Mutiny (2017): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

The crew face the challenge of finding a way through the Great Barrier Reef. If they get it wrong this vast wall of coral could rip open the bottom of their tiny wooden boat.

[tense music]

[Ant] There's an old saying,

"When ships were made of wood,
men were made of steel."

[Rishi shouts] Come on, boys!

Argh, come on!

[narrator] In 1789

the crew of a British navy ship

rose up and overthrew
their captain, William Bligh,

in the infamous
mutiny on the Bounty.

Bligh and a few loyal men
were bundled into a tiny boat

and abandoned
in the middle of the Pacific.

They should have died.

[dramatic music]

Instead, they managed
to sail 4000 miles to safety...

[male voice]
Wave, wave!

[waves crashing]

[narrator] ...through
some of the most

unforgiving seas on earth.

[Dan] Big waves. Big, big waves.

[narrator] It remains one
of the greatest survival feats

of all time.

[uplifting music]

[narrator] Now...
[waves crashing]

...nine men are following
the same route,

in an identical boat,

facing the same conditions,


to measure themselves
against history.

[Ant] Can the modern-day man
endure such hardships?

[all] Woo!
[Sam] Ahhh!

[Chris] Come on, lads, bail!

[Rishi] There's nothing normal
about being here, nothing.

[Freddy laughs] Yes!

[Rishi shouts] Whoa! No way!

Be careful,
be careful, be careful.

[Dan] If we make it through,
I think it's a huge triumph.

Oh my God!
It's a shark!

[Luke] We return victors.

If we make one mistake...

[Ant] Look, look, look, look!
[all in unison] Oh!'s utter, utter disaster.

[dramatic music]

[narrator] So far...

the crew have battled
fierce tropical storms.

[waves crash]

[male voice] Ohh!

[all] Wave! Wave!

Big wave. Ohh!

Their rations have rotted.

Nail varnish.

[Ant] Just bin the rest, mate.
People are falling apart.

[narrator] And one of
their most experienced sailors

has left the boat.

[Ant] Put your t-shirt
and your jumper away now.

I'm raging inside.

I reckon, it's best to go,
I don't wanna be here at all.

[Ant] Chris.

Something else will happen again

and it's just not right, mate.

[dramatic music]

A month into their voyage

the crew have completed 3000

of their epic
4000-mile journey to Timor.

Directly in their path

lies their
hardest challenge yet...

the Great Barrier Reef.

Stretching for over 1600 miles

it's the largest reef
on the planet.

A vast coral wall lurking
just below the sea's surface.

In Bligh's day,
it was known as The Labyrinth.

[ominous music]

[male voice] Oh!

We need to be on the ball now.

We need to be switched on.

The route is getting
quite tricky now.

And we're having to navigate
through reefs.

We're having to navigate
through small passages.

[Conrad] So, at the moment,
we're approximately 70 miles

from where Bligh went through.

[narrator] Using
the navigational instruments

available to Bligh

they're aiming for the same
small island he landed on.

[Ant] I think, definitely head
for this as a reference

and then we can decide
closer to the time.

[Conrad] Probably need
to steer a course around 275.

[Ant] Yeah, let's do it.

Got that, Rishi? 275 please.

Try and keep
that course as well mate, okay?

Try and keep it
exactly as we can.

My job as Captain
is to get the men there

as quick as possible.

Because... if we...
add another 12, 24 hours

that could be
a 12 hour or 24-hour period

too long for these guys.

Trying to stay on course...

and, um, I'm really struggling
to concentrate now.

My mind's fried.

[Dan] If we make a mistake now

a bit of navigation goes wrong,
or anything like that,

we could take ourselves
five days, a week out.

We don't have
the water for that.

It's all got quite serious.

[seagulls squawking]

[Ant] Look at all these guys.

[Luke] Whoa!

That one was massive.

[Rishi] They're incredible.

They move so well
through the air.

[Luke] Are you hungry enough now
to eat a seabird?

[narrator] In 1789,
Captain Bligh's starving crew

managed to catch a seabird...

as he recorded
in his diary from the voyage.

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
I directed the bird

to be killed for supper.

The entrails, beak and feet
I divided into shares.

And the blood,
I gave to the people

who were the most distressed
for want of food.

Every person thought
he had feasted.

[Freddy] Here we go.
Here we go. Oh my God.

Here we go, here we go,
here we go, here we go.

[Conrad] Yay! Oh!

[chuckling] That was cool.

[Freddy] This is the first time

we've ever had something
that close to us

that we can touch.

[Luke] Here it comes.
[Conrad] Come on, come on.

[Luke] Oh, I touched him.
[Freddy] Oh!

We touched. [chuckles]

[Sam] I probably
would have dropped the camera

and had a go from there

you know,
when he touched your arm.

I reckon I could have got him
while he was off balance.

[ominous music]

The crew have been surviving

on daily rations
of around 400 calories.

Roughly what
Bligh's men had to live on.

The amount of food we're eating

it's not sustainable... at all.

Everyone's losing
a lot of weight.

I've constantly got
stomach pains.

[exhales heavily]

We're in a sort
of downward spiral.

[Dan] It's weird.
I almost feel like I'm dreaming.

Just the noise of the boat

and everything
that goes on around you.

[dramatic tone]

It's almost like
it's not really happening.

It's weird.

And I think it's brought on
by no food and dehydration...

cabin fever, lack of sleep,
all adding up to this kind of...

feeling. [chuckles]

Right now, I probably couldn't
tell you my kids' names.

[ominous tone]

I've just seen something.

It could be
the start of the reef.

Ahead of Ant's exhausted crew

lies a tough test of seamanship.

Okay, hang on a bit,
there it is.

The Great Barrier Reef.

The crew's only way through

is to find one of the narrow
passages in the coral.

A navigational nightmare
as daunting today

as it was for Captain Bligh
over two centuries ago.

[Sam] Not really ideal sea state
to be attempting this, is it?


[Ant] We just have to make sure
we get this bang on.

[ominous tone]

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
The person at the helm

heard the sound of breakers...

[waves crashing]

and I no sooner lifted my head
than I saw them.

The sea broke furiously
over every part.

[Ant] Guys, let's start moving.

Let's start fucking moving now.

This is serious.

This is where
I need you to switch on.

You see the white breaks?

If we end up on those,
the boat's torn to shreds.

Stay switched on.

It's quite nerve-wracking stuff.

'Cause we've not had to deal
with anything like this.

[Conrad] Okay, Ant, we're
looking out for another bank,

sandbank, some kind
of smooth channels in between.

[Ant] Yeah.
[Conrad] Probably around about

12 o'clock off the bow,
straight ahead.

[Ant] Yeah, I'll let you know
when we've got visual.


[suspenseful music]

You can see where the reefs
are breaking.

We've got a bank, ten o'clock...

and the break seems to have
stopped either side of it

and it's here.

Okay, so pretty much
into the sun yeah?

It's right there.

[waves breaking]
Big swell.

[narrator] The three-meter
swell is making it difficult

for the crew
to keep the gap in sight.

[Conrad] Fuck,
I've got no idea where we are.

[Ant] We're heading
towards a rock here now.

We need to turn.

Let's get that halyard down.

We're just being blown
onto a reef here.

Quick as we can guys.

[narrator] They've overshot
the gap in the reef.

[Ant] Quick, quick, quick guys.

[narrator] To turn back, they
need to re-position the sail.

[Dan] Sail untied.
[Ant] Alright, up, up, up.

Okay, guys, stand by for a jibe.

Yeah, we need to go, let's go.

[Freddy] Yeah, yeah, yeah,
go, go, go, go.

[Ant] Conrad, the rock's there.

[Conrad] Yeah, I know, I know.

I've lost steerage here.

While the sail is down

the boat is impossible to steer.

[Ant] Got big breaks.

[narrator] And the swell
is pushing them onto the reef.

Conrad, you look to starboard
about two o'clock.

You can see the rock.

Let's get tension on the left.

It's caught on something.

[Ant] Up a bit,
up a bit, Rish. Up a bit.

Fuck, we're close to that reef.

[Ant] Bear away five.

More, more!

Hold that.

Fucking hell, this is tight.

[Ant shouts]
It's in a good line, good line.

[dramatic crescendo]

Boys, we are going through
the Great Barrier Reef

as we speak.

[Freddy] Woo!
[Ant] Fucking get in there.


[triumphant music]

[Ant] Just sailed us
through the Great Barrier Reef

- my friend.
- It's a lifelong dream.

[Ant] Congratulations.

Well done, Dan.

Master of my rock.
Thank you, Sir.

[Conrad] That was fucking tense.

Probably the most difficult bit
of navigation I've ever done.

This is how Bligh
got through the Barrier Reef.

[Sam] Respect to Bligh.

Yeah, massive respect.

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
Being now happily

within the reefs

and having promised to land

on the first convenient spot
we could find

all our past hardships
seemed already to be forgotten.

[uplifting music]

[Rishi] The Australian sunset.

I've always wanted
to go to Australia.

I didn't think
it'd be like this though.

Here you are.

[Rishi] That's the first time
on this boat

that I've felt like this crew
worked so well together.

Very proud to be part
of this team.

[Ant] We just nailed this, mate.

And we're all looking around
this boat and thinking...

I'm so glad
that I done it with you

you, you, you, you,
and you and you.

The chemistry here is perfect.

[ambient music]

[Conrad] It's amazing,
isn't it, how calm it is?

[narrator] Now they're safely
through the Great Barrier Reef,

Ant's crew can enjoy
a brief moment of respite.

[uplifting music]

[Conrad] Can you imagine
the relief of Bligh's guys?

'Cause they would have thought
that they were...

safe, you know,

even though Bligh
obviously had other feelings.

So they would have just
generally thought, we're safe.

[loud ship horn blows]

[Rishi] That is mental.

[ominous tone]

I can't help look at that
and think, do you know what?

There's a fair bit of food
there as well. [laughs]

[loud ship horn blows]

[narrator] When Bligh
made this crossing

he saw no other vessels.

But two centuries on...

Ant's crew find themselves
in a busy shipping lane.

[Freddy] Do you reckon they
can see us? Like a tiny dot?

[Sam chuckles] Wheelchair
in the middle of a motorway.

It'd smash the boat
into kindling.

[Ant] Yeah. And we'd be
shark bait basically.

It's game over
for boat and crew.

Guys, I need you
to be on the ball now.

[Rishi] Thought I'd be one
of the strongest in the crew

but I am starting
to get absolutely exhausted.

We do rely on Ant.

We shouldn't rely
on him so much.

But... it's been a really tough
couple of days actually.

I miss my family and my home.

I live with my twin brother Raj
in London.

There you go, done.

I'm a very city man.

I'm not your caveman.

I'm not the fishing guy
that goes out

and just eats raw fish
and hunting

and all that sort of stuff.

I'm a very modern man.

If I need the plumbing done,
I'll get a plumber in.

If I need the electrics done,
I'll get an electrician in.

I'm expecting to come back
a different person.

Get some sleep, get some rest.

Myself, Conrad, we're gonna do
two hours on, four hours off...

all the way in
to Restoration Island.

Bligh reached Australia in 1789

the year after the first British
settlers arrived in Botany Bay,

2000 miles to the south.

He feared an attack

by the native people
on the mainland.

So Bligh headed for
a tiny uninhabited land mass

that he would later christen
Restoration Island.

Ant's crew
are following the same route.

[suspenseful music]

Alright, chaps, wakey-wakey.

[Freddy] If you have a look
in front of you

that's Restoration Island.

[Dan] We're here, boys.

First land in a fortnight.

[Dan] Is that
a good sight, Lukey?

[Luke] It's a really good sight,
it's amazing.

Where's the five-star hotel
though? [laughs]

I really hope Restoration

does what it says on the tin.

'Cause we all
need it badly. Badly.

[Ant] Alright, guys,
we're gonna go on there

make sure we get plenty of rest,
make sure we get plenty of food

because we are
on the bones of our arse.

I'm even on the bones of my arse

and I'm tired just even talking.

Right, let's get the oars ready,
let's go.



[narrator] Bligh approached
the new land cautiously

after one of his crew had been
killed on a previous island.

[Ant] Oars out the water.

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
On the northwest side

I found a bay
and a fine sandy point to land

and examined if there were
any signs of natives.

But I saw nothing to alarm me.

[Sam] Ant.
- Yeah.

[Sam] There's a fella coming.

[Ant] Hello there, my good man.

[Dave] God.
[Ant] I'm the Captain

of the Bounty's End.

[Dave] The Captain?
[Ant] Yes.

- And what's your name, sorry?
- Dave.

[Ant] Dave, I'm Anthony.

[Dave] So where
did you blokes come from?

[Ant] Vanuatu.
- What?

Yes, we just come from Vanuatu...

- In this bloody thing?
[Ant] Yeah, in this thing.


So what's that, gunpowder
or something? What's that?

[Ant] No, they're water.

They're empty barrels of water,
I have you know.

We're not here
to cause any trouble

we're here just
to get some food.

[Dave] Alright.
[Ant] Some water and replenish

and then we'll be
out of your hair.

[Luke] Ah! Land.

[Dave chuckles]
You young crazy heroes.

[narrator] Seventy-two-year-old
Dave Glasheen

and his pet dingo, Polly,

are Restoration Island's
sole inhabitants.

[Dave] Got any fishing gear?
[Ant] Yeah, we have.

He's like the Australian
beach bum Santa Claus.

[Dave] You're welcome
to camp somewhere.

Here's not a bad spot in here.

[narrator] Dave traded the city
for a simpler life

after losing millions
in the stock market crash.

[Dave] This is the water
and this is it.

But I won't get any rainwater

of any consequence
before next year.

Water's the gold
of the wild, you know.

We will use this sparingly.

When Bligh's crew were here

they filled several barrels
of water from a well they'd dug

and made
a desperate search for food.

[Luke] We're pretty hungry.

You're not eating
each other yet?

[Ant] Been munching
on ship's biscuits now

for the last 35 days.

There's rocks
and there's saltwater.

There should be oysters,
you know.

This is probably where Bligh
would have come, I reckon.

[ambient music]

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
Everyone was anxious to find

something to eat.

I sent out parties
that returned highly rejoiced

in having found
plenty of oysters.

[Rishi] Wow.

[Dave] He was here in May

and the south-easters
are quite strong.

[Luke] Yeah.
[Dave] So this would be

the protected side
and it'll be a lot easier here.

[Luke] So weird to think
that he was right here.

That's an oyster, isn't it?

[Dave] That's good one.

I've never done this before,
why would I...

where would you do this
in London.

[Luke] Come on, Rish,
you've never had one right?

[Rishi] My virgin oyster.

First time sailing,

first time survival,
first oyster.


That's fresh.

Being on these rocks

doing exactly the same thing
as Bligh: pretty special.

I feel like a part of history.

[Ant] Wow.

[Dave] So you're not gonna
starve tonight, fellas.

- Well done, Rish. Well done.
- Yeah, it's good that, innit?

[Ant] Rish is doing really well

'cause he is learning,
he's taking everything on board.

But... I need him to be
like that when we're low.

When times are bad, when
we're going through a bad patch.

That's when I need Rishi
to step up.

[narrator] The oysters
Bligh's crew found here

saved them from starvation.

But there's one man they're
not going to help this time.

I'm allergic to oysters.

[Rishi] Fred,
you can't eat that, can you?

[Freddy] No,
I can't eat that, no.

[Rishi] Fuck.

It's just doing my head in.

It's so demoralizing

the fact that I can't eat
when everybody else is eating.

And I'm not gonna complain
in front of them

'cause, it's not good
for morale.


[sighs heavily]

[ambient music]

Mm, those oysters are good.

[Ant] Bon appétit.

[Sam] And how nice is it
to sit on something

that's not fucking wood?

[male voice] Oh, yeah.

[Luke] It's the first hot food
we've had in about 17 days.

[Sam] I'll never, ever,
take hot food for granted again.

It's really nice
to eat a proper meal.

[Freddy sighs]
It's just messing me up this.

I hate it.

[Luke] "Friday, May 29th.

The oysters we found grew
so fast with the rocks

that it was with difficulty
they could be broke off."

That's true isn't it?
[crew laughs]

[Luke] "They were very sizeable

and well tasted
and gave us great release."

[Ant] Was that's true as well?
[Luke] That was, yeah.

[crew laughs]

[Luke] "This being
the day of the Restoration

of King Charles II

and the name
not being inexplicable

to our present situation

for we were restored
to fresh life and strength.

I name this Restoration Island."

I find that just the spookiest,

spookiest thing hearing that.

[Ant] To the proper,
proper Mutiny crew.

[all together] Yes!

[ambient music]

The crew is up early

trying to find their next meal.

Guys, we need to go that way.

[Freddy] This way?
[Dan] Roger.

If you feel the take,
don't yank straightaway.

About two or three seconds into
the run, that's when you strike.

[gentle piano]

[Luke] No fish?

[Dan] No bites?

Come on, I really wanna get one.

[Freddy] All I want to do
is eat, I'm so hungry.

But I can't eat oysters.

I can eat fish, but we never
really catch any fish.

[Ant] What's down there?

It's always good to forage.

Across the island...

[Ant] Aha.

[narrator] ...Ant's having
a little more success.

[Ant] Oh, look at that. Cassava.

It's like a potato really.

Even if we just
get this in us tonight

that will suffice.

I have to catch something.

[water splashes]
[Dan] Fucking what is this?

[suspenseful music]

This is fucking big, boys.

Fucking monstrous, mate.

[shouts] Oh my God,
it's a Blacktip Shark.

Whoa! Mate.

[groaning] That is so powerful!

[Luke] Fucking hell.

[Rishi screams] Whoa-oh!
Oh my God. Oh my God.

Fucking hell. It nearly
bit my fucking leg off.

[Rishi] Oh my God!
[Dan] Mate, it's not that big.


Oh mate, mate, careful,
careful, careful, careful.

He nearly got my leg.
He went for my leg.

[Freddy] What's happening?

[Dan] We've got a shark.
[Rishi] Got a shark.

[Freddy] Ha-ha!
- Steaks tonight baby.

[Freddy] Ha-ha-ha! Yes!

[Dan] Yes!


[Dan] You little beauty.
We're gonna eat tonight, man.

[Luke] Oh, yeah!

[Dan] Yeah!
[Rishi] Whoa!

Tonight, we dine like kings.

- Yeah!
[Dan] Whoa-ho!

I feel so proud of them.

Looking back to day one,
they're like different guys.

Being able to survive
off the land

being able to survive off sea.

They're like my brothers,
you know, I've got to...

I've gotta get 'em
to the end of this.

[Luke] He's an ex-Special
Forces sort of tough guy.

I'm like a gay doctor
from London.

Those paths
do not cross very often.

So I have to say,
I was a little bit apprehensive

of that macho nature.

But he's incredibly sensitive
to the emotions in the group

and he's knowledgeable.

You know, sort of survival tips.

I don't think we could have
done this without him.

[Ant] You alright, Dave?
[Dave] I'm alright.

What you got?

A little surprise.

[Ant] Oh, a little bit of oil.

D'you know what?
We could make chips with this.

You know,
with the cassava that we got

we could have fish and chips.

Oh, thank you so much, Dave.
Thank you.

[Dave] Bon appétit.

[Freddy] Oh, it smells great.

I'm looking forward
to that so much.

If someone had told you
at the beginning this journey

that you would have fish and
chips, would you believe him?

Freddy, guess what I've got?

I've got some vinegar
in the medical kit.

[Freddy laughs]

[Ant] Oh, my God,
my mouth is watering.

This is the Mutiny feast.

Look at that, look, look.

The skin fat on it
is just going mad.

It looks amazing.

[Ant] We're not gonna beat this.

[Dan] Preparing us
for the next leg, right?

[Ant] Preparing us for life.

I'm seeing people develop,
I'm seeing people progress...

No, that's sweet.

[Ant] And it's really rewarding.

See if we can keep
this momentum going.

If we can,
then I'll be a very happy man.


[Ant] Oh!
[metallic thud]

- You alright?
[Ant] Shit, I've cut my foot.

[Freddy] Luke.
[Luke] Is it bad?

[Ant] Yeah, pretty bad.

[Freddy] Yeah, okay.

[Ant] Bastard.

[Sam] What happened?
[Ant] It's the axe.

[Rishi] Oh, the axe.
[Sam] Oh, fuck, man.

[Ant] Yeah.

Can you wiggle all your toes?

[Ant] Yeah.

If his foot becomes infected

Ant may have to leave.

Just like that, silly bugger.

[Luke] There can be
lots of complications.

Tropical infections can get
really nasty very quickly.

Gotta be so careful.

[Ant] Only takes a split second
for something to go wrong.

This gets infected it's game
over, it's the end.

[gentle music]

[Ant] It's our last day
on Restoration Island.

Had a bit of a drama before,
cut my foot open.

I knew straightaway
I needed stitches.

But, four stitches,
bang and it was done.

We've got to put that aside
and we've still got a job to do.

[Rishi] Whoa, whoa!
Sam, that bung's come out.

[Sam] Shit.

Don't lose the precious water.

[Sam] Good spot, Rish.

[narrator] After three days
on Restoration Island

Ant and his crew
are ready to face the perils

of their final sea crossing.

[Ant] Thank you so much.
Thanks for having us, man.

[Dave] You're all restored.

A safe journey.

It's been wonderful having you
and you're all incredible men.

[Ant] Right, come on then, men,
let's get on the boat.

One, two, three.

These tropical waters

are teeming with bacteria.

An infected cut
could spell disaster for Ant.

In Bligh's day, infected limbs
were amputated quickly

to prevent death
from septicaemia.

[Ant] The Captain is dry.

- Thanks, guys.
[Dan] No worries.

[Ant] Bye, Dave.
[Luke] Thank you!

[Dan] See you later,
Restoration Island.

[Conrad] Hoist the main.

[uplifting music]

[narrator] When Bligh and his
men left Restoration Island

They were still very weak,
after over a month at sea.

Yet, they would
need to negotiate

a maze of reefs and islands

to reach the nearest safe port:
1400 Miles away at Timor.

Ant will follow in Bligh's wake

braving northern
Australia's searing heat

and seas infested
with saltwater crocodiles,

sea snakes, and sharks.

[Conrad] So be on starboard tack
initially, guys

with the starboard side, right?

[Freddy] Yeah, okay, once we get
around the corner we can...

[Ant] Look, look,
look, look, look, look.

[loud thud]
[all] Whoa-ho-ho!

[Dan] What the fuck was that?

[Conrad] That was a big shark.

See these two islands here?

We're going straight through
the middle of 'em.

[Luke] So this is a reading
from Bligh's journal

about going through
exactly this spot.

"As I was passing this straight

we saw a large party
of Indians running towards us...

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
...shouting and making signs

to land.

Some of them
waved green branches

as a sign of friendship.

But there were some of their
other motions less friendly.

I therefore determined
not to land."

[Ant] I know what I'd do,
I'd just go straight past it.

[Luke] Yeah.
[Ant] They had no firearms.

Yeah, there's no way I'd stop.

[Luke] They literally
would have been right there,

- wouldn't they?
[Ant] Mm.

[Sam] This leg of the voyage

I feel more sort of connected
to Bligh's story

than any other bits so far.

Now, I mean, it's really
starting to come alive.

[ambient music]

[narrator] After only a day's
sailing from Restoration Island

Bligh surprised his crew

by stopping
on a barren outcrop of rock.

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
An island of good height

now bore
to the northwest from us.

The shore was rocky.

The water, however,
was smooth...

and I landed without difficulty.

I named this... Sunday Island.

Why have we stopped here?

Bligh's crew were frustrated

to have this break
in their journey.

[Ant] Dan.
[Dan] Yeah.

[Ant] Come with me to this high
ground, have a look over.

Ant's keen to explore

what drove their captain
to such a bleak outpost.

There's nothing here...
absolutely diddly-squat.

Why would he wanna
stop here for?

[Dan] I don't know.

It's pretty barren, isn't it?

[Dan] Something was going on.

[heavy drum beat]

[narrator] Rish has been told
to set up camp for the night.

[Rishi] I see absolutely
no point in being here.

We're wasting time.

You know, we've got
a mission to get somewhere.

Let's carry on going.

[narrator] Bligh's decision to
spend a night on Sunday Island

also led to discontent.

[Captain Bligh reconstruction]
Their fatigue

got the better
of their sense of duty.

Some of them claimed, they
would rather be without dinner

than go in search of it.

One person went so far as to
tell me, with a mutinous look

he was as good a man as myself.

I therefore determined
to preserve my command

or die in the attempt.

And seizing a cutlass, I ordered
him to defend himself...

on which he began
to make concessions.

Just thinking why Bligh would
come here and I think that

it had to do with discovery.

He was an explorer.

He thought to himself,
"Well that's not chartered."

And he wanted to put
his flag in it.

I've discovered this location.

And then his men
were so pissed off

that he literally
took 'em to an island

where there was nothing...
so his men pulled him on it.

Boom, he got his cutlass out.

I don't think Ant's gonna pull

a cutlass on me tonight.

But it is a little bit like
Bligh is kind of haunting us.

It kind of gives me chills.

I really didn't expect

to have such
a similar experience to them.

[ominous tone]

[narrator] It's 8 a.m.

and already the crew
are wilting in the heat.

[Freddy] Fuck.

They want to get moving.

But to escape the bay,
they have to wait for high tide.

[male voice] All done.

People are coming down like
sort of dominoes with diarrhoea.

- Phew!
[Dan] Go and have a dump mate.


There's a real chance
that it can lead to sort of

serious dehydration
in these conditions.

[Luke] You know,
the blazing Australian sun

and that can be
really dangerous.

Fuck, this is hot.

I feel really light-headed.

[Freddy] Fuck.

Can physically and mentally
feel my body shutting down.

[Ant] You look drained,
mate, absolutely drained.

[Rishi] I am, yeah.

[Ant] Rish is really,
really down at the moment.

He wants to go home.

Fred. Fred's weak,
we're all weak.

We're all starting
to lose it a bit.

I am feeling it
just as much as the men.

But I have to not show that.

I have to step up as a leader.

Finally, the tide rises.

[ambient music]

Ant and his crew
are able to leave.

[Ant] Right, ready? Oars back.

One. Nice and easy, guys. Two.

How you feeling?

So much better
on board the boat.

On that island,
that was the first time

I genuinely considered leaving.

I think, as well, a severe case
of dehydration was kicking in.

- Yeah, definitely.
[Ant] We all had the shits.

Just check that 50-litre barrel.

[Ant] You wanna taste it, Luke?

[Sam] What's up with the water?

[Luke] Smells bad.
[Ant] Really?

[Luke] Yeah. It's getting
that sulphurous smell.

[Sam] It probably rotted
in the barrels.

Fucking horrible.

Out of nowhere, all of a sudden,

I just feel really sick.

I've just finished
a glass of water

so I'm convinced
that the water's gone off.

[Ant] That's why
we've got diarrhoea, I think.

We should stop drinking it.

The crew need to find

clean drinking water, urgently.

[Ant] It's not looking good.

so we'll be prioritizing
getting water.

How we looking, Conrad?
Where we heading?

[Conrad] Turtle Head and Albany.

That's probably our best chance.

[Ant] Alright guys,
we're gonna be stopping

to prioritize water.

So we've just made
this decision now.

Everyone happy with that?

[crew] Yeah.

[narrator] Ant sets a course
for the nearest large island.

But for now

the crew must survive on milk
from the few remaining coconuts.

[Luke] Careful, Rish.

Don't want you
to chop your finger off.

That's fucking dangerous mate.

[Sam] Dude, dude, dude, dude.
[Luke] Rish.

[Sam] Don't fucking
cut machete with me here.

[Luke] Alright and also don't...
- Rish, mate.

[Luke] Don't cut it like that.
[Rishi] Why?

[Luke] 'Cause it can
go through to your hand.

Rish, it's not fucking safe
on land

you're not fucking safe
on a boat.

Well how the fuck am
I gonna do this then?

Just look where
my fucking legs are.

[Luke, Sam and Freddy in unison]

[Dan] No!
[Rishi] Shit!

[Dan] He lost all
his fucking coconut water.

[Rishi] Oh, fucking hell.

[ominous tone]

Rish is in a really bad place.

Physically he's
not getting about.

I think that he's got literally
a couple of days left in him

if I'm being honest.

[gentle music]

[narrator] Forty days
after being set adrift

the tired and thirsty crew
have made it to Albany island.

Look at the colour of that sand.

[Dan] Pure white.

[narrator] But dry land
does not guarantee safety.

[Dan] Look at these mangroves.

[Freddy] You know what
that means though? Crocs.

[Ant] Guys, there's things there
that wanna get us.

We've got sharks.

we've got crocodiles.

On the island there's snakes,
there's spiders,

there's scorpions.

[narrator] The priority
is to find a water source

somewhere in this
inhospitable landscape.

[ominous tone]

Big spider. Whoa! Fucking hell.

[Freddy] Oh.

[Dan] They're Orbs. If you hit
the bush, they'll come for you.

Fuck sake, Dan,
why are you telling me this?

[Dan chuckling]
No, seriously, they will.

[Freddy] Conrad, after you.

[Conrad] Fucking hell.

[Dan] How are you
with spiders, Conrad?

[Conrad] Terrified.
Give me a boat anytime.

[Dan] Oh, spider.

[Conrad] Whoa!
[Dan] What?

[Conrad] Bastard.

[Dan] Did he get you?
[Conrad] Argh, you bastard.

[Dan] They're everywhere.

There's just absolutely
no sign of water, mate.

Nothing. It's arid,
desolate, dry, horrible.

Having failed to find water...

when the sun sets...

there are other dangers.

[Ant] This is croc territory.

Night time routine, this is
where we need to be on it, guys.

There will be a fire
in a centralized location

where we'll be sleeping

and we'll have a watch keeping
an eye out for predators.

[ominous tone]

[Dan quietly]
So I'm on croc watch.

Don't know exactly what I would
do if a croc popped its head out

of one of these bushes.

[Rishi] Fuck! Argh!

What the fuck is going on here?

[dramatic tone]

I just got bit by something.

If that's a spider,
it could be bad news.

Oh fuck.

[Sam] What is it?

[Rishi] Big centipede.

[Sam] Ooh, nasty.

[Rishi] Oh my God,
that was so painful.

[narrator] Thankfully,
this species of centipede

is not deadly.

[Sam] Say goodnight.

[metal tings]

[ambient tone]

The next morning

there is only one thing
on Ant's mind.

[Ant] Right, listen in, gents.
Water... priority.

Okay? I know you're hanging,
but this is where it counts.

Right, let's get cracking, guys.

[Conrad] Let's try along here.

And I've got no idea
about searching for water

but it just looked lush and
green down in the corner here.

The crew split up

so they can search
the entire island.

The signs do not look good.

[Dan] It is... dry.

It's arid.

Not seeing any water run offs.

[ominous tone]

[Conrad] There's so much green.
Where's it getting its water?

[narrator] Under the glare
of the midday sun...

the crew return to camp.

[Dan] Let's go back.

[Ant] How did you get on, Dan?

[Dan] Shit.

[Sam] I think I've done
about half the island

but fuck all water,
dry as a bone.

[narrator] They haven't
drunk any fresh water

for over 24 hours.

Very, very light-headed.

I keep on forgetting
what I'm meaning doing.

Um... what I'm gonna be doing.

What I'm meant
to be doing, rather.

[Rishi] You look terrible, Fred.

[Freddy] I feel terrible.

Literally just had to
stop myself from being sick.

[Rishi] I can't handle this.

This is the worst
possible scenario.

[Dan whispers]
They are pathetic.

Rish is fucking hopeless.


Did you film me saying that?

[solemn music]

The crew can't leave the island

until they find
enough fresh water

to see them through
the next leg of their journey.

[Ant] To get us home, I need
everyone to be on the ball.

I can't get everyone home
by myself, I can't do it.

I need Fred
to pull his fucking finger out

and I need Rish
to fucking snap out

of whatever fucking thing
that he's in.

[Rishi] This is shit.

[Ant] And if he doesn't,
I'll make him snap out of it

when we get on that boat.

[Rishi] I'm done.
I'm ready to fucking go home.

[narrator] In a last ditch
attempt to find water

the crew search the shoreline.

Let's try another approach.

[Dan] We've been
all over the island now

we've had a look for water,
can't find it anywhere.

If we don't find any here,
that's it.

[solemn music]

[Sam] We're in an incredibly hot

dry, arid part of the world.

Nothing will kill us faster
than lack of water.

There's something there.

[Ant shouts] Conrad!
[Conrad] Yeah, down here.

[Dan] Found something?

Oh, what have you found?

Guys, we've got water here.

[male voice] Oh! Mate!

[Conrad] It tastes pretty good,
it's rainwater.

[Ant] Conrad, well done.

Right, let's get
crack-a-lacking guys.

With this lifeline secured...

[uplifting music]

the crew
can now ready themselves

for the final crossing.

I'm going into this last leg

with the seriousness
that any one of my men...

could lose their lives.

It's that serious.

We're sailing
1200 odd miles to Timor.

Dangerous. With the mindset
of these men, it's dangerous.

[narrator] Next time...

[dramatic music]

[Dan] Goodbye, Albany.

[narrator] ...they set sail
on their final leg to Timor.

[Conrad] Fast as we can.
Fast as we can.

[narrator] But when the wind
drops, Ant faces a mutiny.

If you think Conrad
should step up as Captain

put your hand up.

[narrator] And the crew
are on the brink of collapse.

[medic] You cannot go on,
potentials can be catastrophic.

Your kidneys will be fucked,
your livers will be fucked.

Our bodies are in shutdown mode.