My Design Rules (2020): Season 1, Episode 11 - Episode #1.11 - full transcript
It is deadline day for the final challenge and the duo's are rushing around to make sure they implement all their ideas. But will they finish in time and who will be crowned as the winners of the final challenge by the panel of judges?
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(upbeat tropical music)
- [Dan] Previously
on My Design Rules.
The design duos got started
on their final challenge.
Having to cover the
largest surface area
in the competition so far,
their creativity was
stretched to the limits.
Four Team Contrast
Control was collaboration
in the truest sense as
they worked with their
local furniture designer,
Lololozi Hempbear,
to create custom seating
that incorporated
work from Kelomile's
The Perma Peeps stayed
true to their principles
working with a local
community organization
and designer Heath
Nash, to create
a lighting installation
made from repurposed,
post consumer waste.
And Rekopile and Koketso
teamed up with (mumbling)
from season three to design
a unique coffee table.
But when it came to
the halfway mark,
Team R&K were
nowhere to be found.
Who will triumph in the
final room challenge?
Welcome to My Design Rules.
The interior design reality show
where three teams of
two are battling it out
to be judged as the next
big thing in interiors
in South Africa.
Four room challenges
are done and dusted
but there certainly is no
time for lounging about
as deadline day has
arrived for the fifth
and final challenge, the
living room and balcony spaces.
(upbeat piano music)
- Last day of the
final challenge.
Yo, there's a lot going on.
- Just your regular
day on site (giggles).
- Things are kinda manic in
our apartment at the moment.
- The final, final
day (giggles).
- There's just people
everywhere scaffolding, humans,
painting; we don't even
know what to do with
ourselves right now actually.
- Oh this feels like deja vu.
Every single time
just before deadline;
there's nothing there.
(upbeat band music)
- Going through the
process of designing
the hammock we had a
good plan going into it
but a lot had to be
worked out along the way.
We went to a rug specialist
and this is what they gave us.
So yeah, just busy
fitting that to the frame.
- And this whole thing
had to be welded on site.
It couldn't fit in any
door width or height.
- As manic as everything
is at the moment,
seeing Heath in our
workshop arrive.
Seeing my (mumbling)
come up the stairs
and having our workshop
guys there getting
that art installation
in, it definitely brought
a different energy to our
super stressing day (giggles).
- We decided to extend
the whole concept
of using slats.
We wanted to create
an illusion of space
and also just
separating the kitchen
and the lounge since
it's open plan.
- You should of seen this
man plan this whole structure
for the first time.
I was like, I'm not gonna do it.
- I know I look stupid
up there, but I was like
I was not gonna let go
of the thick steel side.
I was like hanging
on for dear life.
Every bone on my body saying
like, no don't trust it.
But I know it's safe, so.
Eventually (mumbling)
the courage
and like rolled
across the structure
and just felt just the netting
and that was incredible.
I just need some cushion
and ill be sorted.
Watch my goal; fantastic
view from right here.
(upbeat band music)
- It's actually going
to be really cool
when this is all over and
seeing Dan (mumbling) (giggles).
- How's it going?
- It's good, kind of.
- It's only morning of deadline;
you got pretty much the
rest of the day ahead of you
to get this thing
done and dusted.
A lot of people seem to
be working on this space.
- With things being as
stressful as they are
and time running out
and running out quick,
it's always amazing
getting a hug from Dan.
Keeps us going.
(upbeat band music)
- How you feeling?
- I mean it's
exciting cause I mean
we're almost finished.
- I know.
- And it's all
coming together.
- So where's your
partner in crime?
- She's out doing
damage control.
- [Dan] What happened?
- Oh nothing.
- Yes it did.
Don't oh nothing
me; what happened?
- Nothing happened;
we're just getting
you know things sorted.
- What?
- Things we're getting
(mumbling) things okay things.
Things, that's all
I can say; things.
(upbeat band music)
- Holy moly; you know
that this is like
somebody's house
not a soccer field.
- How bout this man's timing?
- Your perfect timing.
- It's always tense like
at the end of the challenge
but (mumbling) finds like
the most tense moment
to come through.
(man grunting)
(slow piano music)
- Time is running out
for our design duos
in the final challenge.
I certainly hope they
(mumbling) in to their last
ounces of resources
and energy cause
this is what counts.
Contestants you have one hour!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah okay,
we've heard you Dan.
- That last hour's
always so intense.
- Yo.
(fingers snapping)
- Time is almost up.
We have to put the finish
(mumbling), style this place.
Yeah put it lower,
put that one lower.
(upbeat music)
- I need to catch
my breath first.
That is a lot; I never
knew I'd gain my soul
being a designer.
Getting all the furniture
in; exciting time.
- Unboxing like
Christmas every time.
- The balcony's one of
my favorite part parts
of this home.
I mean there walls on a ladder.
Putting up those
creepers, both of us
had to do some landscaping
which we've never done before.
Chop chop, there's
no time to be a girl.
- We are not afraid to get in
there, down and dirty style
to get the job done.
We love what we do and--
- It's amazing these still
look like this (giggles).
- [Dan] It's a case
of all hands on deck
with the teams adding
last minute touches
as the final challenge
comes to a close.
Life on site is
incredibly stressing
and the moments
up until deadline
can really be a
test of character,
but a challenge is a challenge
and deadline is deadline
so for the last time
on season five
(dramatic music)
(horn honks).
Could I have a croissant please?
(women cheering)
- It's over; (mumbling).
- Done.
- I guess the show's over folks.
- The show's over.
- And it's done just like that.
- Yeah, wow that's it.
We're done done.
- Should we grab a drink?
- I think so (giggles).
- A stiff drink might
be just what's needed
to take the edge off onto
that frantic push to deadline.
But there's still the
nerve wrecking judging
to get through.
First however, we get
to experience the spaces
as they're revealed
after the break.
(upbeat music)
With their tools down and
their heads held high,
our design duos have completed
their final challenge
on My Design Rules.
It's time to open the
doors and see the beautiful
spaces they've created.
(somber piano music)
- In all honesty, what we
have managed to achieve
here in two words is
ultimate sophistication.
Of course without forgetting
practicality and function.
- Five star experience;
this is so cool.
- Yeah.
(woman giggles)
- Tell me about how this all
come together for you guys.
This black, dark theme has
bought a nice mood into here.
You bought some lighter
elements as well.
Even a plant.
- Darling.
Budgets are good.
(women giggling)
- Yes winning.
- (mumbling) good.
- Winning does that; (mumbling).
(women giggling)
- Tell me about the
actual space itself.
- I mean we just
love this space.
I don't even know which are
the key elements really.
Everything here makes us happy.
- So for you, what would
be your design elements
that the judge is
gonna walk in here
and be like, this was
clever, creative design.
- We will start off
with the layout.
The layout is functional,
it's beautiful, and it works.
I mean we have our
coffee table over here
which is a three piece
(mumbling) table.
They are also great and you
can use 'em as side tables
and then together they
also form like a beautiful
big coffee table.
- Okay, so I see
that's quite clever.
- [Woman] The reason why
our land was so luscious
was because we made space
because we have a dining area
in the kitchen and also outdoors
so that all in
essence created space.
- [Dan] This seems to
come together quite nice
with those natural
elements that are in here.
You got like that sort
of African aesthetic
as well too I see,
that's been inspired
by a lot of African colors
which I really, really enjoy.
So good luck; the judges
are soon going to arrive.
I'll call you when
they're ready.
- Thank you so much.
- All right can I go now?
Off the couch?
- Bye bye.
- It's too comfortable;
can you guys go actually?
- Bye bye (mumbling).
(women giggling
- This is lovely.
(relaxing music)
- [Dan] Perma Peeps?
- Hey Dan.
- How you guys doing?
- Good and you?
- We're good, we're good.
- (mumbling) tired; last
challenge done and dusted.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- This space is so much open.
So how are you guys feeling?
- Good, we absolutely
love our space.
Our art piece is
absolutely everything.
- [Sinead] You will see
the way it looks at night.
The (mumbling), like the
lighting, it's just beautiful.
- [Melissa] And then we
have our outside bar area
which is I mean come now.
Do you get anything
more South African
than outdoor cooking?
- [Dan] Your client obviously
is always being kept in mind
and you know, what is
it about this space
that's going to appeal to them?
- Well I think
we've obviously also
we stuck to our greenery
with all the (mumbling).
But also we bought
in the very settle
African feel as
(mumbling) needs and once.
That's shining through
very well in the use
of natural stone and
the use of textures
and different types
of (mumbling).
(talking simultaneously)
- The judges will walk in
here and spot some of these
massive (mumbling) elements
that you brought in
but they're also wanting to
push your design boundaries
with some critique.
What do you think
they'll critique?
- The one rug we
brought out was actually
too big for the space and
then with the hectic deadline
we never actually got
time to go and swap it out
for another one so we
need to bring a rug
into the space I think.
- What about the other elements?
- Over there we put
in a lot of storage.
So we have broom cupboard space.
There's a foldout ironing board.
- What, you guys
(mumbling) out things.
- Laundry.
- (mumbling) laundry.
You know how we are.
- Does it work?
- [Women] Yeah.
- Wanna check it out?
- Yes, come show me
how it looks.
- Check this out; we have
our little laundry basket.
- That's so cool.
- And our foldout ironing board.
- No way!
- It's our absolute favorite.
- Love it.
Good stuff guys; that's
really, really exciting.
You guys done a great
job and congrats
on the final challenge.
- Thank you, we're very excited.
(upbeat band music)
- Guys this is like
a millennial's haven.
- Would you live here,
would you live here?
- Totes, what I've
appreciated about the whole
competition is walking
into your spaces
and seeing how
much you guys push
those boundaries of design.
- First came into the space
we already had
like a clear vision
of what we wanted this
to be so being able
to walk through this
space unhindered
and having a clear walkway
which we've created.
Kind of like compacted most
of the designs to the left.
- Although it's young
and it's expressive
and that it's still a
sophisticated space,
it steel (mumbling).
- The spookiness.
- Yes.
- [Man] I get you; so with
the whole hammock structure
we kind of allowed a space
with the whole (mumbling)
at the end there.
So we thought of adding
steps over there on that end
so that you can
actually access it then.
You're not hindering the
flow of the space here.
And the positioning
of it is perfect
because you get the whole view
of the golf course outside there
and it kinda highlights the
whole exterior, interior feel.
(mumbling) the balcony we
went for a Moroccan feel
which is low seating
and multifunctional.
So you can move it
around, shuffle it around.
- [Man] Adjust to the
function that you're having.
- When it comes to ideas
you guys are rocking it.
(men chuckles)
That's when I go
up, up upstairs.
- [Men] Please.
- Bring me a book.
- I'll throw you one.
(men laughing)
(relaxing music)
(Dan sighing)
- This is so cool.
(slow piano music)
You guys can get out
of here now, bye.
Thank you, this is awesome.
Well what can I say?
All three inspired
living room spaces
are living up to
my expectations.
But what about the judges?
They share their thoughts
and rule on a verdict
after the break.
(fast upbeat music)
Welcome back to My Design Rules.
It's a bittersweet moment
for our design duos
as they just completed
the final challenge
of the competition.
The spaces are
looking incredible
and it's time for the judging.
(fast tropical music)
Design duos, all's
well that ends well.
Congratulations on completing
your final challenge
and I might say.
Walking into each
of your apartments,
I became so proud of the
work that you created.
Your apartments look
incredible, however it's not
my opinion that
matters, it's the judges
and they have arrived.
- [Woman] The judges are here.
- [Dan] They are Slade Brookes,
property executive
Balwin Properties.
Bryan Courtney,
Private Property.
Buhle Mathole from
Kabu Design Architects
and your guest judge and mentor
for this challenge, Kyle Roux.
- I'm feeling a bit sad at this.
The last time we get
to like stress and cry
and scream on site.
- Please let us win, please.
- We took one, give
us another one.
(women giggling)
(slow band music)
- The idea with this
large space was always
a relationship with
the kitchen space
and all these living
areas working together.
I really feel we've
properly achieved that
and that's a big
reward in itself.
- All right Brian,
I need a moment
to take all of this in.
There's a lot going
on in this room.
Team Contrast Control
does amazing work.
I love that they
got the (mumbling)
pieces of furniture.
Every chair around
the dining room table
is interesting and unique.
I really admire the
creativity that the guys show
in their choice of
pieces, the use of color,
and obviously their
structural design
is always very strong.
- It's very interesting
and I think they're very
creative people,
but I'm not sure
if it will appeal to
everyone necessarily.
Team Contrast Control
exciting always.
I think they're born designers.
They're artists, you
can't argue that.
- I agree with you 100%.
The creativity is
definitely there.
Team Contrast Control I
climbed up your ladder;
that scared me.
I wasn't sure if I was
gonna get up there.
I wasn't sure if I
was gonna find myself
lying down on the
floor, (mumbling).
This was a bit of an experience.
I got to the top,
everything was sturdy,
everything was
stable; I was happy.
Stepping outside I
actually really enjoyed
the tranquility of it
cause it's very peaceful.
There was enough seating
to have a few friends
around and it didn't distract
from the beautiful view.
I'm worried about the
space they've used.
You know you're missing quite
a lot of the room itself.
You had (mumbling)
passageway, great conception
but you need to use
all the space you have.
- It does sort of
congest everything
down to one portion
of the apartment.
- Yeah.
- Is that clock?
- And what is the time?
(everyone laughing)
It's happy hour somewhere.
- It is, definitely.
- Sounds good; let's
go check it out.
(woman giggling)
(peaceful band music)
- We hope the judges
appreciate the fact
that we've played with every
space in this apartment.
- Yeah, there was a
lot of thought process
and I just think I love
the floor from the kitchen
to the lounge.
- Beautiful.
- Very impressed
with everything.
As you walk through
you see this beautiful
wooden slat sitting
behind the greenery.
The whole open room;
(mumbling) the place
was well executed.
They had the volume in the unit.
They had the colors, they
had all the contrast as well.
I really like the fact
that in the mentor session
we discussed using expansion
joints to a graphic effect
and they obviously bought
the (mumbling) across
from (mumbling) things
and punctuated the art
onto this broad
stripe on the room
and I think that's a great
way of bringing your art
up into the double
pointed space as well.
- You have your (mumbling)
coffee table over here.
It's not just functional
you know, it looks great.
- [Man] Yeah I mean it's pretty
much a piece of sculpture.
- Yeah.
- What did you guys think
of the TV units.
- For me personally,
I think the TV
is a maybe a little
bit heavy for the room.
I understand where they
were trying to go with it
in terms of concept but I
think it kinda over pars.
All though it is
really great not to see
any wires over there.
- I didn't like the
whole tombstone look
of the TV cabinets, but if
I walk past the TV units
and go through to the
outside balcony area,
it's a lovely open space
and an incredible view.
I didn't quite understand
why they would put
the wooden decking
in the L shape.
It divided this
really small balcony
into a smaller segment
that only seats two people.
And if you wanna
have friends around
and enjoy the view, I
think it's a bit limiting.
Something I noticed
as I was coming in
was this (mumbling);
it's beautiful.
And very clever the
way they continued it
right across to the edge
of the bathroom wall.
It definitely
mirrors the kitchen
which is a really
clever feature.
It seems to be a great
sense of continuity
from the kitchen going
through to the living space.
- So other than the
kitchen (mumbling),
the one thing maybe lacking here
really is the dining space.
- For this small space I think
they bought that outside.
It's a beautiful dining
area; you can relax
with the view so I think they
really made a good choice
by not putting in
the dining area.
(upbeat band music)
- We are so excited
for the judges
to see our collaborative
art piece from our workshop
and just the general
actual flow of the space;
how it just feels
like all one space
and just entertaining is gonna
be awesome in that space.
- I really love the dining
room table (mumbling)
to the kitchen.
- I gotta eat somewhere.
(everyone laughing)
- Priorities is priorities.
The girls from Perma
Peeps have definitely had
a strong design identity from
the beginning to the end.
You can obviously see
the flow of the finishes
and their ideas consistently
through the whole apartment.
- I love how now when you
translate the dining kitchen
lounge area, the whole
space works; it flows.
- I really think if they
had a rug under the table
in the lounge it
would of added a bit
of a cozier space;
made it a bit warmer.
But what is very nice is
the under the coffee table
they added those
(mumbling) plants
same as they did in
the dining room table
which was very clever.
- I'm absolutely mad
for their collaboration.
I mean the recycled
plastic works.
They done with the
team in (mumbling)
has amazing effects on the room.
I do feel however,
it will be quite nice
for it to have traveled
a little bit more
up into the height of the space
rather than being all at
one level of the kitchen.
- I agree with you
on that, but I think
what they've done is
on the opposite wall
they've used all of the space.
You got different
colors in there.
There's different
pieces that are popping
out of the wall.
It creates a good
volume for this room.
- And what I really love
is what they've done
in their balcony with
that beautiful bright area
with enough storage
their wine racks.
So I think they
created a good balance.
- Great idea to obviously
have the (mumbling)
and to be able to use
the space however,
I feel having focused on that,
they might of let
themselves down a little
in the actual comfort
of the seating
which really doesn't look
like it was too comfortable
to sit on.
- Absolutely.
(everyone laughing)
(slow piano music)
- The final challenge is
always the toughest duos.
But each of you can
be incredibly proud
of the amount of work
you put into your spaces.
We could see your
hearts and souls
were poured into this challenge.
Let's begin with
our judges feedback.
I'll start with you
Team Contrast Control.
You always push the
boundaries of design
and the judges really
appreciated that
in your living space.
Your net hammock really
took the judges by surprise,
however the open space you
created from your entrance
through to your balcony,
made it felt like you
cramped everything slightly
to the one side of the room.
- We're super happy
though that the judges
were a bit surprised
about our little things;
our little tricks up the sleeve.
- Tricks up a sleeve.
- And I have a comment
about the lounge
being too compressed.
We rather look at
it as being compact
because we wanted a
free flow of space
into the outside.
- So the person walking outside
never has to worry about
walking across the TV
and that sort of thing.
- Team R&K, the
judges commended you
on creating a
practical living space
with ample seating.
They loved the
wooden slat feature
that leads into the lounge
and the fact that you
used color on your
wall to hide the lines.
However, your dark TV cabinet,
although practical
for hiding wires,
the color may have imposed
slightly on the space.
- I missed all the criticism.
All I heard was
yum, yum, yum, yum.
- The Perma Peeps.
The judges loved that
you bought dimension
and texture to your TV wall.
They also loved your
(mumbling) area.
However, they did feel
that the L shaped couch
on your balcony
forced your guests
to face inwards as opposed to
the beautiful view outside.
- The view is always
there so you don't have
to be facing it and
staring at it all the time
to appreciate it and
the seating orientation
actually lends itself to
better space utilization
in the whole living area
and outdoor area together
I think, we think.
- With that said,
I must remind you
that although the
competition is tied,
the winner of the
final challenge
does not determine the
winner of the competition.
The judges will first need
to visit your apartments
and judge them in
their entirety.
However, there can
only be one winner
for the living area
and balcony challenge.
And the winning duo is
Team R&K.
(women cheering)
- [Both] Team R&K.
Team R&K.
- Congratulations
ladies and as winners
of this challenge,
we'll be allocating
an extra $5,000
rand to your budget
so you can tie up
all the loose ends
in your apartment
and get it ready
for the judges final visit.
- This budget, it's
gonna come in real handy.
- Yeah.
- I mean next week
the judges come in and the
space needs to be spic and span.
Be perfect to the tee.
- Yeah.
- So we're gonna use all of it.
- We are pretty
disappointed and bleak
about this decision.
- But yeah, I feel
like we can definitely
do some cool things
and just fix a couple
of small tweaks
and our snags time
and we are going to
actually hold our heads high
and really hope that the
judges enjoy the space
as a whole.
- We're very stoked with
what we've achieved here
and I think when
the judges come back
for their final
judgements and actually
get to spend some
time in the apartment.
Experience it living
in this space,
all our little details
that we paid attention
to along the way,
will really pay off.
- Final challenge done
but it's not over yet.
The design duos
will have one week
to do snaggy and change
anything they feel
they didn't quite get
right the first time round.
They'll want everything
to be perfect
before the judges arrive
and actually spend
a night in each apartment
before they rule
on who will win My Design Rules.
Next time on My Design Rules.
The duos have the
opportunity to implement
the final tweaks
to their spaces.
- But girl we love you,
but you have to go.
- [Dan] Then the Christmas
cheer is in the air
as the judges arrive to
spend a festive night
in each apartment
and experience them
in their entirety.
Will the judges bring
holiday cheer or fear,
gifts or lumps of coal?
Find out next time
on My Design Rules.
- [Man] Another feel
good production.
(faint gong)
(upbeat tropical music)
- [Dan] Previously
on My Design Rules.
The design duos got started
on their final challenge.
Having to cover the
largest surface area
in the competition so far,
their creativity was
stretched to the limits.
Four Team Contrast
Control was collaboration
in the truest sense as
they worked with their
local furniture designer,
Lololozi Hempbear,
to create custom seating
that incorporated
work from Kelomile's
The Perma Peeps stayed
true to their principles
working with a local
community organization
and designer Heath
Nash, to create
a lighting installation
made from repurposed,
post consumer waste.
And Rekopile and Koketso
teamed up with (mumbling)
from season three to design
a unique coffee table.
But when it came to
the halfway mark,
Team R&K were
nowhere to be found.
Who will triumph in the
final room challenge?
Welcome to My Design Rules.
The interior design reality show
where three teams of
two are battling it out
to be judged as the next
big thing in interiors
in South Africa.
Four room challenges
are done and dusted
but there certainly is no
time for lounging about
as deadline day has
arrived for the fifth
and final challenge, the
living room and balcony spaces.
(upbeat piano music)
- Last day of the
final challenge.
Yo, there's a lot going on.
- Just your regular
day on site (giggles).
- Things are kinda manic in
our apartment at the moment.
- The final, final
day (giggles).
- There's just people
everywhere scaffolding, humans,
painting; we don't even
know what to do with
ourselves right now actually.
- Oh this feels like deja vu.
Every single time
just before deadline;
there's nothing there.
(upbeat band music)
- Going through the
process of designing
the hammock we had a
good plan going into it
but a lot had to be
worked out along the way.
We went to a rug specialist
and this is what they gave us.
So yeah, just busy
fitting that to the frame.
- And this whole thing
had to be welded on site.
It couldn't fit in any
door width or height.
- As manic as everything
is at the moment,
seeing Heath in our
workshop arrive.
Seeing my (mumbling)
come up the stairs
and having our workshop
guys there getting
that art installation
in, it definitely brought
a different energy to our
super stressing day (giggles).
- We decided to extend
the whole concept
of using slats.
We wanted to create
an illusion of space
and also just
separating the kitchen
and the lounge since
it's open plan.
- You should of seen this
man plan this whole structure
for the first time.
I was like, I'm not gonna do it.
- I know I look stupid
up there, but I was like
I was not gonna let go
of the thick steel side.
I was like hanging
on for dear life.
Every bone on my body saying
like, no don't trust it.
But I know it's safe, so.
Eventually (mumbling)
the courage
and like rolled
across the structure
and just felt just the netting
and that was incredible.
I just need some cushion
and ill be sorted.
Watch my goal; fantastic
view from right here.
(upbeat band music)
- It's actually going
to be really cool
when this is all over and
seeing Dan (mumbling) (giggles).
- How's it going?
- It's good, kind of.
- It's only morning of deadline;
you got pretty much the
rest of the day ahead of you
to get this thing
done and dusted.
A lot of people seem to
be working on this space.
- With things being as
stressful as they are
and time running out
and running out quick,
it's always amazing
getting a hug from Dan.
Keeps us going.
(upbeat band music)
- How you feeling?
- I mean it's
exciting cause I mean
we're almost finished.
- I know.
- And it's all
coming together.
- So where's your
partner in crime?
- She's out doing
damage control.
- [Dan] What happened?
- Oh nothing.
- Yes it did.
Don't oh nothing
me; what happened?
- Nothing happened;
we're just getting
you know things sorted.
- What?
- Things we're getting
(mumbling) things okay things.
Things, that's all
I can say; things.
(upbeat band music)
- Holy moly; you know
that this is like
somebody's house
not a soccer field.
- How bout this man's timing?
- Your perfect timing.
- It's always tense like
at the end of the challenge
but (mumbling) finds like
the most tense moment
to come through.
(man grunting)
(slow piano music)
- Time is running out
for our design duos
in the final challenge.
I certainly hope they
(mumbling) in to their last
ounces of resources
and energy cause
this is what counts.
Contestants you have one hour!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah okay,
we've heard you Dan.
- That last hour's
always so intense.
- Yo.
(fingers snapping)
- Time is almost up.
We have to put the finish
(mumbling), style this place.
Yeah put it lower,
put that one lower.
(upbeat music)
- I need to catch
my breath first.
That is a lot; I never
knew I'd gain my soul
being a designer.
Getting all the furniture
in; exciting time.
- Unboxing like
Christmas every time.
- The balcony's one of
my favorite part parts
of this home.
I mean there walls on a ladder.
Putting up those
creepers, both of us
had to do some landscaping
which we've never done before.
Chop chop, there's
no time to be a girl.
- We are not afraid to get in
there, down and dirty style
to get the job done.
We love what we do and--
- It's amazing these still
look like this (giggles).
- [Dan] It's a case
of all hands on deck
with the teams adding
last minute touches
as the final challenge
comes to a close.
Life on site is
incredibly stressing
and the moments
up until deadline
can really be a
test of character,
but a challenge is a challenge
and deadline is deadline
so for the last time
on season five
(dramatic music)
(horn honks).
Could I have a croissant please?
(women cheering)
- It's over; (mumbling).
- Done.
- I guess the show's over folks.
- The show's over.
- And it's done just like that.
- Yeah, wow that's it.
We're done done.
- Should we grab a drink?
- I think so (giggles).
- A stiff drink might
be just what's needed
to take the edge off onto
that frantic push to deadline.
But there's still the
nerve wrecking judging
to get through.
First however, we get
to experience the spaces
as they're revealed
after the break.
(upbeat music)
With their tools down and
their heads held high,
our design duos have completed
their final challenge
on My Design Rules.
It's time to open the
doors and see the beautiful
spaces they've created.
(somber piano music)
- In all honesty, what we
have managed to achieve
here in two words is
ultimate sophistication.
Of course without forgetting
practicality and function.
- Five star experience;
this is so cool.
- Yeah.
(woman giggles)
- Tell me about how this all
come together for you guys.
This black, dark theme has
bought a nice mood into here.
You bought some lighter
elements as well.
Even a plant.
- Darling.
Budgets are good.
(women giggling)
- Yes winning.
- (mumbling) good.
- Winning does that; (mumbling).
(women giggling)
- Tell me about the
actual space itself.
- I mean we just
love this space.
I don't even know which are
the key elements really.
Everything here makes us happy.
- So for you, what would
be your design elements
that the judge is
gonna walk in here
and be like, this was
clever, creative design.
- We will start off
with the layout.
The layout is functional,
it's beautiful, and it works.
I mean we have our
coffee table over here
which is a three piece
(mumbling) table.
They are also great and you
can use 'em as side tables
and then together they
also form like a beautiful
big coffee table.
- Okay, so I see
that's quite clever.
- [Woman] The reason why
our land was so luscious
was because we made space
because we have a dining area
in the kitchen and also outdoors
so that all in
essence created space.
- [Dan] This seems to
come together quite nice
with those natural
elements that are in here.
You got like that sort
of African aesthetic
as well too I see,
that's been inspired
by a lot of African colors
which I really, really enjoy.
So good luck; the judges
are soon going to arrive.
I'll call you when
they're ready.
- Thank you so much.
- All right can I go now?
Off the couch?
- Bye bye.
- It's too comfortable;
can you guys go actually?
- Bye bye (mumbling).
(women giggling
- This is lovely.
(relaxing music)
- [Dan] Perma Peeps?
- Hey Dan.
- How you guys doing?
- Good and you?
- We're good, we're good.
- (mumbling) tired; last
challenge done and dusted.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- This space is so much open.
So how are you guys feeling?
- Good, we absolutely
love our space.
Our art piece is
absolutely everything.
- [Sinead] You will see
the way it looks at night.
The (mumbling), like the
lighting, it's just beautiful.
- [Melissa] And then we
have our outside bar area
which is I mean come now.
Do you get anything
more South African
than outdoor cooking?
- [Dan] Your client obviously
is always being kept in mind
and you know, what is
it about this space
that's going to appeal to them?
- Well I think
we've obviously also
we stuck to our greenery
with all the (mumbling).
But also we bought
in the very settle
African feel as
(mumbling) needs and once.
That's shining through
very well in the use
of natural stone and
the use of textures
and different types
of (mumbling).
(talking simultaneously)
- The judges will walk in
here and spot some of these
massive (mumbling) elements
that you brought in
but they're also wanting to
push your design boundaries
with some critique.
What do you think
they'll critique?
- The one rug we
brought out was actually
too big for the space and
then with the hectic deadline
we never actually got
time to go and swap it out
for another one so we
need to bring a rug
into the space I think.
- What about the other elements?
- Over there we put
in a lot of storage.
So we have broom cupboard space.
There's a foldout ironing board.
- What, you guys
(mumbling) out things.
- Laundry.
- (mumbling) laundry.
You know how we are.
- Does it work?
- [Women] Yeah.
- Wanna check it out?
- Yes, come show me
how it looks.
- Check this out; we have
our little laundry basket.
- That's so cool.
- And our foldout ironing board.
- No way!
- It's our absolute favorite.
- Love it.
Good stuff guys; that's
really, really exciting.
You guys done a great
job and congrats
on the final challenge.
- Thank you, we're very excited.
(upbeat band music)
- Guys this is like
a millennial's haven.
- Would you live here,
would you live here?
- Totes, what I've
appreciated about the whole
competition is walking
into your spaces
and seeing how
much you guys push
those boundaries of design.
- First came into the space
we already had
like a clear vision
of what we wanted this
to be so being able
to walk through this
space unhindered
and having a clear walkway
which we've created.
Kind of like compacted most
of the designs to the left.
- Although it's young
and it's expressive
and that it's still a
sophisticated space,
it steel (mumbling).
- The spookiness.
- Yes.
- [Man] I get you; so with
the whole hammock structure
we kind of allowed a space
with the whole (mumbling)
at the end there.
So we thought of adding
steps over there on that end
so that you can
actually access it then.
You're not hindering the
flow of the space here.
And the positioning
of it is perfect
because you get the whole view
of the golf course outside there
and it kinda highlights the
whole exterior, interior feel.
(mumbling) the balcony we
went for a Moroccan feel
which is low seating
and multifunctional.
So you can move it
around, shuffle it around.
- [Man] Adjust to the
function that you're having.
- When it comes to ideas
you guys are rocking it.
(men chuckles)
That's when I go
up, up upstairs.
- [Men] Please.
- Bring me a book.
- I'll throw you one.
(men laughing)
(relaxing music)
(Dan sighing)
- This is so cool.
(slow piano music)
You guys can get out
of here now, bye.
Thank you, this is awesome.
Well what can I say?
All three inspired
living room spaces
are living up to
my expectations.
But what about the judges?
They share their thoughts
and rule on a verdict
after the break.
(fast upbeat music)
Welcome back to My Design Rules.
It's a bittersweet moment
for our design duos
as they just completed
the final challenge
of the competition.
The spaces are
looking incredible
and it's time for the judging.
(fast tropical music)
Design duos, all's
well that ends well.
Congratulations on completing
your final challenge
and I might say.
Walking into each
of your apartments,
I became so proud of the
work that you created.
Your apartments look
incredible, however it's not
my opinion that
matters, it's the judges
and they have arrived.
- [Woman] The judges are here.
- [Dan] They are Slade Brookes,
property executive
Balwin Properties.
Bryan Courtney,
Private Property.
Buhle Mathole from
Kabu Design Architects
and your guest judge and mentor
for this challenge, Kyle Roux.
- I'm feeling a bit sad at this.
The last time we get
to like stress and cry
and scream on site.
- Please let us win, please.
- We took one, give
us another one.
(women giggling)
(slow band music)
- The idea with this
large space was always
a relationship with
the kitchen space
and all these living
areas working together.
I really feel we've
properly achieved that
and that's a big
reward in itself.
- All right Brian,
I need a moment
to take all of this in.
There's a lot going
on in this room.
Team Contrast Control
does amazing work.
I love that they
got the (mumbling)
pieces of furniture.
Every chair around
the dining room table
is interesting and unique.
I really admire the
creativity that the guys show
in their choice of
pieces, the use of color,
and obviously their
structural design
is always very strong.
- It's very interesting
and I think they're very
creative people,
but I'm not sure
if it will appeal to
everyone necessarily.
Team Contrast Control
exciting always.
I think they're born designers.
They're artists, you
can't argue that.
- I agree with you 100%.
The creativity is
definitely there.
Team Contrast Control I
climbed up your ladder;
that scared me.
I wasn't sure if I was
gonna get up there.
I wasn't sure if I
was gonna find myself
lying down on the
floor, (mumbling).
This was a bit of an experience.
I got to the top,
everything was sturdy,
everything was
stable; I was happy.
Stepping outside I
actually really enjoyed
the tranquility of it
cause it's very peaceful.
There was enough seating
to have a few friends
around and it didn't distract
from the beautiful view.
I'm worried about the
space they've used.
You know you're missing quite
a lot of the room itself.
You had (mumbling)
passageway, great conception
but you need to use
all the space you have.
- It does sort of
congest everything
down to one portion
of the apartment.
- Yeah.
- Is that clock?
- And what is the time?
(everyone laughing)
It's happy hour somewhere.
- It is, definitely.
- Sounds good; let's
go check it out.
(woman giggling)
(peaceful band music)
- We hope the judges
appreciate the fact
that we've played with every
space in this apartment.
- Yeah, there was a
lot of thought process
and I just think I love
the floor from the kitchen
to the lounge.
- Beautiful.
- Very impressed
with everything.
As you walk through
you see this beautiful
wooden slat sitting
behind the greenery.
The whole open room;
(mumbling) the place
was well executed.
They had the volume in the unit.
They had the colors, they
had all the contrast as well.
I really like the fact
that in the mentor session
we discussed using expansion
joints to a graphic effect
and they obviously bought
the (mumbling) across
from (mumbling) things
and punctuated the art
onto this broad
stripe on the room
and I think that's a great
way of bringing your art
up into the double
pointed space as well.
- You have your (mumbling)
coffee table over here.
It's not just functional
you know, it looks great.
- [Man] Yeah I mean it's pretty
much a piece of sculpture.
- Yeah.
- What did you guys think
of the TV units.
- For me personally,
I think the TV
is a maybe a little
bit heavy for the room.
I understand where they
were trying to go with it
in terms of concept but I
think it kinda over pars.
All though it is
really great not to see
any wires over there.
- I didn't like the
whole tombstone look
of the TV cabinets, but if
I walk past the TV units
and go through to the
outside balcony area,
it's a lovely open space
and an incredible view.
I didn't quite understand
why they would put
the wooden decking
in the L shape.
It divided this
really small balcony
into a smaller segment
that only seats two people.
And if you wanna
have friends around
and enjoy the view, I
think it's a bit limiting.
Something I noticed
as I was coming in
was this (mumbling);
it's beautiful.
And very clever the
way they continued it
right across to the edge
of the bathroom wall.
It definitely
mirrors the kitchen
which is a really
clever feature.
It seems to be a great
sense of continuity
from the kitchen going
through to the living space.
- So other than the
kitchen (mumbling),
the one thing maybe lacking here
really is the dining space.
- For this small space I think
they bought that outside.
It's a beautiful dining
area; you can relax
with the view so I think they
really made a good choice
by not putting in
the dining area.
(upbeat band music)
- We are so excited
for the judges
to see our collaborative
art piece from our workshop
and just the general
actual flow of the space;
how it just feels
like all one space
and just entertaining is gonna
be awesome in that space.
- I really love the dining
room table (mumbling)
to the kitchen.
- I gotta eat somewhere.
(everyone laughing)
- Priorities is priorities.
The girls from Perma
Peeps have definitely had
a strong design identity from
the beginning to the end.
You can obviously see
the flow of the finishes
and their ideas consistently
through the whole apartment.
- I love how now when you
translate the dining kitchen
lounge area, the whole
space works; it flows.
- I really think if they
had a rug under the table
in the lounge it
would of added a bit
of a cozier space;
made it a bit warmer.
But what is very nice is
the under the coffee table
they added those
(mumbling) plants
same as they did in
the dining room table
which was very clever.
- I'm absolutely mad
for their collaboration.
I mean the recycled
plastic works.
They done with the
team in (mumbling)
has amazing effects on the room.
I do feel however,
it will be quite nice
for it to have traveled
a little bit more
up into the height of the space
rather than being all at
one level of the kitchen.
- I agree with you
on that, but I think
what they've done is
on the opposite wall
they've used all of the space.
You got different
colors in there.
There's different
pieces that are popping
out of the wall.
It creates a good
volume for this room.
- And what I really love
is what they've done
in their balcony with
that beautiful bright area
with enough storage
their wine racks.
So I think they
created a good balance.
- Great idea to obviously
have the (mumbling)
and to be able to use
the space however,
I feel having focused on that,
they might of let
themselves down a little
in the actual comfort
of the seating
which really doesn't look
like it was too comfortable
to sit on.
- Absolutely.
(everyone laughing)
(slow piano music)
- The final challenge is
always the toughest duos.
But each of you can
be incredibly proud
of the amount of work
you put into your spaces.
We could see your
hearts and souls
were poured into this challenge.
Let's begin with
our judges feedback.
I'll start with you
Team Contrast Control.
You always push the
boundaries of design
and the judges really
appreciated that
in your living space.
Your net hammock really
took the judges by surprise,
however the open space you
created from your entrance
through to your balcony,
made it felt like you
cramped everything slightly
to the one side of the room.
- We're super happy
though that the judges
were a bit surprised
about our little things;
our little tricks up the sleeve.
- Tricks up a sleeve.
- And I have a comment
about the lounge
being too compressed.
We rather look at
it as being compact
because we wanted a
free flow of space
into the outside.
- So the person walking outside
never has to worry about
walking across the TV
and that sort of thing.
- Team R&K, the
judges commended you
on creating a
practical living space
with ample seating.
They loved the
wooden slat feature
that leads into the lounge
and the fact that you
used color on your
wall to hide the lines.
However, your dark TV cabinet,
although practical
for hiding wires,
the color may have imposed
slightly on the space.
- I missed all the criticism.
All I heard was
yum, yum, yum, yum.
- The Perma Peeps.
The judges loved that
you bought dimension
and texture to your TV wall.
They also loved your
(mumbling) area.
However, they did feel
that the L shaped couch
on your balcony
forced your guests
to face inwards as opposed to
the beautiful view outside.
- The view is always
there so you don't have
to be facing it and
staring at it all the time
to appreciate it and
the seating orientation
actually lends itself to
better space utilization
in the whole living area
and outdoor area together
I think, we think.
- With that said,
I must remind you
that although the
competition is tied,
the winner of the
final challenge
does not determine the
winner of the competition.
The judges will first need
to visit your apartments
and judge them in
their entirety.
However, there can
only be one winner
for the living area
and balcony challenge.
And the winning duo is
Team R&K.
(women cheering)
- [Both] Team R&K.
Team R&K.
- Congratulations
ladies and as winners
of this challenge,
we'll be allocating
an extra $5,000
rand to your budget
so you can tie up
all the loose ends
in your apartment
and get it ready
for the judges final visit.
- This budget, it's
gonna come in real handy.
- Yeah.
- I mean next week
the judges come in and the
space needs to be spic and span.
Be perfect to the tee.
- Yeah.
- So we're gonna use all of it.
- We are pretty
disappointed and bleak
about this decision.
- But yeah, I feel
like we can definitely
do some cool things
and just fix a couple
of small tweaks
and our snags time
and we are going to
actually hold our heads high
and really hope that the
judges enjoy the space
as a whole.
- We're very stoked with
what we've achieved here
and I think when
the judges come back
for their final
judgements and actually
get to spend some
time in the apartment.
Experience it living
in this space,
all our little details
that we paid attention
to along the way,
will really pay off.
- Final challenge done
but it's not over yet.
The design duos
will have one week
to do snaggy and change
anything they feel
they didn't quite get
right the first time round.
They'll want everything
to be perfect
before the judges arrive
and actually spend
a night in each apartment
before they rule
on who will win My Design Rules.
Next time on My Design Rules.
The duos have the
opportunity to implement
the final tweaks
to their spaces.
- But girl we love you,
but you have to go.
- [Dan] Then the Christmas
cheer is in the air
as the judges arrive to
spend a festive night
in each apartment
and experience them
in their entirety.
Will the judges bring
holiday cheer or fear,
gifts or lumps of coal?
Find out next time
on My Design Rules.
- [Man] Another feel
good production.
(faint gong)