Murdoch Mysteries (2008–…): Season 4, Episode 12 - The Kissing Bandit - full transcript

A Robin Hood-like bank robber with a flair for style kisses pretty female bank employees before donating the money to a local orphanage.

Thank you, sir.

- Miss Ogden!
- Yes?

It is Miss Ogden, Miss Ruby Ogden?

- Yes. Mr Carlin, is it?
- Indeed.

It's been a while since we've had the
pleasure of your company in the bank.

World travels, Mr Carlin. Although
I am back for a very special occasion.

- Which would be?
- My sister Julia's impending nuptials.

Well, then. Splendid.

You hear that, Mr Russell?
You're not the only one getting married.

- How thrilling.
- Here comes the lucky lady now.

I beg your pardon, Mr Carlin.

I wonder if you could double-check
this balance sheet. It's giving me fits.

Of course, Miss Rose.

Not to state the obvious,
good people, but...

Oh, dear. Anyway...

This is a robbery.

Hmm. You, there.

In the common suit
and cautious cravat.

You must be the bank manager.

To the vault, sir,
and be quick about it.

I do have appointments.

You're doing well, sir.
But it may help to breathe.

Robbery in progress, Bank of Toronto.

- Give the order, Captain.
- To the armoury, lads!

There, now. That wasn't so bad, was it?

Oh, my.

Who do we have here?


Yes, well...

Ladies and gentlemen,
you have been most accommodating,

and I thank you for your patience.
Good day.

He's so polite.

He went that way.

Murdoch, Crabtree, through the back.

You two, into the alley.

Gentlemen, the pleasure was all mine.

- This constable will take your details, ma'am.
- Thank you.

Any luck, Murdoch?

I'm sorry, sir, the thief had
his escape well planned.

Not just any thief.

He planted a big wet smacker
on that secretary over there.

And a tender moment it was.

Miss Ogden.

Ruby. My goodness,
what are you doing here?

I just arrived in town
to help with Julia's wedding.

Hello, Detective. Exciting times, yes?

- Most assuredly.
- I'm all atwitter.

Make way, make way, please.
Paddy Glynn, Gazette, please make way.

- Inspector Brackenreid! Inspector.
- We're busy, Glynn.

Ah, yes, and doing a fine job
of catching no one, I see.

Tell me, did the robber kiss any women?

Yes. This... kissing bandit
struck again, all right.

Kissing Bandit? Ah, perfect moniker.

Thank you. Thank you, Inspector.
Thank you.

What did he thank me for?

"Kissing Bandit. " I suppose I deserve that.

Three banks in ten days,

and each time the cheeky bugger
grabs a kiss from a young lass,

then vanishes into thin air.

- How's he doing it, Murdoch?
- Careful planning, sir.

Three robberies, dozens of witnesses,
and not one usable description.

He was wearing a mask.

Are you trying to annoy me, Murdoch?

No, sir, I share your frustration.

What about the latest object
of the bandit's affections?

What's she got to say?

Must you ask Annabel
to relive the experience, Detective?

I'm afraid so, Mr Russell.

Miss Rose, please.

Well, I was asking Mr Carlin
to review last month's deposits.

They wouldn't balance for me.

Thank you, Miss Rose,

but I'm more interested
in your recollections

of the moments you were closest
to the bandit.

When he kissed you and so forth.

Oh, of course.

His arm encircled me,

he didn't say a word.

I remember that his hand was
warm on my waist,

and the way that he dipped me back was...

- Like a dance.
- A dance?

He's a criminal, darling.
Violent and dangerous.

Thank you, Mr Russell.

All I mean to say is that he didn't hurt me.

But your reputation!
Taking liberties with a woman betrothed?

Of course. You're right.

It's over now.

Do you recall
any physical characteristics?

Eye colour, for example.

Truth be told, I can't really say.

I mean, my eyes were closed
for most of it.

You closed your eyes?

Sir, none of the witnesses has given us
anything to go on.

That's it? Well, perhaps I'll just
have a nap, then.

Sir, I simply mean that the bandit has yet
to make a mistake of any kind.

Any ideas?

Well, if he's so scrupulous in not leaving
us any clue as to his identity,

perhaps we can attempt
to bring the clue to him.

Will that make any more sense to me
if you say it a second time?

Sir, I simply mean that there is
a way to identify this bandit,

regardless of how many disguises
he wears.

But we'll have to wait for him
to strike again.

You're gonna build something, aren't you?

Hello, Jules.

Ruby! I thought you were in New York.

You're the only person in the world
I'd leave New York for, Jules.

Even if I did have to put my latest piece
for the Times on hold.

Oh. Well, I'm honoured.

You should be.
It's an expos? on the gangs of New York.

They're quite bothersome these days.

I see.

Father wired me to say your upcoming
nuptials to Darcy Garland are in disarray.


You haven't your trousseau, dress,
veil, gloves, shoes,

flower arrangements, music.

- All right, I'm a little behind.
- Behind?

You're a disaster.

Before you say no
to me rushing to your rescue,

Father's paying for it, so it's done.

I'm touched, but I still have to say no.

Say the same after you see this.

It's beautiful.

Try it on.

For me?

All right.

You looks so bridal.


Wasn't that
an exciting bank robbery today?

- Bank robbery?
- Yes, at the bank...

Oh, it was thrilling. They're calling the thief
the Kissing Bandit.

- Unfortunately...
- He escaped,

- but William almost had him, didn't you?
- Well, I...

- Goodness, Ruby, are you all right?
- Yes, I am.

How can I help you, Detective?

- I need to borrow some walnut oil.
- Walnut oil?

Yes, I take it you use it
to stain tissue samples?

Whatever do you need it for?

A project I'm working on.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Miss Ogden.

Jules, did you ever tell Darcy
about your relationship with William?

Why, of course I did.

Oh? How did he take it?

His usual maturity and understanding.

He's sensible enough to know
that everyone has a past.

Well, I'm impressed.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a great deal of shopping to do.

How delightful.

Sir, the Kissing Bandit has struck again.

Struck may not be the right term.

I opened the door, and there it was.
The box, right there on the stoop.

And the note?

"Courtesy of the Kissing Bandit. "

There's $2,000 in that box.

That's 200 less than the total the
Kissing Bandit took from the three banks.

So he keeps some for himself.

Look, every bed in the orphanage
can be replaced by this money.

New coats for the boys, books...

Mr Belford, you can't keep the money.

But the banks' insurance will
assume responsibility, no?

That would be the case
if the money hadn't been recovered.

Of course.

Mr Belford, a favour.

Please say nothing to the press
should they come calling.

The less they know,
the better for our investigation.

- I understand.
- Thank you.

Mr Carlin, I can assure you that the
Kissing Bandit case is our top priority.

Your priorities won't repair
reputations, Inspector.

The public sees the banks as thieves for
taking the money back from the orphanage,

even though we made donations
to the orphanage in the aftermath.

We recovered almost all the money.

I would've thought that I'd have heard
a "well done" from you by now.

There is little comfort in knowing
the Kissing Bandit is on the loose, sir,

free to strike us again at any time.

We're not just sitting around
comparing bunions, Mr Carlin.

We do have a plan.

Now, had Constable Crabtree been
the Kissing Bandit

reaching into the bag
for the stolen money...

The bandit's hands would be
covered in red dye.

Exactly. I call it the Dye Discharger.

It's based on a new British technology
called the Little Nipper.

Essentially, it's a mousetrap.

A mousetrap?

The dye stains on the bandit's hands

will last several days
before washing off.

Also, some of the dye that is discharged
will end up on the money itself.

Brilliant, Detective.

So even if the Kissing Bandit
gets away with his next robbery,

he can't give it away or spend it
without being caught.

Ah, you must be Carlin.
Paddy Glynn, Toronto Gazette.

What is he doing here?

He's the one responsible for spreading
the bandit's fame far and wide

with his Robin Hood comparisons.

I'd just as soon as
crack him one myself, Mr Carlin,

but for now we have to stomach him.


Mr Glynn will alert the public
to the next robbery

and ask them to report
any sightings of a dye-spattered man.

And all you and the other bank managers
have to do

is make sure a moneybag
with the Dye Discharger gets handed over.

We'll catch him red-handed.

Ooh, I like that.
I like that very much.

- I do hope this works.
- It will, Mr Carlin.

We'll have the Kissing Bandit
under lock and key very, very soon.

And this time
you can quote me on that.

- Hello, Constable.
- Miss Ogden.

Did you miss me?

Yes, certainly I have.

- What are these notes for?
- Oh, no, it's nothing. That's um...

It's just a story I'm writing.

Oh. What's it about?

Oh, it's just a little project
I've been fooling with.

There's murder, some adventure and...

Queen Victoria ends up in a bank vault
towards the end.

I'm not explaining it very well.

Sounds wonderful.

I've missed you, by the way.

Oh, yes, I'm sure you have,

gallivanting around the world
writing for the Times.

It has been a whirlwind, yes.
They sent me everywhere.

San Francisco, Bombay, Russia.

I interviewed a revolutionary there
by the name of Vladimir Ulyanov.

- Watch out for him.
- Ulyanov. I'll be sure to, yes.

You know, it pales in comparison
to organising a wedding.

- You'll be attending?
- Indeed I will, yes.

With someone special?

Oh, I...

Yes, of course, I imagine.
I mean, there are several...

I haven't confirmed anyone yet.

I see.
Well, I look forward to seeing you there.

So do I. Look forward to seeing you...

Attention, gentlemen.

The Kissing Bandit has robbed
the Bank of Toronto.


He kissed...

Another impressive entrance, Inspector.

And of course you're too late.

Bollocks. Was anyone hurt?

Mr Russell's pride
may have suffered a blow.

What am I to do
against a pistol-wielding thug?

Miss Rose, I take it
the bandit kissed you again?

- He did, yes.
- Scoundrel.

Did you manage to hand over a
moneybag containing the Dye Discharger?


George, notify Paddy Glynn at the Gazette.


How much money
did he make off with this time?

So soon after the last robbery,
there wasn't more than $100 in the vault.

He took it all.

He gives most of his plunder
to the orphanage,

then sticks up the same bank twice,

knowing there won't be much of anything
in the vault the second time around.

What if it's someone with a personal gripe
against the Bank of Toronto?

- Personal, sir?
- Yeah.

Former employee,
or even a customer with a grudge.

But then why rob the Kings
and the Dominion banks as well?

To throw us off.

I suppose we shouldn't
discount the possibility.

Have the lads re-interview the employees.

See if they can think of anyone
with a reason to resent the bank.

Yes, sir.

If you'll excuse me.

Just be quick about it.


You know I don't like
to beat around the bush, Detective,

so I'll get right to the point.

It's about my sister.

You must be happy for her.

After all this time with the two of you
being such good friends, I mean.

I am in fact quite happy
that Julia has found someone to love.

I can't say I'm surprised
by such a feeble response.

Have you come here to insult me?

I hadn't planned to.

Then what?

I haven't met the man,

and he may be the most handsome,
dashing and exhilarating creature,

but is it your opinion
that Dr Darcy Garland

is the only man in the entire world
who can make Julia happy?

Dr Garland is a fine fellow.
He's a gentleman...

Oh, for goodness' sake, William!
Do you still love her?

My feelings for Julia are
my concern, Miss Ogden.

Why are men so dim-witted
when it comes to love?

So I am feeble and dim-witted now.

I understand that the Kissing Bandit

returned to the bank
and kissed the same woman.

- That's correct.
- And from what I saw the other day,

Miss Rose was enthralled by his touch,
quite to her astonishment.

Which brings me to my point.

A woman can love a man
simply because he's a useful helper,

as is often the case,

or she can be so captivated that her
love for him is quite beyond her control.

I have no idea
what you're trying to say to me.

What I'm saying is that

Miss Rose and even this lowly bandit
understand that

when the heart is captive,

a second choice, no matter how useful,
can never bring true happiness.

Are you prepared
to resign yourself to such a fate?

I wasn't aware that I had resigned myself
to anything in particular.

But you have given me
some insight into this case.

I have?

- I didn't intend to.
- Yes.

Thank you, Miss Ogden,
but I have work to do.



Oh, Miss Rose,
I wonder if I might have a word.

Oh, but I'm on my way to lunch, Detective,
and they only give us 20 minutes.

Yes. I'll see to it
Mr Carlin doesn't complain.

Very well, then.

Have you been approached of late
by any men

in a flirtatious manner?


Yes, anonymous flowers,

letter from a former suitor
out of the blue, professing his love?

I can't think of such an instance.

My goodness, such questions.

I don't mean to alarm you,
but given recent events,

it's possible the Kissing Bandit
has been captivated by you,

from afar, and has chosen
to make his feelings known.

No, I've received no unwelcome attention.
I'm engaged, after all.


Poor Rupert.

I accepted his proposal of marriage,

but that seems insufficient
to ward off his jealousy.

- I suspect he loves you very much.
- Indeed.

He's already picked out a house
for us to live in a raise a family.

I'll have to leave the bank, of course,
he says, to tend to the little ones.

It's all been planned.

I've tried to calm his fears.
The Kissing Bandit means nothing to me.

What woman would risk an assured future
for such a rogue?

I can assure you the Kissing Bandit
will be brought to justice, Miss Rose,

and I wish you all the happiness
in your future.

Why, thanks, Detective.


We spoke with every employee
at the Bank of Toronto.

None of them can think of anybody
with a revenge motive.

Thank you, George.

Kisses, Murdoch?

Yes, sir.

I believe the kisses column may explain
our bandit's motivation.

Of the $2300 he's stolen so far,
he's only kept $300.

A tidy sum, but hardly indicative
of a man bent on enriching himself.

We know that. He's a bloody
humanitarian, or so he thinks.

Well, he may have started out
that way, sir,

but something changed
when he encountered Annabel Rose.

That's all just for show, though.
A little flair for the dramatic gesture.

I don't think so, sir.

I believe he went back to
the Bank of Toronto a second time

to see Miss Rose.

I think he's in love.

The Dye Discharger has caught somebody.

Finally, something I can understand.

Not quite, sir.

My wife found it on our front porch
just before noon.

There was a note.

May I?

How did the bandit get around
the Dye Discharger?

"Dear Mr Carlin, many heartfelt
apologies for the inconvenience. "

So the bandit took the money out of the
bag without setting off the mousetrap,

transferred the trap into the box

and then delivered it personally
to Mr Carlin's doorstep.

Then you open it up
and get splattered with ink.

Why would he do that?

I think the bandit's actions were intended
as a mocking gesture to all of us.

I'm all too aware of that, Detective.

Now do something about it,
for God's sake!

I've been made a laughing stock.

Not much of a challenge there.

Murdoch, if you're convinced that

the bandit will keep returning to the
Bank of Toronto, we'll post a constable.

Sir, that may deter him.

We need to catch the bandit in the act.
I believe I have an idea.

Scrutiny camera?

Yes, sir. With some refinements
and proper placement,

I think we can catch the Kissing Bandit
when he least expects it.

Sir, Annabel Rose and Rupert Russell
are asking to see you.

The Kissing Bandit
has requested the pleasure

of Annabel's company this evening
at 8:00.

"The Crescent Hotel, Room 304."

The man has no morals whatsoever.

And here is my poor darling Annabel,

horror-struck and sickened
by his brazen attentions.

Miss Rose, how did you
come by this invitation?

I found it on my desk at work.

Who knows what harm
he has planned for Annabel?

Yes, who knows?

Mr Russell, I suspect if the bandit
intended to harm Miss Rose,

he would have done so by now.

You're suggesting she rendezvous
with this criminal?

I forbid it!

Mr Russell.


I share your deep concern
for Annabel's safety.

Finally, a rational voice.

- You will put a stop to this?
- I will.

The safety of your fianc?e
demands it.

Well, that's settled, then.
There will be no rendezvous.

Yet if you and I fail
to do everything within our power

to apprehend this godless miscreant,

there will be more victims.

Heed this well.

The consequence will rest
with you and I, Mr Russell.

I cannot abide that.

Can you?

No, Inspector.

I will allow the rendezvous.

Forgive me, Annabel.

All right.

Working on a scheme to catch
the cheeky little bugger, are we?

Yes, sir. This is a floor plan
of the Crescent Hotel,

where our men will be positioned, etc.

Ah, good.

So, what did Miss Ruby Ogden
want with you?

She was giving me suggestions
for wedding gifts.


It's just that I saw her moving
around here and I thought, hmm...

- Something's afoot.
- Oh?

The sister of the woman you've been
dancing with for years comes calling

just days before the wedding,
all worked up into a lather.

Tablecloths and soup spoons, was it?

Given Julia's impending nuptials,

Miss Ogden was unduly
concerned for my happiness.

Happiness? Well, not much
of a discussion, then, was it?


You're as straight as a die, as normal.

- No regrets by my reckoning.
- No, sir.

Head down, onwards and upwards,
studying floor plans.

After all,

there's nothing to be done
about all that, is there?

No, sir, nothing to be done.


So what's the plan?

The Kissing Bandit is to meet Miss Rose
in Room 304 just after 8:00.

There's only one entrance to the hotel.

I'll have Constables Higgins and Crabtree
stationed outside the entrance

in case the Kissing Bandit
gets past us somehow

and attempts to escape.

Annabel Rose will arrive by cab
at the arranged time,

and in the meanwhile, you and I
will be lying in wait in Room 302,

next to Room 304,
where the rendezvous will occur.

That's the signal.
That's her.


It's all right. Come with me.


Now we wait for the bandit.

Sometimes this job's just too easy.

It's beautiful.

I apologise for the subterfuge,
but I knew the police would be lurking.

My fianc? insisted that I tell them.

That was expected.

Don't feel badly. We're here now.


But I don't understand.

You bewitched me
when I first saw you.

I knew you were the one.

The only one.

But I'm betrothed.

Your lips say otherwise when we kiss.

- Do you trust me?
- Yes.

Then close your eyes.

And keep them closed.

Can't hear a thing,
not even her footsteps.

It's as if no one's there.

Miss Rose!

That's them.

They will find out soon enough.

I must go.

Will I ever see you again?

That depends. Are you still intent
on marrying your fianc??


What's happening, Murdoch?


Ah, gentlemen.


Well, he apologised sincerely
for his subterfuge.

He'd guessed that
the constabulary would be waiting.

Was there anything about him
that might help us?

A physical description, perhaps?

Well, he has very soft lips.

That's all very well,
but did he say anything

that might be a clue to his identity?

- No.
- Well, what did he say?

He asked me if I was
wholly committed to Rupert.

What did you say?

I gave him my answer.

Annabel, my dear,
you are unharmed.

You are unharmed, aren't you?

Yes, Rupert.

Did the scoundrel touch you?

He only wanted
a moment alone with me.

I'm afraid that quite inadvertently
I've captured his heart.

Annabel, come with me this instant.

We'll travel to my mother's home
in Beamsville

where we will be safe
from this monster.

- No!
- What?

I'm not in danger.

And I'll not go with you.

You may hunt the Kissing Bandit down
in your free time if you wish

and give him a good tongue-lashing
when you see him, but...

I'm staying in the city.

Rupert is a steadfast fellow.

Mother will be ever so disappointed.

It's so good to finally make
your acquaintance, Darcy.

Julia has spoken so highly of you.

Now I can see that she's right.
She's a lucky woman.

I'm a lucky man, Ruby.

I'm enjoying my position at
the Victoria Hospital for Sick Children

and I'm about to have
your sister's hand in marriage.

I'm content.

Thank you, Eleanor.

Content. And would you be content
to settle in Toronto for the long term?

If Julia wishes it.


Well, if she's happy, then I'm happy.

- Well, how selfless of you.
- What do you mean?

Well... Are you sure that you're fine

if Julia were to remain working
so closely with Detective Murdoch?

Of course,
why wouldn't I be fine with that?

Well, given their past
romantic relationship.

Their what?

Oh, I... I thought you knew.


Water under the bridge.

The hour is getting late.

It was a pleasure meeting you,
Miss Ogden. Good night.

- Ah, sir.
- Good morning, Murdoch.

- Yes, good morning.
- Thank you, Morris.

Mr Belford and the orphanage
have just received the money

from the latest Bank of Toronto robbery.

How much are we taking back
from the downtrodden this time?


Do we think that Mr Goody Two-Shoes
was in on these robberies?

I'm having Mr Belford brought in
for questioning.

But, sir, I also installed a hidden
scrutiny camera at the orphanage.

In case the Kissing Bandit returned
without his disguise.

- Good work, Murdoch.
- Thank you, sir.

There you are.

Did you sleep well?

No. You?

Too much on my mind.


have you spoken with Darcy
this morning?

Yes, on the telephone. Why?

I'm just curious if he spoke of me,

voiced his opinion
of our conversation last night and so on.

I believe he said you have a wild streak.

But we know that, don't we?

And that's all?


Good. I'd hate to have made
a poor first impression on him.

Darcy seems
a very understanding man.

Has Father taken to him?

I'm sure he's just relieved
to finally see me married off.

To whom is just a detail.

I doubt he'd be as relieved
were it to a policeman,

regardless of William's
many accomplishments.

Well, that's not an issue now, is it?

Indeed. If you had truly loved William,
you would have married him.

Ruby! How mean of you!

You know I can't give William the life
that he wants. Children, a family.

- I didn't mean to upset you.
- I've made my choice!

I chose to move on, I...

I chose to make my life without William so
that he could have the life that he deserves.

I can't go back now.

Too much has happened,
and I love Darcy.

But not like you love William.

I'm marrying Darcy.
That should be answer enough.

I'll not speak of this again, Ruby.

Me, in cahoots with the Kissing Bandit?

To what end? The money
is always returned to the bank.

That's beside the point, Mr Belford.

Your orphanage has received
financial aid from the public

as a result of the robberies, not to mention
donations from the banks themselves.

Yes, but simply stating a well-known fact
is no proof of conspiracy.

What is it, Constable?

Sir, I developed the photographs

from the scrutiny camera
outside the orphanage.

I thought you'd want to see this one
right away.

Paddy Glynn?

So I'm being arrested
for giving to charity.

Don't think you'll like
those headlines, Inspector.

Now we know why
the Dye Discharger didn't work.

You had prior knowledge.

- You're the Kissing Bandit.
- And you're grasping at straws.

Don't be a smart-arse, Glynn.

You orchestrated these robberies
and played us for fools.

I don't appreciate that.

Inspector, the fact of the matter is

I give to that orphanage
because it's the only home I ever knew.

And that, gentlemen,
is a matter of public record.

Ah, yes. The public record.

But underwear reporters like you
help create the public record.

So I became the Kissing Bandit to,
what, create a story?

That's ludicrous.

William Randolph Hearst started a war
in Cuba to sell newspapers, Glynn.

It may be ludicrous, but it's a fact.

Can't it wait?

I'm sorry, sir.
It's the Bank of Toronto.

The Kissing Bandit has struck again.

Mr Carlin.

It was the Kissing Bandit,
but he didn't want money this time.

Good Lord,
it's Miss Rose!

I'm told he walked straight
to Annabel.

He never even announced a robbery.

He bent her back as if to kiss her,
and then...

You didn't witness the shooting?

No, I had an appointment
with our accountants.

I can't believe this happened.

Thank you, Mr Carlin. That's all for now.

George, what have you?

Sir, several witnesses swear they heard
the Kissing Bandit say,

"You betrayed me," to Miss Rose
just before the shot.

"You've betrayed me"?

Was he talking about
her tipping us off to the hotel?

I don't think so, sir. Miss Rose indicated
that the bandit wasn't angry with her.

Where is she?

Oh, my God. Annabel!

Mr Russell, Mr Russell.

Please, let me go to her.

I'm sorry, sir,
but we must preserve the scene.

Now, I have to ask you
where you were 15 minutes ago.

Having my lunch. Now, please!

Mr Russell, please. George.

Sir, a moment, please.

It went straight through her heart.

The barrel
was perpendicular to the body.

The powder burn suggests the gun was
pressed right up against her chest.

The killer left no room for error.
Cold-blooded murder.

No question. Are you any closer
to working out why he did it?

Perhaps. The bandit was overheard saying,
"You betrayed me. "

Betrayed? How?

That remains to be seen.

Murder seems quite out of character
for the Kissing Bandit, don't you think?

And you're sure it wasn't Paddy Glynn?

He was in custody
at the time of Annabel's murder.

I know. But that doesn't necessarily mean
he isn't the Kissing Bandit, does it?

There are
two Kissing Bandits.

Everything pointed to Paddy Glynn,

but he was with us
when Miss Rose was murdered

by someone impersonating
the Kissing Bandit.

Well, the disguise made that easy.

So if Paddy Glynn is the Kissing Bandit...

Who's the Killing Bandit?

Who could Annabel have betrayed?

Mr Russell.

How long were you
and Miss Rose engaged?

Three months next Tuesday.

How did you meet?

At the bank, of course.

So you saw her every day.

Every day falling more in love with her

until you worked up the courage
to ask her out socially.


So when the Kissing Bandit took
an interest in her,

a romantic interest,
and Miss Rose didn't protest,

that must have angered you
very much.

And I killed her?

You were at the bank
both times the bandit struck.

You saw what he wore, how he moved...

But I told you I had gone to lunch
when Annabel was shot.

She was your betrothed, Mr Russell.

Sweet, innocent Annabel.

How did it feel to know
the love of your life was slipping away?

That her passions had been aroused
by a complete stranger?

Well, how would you feel?

Angry. Confused.

Wondering if I had only done or said
something differently,

perhaps I wouldn't be losing her now,
but you...

You took it one step further.

I loved her, Detective.

Maybe I didn't make
any grand, sweeping gestures.

That isn't my way.

But neither is killing her.

Rupert Russell did not kill Miss Rose.

- For a fact?
- Strong inclination.

Bloody marvellous. What now, Murdoch?

Well, sir, if it's not about love...

It's about the money.
It's always about the money.

And that would bring us back to...



The Kissing Bandit.

That's not possible.

You seem
pretty sure about that, Patrick.

Because you are the Kissing Bandit,

and you loved Annabel Rose.

All right, yes, but for God's sake,
I didn't murder her!

The real story, Paddy.
From the beginning.

I saw what happened when I added
a little creativity to my vampire stories.

- Little creativity.
- The public ate it up.

So I thought of a bigger stunt.

I wanted to create the news,
not just report it,

so I thought of a dashing figure
that the public would love.

All I wanted was the fame as a journalist.

Until you met Annabel.


When she yielded to that first kiss,
how could I not return to her?

I planned to tell her the whole truth
that night at the hotel, but I...

I never got the chance.

And now she's gone
because of my stupid stunt.

It's my fault.

You say that you gave all the money
that you stole to the orphanage.

Yes, every penny.

You were never tempted
to keep some of it for yourself?

No. I wasn't in it for the money.


Mr Carlin and the other
bank managers

say that all of the money went
to the orphanage save for $200.

Someone's lying about the money.

Either Belford at the orphanage...

Or the banks.


Mr Carlin. Please, sit down.

This makes for interesting reading, eh?

The bank's deposit balance sheet
from last month.

The same one
Annabel Rose queried you about.


Yes, she told me
it wouldn't balance for her.

I can certainly see why.

Someone had been skimming
from the deposits.

Miss Rose was a good worker, Detective,
but not the best bookkeeper.

I see.

Well, we know that the Kissing Bandit
gave every penny he stole to charity.

Can you explain the discrepancy between
what the charity reported receiving

and what you reported stolen from
the bank during the first robbery?

Well, obviously you're wrong.

The bandit kept a little something
for himself.

I spoke with the bank's accountants.

You had no appointment during the time
that Annabel Rose was killed.

So where were you?

Perhaps I confused one appointment
with another in all the upset.

I'll check my appointment book.

No need. I've done that for you.

The name Farley Price appears
throughout this.

Mr Carlin, Farley Price is known to police
for taking bets on horseracing.

It turns out you owe him
a tidy sum of money.

But I digress.

The Kissing Bandit never wore gloves
in the initial robbery.

Yet the Killing Bandit in this photograph
can clearly be seen wearing some.

Perhaps it was to cover
his dye-stained hands.

Annabel suggested several times

that we report the discrepancies
to the bank's head office.

I kept forestalling that,
and she was losing patience.

When she told me she was
going to make that telephone call,

I was forced to beg her not to,
but she insisted.

So she betrayed you.

- I am sorry.
- I'm sure.

I hope I'm not intruding.

Dr Garland. Please, come in.


I don't know how to say this
other than forthrightly,

but it has come to my attention that you
and Julia have had a romantic relationship.



But it was before you and Julia met.

I see.

Dr Garland,

you've won Julia's hand in marriage.

Why trouble yourself with the past?

The past is only the past

if it is dead and gone.

Is that the case
with you and Dr Ogden?

Yes. Yes, it is.

I have your assurance of that.

Dr Garland, if you ask Julia,

I believe she will confirm
that I am a man of my word.

Very well, then.

Julia is an extraordinary woman.

I would fight for her in the extreme
should the need arise.

As you should.

Very well, then, Detective.

I hope to see you at our wedding.