck.
- Favorite horn.

- My favorite horn.

I'm excited for this one.

(dance music)

Perma Peeps?

Sorry to bring you so me
bad news, hello hello.

- Hey!
- Hey!

- But what we're
running out of time.

How's it going in here?

- Yeah, it's going.

Danilo pops in, as per usual,
while we're in the middle

of doing stuff.

- He wants to have
a conversation.


- I'm looking forward
to seeing what you guys

can come up with, there's only
a few hours left, all right?

So please phone your
supplies, get everything done

and dusted 'cause this place
is gonna look incredible

when it's done and
I want people to see

it's full glory, all right?

- Awesome.
- Awesome.

- Deep breath in.


And out, get back to work, bye.


- We're very happy with
where we're at at this stage.

Should nothing go wrong,
let's not jinx things, but--

- Fingers crossed.

- Watch it, watch it!


(record scratches)

(intense music)

Yeah, that moment
when your heart drops

and there's kind of
nothing you can do about it

and we kind of felt like
it was just the end for us.

- And I'm coming in
with fruits, all that--

- Last touches.

It's like an absolute
miracle that nothing broke.

The timber slab doesn't
have a scratch on it,

the cabinet is
still intact, pots,

luckily we went crazy with
the amount of pots we bought.

I think three pots
broke in total.

A couple of the trays broke
the fall of the bigger plants

but the plants and the pots
and everything's still there,

everything's still good.

If we can just get it
up again we'll be fine.

- We're in a crisis
management moment now.

Just need to sweep
everything up,

clear it out, and bring it back.

'Cause the actual
mechanism does work.

- Yeah.
(upbeat music)

- So Dan comes in.

As usual, and in
the midnight hour.

- Hi.

- Hi!

- Guys!

- Danilo!

- I kinda like some of the
stone that's on the side

but we have a
couple of hours left

and you are still got
pieces everywhere--

- You know how it goes, Danilo.

Hours in design could
be a couple of minutes.

We just need to get
a few things done.

- A few things?

Guys, there's no
cupboards on the doors,

this stuff hasn't been
cleaned on this side,

those haven't been installed,

there's still cardboard
along the side.

- And there's
nothing to show him.

We just want him
out before he gets

a whole pendant on his head.

We don't want that accident.

- No we don't.



- Get this kitchen
complete, guys.

- All right.
- Woo woo!

(speaks foreign language)

- Bye!


Barely made it out
of there unscathed.

That would have brought
a whole new meaning

to the term pothead.

After the break I blow
the whistle on them.

Well, my horn.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

(dance music)

It's my favorite moment
in the challenge,

where I get to toot my own horn.

It's deadline time for
the kitchen challenge

of season five.

Will their kitchen designs be

(Danilo kisses)


Or will they leave a bad
taste in the judges' mouths?

It's time for our contestants
to put down their utensils.

(air horn sounds)

- The horn goes off.

Spoons, forks, and pots,
baby, on the floor.

- Yeah, I mean, we've done it.

You'd think we'd be a little
more used to that horn.

- Yeah.

- Whew!

Stress station!

- I can't believe we
managed to just wrap up

everything clean, put
that whole structure up.

My word.

- With the hard
work out the way,

the kitchens are complete.

Our design duos had
a great night's rest

and are excited to
reveal their kitchens.

It's time to see what
they've cooked up.

(dance music)

Contrast Control!

- [Nicholas] Danilo!

- [Danilo] This kitchen
is looking awesome.

Talk me through the details.

- [Kehumile] These were
some old pieces of timber

that I collected in
Woodstock awhile back,

and I've been wanting
to do something with it,

so I'm really stoked we
could put this into this.

And it turns out it's nice
South African-grown ash and oak.

So it's a really nice lumber.

- And we can't forget
the most important piece

of this kitchen, our suspended
steel with the plants.

- [Danilo] And it
looks pretty cool.

Are you guys happy
with that result?

- [Nicholas] So happy.

It just works functionally
because you can always

bring down your plants, you
can cook with your coriander,

chop it up.

- As someone who
likes the kitchen,

you must always love having
fresh herbs on-hand, so.

- Totally, totally, totally.

I love this concept.

And you guys always bring
some great surprises.

I think that's one of the
big things we've loved

about Contrast Control.

This is one of them.

Are there other surprises that
the judges will find in here?

- Definitely, like
this cabinet here.

We used it to contrast all
the modern kind of feel

that we have in the kitchen.

So we had budget for artwork
and this is our art piece.

We added mirror behind it.

It kind of makes the space
looks way bigger than it is.

And it's a point
of reflection also.

- [Kehumile]
Another small detail

was getting this
to basically float.

It kind of creates this
area, the kind of just arc

where you can kind of
help out in the kitchen

and not be crowding
up the space.

- [Nicholas] The brass-plated
splash-back behind there.

We took on another
little DIY this time

and we wanted to oxidize the
steel to make it seem rusted.

- It looks so dope,
guys, I love that.

And also, it seems to me
like there's a mixture

of old- and new-school in here.

The black, the white, with
obviously your black handles

and your white cupboards and--

Oh that's pretty cool.

- [Kehumile] That's a bin.

- Is that a bin?

- [Kehumile] It's a bin.

- Oh rad!

I'm very impressed, I
think the judges will like

what they see here.

It's the second
to last challenge

so hopefully this will be
the one that kinda gets you

that extra budget for
the final challenge.

So good luck to both of you.

- Thank you.

- Before I leave,
can I test it out?

- Yes please.
- Yeah, let's have a look.

- Come on.

Our safety catch is off.

That's so dope, look at it!

Good luck to both of you.

- [Nicholas] Thank you.

- [Kehumile] Thanks so much.

(dance music)

- Team R and K!

- Hey!
- Hello!

- I just wanna make
something here,

I wanna serve something here.

- So do I.

- Hello!

- This bulkhead is insane,

everything has come
together so nicely!

- Oh thank you.
- Thank you so much!

Thank you.

So the bulkhead was
inspired by height.

We wanted to create
something that acknowledges

the fact that this is
quite a high ceiling.

And we chose to go with
that finish because we are

very earthy,
industrial, and matte.

- It compliments
our monochromatic

kind of pallette that
we've gone for in here.

- You haven't mentioned it yet,

but something that I noticed

was the African sort
of aesthetic in here.

You obviously got these
new lights that you put up,

they look amazing, you've got
your artwork sitting there,

lots of dark, warm colors.

I feel like, and with
the wood on the top,

it feels like I'm on
a sort of game farm,

if you'd imagine that kind
of feel in this space.

(Koketso laughs)

(record scratches)
- No.

- Okay.

- Glam farm?

- Glam farm!

Elegant farm.

Absolutely high-end.

- [Danilo] Got five
star, definitely.

- [Rekopile] Yes,
five star, yeah.

- So obviously designed
for your client,

which elements in here
have been for them?

- Our pendants.

Because she's well-traveled
and we are in Africa.

She wanted to bring a bit
of her travel into the space

and that's why we
went for these lights.

- So we cleared the
aesthetic, it's beautiful.

Now let's talk about the other
side of the kitchen, right,

which is functionality.

- Absolutely.

What I love about this
island is it's got a duality

sort of element to it where
you can also dine on it,

and that's why we created the
wood and height element there.

- And you like to put on
a show so even chopping

has to have an audience.

- Come on.

You know me too well.
- Yeah.

- Hey hey!

- More like checking
out the tile, Danilo.

How can you miss that
beautiful black tile?

- The distinction.

- It creates an
illusion of space.

The tile continues over and
you see through the reflection

of this mirror, and
of course shoe cam.

Have you seen Wendy Williams?


- Well you guys have done an
exceptional job in this space.

Good luck to both of you,

the judges will be
arriving shortly.

- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you so much.

(mid-tempo music)

- [Danilo] Oh my goodness, guys!

- Hey.
- I feel like I owe

you guys hugs.

This is amazing.

- Thank you!
- Thank you so much, Dan.

- I would ask you how
your hearts are feeling

but I mean hearts in
terms of the heart

of the home, your kitchen.

- We are in love
with our kitchen.

- [Melissa] I wish
it was our home.

- Yeah.

Right, so I see lots
of seating space,

which is really exciting,
I see that stone color

coming through, you've
got your natural elements

brought in here as well.

Talk me through the vision
that's come to life.

- Our permaculture
vision, we feel,

has come to life
really strongly.

Behind your back is
actually our bokashi bin.

Herb garden's coming
along the way it should.

- [Danilo] It came
together so nicely.

- We love this so much,
it's our favorite feature.

- What are the elements
here that you've made

that are really functional,
gonna add value to the property?

- For our functional
elements we've incorporated

quite a lot of storage--

- Which is cool, yeah.
- And as you can see

we've gone quite high
up with our cabinets.


If you've got the
heights to work with,

you know you might as well

get them out the way--
- Why am I freaking out

about this thing?

- I know, we love it.
- It is just--

- [Sinead] We're so grateful.

Our kitchen is just amazing.

- [Danilo] Yeah, especially
mentioning this height,

you got a lot of
space to play with,

you don't wanna waste any of it.

This allows you to
be able to do that.

That's really stunning.

- And we've kept the
space nice and open

'cause we hate that feeling
when you've got more than one

person in the kitchen,
suddenly you're like--


Wiggling around each
other and my bum butting,

so we just thought,
you know what,

get the storage up and
high, keep the space open,

you've still got

ample seating to entertain--
- Free flow.

And also, in true
Perma Peeps fashion,

we have plants in the
base of our table.

- [Danilo] So you're playing
footsie footsie with plants.

It's like, who's that?

- [Melissa] What is that?

It's a succulent.


- Playing footsie
with a succulent

means you not only
have green fingers,

but green toes as well.

After the break, the
judges arrive to dish up

their crucial feedback.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to
My Design Rules.

Those in the trade will tell you

that nothing impacts the
potential of a restaurant

as much as a bad writeup.

Our design duos are
hopeful the judges

will give their
kitchens a rave review.

And maybe three Michelin stars.

(upbeat music)

Design contestants,
welcome, and congratulations

on completing your kitchens.

This was, by far, the toughest
challenge on season five.

But your results
are spectacular.

All that's left is for our
judges to come and view

each of your kitchens
and decide who cooked up

the winning dish.

They have arrived in style.

They are Slade Brookes,

Property Executive,
Balwin Properties.

Buhle Mathole, Kabu
Design Architects.

Bryan Courtney,
Private Property.

And your guest judge and
mentor for this challenge,

Mark Rielly, ARRCC
Interior Design Studio.

- I'm excited already,
I hope and imagine

they see all the
magic in our kitchen.

Bring all that
adrenaline up here.

(mid-tempo acoustic music)

- We put so much effort
into this kitchen.

I really hope the judges--

- Notice all the details.
- Notice everything.

- My word.

Contrast Control, the thing
that I really liked here

was that they approached
the kitchen design

quite uniquely and
quite differently.

I do like the eclectic
use of materials.

They had these kind
of antique pieces

juxtaposing their rural elements

and then contrasting that with

sort of these beautiful
metallic finishes.

Again, I think that's
very on-point with design

and trends at the moment.

- As we walked in through
the entrance hall,

there was that crank,
that winding crank.

And I looked up and saw
that hanging garden,

which was so unusual, I've
never seen that in a kitchen

before and I was super
impressed with that.

- If you have a look at
the other steel elements,

they brought this in,

you come back to
further contrast of,

looks like an
iodized splash-back.

I mean, these type of
looks, they're timeless.

I'm loving that oxidized
metal splash-back.

Definitely taking that idea
to head office with me.

- I like how they've brought
the tile from the bathroom.

There's definite
synergy in this space.

But there's too much contrast.

I don't think they
thought about the kitchen

in terms of a functional space.

I guess they're boys, so it's
more like a bachelor's pad

and practical things
that one needs,

more cupboard space
and all of that.

But I think I want to
reserve more comments

once I've actually
seen the whole space.

- In terms of what they
showed us in initial concepts,

in terms of what they delivered,

maybe there are a few areas

that could have been
worked on a lot better.

(mid-tempo music)

- We are really hoping that
when the judges walk into

our space they have that
open, tall, big feeling

of what our kitchen is.

- Yeah, we're hoping
that they really notice

our feature plant wall,
our feature lights,

our feature dining
table, our feature

kitchen in general, really.
- Yeah, just in general.


- Feels so open, eh?

- [Buhle] Yeah!

- What I enjoyed with
the Perma Peeps kitchen

is they had so much storage.

Practically, that was wonderful,

and obviously creating
the volume of space,

using the open plan to
its fullest potential.

- As you walk in you get
that great sense of space.

You don't have the island
inside this kitchen

so it's feeling a lot more open.

That over there, I'm happy
to throw a party here.

I can also sit at a table,
have a good old family lunch

on a Sunday, have
everyone around.

- I really loved the
whole dining space.

And the fact that
there was no island.

For me that was
quite interesting.

- It's quite nice, actually,

the girls made the
table themselves.

And they actually
cast the concrete base

to put all the planting in,

so I thought that was quite
a nice detail they picked up

in terms of all the
planting that they got.

However, I do feel that the
kitchen in terms of the space

of the apartment
was a bit large.

They didn't consider the
living space as well.

So in terms of the
proportion of their kitchen

and the design within that area

was maybe not correct
for the space.

- I really love the
practicality of having herbs.

As you cook you can
just pick them up here.

I think I have questions still

because I think it's
a unit that appeals

to a certain niche market.

So if you don't
have green fingers,

it's still a bit of
a questionable area.

(dance music)

Team R and K was quite
impressive today.

I think they set
themselves a challenge

and they stuck to the concept

and they carried right through.

- Nice.
- Really love what

they've done with this space.

The different heights.

- Yeah, it's a great idea.

I think when you first looked
at the initial concepts

they didn't have any 3Ds to
show us what this looked like,

so I was a little bit
apprehensive in terms of

what were they gonna do?

But I think this
really celebrates the
volume of the space.

- A great feature in that
kitchen was the island.

The way we could walk
all the way around it

was very practical.

But also I can totally
imagine creating some sushi,

using it as a tequila bar, I
mean, cooking in that space

with friends, having
a glass of wine,

I think there's a lot
you can do with it,

it's very versatile.

I love that about the kitchen.

- Their kitchen was the
only kitchen that really had

the bar island and
I think, again,

that was a really nice
feature of design element

and it worked very
well within the space.

- I don't know if you've noticed
the upside down pot plants.

These are incredible.

- And for them to
start creating things

instead of just bringing in
the pieces from the shop,

I think I commend them for that.

- The first thing I noticed was
the hexagonal tile patterns.

I thought that was spectacular.

And even the way they cut
some of the spare tiles

and used them across
that backdrop,

cutting the hexagonals
into those African patterns

I think is amazing.

- Absolutely and I think
they've definitely delivered

on what they kind of promised

in terms of what we looked
at at the initial concept.

- Mixed reviews there
from the judges,

but now I get to
deliver the verdict

on whose kitchen design
rose above the rest.

(acoustic music)

Design duos, once
again, congratulations.

You guys poured your heart
and soul into this challenge

and it shows in the end result.

Your kitchens are spectacular.

The judges have come
to view your spaces,

and here's their feedback.

We'll start with you
at the Perma Peeps.

The judges loved how
spacious your kitchen felt

with that L-shaped design.

They also really
appreciated your use

of the dining room
table and ample seating.

However, although you had ample
cupboard and counter space,

they did feel as though your
kitchen was slightly too large

and crept a bit too
much into a lounge area.

- Yeah, we personally don't feel

that the kitchen is too big.

We actually feel that
most kitchens these
days are too tight

and it gets cramped as soon as
there's more than one person

working in the space,

so we're sure that when the
judges actually get to be using

and engaging with the space

that they'll very quickly
see it's just right.

- Team R and K, the
judges couldn't get enough

of your wooden pergola
and your hanging pendants

above your kitchen island.

They also loved how you
brought your hexagonal tiles

up onto your island and then
onto your walls as well.

But did you bring enough
warmth into the space?

- I don't even--

We're happy.

I mean, the warmth thing is--

It's not a bad thing.

- I can handle
anything like that,

it's not like there's
anything to hate it.

They just wanted
a bit of warmth.

Bring a puppy in there.

- No, girl.

turn up the pots!


- Cook up a storm!

- Exactly!

- Team Contrast Control,
the judges really enjoyed

your hanging garden structure

and they loved your
rusted metal splash-back

behind your main sink.

Now although they
really appreciated

that you brought some
vintage and modern elements

into the same space, they
thought that perhaps this time

you brought too much contrast.

- Criticism of the
too much contrast,

we had the option to go
for a more modern unit

to keep the whole space
going as modern as we were.

We thought it would
be quite quirky and--

- [Nicholas] It's
playful, you know?

- [Kehumile] It's not
everyone's cup of tea

but were really happy with it.

- With the feedback
out of the way,

it's time to announce who
won the kitchen challenge.

Our winning duo, as voted
for by the judges, is

Team R and K!

- Woohoo!
- Woohoo!


- Yes!

Team R and K!

Team R and K!

- Woo!


- Ladies, congratulations.

As winners of this challenge
and because we're this far

in the competition, you
won't be getting 5,000 rand

added to your budget.

(record scratches)

You'll be receiving 10,000
rand for your final challenge.


- [Danilo] Congratulations.

- Thank you.

- And just like that, with each
design duo having racked up

a win, the competition is
pretty much squared up.

And with only one challenge
remaining, it's anybody's game.

Things are really heating
up on My Design Rules.

(dance music)

Next time on My Design Rules,

there's no time to lounge
about for the design duos

as they embark on their
final room challenge,

with some of the most
inspiring collaborations

in the competition to date.

- Yo!
- Yo, that's sick.

- I'm so excited for this.

- [Danilo] And we see the
return of a contestant

from a previous season!

Tune in for all the design
inspiration and all the drama

on the next episode
of My Design Rules.

- [Narrator] Another
feel-good production.