Murdoch Mysteries (2008–…): Season 9, Episode 2 - Marked Twain - full transcript
As a visit to Toronto for a speaking engagement by Mark Twain leads to controversy, Murdoch and the team from Station House 4 are tasked with protecting him.
I bagged that one in darkest Africa.
A handsome beast. Ferocious, I'd wager.
Africa? I thought tigers
were native to India.
You could be right, my dear. Africa, India,
it is terribly hard to tell them apart.
Now this beggar is a
different story altogether.
He was two hundred yards
away if he was an inch.
Remind me again as to why we are here.
- The guest speaker.
- Who is?
That's the exciting part. It's a surprise.
Thank you.
I do appreciate this, Clarence.
- Appreciate what?
- Your sponsorship.
Oh, not a bother.
This club could use a few
men of your forthrightness.
We're all getting a bit
stodgy in our old age.
Well, I want you to know
that we're both delighted.
When will Thomas know
if he's been accepted?
If my husband sponsored you,
- acceptance is a mere formality.
- Oh!
Well, Clarence,
do you intend on letting
the cat out of the bag?
Whatever do you mean, Dick?
When are you going to tell us
who is regaling us this evening?
You'll find out soon enough.
Young Benson is fetching him now.
Look at Margaret. She looks like the cat
- who ate the canary.
- It's not everyone
who gets asked to be a
member of the Empire Club.
Why would the Inspector
want to associate with them?
Perhaps it's to keep
the canary eater happy?
Esteemed Members and Honoured Guests.
It is my pleasure to announce
that our speaker will be here
in a matter of moments. So,
if you could all take your places.
Enough foolishness, Clarence. I insist
- you tell us whom we are here to hear.
- All right. All right.
Let me say that I have brought,
at great personal expense,
a most wonderful speaker
to start the series.
He is an acclaimed humourist
and world renowned travel diarist.
None other than...
Mark Twain.
- Mark Twain!
- Mark Twain?
- Have you gotten your marbles mixed?
- This is outrageous!
Mark Twain. In our club? Over my dead body.
Bugger this. I'm leaving.
You intercept that scoundrel.
- You make sure he doesn't set a foot in here.
- Yes, sir.
I'm guessing this is not
the surprise they expected.
- Thomas. What is going on?
- I don't know.
- This is horrible. He was your sponsor.
- Murdoch,
- what's this all about?
- I...
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mark Twain.
Go back to America, Twain.
You don't belong here.
- Thank you.
- For king and country!
You don't belong here!
Ladies and gentlemen, what a pleasure
it is to be a guest
in your esteemed city.
Is anyone hurt?
- Thomas!
- Margaret, stay close.
Mr. Twain. Are you all right?
I believe I will need another drink.
- Splendid idea.
- Oh, Thomas.
.44 calibre.
Please thank Doctor Ogden
for escorting Margaret home.
Yes, of course. Sir, did
you hear anything of note?
No one appears to have seen anything.
- And you believe them?
- No reason not to. We didn't.
- Right.
- May I escort Mr. Twain
- back to his hotel?
- Wursley, please escort
the two gentlemen back to their hotel.
Mr. Twain, welcome to Canada.
Well, it was a robust one.
Yes. I'll be needing to ask you
further questions in the morning.
- Yes. Of course.
- Had you taken leave of your senses?
He is the author of Tom
Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,
- I didn't expect...
- Mr. Twain is also the vice-president
of the Anti-Imperialist League
and a critic of His Majesty.
Why in God's name did you book him?
I may not have researched him thoroughly.
You, sir,
are the master of understatement.
- Mr. Wilson.
- Yes.
Detective William Murdoch,
Toronto Constabulary.
I would like a list of all of your
members that were present this evening.
You surely don't think one of us...
At the moment, no one is above suspicion.
I trust you will be discrete about this.
Of course we will, sir.
I'll procure you the list.
Chin up, Thomas.
I don't think this will change anything.
Mr. Fanshaw, why did you
object to Mr. Twain's presence?
The man is a bounder. Pure and simple.
- Could you expand on that?
- Do you know what he says about our way of life?
He calls it the most grotesque swindle
ever perpetrated by man.
He all but proclaims
our beloved King a Devil.
So he deserves to be shot?
I heard you were an
ex-military man, as am I.
What do you think?
- Uh, well, uh...
- Mr. Fanshaw. Members of the club
- have stated that you carry a weapon.
- I do. What of it?
May we see it?
It's in my locker at the club.
You are more than welcome to examine it.
But I did not shoot at the man. In fact,
I wasn't even in the room when the
scoundrel was shot at. I was at the bar,
trying to gather my composure.
Norman will vouch for me. Gentlemen.
I suppose she forgot the date.
- What are you on about, Henry?
- Mary Lawrence.
She was to accompany me to
the musical theatre last night.
What have you got there?
Oh, I had them made after my promotion.
- When you were in jail.
- Right. Subtle.
I went to collect her last night, and her
flatmate said she'd left for the evening.
- Mary Lawrence, this is the one with the sick mother?
- She's always sick!
Every time I call on her,
her mother's on her deathbed.
I suggested perhaps she should retire
to the country; perhaps
the clean air would sort...
Mark Twain.
- Excuse me?
- Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass.
W. Epaminondas Adrastus
Blab. Sergeant Fathom.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
Mark Twain!
Mr. Twain. It's an honour to meet you.
The honour is both yours and mine.
Oh, there's no need to
say that. George Crabtree,
Constable Third Class.
I used to be First Class,
Constable First Class, but I
made a rather unfortunate choice
which led to a series of blunders
from which I... I'm prattling.
You're here to see some of
the Detective's inventions,
- I'll wager.
- No, no, no.
Somebody shot at me yesterday.
Well, it's a good thing
they missed, I should say.
Mr. Twain.
Thank you for coming in. George,
Henry, I need you to go to the Empire Club
and search Richard Fanshaw's locker.
- Sir.
- What are we looking for, sir?
A gun.
Preferably one that's been recently fired.
- Right this way.
- Good day to you, Mr. Twain.
- Good to meet you, son.
- Henry,
we've just met one of the greatest
writers the world has ever seen.
George, do you think it might be possible
that Miss Lawrence is
purposely avoiding me?
Mr. Twain,
given your political leanings,
did you not consider that your speaking
at the Empire Club could be seen
as a... a provocative act?
Are you saying that whoever
shot at me had the right to?
- Of course not.
- I must say
- I was surprised that the organization booked me.
- As was I.
Seeing you describe the
monarchy as slave owners
who attained wealth by stealing it.
but what I actually said was:
"I believe
I should really see the
end of what is surely
the grotesquest of all swindles
ever invented by man,
the monarchy."
You don't agree?
We are ruled by Britain.
Your comments may be viewed
- by some as offensive.
- Well,
if it makes you feel any better,
I don't think of my own
government as different.
I am an anti-Imperialist, and as such,
I am opposed to having
the eagle put its talons
on any other land.
So you're unpopular both home and abroad.
You think it's possible someone
followed you here to Toronto?
It's possible.
Given my points of view,
it's somewhat of a surprise
that someone hasn't shot at me before.
And to what do I owe the pleasure?
- I've been reviewing your application for membership.
- And?
- You are a strong candidate.
- Thank you.
I've canceled Mr. Twain's
engagement at our club.
Considering the circumstances,
that's a wise move.
I would dearly love
to see that man ridden
out of town on a rail.
These self-proclaimed
champions of the people
- are nothing but a menace.
- Well, I don't exactly have the authority.
You're a police inspector, sir.
What more authority do
you need? A Royal Warrant?
The membership review committee
meets in a few days.
Good day.
You would think Miss Lawrence
would be interested, you know,
me being a Constable First Class and all.
You'd think.
I'll admit it is nice to have a
few extra dollars in the pay packet.
Trumpers and Truefitt, George!
- Rose Mouthwash! The Royal Family uses this.
- Henry!
Excuse me, George?
Forget it. Let's go check
out behind the club, Henry.
And put that back.
Margaret, what are you doing here?
Oh, I'm just so excited, Thomas.
Have you heard any news yet?
- No.
- Oh. But I just saw Mr. Wilson leave.
Have you been spying on me, woman?
I just happened to see him
leave as I was arriving.
Oh, I don't mean to pry, Thomas,
I'm just a-twitter about the possibility.
Margaret Brackenreid, married
to a member of the Empire Club.
That would certainly shut Verna up.
Why are you so worried about bloody Verna?
Oh, it's just her and her gazebo.
If I hear another word...
I don't know why you
insist on trying to keep up
with Verna bloody Jones. Now come on.
Oh, Thomas.
It is foul back here.
I didn't notice, Henry,
all I can smell is you.
Perhaps you can continue here, and
I'll check the locker rooms again.
You go ahead and do that, Henry.
I'll go ahead and bring in the evidence.
I'll take that.
I was a riverboat captain for two years,
until the War of the States broke out.
- That's when I took my pen name.
- Do tell.
Mark Twain.
Means twelve foot of water, safe for sail.
Seemed an appropriate moniker
to launch my literary adventuring.
After that it was Virginia City
- and the silver rush.
- William went to the Klondike.
The gold rush.
- Indeed.
- Make any money?
Can't say I did.
Neither did I.
Unfortunately the story of my life lately.
That Constable Crabtree says
you're something of a tinkerer.
Oh, he's more than that.
William is an inventor. I daresay
if he ever left the police force,
he'd give Mr. Tesla a run for his money.
Julia, I hardly think that...
I put all my money
into a brand new printing press,
the Paige Compositor.
Left me destitute.
Hence the dog and pony
show I am currently on.
I've got hundreds of creditors on my back.
Are any of those creditors from Toronto?
Well, poss...
You don't think...
Two main motives for murder, Mr. Twain:
love and money.
Anything of interest?
Henry's found the weapon.
It's been recently fired
and it matches the calibre
of the bullets we retrieved.
- Is it Fanshaw's?
- It is.
But his alibi still holds up.
So anyone could have used it.
Do you know if Mr. Twain is
planning on leaving town soon?
I... I don't think so.
It would be in his best
interests if he did.
Perhaps you could persuade him.
May I ask why?
The Empire Club would like him gone.
They've made that quite clear to me.
And you would like to
secure your membership.
Hear me out, Murdoch. Just hear me out.
I give my wife more grief than good.
She would dearly love a taste of high
society and I'd like to give her it.
I'll tell Mr. Twain
that our investigation can proceed
- without him.
- Thank you, Murdoch.
You two are lucky people.
- What makes you say that?
- You seem to be in a relationship of equals.
My wife Livy has been by
my side my entire life.
- A true partner.
- I've heard of her by reputation.
She's dying now. Been dying
since my daughter died.
- Mr. Twain, I'm so sorry.
- And we are broke.
Due in no small part to reckless ways.
That Empire job would have paid well.
There must be people who want to hear you.
Well, I did secure an engagement
in Albany, but the job pays nothing.
Mr. Twain, I have a proposition.
I'd like to pay you
for a series of lectures
to the Dominion Woman's
Enfranchisement Association.
I hear you're a supporter.
Yes, I am.
Julia, the last time Mr. Twain tried
to take the podium, he was shot at.
- It's not wise.
- So you would rather he run and hide
than exercise his right to free speech?
Of course not. I am merely suggesting
that Toronto may not be the most
hospitable venue for his views.
Then what better place to express them?
I doubt there's a more useless endeavour
than preaching to the already converted.
Your wife?
She's hired him for a series
of speaking engagements.
The man is desperate for money.
So he's staying then?
For the foreseeable future, yes.
And that's all of them?
All I can recall.
These people who invested in your schemes
did so of their own free will?
I have surprising powers of persuasion.
Mr. Twain,
do you really need to
speak at this engagement?
My wife is dying.
I have squandered her fortune and mine.
I need to offer her some comfort
after all she has done for me.
So, yes,
I need to speak at this engagement.
I'll look into this.
I'll be right back.
Gentlemen. I'd like you to find
out the whereabouts of these men
the night that Mr. Twain
was intended to speak. Sir.
- Thank you.
- I'll take Mr. Bertrand,
Mr. Potts, and Mr. Hendrickson.
Let me have a look at that, George.
I am Constable First Class now.
Right you are, Henry. I apologize.
I will get
the others.
You can have Hendrickson.
- He lives almost ten miles out of town.
- Oh, I'm aware of that.
- Then why would you volunteer?
- Because he lives right next
to Mrs. Hampshire's Finishing School.
Mary Lawrence went there.
- Did she?
- For a time.
- She left, she said the women there were of easy virtue.
- Oh, indeed,
and if I recall correctly,
today is laundry day.
I remember once, Jackson
and I had to reprimand
a couple of them for wandering
around in their unmentionables.
- Did you?
- Yes.
And they were from France.
The unmentionables. Parisian undergarments.
Well, allow me to save you the trip.
I could use a brisk bicycle ride.
It's a shame
you don't have a fence that needs painting.
- That was last summer, sir.
- Mr. Twain.
Could I have a word?
So this is where you do the King's bidding?
I simply enforce the Criminal Code.
I apologize.
I was trying for humour. I
fail as much as I succeed.
You've ruffled a few feathers.
- Beg your pardon?
- I said, you've ruffled a few feathers.
- I suppose I have.
- And you've put your own life at risk.
Perhaps it would be for the
best if you were to leave town.
I speak out against injustice.
No matter what side of the border.
Imperialism, British or American,
is a scourge on this earth.
It is our duty to civilize these people.
Your "White Man's
Burden" is an insult, sir.
What right do we have to impose
our way of life on other people?
America lied to the Filipino people.
Promised them liberation,
delivered tyranny.
You sound like a traitor, sir.
No. I simply protest
when the "powers that
be" do something wrong.
I doubt there is anything
traitorous about that.
- And you feel you have the right.
- Of course I have the right.
You have the right, I have the
right. We are free men, sir.
You live in a new country.
One that could chart its own course.
Why would you willfully labour
under the yoke of scoundrels?
My King is a scoundrel?
All Kings are scoundrels.
Mr. Brackenreid, you seem like a good man.
You don't deserve to have a master.
- Why am I in here?
- Mr. Hendrickson,
the Constable who spoke with you
said you became agitated at the mention
of Mark Twain. As such,
I'd like a few words.
If you want to know my personal feelings
toward Mr. Twain,
I can be most clear. I hate the man.
Enough to kill?
If I could do it without
consequence, certainly.
The man lied to me, took every penny I had.
I may have been a fool, but he was a thief.
Yes. Mr. Twain convinced you to invest
in the Paige Compositor.
It was going to change the world.
Revolutionize the printing process.
It was a sure thing, he said.
The only sure thing about it was penury.
I have to ask:
do you know what this is?
That's a Webley and Scott. Military Issue.
But it certainly isn't mine.
It looks like Fanshaw's.
You knew he kept it at the club, yes?
He usually pulled it out when regaling us
with stories of the
Battle of Rorke's Drift.
Zulus to the left of us,
Zulus to the right of us.
That sort of thing.
But I was nowhere near the Club that night.
The Club?
That's where the shooting was.
How do you know that?
The newspapers.
The shooting was never
reported to the press.
And certainly wasn't made public.
Club President Wendel
Wilson made sure of that.
Then I must have heard it
from one of the members.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask
you to stay here, Mr. Hendrickson.
- Mark Twain?
- He's supported suffrage for years.
- Oh, so an intelligent man.
- Yes.
Will you still be here to see him?
- I don't leave for a week yet.
- I envy you.
London is going to be such an adventure.
Won't it?
I... I just wonder, sometimes,
why I just grasp at the next new thing.
- Shouldn't I have a plan?
- You're young.
Plans are for the old.
That's why I've never made any.
Now, Mr. Wilson, have you
ever seen this man before?
Of course. That's Randolf
Hendrickson. A member.
Seriously in arrears.
I see. Was he at the club
the night of the shooting?
I'm not sure. But he was
there earlier in the day.
Clearing out his locker, I believe.
Thank you.
I'll need you to sign a statement
- confirming what you've just told me.
- Of course.
- Murdoch, we have a problem.
- What is it, sir?
There's been a shooting
at Mr. Twain's hotel room.
I opened the door. The man started firing.
Can you describe him?
I didn't have my glasses,
it all happened so quickly.
And I was going to give chase, but
I saw young Benson on the floor.
Did you see anything?
All I saw was the gun.
Are you all right?
I stumbled when I tried
to get out of the way.
Both Mr. Hendrickson and
Mr. Wilson were with me
at the moment the shots were fired.
Despite Wilson's objections, somebody
could have been acting on their behalf.
Bugalugs does have a point.
And besides, Hendrickson did
lie about being at the club.
- What about Fanshaw?
- I checked his alibi.
It still holds up.
George, have you questioned Mr. Potts?
- No, sir.
- Please do.
And also question any
remaining folks who may have
invested in schemes at Mr. Twain's behest.
Sir, shouldn't we still
be looking into the Club?
I mean, it seems the most likely place.
No, I intend to. Henry, I'd
like you to apply for membership
at the Empire Club. Sir! George,
Henry's worked hard on this case.
He brought in Mr.
Hendrickson. He found the gun.
Besides, have you taken
a whiff of him lately?
He smells like a bloody toff.
Henry James of James,
James, Jarvis and James.
Ahh. And your uncle
is a member of the Royal Victorian Order?
Indeed. Uncle Clive served
Her Majesty until her death.
- And you're recently emigrated?
- Scant months ago, yes.
- Homesick?
- Oh, I shall adjust,
but I do sometimes think that the only soil
worth standing on is British soil.
I concur.
But you'll soon see this
place as British soil.
It does seem a most genteel environment.
Take a look around, ask some questions.
I believe some of our younger
members may be around today.
Thank you, sir.
It's a grand country, really. Once
you get used to the bloody winters.
- And the colonials.
- That takes some doing.
I hear you had a rather infamous
one of them in here recently.
A Mr. Twain.
That was Clarence Eldridge's doing.
The old man's dotty.
Didn't even know who he was.
But Mr. Wilson had that
scoundrel out the door
- with hardly a fare thee well.
- And lucky for him.
I would have loved to introduce
him to a proper pair of dukes.
Yes. I heard through the grapevine
that shots may have been fired.
No one was hurt.
Still, I imagine it would have
made for a riotous evening.
You've heard Mr. Twain
is speaking this evening.
- Here?
- Here?
A speech about allowing
women the right to vote?
Mr. Wilson says that speech will occur
over his dead body.
His or Mr. Twain's.
Really, they seem nothing
more than a bunch of blowhards
with an appetite for port, sir.
Although I did hear that some
members of the Empire Club
- plan to disrupt Mr. Twain's speech.
- Oh?
So, sir, I thought maybe I should go back,
investigate further, as it were.
Get back in uniform, Henry.
I could get used to this.
Good for you, Henry.
Miss Lawrence is excited about the news
- that I am soon to be a member of the Empire Club.
- Is that right?
I assume her mother's health
has taken a turn for the better.
It has indeed.
Did you question the rest of the investors
- as the Detective asked?
- Yes, I did.
In fact, here are my notes.
Why don't you take
credit for those as well?
Whatever do you mean, George?
I would rather this didn't proceed.
William, you sound like a
phonograph that's become stuck.
I don't want you on the stage with him.
- William, I'm going to be on stage.
- Doctor Ogden,
I agree with the Detective. Keep in mind,
whoever's gunning for Mr. Twain
does not seem to be a very good shot.
Thank you very much, George.
You realize the Empire Club
has half of the city up in arms.
What a surprise.
Any time anyone in Toronto
suggests anything progressive,
half the city is up in arms!
I'm just not sure it is necessary to have
a man advocating for our cause.
- You are a sour one.
- I am not.
I just believe we women are more
than capable of stating our own case.
We can state it all we want, but it
makes no matter if no one is listening.
- I suppose so...
- Did you just agree with me?
- I suppose I did.
- We are making progress.
What is happening here? Excuse me.
Let us pass.
- Go home.
- No,
- we shall not. Now let us pass.
- There will be no lecture tonight, I'm afraid.
Move out of our way, sir.
Or I shall be forced to...
Hit me with your handbag?
- Give it your best.
- Stand aside, Mr. Wilson.
Look at this rabble.
Send them home.
Did you not hear me?
Send them home and call off this lecture.
Move out of our way.
- Oi, watch it!
- Do I need remind you what's at stake here?
No, you don't. Now please clear
out of the way, Mr. Wilson.
If you and your friends
want to attend the event,
buy a ticket like the rest of them.
- If not, stop being a nuisance.
- You're not calling off this lecture?
You got wax in your ears? Move along,
- otherwise you'll be spending a night in my cells.
- You, sir,
have just made yourself
a very dangerous enemy.
Oh, I've made worse.
I hope you realize
I am formally rescinding my sponsorship.
Oh, move along, Eldridge, you old codger!
- Inspector.
- Thank you.
Mr. Twain,
perhaps this wasn't a good idea.
Perhaps I should tell
them that you've taken ill.
I can't do that.
Look at that crowd.
William has often accused
me of being impulsive.
Perhaps he's right.
Are you ready, Mr. Twain?
I certainly am.
Keep your eyes open, George.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honour
to introduce to you one of
America's finest men of letters.
The author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
and countless essays, both
literary and scholarly.
Please welcome
Mr. Mark Twain.
Thank you, ladies. And gentlemen.
Your welcome
is a lot warmer than the
one I received earlier.
And a lot less dangerous.
You know, when you have
lived as long as I have,
you have the right to change your mind.
And that's what I'm
going to do here tonight.
I'm gonna change the minds of those of you
who believe that women should
not have the right to vote.
Let me read you something.
"I never want to see
the women voting, and gabbling
about politics, and electioneering.
There is something revolting
in the thought.
Let your natural bosses
do the voting."
Those were my words.
That's what I believed,
until I met my wife, Olivia Langdon.
After that meeting,
I came to believe that a woman
is always right.
And I became a woman's rights man!
You know, if women held the right to vote,
the world would not be
in the state it's in.
I am prepared to speak
until I have convinced
every single one of you.
Mr. Benson, would you? My mother...
George. Upstairs!
Bloody Hell.
I'll get him to the morgue, Julia.
Let the detective know
- my report will be on his desk.
- Thank you, Emily.
Are you all right, Mr. Twain?
- The fault is all mine.
- No, the blame can be shared
equally. I should never
have suggested this.
If they hadn't attempted it here, they
would have attempted it somewhere else.
We'll find out who did this, Mr. Twain.
Some of the members from the Empire
Club were outside the building.
One of those buggers will
be responsible for this.
Shall I escort Mr. Twain back to his hotel?
Yes, please, George. And stand
guard for the night. Be vigilant.
Sir. Mr. Twain.
- The fatal shot came from up here.
- It was an easy shot.
Would've been like
shooting fish in a barrel.
He should have succeeded this time.
Yes. He should have.
I am prepared...
to convince every single one of you.
He should never have missed.
What if Mr. Twain was
never the intended target?
The young lad. Benson.
He appears to be the only
one unfortunate enough
to have been struck by a bullet.
Mr. Twain, why was Mr.
Benson in your employ?
How do you mean?
Well, he was an employee
at the Empire Club.
He left that position to work with me.
Forgive me for asking, but
you mentioned you were broke.
How could you afford to pay him?
He agreed to work on commission.
He would find me speaking engagements
- and take a percentage.
- Why would he leave a job
at one of the finest clubs in the
city and give up a regular paycheque?
He would have made more with me.
He had already found
me several engagements.
We were to go to St. Louis
after the speech tonight.
That boy was a smooth operator.
You had conversations with him.
Did he have any enemies?
The only thing he ever
said to me was that his time
with the Empire Club was short-lived.
- That it was time for him to move on.
- Why?
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Perhaps another visit to
the Empire Club is in order.
Then maybe we should send
in our own smooth operator.
You'll need to find out everything you can
- about Mr. Benson.
- Yes, sir.
Um, what would you like to know exactly?
How about if anyone there would
have been inclined to murder him.
Oh, of course, sir.
Um, I was wondering if I
shouldn't bring a female companion?
- It could provide an excellent cover...
- It's a men's club!
Quite right.
- Damn shame.
- That it is.
But life goes on.
For some of us at least.
Yes. What can I get for you?
- And you are?
- Samuel. Samuel Langhorne.
- I'm the new man.
- Good to meet you, Samuel.
Could you prepare me a gimlet?
A gimlet. Yes, of course.
Let's see if he prepares
one as well as Bens.
- A gimlet, um...
- Well, obviously he can't.
Do you prefer fresh limes, sir, or cordial?
Fresh, of course.
Very good. You were having us on.
To Benson.
He was a good one.
You are speaking of the
man I'm replacing, I assume?
We are indeed.
But no one will ever replace Benson.
Gentlemen, I assure you,
I've tended bar in some of the...
finest establishments in all the land.
I'm sure you mix a fine drink,
but Benson could do so much more.
- You could always count on him.
- For a favour.
- An alibi.
- A spot of female comfort.
When he himself wasn't comforting females.
- Very good.
- I'm sometimes surprised
he lasted here as long here as he
did, considering some of his escapades.
- Escapades?
- Hello, fellows.
Ah, James. Come over here.
We're having a bit of a
wake for our dear departed.
Sir, please allow me...
Thank you.
- Anything I can get for you, sir?
- Scotch and water.
- Any brand you prefer?
- Scottish.
These escapades you were speaking of...
Well, far be it from me to gossip, but...
- Good work, George.
- Thank you, sir.
Even if you weren't authorized to do so.
Sir, I felt I needed to remind you that
I'm capable of dealing with anything
that's thrown at me. Despite my rank.
George, you're Constable
Third Class in name only.
We all know that.
Why did you book Mr. Twain?
He's a renowned humourist.
A world traveler.
- And an enemy of the British Empire.
- I didn't know that.
Mr. Eldridge,
you may enjoy acting the fool,
but don't play me for one.
You knew all about Mr. Twain's reputation,
- and you knew it would cause a stir.
- Thomas,
I realize you must be
upset, but I had no choice
but to withdraw my offer of sponsorship.
I don't give two monkeys
about your sponsorship.
I believe that you knew
Mr. Twain's visit would cause
a great deal of commotion.
And in a commotion, many things can happen.
And indeed they did. But I
would never have suspected
- that a member of our club would...
- I recall you telling me
- you shot that gnu.
- I did.
Two hundred yards if it was an inch.
A pistol's a different proposition
altogether though, isn't it?
I would imagine.
I think you now know that for a fact.
Why did you assign Mr. Benson
to be Mr. Twain's minder?
He was an able young fellow.
An excellent concierge at the club,
as well as a fine bartender.
I knew he'd be able to make
Mr. Twain's stay comfortable.
He was known to make a
lot of people comfortable,
- isn't that true?
- Yes. It's a shame to lose him.
Is it?
How's Clarissa taking it?
Excuse me?
Your wife, Clarissa.
Almost thirty years your junior.
How is she feeling
about Mr. Benson's death?
Why are you bringing my wife into this?
Because she's at the
center of it, isn't she?
She is not.
Your wife had been seeing
young Benson for some time.
I imagine you might have
been able to handle it,
but when the rest of the club found out,
they looked on you as a laughing stock.
The wife of a member of the Empire
Club sleeping with a lowly bartender
and not caring who knew.
- You don't know that.
- Men talk to bartenders.
Even more than they do their priests.
We know exactly what your
wife was doing with Mr. Benson.
And you knew it too, didn't you?
- I told her to stop.
- But she wouldn't,
so you killed Benson instead!
Mr. Twain was nothing
more than a diversion.
Look on the bright side, Clarence.
She won't be sleeping with him anymore.
Did you really say that to Mr. Wilson?
- Indeed I did.
- Thomas...
Now, Margaret, I know that
you're probably upset...
You did the right thing.
Your honour is far more important
than associating with a bunch of windbags.
So you're satisfied with
the odd policeman's ball?
More than satisfied.
Besides, you'd have probably been kicked
out of there within two weeks anyway.
What about Verna Jones's gazebo?
Didn't you hear?
It burnt down in a mysterious fire.
I will give Nikola your
best the next time I see him.
- Please do.
- And Doctor Ogden,
I do hope you'll be successful. We will be,
- one day.
- And Inspector,
I owe you an apology.
An autograph will suffice, Mr. Twain.
They rejected me.
- The Empire Club?
- Apparently my thievery was noted.
- You didn't say anything, did you, George?
- Of course not.
And Henry, all they would've had
to do was take a whiff of you.
Constable Crabtree,
you strike me as a man with a nimble mind.
- Thank you, sir.
- And this work of yours
shows some promise.
- You read it?
- I started it.
Got any more in you?
I don't know. I haven't much
felt like writing lately.
You spent some time in penitentiary.
Lost a fianc?e.
- Indeed.
- Take it from me, son.
Reality can be beaten
with enough imagination.
Go to it.
Thank you, Mr. Twain.
On the next Murdoch.
She was deliberately targeted.
Murder hits close to home.
Why would she lie to me?
But can they find the murderer...
The real killer could still be living
under an assumed name.
... before death comes knocking?
Murdoch Mysteries, returns
Monday, October 26th on CBC.
A handsome beast. Ferocious, I'd wager.
Africa? I thought tigers
were native to India.
You could be right, my dear. Africa, India,
it is terribly hard to tell them apart.
Now this beggar is a
different story altogether.
He was two hundred yards
away if he was an inch.
Remind me again as to why we are here.
- The guest speaker.
- Who is?
That's the exciting part. It's a surprise.
Thank you.
I do appreciate this, Clarence.
- Appreciate what?
- Your sponsorship.
Oh, not a bother.
This club could use a few
men of your forthrightness.
We're all getting a bit
stodgy in our old age.
Well, I want you to know
that we're both delighted.
When will Thomas know
if he's been accepted?
If my husband sponsored you,
- acceptance is a mere formality.
- Oh!
Well, Clarence,
do you intend on letting
the cat out of the bag?
Whatever do you mean, Dick?
When are you going to tell us
who is regaling us this evening?
You'll find out soon enough.
Young Benson is fetching him now.
Look at Margaret. She looks like the cat
- who ate the canary.
- It's not everyone
who gets asked to be a
member of the Empire Club.
Why would the Inspector
want to associate with them?
Perhaps it's to keep
the canary eater happy?
Esteemed Members and Honoured Guests.
It is my pleasure to announce
that our speaker will be here
in a matter of moments. So,
if you could all take your places.
Enough foolishness, Clarence. I insist
- you tell us whom we are here to hear.
- All right. All right.
Let me say that I have brought,
at great personal expense,
a most wonderful speaker
to start the series.
He is an acclaimed humourist
and world renowned travel diarist.
None other than...
Mark Twain.
- Mark Twain!
- Mark Twain?
- Have you gotten your marbles mixed?
- This is outrageous!
Mark Twain. In our club? Over my dead body.
Bugger this. I'm leaving.
You intercept that scoundrel.
- You make sure he doesn't set a foot in here.
- Yes, sir.
I'm guessing this is not
the surprise they expected.
- Thomas. What is going on?
- I don't know.
- This is horrible. He was your sponsor.
- Murdoch,
- what's this all about?
- I...
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mark Twain.
Go back to America, Twain.
You don't belong here.
- Thank you.
- For king and country!
You don't belong here!
Ladies and gentlemen, what a pleasure
it is to be a guest
in your esteemed city.
Is anyone hurt?
- Thomas!
- Margaret, stay close.
Mr. Twain. Are you all right?
I believe I will need another drink.
- Splendid idea.
- Oh, Thomas.
.44 calibre.
Please thank Doctor Ogden
for escorting Margaret home.
Yes, of course. Sir, did
you hear anything of note?
No one appears to have seen anything.
- And you believe them?
- No reason not to. We didn't.
- Right.
- May I escort Mr. Twain
- back to his hotel?
- Wursley, please escort
the two gentlemen back to their hotel.
Mr. Twain, welcome to Canada.
Well, it was a robust one.
Yes. I'll be needing to ask you
further questions in the morning.
- Yes. Of course.
- Had you taken leave of your senses?
He is the author of Tom
Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,
- I didn't expect...
- Mr. Twain is also the vice-president
of the Anti-Imperialist League
and a critic of His Majesty.
Why in God's name did you book him?
I may not have researched him thoroughly.
You, sir,
are the master of understatement.
- Mr. Wilson.
- Yes.
Detective William Murdoch,
Toronto Constabulary.
I would like a list of all of your
members that were present this evening.
You surely don't think one of us...
At the moment, no one is above suspicion.
I trust you will be discrete about this.
Of course we will, sir.
I'll procure you the list.
Chin up, Thomas.
I don't think this will change anything.
Mr. Fanshaw, why did you
object to Mr. Twain's presence?
The man is a bounder. Pure and simple.
- Could you expand on that?
- Do you know what he says about our way of life?
He calls it the most grotesque swindle
ever perpetrated by man.
He all but proclaims
our beloved King a Devil.
So he deserves to be shot?
I heard you were an
ex-military man, as am I.
What do you think?
- Uh, well, uh...
- Mr. Fanshaw. Members of the club
- have stated that you carry a weapon.
- I do. What of it?
May we see it?
It's in my locker at the club.
You are more than welcome to examine it.
But I did not shoot at the man. In fact,
I wasn't even in the room when the
scoundrel was shot at. I was at the bar,
trying to gather my composure.
Norman will vouch for me. Gentlemen.
I suppose she forgot the date.
- What are you on about, Henry?
- Mary Lawrence.
She was to accompany me to
the musical theatre last night.
What have you got there?
Oh, I had them made after my promotion.
- When you were in jail.
- Right. Subtle.
I went to collect her last night, and her
flatmate said she'd left for the evening.
- Mary Lawrence, this is the one with the sick mother?
- She's always sick!
Every time I call on her,
her mother's on her deathbed.
I suggested perhaps she should retire
to the country; perhaps
the clean air would sort...
Mark Twain.
- Excuse me?
- Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass.
W. Epaminondas Adrastus
Blab. Sergeant Fathom.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
Mark Twain!
Mr. Twain. It's an honour to meet you.
The honour is both yours and mine.
Oh, there's no need to
say that. George Crabtree,
Constable Third Class.
I used to be First Class,
Constable First Class, but I
made a rather unfortunate choice
which led to a series of blunders
from which I... I'm prattling.
You're here to see some of
the Detective's inventions,
- I'll wager.
- No, no, no.
Somebody shot at me yesterday.
Well, it's a good thing
they missed, I should say.
Mr. Twain.
Thank you for coming in. George,
Henry, I need you to go to the Empire Club
and search Richard Fanshaw's locker.
- Sir.
- What are we looking for, sir?
A gun.
Preferably one that's been recently fired.
- Right this way.
- Good day to you, Mr. Twain.
- Good to meet you, son.
- Henry,
we've just met one of the greatest
writers the world has ever seen.
George, do you think it might be possible
that Miss Lawrence is
purposely avoiding me?
Mr. Twain,
given your political leanings,
did you not consider that your speaking
at the Empire Club could be seen
as a... a provocative act?
Are you saying that whoever
shot at me had the right to?
- Of course not.
- I must say
- I was surprised that the organization booked me.
- As was I.
Seeing you describe the
monarchy as slave owners
who attained wealth by stealing it.
but what I actually said was:
"I believe
I should really see the
end of what is surely
the grotesquest of all swindles
ever invented by man,
the monarchy."
You don't agree?
We are ruled by Britain.
Your comments may be viewed
- by some as offensive.
- Well,
if it makes you feel any better,
I don't think of my own
government as different.
I am an anti-Imperialist, and as such,
I am opposed to having
the eagle put its talons
on any other land.
So you're unpopular both home and abroad.
You think it's possible someone
followed you here to Toronto?
It's possible.
Given my points of view,
it's somewhat of a surprise
that someone hasn't shot at me before.
And to what do I owe the pleasure?
- I've been reviewing your application for membership.
- And?
- You are a strong candidate.
- Thank you.
I've canceled Mr. Twain's
engagement at our club.
Considering the circumstances,
that's a wise move.
I would dearly love
to see that man ridden
out of town on a rail.
These self-proclaimed
champions of the people
- are nothing but a menace.
- Well, I don't exactly have the authority.
You're a police inspector, sir.
What more authority do
you need? A Royal Warrant?
The membership review committee
meets in a few days.
Good day.
You would think Miss Lawrence
would be interested, you know,
me being a Constable First Class and all.
You'd think.
I'll admit it is nice to have a
few extra dollars in the pay packet.
Trumpers and Truefitt, George!
- Rose Mouthwash! The Royal Family uses this.
- Henry!
Excuse me, George?
Forget it. Let's go check
out behind the club, Henry.
And put that back.
Margaret, what are you doing here?
Oh, I'm just so excited, Thomas.
Have you heard any news yet?
- No.
- Oh. But I just saw Mr. Wilson leave.
Have you been spying on me, woman?
I just happened to see him
leave as I was arriving.
Oh, I don't mean to pry, Thomas,
I'm just a-twitter about the possibility.
Margaret Brackenreid, married
to a member of the Empire Club.
That would certainly shut Verna up.
Why are you so worried about bloody Verna?
Oh, it's just her and her gazebo.
If I hear another word...
I don't know why you
insist on trying to keep up
with Verna bloody Jones. Now come on.
Oh, Thomas.
It is foul back here.
I didn't notice, Henry,
all I can smell is you.
Perhaps you can continue here, and
I'll check the locker rooms again.
You go ahead and do that, Henry.
I'll go ahead and bring in the evidence.
I'll take that.
I was a riverboat captain for two years,
until the War of the States broke out.
- That's when I took my pen name.
- Do tell.
Mark Twain.
Means twelve foot of water, safe for sail.
Seemed an appropriate moniker
to launch my literary adventuring.
After that it was Virginia City
- and the silver rush.
- William went to the Klondike.
The gold rush.
- Indeed.
- Make any money?
Can't say I did.
Neither did I.
Unfortunately the story of my life lately.
That Constable Crabtree says
you're something of a tinkerer.
Oh, he's more than that.
William is an inventor. I daresay
if he ever left the police force,
he'd give Mr. Tesla a run for his money.
Julia, I hardly think that...
I put all my money
into a brand new printing press,
the Paige Compositor.
Left me destitute.
Hence the dog and pony
show I am currently on.
I've got hundreds of creditors on my back.
Are any of those creditors from Toronto?
Well, poss...
You don't think...
Two main motives for murder, Mr. Twain:
love and money.
Anything of interest?
Henry's found the weapon.
It's been recently fired
and it matches the calibre
of the bullets we retrieved.
- Is it Fanshaw's?
- It is.
But his alibi still holds up.
So anyone could have used it.
Do you know if Mr. Twain is
planning on leaving town soon?
I... I don't think so.
It would be in his best
interests if he did.
Perhaps you could persuade him.
May I ask why?
The Empire Club would like him gone.
They've made that quite clear to me.
And you would like to
secure your membership.
Hear me out, Murdoch. Just hear me out.
I give my wife more grief than good.
She would dearly love a taste of high
society and I'd like to give her it.
I'll tell Mr. Twain
that our investigation can proceed
- without him.
- Thank you, Murdoch.
You two are lucky people.
- What makes you say that?
- You seem to be in a relationship of equals.
My wife Livy has been by
my side my entire life.
- A true partner.
- I've heard of her by reputation.
She's dying now. Been dying
since my daughter died.
- Mr. Twain, I'm so sorry.
- And we are broke.
Due in no small part to reckless ways.
That Empire job would have paid well.
There must be people who want to hear you.
Well, I did secure an engagement
in Albany, but the job pays nothing.
Mr. Twain, I have a proposition.
I'd like to pay you
for a series of lectures
to the Dominion Woman's
Enfranchisement Association.
I hear you're a supporter.
Yes, I am.
Julia, the last time Mr. Twain tried
to take the podium, he was shot at.
- It's not wise.
- So you would rather he run and hide
than exercise his right to free speech?
Of course not. I am merely suggesting
that Toronto may not be the most
hospitable venue for his views.
Then what better place to express them?
I doubt there's a more useless endeavour
than preaching to the already converted.
Your wife?
She's hired him for a series
of speaking engagements.
The man is desperate for money.
So he's staying then?
For the foreseeable future, yes.
And that's all of them?
All I can recall.
These people who invested in your schemes
did so of their own free will?
I have surprising powers of persuasion.
Mr. Twain,
do you really need to
speak at this engagement?
My wife is dying.
I have squandered her fortune and mine.
I need to offer her some comfort
after all she has done for me.
So, yes,
I need to speak at this engagement.
I'll look into this.
I'll be right back.
Gentlemen. I'd like you to find
out the whereabouts of these men
the night that Mr. Twain
was intended to speak. Sir.
- Thank you.
- I'll take Mr. Bertrand,
Mr. Potts, and Mr. Hendrickson.
Let me have a look at that, George.
I am Constable First Class now.
Right you are, Henry. I apologize.
I will get
the others.
You can have Hendrickson.
- He lives almost ten miles out of town.
- Oh, I'm aware of that.
- Then why would you volunteer?
- Because he lives right next
to Mrs. Hampshire's Finishing School.
Mary Lawrence went there.
- Did she?
- For a time.
- She left, she said the women there were of easy virtue.
- Oh, indeed,
and if I recall correctly,
today is laundry day.
I remember once, Jackson
and I had to reprimand
a couple of them for wandering
around in their unmentionables.
- Did you?
- Yes.
And they were from France.
The unmentionables. Parisian undergarments.
Well, allow me to save you the trip.
I could use a brisk bicycle ride.
It's a shame
you don't have a fence that needs painting.
- That was last summer, sir.
- Mr. Twain.
Could I have a word?
So this is where you do the King's bidding?
I simply enforce the Criminal Code.
I apologize.
I was trying for humour. I
fail as much as I succeed.
You've ruffled a few feathers.
- Beg your pardon?
- I said, you've ruffled a few feathers.
- I suppose I have.
- And you've put your own life at risk.
Perhaps it would be for the
best if you were to leave town.
I speak out against injustice.
No matter what side of the border.
Imperialism, British or American,
is a scourge on this earth.
It is our duty to civilize these people.
Your "White Man's
Burden" is an insult, sir.
What right do we have to impose
our way of life on other people?
America lied to the Filipino people.
Promised them liberation,
delivered tyranny.
You sound like a traitor, sir.
No. I simply protest
when the "powers that
be" do something wrong.
I doubt there is anything
traitorous about that.
- And you feel you have the right.
- Of course I have the right.
You have the right, I have the
right. We are free men, sir.
You live in a new country.
One that could chart its own course.
Why would you willfully labour
under the yoke of scoundrels?
My King is a scoundrel?
All Kings are scoundrels.
Mr. Brackenreid, you seem like a good man.
You don't deserve to have a master.
- Why am I in here?
- Mr. Hendrickson,
the Constable who spoke with you
said you became agitated at the mention
of Mark Twain. As such,
I'd like a few words.
If you want to know my personal feelings
toward Mr. Twain,
I can be most clear. I hate the man.
Enough to kill?
If I could do it without
consequence, certainly.
The man lied to me, took every penny I had.
I may have been a fool, but he was a thief.
Yes. Mr. Twain convinced you to invest
in the Paige Compositor.
It was going to change the world.
Revolutionize the printing process.
It was a sure thing, he said.
The only sure thing about it was penury.
I have to ask:
do you know what this is?
That's a Webley and Scott. Military Issue.
But it certainly isn't mine.
It looks like Fanshaw's.
You knew he kept it at the club, yes?
He usually pulled it out when regaling us
with stories of the
Battle of Rorke's Drift.
Zulus to the left of us,
Zulus to the right of us.
That sort of thing.
But I was nowhere near the Club that night.
The Club?
That's where the shooting was.
How do you know that?
The newspapers.
The shooting was never
reported to the press.
And certainly wasn't made public.
Club President Wendel
Wilson made sure of that.
Then I must have heard it
from one of the members.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask
you to stay here, Mr. Hendrickson.
- Mark Twain?
- He's supported suffrage for years.
- Oh, so an intelligent man.
- Yes.
Will you still be here to see him?
- I don't leave for a week yet.
- I envy you.
London is going to be such an adventure.
Won't it?
I... I just wonder, sometimes,
why I just grasp at the next new thing.
- Shouldn't I have a plan?
- You're young.
Plans are for the old.
That's why I've never made any.
Now, Mr. Wilson, have you
ever seen this man before?
Of course. That's Randolf
Hendrickson. A member.
Seriously in arrears.
I see. Was he at the club
the night of the shooting?
I'm not sure. But he was
there earlier in the day.
Clearing out his locker, I believe.
Thank you.
I'll need you to sign a statement
- confirming what you've just told me.
- Of course.
- Murdoch, we have a problem.
- What is it, sir?
There's been a shooting
at Mr. Twain's hotel room.
I opened the door. The man started firing.
Can you describe him?
I didn't have my glasses,
it all happened so quickly.
And I was going to give chase, but
I saw young Benson on the floor.
Did you see anything?
All I saw was the gun.
Are you all right?
I stumbled when I tried
to get out of the way.
Both Mr. Hendrickson and
Mr. Wilson were with me
at the moment the shots were fired.
Despite Wilson's objections, somebody
could have been acting on their behalf.
Bugalugs does have a point.
And besides, Hendrickson did
lie about being at the club.
- What about Fanshaw?
- I checked his alibi.
It still holds up.
George, have you questioned Mr. Potts?
- No, sir.
- Please do.
And also question any
remaining folks who may have
invested in schemes at Mr. Twain's behest.
Sir, shouldn't we still
be looking into the Club?
I mean, it seems the most likely place.
No, I intend to. Henry, I'd
like you to apply for membership
at the Empire Club. Sir! George,
Henry's worked hard on this case.
He brought in Mr.
Hendrickson. He found the gun.
Besides, have you taken
a whiff of him lately?
He smells like a bloody toff.
Henry James of James,
James, Jarvis and James.
Ahh. And your uncle
is a member of the Royal Victorian Order?
Indeed. Uncle Clive served
Her Majesty until her death.
- And you're recently emigrated?
- Scant months ago, yes.
- Homesick?
- Oh, I shall adjust,
but I do sometimes think that the only soil
worth standing on is British soil.
I concur.
But you'll soon see this
place as British soil.
It does seem a most genteel environment.
Take a look around, ask some questions.
I believe some of our younger
members may be around today.
Thank you, sir.
It's a grand country, really. Once
you get used to the bloody winters.
- And the colonials.
- That takes some doing.
I hear you had a rather infamous
one of them in here recently.
A Mr. Twain.
That was Clarence Eldridge's doing.
The old man's dotty.
Didn't even know who he was.
But Mr. Wilson had that
scoundrel out the door
- with hardly a fare thee well.
- And lucky for him.
I would have loved to introduce
him to a proper pair of dukes.
Yes. I heard through the grapevine
that shots may have been fired.
No one was hurt.
Still, I imagine it would have
made for a riotous evening.
You've heard Mr. Twain
is speaking this evening.
- Here?
- Here?
A speech about allowing
women the right to vote?
Mr. Wilson says that speech will occur
over his dead body.
His or Mr. Twain's.
Really, they seem nothing
more than a bunch of blowhards
with an appetite for port, sir.
Although I did hear that some
members of the Empire Club
- plan to disrupt Mr. Twain's speech.
- Oh?
So, sir, I thought maybe I should go back,
investigate further, as it were.
Get back in uniform, Henry.
I could get used to this.
Good for you, Henry.
Miss Lawrence is excited about the news
- that I am soon to be a member of the Empire Club.
- Is that right?
I assume her mother's health
has taken a turn for the better.
It has indeed.
Did you question the rest of the investors
- as the Detective asked?
- Yes, I did.
In fact, here are my notes.
Why don't you take
credit for those as well?
Whatever do you mean, George?
I would rather this didn't proceed.
William, you sound like a
phonograph that's become stuck.
I don't want you on the stage with him.
- William, I'm going to be on stage.
- Doctor Ogden,
I agree with the Detective. Keep in mind,
whoever's gunning for Mr. Twain
does not seem to be a very good shot.
Thank you very much, George.
You realize the Empire Club
has half of the city up in arms.
What a surprise.
Any time anyone in Toronto
suggests anything progressive,
half the city is up in arms!
I'm just not sure it is necessary to have
a man advocating for our cause.
- You are a sour one.
- I am not.
I just believe we women are more
than capable of stating our own case.
We can state it all we want, but it
makes no matter if no one is listening.
- I suppose so...
- Did you just agree with me?
- I suppose I did.
- We are making progress.
What is happening here? Excuse me.
Let us pass.
- Go home.
- No,
- we shall not. Now let us pass.
- There will be no lecture tonight, I'm afraid.
Move out of our way, sir.
Or I shall be forced to...
Hit me with your handbag?
- Give it your best.
- Stand aside, Mr. Wilson.
Look at this rabble.
Send them home.
Did you not hear me?
Send them home and call off this lecture.
Move out of our way.
- Oi, watch it!
- Do I need remind you what's at stake here?
No, you don't. Now please clear
out of the way, Mr. Wilson.
If you and your friends
want to attend the event,
buy a ticket like the rest of them.
- If not, stop being a nuisance.
- You're not calling off this lecture?
You got wax in your ears? Move along,
- otherwise you'll be spending a night in my cells.
- You, sir,
have just made yourself
a very dangerous enemy.
Oh, I've made worse.
I hope you realize
I am formally rescinding my sponsorship.
Oh, move along, Eldridge, you old codger!
- Inspector.
- Thank you.
Mr. Twain,
perhaps this wasn't a good idea.
Perhaps I should tell
them that you've taken ill.
I can't do that.
Look at that crowd.
William has often accused
me of being impulsive.
Perhaps he's right.
Are you ready, Mr. Twain?
I certainly am.
Keep your eyes open, George.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honour
to introduce to you one of
America's finest men of letters.
The author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
and countless essays, both
literary and scholarly.
Please welcome
Mr. Mark Twain.
Thank you, ladies. And gentlemen.
Your welcome
is a lot warmer than the
one I received earlier.
And a lot less dangerous.
You know, when you have
lived as long as I have,
you have the right to change your mind.
And that's what I'm
going to do here tonight.
I'm gonna change the minds of those of you
who believe that women should
not have the right to vote.
Let me read you something.
"I never want to see
the women voting, and gabbling
about politics, and electioneering.
There is something revolting
in the thought.
Let your natural bosses
do the voting."
Those were my words.
That's what I believed,
until I met my wife, Olivia Langdon.
After that meeting,
I came to believe that a woman
is always right.
And I became a woman's rights man!
You know, if women held the right to vote,
the world would not be
in the state it's in.
I am prepared to speak
until I have convinced
every single one of you.
Mr. Benson, would you? My mother...
George. Upstairs!
Bloody Hell.
I'll get him to the morgue, Julia.
Let the detective know
- my report will be on his desk.
- Thank you, Emily.
Are you all right, Mr. Twain?
- The fault is all mine.
- No, the blame can be shared
equally. I should never
have suggested this.
If they hadn't attempted it here, they
would have attempted it somewhere else.
We'll find out who did this, Mr. Twain.
Some of the members from the Empire
Club were outside the building.
One of those buggers will
be responsible for this.
Shall I escort Mr. Twain back to his hotel?
Yes, please, George. And stand
guard for the night. Be vigilant.
Sir. Mr. Twain.
- The fatal shot came from up here.
- It was an easy shot.
Would've been like
shooting fish in a barrel.
He should have succeeded this time.
Yes. He should have.
I am prepared...
to convince every single one of you.
He should never have missed.
What if Mr. Twain was
never the intended target?
The young lad. Benson.
He appears to be the only
one unfortunate enough
to have been struck by a bullet.
Mr. Twain, why was Mr.
Benson in your employ?
How do you mean?
Well, he was an employee
at the Empire Club.
He left that position to work with me.
Forgive me for asking, but
you mentioned you were broke.
How could you afford to pay him?
He agreed to work on commission.
He would find me speaking engagements
- and take a percentage.
- Why would he leave a job
at one of the finest clubs in the
city and give up a regular paycheque?
He would have made more with me.
He had already found
me several engagements.
We were to go to St. Louis
after the speech tonight.
That boy was a smooth operator.
You had conversations with him.
Did he have any enemies?
The only thing he ever
said to me was that his time
with the Empire Club was short-lived.
- That it was time for him to move on.
- Why?
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Perhaps another visit to
the Empire Club is in order.
Then maybe we should send
in our own smooth operator.
You'll need to find out everything you can
- about Mr. Benson.
- Yes, sir.
Um, what would you like to know exactly?
How about if anyone there would
have been inclined to murder him.
Oh, of course, sir.
Um, I was wondering if I
shouldn't bring a female companion?
- It could provide an excellent cover...
- It's a men's club!
Quite right.
- Damn shame.
- That it is.
But life goes on.
For some of us at least.
Yes. What can I get for you?
- And you are?
- Samuel. Samuel Langhorne.
- I'm the new man.
- Good to meet you, Samuel.
Could you prepare me a gimlet?
A gimlet. Yes, of course.
Let's see if he prepares
one as well as Bens.
- A gimlet, um...
- Well, obviously he can't.
Do you prefer fresh limes, sir, or cordial?
Fresh, of course.
Very good. You were having us on.
To Benson.
He was a good one.
You are speaking of the
man I'm replacing, I assume?
We are indeed.
But no one will ever replace Benson.
Gentlemen, I assure you,
I've tended bar in some of the...
finest establishments in all the land.
I'm sure you mix a fine drink,
but Benson could do so much more.
- You could always count on him.
- For a favour.
- An alibi.
- A spot of female comfort.
When he himself wasn't comforting females.
- Very good.
- I'm sometimes surprised
he lasted here as long here as he
did, considering some of his escapades.
- Escapades?
- Hello, fellows.
Ah, James. Come over here.
We're having a bit of a
wake for our dear departed.
Sir, please allow me...
Thank you.
- Anything I can get for you, sir?
- Scotch and water.
- Any brand you prefer?
- Scottish.
These escapades you were speaking of...
Well, far be it from me to gossip, but...
- Good work, George.
- Thank you, sir.
Even if you weren't authorized to do so.
Sir, I felt I needed to remind you that
I'm capable of dealing with anything
that's thrown at me. Despite my rank.
George, you're Constable
Third Class in name only.
We all know that.
Why did you book Mr. Twain?
He's a renowned humourist.
A world traveler.
- And an enemy of the British Empire.
- I didn't know that.
Mr. Eldridge,
you may enjoy acting the fool,
but don't play me for one.
You knew all about Mr. Twain's reputation,
- and you knew it would cause a stir.
- Thomas,
I realize you must be
upset, but I had no choice
but to withdraw my offer of sponsorship.
I don't give two monkeys
about your sponsorship.
I believe that you knew
Mr. Twain's visit would cause
a great deal of commotion.
And in a commotion, many things can happen.
And indeed they did. But I
would never have suspected
- that a member of our club would...
- I recall you telling me
- you shot that gnu.
- I did.
Two hundred yards if it was an inch.
A pistol's a different proposition
altogether though, isn't it?
I would imagine.
I think you now know that for a fact.
Why did you assign Mr. Benson
to be Mr. Twain's minder?
He was an able young fellow.
An excellent concierge at the club,
as well as a fine bartender.
I knew he'd be able to make
Mr. Twain's stay comfortable.
He was known to make a
lot of people comfortable,
- isn't that true?
- Yes. It's a shame to lose him.
Is it?
How's Clarissa taking it?
Excuse me?
Your wife, Clarissa.
Almost thirty years your junior.
How is she feeling
about Mr. Benson's death?
Why are you bringing my wife into this?
Because she's at the
center of it, isn't she?
She is not.
Your wife had been seeing
young Benson for some time.
I imagine you might have
been able to handle it,
but when the rest of the club found out,
they looked on you as a laughing stock.
The wife of a member of the Empire
Club sleeping with a lowly bartender
and not caring who knew.
- You don't know that.
- Men talk to bartenders.
Even more than they do their priests.
We know exactly what your
wife was doing with Mr. Benson.
And you knew it too, didn't you?
- I told her to stop.
- But she wouldn't,
so you killed Benson instead!
Mr. Twain was nothing
more than a diversion.
Look on the bright side, Clarence.
She won't be sleeping with him anymore.
Did you really say that to Mr. Wilson?
- Indeed I did.
- Thomas...
Now, Margaret, I know that
you're probably upset...
You did the right thing.
Your honour is far more important
than associating with a bunch of windbags.
So you're satisfied with
the odd policeman's ball?
More than satisfied.
Besides, you'd have probably been kicked
out of there within two weeks anyway.
What about Verna Jones's gazebo?
Didn't you hear?
It burnt down in a mysterious fire.
I will give Nikola your
best the next time I see him.
- Please do.
- And Doctor Ogden,
I do hope you'll be successful. We will be,
- one day.
- And Inspector,
I owe you an apology.
An autograph will suffice, Mr. Twain.
They rejected me.
- The Empire Club?
- Apparently my thievery was noted.
- You didn't say anything, did you, George?
- Of course not.
And Henry, all they would've had
to do was take a whiff of you.
Constable Crabtree,
you strike me as a man with a nimble mind.
- Thank you, sir.
- And this work of yours
shows some promise.
- You read it?
- I started it.
Got any more in you?
I don't know. I haven't much
felt like writing lately.
You spent some time in penitentiary.
Lost a fianc?e.
- Indeed.
- Take it from me, son.
Reality can be beaten
with enough imagination.
Go to it.
Thank you, Mr. Twain.
On the next Murdoch.
She was deliberately targeted.
Murder hits close to home.
Why would she lie to me?
But can they find the murderer...
The real killer could still be living
under an assumed name.
... before death comes knocking?
Murdoch Mysteries, returns
Monday, October 26th on CBC.