My Design Rules (2020): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript
It is time for the duos' clients to check their progress, and provide some feedback for the rest of the challenges. Also contestants get briefed on their fourth challenge, this time they have to design and decorate the kitchen.
(joyful music)
- [Danilo Acquisto] Last
time on my design rules,
the design duos completed
their third challenge
in the competition,
the master bedroom.
Team R and K brought custom
design into their space
with a three dimensional
feature art wall
and a bespoke bulkhead.
- The Perma Peeps created
a nature inspired aesthetic
with their stone
cupboard finishes
and brought color into the space
in the form of muted
pink velvet curtains.
And Team Contrast Control
pushed the boundaries of design
with a collaborative art
piece and hanging pedants,
as well as their
burnt wood ceiling.
In the end it was
the Perma Peeps
who took home the victory,
squaring up the competition.
With two challenges
left in the competition
it's anyone's game.
Welcome to My Design Rules.
It's been a pretty exciting
design journey to date.
Our duos have had to
impress our judges,
the South African viewers,
but there's also one
other consideration,
and that's their
magazine clients
who have been keeping an
eye on their design process
from afar, until now.
(upbeat music)
- Samila is here, from the Zine
and we are excited to show
her what we have done so far.
We do hope the busy
clients celebrate
some of the choices we've made.
You know we've put a lot of our
own personalities into the space
and of course collaborated that
with some of their aesthetics.
Lots of bold blacks
and contemporary
and edgy and modern.
- I love it. I
absolutely adore it.
- We thank you.
- And looking from here,
I love the way all
this works with
that very glamorous bathroom.
- Thank you.
- And the second bedroom,
I love everything.
I love the units, I
love the hanging thing
but that roller blind I think
we have to look at again.
And in your glam room,
which I think is such
a clever thing to do,
I think the mannequin
is not necessary.
You can use that space
much much better.
But now tell me about
what you're going to do
with the rest of it.
- Well in our kitchen we're
thinking of going more
contemporary but also
bringing out our styles,
you know, some a bit
of sophistication
and also a bit of industrial.
- Just playing on that but,
you know, it should all turn
slate into the lounge as well.
- Team R and K have
done incredibly well.
They've done a lot of work.
Not everything is perfect.
There are one or two
small little things
I think they could tweak to
get a more coherent style
running through the
different rooms.
- Oh hi!
- Debbie Loots from Real Life
Magazine comes to visit us.
We're very excited to
showcase our space.
Real Life Magazine is
of course our clients
so were hoping that they'll
enjoy what they'll see so far.
- Oh wow! So this is
the activities room?
- Yes.
- I love it.
- Oh wow. This is cool.
- So now having looked around,
I think maybe we should just
talk about what you've done.
- I think our favorite
space is our master bedroom.
- Well I'm not surprised
that you actually
won that challenge.
It's really gorgeous.
- Thank you.
- I must say yeah,
this is the place where
everything else comes together.
- Mmm.
- So it will be very
nice to see how it
actually flows out
into the main space.
- We'll be using some of the
materials in the kitchen space
to really tie the
spaces together
to make it one feel of a home.
- I have to be honest,
I was a bit concerned at first
because when we actually met
I told you we would like
things to be really warm
and very colorful and bold.
But I think you've actually
done something so beautiful
and also very warming with
colors that are very muted,
which I didn't really expect.
So I just wanted
to say well done.
- We just bumped into
our magazine client.
- They were from SA Homeowner.
- She popped in to come and
have a look at our progress
so we hope she likes
what we've been doing.
- I've had a walk
through the apartment
and I wanna start with
the guest bedroom.
I love what you've
done with the ceiling.
It's definitely
thinking out the box.
With the master bedroom,
again, ceiling different
from the usual white colors.
Also working to give a
beautifully bathrooms.
Guys! I was blown away
the use of wallpaper.
I mean at first I had my
doubts but it is outstanding.
I just want to find
out from you guys
what your plan is
for the kitchen
and then maybe the
lounge as well.
- We plan to kind of
incorporate kind of the textures
we had and colors in
all the other rooms,
mashing it into the kitchen
and into the lounge.
- I don't know if you remember
but there was one of my,
you know, focal point when
I gave you guys the brief
so that for me is perfect.
Just something to add,
always be mindful
of the natural life
because that does
wonder for you.
And then you're
well on your way.
So well done. I'm excited.
I'm sure you can it in
my ey- I can't wait.
I just want to go
back. It's so inviting.
I just want to stay there.
- It's a new week and
time for a new challenge.
Our design duos will have
to dig deep for this one.
- Design duos, one
thing is for sure.
This competition has been tough.
You all can pat
yourselves on the back
for the work you've
managed to complete
and were officially
past the halfway mark.
Congrats! That doesn't mean,
however, that you can slack off
because this next
challenge is going to be
one of the toughest.
- We are both feeling
really awesome
after our win last
week and super proud.
And yeah,
we are crazy excited
to actually hear
what is in store
for us this round.
- It should be the
kitchen or the lounge.
- Moving into the
big space either way
- Either way.
- You know, we haven't won.
I mean since the first
challenge, you know?
But so this time we really
really have to bring it.
- For the next two weeks,
you'll be designing and
decorating the kitchen.
- Ooo, glorious. Good.
- Ooo kitchens are scary.
- I mean kitchens
are what you see
when you step into
someone's house.
It's the first thing.
Its like the face of the house.
- And now for your mentor,
for this challenge you'll
be working alongside
one of Africa's most
prolific architects.
He has designed from
Cape Town to London.
Moscow to Paris.
He is none other than
the director of art
and interior design
studios, it's Mark Riley.
- Mark Riley, he's
legit. He's legit
- A whole Mark
Riley as our mentor.
Can you imagine?
- I'm Mark Riley.
I'm a director at ARRCC
which is an interior design
and architectural studio
based in Cape Town.
We design high end residential
projects all over the world.
And including luxurious
locations like Miami,
Los Angles, New York, Dubai.
So I originally started
architecture 25 years ago
but through the years I found
that my passion was more
related to interior design
and interior architecture.
We're all familiar with the
analogy that the kitchen is
the heart of the home
and I think that's still
very applicable today.
Where it's a much more
open kind of environment
so kitchens have become much
more exposed into interiors
of rooms and so the design of
the kitchen is very important.
Having integrated into the look
and feel of the
rest of the house
because its not just
a separate room.
- Mark Riley is our mentor.
I think were going to be
able to pick his brain
on a couple of things
for our kitchen space.
- Let's see what you've got.
- Here we have our kitchen.
We've actually gone
with an L space kitchen.
Everything obviously
floor height.
- What kind of features
are you going to
be using?
- Ooo, features we are
bringing in our perma culture
promise in a section
of our back splash.
We're going to be bolting
in bolted plants herb wall.
- Okay. I'm looking at
the finishes you're using.
They're quite cool colors.
There deal honestly
should be that the kitchen
should still feel quite warm.
I think maybe that's
something you need to look at
on how you dress
and accessorize it.
Think about that and add some
pops of colors or warmth.
- Our meeting with
Mark went very well.
I'm very excited to
actually be working with him
and to showcase our ideas.
- Mark Riley
- Very psyched about that.
- Just the quality of the work
that they do as a company,
it's very impressive.
- What we are thinking
for the kitchen design
is kind of creating that
connection between the kitchen
and the lounge area.
- Okay.
- So from the kitchen corner,
the joinery element we have
will wrap like an L shape
into the lounge just
to create a free way
of walking and working.
We're gonna have this high
kind of colored shelving
and then just coupling
it up with greenery
we will be suspending
from the ceiling.
- So there you can kind
of see how we want that
to be able to lower so you
can kinda trim your herbs
and water them and
that sort of thing.
And also that joinery
unit that kinda continues
into the lounge space as well.
- Our kitchen is so exciting.
We're gonna have kind of
like three amounts of stone.
We're gonna have a
whole steel structure
hanging with plants.
You can cut it up and
take it up and down. Yo.
- I really like the
concept that you haven't
really created the
kitchen as one element.
You're tying it through
and you're considering it
to be part of a whole room.
Lots of fantastic ideas,
good color choices,
exciting materials.
A lot to do so good luck.
- Thank you so much.
- Great to meet you.
- He was very complimentary.
- He was very complimentary.
That's a bit worrying.
- Hi girls.
- Hello
- I'm Mark.
- Mark Riley.
I mean he's quite big
in the design industry.
- Yeah, I'm a little nervous.
- I really love what you've
got down on the floor, yeah?
Is this part of your
whole concept that
you're going to be
using in the kitchen?
- Yes.
- So were gonna have
an island right here.
- Right.
- And so our tiles
will kind of flow here.
And then we were also thinking
of accompanying some wood
so we'd have a little cute out.
You know, throw
something special
that's going to
happen on top of that.
- So I'm kind of intrigued
about this mystery elements
that you have on the island.
- Yes it is.
- Surprise.
- Lots of surprises.
- So we're kind of
pick up on the wood
on the floor that's leading
into our lounge area.
It goes into one so
just bring some of that
into our kitchen.
So here we'll have down lights
and in here well
have little pendants
coming down from the ceiling.
- I like the idea of
bringing in the wood
and then kind of having
these large elements.
- The fact that he
actually likes our ideas
gives us a bit of more
confidence, you know?
It means we're on
the right track.
- One of my favorite
elements of this show
is seeing the unique
collaborations our design duos
put together for each challenge.
And for the kitchen they
produce some of the most
ambitious and creative yet.
All of that coming up.
- So all know we've
seen some amazing design
from our design duos but
as part of their challenges
they must collaborate with an up
and coming designer as well.
And how cool that we get
to showcase their work.
- We are at Homage
meeting our collaborator
for the kitchen space which is
- Deano is back.
- Doctor Dean Sossen
and he's back to kill
the steel structure
we will be making.
- Dean's really got his
hands full this time
but glad we could
actually partner with him
as a main collaborate because
he's going to be helping us
out with a few of the
difference spaces.
For the kitchen,
you know, we're thinking of
doing something quite dramatic.
We'd like to,
if possible, like
hang like a (unclear)
with plants on but also have
the ability to move that up
and down so people can
trim their herbs and
water their plants and
that sort of thing.
- The whole pulley system
that we might be using
to create up and down kind of
needs to be very efficient.
- Yeah, its very cool.
I mean look just even
just looking at that now
I can already kind of work
out exactly how we can do it.
- Initially we were
using like a mesh
but now were also
kinda thinking of using
a perforated sheet for this
but it's quite a big piece.
Like one five by one five.
- Wow. That's a lot of steel.
- I have a good friend
who deals in scrap
and hopefully he can
source us some big sheets
of laser cut off cuts so
maybe we could check that out.
- What do you have here?
- So this is a skeleton sheet.
It's the off cut of us
building our bar over here.
And this is what we've got left
so you guys can grab
it if you want it.
- That a lot of metal.
I know Dean and he
is looking worried.
- He is looking worried.
I hope we can put
his mind at ease now.
- And also we could even add
the steel tubing edge on that
- Yes (mumbles).
- We'll just have to over see
with the three edges
that are rounded.
We'll have to cut those
out, get those lasered.
- Mmm, yeah. So this
is going to be perfect.
- For our kitchen collaboration,
we are working with Nikki
from Goldbottom Parts.
- We make hand craft,
fiberglass reinforced planters.
Made locally from
start to finish.
You mix your fiberglass
and concrete together
and it gets laid in
by hand layer by layer
to the desired thickness
and then only does the
hand painting start.
- What she does is
usually creating these
beautiful stunning
bold printed pots for
plants but we have a twist.
- So what we were thinking
is to turn it upside down,
put a light bulb and
create a whole pendant.
- Have you looked at
one of these before?
- Well we all about
pushing boundaries honey
so that's what we want to do.
We wanna flip it,
it is kinda heavy,
and you know do
the most with this.
- We didn't realize how
heavy these pots are
but I mean we always
figure things out.
We always make it work.
- Team R & K's
idea is quite bold.
I just hope they've
got insurance
because these pots need
to be hung up very safely
with a chain and all of that.
If they sort that out I think
its going to look amazing.
I have one more idea
and I hope you like it.
- Is that paint?
- Its paint the inside gold.
- Oh no, that's going
to oh my goodness.
That's going to make it pop.
- So lights get
absorbed by the concrete
but the gold will reflect.
- Oh my goodness. Oh yes.
- That's so stunning
- See you, see you girl.
- Girl power!
- Mhmm.
- Amazing.
- Were gonna need
a drill, you know?
- Put some holes in there.
(drill noises)
- There I am with
this drill in my hand.
- And I'm just
like, you know what,
step away cause I'd still
like my body fully intact
when I leave, you know?
- We're getting there
ladies and gentleman.
- Ohh!
- I'm Ashlee Lloyd. I'm
an industrial designer.
I create lighting
installations using traditional
techniques such as crochet.
- We are at Ashlee
Lloyd design studio here
to check up on our
collaboration for our kitchen.
- She is doing such a
wonderful piece for us.
She is actually
crocheting a beautiful
large custom chandelier for us.
It's going to be quite
something hanging over our
feature dining table
in our kitchen space.
- Okay, so this is what
I've got for you guys.
On a six hundred and
fifty millimeter ring
and I've started to crochet
this olive polypropylene rope.
On top of this foundation, yeah,
so I thought the good
combination together
for this project
would be the olive rope and
the hand kind of (unclear)
that you've provided.
Melissa and Shenade are
going for like a simplistic
minimal clean looking kitchen
and with this light fixture
I am wanting to bring in
a little bit of warmth, a
little bit of more texture
and it's going to be hanging
above the dining room table.
- This is going to look lovely.
We've used this in one
of our other spaces
for a woven headboard so
bringing this woven texture
in again in a different weave
is going to look so nice.
We've definitely got macrame
weaving down to the t.
- But I think its time for
us to learn a new skill
so one handed
crocheting hear we come.
- Oh my gosh, please
don't fall off the hook.
Come on. Come on.
- Twist it towards itself.
- Oh, there we go.
- There we go.
- Oh, cool!
- You most definitely
like check our work
so we don't have
like funky stitches
in between your
lovely stitches here.
- Ashlee sure has her
work cut out for her.
Possibly one or two
sleepless nights.
- We have to shop for
our kitchen accessories.
It's actually quite interesting
because were doing it
alongside Mark Riley.
So we would like to see
what his aesthetic is like.
- Kitchen design isn't just
about big appliances
and big ideas.
You've also gotta think
about all the small elements,
the finer details of what we
need to bring to this space
to try and make it look more
homely and a lot more cozier.
And you also need to think
about who you're designing for.
- Well we have a giant
mark. It's a lady.
It's a young lady who's
very well traveled,
who's very influent,
business minded person.
You know, she's very she
just a woman with her own,
you know, beat. She's
got her own mind.
She is well read
and very exotic,
interesting is the word also.
- In our pendants, were going
to have an inner layer of gold
so were thinking
also to play around
in with the pops
of color in all.
- Like this, you
know? Look at that
- That's nice. That's nice.
- Very subtle and
in our bathrooms
we also have this kind
of theme running through
so its exciting.
She's very sophisticated,
very subtle though.
- I'm really liking the
idea of these gold elements.
I think they're really fantastic
- Yeah.
- Which if you're going to
do the lampshades above it,
the fact that they reflect. So
the metallics are fantastic.
- Yeah!
- So I think you're
definitely on trend
and we get it thought
out beautifully.
- Thank Mark.
We can't wait to see what
it all comes out like.
We found some really cute things
and we just can't wait
to see how we're going
to sorta put them
all in the space.
- They say its all
about the detail
and our design duos
are hungry to show
what they're capable of.
More after the break.
- Welcome back! We're
being hosted at the
De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate
in Cape Town, South Africa.
Now although this competition
is about the end result,
one of the things I love the
most is the design process.
- We're halfway through
the kitchen challenge
and what we have ready
right now is a skeleton.
- Honeys, I'm home!
- Hi! Hi Danielo
- Okay, you've clearly gone
for an open plan kitchen.
- Yes!
- They're real put into plan.
So paint us the
beautiful Picasso picture
of what this will look
like at the deadline day.
- Well the client that we
designing for is someone
that I really see as a
well traveled person.
She loves cuisine.
She loves gourmet.
She would definitely enjoy
entertaining her guests here
so thinking around this isle
that we are creating here is
one of her favorite spots.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- So we wanted to create
a sense of mobility.
She must be able to move around
and host and have a guest.
I'm in those detailing
that we're gonna have.
- Come on over
here for a second.
You guys haven't won a challenge
since the first challenge
so I see a wine rack here.
Is this about trying
to bribe the judges
with a little bit of wine,
make them like the kitchen?
- Yes, honey!
- Is that what this is for?
- Not quite.
It's just because we think
she likes wine, our client.
- Is the progress
happening like you want
or is everything going to be
fine until that deadline day?
- Yeah, everything seems to
be working according to plan.
- Good, fist bumps. Good luck
- Thank you.
- Keep at it
- Yes!
- I can't wait to see
the final product.
- We still have quite
a lot to get done
within our kitchen space.
- But we have a lot of
faith that it'll get done.
- Now that is pretty
cool. Hi Perma Peeps!
- Hey! How are you doing dude?
- I get to do the final
thing and just drop in
at the halfway mark
and see how it's going.
So we'd expect a lot more action
at this point in
the halfway mark.
Yet you're sitting doing what?
- We're just, yeah,
becoming aquatinted
with our bokashi bin.
- Well I kinda know what they do
but for our viewers
at home who don't.
- Bokashi bin is essentially
a composting container
where you're able to throw
out all your food scrapes
from all your leftover meals
and then you have
special fiber products
and compost activators and
things that you throw in the mix
and it actually creates
a beautiful organic
fertilizer liquid that
you sort of box wine style
drain out the bottom.
So yeah, we just
- Its just not box wine.
Do not drink this at home!
- Don't drink it! No.
- What is the vision
for your kitchen?
- Well as you can see our
slate tiles are on our roof.
Those tiles are the same
tiles from our bathroom,
we've just kept them.
Also our finishes on our
actual kitchen are coming
it's going to be
the same finishes
that were in our master bedroom.
So it's just creating
that that's uniform
- The uniformity and bringing
in the materials in a bit of a
different way so its like
same same but different.
- When you look at the
trends of kitchens,
islands are always
one of the things
that's the focal
point of that kitchen.
Have you guys decided
to go with one?
- We don't have a
kitchen island, no.
We personally like to keep
spaces more open and minimal.
- So I'm going to let you
guys get your hands dirty
but before you do that
just fist bump me.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Good luck to both of you.
Lets make it two
for two, all right?
- Thanks
- We know, we're doing all this.
- You have a deadline!
- Bye.
- Oh! Guys, this looks
really heavy. Can I?
- You can help.
- Oh okay. Am I
being paid for this?
- No.
- Why?
- Sorry.
- You guys have budget. Come on!
- Dan pops in at halfway mark
and we don't actually
have a lot to show him.
- It's looking like
a very pretty bear.
This is looking
interesting. Aye?
- It is. It is.
- In the last few challenge
you guys were praised for
bringing the same elements
through to your different rooms
that you've been designed.
Is the same thing going to
happen here in the kitchen?
Will we see a thread?
- Definitely. We do have our
afrolicious theme going on
so we do like try to tie
everything in through materials
and you're definitely going
to see what you saw before,
just elevated.
- Okay talk me through that
because I see there's a whole
bunch of stuff on this side.
I see all of this
sorta moving parts
and little tables everywhere.
What are these
going to turn into?
What are we going
to see at the end?
- This for now is going
to just be the kitchen
and then going down into a bench
but later on it will continue
right into the lounge.
- And then there's going
to be no island or?
- There's definitely
going to be an island.
We have a timber island
floating over here
with our little fiscal
storage piece at the end
for stability and then
were going to have
our hanging structure
with plants inside.
- Well you seem very chill
and happy with the results.
I liked some of the ideas
that are going on here.
Let's just hope
the judges see them
and then it comes out brilliant
here at the end of the day.
All right? Get back to work.
- Excited to show you.
- Fist bumping everyone.
- You should get back to work.
- Oh well yeah. My work is easy.
Your work is hard.
- In fact my job only
entails me saying goodbye.
With only show to show
at the halfway mark,
our design duos have their
work cut out for them
in the buildup to the finale
of the kitchen challenge.
Let's hope they dish
up something special
for the judges in
the next episode.
Goodbye for now.
- [Narrator] Next time
on My Design Rules,
the pressure is on
with only one week left
to completely design and
decorate their kitchen spaces.
Follow the design
duos as they transform
their plans into reality.
Will their ideas be
a recipe for success
or will it all
come crashing down?
- Woo! What a life!
- There is nothing there really.
- Tune in for all the
design inspiration
and all the deadline
chaos on the next episode
of My Design Rules.
- Another feel good production.
- [Danilo Acquisto] Last
time on my design rules,
the design duos completed
their third challenge
in the competition,
the master bedroom.
Team R and K brought custom
design into their space
with a three dimensional
feature art wall
and a bespoke bulkhead.
- The Perma Peeps created
a nature inspired aesthetic
with their stone
cupboard finishes
and brought color into the space
in the form of muted
pink velvet curtains.
And Team Contrast Control
pushed the boundaries of design
with a collaborative art
piece and hanging pedants,
as well as their
burnt wood ceiling.
In the end it was
the Perma Peeps
who took home the victory,
squaring up the competition.
With two challenges
left in the competition
it's anyone's game.
Welcome to My Design Rules.
It's been a pretty exciting
design journey to date.
Our duos have had to
impress our judges,
the South African viewers,
but there's also one
other consideration,
and that's their
magazine clients
who have been keeping an
eye on their design process
from afar, until now.
(upbeat music)
- Samila is here, from the Zine
and we are excited to show
her what we have done so far.
We do hope the busy
clients celebrate
some of the choices we've made.
You know we've put a lot of our
own personalities into the space
and of course collaborated that
with some of their aesthetics.
Lots of bold blacks
and contemporary
and edgy and modern.
- I love it. I
absolutely adore it.
- We thank you.
- And looking from here,
I love the way all
this works with
that very glamorous bathroom.
- Thank you.
- And the second bedroom,
I love everything.
I love the units, I
love the hanging thing
but that roller blind I think
we have to look at again.
And in your glam room,
which I think is such
a clever thing to do,
I think the mannequin
is not necessary.
You can use that space
much much better.
But now tell me about
what you're going to do
with the rest of it.
- Well in our kitchen we're
thinking of going more
contemporary but also
bringing out our styles,
you know, some a bit
of sophistication
and also a bit of industrial.
- Just playing on that but,
you know, it should all turn
slate into the lounge as well.
- Team R and K have
done incredibly well.
They've done a lot of work.
Not everything is perfect.
There are one or two
small little things
I think they could tweak to
get a more coherent style
running through the
different rooms.
- Oh hi!
- Debbie Loots from Real Life
Magazine comes to visit us.
We're very excited to
showcase our space.
Real Life Magazine is
of course our clients
so were hoping that they'll
enjoy what they'll see so far.
- Oh wow! So this is
the activities room?
- Yes.
- I love it.
- Oh wow. This is cool.
- So now having looked around,
I think maybe we should just
talk about what you've done.
- I think our favorite
space is our master bedroom.
- Well I'm not surprised
that you actually
won that challenge.
It's really gorgeous.
- Thank you.
- I must say yeah,
this is the place where
everything else comes together.
- Mmm.
- So it will be very
nice to see how it
actually flows out
into the main space.
- We'll be using some of the
materials in the kitchen space
to really tie the
spaces together
to make it one feel of a home.
- I have to be honest,
I was a bit concerned at first
because when we actually met
I told you we would like
things to be really warm
and very colorful and bold.
But I think you've actually
done something so beautiful
and also very warming with
colors that are very muted,
which I didn't really expect.
So I just wanted
to say well done.
- We just bumped into
our magazine client.
- They were from SA Homeowner.
- She popped in to come and
have a look at our progress
so we hope she likes
what we've been doing.
- I've had a walk
through the apartment
and I wanna start with
the guest bedroom.
I love what you've
done with the ceiling.
It's definitely
thinking out the box.
With the master bedroom,
again, ceiling different
from the usual white colors.
Also working to give a
beautifully bathrooms.
Guys! I was blown away
the use of wallpaper.
I mean at first I had my
doubts but it is outstanding.
I just want to find
out from you guys
what your plan is
for the kitchen
and then maybe the
lounge as well.
- We plan to kind of
incorporate kind of the textures
we had and colors in
all the other rooms,
mashing it into the kitchen
and into the lounge.
- I don't know if you remember
but there was one of my,
you know, focal point when
I gave you guys the brief
so that for me is perfect.
Just something to add,
always be mindful
of the natural life
because that does
wonder for you.
And then you're
well on your way.
So well done. I'm excited.
I'm sure you can it in
my ey- I can't wait.
I just want to go
back. It's so inviting.
I just want to stay there.
- It's a new week and
time for a new challenge.
Our design duos will have
to dig deep for this one.
- Design duos, one
thing is for sure.
This competition has been tough.
You all can pat
yourselves on the back
for the work you've
managed to complete
and were officially
past the halfway mark.
Congrats! That doesn't mean,
however, that you can slack off
because this next
challenge is going to be
one of the toughest.
- We are both feeling
really awesome
after our win last
week and super proud.
And yeah,
we are crazy excited
to actually hear
what is in store
for us this round.
- It should be the
kitchen or the lounge.
- Moving into the
big space either way
- Either way.
- You know, we haven't won.
I mean since the first
challenge, you know?
But so this time we really
really have to bring it.
- For the next two weeks,
you'll be designing and
decorating the kitchen.
- Ooo, glorious. Good.
- Ooo kitchens are scary.
- I mean kitchens
are what you see
when you step into
someone's house.
It's the first thing.
Its like the face of the house.
- And now for your mentor,
for this challenge you'll
be working alongside
one of Africa's most
prolific architects.
He has designed from
Cape Town to London.
Moscow to Paris.
He is none other than
the director of art
and interior design
studios, it's Mark Riley.
- Mark Riley, he's
legit. He's legit
- A whole Mark
Riley as our mentor.
Can you imagine?
- I'm Mark Riley.
I'm a director at ARRCC
which is an interior design
and architectural studio
based in Cape Town.
We design high end residential
projects all over the world.
And including luxurious
locations like Miami,
Los Angles, New York, Dubai.
So I originally started
architecture 25 years ago
but through the years I found
that my passion was more
related to interior design
and interior architecture.
We're all familiar with the
analogy that the kitchen is
the heart of the home
and I think that's still
very applicable today.
Where it's a much more
open kind of environment
so kitchens have become much
more exposed into interiors
of rooms and so the design of
the kitchen is very important.
Having integrated into the look
and feel of the
rest of the house
because its not just
a separate room.
- Mark Riley is our mentor.
I think were going to be
able to pick his brain
on a couple of things
for our kitchen space.
- Let's see what you've got.
- Here we have our kitchen.
We've actually gone
with an L space kitchen.
Everything obviously
floor height.
- What kind of features
are you going to
be using?
- Ooo, features we are
bringing in our perma culture
promise in a section
of our back splash.
We're going to be bolting
in bolted plants herb wall.
- Okay. I'm looking at
the finishes you're using.
They're quite cool colors.
There deal honestly
should be that the kitchen
should still feel quite warm.
I think maybe that's
something you need to look at
on how you dress
and accessorize it.
Think about that and add some
pops of colors or warmth.
- Our meeting with
Mark went very well.
I'm very excited to
actually be working with him
and to showcase our ideas.
- Mark Riley
- Very psyched about that.
- Just the quality of the work
that they do as a company,
it's very impressive.
- What we are thinking
for the kitchen design
is kind of creating that
connection between the kitchen
and the lounge area.
- Okay.
- So from the kitchen corner,
the joinery element we have
will wrap like an L shape
into the lounge just
to create a free way
of walking and working.
We're gonna have this high
kind of colored shelving
and then just coupling
it up with greenery
we will be suspending
from the ceiling.
- So there you can kind
of see how we want that
to be able to lower so you
can kinda trim your herbs
and water them and
that sort of thing.
And also that joinery
unit that kinda continues
into the lounge space as well.
- Our kitchen is so exciting.
We're gonna have kind of
like three amounts of stone.
We're gonna have a
whole steel structure
hanging with plants.
You can cut it up and
take it up and down. Yo.
- I really like the
concept that you haven't
really created the
kitchen as one element.
You're tying it through
and you're considering it
to be part of a whole room.
Lots of fantastic ideas,
good color choices,
exciting materials.
A lot to do so good luck.
- Thank you so much.
- Great to meet you.
- He was very complimentary.
- He was very complimentary.
That's a bit worrying.
- Hi girls.
- Hello
- I'm Mark.
- Mark Riley.
I mean he's quite big
in the design industry.
- Yeah, I'm a little nervous.
- I really love what you've
got down on the floor, yeah?
Is this part of your
whole concept that
you're going to be
using in the kitchen?
- Yes.
- So were gonna have
an island right here.
- Right.
- And so our tiles
will kind of flow here.
And then we were also thinking
of accompanying some wood
so we'd have a little cute out.
You know, throw
something special
that's going to
happen on top of that.
- So I'm kind of intrigued
about this mystery elements
that you have on the island.
- Yes it is.
- Surprise.
- Lots of surprises.
- So we're kind of
pick up on the wood
on the floor that's leading
into our lounge area.
It goes into one so
just bring some of that
into our kitchen.
So here we'll have down lights
and in here well
have little pendants
coming down from the ceiling.
- I like the idea of
bringing in the wood
and then kind of having
these large elements.
- The fact that he
actually likes our ideas
gives us a bit of more
confidence, you know?
It means we're on
the right track.
- One of my favorite
elements of this show
is seeing the unique
collaborations our design duos
put together for each challenge.
And for the kitchen they
produce some of the most
ambitious and creative yet.
All of that coming up.
- So all know we've
seen some amazing design
from our design duos but
as part of their challenges
they must collaborate with an up
and coming designer as well.
And how cool that we get
to showcase their work.
- We are at Homage
meeting our collaborator
for the kitchen space which is
- Deano is back.
- Doctor Dean Sossen
and he's back to kill
the steel structure
we will be making.
- Dean's really got his
hands full this time
but glad we could
actually partner with him
as a main collaborate because
he's going to be helping us
out with a few of the
difference spaces.
For the kitchen,
you know, we're thinking of
doing something quite dramatic.
We'd like to,
if possible, like
hang like a (unclear)
with plants on but also have
the ability to move that up
and down so people can
trim their herbs and
water their plants and
that sort of thing.
- The whole pulley system
that we might be using
to create up and down kind of
needs to be very efficient.
- Yeah, its very cool.
I mean look just even
just looking at that now
I can already kind of work
out exactly how we can do it.
- Initially we were
using like a mesh
but now were also
kinda thinking of using
a perforated sheet for this
but it's quite a big piece.
Like one five by one five.
- Wow. That's a lot of steel.
- I have a good friend
who deals in scrap
and hopefully he can
source us some big sheets
of laser cut off cuts so
maybe we could check that out.
- What do you have here?
- So this is a skeleton sheet.
It's the off cut of us
building our bar over here.
And this is what we've got left
so you guys can grab
it if you want it.
- That a lot of metal.
I know Dean and he
is looking worried.
- He is looking worried.
I hope we can put
his mind at ease now.
- And also we could even add
the steel tubing edge on that
- Yes (mumbles).
- We'll just have to over see
with the three edges
that are rounded.
We'll have to cut those
out, get those lasered.
- Mmm, yeah. So this
is going to be perfect.
- For our kitchen collaboration,
we are working with Nikki
from Goldbottom Parts.
- We make hand craft,
fiberglass reinforced planters.
Made locally from
start to finish.
You mix your fiberglass
and concrete together
and it gets laid in
by hand layer by layer
to the desired thickness
and then only does the
hand painting start.
- What she does is
usually creating these
beautiful stunning
bold printed pots for
plants but we have a twist.
- So what we were thinking
is to turn it upside down,
put a light bulb and
create a whole pendant.
- Have you looked at
one of these before?
- Well we all about
pushing boundaries honey
so that's what we want to do.
We wanna flip it,
it is kinda heavy,
and you know do
the most with this.
- We didn't realize how
heavy these pots are
but I mean we always
figure things out.
We always make it work.
- Team R & K's
idea is quite bold.
I just hope they've
got insurance
because these pots need
to be hung up very safely
with a chain and all of that.
If they sort that out I think
its going to look amazing.
I have one more idea
and I hope you like it.
- Is that paint?
- Its paint the inside gold.
- Oh no, that's going
to oh my goodness.
That's going to make it pop.
- So lights get
absorbed by the concrete
but the gold will reflect.
- Oh my goodness. Oh yes.
- That's so stunning
- See you, see you girl.
- Girl power!
- Mhmm.
- Amazing.
- Were gonna need
a drill, you know?
- Put some holes in there.
(drill noises)
- There I am with
this drill in my hand.
- And I'm just
like, you know what,
step away cause I'd still
like my body fully intact
when I leave, you know?
- We're getting there
ladies and gentleman.
- Ohh!
- I'm Ashlee Lloyd. I'm
an industrial designer.
I create lighting
installations using traditional
techniques such as crochet.
- We are at Ashlee
Lloyd design studio here
to check up on our
collaboration for our kitchen.
- She is doing such a
wonderful piece for us.
She is actually
crocheting a beautiful
large custom chandelier for us.
It's going to be quite
something hanging over our
feature dining table
in our kitchen space.
- Okay, so this is what
I've got for you guys.
On a six hundred and
fifty millimeter ring
and I've started to crochet
this olive polypropylene rope.
On top of this foundation, yeah,
so I thought the good
combination together
for this project
would be the olive rope and
the hand kind of (unclear)
that you've provided.
Melissa and Shenade are
going for like a simplistic
minimal clean looking kitchen
and with this light fixture
I am wanting to bring in
a little bit of warmth, a
little bit of more texture
and it's going to be hanging
above the dining room table.
- This is going to look lovely.
We've used this in one
of our other spaces
for a woven headboard so
bringing this woven texture
in again in a different weave
is going to look so nice.
We've definitely got macrame
weaving down to the t.
- But I think its time for
us to learn a new skill
so one handed
crocheting hear we come.
- Oh my gosh, please
don't fall off the hook.
Come on. Come on.
- Twist it towards itself.
- Oh, there we go.
- There we go.
- Oh, cool!
- You most definitely
like check our work
so we don't have
like funky stitches
in between your
lovely stitches here.
- Ashlee sure has her
work cut out for her.
Possibly one or two
sleepless nights.
- We have to shop for
our kitchen accessories.
It's actually quite interesting
because were doing it
alongside Mark Riley.
So we would like to see
what his aesthetic is like.
- Kitchen design isn't just
about big appliances
and big ideas.
You've also gotta think
about all the small elements,
the finer details of what we
need to bring to this space
to try and make it look more
homely and a lot more cozier.
And you also need to think
about who you're designing for.
- Well we have a giant
mark. It's a lady.
It's a young lady who's
very well traveled,
who's very influent,
business minded person.
You know, she's very she
just a woman with her own,
you know, beat. She's
got her own mind.
She is well read
and very exotic,
interesting is the word also.
- In our pendants, were going
to have an inner layer of gold
so were thinking
also to play around
in with the pops
of color in all.
- Like this, you
know? Look at that
- That's nice. That's nice.
- Very subtle and
in our bathrooms
we also have this kind
of theme running through
so its exciting.
She's very sophisticated,
very subtle though.
- I'm really liking the
idea of these gold elements.
I think they're really fantastic
- Yeah.
- Which if you're going to
do the lampshades above it,
the fact that they reflect. So
the metallics are fantastic.
- Yeah!
- So I think you're
definitely on trend
and we get it thought
out beautifully.
- Thank Mark.
We can't wait to see what
it all comes out like.
We found some really cute things
and we just can't wait
to see how we're going
to sorta put them
all in the space.
- They say its all
about the detail
and our design duos
are hungry to show
what they're capable of.
More after the break.
- Welcome back! We're
being hosted at the
De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate
in Cape Town, South Africa.
Now although this competition
is about the end result,
one of the things I love the
most is the design process.
- We're halfway through
the kitchen challenge
and what we have ready
right now is a skeleton.
- Honeys, I'm home!
- Hi! Hi Danielo
- Okay, you've clearly gone
for an open plan kitchen.
- Yes!
- They're real put into plan.
So paint us the
beautiful Picasso picture
of what this will look
like at the deadline day.
- Well the client that we
designing for is someone
that I really see as a
well traveled person.
She loves cuisine.
She loves gourmet.
She would definitely enjoy
entertaining her guests here
so thinking around this isle
that we are creating here is
one of her favorite spots.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- So we wanted to create
a sense of mobility.
She must be able to move around
and host and have a guest.
I'm in those detailing
that we're gonna have.
- Come on over
here for a second.
You guys haven't won a challenge
since the first challenge
so I see a wine rack here.
Is this about trying
to bribe the judges
with a little bit of wine,
make them like the kitchen?
- Yes, honey!
- Is that what this is for?
- Not quite.
It's just because we think
she likes wine, our client.
- Is the progress
happening like you want
or is everything going to be
fine until that deadline day?
- Yeah, everything seems to
be working according to plan.
- Good, fist bumps. Good luck
- Thank you.
- Keep at it
- Yes!
- I can't wait to see
the final product.
- We still have quite
a lot to get done
within our kitchen space.
- But we have a lot of
faith that it'll get done.
- Now that is pretty
cool. Hi Perma Peeps!
- Hey! How are you doing dude?
- I get to do the final
thing and just drop in
at the halfway mark
and see how it's going.
So we'd expect a lot more action
at this point in
the halfway mark.
Yet you're sitting doing what?
- We're just, yeah,
becoming aquatinted
with our bokashi bin.
- Well I kinda know what they do
but for our viewers
at home who don't.
- Bokashi bin is essentially
a composting container
where you're able to throw
out all your food scrapes
from all your leftover meals
and then you have
special fiber products
and compost activators and
things that you throw in the mix
and it actually creates
a beautiful organic
fertilizer liquid that
you sort of box wine style
drain out the bottom.
So yeah, we just
- Its just not box wine.
Do not drink this at home!
- Don't drink it! No.
- What is the vision
for your kitchen?
- Well as you can see our
slate tiles are on our roof.
Those tiles are the same
tiles from our bathroom,
we've just kept them.
Also our finishes on our
actual kitchen are coming
it's going to be
the same finishes
that were in our master bedroom.
So it's just creating
that that's uniform
- The uniformity and bringing
in the materials in a bit of a
different way so its like
same same but different.
- When you look at the
trends of kitchens,
islands are always
one of the things
that's the focal
point of that kitchen.
Have you guys decided
to go with one?
- We don't have a
kitchen island, no.
We personally like to keep
spaces more open and minimal.
- So I'm going to let you
guys get your hands dirty
but before you do that
just fist bump me.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Good luck to both of you.
Lets make it two
for two, all right?
- Thanks
- We know, we're doing all this.
- You have a deadline!
- Bye.
- Oh! Guys, this looks
really heavy. Can I?
- You can help.
- Oh okay. Am I
being paid for this?
- No.
- Why?
- Sorry.
- You guys have budget. Come on!
- Dan pops in at halfway mark
and we don't actually
have a lot to show him.
- It's looking like
a very pretty bear.
This is looking
interesting. Aye?
- It is. It is.
- In the last few challenge
you guys were praised for
bringing the same elements
through to your different rooms
that you've been designed.
Is the same thing going to
happen here in the kitchen?
Will we see a thread?
- Definitely. We do have our
afrolicious theme going on
so we do like try to tie
everything in through materials
and you're definitely going
to see what you saw before,
just elevated.
- Okay talk me through that
because I see there's a whole
bunch of stuff on this side.
I see all of this
sorta moving parts
and little tables everywhere.
What are these
going to turn into?
What are we going
to see at the end?
- This for now is going
to just be the kitchen
and then going down into a bench
but later on it will continue
right into the lounge.
- And then there's going
to be no island or?
- There's definitely
going to be an island.
We have a timber island
floating over here
with our little fiscal
storage piece at the end
for stability and then
were going to have
our hanging structure
with plants inside.
- Well you seem very chill
and happy with the results.
I liked some of the ideas
that are going on here.
Let's just hope
the judges see them
and then it comes out brilliant
here at the end of the day.
All right? Get back to work.
- Excited to show you.
- Fist bumping everyone.
- You should get back to work.
- Oh well yeah. My work is easy.
Your work is hard.
- In fact my job only
entails me saying goodbye.
With only show to show
at the halfway mark,
our design duos have their
work cut out for them
in the buildup to the finale
of the kitchen challenge.
Let's hope they dish
up something special
for the judges in
the next episode.
Goodbye for now.
- [Narrator] Next time
on My Design Rules,
the pressure is on
with only one week left
to completely design and
decorate their kitchen spaces.
Follow the design
duos as they transform
their plans into reality.
Will their ideas be
a recipe for success
or will it all
come crashing down?
- Woo! What a life!
- There is nothing there really.
- Tune in for all the
design inspiration
and all the deadline
chaos on the next episode
of My Design Rules.
- Another feel good production.