My Design Rules (2020): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

The contestants get briefed on their third challenge, everyone is relieved that they only need to decorate one room in this challenge, but it is one of the most important rooms in a home, the master bedroom.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(upbeat music)

- [Dan] Previously
on My Design Rules.

After being tasked with their

second double
challenge in a row,

the design duos worked
themselves to the bone

to complete their guest bathroom

and master bathroom
before deadline.

Team Perma Peeps brought today

lush elements of greenery

in the form of hanging
plants and contrasted

the living elements with
reclaimed slate tiles,

to give both of their
bathrooms a cave-like feel.

Team Contrast Control

brought playful
color to their spaces

with custom
wallpaper and a sense

of elegance with
large contrasting

slabs of engineered stone.

Team R & K went
with two different

personalities in each space.

For the guest bathroom,

they kept it clean,
elegant and minimalist

while in their master en suite,

they chose a vintage
glam aesthetic.

In the end, it was
Team Contrast Control

that bowled the judges over

with their bespoke
design elements,

taking the victory for the
double bathroom challenge

and their second in a row.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to My Design Rules,

the interior design
and decor reality show

that follows three
competing design duos

as they transform
empty apartments

into dream homes.

It's a show where creativity
and planning are key.

It's time for me to
brief the contestants

on their third challenge.

(fast-paced music)

It's a new week and time
for a new challenge.

- We're about to find
out our next challenge

and the both of us are hoping
it's not a double again.

- I'm tired of doubles,
I can't keep doing this.

I know there's two
of us, but honestly.

- For the first
time on season five,

you can all breathe a
sigh of relief because

it's not a double challenge,
however there's no

time to be complacent
because this

is the most important room

in your apartments.

Well, for your owner at least,

because they'll be spending

almost a third of their
lives in this space.

For the next two
weeks, you'll be

designing and decorating
the master bedroom.

- The master.

- The master.

- The main thing
about the main bedroom

is that it's the main thing.

- Now that you know your task,

all that's left is
to allocate you a

mentor for this challenge.

For this challenge,
we've brought in

an interior designer
who is renowned for

her bold use of color
and the quirky characters

she brings to the
spaces she decorates.

She is none other
than Sarah Ord.


(slow music)

- I'm Sarah Ord from
Sarah Ord Interiors.

Also, a part owner of The Stack

where we're standing right now.

As you can see,
I've got an absolute

passion for beautiful
things, old things,

new things and most especially,

colorful and quirky things,
which is kind of how

I ended up being an
interior designer

and where we are today.

The Stack is a beautiful
old manor house

which we converted
into a very colorful

open-planned space.

We wanted to create a
space in Cape Town where

you could have a fantastic
meal but also network,

meet socially in a
space that's a little

bit quirky, has a sense
of humor and that is

open to the public as well,

as well as to private
members upstairs.

For me, the master
bedroom is one of the

most important spaces in a home.

It really is where
you find shelter

from the storm, it's
where you go to rest,

rejuvenate, it's got
to be comfortable,

it's got to be
luxurious, it's got to be

appealing to all of the senses

and I think if they
can get that right,

they really do hit
this one on the head.

(slow music)

- The master bedroom
is a very important

space in the home.

We feel, you know,
it's somewhere where

one needs to be able
to decompress after

the day and all the
hustle and bustle of life.

So yeah, we need to make
sure that we design it

as a very relaxing,
comfortable space.

- So, this is the main
bedroom, what's the plan?

- Yes, we're running
over the criticism

from our last challenge
and looking at

ways on how we can bring
color into this space.

- And, what are your thoughts?

- We are planning on
bringing in some pink,

some pink velvet and
working along the lines

of the plants and pink
theme in this space.

- I like it, okay.

So what headboard,
fabrics could be--

- We're looking at
curtaining at the moment

for the pop of color.

So it's gonna definitely
be a more muted pink

not so much a

but more dirty, muddy,
sort of off-pink.

- And we'll also,
ourselves be custom-making

a lovely headboard for
this space as well.

- Okay, just bare in
mind obviously what

fabric you use for the headboard

because different textures
respond in different

ways depending on
what application.

But I look forward to
seeing the end result.

- Thanks so much.
- Thanks so much.

We look forward to showing you.

- The Perma Peeps have
still gotta get their

heads around exactly what it is

that they want to
do, and what's gonna

be their signature
feature, but I think

they've got a clear
inclination about

color and texture, so that will

probably get them through.

(upbeat music)

- [Contestant] This is where
the owner of this house sleeps.

This is where they rest,

this is where they
dream, it's a big deal.

- So you have to make sure
the ambience is on key.

- We're actually
looking at some ideas

and just, you know, kind
of coming up with our

main core ideas for
our master bedroom.

- Okay, tell me about it.

- Because we've got
this niche over here

in our master bedroom,

we were thinking we would create

a mural like over
there, which is one

of our main collaborations.

And then in the far
corner over here,

we were thinking we
could get a windback

and upholster it and
you know, give it life.


- Color.
- Yes, exactly.

And then, to frame out the wall,

we want a balcade
and have, you know,

some dome lights to create
a mood and ambiance.

- Along the interior.

- Yeah, just frame
the whole room

but not completely cover
it, you know, just --

- With the balcade,
just be careful

because it's not a huge
space that you don't

want to you know
make it even smaller.

The light should put more glow

in a bedroom and also because

you're probably laying
down a lot of the time,

you're looking up
into the light.

So you don't want
like, spot lights.

- Oh yeah, we're
definitely going to

take it into consideration

especially because
we want to frame out

the curtain and
make it look like

it's floating, it's
a definite good idea.

- Okay, great, I look
forward to seeing it.

Team R & K I think
are needing to sort of

come together on their thinking.

They've got some different ideas

but they almost
want to fit too much

into one space,
but I do think that

they've got quite
wild, wacky ideas.

So I'm looking
forward to seeing what

that translates into.

(slow music)

- Hello there.

Originally with
the master bedroom,

we had thought of going
like very neutral tones,

very moody and dark because
we had brought a lot of

color into the bathroom already

but now having found
out that Sarah Ord

is our mentor,
we're gonna have to

bring in a lot more color.

- Yeah, and it's not
really changing our style.

We were trying to
change our style going

moody with the bedroom,
so now we're gonna

keep to what we like
most, which is color.

- What we have for
now, doing something

similar with the carpet
like we did next door.

We're just gonna
take it a little bit

further up on the bed wall.

- Loving the color.

- Oh yeah, it's beautiful.

- You thought about
what you're going

to do with the window?

- We were thinking of
going for something

very custom, like in
the guest bedroom.

- And maybe look at a
neat and tidy little

roller blind that
can either come

from the bottom up
or possibly just

fit inside the
top of the reveal.

That really is your work of art.

What you're thinking over here?

- We were thinking
of having pitch black

built-in cupboards
over on this end.

- Okay, so you're gonna
lay in bed and look

at cupboard doors,
so you're gonna have

to put some design
elements in there.

- Yes.

- Okay.

Contrast Control
obviously have got it done

in terms of the look
and feel that they wanna

get across the entire apartment.

They just need to
be careful, I think,

of the budgetary
constraints because

they're trying to fit a lot into

one room at a time
when they've still

gotta think of the
whole apartment.

(upbeat music)

- I'm sure our mentor
Sarah will agree with

me that while all the ideas
in the world are great,

it's always about execution,
execution, execution.

And after the break
our design duos get

busy with just that.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to
My Design Rules.

For this season,
our duos must choose

a key collaboration
for every challenge.

It should be a
unique design piece

and should add value
to the property.

(slow music)

- We are collaborating
with Carol from

Carol's Curtains where
she's going to assist

us in making some
beautiful curtains.

We've got a lovely
dirty pink velvet

that we're using, and
yeah, she's made those

up for us, and we're
going to have a little

bit of experimenting
fun with them which

she's always open
to helping us with.

- Your curtains are ready girls.

- Oh, let's see the big reveal.

- Want to see them.

Want to see them?

- Yes.

- Oh my goodness!

- Oh!


- Ah, they look so lovely.

- [Carol] They feel divine.

- That's just ah.

- Now there you go.

I know you're not just
gonna leave it there

with plain old velvet.


You've got a little something
up your sleeves I'm sure.

- Well, that's
what these are for.


- Okay, so this looks like
it's going to be messy,

I think we need to
take this outside.


(soft music)

- I've worked with
the girls before

personally, in their own homes

making curtains for them.

They're fabulous to work with.

They're great designers,
they've got super ideas.

- We are hoping to
actually dip-dye the ends

of these curtains in
this black dye (laughs)

to get a bit of an
ombre effect going.

- The reason we want to do this

is just to bring in the
slate from the bathroom

as well as a little
bit of a play on

all the black soot
that we made from

tiling those bathrooms.


- Well, I love the
concept and I have to say

I don't think I've
ever seen anybody dye

in black dye a beautiful
velvet curtain in my life.

- Well, there's a first
time for everything

and we only have
one shot at this.

- So here goes nothing
and everything.


(upbeat music)

- Literally here goes nothing.

This is so much fun.

- So you need about
another half an hour here?

- Yeah, it needs to soak about--

- Okay, so I think we need
to go and have cup of coffee.

- I think we should, Carol.

- We can leave it here
to soak for half an hour.

- You can do your
thing now, bye bye.


- Alrighty then, I
guess I'll just stand

and wait for this dye to take.

- How many sugars you take?

- Three.


- Guys.


Okay, that's cool.

(upbeat music)

- For the main
bedroom, we decided to

collaborate with Emma Nourse.

- I work on transparent fabrics

and play with
sculpture and painting

on a two-dimensional surface.

- We have an idea for a
massive, massive mural.

We want that to be
like the talking piece

in our master bedroom.

We have this wall,
and we just want

to fill it you know,
make it big, bold

real exciting, I mean,
that's what we're about.

- Yeah, that's so
true and of course,

we gravitated towards your work

because what you do, I
mean, it's incredible.

- Like you do everything we
want in one little canvas,

only this time we want
things to be much bigger.

- How big are we talking?

- It's gonna be big.

- Big.

- Big.

- Really big.


- I'm just a bit
concerned by the fact

that we're talking
about a mural.

A mural is something that goes,

a painting that
goes straight onto

the wall so then you
lose any transparency

that I work with, so
what I would suggest

is we work on canvas
made with mill

so that you get the
different levels

of depth and to take
it even a step further,

let's not hang it
directly onto the wall.

We'll hang it away from the wall

with light shining onto
it or even behind it.

- Oh wow.
- Oh, exciting.

- I love the idea
of having the canvas

removed from the wall.

It creates a nice 3D effect.

Our biggest issue right now
is how all this huge canvas

get through our doors.

- It's very ambitious
for the amount of time

but I'm gonna play with
the color pallet they've

given me but kind of give it
a bit of an edgy soft feel.

The way to do it
the size you want to

is to break it into
three manageable pieces

so we're gonna do
the trip trick.

- Oh okay.

- So three equally sized pieces.

So the focal area will
be the middle piece,

so we'll have most
of the build up there

and then the rest
of the space will

be kind of broad colors.

- What are these?

- Well, these are my dry pallets

and they add the extra
elements I play with

near the end of a work just
to add that extra detail.

- We're happy with
what Emma's working on.

I mean, we have great
confidence in her execution.

(slow music)

- Meeting Candice in Court Bay,

always a treat to
be down by the sea.

- The waves and the sights.

- Good little town.

- I'm Candice Lawrence
and I am the owner

of Modern Gesture and Designs

and we design a lot of
Pendulum lamp shades

and a few furniture pieces.

- Hey, Candice.

- Hey, Candice.

- Hi!
- How you doing?

- Good thanks, and yourself?

- Good, good, good.

She does very woven kind of
necklace pieces and lampshades.

- Like African, African
jewelry inspired-like fittings.

- So, we gonna couple that with

my abstract art work
which will be incorporated

in the kind of huge
lampshade that we gonna

plank on the wall there.

- So basically I've
taken a standing lamp

and I'm turning it now
into a painting for

your guys bedroom to hang on

either side of the bed and then

I was thinking for the
main piece above the bed,

that we could do this
on a really big scale.

I was thinking of
something of this size.

- [Contestant] That
will be amazing.

- Definitely, I think
that's great also

'cause we were looking for
that grandeur kind of feel

so it's really gonna have
that impact in that room.

- Cool, awesome.

Would you guys like
to see the piece?

- Yo, yeah.
- Yes, please.

- My design style is
a lot of storytelling.

I feel that's very
important in my pieces

and a lot of my work
started off where I looked

at conversations that
people would have with

each other and body
language, that was the

inspiration behind
Modern Gesture.

Now I look at a lot
of other cultures

to inspire my designs,
like the woven necklace

and lampshade is inspired
by African jewelry.

For me, it's just about
the stories behind

each piece and what
makes it unique.

- Oh wow!

- This looks amazing.

- Cool, I'm glad you
guys are happy with it.

These are the two
patterns I was thinking

that could work on
such a big structure.

One option is to
go straight across

from ring to ring or
we could criss-cross

in between two rings.

What do you guys
think about that?

- I really love this
straight one across

if we could maybe
just kinda reduce the

the width over here
and maybe increase

the size of the gap
a bit so we can see

a bit more of the
blue coming through.

- Definitely.

- Okay, cool.

I also think it's gonna
be a lot stronger if

we do it like that.

Do you guys wanna give it a try?

- Try my hand.

- Get 'em Nick.


(slow music)

- I'm glad I'm not
weaving that thing.

I felt like I had five
thumbs on either hand.

- Yeah.

- That's seriously
gonna take some time.

It's really impressive
work she does.

(upbeat music)

- I'm also glad our
duos are leaving it

to the experts.

There are so many talented
people in South Africa and

so much inspiration and there's
even more after the break.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

Even shopping can be
incredibly stressful

in the design competition,
so the Prema Peeps are

happy that their mentor
agreed to meet up

with them and lend some advice.

(slow guitar music)

- We currently are
looking for side tables

and some lighting fixtures
for our master bedroom space.

(slow guitar music)

- I don't know if they
enjoyed us rearranging

their showroom too much
but I mean you have

to see the stuff together,
what are you supposed to do?


- I think you've
got a winner here.

- Yeah, I love the
different textures,

the stripe with the
more organic floor.

- It is a nice play
with the heights here.

It's not too severe.

- It's clean, it's
playing on the language

between the two areas.

- I think we've got this.

- All right, let's go
do lighting ladies.


- I love this sort
of woven vibe going.

- This texture's so lovely,
it's gonna look awesome.

- [Contestant] And it fits
perfectly within our budget.

- There you go, I think
you're on to a winning streak.

- We love Sarah's
choice in lighting.

We feel that the woven
textures and the mesh

will tie in very nicely
with the African aesthetic

we're trying to get through
in our master bedroom.

- Our side tables are sorted,
our lighting is sorted.

We, yeah, pretty successful
shopping spree all round.

We gotta get back
to site I guess.

- Back to site indeed.

It's time for me to touch
base with our design duos and

see how they're coming
along, one week into their

master bedroom challenge.

Progress is key and in
a competition like this,

one can't get caught napping.

(upbeat music)


- Prema Peeps!

- Oh, okay well it
appears they're not here.

Something is happening,
I see the paint is on

this side of the wall,
it's a pretty cool color.

I like what they're
doing with this side.

The only real question
is going to be

what they're going
to do with this side

of the wall because the
paint hasn't even gone

on this side and they
had big grand ideas

for velvet curtains.

They're getting some
beautiful lighting in here.

They always bring cool
surprises so my hope is

wherever they are right
now, they're making magic.

This better be done on time.

- At this point, all of
our painting has been done.

We are currently
waiting for our units

to finish being fabricated.

Once those are installed,
we will then be able to

get our final
measurements for our DIY

headboard we plan
on making together

on site and then yeah,
we should be able to

once those cabinets
are installed,

put in all of our furniture
and style and fluff.

Don't worry, we'll get it done.

- Sorry we missed you Dan, hope
you didn't miss us too much?

(soft music)

(Soft rock music)

- For once, Dan pops
in and I'm so chilled

doing some art, chilling.

- Can't believe I missed it.

- Yeah, but you were out getting
stuff for the apartment so.

- Dude, what is this?

- So this is the
collaboration piece that

I have with Modern Gesture.

- It is beautiful, I
see you're obviously

working these little
peripheral pieces that

are gonna go up on
the wall and make

these statements
in the room itself.

But I mean, how's the
overall structure looking?

You guys are halfway
through this challenge.

- We are, we're
looking good actually.

So the paint just got
on and we have carpet

installations happening today.

- Because we ended up using
carpet in our bedrooms,

we've got a little bit
of all the left over,

so we've had this
really crazy idea to do

shou sugi ban which is
like a burnt timber effect.

So went and tell
it to the guys and

we asked them if we could swap
out our treated timber for

pretreated planks, so
before they have treated

them and we're gonna blow torch.

- All of it, how cool?

So cool.

And that's basically
just gonna bring a very

moody feel in the room

and it's gonna kinda
couple it up with

a masculine kinda feel and
we planning to have this

pink carpet coming in.

So it's gonna balance
each other very well

so that contrast is
gonna be controlled.

- I'm so excited to
see that you guys have

put the floor on the ceiling,
it's looking awesome.

The judges are gonna love that.

- [Contestant] And
there's still foot marks.

- Yeah I can see, you
guys have been walking

on the ceilings in here.

But I'm also dying
to know whether

it's gonna be done on time.

You seem pretty confident.

- Yeah, we are definitely
gonna be done on time.

I think we have learned
from our mistakes

in our previous challenges so.

- Good stuff.

Well, keep dotting,
keep painting.

I hope this collaboration
comes out well.

I'll catch up with
you at the end line.

- Awesome.

- Good luck.

- Sweet.

(upbeat music)

- Yeah, hopefully
we're not too chilled.

Things have been going
well this week and

with a bit more planning ahead.

But anything can happen so.

- Yeah, should be worried?

- Just keep on our toes a bit.

(upbeat music)

- At this point our
balcade is in and

our drywall is also
in with our little

future wall behind our bed.

I mean, at this point, we're
excited about how things

are coming together.

- The hard, dry things are done.

It's all brown right
now, we can't wait

for a splash of color
to come through.

- The rest will be gray.

They still managed
to do the neat job.

- Rawr!


Hi, guys.

- I thought you were a bum.


- He is a big bum.


- Guys, I'm seeing some
custom design elements

for the first time!


- [Contestant] What do you
mean for the first time?


- [Dan] So three challenges
in, halfway through

this one, how's it going?

- Oh no, it's going well,
you see our balcade is in

and you know, we wanted to
create a little mood, right?

So the electricians
gonna come in and

do his thing and it's
gonna look amazing.

- Yeah.

- Yes.

- You look excited.

- Yes, pretty exciting,
it's pretty exciting.

I mean this area right here
is my favorite feature.

This is where the mirror--

- Ronada, Ronada, stop for it.

- Oh, no, no.

- Just checking.

- No, no, no.

This is design sir,
we gonna have a mirror

that runs across all
the way to the end.

It's just a nice little
component and of course,

we gonna have an interesting
piece over there,

so that reflecting--

- What's the interesting piece?

Give us some ideas,
is it a secret?

- Think mural, think 3D
though, way better than any

artistic work you've
seen in the last decade.


- I like this.

- Putting up some spices, honey.

- Those boys won a challenge.

You guys are like,

"Mm mm mm, we're coming for it."

- Who are those boys?

Who are you talking about?


- Okay.

- So yesterday.


- Right, so the big
question always is,

is this gonna be done on time?

How are you guys feeling about

your time management,
is it better this round?

- I think we're good but we
need to put on some plants.

- Yeah, you know.

- And we're good to
go Dan, you know.

- And a little splash of color.

- Oh yeah, put that tea cup
down and get back to work.


Good luck, you guys.

- Bye bye.
- Thank you, bye!


(techno music)

- Always so many laughs on site

but I'm never to sure if that's

nervous laughter to cover up the

concern of getting
everything done on time.

Tune in again to see who
has the last laugh on

My Design Rules.

(upbeat music)

Next time on My Design Rules.

It's part two of the
master bedroom challenge.

Follow all the drama
in the final moments

as the design duos
complete one of the most

important spaces
in the apartment.

Will they master
the master bedroom?

Or will they get caught
napping at the deadline?

- Oh my word!


- I know, right?

- [Dan] Only the judges
can decide their fate.

Tune in for all the
design inspiration

and all the deadline chaos
on the next episode of

My Design Rules.

- [Announcer] Another
feel good production.

(electronic sound)