Murder One (1995–1997): Season 1, Episode 16 - Chapter Sixteen - full transcript

Hoffman is stunned when Julie takes the stand.

The victim's diary.

Jessica writes about
her experience with sex and drugs.

These appear to be
men of some social prominence.

Agents, studio guys, political types.

For all we know, Jessica was planning
on blackmailing one of these men.

None of whom could afford
to have these revelations made public.

The victim's sister goes
for the defense.

I walked out on Richard. The only person
I could think to go to was you.

You could stay at my place
until you figure out your next move.

You don't know Richard.

Come with me. We'll sort this out.

-Please leave me alone.

I believe Julie stated her preference.

Whatever you're about to say, don't.

-Granted, you're upset. But you can't--
-I'm gonna give you the same advice.

Don't come between us.

Richard calls in a favor.

I'd like you to intercede with Julie
on my behalf.

I don't think she wants to see you.

She doesn't know what she wants.

I'm not comfortable being a messenger.

Just get me in a room with her.
You know my loyalties for those I trust.

Rusty Arnold. security specialist.

Blalock was shot in the
head. What did you have to do with it?

He told me he had a line
on proof to clear Neil.

He said he needed
$100 thousand cash.

-Who'd you send with the money, Gary?
Rusty Arnold.

Rusty Arnold works for Richard.

-Rusty Arnold works for the studio.
-That's his day job.

I think Richard Cross
had Dave Blalock killed.

And I think your security guy
pulled the trigger.

A marriage destroyed.

I keep putting this conversation
off, and I can't anymore.

I can't keep living
the way we've been living.

The trial's been exhausting. I know.

I think we need to separate for a while.

-Annie, don't do this. I love you.
-I'm sorry.

Grownups are funny sometimes, honey.

Grownups are funny sometimes, honey.

They can't always live with each other.

Mommy and I thought it would be best--

Are you getting a divorce?

Excuse me, aren't you Ted Hoffman?

-I knew you were.

But for some reason, I felt the need
to pretend that I wasn't sure.

This Goldilocks trial,
I find it absolutely riveting.

-And you are?
-Oh, I'm Suzanne Parrey.

Just another lonely soul
having dinner for one.

I'm sorry. That was insensitive.

l've read about the problems
you and your wife have been having.

An unfortunate side effect of this case
is that everyone's read about them.

If I'm not being too much of a trial
groupie, would you mind if I joined you?

lt must be terribly difficult.
A big case, your personal life in turmoil.

Do you have children?

I know you must miss them.

When my boy's with my ex
for a couple of days, it's hard.

To be here alone in this big hotel,
it just makes it harder, doesn't it?

lt doesn't help.

Would you like to join me in my room
for a drink?

I should be turning in.

I can make you forget this case,
Mr. Hoffman.

I'll bet.

With a couple of 8-by-10 glossies
thrown in at no extra charge.

But please, when he pays you...

...give my best to Mr. Cross.

Gary Blondo,
with an unidentified female.

Teddy, I got your subpoena.

Let me just say upfront
I am ready to go to bat for Neil.

So I get up there...

...l say my piece and I get off.

Just tell the truth, Gary.

And the truth shall set him free.

I'm with you, Teddy.
Which brings me to why I'm here.

I'm with you, Teddy.
Which brings me to why I'm here.

Do you know Lindsey Merrick,
Public Relations?

An honor to meet you, Mr. Hoffman.

Lindsey makes a point. It's a good one.

So far, the jury and the public at large
has only seen one side of Neil.

How do you propose we remedy that?

With a carefully chosen list
of character witnesses, Mr. Hoffman.

Each one highlighting a heretofore
hidden aspect of Neil Avedon.

Did you know that Neil adopted
a Bolivian orphan, Teddy?

He's watching TV one night,
and Sally Struthers comes on...

...with a bunch of Third World kids.
You know...

...big eyes, bloated bellies.
Breaks his heart.

Right then and there
he sends Sally a check.

Are you suggesting
that we call Sally Struthers?

No, no, the orphan kid.
Miguel, Paco, whatever his name is.

We fly him in,
we set him up at the Bel Air.

-What else?
-Last Thanksgiving, Neil served turkey...

...dinners to a couple hundred homeless.
Nobody knows that.

Okay, Gary.
Let's pretend that I'm Miriam Grasso.

How long have you known Mr. Avedon?

I don't know. Since last Thanksgiving.

Are you aware that he did drugs?

Did you know that he regularly had sex
with a 15 year-old girl?

That he choked his sexual partners
to achieve satisfaction?

Tell us where he was
the night Jessica Costello was strangled.

-Can you tell us anything about Avedon...

...besides that he served cranberry sauce
at your mission on Thanksgiving?

Gary Blondo here
to complain about his subpoena?

Or suggest
we nominate Neil for sainthood.

We begin our case in chief today.

And if it went to the jury right now,
Neil would swing.

Thanks to Dr. Lester.

His story about Neil's confession
stands as uncontroverted testimony.

We can't shake his story.
We have to shake him.

I want anything we can dig up on Lester's
personal and professional dealings.

Arnold and I are prepping Julie again.
Do you wanna see if she'll testify...

-...about Lester raping her?
-Keep her focus on Cross.

Given the gaps in her memory...

-...the other girl makes a better witness.
-Stephanie Lambert, isn't she squirrelly?

-...the other girl makes a better witness.
-Stephanie Lambert, isn't she squirrelly?

She's also still angry at Lester. If we
build a fire under that, she'll testify.

Where do we stand
on our subpoenas?

Besides Blondo, we've served Arnold
and four other names...

...from Jessica's diary.

All potential blackmail victims
who may have had motive to kill her.

-I thought we couldn't get the diary in?
-Arnold found a unique way around that.

lnstead of offering it up as a diary,
we argue that it's a financial journal.

Way to go, Arnold.

You really think that'll work?

I'll let you know after Bornstein hears
our motion this morning. Anything else?

We're done.

He wants to admit her diary
as a business journal?

Your Honor, this is utter nonsense.

Miss Costello's income derived from
selling her sexual favors...

...and then blackmailing the men
she'd had sex with.

Her diary contains a full accounting of
her monetary transactions in this regard.

Scribbled in the margins
of her private adolescent thoughts.

To qualify as a business record,
a document must be prepared... an employee
with knowledge of the entries.

lt must be written contemporaneously...

...with the facts recorded...

...and be the business's
customary practice to do so.

-All of which applies here.
-Oh, with one exception.

lt also must be factual in nature.

Ms. Grasso,
it's not IBM's annual report...

...but Miss Costello's diary
does document...

...however crudely, her transactions... her chosen field of business.

Motion granted.

We stand adjourned until 2:OO.

Congratulations, Teddy.

I suppose now we'll see
a parade of reluctant witnesses...

...all squirming to deny
they ever knew Jessica Costello.

Could be, Miriam.
But personally, I love a parade.

Julie, we want to get into
your relationship with Richard today.

Ted's hoping to use him to create
reasonable doubt for Neil.

We can't do that without your help.

-What do you need?
The last thing we want... embarrass you, but Richard
knows more about your sister's death...

...than he's willing to admit. Anything
you can tell us about his sexual habits...

...his propensity for violence,
we need to hear it.

Are you sure
you want to get into the sex stuff?

Why not?

Richard and me--
It wasn't exactly Pretty Woman.

-Maybe I should be talking to Justine.
-Julie, no one's here to judge you.

The first thing you need
to understand...

...Richard and l
never actually had intercourse.

What do you mean "actually"?

Richard's thing
was to set me up with other men.

Friends, business associates.

-While he watched?

-He wouldn't be there.
-Then how would it work?

We'd go out to dinner
with one of his friends, have drinks.

I'd go home with the friend.

The next morning,
he'd have me describe it to him.

The more details, the better.

And this went on for two years?

He stopped after Jessica died.

ls it possible Richard was using Jessica
the same way he used you?

No. He swore he'd never do that.
I made him promise.

Am I going to have to testify
about all this?

That's up to Ted.
And you, of course.

Thanks, Lila. I'll be right there.

It's my 10:30,
a client I've already rescheduled twice.

Go. I can handle this.

When I look back on my life
with Richard...

...l feel so humiliated,
so ashamed.

What kind of person
would do the things I did? I just--

Julie, what happened with Richard,
that wasn't you.

You were frightened and confused
and he took advantage.

But that doesn't mean
you aren't decent. You are.

You were just used terribly
by someone who isn't.

-And you can forgive me?
-Forgive you?

Julie, as far as I'm concerned,
there's nothing to forgive.

Not one single thing.

Hey, boy. You're so sweet.

He's so cute.

He's so cute.

You remember Rome?

The puppy you saw on the Via Corso?

You said you wanted one just like him.

Happy birthday, Julie.

-ls it your birthday?
-I hope that creature is housebroken.

I can't accept this, Richard.

Come here.

l've been thinking about that time.

How much has happened
and how far apart we've grown.

And I don't want us like that.

If you do, I'll go away
and I'll never bother you again.

But I'm hoping against hope...

...that that is not the case.

Mr. Cross,
I don't think this is the time.

There's no pressure, Julie.

Just a declaration of my devotion.

Enjoy the pup.

You okay?

I don't know what
she wrote about in her diary.

I'm an agent.
I talk to a hundred people a day.

Most of them I don't even remember.

Do you remember talking
to Jessica Costello?

I got a referral on her.

She wanted to be an actress,
so I met with her. Once. As a courtesy.

A courtesy to whom?

Richard Cross.
I think he was dating her older sister.

Now, this referral...

...was it to evaluate Miss Costello
as a client, or as a sexual partner?

Hey, this was strictly legit.

Mr. Kriendler, I direct your attention
to the monitors...

...where we're displaying page 46
of defense exhibit R...

...Miss Costello's diary.

Specifically, sir, do you see the entry?

"Met this big agent, Mort Kriendler.

Says he can help me.
Did it on the sofa in his office.

He gave me $150."

I was Jessica dentist,
Mr. Hoffman.

I resent your implication that
my relationship with her went further.

How did Miss Costello
become your patient, doctor?

-Referral, I believe.
From whom?

-Richard Cross.
-What a coincidence.


How did Miss Costello
pay for your services?

Cash usually.

Did she ever have sex with you
in lieu of payment?

-Sir, directing your attention... the monitor, do you see the entry
from Jessica Costello's diary?

-Yes, I see it.
Let me read it for the record.

"Let Dr. B. drill me in his office.
Didn't need Novocain. Ha-ha."

Assemblyman Galloway, you represent
a rather conservative district...

...of Orange County, is that correct?

Proudly so.

And if the citizens were to discover
one of their representatives...

...was having sex
with a 15 year-old girl...

...would they be more
or less likely to reelect him?

Less likely, of course.

Did you attend a fundraiser
for your campaign... the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel
on June 15th of last year?


Following this event...

...did you have sex
with Jessica Costello in room 319?

Absolutely not.

You did meet her that night.

I don't recall. She may have come
with one of my campaign contributors.

And who would that be, sir?

Richard Cross.

-That name again?
-Richard Cross.

After to that evening,
did Jessica Costello ever attempt... blackmail you over events
which took place that night?

Absolutely not.
Is that what she put in her diary?

Let's take a look at the monitors.

"Galloway gave me $1000.

With his gross, hairy back,
he should pay me twice that."

The defense calls Gary Blondo,
Your Honor.

Your Honor, Robert Fahren,
attorney for Mr. Blondo.

At this time,
Mr. Blondo is unavailable to testify.

Why is that, Mr. Fahren?

Physical incapacity.
Mr. Blondo's been taken ill.

Far from looking to shirk his duty,
Mr. Blondo is eager to testify.

Unfortunately, his medical condition
is such that he cannot.

I'll need specifics, Mr. Fahren.

Mr. Blondo experienced chest pains...

...during a meeting
in his office today.

He was transported to Cedars-Sinai...

...where he was diagnosed
with a heart arrhythmia. He's resting... the cardiac unit,
awaiting diagnosis and treatment.

Do you have a physician's statement
confirming his condition?

Well, not at this time, Your Honor.
It all happened so suddenly.

Then based on your oath
as an officer of the court...

...I'll excuse Mr. Blondo
from the subpoena for 24 hours.

But I want a doctor's statement on my
desk by tomorrow. Do you understand?

Yes, Your Honor.

Mr. Hoffman, are you
prepared to call a witness?

Our next witness is Rusty Arnold,
Your Honor.

He's not scheduled
until tomorrow morning.

Then we'll stand in recess until then.

Chris, call Ray Velacek.
Get him to find out... close to death's door
Gary Blondo really is.

You got it.

It's the missis.
She says it'll only take a minute.

Show her in.

-Thank you.
Everything all right?

Depends on what you mean
by "all right."

A friend of Lizzie's
gave her this at school today.


This was taken
at the Fire and Ice Ball two years ago.

If you recall,
we posed with the Crosses.

What they've done here is cropped
you and Richard out of the picture.

So, what do you suggest?

Lizzie and I stand
in the 10-items-or-less line...

Lizzie and I stand
in the 10-items-or-less line...

...and explain that to everyone?

Who's having a problem,
you or Lizzie?

If you're asking
whether I have a problem...

...with our daughter being taunted,
the answer is yes.

Annie, I'm not happy about it, either.

But you're the one who asked
for the separation, not me.

This is why I asked for it, Ted.

Then be a grownup...

...and recognize that garbage like this
comes with the territory.

Maybe that's what's bothering me.
It didn't used to.

Annie, I know we've got problems.

And I'm willing to work on them.

But don't come here
and dump your ambivalence on me...

...because I'm not ambivalent.
I want my family back.

I want us all under one roof again.

The question is, what do you want?

Ruth and her husband
went to a marriage counselor last year.

She says it helped them.

Name the time and place,
I'll be there.


What is this, Richard?

I feel like Deep Throat.

I needed to talk to you.
-About what?

About Julie.

The dog didn't do it, huh?

I got her on the phone this afternoon,
but she was reluctant to talk.

I get the sense Ted wants her to testify
about our relationship.

Deeply personal details
about our life together.

I can't discuss Julie's testimony.

Oh, well. That's unfortunate.

I was beginning to feel
that we had an understanding.

Why? Because you gave me
a 75 thousand dollar piece of art?

I am reaching out to you as a friend.

I can't see anything said between us
will change Julie's testimony.

ln that case, why rush to hear it?

To prepare myself psychologically.

I would like to know in advance
if Julie intends... do any permanent damage
to our relationship.

And that's the only reason?

It's not because you fear
she might implicate you... Jessica's murder?

I am guilty of many wrongs in this life.

But I swear to you,
I did not kill Jessica.


-You look busy.
No, no. Please.

How's the puppy?

Destroying Justine's furniture.

Arnold, I wanted to thank you
for what you said today.

-What I said?
You didn't judge me.

That means a lot.

Julie, it takes courage to change.

Getting out of lephyr House,
Ieaving Richard...

...that says more about you than
anything that's happened in the past.

A lot more.

l've been with Richard so long,
I almost don't know how to act...

...around someone like you.
I'm not used to kindness.

Do you know how many men
would have condemned me...

...after the stories I told today?

You're one in a thousand.

Julie, I'm just....

Make love to me, Arnold.


Make love to me.

-Oh, God.
-You don't want to?

No. No, I do.

I do. But putting aside our desires...

...of the moment, I thought we agreed
that we weren't gonna--

Don't think. Please don't think.

Are you leaving?

I better get back to Justine's.

I don't want to get you in trouble.


l've never had a night like this.

My entire life.

Me either.

-What are you doing here?
-Richard wanted to talk to you.

I thought it would be all right.

I'll go if you want me to, Julie,
but I beg you to hear what I have to say.

Will you do that for me?

-I think I'll excuse myself.
-Good night, Justine.

Sit. Please.

I won't bite.

I promise.

-Morning, folks.

-Where's Justine?
It could be traffic.

-lt was a mess on Santa Monica.
We better start.

We're putting Rusty Arnold
on the stand this morning.

-Arnold, have you updated the notebook?

The trial notebook. Is it ready?

Yes, Ted. I got it. Don't worry.

Where are we with Gary Blondo?

He's definitely at Cedars.

Ray's checking out just how indisposed
he really is.

If I were next up to be squeezed
about Jessica's diary... the very least,
I'd have an irregular heartbeat.

Has anybody heard from Julie?

Isn't she staying with you?

When I got up this morning,
her bed hadn't been slept in.

Something's happened to her.
I know it.

Let's not panic on this.
She hasn't been missing for long.

How long does it take for Richard Cross
to dispose of somebody?

-Come on, Arnold.
Wake up.

Anyone in his way disappears.
Haven't you noticed?

Holly Gerges, Dave Blalock....

The bodies are beginning
to stack up.

I can't believe he'd do that.

Why not?

I don't know.
I mean, I thought they had a relationship.

Chris and I have to be in court.
I want Ray Velacek on this ASAP.

Tell him I want a full-court press.
Check the neighbors...

...the hospitals and the morgue.

My name is Russell Arnold, Jr.
I'm head of security for Majestic Studios.

Who is your immediate superior,
Mr. Arnold?

-Gary Blondo.
Did you ever see Mr. Blondo... the company of Jessica Costello?
Yes. Once.

Describe that occasion.

Mr. Blondo, myself, Richard Cross,
Jessica and her sister, Julie...

...flew on Mr. Cross' plane to Vegas
for the Tyson-McNeeley fight...

...last August.

What was the nature of the relationship
between Mr. Blondo...

-...and Jessica Costello at that time?
-There wasn't one.

They were sociable.
Conversation, stuff like that.

And yet at a later date,
Mr. Blondo dispatched you to meet...

...with Jessica to resolve
a personal problem. Correct?


What was the nature of that meeting,
Mr. Arnold?

Jessica had become somewhat obsessed
with him...

...with what he, as a studio executive,
could do for her.

To the point
that she became bothersome.

And Mr. Blondo was vulnerable.
After all, he's a married man... a very responsible position.
She was only 15 years old.

A girl like that can make all kinds
of accusations.

-Doesn't matter if they're true or not.
-So she was blackmailing him. Correct?

I wouldn't characterize it
as blackmail.

I'm going to read to you a passage...

...from page 61 of defense exhibit R.

"G.B. wouldn't take my call
at the studio. Again.

"G.B. wouldn't take my call
at the studio. Again.

Maybe he'd like it better
if I called his wife."

Does that sound like blackmail to you,
Mr. Arnold?

-Not necessarily. No.

You were a DEA agent for 14 years
after having served with the FBl.

You must have had experience
with various forms of extortion.

And yet,
that doesn't qualify as blackmail?

Objection, Your Honor.
Asked and answered.

Sustained. Move on, Mr. Hoffman.

On the occasion that you approached
Jessica Costello...

...what did you say to her?

I told her Mr. Blondo was interested
in helping with her career aspirations...

...but that these things took time.
Well, you know the old saying:

"Don't call us, we'll call you."

Was Miss Costello satisfied with that?

She wanted specifics.

However, I told her that Mr. Blondo
couldn't give her specifics.

No threats to harm her?

None whatsoever.

This entry's from page 72 of the diary:

"R.A. said he'd break my legs...

...if I asked for more money from G.B."

If you didn't threaten her
with physical violence, Mr. Arnold...

...why do you think she wrote that?

I can't answer that.
But I know I never said it.

Man, who knows what racket
she was working with that diary.

No more questions.

Your witness.

Mr. Arnold, did you ever hear
Gary Blondo threaten Jessica Costello?


Did Gary Blondo ever ask you
to threaten her?

-Do you have evidence or indication...

...of any kind that Gary Blondo
was involved in her death?

No, I don't.

No further questions.

Thank you. You're excused.

-You got anything with Julie Costello?

No, the neighbors didn't see anything.
Nothing at the hospitals or the morgue.

But take a look at these.

Your Honor,
we request a conference in chambers.

These were taken this morning
with a 500 mm lens...

...from a building opposite
Cedars-Sinai Hospital.

Your Honor, with due respect
to Mr. Velacek here... didn't just fall off
the turnip truck.

Mr. Blondo was hospitalized
in July of '92 at Cedars.

These pictures could've been taken
at that time.

Assuming they weren't fabricated
to begin with.

With all due respect to counsel...

...l have statements from a nurse
and an orderly that Mr. Blondo...

...was conducting meetings in his room
at the time these photographs were taken.

They also verify that, on two occasions,
he auditioned actresses for a film.

ln addition,
he chose to medicate himself...

...with a pastrami and Swiss Sky High
from Junior's.

Judge, this whole issue
is just a distraction.

An attempt on the part of counsel
to manufacture suspects out of thin air.

Besides, who knows what motivated
the hospital people to say...

...what Mr. Velacek claims.

Yet, the ball's in your court.

-Do you have the physician's statement?
-I'm working on it.

Not good enough.

I want Mr. Blondo's doctor here
to certify his illness under oath.

The man's got surgeries scheduled,
there are people backed up in his office.

Your choice. His testimony
or Mr. Blondo's.

Either way, I want one of them
in my courtroom this afternoon.

Or I'll hold you in contempt.

Look who just rolled in.

Happy, Ted?

Mr. Blondo,
how long have you known Neil Avedon?

How long? Practically forever.

I got the kid his first break.

I put him in all for One. Those geniuses
at the network wanted Gary Coleman.

You've known him for at least 10 years.

And I love him.
The kid's got a heart of gold.

He's no killer. My hand to God.

Which is why I've dragged myself
from a hospital bed, sick as I am... say that Neil Avedon
wouldn't harm a fly.

Objection. Unresponsive.

-I'm sorry, Your Honor. I get emotional.

This is taking a lot out of me.
Is there much more?

Just a few additional questions,
Mr. Blondo.

Did you ever give or sell drugs
to Jessica Costello?

What, are you crazy? Of course not.

Let me direct your attention to
a passage from Jessica Costello's diary...

...on the monitor.

June 18th.

Ted, what are you doing?

No private conversations, Mr. Blondo.
Respond only to the questions put to you.

"June 18th. Scored a nickel bag
and a quarter-fold of blow from G.B."

I have no control over what some person
wants to make up and put in a diary.

So your answer is no?

You and the victim
were never involved with drugs?

Correct. My answer is no.

-Were you ever involved sexually?
-No. No way in the world.

"Had sex with Blondo.
Total gross-out.

He gave me $200.
He promised me a part in a movie...

...he's going to make in Hawaii."

You know what this is?
It's preposterous.

And anyone who believes this trash,
whether they are in the courtroom...

...or watching at home on television,
would be very much mistaken.

Sir, I repeat:

Did you or did you not have sex
with Jessica Costello?

How could I do such a thing?
This was a 15 year-old girl.

She wanted to be an actress.
I made a few calls on her behalf.

That's it. finito.

Rusty Arnold, your security chief,
testified that you sent him to stop...

...Jessica Costello
from attempting to contact you.

-Why did you do that?

Not to speak ill of the dead,
but this girl was an operator.

She wanted me to set her up
with agents, get her free headshots...

...from studio photographers,
which I did.

Next thing I know, she's not only
pestering me, she's pestering other guys.

Now my friends are upset.
I had to do something.

So you sent an enforcer... stop her from blackmailing
you and your friends. Is that right?

Not blackmail. I told you.
Why am I suddenly Joseph Stalin?

l've been, for 12 years, on the boards
of Variety Club International.

You know how much money we raise
for children?

That's enough, Mr. Blondo.
Just give us short, concise answers.

I'm trying. But the man
is practically accusing me...

...of being a drugged-out,
sexual pervert murderer.

Not practically.
That's what he's saying.

I'm not testifying, Mr. Blondo,
you are. No further questions.

Mr. Blondo, where were you
on the night of September 20th...

...the night Jessica Costello
was murdered?

At the Friars Club. And believe me,
you don't just get up off the dais... the Friars Club and go out
at 1 a.m. and kill somebody.

Do you have any specific knowledge
that Jessica Costello...

-...was blackmailing anyone?
-No, I don't.

Thank you. No more questions.

Step down, sir.

Now, if you don't mind...

...I'm going to get in my chair
and see if I can salvage...

...what remains of my career
and my marriage.

Mr. Blondo.

They did an EKG of my heart,
they may have found an arrhythmia.

Don't make me hold you in contempt.

But they found no hatred there...

-... no perversion.
That's enough!

If you could measure generosity
for your fellow man with those things....

-Go ahead, throw me in jail!
-I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard.

Don't. If there's ever
a nuclear holocaust...

...find Gary Blondo and stand next
to him. The man's a survivor.

Bill Weingart, sounding snippy...

...and Connie Dahlgren
would like a word.

Apparently, she's been informed
you and Melanie Griffith...

...are trysting in a bungalow at
the newly remodeled Beverly Hills Hotel.

She wants confirmation
before she goes public...

-...with this effluvium.

Also, your wife called. She set
an appointment with a counselor...

-...for 6 this evening. Is that suitable?
-I'll call her.

-Ted, Julie called.
Is she all right?

She said she's fine.
Sorry to make us worry.

-Where was she, Arnold?
-She was a little non-specific about that.

But the good news is she's all right.

Plus, she'll be in court this afternoon,
ready to testify.

How long were Neil Avedon
and your sister together, Miss Costello?

They were together, off and on,
for about four months.

And during that period,
did you have an opportunity to observe...

-...their behavior towards each other?
-Yes, I did.

How would you
characterize that behavior?

They liked each other.
They had fun together.

Very sweet. Childish sometimes,
but caring.

Did you ever observe Mr. Avedon
behaving violently towards your sister?

No. They argued once in a while,
but that's natural.

No. They argued once in a while,
but that's natural.

And it never got physical.
Neil was very fond of Jessica.

-Do you believe he could have killed her?
-Objection. Calls for speculation.


Miss Costello, are you acquainted
with an individual named Richard Cross?

-How long have you known him?

Almost two years.

Did you have dinner
at Citrus last year...

...when a man threw a drink
in Richard Cross' face?

-Subsequent to that incident...

-...did Mr. Cross telephone Rusty Arnold?

And the following day, were you informed
that the man in question...

-...had suffered a fractured skull?
-Your Honor, objection.

This whole line of questioning
is irrelevant.

You may answer, Miss Costello.

I don't think I'm supposed to, judge.

I just made my ruling.
You are required to answer.

But isn't there some law
about testifying against your husband?

Excuse me?

Richard and I were married
the night before last in Reno.

Your Honor, the defense
requests a conference in chambers.

We'll stand in recess for 15 minutes...

...while the court confers
with counsel in chambers.

Bailiff. will you escort the jury out?

Did Julie say anything
to you about this?

What we saw in the court... a transparent attempt
by Richard Cross... subvert the intent
of the marital privilege.

Hey, she's his wife.

Section 980 of the evidence
code protects communications...

...between spouses
made during the marriage, not before.

But Mr. Cross is not a defendant.

He very well could be,
if his wife were allowed to testify.

He very well could be,
if his wife were allowed to testify.

Will she testify he's a murderer,
Mr. Hoffman?

She will testify
to his propensity for violence.

Not the same thing. Not by a mile.

this is just another fishing expedition.

Counsel, as usual, is desperate
to manufacture new suspects.

And that's no justification to violate
Iegitimate privilege.

If he has sources who have experienced
this alleged violence directly...

-...let him put them on the stand.
-lf you allow this witness to invoke...

-...privilege under these circumstances--
-I'm going to stop you right there.

If Richard Cross was charged
with a crime and Julie Costello...

...had knowledge of it, that's one thing.
But that's not what we have here.

The marital privilege applies,
and that's my ruling.

If you have other issues
you wish to pursue with this witness...

...let's get to it.

If not, we'll reconvene in an hour.

Julie. Richard.

-Thank you, Teddy.

I know this may come
as a bit of a shock.

If it's any consolation,
I'm still somewhat disoriented myself.

Julie's consenting to be my bride...

...has left me in a delightful state
of giddiness.

I'm sure you'll recover
your equilibrium soon, Richard.

You're wondering why I did it.

Well, because I was a single man.

Because I realized what a treasure I had
in this woman.

And because I am impulsive
when it comes to matters of the heart.

lmpulse aside, how were you able
to divorce Francesca...

...and remarry so quickly?

Teddy, that's what countries
like the Dominican Republic are for.

So that people like me
can get on with their lives.


Six years after we were married,
they came to him...

...and asked him
to head up the criminal department.

I knew it would mean a big jump
in office time, but we talked it over.

-lt was an exciting opportunity.
-And I was excited for him.

When I got the chance
to start my own firm, we talked again...

...about how the workload
would increase, that sort of thing.

lt seemed liked a logical progression,
so I went along.

Went along?

My recollection is that we both
went along" quite enthusiastically.

As I said, I went along.

So you've always had reservations.

I had fears, which materialized.

The five days you worked at the office
became six, sometimes seven.

The calls that pulled you out
in the middle of the night...

...became more frequent.

And now, you've gotten yourself
into this Avedon thing.

Which, again, we talked about...

...which you were fully apprised
would be difficult.

It's not just this case. It's every case
that's going to come after it.

It's living on display
with my famous husband...

...who's going to become
even more famous.

What do you want me to do, Annie?

Would you be happier
if I tossed it all aside and started...

...a probate practice in Bakersfield?

Yes, I think I would.

So I'm supposed to feel guilty.
Is that it?

I'm supposed to apologize...

...for having achieved
some success in my profession?

You make it sound as if I'm jealous.

Well, I'm not jealous. But I am angry.

-You've kept your anger well disguised.
-lt was there. You just ignored it.

No. I'm not a stupid man...

...and I'm not insensitive.

Evidently, what you expected
was for me to read your mind.

Just so that there's no mistake, Ted,
here's what's on my mind.

This isn't about how big you've gotten.
It's about how small I've become.

Not my jealousy, but my anger...

...over how I've turned into
just another accessory in your life.

But I'm not going to let it eat me up.

I'm not going to turn into
just another bitter Westside bitch.

Well, it looks as though
we've got a lot of work to do.

Subtitles by
SDl Media Group

OCR extraction
by D.Lauper