Murder in Mind (2001–2003): Season 1, Episode 5 - Vigilante - full transcript

Policeman Liam Taylor and his friends David and Jack set upon a supposed child molester and accidentally kill him. David wants to own up but the other two beat him up and leave him for dead in the river. To cover his actions Liam kills Jack before returning to work where he will be in for a nasty shock.

- Are you up for it?
- Aye.

Are you getting cold feet, Liam?

- I'm here, aren't I?
- Let's get on with it, then.

- Yeah?
- Edward Henderson?

Yeah. Oi! Get off the motor.

- What is it?
- We'd like a word with you.

Hey, get off!

- What do you want?
- You know what we want.

- Who are you?
- Concerned citizens.

Like the neighbourhood watch.
We've been watching you, you sick bastard.

- What's going on?
- In here.

What are you doing?!

Hold his hands.

Let me go! Come on, fellas.

What is it? What are you...? Fellas, come on!

- Come on, lads!
- Shh!

Come on! I haven't done anything, lads.

There's no money here. I'm on the dole.

- We don't want money.
- Take the telly and video.

- We're not here to rob you.
- What's the pervert got there, then?

- Sport, a couple of movies.
- Where's the real stuff? The porn?

- The filth you watch to get yourself turned on.
- What?

- Jack!
- We said no names!

- We said we'd talk to him.
- You can't talk to scum like that.

- Who are you?
- Where's the girl?

- What girl?
- You know what girl. Lara Evans!

- What have you done with her?
- I don't know what you're talking about.


Oh, Jesus!

- You dirty pervert!
- Eh?

- It's my nephew!
- You what?

- Me sister's boy.
- Yeah, so he says

- His name's Billy. He's me sister's boy.
- Bollocks!

- We know you moved here from Doncaster.
- So?

Don't "so" us, you pervert!

- I'm not a pervert!
- Then why did you move here from Doncaster?

- For work.
- You said you were on the dole.

I'm looking for work.
There's bugger all in Doncaster.

- What?
- We know what you are.

- You're a paedophile. It was in the paper.
- You're scum.

- I'm not a paedophile.
- It was in the paper!

- What have you done with her?
- What are you on about? You're mad!

Where is she?

- Don't know.
- Yes, you do!

- I swear I don't!
- You're lying.

- Go on, Dave. Hit him.
- Tell us where she is.

Tell us where she is and we'll let you go.

- I don't know.
- Liar!

- Oh, shit!
- Good riddance.

- I didn't mean... I wasn't...
- He was asking for it, Dave.


- What are we gonna do, Liam?
- He's a paedophile. He asked for it.

Let's just get out of here.
No one's gonna care about scum like that.

They'll care.

- I didn't mean...
- I know you didn't.

- You did the world a favour.
- We'll make it look like an accident.

Bollocks! We leg it. We were never here.

- He's dead, Jack.
- I know he's dead. I'm glad.

- Dead's too good for him.
- It's murder.

- They'll investigate, paedophile or not.
- Murder?

- It's OK, Dave. We'll sort it.
- It wasn't murder. It was an accident!

- Right. Untie him.
- I'm not touching him!

- It'll look like he fell.
- Let him do it. He killed him.

- It was an accident!
- I'm not touching him!

- Fine! Go and find a vacuum cleaner.
- What?

A vacuum. We have to clean this place up.
Dave, get a cloth. Clear up that blood.

- It was an accident!
- "Accident"

- If we don't do this, we'll end up behind bars.
- HE did it!

We're all involved.

We've gotta keep calm
and everything will be OK.

We make it look like an accident,
we clean up and we go, OK?


- OK, Dave?
- OK.

Jack, get a vacuum. Dave, go and get a cloth.

- What are you doing?
- I'll get a vacuum. You run a bath.

- What?
- We'll put him in the bath.

- It will look like he slipped.
- I don't believe this!

- I didn't kill him! He fell, right?
- Can we talk about this later, Dave?

We've got to get this done, OK?

This is stupid!

Can't we just make it look
like he tripped down the stairs?

People don't just trip, not without raising
suspicion, but they do slip getting out of a bath.

It will look real. The cops won't ask questions.
Anyway, the water will wash away the forensics.

- Let's get his clothes off.
- No way am I touching him.

- For God's sake, Jack!
- You're as sick as he is. You both are.

We've got to make this look like an accident.

Sick! This is sick!


He was in the bath, got up to get out

and he slipped.

Right. Come on.

Ease him in slowly.
We don't want water everywhere.

In you go.

Let me get his shirt off.

Get his head under.
We need to get rid of the blood.

- It's to wash away the forensics, right?
- That's right. Help us get him up.

Jack, get some towels, man.

Right. Come on. Here we go.


Hang on.

Come on, Dave!

One, two, three... Up we go.

One, two, three...


Yeah. That's good.


Come on.

Come on. Let's go. Bag.

Here. Clean the front door.


- You've cleaned everywhere, Dave?
- Yeah.

- Everything we touched?
- Yeah.

- You're sure?
- Yeah.

Right. Put the cleaner back. Wipe the handle.

Are you OK, Dave?



Can we go now?

- OK. Right. When you get home, shower.
- I haven't got a shower.

Take a bath, then. Dave, that goes for you.

Clean the bath out afterwards.
Clean under your nails. Shampoo your hair.

Throw your trainers away or burn 'em.
Just get rid of 'em.

Clean your clothes. Put 'em through the washing
machine twice. Clean the trap thing of any hair.

- This is bollocks!
- Say that when Forensics are all over you.

- Why would they be?
- You're not exactly unknown around here.

Once they get a sniff that you're involved,
they'll go through your wardrobe.

- We have to make everything squeaky clean.
- All right. OK.

- Right.
- If they question you, we were in the pub.

We were in the pub until eight. It was busy
so no one will know when we left.

- OK?
- OK.

Right. If we stick together,
they can't prove anything.

- It was an accident.
- Dave, we were never here. It never happened.

I know we screwed up,
but just think of what he did.

Think of why we came here.

- Right.
- Right.

I've got to go. I'm on the graveyard shift.

I'd now like
to hand over to Lara's parents...

Who's left their bike outside again?

- Where's my two little monsters, then, eh?
- Daddy!

Right. Get your 'jamas on for bed.

- We just want our little girl back.
- Where have you been?

- You know where.
- The pub?

- So why ask? Is the water hot?
- Yeah, why?

- I want a bath.
- What, now?

Yeah, now.

Your dinner's ready.

Just hand her over to any police officer
or give us a call.

And please...

Don't harm our Lara.

- Hello?
- Jesus! Don't creep up on me like that!

- What's up with you?
- Nothing.

- What are you doing?
- A bit of washing.

What for?

I spilled beer on me clothes, that's all. All right?

Oh, Dave.

Come on.

- Liam. Van's leaving out back.
- Sarge?

Suspicious death in Kendrick Avenue.

Come on, Liam. Chop-chop.

Coat's cut to ribbons.
Up to the knees in blood and shit.

Turns out Charlie was his cat.

He'd only been out looking for his bloody cat.
Drug squad had him under obbo for two days!

- Come on, lighten up.
- What?

- Are you OK?
- Yeah, fine.

About time! I need the road canvassing. Anybody
seen anybody go in or out in the last four hours.

- What's the story, sir?
- Suspicious death.

Man called Edward Henderson. His car's
been vandalised. See if anybody saw that.

- There's glass on the ground, so it's recent.
- In what way suspicious?

- What?
- You said "suspicious".

I wondered what you meant by "suspicious".

Suspicious as in not kosher, son.

Just leave the wondering to us, OK?

Right. Off you go.

Hey, wonder boy! Watch the front door.
Nobody in who doesn't belong.


Excuse me.

Can't you sleep?

I'm OK.

Do you want a cuddle?

I'm OK.

Come on.


I'm tired, that's all.

I haven't finished!
I'm reading it.

Sit down properly.

- Can you walk the kids to school?
- I've got to sign on.

- You can sign on later.
- When did you lose the use of your legs?

Will you two stop that?

- Hiya. How's it going?
- Same old.

You seem a bit more cheerful.

- Anything new on the missing kid?
- If they don't turn up in 48 hours...

What about the suspicious death?

It were supposed to be an accident
but then CID got all busy.

- So what do they think? Someone did him in?
- You know CID. A law unto themselves.

They only share info
when they want us to knock on doors.

- Good riddance if you ask me.
- What do you mean?

Come on. His type, serves him right, yeah?

- He was a child molester. A paedophile.
- Who told you that?

- Everybody knew.
- He were married.

- That means nothing.
- He were a regular family man.

Wife and kids were in Doncaster.
She's coming down to identify the body.

The paper said he was a paedophile
being relocated.

The paper got it wrong. It was a guy
called Anderson, not Henderson.

They printed a retraction in the next issue.

- Edward Henderson, they said.
- They got it wrong. Howard Anderson.

Both from Doncaster,
but Edward Henderson's a family man.

Not so much as a parking ticket.

It was in the paper.
They got it wrong.

How could they get it wrong?
We killed the wrong man.

- What do you mean, "we"?
- All right! We know it was an accident.

- You said it was Henderson!
- It was in the paper.

The paedophile's name's Anderson.
Howard Anderson.


We've got to tell the police.


- We didn't mean to hurt him.
- We burst into his house and tied him up.

I never hit anyone.

I'm not getting dragged into this.

- I'll say I pushed him and he fell.
- You didn't push him, Dave. You hit him.

You could say you saw me push him.
They'll believe a policeman.

- What if he said he went there on his own?
- You what?

There's no reason to bring me and Liam into this.
What do you reckon?


You said we were in this together.

Not if you go crying to the police.
I've got form. GBH.

They won't believe he fell.
My card is well marked.

- I'm not taking the blame.
- Blame?

- You're the one that killed him!
- It was an accident!

Calm down.


Let's go.

- He wants to hang me out to dry.
- It's not that. He's got a criminal record.

If you say he was there,
they won't believe it was an accident.

- That's what happened.
- The police won't see it that way.

You ARE the police. Tell 'em what happened.

You can't, can you?

If they know you were there,
they'll kick you out.

They'll do more than that.
I helped cover up a crime.

- I'm not going down for this. I've got a wife.
- Yeah, and I've got a career.

Jack's got kids. That's why we're gonna stick
together. We keep calm, that's what we do.

We don't panic. We'll get through this.

- What about the police?
- I'll find out how the investigation's going.

We covered our tracks.
You both did what I said, yeah?

Cleaned your clothes, got rid of your trainers?

- For God's sake, Jack!
- 40 quid, these!

- There could be traces in the soles.
- All right. I'll throw 'em away.

We'll get through this, lads.
Plenty of murders never get solved.

Give it a week or two and it'll lose interest.

- You lost, son?
- I was just...

- I thought the...
- Having a wander?

I live local. Kendrick Avenue -
just round the corner on the estate.

- Did you know him? Henderson.
- Henderson. No.

You didn't mention this at the crime scene,
you being a neighbour.

- Well, not exactly a neighbour.
- So what's your interest?

- I was just, um... You know. I thought...

I was wondering
how the investigation was going.

You do a lot of wondering, PC...

Taylor, sir. Liam Taylor.

I just thought, with me being local,
maybe I might be useful.


Local knowledge. The estate's not the safest
place in the world, but murder's pretty unusual.

- Who said anything about murder?
- Well, I thought...

- With CID being involved...
- The way things stand, it's a suspicious death.

In what way suspicious?

Well, he was found dead in the bathroom -
nasty skull fracture.

Looked like he could have fallen getting out
of the bath, but the splatter pattern's all wrong.

Pathologist reckons that there'd be more blood
if he hit the tiled floor hard.

Splatters. What we've got is more of a smear,
like he bled before he hit the ground.

We'll know more after the post mortem.
Have you got a suit?

- A what?
- A suit.

I need somebody who knows the estate.

- Well...
- Go home and change.

I'll square it with the duty sergeant.

Go on, then. Jump to it!

Hiya, Liam!


- It's OK.
- I miss her too, you know.

I know.

I know you do.

- It's time we did something with this room.
- No. It's too soon.



Watch some telly. I'm going to have a bath.

Is everything OK? Has something happened?

Of course not. Why do you say that?

- It wasn't your fault, Dave.
- What?

- What do you mean?
- There wasn't anything you could have done.

Our Kylie's accident.

- That's what it was. An accident.
- Yeah.

I'll get your dinner.

- Julie.
- Yeah?

Love, what is it?

Tell me.

It's nothing.


Yeah, right

You know they named him
as a paedophile in the paper?

Yeah, I heard.

- Do you think that could be a motive?
- Could be.

Do you know anybody on the estate
that might have acted on that information?

- Not sure I follow you, sir.
- Anybody who hates nonces.

I don't think anybody likes them.

You know Jack Dobbs? He tried
to set up a protest group a few months ago.

Vigilante Justice Brigade.


Yeah. I know him.

Bit of a troublemaker. He's got form. GBH.

I reckon we'll give him a visit.
Do you ever cross his path?

- He drinks at my local, sir.
- Yeah? Did he ever talk about paedophiles?

Pub talk mainly. He's a bit of a hothead.
Hates pretty much everybody.

"Send 'em back to their own country."
"Cut their balls off. " You know the sort.

The sort that might want to sort out a nonce?

It's possible, I guess.



One by one,
they'll be voted off as the weakest link.

Jack Dobbs?

- Yeah.
- I'm Constable Taylor.

This is Chief Inspector Duggan.
Can we have a word, please?

Have you got a warrant?

- Why would we need a warrant for a chat?
- Chat about what?

Your public-spirited self-help organisation.
VJB. Vigilante Justice Brigade.

- What about them?
- Inside might be better.

What will the neighbours think?
Police at your door?

Do you think I care
what the neighbours think?

- Come in.
- What's going on, Jack?

We'd just like a little chat with your husband.
Nothing to worry about.

Take care of the kids, yeah? Come through.

Come on, you two.
Go and see your mum in the kitchen.

Come on. Daddy needs to talk. Be a good girl.

Leave your father alone. Come on.

So what's it about?

- VJB still up and running?
- Yeah.

When it needs to be.

- It's a sort of reactive force, you know.
- Reactive force?

You try to force a child molester on us
and we react.

- React how?
- Whatever it takes.

Bricks through windows? Graffiti?

"No nonces here"? A bit of vandalism?
Trash a car or two?

I've never met a copper who sided with a nonce.
The screws told us who needed sorting out.

You're not inside now.

Inside, outside. Nonces deserve what they get.

- What about murder? Think they deserve that?
- What's this about?

Did you hear about a guy on Kendrick Avenue?
No jungle drums?

I heard your lads were there. And an ambulance.

The widow's just identified the body.
Post mortem's going on now.

Your group puts out lists
of suspected paedophiles.

Nothing wrong with that.

Anybody maybe a bit hot-headed? Maybe
want to go around there and get a bit physical?

- Are we talking about Henderson now?
- Maybe.

- Henderson wasn't a paedophile.
- You know that, do you?

Papers named him by mistake, yeah? So there'd
be no reason for anyone to go and do anything.

I already told you - pack it in!

Come on. Let's... Off to bed now. Off you go.

Kids! What can you do with them?

- So what do you reckon?
- I'm not too sure.

- Look like a murderer to you?
- Sure it was a murder?



Right. Yeah.

Right. OK.

- We are now.
- What?

That was the pathologist.
Henderson was hit in the face before he died.

There was adhesive on his wrists and he was
already dead before he hit the bathroom floor.

You now have the dubious pleasure
of working on a murder case, PC Taylor.

Welcome to the big time.


It's been cleaned, but illuminol picked out
microscopic spotting. This is where it happened.


- You're the killer.
- What?

I want you to put yourself in the killer's place.

- I don't quite follow you, sir.
- The key to any murder investigation

is getting inside the killer's head.
Think the way he thinks.


Once you know why the murder's
been committed, you can work out who did it,

but to know why,
you've got to think like the killer.

Go on, wonder boy. Have a go.

You're in the house, right?

You've tied up Henderson. Tied him to a chair.


- Because I wanna talk to him?
- Good.

So why did you hit him?


I was angry?

He said something to make me angry?

I wasn't planning on killing him,
but I lost my temper...

...and I hit him.

So it was an accident?

- You didn't mean to kill him?
- Maybe.

So you're scared.
You don't want to go to the police.



So I make it look like an accident
and I get rid of the evidence.

How do you know how to do that?

The carpets had been hoovered
but there was no dust in the hoover.

There's not one fingerprint anywhere.

No, this was a professional job. Those
blood spots we found were just a lucky break.

Anybody who watches TV knows how to do that.

Aye, maybe, but you don't panic, do you?
You're controlled. You take your time.

This was a man who's not easily spooked,

and if he's not easily spooked, why did he kill him
when he was tied up? Why did he lash out?

Grab a few hours' kip
and I'll see you back here at nine.


Dave, what are you doing here?

- I can't take much more of this.
- What do you mean?

I've got to tell someone, Liam.
It's eating away at me.

- Hi.
- Hiya.

- Are you OK, Liam?
- Yeah, I was just on my way home.

This is my mate Dave.

Pleased to meet you.

Yeah. See you. Well, come on, then, Dave.

Cheers, Liam. Catch you later

- I can't eat. I can't sleep.
- I know.

You don't know. You don't know what it's like.

I keep seeing his face.

The paper said he was a chippy. Wife and kid.

- He was a husband and a father.
- We can't bring him back, Dave.

We thought he was a child molester.
It's Jack's fault.

Wound us up. If Jack hadn't taken us round
his house, this would never have happened.

We all agreed about what had to be done.

We killed the wrong bloke, Liam!

- It was a mistake. Mistakes happen.
- No. Accidents happen.

- Mistakes are made.
- You're splitting hairs.

- I've got to tell someone. I can't keep it in.
- Dave, sit down.

Now, this is bollocks. Pull yourself together.

It was an accident.

We did a bad thing, but we did it
for the right reasons, and what's done is done.

There's no point
in you, me or Jack being punished.

Is that going to bring Henderson back?
Of course not.

Is it going to change the way that any of us feel?


What about your wife? What's gonna
happen to her if you go to the police?

You've got to trust me.

- I know what I'm doing.
- Liam.

You've got to give me 24 hours.

I've just got to put a few things together,
that's all.

I like you, Dave.

I really like you.

I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.

I won't.



Good lad.

Liar! Liar!

- What's this about?
- What do you think it's about?

- Did you get rid of those trainers?
- Course I did. Soon as you left.

- Why did you turn up on my doorstep?
- I'm part of the investigation.

- Dave wants to go to the police.
- No way.

- Says he can't live with it.
- Where is he?

At home. He's coming to my place tonight.

- I am not going back to prison for this.
- Jack.

My life isn't a bed of roses,
but it's easier than it would be behind bars,

- And you know what they do to coppers!
- Thanks for pointing that out.

- I can get someone to take care of it.
- No.

- No one would know that we were involved.
- We'd know. The guy who did it would know.

What do we do, then?

Whatever we do, we do it ourselves.

I thought she'd be dead.
It's great when it turns out like this.

- What's this?
- They found her.

- Lara Evans. She locked herself in a shed.
- She's with her parents now.

There's a press conference at midday.

The guv'nor wants a word.

- You wanted a word, sir?
- Shut the door.

Did you think nobody would find out?

- Think we're all stupid or something?
- Sir?

How many crime scenes have you attended?

A few dozen, I guess.

And you've never been told about contamination?


You touched the fireplace, sonny.
Two fingerprints, clear as a day.

I don't know what to say, sir. I'm sorry.

- Do you want to stay a woodentop all your life?
- No, sir.

Then keep your hands to yourself.
Look but don't touch.

Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.

We've had a break on the case.

A neighbour saw Dobbs
and two other guys in the local,

day of the murder, heads down
as if they were planning something.

We can now go over live
to police headquarters.

Lara was found at 8.30 this morning.

The neighbour returned from an overseas visit

and became suspicious when he heard noises
coming from his garden shed.

Lara had gone in there looking for a cat that
she'd followed whilst playing near her home.

I like cats.
Yes, indeed!

Not now, Billy. Go and show it to Mummy.

Good lad.

I'd just like to say a big thank you
to our neighbour for acting so quickly.

We'd like to thank all the police,
everybody who was out looking for Lara,

and everybody who rang in
to offer their support.

- What they must have gone through!
- I'm just grateful we got Lara back.

Cheers. All right, Liam? How's it going, mate?

- Not so bad.
- Very nice. What can I get you?

I'm on duty. This is Chief Inspector Duggan. CID.

- Morning.
- Been promoted?

Temporary secondment. Henderson case.

- I read about that. Paedophile, weren't he?
- They got the name wrong.

- Do you know Jack Dobbs?
- Yeah, sure.

Was he in here on Sunday night?

- He could have been with two other blokes.
- Yeah, I think he was in.

I'm buggered if I know who he was with. Busy
day, Sunday. You were in, weren't you, Liam?

Yeah, I popped in for a quick pint.
I can't remember seeing Dobbs, though.

- What about the rest of the staff?
- They're not in till late tonight.

- If they remember anything...
- Give us a call, yeah?

Yeah, sure.

- Has Dobbsy got owt to do with it?
- We're just making enquiries, that's all.

Jack. Phone.

- Who is it?
- Wouldn't say.

- Yeah?
- It's me.


We were seen in the pub.

Shit! So what?
That was gonna be our alibi anyway.

That was before your name was in the frame.

What do you mean,
before MY name was in the frame?

- They're looking at you.
- Make them look somewhere else, Liam!

It's not as easy as that.

I am NOT going down for this!

It won't get to that.

It better not.

I've got a plan.
Yeah, what?

Dave's coming round to my place
tonight at seven.

You be there at six, OK?


Can you think of anyone at all
that might want to hurt him?

He didn't have any enemies.

Nobody in Doncaster, maybe?

PC Taylor.

I thought you'd gone AWOL.

Sorry, sir.

- This is Mrs. Henderson.
- Yes, I know. I saw you at the...

Sorry about your loss, Mrs. Henderson.

- I truly am.
- Thank you.

We're doing everything that we can.

I was just asking Mrs. Henderson if she knew
of anybody that thought ill of her husband.

Ed didn't have an enemy in the world.

12 seconds.

Are you OK?

Are you sure about this?

It's him or us.

The neighbour said he saw you
and two other men.

If he talks to the cops, even if he says
he was alone at the house, they'll pull you in.

It's only a matter of time before they get to me.

Then it's over.

Are you OK about this?

I don't see I have any choice.

Dave! Where are you going?

- Out.
- I've got your tea on.

I won't be long.

I said I'd see a guy
who wants his car fixing cheap.

- He'll pay me in cash.
- Dave!

Is everything all right?

Haven't you forgotten something?

Your tools.

- What?
- You'll need your tools to fix his car.

He's got tools. I'll use his.

- All right?
- Hiya.

- Are you OK?
- Been better.

- Do you want a drink?
- Look, I've made up my mind.

I'm sorry.

I can't go through life with this locked inside me.

- It's OK, Dave. We understand.
- He's dead.

It's our fault.

- You can't mention us, Dave.
- I know. I won't.

It's easy to say.

I'll say I went there on me own, I talked to him,
lost me temper and pushed him. He fell.

It was an accident. That's what happened.

What about your wife?
Have you said anything to her?

They know he was tied up.
How will you explain that?


They found adhesive on his wrists from the tape.


OK. So I'll say I used the tape
to tie him up while I talked to him.

- Why did you want to talk to him?
- You know why!

I know why, but the cops won't.
They'll question you for days.

- They'll trip you up.
- No.

They're trained to get the truth out of people.

- Why did you want to talk to him?
- To find out what he'd done with the girl.

- Why did you hit him?
- I didn't. I pushed him.

Why did you put him in the bathroom?

- To make it look like an accident.
- You said it was an accident.

- So why did you go to all that bother?
- He's going to drop us in it.

- I'm not.
- We'll end up behind bars 'cause of you.

- Not if we help him get his story straight.
- What?

If we rehearse him, if he's word perfect and
sticks to his story, they'll have to believe him.

I can do it.

All right. Sit down.

I'll go through it all with you.

- I'll show you all the pitfalls, OK?
- OK.

- Write down what you're gonna say happened.
- What?

The cops will get you to write everything down.
Don't light that in here.

They'll have it in your handwriting,
then they'll pick it apart bit by bit.

- Is that OK?
- Yeah, that's perfect, Dave.

OK. So, now what do I do?

All right, Dave?

Are you OK? Gloves.

Come on. We haven't got much time.

Hold it, mate.

Put him down.

And all who sail in her.

- I thought you'd got rid of your clothes.
- I thought you'd got rid of your trainers.

- Think they'll believe the note?
- Open-and-shut case.

Yeah. Coppers are stupid. No offence.

None taken.



Come on, wonder boy. Duty calls.

They fished a guy out of the canal - a suicide
note confessing to the Henderson killing.

That's the way it goes sometimes.

You work a case, you do all the right moves -
it still comes down to a lucky break.

- Where are you going, wonder boy?
- Mortuary.

- Mortuary?
- That's where the body is, right?

Who said he was dead? A tramp fished him out.

He's probably the only tramp in the world
who knew CPR.

He's in intensive care but he'll be OK. First rule
of police work. Never jump to conclusions.