My Design Rules (2020): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

The contestants get briefed on their second challenge, and it is another double challenge, this time they have to design and decorate both bathrooms. Each duo also collaborates with a local designer as part of their challenge.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(upbeat tropical music)

- [Danilo] Previously on My
Design Rules, in a daring,

double challenge up
front, design duos

had the mammoth task of
completing both spare rooms.

- Had we done this yesterday,

we wouldn't have
this problem today.

- [Danilo] Team R and
K dazzled the judges

with their glam room concept.
- I think it's spectacular.

- [Danilo] Team Contrast
Control showed off an impressive

amount of costume design
in their studio space.

- I think the word everyone
is looking for here

is eclectic.
- And the Perma Peeps

gave the judges more
than they bargained for,

with a creative multi
functional room.

- That spare room was amazing.

- [Danilo] The judges reached
a stalemate, and in the end,

Team Contrast Control and Team
R and K shared the victory.

(upbeat country music)

- Welcome to My Design Rules,

the interior design reality
show where we follow

the journey of three
competing design duos

as they work to transform three
empty, white box apartments

here on the Southern
tip of Africa

and transform them into
dream living spaces

one challenge at a time.

With the spare rooms
complete, we move swiftly on

to their second challenge,
and for this one,

I predict there'll be little
time for bathroom breaks.

(upbeat piano music)
Design duos, once again,

congratulations on completing

your first challenge last week.

- Its the start of a new
week, and we are waiting

to hear what the challenge
is for this week.

This time, though, we
want the whole thing.

- Stoked about the win last
week, and we just wanna keep up

the momentum and
get going again.

- We have started off on
a good foot this week,

and we're excited to find
out our new challenge.

- For this challenge, you're
going to have to flush away

all of your concerns and
stresses of the last challenge

because, yet again,
it's a double challenge.

- Okay, another
double challenge,

this should really be
an interesting one.

- Not again.

- I mean, can they
give us a break?

- First, it was a double win,
now its a double challenge.

It's too much double-ness.

- Design duos,
you'll be designing

and decorating both bathrooms.

That's your guest bathroom
and you're master en suite.

You'll also receive a mentor
with a wealth of wisdom.

She's renowned in South
Africa for interior design.

Its none other
than Karen Marsden.

Duos, remember that every
challenge brings you

one step closer to that
100,000 grand cash prize

as the judge's
choice design winner.

What are you waiting for?

Get to it, and good luck.

- Hello, I'm Karen.
- Hi Karen, I'm Sinead.

- I'm Karen Marsden, I'm
an interior designer,

and I'm the owner of
Karen Marsden Interiors.

I work mainly in
residential, and I have done

quite a number of health spas.

It's such a
different experience.

Residential is fun and
emotional, you're dealing with

creating someone's home,
a place for their family.

Working on something like a
spa is a commercial decision.

There are things
you need to consider

that you wouldn't do
in creating a home.

I like to design spaces that
have points of interest,

little surprises, something
here, something there

that you notice differently
every time you enter that space.

I'm really excited about
being a mentor on the show.

Hopefully, I can share
some good information

or valuable advice that
they'll be able to use.

Well, I see you've
got quite a nice space

and a good canvas to
start your work on.

What are you thinking
of doing here?

- Our vision at the moment
is to create quite a lush,

cave-like space,
lots of greenery,

and very simple and minimalist.

- Just, couple of
pointers, if I may.

You want to create this
tropical environment,

its gonna be warm,
and its gonna be lush.

Consider the materials you use,
be practical on your floors.

- With the lighting,

we're going to get all of
our materials in and then see

what, aesthetically, is going
to be the most pleasing.

Once we put everything in
place, we'll obviously make sure

that its steam proof because
you are in a wet room,

and yeah, it's going
to look lovely I think.

- Actually, I was
very impressed.

They have given a lot of
thought to what they want to do.

They've done quite
a bit of planning.

My only concern is
the practicality of
some of their ideas.

- Hello.
- A female mentor, ooh, great.

I think that's just
exactly what we need.

She's just going
to get the gist.

Girl power.
- Yeah.

- So, we're in this bathroom.

What are you thinking
of doing here?

- Well, we were thinking
we'd have two personalities

for the two bathrooms;
one for the guest

and one for the master bedroom.

- Okay, that's interesting.
- So, with our guest bathroom,

we've decided to go
with some of the colors

we've used in our bedroom,
which, of course would be black,

lots of black, its
chic, its contemporary.

We want that to
continue throughout.

- Great, and your main bathroom?

- We have so many ideas,
we're still working on them.

For our wall in the bathroom,

we're thinking of using
half tile and half paint.

- Just think about your wall
finish, your paint finish,

not to use a matte color.

Use something with a bit of
texture, a bit of movement,

and it just gives a
little bit more interest

to the bathroom space.
- We love Karen.

- I mean, she's amazing,
and she came up with

some solid advice that
we could possibly use

for this next challenge.
- Yeah.

- Team R and K are two lovely
young women who are excitable

and are keen to learn and
they want great information,

but they need to understand,
in this business you need to be

very organized, you
need to plan up front,

and I really hope that
they're gonna pull it off.

- Hello, hi, I'm Karen.
- Hello there, good meeting.

- Karen Marsden has
a lot of experience,

so it should be interesting
to see what she has to say

to our ideas and the
advice that she has.

- Tell me what
you're doing there.

- Yeah, so this is our color
palette for the bathroom

and that's the sort of effect
we want to apply to it,

and we want to apply to
the wall behind the door

so that when you're looking
into the vanity mirror

you're getting that reflection,

and then going with a simple
pastel tile for behind

the vanity and then going
up into the gray paint.

- For our main bathroom, we
were thinking of carrying

the same kind of
language, but bringing in

more earthly tones and
more organic shapes,

rather than geometric shapes,
so same, same, just different.

- I understand, I can see
what you guys are doing.

Firstly, I think
this is unbelievably

and planned.

In terms of the wall
treatment, I think this is

a perfect place to
bring in some wallpaper,

and it's a perfect opportunity

to get something
custom designed.

- That's a great idea.

We had a very productive
first meeting with Karen.

A lot of ideas flying
around, a lot of advice.

- [Kehumile] And
she hooked us up

with a very cool collaborator
for our wallpaper.

- Wow, these guys
have really planned,

they've given a lot of thought,

and their ideas are
pretty impressive.

They've got a lot to achieve,
and I hope they can finish

in the amount of
time that they have.

- A lot to think about
and a lot to get done.

After the break, our design
duos get collaborating.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to My
Design Rules, hosted here

in the beautiful Cape
Town, South Africa.

With each challenge, our
Design Duos must collaborate

with a local
designer to create up

a small piece for their space,
one that will wow the judges,

but also add value
to the property.

- Our collaboration for
the bathroom challenge

is with Sue Kingma from
Nuno Indoor Plants.

She's going to be helping us
to create beautiful moss walls

that we're going to hang
throughout our bathroom spaces.

- I'm Sue Kingma,
I'm a plant designer.

I work with Indoor Plants
for offices and homes,

and I supply decor stores
and a nursery in Jobo.

Moss walls are quite special.

Its about a 200
year old practice,

it's an art form,
it's a form of bonsai.

The Japanese name
is called Kokedama,

which literally
means, moss ball.

Our mix is a special mix.

You can't use any soil
to make a moss ball.

- What's the
special ingredients?

- Aha, that we
don't tell people.

It took me more than
a year to perfect it.

- Sue is an absolutely
wonderful woman.

I honestly wish we
could just take her home

and keep her in the
cupboards and she could just

make moss balls the
whole time! (laughing)

- We are aiming to increase
the oxygen in the space,

and use the plants
to just make people

feel better in a
psychological sense,

where nature makes
people feel relaxed.

We always love getting our
hands dirty and hands-on

in projects, especially when
you get to work with greenery.

Oh, it's just the best.
- Uh-huh.

- With the windows we
have, with one bathroom's

west facing and
one's east facing,

what would you
recommend plant-wise?

- With the one
that's east facing,

you can do your whole fern
scene, you can do hoyas.

Your delicious monster,
your philodendron selloum.

Your philodendron scandems,
those are your trailing ones,

So you've got a whole selection
that you can do there,

can be very messy
and very cave-like.

The one with west
facing, you're going to

have to be more careful, and
I would tend to use those

that go more towards
the succulent-y things

that can go indoors;
tougher plants, definitely.

- Nuno's moss balls are
going to bring such life

and lusciousness into our space.

They are so amazing
for air purification

and for enhancing the
oxygen in the space.

I'm so excited to
see the end results.

(upbeat pop-rock music)

- For our big collaboration,
we are going with Emma,

The New Modernist, I mean,
her work is beautiful.

It speaks for itself,
its more eclectic.

She collects antiques and
then she just refurbishes them

and upcycles, so
that's something we
would like to go into.

We have a space in the master
bathroom and it's just vacant,

and we wanted her to play
with height and dimension.

We decided that she's
going to make us a cabinet

for design purposes, but
also in terms of aesthetic,

we're bringing some color.

These judges don't know
what's coming their way.

- Hello there.
- Whoa, you scared me!

Hi, Emma! (laughing)
- Hi, I'm Emma,

nice to meet you.
- Hi Emma.

- [Emma] My name is
Emma De Crespigny

and I am The New Modernist.

What we do here is three things.

We are dealers in
mid-century furniture,

we take mid-century
furniture and refurbish it,

and we make new furniture
in mid-century style.

So what can I do for you?

- We saw your work on Instagram,
and we love what you do,

and this is exactly what I
do in Johannesburg, actually.

I love pre-loved furniture
and upcycling old things,

so we believe this is
a match made in heaven.

- [Koketsu] Yeah, I mean,
we've got this vacant space

in the bathroom that
we would like to fill

and we're thinking
a cabinet, maybe?

Just for storage purposes.
- Towels and robes and tissues

and toilet roles,
I mean, something
fabulous but functional.

- I have just the thing for you.

- Oh, oh okay!
- Let's go to the back.

- Let's see. (giggling)

- I got into this because I
love mid-century furniture.

I love the fact that its high
quality and its well made

and has a certain style to
it, I think its fantastic.

I know these look like
dusty old cupboards,

but I think we could
actually refurbish them

and make them very beautiful,
we could maybe put doors.

- We were actually thinking
of using some color.

We just want to create
some bold contrasts.

- [Emma] Okay, well I
think we could use carpent.

Its actually called lacquering,

but it's what we do
in our furniture here,

and it gives a beautiful
high glass finish.

- We are so excited for our
collaboration with Emma,

she just gets it, it's the
little things, you know.

We share ideas, she's given
us nice palettes of colors,

in terms of, our color
palette to paint,

and I'm so excited to
see the final product.

We'll see you soon.

We can't wait to see
what's gonna happen.

- All right.
- Bye-bye.

- I think these two girls
are great contestants.

I think they have
really good ideas,

and I think its gonna
be a good collaboration.

(cool vibe music)

- Our collaborator
for the bathroom
challenge is Cara Saven.

She's renowned for her
custom wallpaper designs.

- [Kehumile] We basically
just want to add some flair

to our bathroom with
some custom wallpaper,

juxtaposing some sketchy
images on the wallpaper

just to add that little thing.

- So guys, I'm so excited
that you've decided to use

wallpaper in your
space, besides the fact

that it's totally
untrained and is used

in almost every interior today.

The fact that you've
decided to use it

in your bathroom is
most exciting to me.

It expresses who you are

to the people that
come into your home.

- So, I lit up the
guest bathroom.

We wanted a very playful
geometric feel in this room

and we went with some
very light colors,

like a very light feel,
some pastels and then we

kind of contrasted that
with some natural tones.

- For the main bathroom,
we're thinking of bringing

more natural tones
with the earthly colors

that you see over here,
and just bringing in

way more organic shapes, other
than the geometric shapes

in the guest bathroom.
- I love your ideas,

I think they're great,
I think you just

need to remember
one of two things.

Number one, when it comes to
color, what you see over here

is not necessarily what
you'll see on the wall,

unless you specify
pattern colors for me.

So I need you guys to go
and give me exact patterns.

The other things is that when
you're on your main bathroom,

you've got more
than one wall, okay?

When you've got these geometric
lines that are going down

you need to consider the
fact that we cannot get them

exact on your corners 'cause
no wall is dead straight.

- Awesome, that's
really great advice.

- And also, one element
we wanted to add

into the main
bathroom is getting

a way more illustration
kind of feel,

so just layering it on
top of the wallpaper

to give it different dimension.

- I think that's a great idea.

I think that'll break with
the geometric pattern,

and I've actually got one
right here that you guys

can look at and we
can potentially take

one of those elements
out and use it for yours.

Wanna come see?
- Yes.

- I love getting involved
at inception stage

and helping people to take
an idea and to transform it

into something that
can really have

a large impact on
their interior.

- Oh wow, this is amazing.
- Oh my god.

This is exactly what
we're looking for.

- Yeah, we love this
sort of sketchy effect,

and we really wanted to
bring in something organic,

like we were
thinking a bird or--

- Think about the fact
that you guys have got

a lot of vertical lines, and
a bird may not work as well.

Consider maybe a tree to keep
with those vertical lines,

and you still have your
organic element there.

- That's a great idea, actually.

- Wow, this has been
super productive.

I think we're really be
on to something here.

- Fantastic.
- Super stoked

about our meeting with Cara.

We're so excited to see

what the final product
comes out like.

Very happy with what
we agreed on today.

- Well, our design
duos better work hard

to impress the judges
by completing their
bathrooms on time.

Otherwise, the writing
will be on the wall, paper.

After the break, I pop in
to check on the progress.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to
My Design Rules.

As our design duos
work hard to complete

both bathroom spaces
in one challenge,

nothing relieves the
stress of life on-sight

quite like a little
bit of shopping.

- We're off to shopping
to pick our taps.

We're so excited to
see what they have.

I'm thinking, would
we be allowed to take

more than one finish?
- Oh no,

I definitely do think we can.
- We'll just do double double.

(laughing) Surprises!
- A double challenge,

and double patterns.
- Absolutely.

- Hello, how are you?
- I'm good.

- Good to see you!

Its really good to
see Karen again,

and its good because this
time we have a plan of action.

- So, is this what you've
chosen for your bathrooms?

- Yes, oh, we wanted to go for
more of a contemporary look,

so we decided to go
with this because

it does scream contemporary.

- Very nice.

- Yeah, and interestingly
enough, it's also a time

that black has just
become the new classic,

so we're excited to see
how that comes across.

- I love it, I think
that its amazing.

I love the fact that its matte.

I think its something
new, I think the lines

are nice and clean,
very contemporary.

Are you using it
for both bathrooms?

- No, we have two
colors. (laughing)

So, black in the one and
champagne in the next.

- Yeah, we are going with
champagne in our master

en suite bathroom simply
because it's an en suite,

a little bit more elegant,
sophisticated and class.

We just wanna wow the
people that get to go

to that particular room.
- I love champagne,

and I'm so glad to
see that you've come

really far from when I saw you
last, and I think you've got

a great plan that you're
gonna make happen.

- Thank you, we're
excited! (laughing)

(upbeat music)

- Off to Weylandts this
morning, gotta get some lights,

we've been struggling
to find some.

- We've got to get moving.
- Gotta get on it.

- Something we'd like to
choose from, we just haven't

found right now, but we
need to get something ASAP.

I think I have an idea.

- Yes these could really work.

- These are the lights, bro.
- This could seriously work,

and they'll throw
light everywhere.

- It's gonna be so
raw and organic.

It actually works well
with our wallpaper.

- Yeah.
- And everyone likes balloons.

Someone's angry, shout
balloon, it works,

it works.
- Balloon!

(upbeat music)

- Our little secret
surprise that's going into

the master bathroom is going
to be our custom designed

Caesarstone cave with our
infrared sauna inside it.

- [Sinead] They do have a
job quite cut out for them,

but we're not too
worried about it.

- The halfway mark is the
day in which our design duos

should be halfway
through their challenge,

but I guess the key
word there is should.

- Staying true to our
Perma culture principals

and making use of
what we have at hand,

we decided to go and salvage
some slate roof tiles

to use in tiling
throughout our bathrooms.

- Whoa, what is going on here?

- We are just washing
some of our reclaimed

slate roof tiles, so we're
just getting them cleaned

of all the dust, so we can
get them up and on the walls.

- Now, what exactly
are reclaimed tiles?

- So, these used to be
roof tiles on a building

that's obviously
been demolished,

and these have been
salvaged, and yeah,

these are natural slate
stone, and looking gorgeous,

and we are really
amped to be using them.

We still have quite
a bit to still do.

We need to finish all of
our tiling, lots of washing

of those tiles has to happen
before we can seal them.

- Hello, how's it going?
- Hey Dan, how you doing?

- Good, and you?
- Good, thank you.

- This is looking so cool.
- I'm in love with it,

absolutely in love with my
bathroom, it's beautiful.

- What can I expect to see
once this is all complete?

- I think you should
wait and see, Dan.

And, you should
also get out of here

'cause I've got lots of cleaning
to do, please. (laughing)

- Fine, bye!
- Thank you, bye! (laughing)

- Danilo's little visit today
was definitely better timing

than the last challenge,
but that's not to say

we don't still have a ton of
stuff to do, so we definitely

can't get complacent.
- No, not at all.

- [Melissa] Yeah,
we're really hoping

that everything goes
according to plan.

- And if not,
we're in hot water.

(cool vibe music)

- Our tiles are going up,
our paint is almost done,

and its coming together
and its all working.

- It's R and K!
- Hey!

- Am I about ready for
my shower, am I ready?

Lookin' good.
- Thank you!

- Now, when it came to
planning your bathrooms,

you guys were having
last minute idea changes.

Have you made up your mind, do
you know what's gonna happen?

- Oh yes, we have,
yeah, we just hope

we've made the right
decision, yeah,

but everything is coming
together and it's looking well.

- What about the contrast
between the two places?

Are you gonna play
with different styles?

- Well, yes, there's gonna
be different aesthetics.

The one we are in currently,
the palette is very neutral.

We're drawing inspiration
from our guest bedroom.

And in the next one
is another surprise,

but just think champagne.
- Yes.

- For the last challenge,
the judges wanted you

to incorporate more custom
design elements in your rooms.

Have you tried that
in these bathrooms?

- Oh yes, so we have
a shelf in our shower

that we're collaborating
with Caesarstone,

which is gonna come in,
and then we also have

little storage boxes,
which is also Caesarstone.

- We're just making
bolder choices with color.

I mean, its the second time
around that we're doing this,

we're getting a
bit more confident.

- Any time Dan pops in, you
know its reality check time,

like it's real.
- Yeah, yeah,

and I mean, we
still have so much.

He did mention the thing
about these bold pieces.

Yeah, I just hope we finish
on time, what do you think?

- At this point, I'm not sure

if we're gonna get
it done in time, eh?

- Hmm.
- Huh.

- We're halfway through
the bathroom challenge,

and the tiling is
nearly done, so yeah,

we just need to push harder.
- Yeah, had a lot of mishaps

with the physical
building, but yeah,

I think we'll be able
to catch back up again.

We just didn't want people
working on top of each other

in these small spaces.
- Um, hello?

Are you guys hoping
that the heavens

are gonna give you an answer?
- Dan pops in

as soon as we noticed
the light point

was in a bit of a strange
place, so we're gonna put

the ceiling cup where the
lighting point is and then hang

the light off to
the side with a hook

to get it to--
- Center.

- Light the whole
bathroom nicely.

- At the halfway mark,
I will be honest,

it's looking a little bit bare.

Are you guys going
to be done on time?

- We're definitely
gonna to get it done.

Its just going to
take a bit of push.

- [Danilo] It seems tiling
is, yeah, kinda the thing

that you guys are
focusing on at the moment.

How is the whole process going?

- Its going all right, it's
basically done in this bathroom,

but on the other side
we're using quite a small

mosaic tile there, so we've
got to get the walls prepped

properly first before we
can finish up with our tile.

- You guys have also got
a collaboration coming

for your bathrooms, right,
where are they gonna go?

- The wallpaper,
basically, it will be going

in both bathrooms, but
in the main bathroom,

which you are in right now,
over on these walls wrapping up

into that little nip
there, and in the guest,

just like the wall
behind the mirror

so that you can see
it in your reflection.

- To be honest, your
energy looks really flat

and you look quiet
nervous, so I'm gonna

leave you to it,
get back to work.

- Bathrooms are
complicated as it is,

but we've really had
a challenging week.

For today, we had a
list about this long,

and for tomorrow we've
got our current list,

plus what we have for
today, so we'll just have to

keep dealing and
see what happens.

- Yeah, its very shaky,
but we're gonna push.

- With so much still to
do with the halfway mark,

will they meet their deadline?

Only time will
tell whose designs

will be showered with praise,

and whose will be
flushed down the drain.

Tune in for more drama next
time on My Design Rules.

Next time on My Design Rules,
its a last minute scramble

as the design duos work towards

completing their
second challenge.

This looks like chaos.
- I'm just hoping

it comes together.
- With two bathrooms

to design and decorate
in only two weeks,

will they finish on
time, and will the judges

be blown away by
their unique spaces?

Tune in for all the
design inspiration

and all the deadline
chaos on the next episode

of My Design Rules.

- [Announcer] Another
feel-good production.